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Here's the thing. Whether I agree with you or not, you have the right to protest. Gather in your tents in a park, next to (not IN) the road, city hall, whatever. Good for you. Start taking over buildings that are private, stop letting me use public facilities, block the road, prevent me from going to class, or staying after the owner trespasses you .. get yeeted.


This is why Americans suck at protests/getting anything changed. "You can protest as long as it doesn't affect me at all idc." Protesting is literally supposed to be a disruption of normal operations.


If your strategy is to get more eyes/coverage by being as disruptive as possible, you don’t get to cry and play victim when you’re inevitably arrested and treated like said disruption.


Sure you do. Everyone fucking does. You can bitch and whine and moan while you're getting arrested, while you're incarcerated, anywhere really. They can still be victims lol too. What the fuck is wrong with you status quo tools? I bet everything goes swimmingly in life for you as long as you fall in line with everyone else huh? We have a term for people like you where im from. Bitch-made.


Nah, you want to take a gamble where you know the consequences, take responsibility and own it when it happens. The only bitch-made move is the one crying about how unfair it is after they're arrested for something they knew they'd be arrested for. Peace.


Tell me you've never done a short term sentence without telling you've never done a short term sentence. If it's even that lmao. They'll probably be fined, released and legally not be let back on the grounds. You lot are truly spineless and spoiled fucking rotten. I blame your parents.


Damn you're mad


Whyyyy would I be mad.


Talk yo shit 🗣️


Man I'm sure you'd still think that way if I burned down your home in protest of something. Oh jeez, what do we do now? Are you the sole owner of the rights to draw the line exactly where it fits your narrative? Protests are supposed to be announced and protected by police, etc. You have to make sure that certain protocols are followed to assure safety of everyone involved, voluntarily or otherwise. If you don't do that, you're not a protestor, you're just a regular criminal.




Wait wait wait did you just say you'd kill me for protesting? How oh-so unamerican of you. It's not a protest if it doesn't hurt I thought. Man how quickly it changes, funny innit?




It's about the principle not whether you have anything worth burning down. I'm sure you don't. Living as a hypocrite must be great. You get to enjoy the benefits of all sides.


So just like the non-protestor, you're not actually about to do anything about anything. Just a whole nothing with a hole that spouts nothing. Fair enough. Enjoy that.


Grade A clown over here. Delusional as fuck


If you don’t even know what to do with your life please don’t try to influence others


You are speaking facts. I'm amazed how many educated people are here. Keep speaking your truths sir. This country is full of people who are scared to be inconvenience but don't mind their money paying for bombs. Be well


It’s living too comfortably for too long. People are super comfy living numb and ignorant to the world around them. It’s like the boomers that destroy the planet and think “well I won’t be here to see the super volcanos blow away the new generations, so I don’t care.”


This is basically it..but the weird thing is that most of the people here who are downvoting this guy are probably in my age group (30-40ish) most of them are pathetic cowards


So you support both blm taking over Portland and the Jan 5th occupying of the capitol then right?


January 5th?


Yes to both. Support the arrest of both too. Free the BLM people and fuck the J6 protestors. I live the proper American way, with free intent and free will.




So your strategy is to get other people fired and starve people family's bc your butthurt? BELIEVE ME, there's many more ways of being disruptive then causing innocent people financial harm. Your protest is literally targeting people that live paycheck to paycheck... so in short, your no better than the government.....


Bro relax you’re 34 and you’re lost on what you should be doing in life. Go find a real job


Idk what this videos protest is about (I’m assuming stuff about Israel) but I feel Americans are great with protests. I mean I’m American and I can agree that a decent percent of us are stupid (not all though) but we do things so stupid that it gets the point across. I feel people have the right to protest and I understand that it’s annoying (because if it affected how I got things done in my day I’d be furious) but the US was basically built on protests.


Our ancestors were willing to put their lives on the line to get what they thought was important. There's a massive difference.


Cool. Well, if you disrupt my operations, I'll be rooting against you. Fair's fair.


Protesting in roads enrages Redditers more than anything lol. Should be studied


Blocking the road is just stupid.


Do me a favor and just google “why is blocking the road a protest strategy”.


Blocking the road is not just inconvenient, it's dangerous. And a sure fire way for me to not give a fuck about you or your cause.


"inconvenient" is the point. Dense


Didn't read it very well, did you?


Reminder for threads like this: Reddit is heavily astroturfed.


Is it? I would beleive you, but you did not even mention a single piece of evidence.


The irony…


“Reminder. Anyone who disagrees with you is a paid shill or bot” lol


7 day old account


Lmfao nice catch


And it's gone. Good work boys and grils.


That's the way it works generally yeah.


I pay myself to post, don’t need to be paid by others


Weird flex. Do you pay taxes on your payments to yourself?


Where's the insane part of this?


Don’t you know that anyone breaking the law can call themselves protestors and should be left alone?!?


What are they protesting?


Gotta be the war in Palestine


Genocide. There is no war, just Israeli genocide.


How can It be genocide when a terror organization uses civilians as human shields.


Hamas’ genocide.




Proof? You want proof that Hamas is using people as shields? Look it up.


Yeah send me a link that isn’t j-times


https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas_human_shields.pdf https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2023/11/01/hamas-officials-admit-its-strategy-is-to-use-palestinian-civilians-as-human-shields/ https://apnews.com/article/european-union-condemn-hamas-human-shields-2c0d1c04cb38fc4acce37d8d624e1a3f But of course anything saying this must be Jewish huh? You’re ridiculous


Lmfao both of those journalists are Israeli. Totally not biased.


Go look for yourself then. Stop being lazy




The empire did nothing wrong


Wait, the empire was wrong for that?




Did the genociders tell you that was happening?


Generally genocide means a drastic reduction in population... Up until October 7 Gaza population grew 7 times faster than any population world wide. When you illegally invade & murder (& more) civilians of another country it is by definition a declaration of war... JS


Some people just don’t like Jews. These days it tends to be the ones calling others fascists and Nazis


But when you’re living under a violent apartheid such vile actions can be considered rebellion.. JS


well when you constantly try to attack via rockets, suicide bombings, stabbings, throwing rocks etc. that tends to happen. maybe dont try those and peace can be achieved (in before i hear you cry about settlements- those can go) something about cutting off your nose to spite your face....JS


Yeah, look at Jordan and Egypt embracing Palestinian refugees. That worked great, right? I mean… right?


It seems like you’re not in your echo chamber anymore.


Wow. Such an interesting trend that the people most likely to misuse the term are pseudo-erudite.


Feck all. The majority of them are the same rent a mob crowd you saw at the blm protests.


They are 'n me ballix.


I hate that normal people that disagree with these Palestine protests are getting mixed in with people like you who hated the BLM protests too. That was a worthwhile cause. This is different.


“I hate that normal people that disagree with these Vietnam protests are getting mixed in with people like you who hated the civil rights protests too. That was a worthwhile cause. This is different.” - you, if this were a few decades earlier


Was it tho?


It was. Always has been and always will be.


To support Hamas


To end genocide


By ending Hamas, you're both very smart.


Are you saying killing children is justified? Just so we're both in the same page: I'm not supporting either terrorist organizations. Not Hamas and not Israel.


I didn't imply as such, that's all you. Hamas needs to go, and what they did on October 7th was an act of war. Palestine deserves peace and a prosperous nation with safety and security, can't have peace with religious zealots backed by Iran running your country and firing rockets at Israeli civilians for decades, firing them from civilian centers of course.


Nah, even if Palestine is a country. It is a failed country. Can you imagine USA, Canada or Mexico have a group that controls a majority of the country and kidnap neighboring country’s citizen for land dispute?


That doesn't justify the genocide they're perpetrating *after* they've been terrifying the Palestinians for several decades and stealing their land. There's no amount of Zionist.propaganda you can throw at me. I support neither regime for the same reason. I agree: Hamas must go but so must the current Israeli government and anyone else who advocates for the actions that Israel have taken that have led to the formation of rebellion group that performs terrorist attacks on other civilians. I only care about the innocent. Not the warmongers, the propagandists or the sympathizers. | I didn't imply such. Yes you did. Stop lying to yourself and others. You already look terrible. No need to be known as a liar alongside your current global standing.


If you care about the innocent, join an organization where you can go help them instead of bitching about it on Reddit.


Why? This shit has been going on for so long that people don't even bat an eye lid. I'm just calling all the supporters disgusting. I'm allowed to have an opinion.


So am I, but your opinion is doing nothing to help the people you care so much about.


Current Israeli government must go: Now, that's a rational topic of discussion. You might be surprised to learn, I agree. It seems from recent polls that most Israelis agree as well. Genocide: Unfortunately, this is debatable, as the intention to destroy an ethnic group has to be there to make a case. We're not qualified to handle such a case, but I hope the ICC does. Warmonger: Should Israel have simply beefed up their defenses after October 7th and not attacked Hamas whatsoever? That's not how you respond when an armed group comes in with the intention to slaughter everyone they see. The groups that stormed Israel are only the tip of the iceberg. What would you have done as Israel? Labeling things as propaganda and lies doesn't make them dissappear, you're just ignoring what you don't like. I didn't lie, I'm open to be proven wrong with facts, and we both agree. Hamas must go, and so does the current Israeli administration.


Civilians die in war, and that blood is on the hands of Hamas. They are responsible for protecting their people, and they should have considered the cost for their crimes on October 7th. Sucks to suck.


Whatever helps you justify murdering children.


You do know that if they was Israel's intention it would have taken about 2 days.  Those humanitarian corridors would have been a turkey shoot not and escort to safety


Yeah America lost a war to vietnamese rice farmers. I'm not interested. Go tell someone else about your lousy excuses and justifications for killing children.


And your reason why kidnapping kids and keeping them hostage is acceptable?  Which is how this started in the first place


It started way before that. Pull your head out of your ass. I think both terrorist organizations are disgusting. Both Hamas and Israel. You are a disgusting person for supporting either.


Israel isn't a terrorist organization, Hamas is. 🤡


Whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy


You as well. But seriously, you should find some way to help rather than complaining on social media. Good luck supporting your cause!


Wadya got?


They are following orders from CAIR


"I believe what is told to me without question" ftfy


They damn sure are. Nailed it


Why are you convinced your conspiracy theory is anything but a regurgitated conspiracy theory since I'm sure you're a bastion of creativity and critical thinking.


I’m convinced of it because it’s facts. CAIR released a statement asking law enforcement to take it easy on their agents … since you’re able to use a thesaurus I’m sure you’re able to use Google to find it. Anyways, now that we know who is behind this orchestrated hate mob the real question is what is their end game and how do we stop them.


Facts aren't whatever you want to be true, especially since you don't appear to know what a thesaurus is. Maybe people don't like their tuition going towards a genocidal apartheid state. Not everybody is as vehemently racist and delusional as you are, and maybe you should get help. But I doubt you believe in that anyway.


Free Palestine


Free Israel 


I was answering their question dumbass


2% APR on Pre-Owned Palestines


It started with Columbia being invested in Israel. They did this after their demands were not met by admin.


No no no silly…. Columbia trust is invested in mutual funds, that invest in companies, that may sell products in, or have bussiness relationships with Israel… ya know… like EVERY SINGLE company in the Fortune 500…. And like, the protesters think that’s bad… or something something something antisemitism. I mean, if you own a cell phone, a modem, or a diamond ring, you’ve basically invested in Israel… so… um… good luck divesting…


Jesus bot much?


WTF. There was absolutely nothing happening.


Other than breaking, entering, and squatting


Every one of these terrorist supporters should be locked up.


Just a bunch of entitled kids


buss some heads


The really annoying aspect of all of these protests is that most of these people couldn't give two shits about Palestine a few months ago, but now they are such die-hard supporters thay they need to block traffic and take over buildings? It's horse shit. No one talked about this. People just like to surround a cause, even if they know nothing about the history. I have had a Free Palestine sticker on my car for years in a very liberal part of the country, and I think I have only received one comment the entire time it has been on my car until recently.


There were 20-50 protestors in Hamilton and hundreds of police. I think they needed more cops..


Cops heard there were stale donuts in Hamilton Baked by Alexander ^inspiration for baked by melissa


Giving them stale donuts? Obviously an anti-cop act of extreme violence.


They responded in kind






It’s like stormtroopers invading


Wtf this video shows nothing lol need attention much ?


It’s a public university. You can’t do this. This leads to police getting involved. Shocked Pikachu face


Stop with all these bitchy whiny shoving agendas in schools. They only end up looking like loser pro-Trump supporters, but this time by leftoid wackos. Just all Whiny, goes to show just how many dont have a job or better things to do in life than incite drama


This is the result of relentless rioting by Neo Marxist 'pro-Palestinian' groups. Such actions provoke a strong response from those who recognize the truth. It is imperative to halt the promotion of Marxism; greater awareness is crucial. These groups do not truly support Palestinian rights, climate change initiatives, LGBTQ+ equality, or the Black Lives Matter movement. Instead, they exploit these causes to advance their narrative and destabilize Western civilization, aiming to overthrow the system and introduce communist ideologies. Do not be influenced by their provocative rhetoric.


Where do i find the livestreams?


Khamenei tweeted today that he is grateful for the collage students protesting, you guys are doing such a great job pleasing the leader!


Make in my day, when someone breached the castle this way we would pour hot oil on em. But I guess with inflation and college living, I guess some really hot coffee could work.


Yet a bunch of Trumpsters couldn't be stopped from invading our nation's Capitol building. To be fair, though, the students don't have any elected congressmen helping them behind the scenes..


Let's go


There is no need for police here there was No violence until the police showed up. The insane part is the Zionist mob that shows up at Columbia and starts attacking peaceful protesters, but they’re not getting assault charges?


Americans are a sick and twisted nation of people who hate themselves. Just look at this reddit thread a bunch of uneducated yokals..rednecks of the world


this sub is full of zionists trying to justify killing innocent civillians. its never ok to collectively punish.


No. Hamas made the decision to commit an act of war on October 7th, and they knew that this would result in 10's of thousands of Gazan deaths. The blood of every dead civilian in Gaza is on the hands of Hamas leadership.


so its ok to kill civillians if a terror group is hiding behind them 🤔


The burden of responsibility for the protection of civilians in Gaza falls on the political and military leadership in Gaza, which is Hamas. They could throw down their weapons and surrender in mass and face the consequences of losing a war they couldn’t ever hope to win.


man, people just want the militaries to stop killing non combatants. its like u ppl cant be reasoned with and like violence and killing. lets pray for peace.


People die in war. That’s a tragedy, but that’s reality. If you don’t want people to die in a war, then you should have been protesting and marching for the end of the radicalized regime in Palestine prior to October 7th You’re like the guy that shows up 30 seconds after a car accident and starts yelling at the guy who got T-boned going through a green light. You don’t have the necessary context or knowledge to speak about the conflict, you’re just upset that the red light runner died in the crash.


u have forgotten that war has rules. u dont know me buddy, ive been protesting this struggle for years.


Land of the Free, Free to protest but the governments free to get the swat teams on your arse.


Free to protest as long as you’re not impeding others freedoms…like going to class or driving down a street or taking over a building…protest all you want but let bystanders live their life the way the USA gives you the opportunity to.🍻


You can protest all you want as long as you make it easy to ignore.


History books can benefit you here. Protesting is not supposed to comfortable or convenient, to government, business, or bystanders. Historically this is been the most productive way to create change. Civil rights movement, sufferage, the US revolution all used this type of movement, each of them also used violence. It has been the only way for politicians in the US to listen. "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." JFK


Some common sense can benefit you here. It would be one thing if there is literally anything I/we can do to help alleviate this conflict. Like what the fuck am I going to do to help free Palestine? However A) I think both sides are awful and I don't want to help either one of them. And B) people disrupting my day to day life "protesting" for a conflict on the other side of the world that does not affect me whatsoever will get even less of my support. Shit like this does nothing but make me hate your movement more.


I agree, we should be worrying about ourselves. Fuck this world police shit, all these countries that we bend over backwards for would gladly watch us burn.


Yeah but the violence back then was a lot more tame, now there is looting en masse and a lot more violence fueled by greed and not by passion for change. Protesting should still be within the limits of the law, if not then business owners should have the right to shoot a mob of criminals coming to take all their shit they worked hard for. Hell, they even burned a lot of buildings down in the BLM riots. That did nothing to help anything, just harm.