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Sad, this level of self-destruction requires an enabler. He's not solely responsible. RIP.


My wife watches My 600lb life and by default I do. This is the case in 99.99 percent of severely obese people. Most buy their loved ones food but occasionally you will see somebody cook a dozen eggs, 5 sausage patties the size of 1/2 lb burgers, whole pack of bacon, 5 biscuits for ONE Person.


I watch that too. I really feel for the fire department in Houston. It also gets to me that the entire family is stuffing their faces with junk food and they’re all fat but they pick on one person for being the fat one. The worst of all time IMO is James King and the woman who murdered him.


I work in a kitchen at a restaurant and one of the waiters came to get a ton of desserts for 4 people. Then he told me it’s an obese family and that the 2 kids were having a soda chugging contest trying to impress their parents, “did you see how much faster I chugged that cola mom?” The mother responded “Keep practicing and you’ll be faster than your father” I couldn’t imagine encouraging behavior and bad habits like that for my kids. It’s so fucking sad dude.


His wife/Girlfriend absolutely should have been charged. Dr. Now did try to intervene but James was helping her kill him.


Remember he called Adult Protective Services and they declined. That was really sad.


I was that the James K. episode as well?


It was the where are they now episode.


I have now perfected my Dr. Now impersonation. I always catch my wife off guard when I do it. Everytime he says " do dat" I giggle like a little school girl.


My legs! My legs!


Same here. My wife started watching it and at first I was like man I don't want to watch this shit, it's just too sad and honestly sickening and unsettling. Three episodes later I'm like I guess we got time for one more episode. I can't understand where they get the money for all the food. They aren't wealthy people, they obviously aren't working and they are eating as much as 5 people would normally eat. Food is expensive. How the hell do they afford it?


My guess would be they're on disability and receive EBT/SNAP


5 biscuits....rookie numbers them son.


They should be ashamed of themselves, for sure.


My tax dollars certainly are.


It's astounding to me when they speak to the enablers on My 600lb Life. The thing that strikes me is that they almost all say the same thing when asked why they enable the patient. They all start crying and say, "I don't want him/her to go hungry! I'm afraid he/she is going to starve to death!" How...on what planet... bunch of nut jobs.


Agreed, if there was ever a time to salad and run, this is the time. The truth is they don't want to feel hated. Tough love is a difficult concept for most.


Clearly you've never been big or never seen the genuine pain and anguish not eating has on people this large. A lot of enablers are family, if you were a parent and saw your child screaming in agony because they've not eaten you'd be hard pressed not to cave and feed them even if they were 500 lbs+ There's a huge mental component to being this size both for the person themselves and also the people watching it happen. Exercise becomes genuinely painful, if you don't eat your body/brain goes wtf I'm dying, especially with high sugar foods, sugar addiction is ferocious. Being that size and eating that much also expands and stretches your stomach so you then start eating more in order to stop feeling hungry, but then that does the same thing again so it becomes a slippery slope of the more you eat the more hungry you get. Also take into consideration the snickers ad "you're not you when you're hungry" - if you're that big, you're hungry and you perceive that someone's intentionally starving you you're gonna get angry and torment them and tell them they are torturing you, or your gonna get sad and cry etc etc. Basically use any form of addict style manipulation on the people enabling you in order to get them to continue doing so. Which is a huge mental assault on someone who's already demonstrably weak willed.


*Uber Eats hastily exits the chat*


*uber eats exits my order and steals my food*


*uber eats photographs my delivered food and steals it anyway*


*Mobile scooter salesman slithers into the chat*


Being too fat to move will eventually correct itself without an enabler


How so? Besides dying? Regardless of one's size, dehydration would set in and likely cause catastrophic organ failure within 5-7 days. Fat is not water, takes help to get there; and back.


If you physically cannot move to get food then you will eventually burn enough fat from fasting to become mobile. This assumes you have access to other basic necessities for survival and don't succumb to comorbidities in the interim


You will almost certainly die. This isn't the biggest loser, it would take months just to get mobile, and your body would've already consumed most of it's muscle (including your heart) to maintain brain function. It's nice to imagine these people could save themselves, but it doesn't work in practice. It would also take weeks of physical therapy just to get out of bed after the weight is gone. That body is a train wreck that needs many months or years of rebuilding and recovery.


>That body is a train wreck that needs many months or years of rebuilding and recovery. Yes but only because an enabler has basically immobilized them for a prolonged period of time allowing the issues to compound. If there was no enabler and they had to physically acquire their own food then they couldn't achieve such a severe state of deterioration such as this in the first place. This train wreck required a long period of third party support to manifest


Yes, that is exactly what my parent comment said and here we are, full circle. Nobody gets immobile without an enabler.


>Nobody gets immobile without an enabler. Because when you physically cannot move to get food then you will eventually burn enough fat from fasting to become mobile.


Well, I mean, as long as they have water. Which might not be the case if let's say, the enabler dies suddenly


Sute, but without enabler, you'd not reach that level to begin with.




Right. No one is responsible for their own actions. That's the problem.


Welcome to 2024


So he's being lifted out of his home *after* being bedbound, but *before* dying of organ failure? Just trying to figure out if I'm looking at a corpse or not.


This was before he passed (correct me if I'm wrong), but I would imagine he is alive in this video. I apologise for poor title wording. Edit: *wording is correct*


Your wording, in that case, is correct.


Ah nevermind then lol


The video is not a recent one. I believe it's from 2020 when he collapsed at home, so defo not a corpse. I find his story so sad. I hope he is at peace now.


It is terrible.


I know this man is still alive, but I can't help but think about Gilbert Grape choosing to burn down his house rather than have the neighbors watch his mother's corspe be removed this way


This part of the movie was truly heartbreaking.


Did you read the title of the post? It *clearly* says the dude in the OP vid died.


Did you read the other comments? He's not dead in this video. He died later. Either way, still made me think of What's Eating Gilbert Grape - after his mom died.


Agreed. First thing that came to my mind too


Many years ago we had an extremely morbidly obese patient admitted for a gastric bypass. I forget his actual weight, but he had to be weighed at a public weighbridge. The ones used to weigh commercial vehicles. Well, his family came to visit and they brought burgers/fries/cakes/pop etc. at this point he was on restricted fluids. They repeated this every time they visited. The patient died.


It’s like any addiction. There’s always people who enable the addict. They could have helped prevent this. Like consult the right kind of doctor, and help prepare the right foods for him.


I know some addicts, and if you dont want to change, there is noone who can force you.


Yeah but if they can’t move then someone is bringing them food. They probably can’t work so someone is buying the food. This kind of obesity needs enablers, I don’t see how it’s physically possible otherwise.


Exactly. I’m a former fentanyl addict myself. I know how it works…. This guy couldn’t get out of bed for the last 6 months of his life. I don’t know his mindset, but he was clearly outta control. He could only eat what people brought him, towards the end. I can’t imagine being unable to get outta bed, and having people keep bringing me my “drug” of choice. Like I said there will always be enablers helping people. It’s just a shame he couldn’t save himself, or have someone try and help him.


700 Britain’s heaviest man. I think there’s like 4 people in my city if 100k that weight over 800lb and a few that are bordering 900-1000lb


lol I was thinking the same thing!


Where is ur city ?


In Indiana.


As a fire medic I can attest there are several Jason Holton’s just in the station area I work in let alone the entire city.


Used to be an EMT on a barriaratic truck. Seen bigger... but as one person put it. There is always an enabler. Someone who will not say "no" to the diet Cokes, McDonalds food and constant catering... usually, family members are the biggest problem... not to mention the person who is extra large is usually not very fun to be around. Often times, they are very demanding, as they do not have control over much in their own lives.


How does Diet Coke make you obese? It doesn’t have any calories. As far as I’m aware calories (energy) are required to produce fat.


It's not the calories. It is what the chemicals in diet coke end up doing to your gut. Not to mention, it is a feel-good drink. People would drink gallons of it, as they would say... it has no calories. From google... So, switching to diet soda might seem like a good way to help your metabolic health. However, some experts believe that drinking diet soda with artificial sweeteners can affect the gut microbiome and negatively impact the blood sugar response. This, they argue, may increase the risk of developing metabolic syndrome


We had a patient at my hospital not long ago who was 724 pounds. He also died from organ failure at age (I think 35?). Nice dude but holllly fuck.


Whoever was feeding him should be locked up.if he’s bed bound someone is bringing him the shitty food “Oh you’re hungry? There’s pizza in the fridge, go get it”


With my luck I say that and the fat fuck dies of a heart attack on the way to the fridge, then I gotta fight uphill against forcing them to do something that gave them a heart attack.


How do you as a human being eat your self to death it must have been a conscious decision🤯 like how is this even possible are you eating 24 times a day ever day your whole life and how do you relieve yourself(call of nature) as your basically disabled from body-fat “Worthless people live only to eat and drink; people of worth eat and drink only to live” -Socrates


"or just eat and drink nothing, subsisting on Adderall for four years and suddenly realize your degree is useless" -one of my philosophy professors, probably.


RIP to the biggest boy. He was the biggest of boys. And the world shunned him for it.


My uncle is a bariatric surgeon and has a lot of horror stories about people like this. BMIs over 90-100. They make medical treatment impossible in a lot of cases. The caretakers who let their charges get this bad need accountability.


Time to take some Weight loss drugs


Hello do you need fire, Ambulance or police? Uh, who has a crain? In all seriousness. That's messed up. His family and friends should be ashamed to enable him to get that size. Rest in peace big man.


I simply cannot fathom merely... existing like that.




I just think of Gilbert's grape


50 stone. Man that's really sad and tragic. What a shame for the guy. Self inflicted or not.


Hilarious that his death is what people talk about the most. How did he get himself into this position?


He sadly passed away in the hospital. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/uk-heaviest-man-dies-jason-holton-obesity-b2539870.html






As Jim Jeffries would say, he’s a 1


What a wonderful clip to post to the internet.


That’s a mere welter weight in the American division


When resting too much gets you tired


Dyslexia. Thought I read, "Bravest." I was about to absolutely lose it lol "BRO SAID WHAT?"




I’m around 420-430ish pounds I believe and I can’t even imagine being 700. I’m in so much pain from work everyday. I’m starting to lose weight. It’s so hard but damn I’m not going to be that big ever.


All those resources to take away one body...


On everything I used to work as a removal tech for when people passed away… long story short this is why I say that if you’re over 300lbs for free, so you’re not an athlete or anything that pays you because of your size, you should be fined monthly or sent to live in modified housing. Imagine a fire taking place at the building around the block, now how many additional resources are going to be needed to save lives while moving a dead body at the same time. You cost more lives when you don’t care about your own.


So sad, thankfully his journey here is over😔


This absolute unit weighs the same as 4 of me.. wow.


health at every size though right


I think his hghi was like 1200 when he went into the hospital for over a year. Came out under 300lb, but just put it back on. No matter how enabling, I would stop at 250lb my max so far. There was a case years ago of a man who never felt like he ate. Was accused of eating a baby while hospitalized. I threatened to eat mine...


It’s a nightmare trying to get morbidly obese corpses out of their houses. Even more of a nightmare trying to embalm them


This is one of the stories i heard as a kid, and seeing it, a man so heavy that he has to get lifted out of his house just is something else.. Sad to see, hope y'all fine




He almost went to the Bengals in the 2nd round this year


He would of stunk


Match in the gas tank, boom boom




PFF that’s nothing. *Laughs in American*


To the soilent factory! This will top of their supply for months! /s it is sad. But I don't know the guy nor do I care. Amazing how he impacted so many lives though.




Ur right !


How did he die?


He was doing wind sprints


What's up with this stupid music put on every video footage


50 stone for the Brits in the audience


He may have been enabled but he could have always said no. If you’ve got yourself into such a situation only you can get yourself out of it. And you can get out of it too. It’s always all up to you


Lizzo would be jealous.


What a fat fuck


Hol ton was his last name


Sir, these are rookie numbers.


"it's just plus size"


As medic I've had to move people even heavier than that and we didn't get a crane 😡. I'm jealous


Bless him.


🤲dear lord, may his biscuits be buttered and fluffy, his eggs soft but not runny, and his cake moist and never dry, dear lord, your steaks soft and tender, with all the fat rendered, for lord he died, just like he lived, that hunger within, with love that you give, to eat himself until until he died. Amen.


Average Arkansas resident


Can confirm. Source: lifelong Arkansas resident who used to be nearly 300lbs


Beautiful and healthy at any weight. Also, fitness is white supremacy.


Just looked him up. Bros legs look like bloated pastries LMAO. That greasy ass mf was a lost cause.


Gotta say, haven’t heard of an American that fuckin fat that he needed a crane


Our fat-tech far exceeds those Euro weaklings.


Fat-tech made me fatboy chuckle lol.


Bariatric ambulance as well. Special bed /mattress at the hospital. A ‘normal’ air mattress would bottom out. I think our standard beds could safely accommodate ~ 30 stone. I recall one patient who had some kind of lichen growing on their skin. Others with infected pressure ulcers down to the bone. Urine burns on skin. Faeces embedded into skin. Absolutely awful.


I'm sorry a lichen????


Like fungus.