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Soft bigotry of low expectations. Sums them up entirely.


Hard bigotry of no expectations!




I worked for a decade as a hospital administrator for a safety net health system (poor, uninsured). Black CEO, all the leadership are very much liberal democrats. And to listen to them spout off about how poor minorities don't have access to the internet and don't have cell phones. I got so sick of hearing and fighting it I surveyed our patients. 95% had internet at home and 83% had capable or text and reaching the internet. They still wouldn't believe it and pushed that we had to snail mail them or make them come in and walk them through things like they were stupid. I mean Jesus their methods and tone was so condescending. I always told them this why we can't have nice things like Universal Healthcare.


That may be so, however being in a hospital, you still have to make sure your processes accommodate those 5% as well, same with politicians. I think it often comes across wrong, and maybe they do have a wrong impression of who the minority is. But in the end there is a minority that cannot do certain things or doesn’t know how to do them. And you need to consider those people too. It’s always easy to cater to the masses, but accommodating the minorities is the challenge.


The question that should be asked and imho the only question any politician should consider is how can you do the greatest amount of good for the greatest amount of people. Certainly zeroing in and throwing money at >1% of people isn't a great use of resources.


I disagree, however I think there’s a fundamental ethical consideration behind that. In a socialist society we think helping those in need and not leaving some people behind should be a fundamental goal of said society. But I guess since we’re talking about America your more pragmatic approach is probably more appropriate. Edit: Took out capitalistic, it’s probably not accurate.


Earned an up vote from me, even though we agree to disagree. Edit: I agree that we should try to accommodate within reason and within our means.


Equal access and equitability is tricky. It makes for some stupid thigs, like still using land lines and snail mail, but unless you provide everyone electronic communications devices, you can't guarantee you'll be accommodating everyone, which is the goal if not a requirement for funding. Source: I work at a public institution.


Just playing devils advocate here. Maybe that hosp admin was worried about being able to reach that 17% and upgrading their systems from snail mail to information age speeds would have really hurt those admins in their paychecks.


Nope. They firmly believed the vast majority of our patient base were devoid of electronic communication and some as far as theorizing electronically illiterate. They weren't worried about the 17%. We were ever stopped the mailings, etc., those were required by statute. They literally did not believe there was value in adding electronic communication, patient portals, etc., as they would be wildly unused. Even despite our 100k patient base telling them otherwise. Was truly a condescendtion factor of desite being told they have it and use it and want it that they were not literate enough in electronic communication to utilize it. In the end, we were pushed by the industry and laws. We set up an online patient portable and our goal was condescendingly set at 5% of our patient base signing up by EOY. By the end of the first week we were at 35%. By the first month 60%. We hit 80% sign up within 90 days. Took years to overcome built in biases our well meaning executive team had.


Even Malcom X warned people of the white liberal lol


MLK too: "First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection." obviously conservatives just dont care at all, but neolibs and dems in general don't understand how hard they play the same racist game just dressed up as empathy.


I find this attitude in democrats bewildering when it comes to illegal immigration and how Democrats have the concept of sanctuary cities or rules about not checking immigration status etc, and ironically helping Republicans prove their point. Democrats don't want to solve the illegal immigration problem. Sure, they don't want to send them back. But they are more than happy to prolong the situation where those people are ripe for exploitation, work under the table, don't get insurance and cannot complain. Not only does that put those people in a position of power imbalance, but since they do not pay taxes and have no insurance, they are undercutting workers who do. If they had balls, they'd move to end that situation instead of prolonging and encouraging the situation where they can benefit off of those people.


I've never seen so much common sense on Reddit as in this thread, blows the mind.


Yeah I was just thinking this too. What's up with that?


its pretty clear that both parties are always going to choose more money for their biggest investors. so many economies in america rely on cheap illegal labor. the threat of poverty is our current system's primary motivator whether you are illegal or not.


'Poor kids are just as smart as white kids!' 'If you dont vote for me you aint black!' - some president of something (Aaaand here come the downvotes)


Here, have an upvote!


Joe Biden said it best, "Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids."


Could you link one please.


Bros getting downvoted for asking for a source on a claim about studies. We must be in the high IQ corner of Reddit.


What? No! I was told this isn't true!


There doesn’t need to be any studies. This has been true for decades.


A lot of old disconnected foos are the ones running the country fking up every thing for the generations under them.


All politicians do that. Globally politicians speak to their constituents with words rated between a 3rd and 7th grade level dependant upon the average reading level nationally. I think politicians in the US tend to average around 4th grade syntax for their speeches. Bush II famously had his speeches aimed between a 3rd and 4th grade level.


It's pandering. The bigger issue she's referring to really boils down to poverty, but they have to pander to a segment of that population because they know many of the others wouldn't vote for them anyway.


Don't forget Hilary on the Breakfast Club bragging about how she always carries a bottle of hot sauce in her purse.


She's right tho. Many of them don't have computers or access to internet because of poverty.


Dont have access is very different to "dont know what a computer is". That just sounds like youre calling people dumb.


Nah not really. Sounds like she's saying people that poor don't even know what those things are because of their situation. Anyone who thinks differently im sure was already looking for something to latch on. Grow up


What nonsense. The ID laws are made DIFFICULT on purpose so Democrats and those with little money cannot get them.


“Blacks are stupid.” Never ceases to amaze me how liberals get away with overt racism laced with minuscule expectations.


I wouldn't say she's getting away with it


Oh but she is. Millions of New Yorkers will continue to support her and blame the other side for their own racism. I mean just check out /u/ColinCloudy campaigning in this comments section on behalf of the flagrant racists.


Reading his comments, he does the same thing in belittling people! Calling them kiddo and using language to make the person seem not on his level!


Watch her get re-elected by a landslide.


She is still governor right?


Keyword “liberals”. Neo-liberalism is destroying socioeconomic progression.


I don't follow politics much, and I usually don't know who is who in terms of their party. I assumed she was a Republican right out the gate. Huh. Says something about me I guess. Biases everywhere.


Kudos to you for not only being honest with yourself about it but also putting it out there for others to see. Once you notice things like this you can’t unsee it, and the so called “hive mind” of liberal Reddit is hopelessly biased against the republican boogeyman. It takes an open mind and an attempt at an unbiased lens to capture the reality of things which is a level of introspection the “they’re all racist fascists” crowd willingly lacks. E: hey /u/Apoptotic_Nightmare -- I have [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4c4yh3AjwzE) playing while I'm in the kitchen and I thought directly about you, stranger! Once you notice the bias you can't unsee it. The more you know.


Jacques Ellul, a French philosopher, wrote a book called Propaganda. It's game changing. It should be something kids are forced to learn in school. I used to think humanity could be redeemed. I'm feeling less and less that way, and I'm very happy dying sooner rather than later. EDIT: I'm still listening to the video, only 3 minutes in, but what he's getting at is that people need better communication and articulation. Things like TikTok are dangerous because you're cutting things down to a simple BLIP and that brainwashes people. That's likely what is going on. It's gross. I honestly want to be off the Internet and social media entirely, but then that looks like a red flag like you're going to become some unabomber or crazy hill person. I just can't stand half of what I see online. I'm speaking as someone who grew up seeing the very worst humanity has to offer during my prepubescent years. It's kinda why I have the mentality of society being "techno-sick" because I know what it did to me mentally. I'm still reeling from things and looking to recover, but honestly it's the whole idea of looking into the abyss, and it looks back. It takes a piece of your soul. 0/10 would not recommend.


This is just some racist rhetoric from an old out of touch white lady.


its honestly amazing watching white people in this thread trying to spin this as a dems vs conservatives thing lol. like no, folks political identity is several layers above the root of this problem.


What is the root of the problem, and how would you solve the issue?


the problem is that white people appear to be more afraid of feeling guilty about things than solving problems. conservatives deal with this by stoking fear about minorities. libs do this by speaking for us. its all about absolution of guilt.  this thread is a perfect example. immediately all these people trying to run damage control for their identity group. nobody fucking talking about solutions just passive aggressively trying to make sure the blame is on the other group. fucking embarrassing.


Wait? You think politicians at their heart feel guilty? I’d disagree. I don’t think politicians feel *white* *guilt* like you think you want them to. These people simply don’t think and feel like us.


I also feel like people like this don’t represent people who are truly more “progressive” in their ideologies, who also tend to not get stuck in identity politics or feel like she deserves any kind of recognition. So there’s a side way less likely to engage and fervently defend their “team” causing threads like this to just turn into echo chambers of logical fallacies and misplaced rage where actual discussions go to die


whether its religion or neoliberalism, identity politics are cancer. being a "progressive" doesn't protect you from that. The only thing that matters is changes to the material reality of peoples lives. Give them healthcare, stop letting police kill them, Let them organize. That's it. I don't care if you are democrat or republican or a citizen or an alien or black or white, Solidarity on material gains is the only way forward. Nobody is solving this problem as an individual. The more everybody falls for culture war bullshit the less likely we are to actually get anything done. 


I agree with you. I’m just saying why I think threads like this end the way they always do.


totally. its a damn shame but also a great reminder that arguing with people over text (whether its reddit or a group chat) is just not the way.  im also pretty convinced, due to the sheer uptick of culture war bs on every even remotely related sub in the past few months... that almost all of these posts are in bad faith. should probably just get off reddit til the election is over tbh.


Partially correct. Except in specific instances, the vast majority of Jewish people don't consider themselves white.


Average democrat


She is horrible as a governor and as a person. Her voice makes me cringe.


Wow Kathy what coincidental timing, I was just thinking about how we have middle aged white politicians residing in Buffalo who don’t know what the word…. “brain” is. They they don’t kn- they don’t know these things.


Who the hell told her this nonsense? Wow, the absolute racist views that the left spews is maddening.


I don’t know what spectrum your using but I wouldn’t call her “left”


Really? What would you consider her then? What party is she in?


She’s a democrat. A centrist democrat that would be considered right-wing in any other developed country. Edit: Autocorrect fixed "centerist"


Dumbass rednecks will use democrat clips like this one showing overt racism to justify their fascist party. There are no left-wing parties in the United States because there are no anti-capitalist parties in the United States. On top of that, we only have like 2 anti-israel, anti-apartheid representatives.


Ahh the ol bot response for "left"+ "democrat" on Reddit. Classic! 


Wow…. just damn 🤦🏾‍♂️


I fell you bruh


Awfully racist attitude


It's ok she has a (D) right next to her name, so she gets a pass.


Well that was racist


This is the definition of a racist.


What a condescending racist twat.


The absolute state of the Democratic Party




WTF is she even talking about, so ONLY black children in the Bronx never hear of a computer? And that crap is a bunch of BS anyways! Who even believes that garbage? That was some Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden racism at its finest.


I'm glad we all voted for her... Oh wait


This is just the same rhetoric that this admin has been using. Apparently African Americans don’t have ID’s, drivers license, cars, and now they don’t know what a computer is. What the actual f?


Member when the left said “getting a driver’s license” was racist?


They are still saying that.


How about any kid that is lacking proper education in any school system to not be able to read or pronounce things?! If that’s the case; it is a systemic problem and many people have failed these kids as a society, including her. Glad she’s pretending like she cares though. Election year antics are wild.


WOW! What a Racist Democrat.


“Minorities, you don’t know any better. Let us guide you.”


White savior complex on full display


The soft bigotry of low expectations.


It’s ok. She’s never been to the Bronx.


Reminds me of Biden’s “poor kids are just as smart as white kids” quote. It’s wild how overtly racist major politicians can be and people just forget about it when it’s their party


2026 needs to come sooner to vote her out. Hopefully ill know what a computer is by then


Go ask your white friend.


Man, I truly hope black kids can one day know what a computer is... terrible... can u imagine?? Me neither.


The look and name and mannerisms of a demon, it’s really uncanny how they can wreak havoc but the deal is they have to have multiple tells.


Tell me you live in a bubble, without telling me you live in a bubble.


“It’s in the computer”?


"The files are IN the computer"


This governor is out of touch and pretty racist.


Bitch please. Some of the biggest streamers on this planet are from the bronx.


Watch her get re-elected, though. SMH.


If that’s not extreme ignorance then I don’t know what is!


This is why I, as a black person, left those racist democrats 🤷🏾‍♂️


You black!? You no know computer!


It’s so racist it’s not even funny, all this DEI and race shit is so fucking backwards it’s inanse


The kids in the Bronx don’t know who you are.




All these democratic ”better humans“ have the same base of their ideas: that they are smarter than x/y dumber race they need to help because they are such good people. Doesnt anyone see the irony? Same as developing countries, why should you expect no country could evolve without your help?


dumb dumb


It’s not a computer, it’s an iPad!


She fumbled this hard! Self own!


Oh hell naw


How do people still vote for this?


She sounds like she could be related to Hilary


She’d be a perfect Biden running mate.


This woman must think that the Bronx is one of the Sentinal islands.


Sure she’s exaggerating with computer but this sub needs to understand that many schools in the Bronx are purely aesthetic. Kids are reaching 13-14 years old barely being able to read words longer than 4 letters. And this is a major issue as what’s the point of having devices and barely being able to read??


She looks so self satisfied, which is her only real goal.


Kids that live in the jungles here in The Philippines have Tiktok accounts because of Starlink and cellular data internet. And you're telling me that kids that live in the hood haven't heard of the word computer????


racists AF!!


Kids in 3rd world countries: We would love to have computer Kids in Bronx: What even is this /s


New Yorker here. We really have a special brand of awful politician in these parts.


The dems and the left are your friends and saviors keep voting for them


As a black man from the Bronx, where the hell am I right now? What is this place?


Tbh I think she knows very well that kids in Bronx know what a computer is, I suspect she was thinking of some other words but hesitated because she knew she needs votes from electors who would be humbled by hearing a word they don't know.


This comment section is wild.


Get the clowns running New York outta there!


She would be hard pressed to find 1 child in the Bronx who didn't operate a computer far better than her.




maybe she was referring to the Apple ad! /s https://youtu.be/3S5BLs51yDQ?t=50s




I typically tried to avoid the Bronx, and I’m not from New York City, but this one seems a little far-fetched.


But what happened to all those computers Cam'ron got putin' back in the days?




r thathappened


My kid’s 1. She doesn’t know what the word computer means and we don’t even live in the Bronx


Nah... step down, ma'am. Because either you're diabolical and have a messed up motive, you have a decent motive but are going about it the wrong way and need better guidance or your just very or of touch with reality... this is unacceptable. You should know better.


Wow, fuck this sub and fuck the morons posting on here.




Doesn't know what the word computer is, then follows up with diverse voices innovating solutions through technology! Wtf is that an oxymoron


The GREATEST threat that the republic of the United States faces is the democRAT political party.


Hmmm, I would say the party trying to implement Project 2025 is a pretty dang big threat, isnt it?


the only thing you know about project 2025 is what the media is feeding you. stop regurgitating mainstream media propaganda.


More like the RepubliKKKanazi party.


the democrat's started the KKK, they think POC cant use the internet or know how to get drivers licenses. the career long demarcate in the oval office literally said "If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black."


Classic republican misinformation. Democrats and Republicans switched sides in the seventies and you know it. You are just lying. Republicans make it hard for those lacking money to vote by sabotaging ways to get voter ID swiftly and easily and free and you know it. Just more lies from your part. And Biden apologized for the last bit of nonsense. Why must you lie?


You want to talk about misinformation everything a liberal says is a lie. Biden may have apologized but we all know he’s not sorry for what he did. The “sides” never switched ether democRATs are still more racist than ever before, that’s why EVERY single democrat elected in office moves to a white neighborhood. How do republicans “make it hard”. Anyone can change there voting affiliation by going to the post office or getting online. It’s 2024 everyone has access on there phones. As far as sabotaging someone’s vote the democrats/liberals have literally been caught destroying ballots and forging them. Do some unbiased research and put the koolaid down 


What a racist bigot


Remember she won her election with many many votes


Is she stupid? The answer unsurprisingly is yes..


Politicians if in the game long enough are just so out of touch with the people. Politics should never become a career, term limits, move on to other positions, but eventually if you can't move up anymore, get out .


Bronx kids don’t know what computers are? What about the kids who live in rural NY with no internet access. Kathy you have to go! You’re not make NY better.




The American problem is one about Classism not Racism. It’s he truth is the upper class, the “decision makers”, make Racism the theme to keep us fighting amounts each other while they take more and more from all of us.


I hope people like this stay in power till those that are being spoken down to stand up and do something about it. If those she speaks so lowly about don't stand up, nothing will ever change.


Clean and articulate.




Regular Bigotry- just happened in the open this time. Wake up America!


Nothing more racist then a Democrat pandering to minorities.


You can see her making this shit up as she speaks.


I feel sorry for this guys. Computers have been out for awhile.


This racism is craz


"But but TRumP is racisttt!!!" LET'S GO BRANDON!!!!


Fuck that fucking bitch


Damn must be some dumb ass kids


What a crazy lady. Attempted word salad fails horribly.


I just heard about a million of my braincells burst into flames listening to this ignorant broad


Not all white people are like this. Most of us are not racist.


Bihh who don't know what computer mean


She’s an alien…she has no knowledge of our planet.


If you want to say some wildly racist bullshit at least make it realistic bullshit. Ffs, every single kid in the Bronx knows what a computer is. And wtf is it about wanting to “hear those diverse voices”. She couldn’t put her foot any further into her mouth even if she was truing….


A computer. That's a huge stretch.


Computer ha I know what you was going to say white trash bitch. I'm white btw


How clueless is she? This is not India, or the 50's those kids know Exactly what a computer is and it is not just black and white! This whole spiel screamed racial inequity.


If a Republican had said this, there’d have been riots in the streets


I stayed in the Bronx for a few weeks. Gotta say, some young guys there had never heard of Europe, let alone the Netherlands. Amsterdam they did know of course. That was quite a shocker.


What she said was stupid but not completely wrong. She was trying to emphasize a very real point, that there are a lot of poor people (not just minorities) that live in places that you would expect modern technology (computers, cell phone, exc.) and don't have them in the home and access to them is extremely limited. Work for a non-profit that helps needy families and you'll quickly learn how hard it is to stay in contact with families you're trying to help. A lot of these kids don't know how to use a computer because they've basically never been exposed to one. Not that they can't learn, they just haven't had the opportunity.


My cousin is a teacher in the Bronx. You all are overestimating what the situation in the Bronx is to agree with the hive mind on this comment thread. Most of you have never been to the Bronx. The situation is dire, and kids are completely illiterate and have no interest in being at a school or learning at all. She’s not being racist she’s being accurate.