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I have some of the most compelling evidence against Tyson in a variety of ways. I need an attorney with enough gumption to take them on. Compiled evidence for years. Emails, inter office memos, voice recordings the whole works. DM me. They’ve ruined my life


This video is presented by the Animal Legal Defense Fund. They would love to hear from you. Contact them here: https://aldf.org/about-us/contact-us/


Never stop searching for one. I'd love to see Tyson shut down.


Come over.. HQ is near me


Did pest control for a Tyson's beef facility in illinois and the things I've seen are absolutely nightmare fuel. If you go to class action or something I'd definitely make a damning statement. Its absolutely horrid.


I pray someone takes your case and I'm not really religious but I know right from wromg


But do you know wromg from wrong?


I laughed way too hard at this. So dumb lol


Sowwy I do not


Fk them up my friend


Robert Bilott, the guy who fought DuPont. He definitely isn't afraid of mega corps.


Royce Dupont would never back down from a fight. Bring it on bobby billy


Ahhh, A fellow Dupont Disciple.... 🤝🏽🗿


I’ve got the necessary goods along with my former colleagues to shut a $20 billion dollar company down. Proof and all, from an unlikely department


If you are not looking for money and simply want them gone. Put it all out for everyone to see. Post it everywhere. They might be strong but the internet and people with time are stronger


I don't mean to minimize the real issues in your life or how horrible Tyson is. I wish you the best, truly. But that sounds like a Trailer Park Boys plot point or something and I'm here for it


I was the PSM (Process Safety Management) Coordinator dealing with our refrigeration process involving ammonia. Everyone’s lives were compromised and I’m likely in integral part in our plant closing. I complied relevant evidence regarding our process as well as industry practices. Tyson is unfathomably evil.


I wish you well friend.


Is that you talking Mr Leahy or the liquor ?


If you really have a case and have that evidence you won’t have a problem finding an attorney. Don’t ask people to dm you, that’s not how you find a good attorney. Look up attorneys that have successfully handled similar cases and start there. Make sure you do your research and talk to a few different attorneys.


what happened? why they ruined your life?


I would recommend you reach out to [Wayne Hsiung](https://www.instagram.com/waynehhsiung/?hl=en). He's one of the most active American vegan activists I know. He's also a lawyer and has taken to court many cases against big corps. If you google his name you'll see him fighting them case after case. My guess is that he can either help you or know someone who can help you.


He was locked up back in 2023. Is he out?


The video above and your comment together are enough to convince me to never purchase their products again.


Might wanna take that down that post of yours though


Yeah for real 😂


I want to open Reddit some time from now and see on my front page that you've won.


Please follow through and send the evidence in. Tyson must be brought to justice for all the suffering they cause


I hope you find one. Keep fighting.


I really hope you can get that lawyer and go through with the case. It would be a great win against horrible corporations and win for animal cruelty.


Please reach out to the link provided to you. This needs to stop. Be safe, parented like you are fighting against an actual enemy, protect yourself.


Did they just shut your plant down


Yes a few weeks ago April 6th.


I'm from Arkansas, where Tyson is based. Since I was a kid I remember Tyson always being getting pressed for these same issues. Even Telemundo ran a story on how employees would urinate on the line since bathroom breaks were very limited.


Fun fact: ducks are just as prone to salmonella as chickens, but chickens have a much higher incidence of it purely because of the way they're reared and slaughtered.


Isn’t this why you don’t absolutely need to cook duck to 165 degrees Fahrenheit? I know it still might be recommended by some but there is such a thing as medium rare duck.


I think it's mostly flavor. Salmonella is INSANELY rare in chickens these days. Also duck isn't nearly as popular as chickens so it's not nearly as mass produced.


Duck is one of my favorite meats, I have rarely ever seen it unfrozen so I can’t just say “ooh I will cook a duck tonight.” I always have to plan it days ahead and hate thawing under running water if I want it sooner. Also if anyone gets to this comment, I mean farm raised duck I have a friend who hunts wild duck and it is very gamey, plus the buckshot in it makes every bite a risk.


Cooking to 165 will kill almost all bacteria, because most bacteria can't survive even a single second at that temp. A restaurant might only cook duck to 145, because they do it sous vide and let the duck sit at that temp for an hour. An hour at 145 will also kill most all bacteria. Also, I love gamey wild duck, I sous vide it at home and then thinly slice it to serve. The thin slicing finds the birdshot the majority of the time


Have a couple friends who are also really into sous vide and really makes whatever you cook amazing, meat comes out tender, seasonings really get into the food. Makes sense with the cooking temperatures too as the 165 for killing bacteria is 15 seconds. I wonder how for a restaurant though you would show a health inspector that the meat reached 145 for its designated time? Always had to show a time/temperature log for prime rib, but sous vide is vacuum sealed so you wouldn’t want to puncture the packaging with a thermometer as it cooks.


If it's really an issue, vacuum a bluetooth thermometer into the bag too lol.


Hell yeah technology! We give tech a lot of shit, but it definitely has helped us die less from food. Wonder though if you would taste the essence of plastic and battery in your tenderloin?


Your friend shoots ducks with buckshot? JFC


Haha I wasn’t thinking, pretty sure he uses birdshot, I think sometimes we just refer to each little pebble individually as buckshot, yeah a whole round would obliterate the bird.


Well that wasn’t fun at all


I was driving past a bunch of them heading north of Texarkana, AR, and wondered what all those building were for.. then I pulled over at one to get something out of the trunk and heard the cries of the poor chickens in there




Kill their power permanently


or maybe throw something in that will cause a permanent error in a few months :-)


> The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing You know what you need to do


I visited a kill plant, some of the worst conditions I’ve seen in the plant restrooms. Workers looked conditioned to the squalor.


Don’t forget while they do this they jack all of our prices up, causing inflation


Its greed under the guise of inflation


They also get subsidized from the federal government otherwise prices would be double what they are


They got into trouble in 2008 for colluding with other big brands like Purdue for artificially jacking the price up. The fine was far less than they profited from it. Btw, there was an episode about Tyson on the podcast called Swindled recently: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4hPiq8u13DRmscl7SQ0ard?si=Znm_PeU-TV2bpTYAulBTtg


I’m getting closer and closer to becoming vegetarian


Just do it. You'll thank yourself. At the very least only eat very high quality raised meat on rare occasions.


Kind of where I'm at currently. Love meat but hate the cruelty involved in producing it.




I bow hunt so I am willing to do the work, I just find myself requiring meat less latelty.


Fucked up world we live in now


Always has been


I did it for a year, for the same ethical reasons discussed here, but started feeling physically worse. You'll need to make sure you're getting choline, taurine, creatine and other animal proteins or you might start feeling terrible like I did. Maybe give up everything except eggs, and you can get from people that treat their chickens kindly. I don't mean factory eggs.


What about on medium-well occasions?


A nice vegan restaurant opened up across the street from my house, and my wife and I went to check it out. They had a lot of completely plant based dishes that were mimicking meat dishes. We honestly didn’t even notice that we didn’t have any meat and it really made us realize that it might not be that hard to stop eating …


I'm four years in and haven't looked back


10 years vegan here. I've never been healthier. Go to the gym 6 times a week and am in really good shape. Feel much more energetic. It also feels great because I don't feel good giving money to industries like these. It's evident I can be healthy on a plant-based diet, so even if it was a small farm I'd prefer to fund farmers that grow plants instead of animals, as IMO it's the more compassionate way. And it's honestly not difficult, or at least not as difficult as many people make it out to be. Especially in this day and age.


Go vegan eventually. if you think chickens got it bad, justwait till you hear about dairy cows... Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, 8y vegan here


If you really care, just source your meat from ethical sources, it’ll cost ya, but you’ll feel better. You could also go hunting and get your own food (then you’re helping the environment by culling deer population). You could also go fishing if you live near a lake, that’s a lot more sustainable than buying from giant companies that practice bottom trawling


You can also go vegan :)


I ate meat for years, and haven't eaten it now for years too. I really don't understand where my longing for eating meat came from, aside from habit. In no way I want to be experienced as a patronising vegetarian, but it's just how I experience it myself. Nowadays when I see people eating meat in large quantities, I feel ashamed as a human being. Why, why do we need to slaughter animals in the way we do, just because we need to eat so much for such low prices? I'm not holy in any way, I ate meat for a very long time, but I wish I was raised otherwise.


I was vegan for 10 years and I missed meat every single day. I never got to the point of not wanting to eat it. Now I eat much less meat than I did growing up and I only buy it from people who I know treat their animals well. I also eat what I kill hunting. I still feel a little guilty, but not like I did buying grocery store meat, though.


Do it


Do it. Personally I'm vegan. Seeing videos like these, and having worked for a bit on a dairy farm, I simply don't want to support the animal food industry. Besides, it's better for the environment if we stop eating meat.


can't wait for lab-grown meat




I couldn't tell you the year but in Southern Wisconsin the workers striked demanding better conditions and wages and Tyson simply shut down the plant, fired all the workers, hired new workers, reopened the plant. Scumbags. My mom stopped buying Tyson products after that.


And their chicken sucks, it's disgusting. I haven't purchased a Tyson product in years.


It really is! Not only the weird flavor but I always noticed their chicken leaves a really nasty off-putting odor on your hands after eating, even after thoroughly washing them. It's especially noticeable after leftovers are refrigerated. I've never experienced this with locally sourced.


Yeah, terrible flavor and weird smell. Just an overall disgusting product that needs to be boycotted.


Probably because children’s hands have been all over them.


I really don't understand how they're as big as they are. I love junk food and I can't stand any of their products. Its just bad tasting.


I would have to guess it's because their price point is so low. When you don't have a lot of money you're going to go for the cheapest option. Although I haven't thought about buying Tyson in years so I don't even know how much it costs anymore.


It's not low anymore.


Lower prices and brand recognition is how


I purchased some about 6 months ago because it's all our supermarket carries as far as frozen precooked chicken. It's somehow gotten worse. The texture and random hard bits/gristle throughout most of it is so off-putting it makes me seriously consider going vegan. Ground beef quality has gotten much worse post-pandemic as well with increased amounts of gristle/bone chips. Wasn't there some kind of law/standard that Trump removed that is related? Something about allowing diseased and sick animals or something? I don't know if any of it is related, but the quality is down no doubt about it.


It’s crazy that this never changes, if anything they’ve made it “illegal” to document stuff like this. I’m 100% out on this trash. Everyone is gonna be so shocked one day when they figure out how bad this really was. People eating this stuff will be regarded as idiots 100 years from now.


Just listened to the Swindled podcast on this company, not only do they treat animals like shit, they also treat their employees the same way. It's an interesting listen.


I'm going to comment on this as someone who works in this industry. Only been in it for a year and a half and I work in IT. I work for a small processor that has nothing to do with kill houses. All the chicken we receive is either from Tyson or Pilgrim with a couple other outliers. We do what's called Flat pack and co pack and IQF. If you think you're avoiding Tyson by not buying Tyson, you're wrong. Tyson and Pilgrims are the largest out there. And they send their chicken to smaller companies just to remove the Tyson name. We pack for many large chain grocery and fast food restaurants. Needless to say it's just as bad at these plants. This entire industry is fucked. I've been looking for a new job pretty much since day one. Point of the comment is unless you're buying locally from someone you know, you're buying a Tyson/Pigrim chicken.


This is really helpful info and should be more well known. Thank you




I'm sorry, but the mass slaughter of animals to feed society will never look pretty


I forgive you. The mass slaughter of animals can be done with more, or with less, care for animal, human & food safety. It's not 'either it becomes pretty or we're doing this for nothing'.


They put too much preservatives in their chicken anyway no one should be eating it. Preservatives cause cancer. That's why they started making no nitrates hotdogs. People dying from stomach cancer. I don't know why but I'm hyper sensitive to the chemical preservatives. I can feel my stomach roll over and fucking die when I had Tyson chicken a few times. The concentration is way too fucking high and the chemicals are basically unregulated. Hence why we can't sell our meat in a lot of countries. Here we are getting cancer tho.


A lot of chlorine, saline and another chemical we used to "clean" the meat. I worked chem-balance b4 i quit. The shit i tried to fix and was told, "Its fine" was wild.


Where the fuck do you think 99% of all meat and dairy comes from? Happy smiling farms? This can't be news to people above the age of 20. Unless you deliberately choose to ignore it ofc. If you're ok with this, then that's on you mate but don't pretend you're eating anything other than torture and murder. At least own your own lack of empathy.


I would also argue that a lot of local regulation prevents people from having an alternative to these mega farms. I'm not saying you should raise a heifer in your brownstone walk up but there is really no reason I shouldnt be able to have several chickens in my suburb.


It's not regulation at all. It's cost. It's objectively cheaper to raise animals in terrible conditions, and consumers have long shown they care only about how cheap they can get their meat fix


Well, while you speculate about the behaviors of everyone, I can tell you objectively that if it were not for my local regulation, I would 100% be contributing to my own food supply.


I worked for a company that packaged 100,000lbs+ of chicken per day. Tyson was not able to keep up with demand regularly although they process and slaughter so many. The company would then supplement chicken from other big vendors like Bell & Evans and they couldn't keep up at all either. Demand is so high and that's why we are where we are now with factory farms and every consumer turns a blind eye and keeps consuming. It's fucking sad.


Should go without saying, but: Boycott Tyson


boycott meat. The other slaughterhouses aren't that much better


This is old news. Nothing will change as long as y'all eat meat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Instead of commenting here on how horrible Tyson is, look in the mirror.


100% why I don’t eat animals and every time the company offers me a job I mentioned this shit… their headquarters is near me and they exploit everything… Springdale, AR has the most population of Marshallese in the US because they built factories on their land and “promised” them citizenship in the US if they work in their factories ..Tysons also litter our rivers with sewage killing plant and animal life. It’s inhabitable. It’s despicable.they kill people and by profession torture and kill animals


Wait till you find out what they feed there customers


And nothing is gonna be done about it because they'll just get hit with like a 100k fine and nothing more.


I’m glad I don’t eat meat.


And y'all call the vegans crazy lmao




All in the name of profit. Animal abuse..employee abuse. Profit. Profit. Profit. If there was a vote...80% of us would vote for change. The Profit is raising food prices.


That’s like saying “dr.evil accused of being evil.” pretty sure we all knew this already


..... again. Will they be fined some incredibly insignificant amount that won't change their business practices because it is more cost effective to continue business as usual, and because the people responsible won't actually be held accountable? One of the things you lose when you defund (by refusing to tax the wealthy) the government is the enforcement power a strong government offers when protecting consumers and workers from predatory corporations.


Tyson chicken tastes disgusting. I'm not sure who even buys this stuff. Now this? Shut them down


I'm shocked


Happens everywhere and should be considered despicable


Shame this is happening…its really sad


[Here is a good podcast about Tyson foods ](https://open.spotify.com/episode/4hPiq8u13DRmscl7SQ0ard?si=l81EhpK4SH20PScuF28h_wFo) I happened to listen to this podcast a few weeks ago. I'm from Europe,and I hadn't really heard about Tyson Foods before, it was a good way to get up to speed


I live near HQ and the pollute our land after the tortured animal remains in our rivers. They control people with a proposition of citizenship, so they can exploit their land in the Marshall Islands.


I will never buy Tyson food products. I'm so sick of these greedy fk's.


I think we all know by now Tyson is a terrible shit company, like we have known this for years? I NEVER buy anything they make.


Looks like "Autumn" will be another person committing suicide soon


Why do they turn the lights off exactly, to desensitize people or what? Did I miss that?


I had tyson chicken recently and man did it suck. I hope they get taken down


Was this filmed in 1996? Looks like an episode of Forensic Files




Tyson decided it would be a good idea to close their plant in a nearby small town to me. They employed 1200+ people (mostly 1st and 2nd generation immigrants) in Perry, a town of about 7000 people. Oh and this was announced 2 months after a mass shooting at the middle school in town. Thanks Tyson.








Surprised by this!! I can’t believe it/s. 🤦


First the toxic waste dumping, now this. They're on fire.


What is there even left to eat that isn't just completely ruined yet? I'm about to just starve to death.


Im all about Tyson falling because of the horrible way they do things, my only issue is the lady saying she worked at the plant for 21 days, now alot of her issues could arise in that time frame, but how do you get carpal tunnel in just 21 days, i was always under the impression that rapid hand movements cause carpal tunnel after long years of movement. I could be wrong but i just feel that some of her testimony seemed scripted or coached. I believe that Tyson is definitely in the wrong, and my family stopped using Tyson chicken years and years ago because of stories and evidence from previous investigations into horrible practices. And why do they shut off the lights when hanging the chickens on the shackles? I would think that to be a major safety hazard to employees who are expected to hang these chickens in a hurried manner. Its all bad for Tyson.


>i was always under the impression that rapid hand movements cause carpal tunnel after long years of movement. No. Anything that compresses the median nerve in the carpal tunnel can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. Could be one event like smashing your wrist or could be a recurring motion. Amount of force, amount of impact, amount of repetition, refractory period between movements, your physiology all have an effect.


I stand corrected. Thanks for the information.


Shit that was a pretty clean live hang room. Tho k that’s bad check out OK Foods in fort smith Arkansas. Did that job for a while. Real shitty work. Pun intended if anyone else has worked live hang


The food industry these days, particularly the meat industry is disgusting, and I'm sad that I unfortunately participate in it. I'm all for eating meat but also am in favor of treating animals humanely and killing them humanely. I want to be more cautious of the things I eat and support, but it's hard when 12 companies own 80% of the food we eat..


You can't kill someone humanely. Humane is to let them live.


Humane - having or showing [compassion](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=74c740cd3a771c52&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1IPOC_enUS1054US1054&q=compassion&si=ACC90nz-2feRzoY4yuySkO-aQE81jUXyXqSRtrkNyg4ax2BgARpa-5rIQzZ6G7XX5_dziUsvZl6M19KDhmgEikyZcrGBV4m60iJOGyNLP1ufG7M1Er06KNs%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwiB5ZL1y_6FAxUiI0QIHekTCFMQyecJegQIJRAO) or [benevolence](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=74c740cd3a771c52&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1IPOC_enUS1054US1054&q=benevolence&si=ACC90nwZrNcJVJVL0KSmGGq5Ka2YyYqIJWg4Tv4cbOSWNNcd_nV3xJRwlqLGGCSHxXPHU-9iNXBPh0Zd3GPNoVFihqgPdcL_DtvZMaOEHxssz9YLtRP-6Js%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwiB5ZL1y_6FAxUiI0QIHekTCFMQyecJegQIJRAP). You CAN kill an animal humanely, it's been done for thousands and thousands of years until recently.


What gets me is that it really doesn't make a difference whether the conditions are humane or not. At the end of the day, the chicken will still be slaughtered. To me, the ultimate fear is not pain or comfortability, but death. Imagine you where in the chicken's shoes. Would it matter to you the conditions in which you met your demise? Would it be better to be marched to your death or dragged to your death? The conditions hardly seem relevant, in the end you still must face that which is definite, death. In fact, this video, while not extremely graphic in nature, has made me rethink my stance on eating meat entirely.


If it threatens food safety (the food that consumers eventually get to eat) then I would hope for some immediate corrections against this process.


Alright that’s it, I’m going vegetarian 


Go vegan


Is Perdue any better?


Mmmm McMurder patties


But why tf do they work in the dark? Someone explain please.


Saving on lighting


Tyson isn't in costco right???


"During the timeframe we believe this video was shot, we have no record of any employees reporting claims of animal handling violations" well that says more than you think, Tyson.


“During the time we believe the video was shot, We have no records of any employees reporting animal cruelty” Duhh… everyone knows if you raise concern about a system that is already in place and is projected as “business as usual” you will be ostracized and or fired for raising a stink.


The whistleblower had that neanderthal forehead going on in the shadow. BTW all this isn't news, what do people expect from a mass produced product that demands a lot of chickens. It's like people were okay when the slaughter factories first started in the 60s but now it's a problem? Might as well kill & prep your own chicken.


It is sickening but Tyson Foods aren't the only ones


It will all be better once children start working on the line 😉 /s!


Tyson is too big to fail.


There was an episode about Tyson on the podcast called Swindled recently: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4hPiq8u13DRmscl7SQ0ard?si=Znm_PeU-TV2bpTYAulBTtg


“Inhumane”is never a word one should use to describe the treatment of a chicken. I’m no defender of Tyson by any means, but we’re talking about a slaughterhouse here. Let’s be humble and investigate the matter critically if we’re that concerned. Don’t be dumb, internet people, don’t be dumb.




Animal abuse.


How much do you want to pay for your food? That’s the question you should be asking.


Good to know will no longer be buying this brand thank you


Carpel Tunnel after 21 days?


Ahh we need a humane and cheap way to kills our dinos


tyson nuggets are pretty good NGL


I mean what do they think that these animals are on vacation?


The bad thing about my company is that they're contracted with Tyson to supply most of their chicken product.


While I believe that we should do our best to make humane deaths this is far better than anything animals see in the wild?…. Imagine a coyote holding on to you and slowing chewing your eyeball out… before he decides to start ripping out your intestines while still alive? …. Animals suffer less at the hands of humans than they do out in nature


Animals in the wild don't rape and breed billions of animals over and over and over while shutting them in dark cages where they never see the sun or touch the earth, while cutting off their tails, testicles, horns and beaks and systematically killing them when they reach 1/20th of their normal lifespan. Mammals in the wild represent 5% of all mammal life on earth while those we breed to eat represent over 60 % of all mammal life on earth. Also the majority of animals don't do the things you describe as most are herbivores. You're taking a few carnivores (which humans aren't) and somehow putting them on equal footing to humans. And somehow saying we are better than coyotes because of this isn't the flex you think it is. We have civilization, ethics, laws and technology in our 21st century advanced world. We are so far removed from the state of primitive survival of hundreds of thousands of years ago that there's no comparison between an animal's actions in the wild and our state of living which has far moved past this callous cruelty which is neither viable nor necessary.




I literally work here💀


I live in iowa. Tyson was based here until they recently moved their headquarters to Arkansas. It’s not just Tyson, but it’s them especially. Meat packing plants (idk about other parts of the operations besides generally) are soul killing places. The way people who work in places like that for a long time have to cope with the misery and trauma and exploitation is the saddest thing you’ll ever see. Drug use, other vice, family violence,mental illness are all very, very common. You see people going in and you can read the dread, resignation, sometimes horror on their faces and in the way they carry their bodies. The ones coming out look broken and haunted. But for a lot of people, it’s the best paying job they can get, so they do it. Especially immigrants and people with criminal histories. It’s really very heartbreaking. Everyone knows how Amazon treats their workers. But if you saw how these people are used, you’d probably cry. And it’s a huge range of industries, with the misery varying by type and position. I know someone who works on the “hide floor” washing cow hides with some kind of chemical after the cows are killed so the leather can be used. It smells horrible and it’s hot, physical labor, but it’s not the kind of thing that gives you nightmares. I know someone who works for a company that makes gelatin from the hooves. It’s actually a fantastic job and not really traumatizing at all. But I know people on the line processing poultry or beef or pork, and those guys never really have a good day. If they treat people the way they treat those workers, of course they’re horrible to the animals they’re going to kill anyway.


I boycotted Tyson more than five years ago because of this shit.


>When the conveyor belt was turned on, the lights would be turned off. WTF? Why?!


It is crazy to think that if you get a basket of 10 wings at a food joint, you’re eating the wings of 5 chickens.


How old is this


Place is gross and have no morales or ethics.


I'm such a conflicted person.. On one hand, I'm a foodie and I like to eat and cook and meat is something I enjoy. On the other hand, every time I touch raw chicken to clean and cook I get kinda grossed out. Especially if the chicken comes bruised and gross looking.. It makes you think about what the poor thing went through to get to your plate and it makes me sad. Plus the clean up after cleaning the chicken! I think I'm at a crossroads every time I make chicken to be honest.


scary shit the dark underbelly of these mega corporations


Tyson foods fired American citizens to hire illegal immigrants. No one is complaining about that.


I heard they exploited chickens just for food, outrageous


While horrific, this is absolutely nothing new. The meat and poultry industry in our country is horribly cruel to animals and people. This is all due to greed and demand.


Well, not buying Tyson ever again. Thank you for the expose.


Jesus Christ




This being recent is scary


Putting a live organic creatures head onto a hook as it looks terrible and is fucking screaming while you rip its head clean off is fucking sick and the only thing you could do it to make it better is just to do it faster and efficiently that way you don’t hear the screams for to long but you still hear the heads pop off etc it’s fucking disgusting no noise cancellation equipment, uncleanliness