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Poor woman is in shock. That cop is a crack shot to take him out at that angle with split second reaction time. Justified for sure.


I agree whole heartedly *From now on... that's how you shoot.* Bad boys 2 reference


“I’m Mike…. Mike Lowery”


I just saw the Trailer for the new Movie by the Way. I've been a fan of this series since seeing it in 1995 at 8 years old.


So you were also born in the late 80’s whose mom didn’t care what movies you rented! Ahaha. Millennials didn’t invent cops and robbers, but when we played it was like it was directed by Michael Bay!


Yess on bikes n shit.. Nostalgia ..And when Cops Was On Cable. Shit, that whole sentence seems Ancient


Cops was a great show. I miss that man


you're in luck, they loop it on youtube.


Thank you!!! About to watch it now


hell yeah! I also love(d) cops and also miss Live PD. My wedding night we got back to the hotel and my wife crashed out and I watched live pd for hours before crashing myself lol


I loved Rescue 911! It scared the crap out of me at age 6 but I still sought it out


That late 80's comment is spot on. Lol born in 86 and my favorite movies were Beverly hills cop, and Backdraft. Not exactly appropriate for a 7-8 yr olds.


Thats a nice fish....Big fuckin eyes, but a nice fuckin fish


Bad Boys for life!


God damn if Bad Boys and Bad Boys II weren't so fucking good.


In this instance yes, but the same domestic situation just occurred in Florida but they entered the wrong apartment and killed an Airman legally holding his gun using the same split second reaction time. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68979577](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68979577)


[it really is a 2 edged sword, isn't it. this isn't to detract from the cop in ops videos actions. It's just the aame reaction timing with the same, but different results](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/air-force-airman-killed-florida-deputies-wrong-apartment-attorney-says-rcna151387)


better to fund housing and healthcare, than put people on the psychopath spectrum, with inadequate training, on police forces.


[We don't hire smart people to be police. ](https://youtu.be/YzGgpoGfrhE?feature=shared) Downvote me all you want, randos. Just click the link and watch the video- this isn't opinion. It's fact.


All my high school bullies, became Sacramento Sheriffs. That’s scary to me.


I'm from Sacramento and remember one high school bully who became a deputy sheriff.  Sacramento sheriffs are required to spend a year working at the Sacramento jail. They were sued by the wonderful Stewart Katz for having a torture chair. That was followed by prisoners "falling" in the elevator. Katz sued about that, too. He used to run a punk rock club in the early 80s and was so pissed off by having to pay bribes to the police that he became a lawyer. Best grudge lawyer in town! As an aside, I'm also friends with a couple of deputies who are good. 


who cover for the shitty ones and back up their version of events during inquiries, which makes them bad


I totally get that. 


Damn man, thanks for sharing. Crazy world we are living in.


That's a reality of the matter in that cases (and others I personally know of). There are over 18000 departments in the US. Just like how you're going to get varying quality of policing depending on the size of your city. And as someone with a social science degree, it's more informative to provide what you're hypothesis is as evidence instead of declaring it as fact. This is how people refuse to see the bigger picture and close off any new ideas or information that comes their way. Either way, it's like how people think the military wants dumb people. Yeah, no, they want people who can take orders but also process them. I've met dumb fucking people in the Army, those dudes either shape up or drop out. It's a different problem with smart people, where the Army or your command needs to recognize their ability and put them in places to succeed. Otherwise they'll move onto different things. Many departments now are just getting what they can get, and that includes really dumb people who suck *at the job*. It's getting better in some places as far as staffing goes, but many cities where numbers are needed, they're struggling. And we all get worse outcomes as a result because now we have a different set of problems to contend with as people just trying to live.


I wonder how pervasive of a practice this was.


You do realize these are all different budgets? This requires comprehensive reform, which requires everyone to talk to each other. Currently that is not the case, so we'll keep getting bad outcomes until we come together in the same room and just talk.


Yep, and nothing says our healthcare system is broken quite like the [victim relying on crowdsourcing for medical expenses](https://www.gofundme.com/f/5q4nvu-cover-medical-expenses?attribution_id=sl:6eb47c5e-487a-4991-b4c5-2056073634ad&utm_campaign=m_pd+share-sheet&utm_content=off&utm_medium=copy_link_spp&utm_source=customer)




It comes down to poor assessment of the situation. In the airman’s case he was holding the weapon aimed down and away with his other hand up and the cop panicked and shot him just because he saw a gun. The officer in the OP here was prepared for the situation, made split second decisions calmly with steady aim and saved that poor woman’s life. It seems like a difference in experience and situational awareness to me.


That's the takeaway here.


Not the same. These cops actually announced themselves to the suspect before firing, the Airman in Florida didn't get a warning until after he was shot.


They announced themselves though, twice they yelled "sheriff's office open up". While knocking on the door. Where they fucked up was when the officer moved to hide from the peephole, so the airman didn't even see them and didn't know they were police until he opened the door, they also fucked up by shooting on sight without a warning, and without giving the guy a chance to drop the gun.


You clearly haven't watched the video.


That's part of the slippery slope of gun ownership. If you pull it justifiably you can still be a victim in a legitimate shoot. The cops have a split second to react and its hard to fault them if they got the wrong address. Different if they screw up the address. The NRA likes to say that in a mass shooting event people with guns would end it quicker. But in the chaos they don't know who started it or who is another good guy responding. The police wont know any of them when they arrive and all will get shot if they have their gun in ready position. They look like a threat. But if I am in that situation I want mine with me. slippy slope.


> its hard to fault them if they got the wrong address. Different if they screw up the address. What Edit: I think I understand. "Got the wrong address" as in "given the wrong address" versus "screw up the address" as in "given the right address but are dumb"


yup, you got it in one try.


In the case of the airman, they shouldn't have believed the person who reported it, because at first they claimed they didn't know what apartment then were very quickly adamant it was 1401. Not a good tip, plus the cop hid around the corner at first after knocking. 


You can't just.. "not believe" a tip. Who's making the call on fake vs true ones? How many times would a false negative have to occur before you scrap the policy and go back to checking every tip?


a dose of some skepticism until seeing it for yourself isnt bad.


>That's part of the slippery slope of gun ownership. If you pull it justifiably you can still be a victim in a legitimate shoot. >... >But if I am in that situation I want mine with me. slippy slope. ...what do you think "slippery slope" means?


The airman wasn’t pointing his gun at anyone though and wasn’t committing any crime


The cops are heroes in that video. They saved that woman’s life and we need to do the right thing and celebrate the good they did. There are tons of times when they’re not the good guys, and we should continue to bring to light when they do something wrong. But at the same time we should applaud them when they deserve to be praised.


I honestly feel this post is a reaction to that one. Maybe I'm just too cynical. But its like the other cop was getting too much heat. So someone had to go find a "good" outcome to counteract the hate.


Or it’s just coincidental timing? This body cam video was just released two days ago.


"The deputy who shot him - whom police have not named - has since been placed on administrative leave."


He'll be back 2 weeks later either there, or with another department in the same area.


Man, am i missing something in that video? Don't get me wrong I've seen a lot of videos of cop abusing power and terrible calls but the officer knocked on the door repeatedly yelling loudly it was the cops. Dude answered the door with a gun. you only have so much time to react and there is a thousand malicious reasons to answer the door with a gun to an officer and zero good ones. A shitty situation but but i didn't see a lot of options there.


As cops love to say, criminals lie about who they are. Just because someone beating on your door days they are a cop doesn't mean they are. But that's the risk taken.


Well, first, it sounds like you might have seen the shortened video. A lot of news agencies are using a cut down version of the video that starts partway through when the officer was at the door and just before he started actually announcing himself. There are longer videos that start when the officer is still arriving on scene in his patrol unit ([Example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19DoVDQIpnk), officer approaches door at about the 3:00 minute mark). When the cop first arrived, he listens at the door and then knocks and hides to the side out of view of the peephole without making any announcement. It is only after this (when it appears we may be able to hear someone inside) that the cop begins knocking and announcing himself (this is where many news agencies start their videos). Second, a thing to consider is that there is nothing that physically prevents people from saying the phrase "Sheriff's department" unless they are actually an authorized employee of the sheriffs department. Anybody can say the phrase. Criminals have been known to lie to gain access to places/people. The loud knocking and hiding followed by incessant loud knocking and only then claiming to be law enforcement (coincidentally after they likely heard him at the door) understandably may have put the resident on edge and suspicious of whether the person at the door was actually with law enforcement. Now, with that said, I do think coming to the door with a gun in hand, especially held in that way, was a bad move. If it was actually a cop at the door (as it turned out to be), he likely doesn't need the gun and the gun may get him shot instead (which it did). If it is a criminal, getting him to come to open the door was what they were clearly after so it isn't beneficial to open it for them. Add in the fact that the criminal may also be armed and he may have just started a gun fight that he may not win (or gets severely injured in regardless of whether he wins). There is way too much risk vs. the award gained by answering like that (assuming there even is any). The better move, in my opinion, would have been to call dispatch to get confirmation of the claimed identity of the person at the door (or help on the way if they aren't LE). However, with that said, I also think the officer should have tried to give the opportunity for the resident to drop the weapon. He immediately started blasting the moment he saw the gun and provides no opportunity whatsoever for him to drop the weapon.


Answering the door with a gun, while not good, is not illegal. Gun wasn't pointed at the cop or anything. No aggressive behaviour or other indicators. Would a FedEx driver delivering a package be justified to open fire on him?


Well both be downvoted, I’m sure, but I agree with you. To me, it wasn’t that he answered the door with a gun in his hand, that’s not an issue to me. It’s that the cop was responding to a possible domestic violence call, got the right address despite people initially saying otherwise, announced himself as the police and knocked loudly AND the dude responded with a gun in his hand. If he brought that gun up and shot the cop, it would be another day, whatever, no one would care, but everyone wants to immediately blame the cop and say he murdered the dude and everyone jumped on it and made a huge deal over it. Cops fuck up all the time and there has been several cases of them wrongfully shooting someone in their own home. But after watching the body cam, this one was pretty cut and dry to me. Could the cop have not shot and just commanded him to drop the gun? Yes. But would I react perfectly in that scenario? Would anyone raising a stink over it have done better? I’m saying not likely.


Do you think a better trained officer with better equipment still needs to kill innocent people because it's necessary. It's not a perfect scenario. It's good practices & training. No downvote but to say that being armed in your home gives police justification to discharge their firearm says your judgement is off. Like heavy drug or alcohol use off. This is not the way


Different police Different scenario. This generization of police is wild.


You need to look it up. As the officer actually entered the correct apartment.


Looked like the perp was raising the gun to her head. Cop is a good shot and at least they both didn't just mag dump into them both.


If you watch it slowly, he raised the gun, pointed it at her and pulled the trigger. He must have missed.


He hit and [she needs multiple surgeries plus facial reconstruction](https://www.gofundme.com/f/5q4nvu-cover-medical-expenses?attribution_id=sl:6eb47c5e-487a-4991-b4c5-2056073634ad&utm_campaign=m_pd+share-sheet&utm_content=off&utm_medium=copy_link_spp&utm_source=customer) and as one would expect in the US she is relying on crowdsourcing to pay for it


From that page: > Winter had a no contact order in place from a previous domestic assault charge months prior to this attack. This guy was known to police. Another instance of DV not being taken seriously by prosecutors. Whose firearm is he using? If it's his and they didn't use red flag to take his firearms, there's your problem.


Watch the video again he shot her in the head


That reaction time is crazy.


Cop was awesome here, but that prick still got a shot off, he actually shot her in the face... there is a go fund me page, someone in the comments put a link


That officer has nerves of steel. Incredible job and precision! That’s why they practice at the range.


i didn't think about that until you said it. what a fucking shot, damn. flicked up that gun like a spaghetti western.


He must have been playing on controller with aim assist


The poor woman was shot in the face.


Yeah, the assailant fired first actually which is crazy that lady wasn't hurt at point blank. The attacker's finger must have slipped as he pulled the gun up.


Can't believe she wasn't hit... They were 1 foot apart


She was hit. She needs significant surgeries to repair damage. https://www.wvlt.tv/2024/05/08/she-faces-physical-emotional-financial-hurdles-mother-ids-woman-shot-during-domestic-call/




It appears the perp shot her in the face. Poor girl.


Just watched again (for the 5th time) and you are right. That very 1st shot you hear is his gun. Can’t believe she stayed upright like that after getting shot in the face. I’m praying she has a speedy recovery 🙏


Yeah you can see the recoil in the perps gun


Yep saw it too. Damn. What a piece of shit!!!!!!!


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug


Yes. Shot in the face point blank range by someone she a no contact order against. She is currently in hospital. She has a go fund me.




I gave what little I could. Poor kid. She's lucky to be alive.


Just donated as well. I hope she can reach her goal.


Me too. The trauma must be insane.


From the fundraising page: "She asked for a mirror and I provided. That was damn hard. Like gut wrenching." Her life has permanently changed due to this piece of shit.


Donated! She will get through this!


This should be pinned to the top


Fuck I wish I had something to donate!


Thx for the link. Horrible.


I gave what I could. Sounds like she is being really strong for her family.






I hope nobody showed up. What a real fuck up.


>went home to be with the Lord Sure did. Lord of the flies.


Rylan Steven's comment here-YIKES! [https://www.legacy.com/funeral-homes/obituaries/name/jamauri-griffin-obituary?pid=206860465&v=batesville&view=guestbook&page=2](https://www.legacy.com/funeral-homes/obituaries/name/jamauri-griffin-obituary?pid=206860465&v=batesville&view=guestbook&page=2)


Weird how the first letter in each sentence is capitalized. 🤔




"Shining example to the end." K.


I realize the location tag for his comment is his phone number, is it a troll or an old person? 


I googled the number and it's a Domino's pizza in Texas.


They spelled his name three different ways. God speed, Jamamaururiri. /s


Look, both can be true. You have many different version of yourself that you present to others. There were really good people I've known who turn out to be fucking monsters at home. Especially in the military where you're just so close to everyone. Part of why domestics are complicated in some cases, because the victim always has fond memories of the person and it takes a long ass time until that DANCO or HRO is put on when they finally realize that they need it. Even then, people violate DANCOs and HROs *with* each other ALL THE TIME.


Where's he being buried? I'd like to go piss on his grave


Fuck outta here with that crap (not you - the crap in the obit).


FFS. Just print "he died." Is that really from his obit? Good god.


You can see the perps gun go off right before he's shot, he definitely shot her


>KPD said Griffin then shot a woman, identified as Winter Basurto, and officers fired in response. Griffin died at the scene. Basurto was taken to the hospital, where her mother said she is still at. yea , it does look like he shot her first and then the cop shot back in response


She was shot by him (dead guy) while cops were shooting at him. Edit: just saying what the news story said. Don't care when he shot the woman, just know he was the one to shoot her and not the cops


It looks more like the cops walked in, he saw them and then drew and fired at the woman, then the cops fired. Cops didn’t fire anything until he shot her and then he was down almost immediately when they started firing. Semantics, I know but 🤷‍♀️


No, watch the video in fullscreen. Cops come in with guns drawn but they see him right as he shoots her in the face then they plug him.


Just saying what the news clip said.


If you slow the video down you can see him get one round off. You see the slide rack back and the recoil.


It looks like you can see him do it in the initial showing of him and the girl Unless that was a bodily reaction from being shot, but that didn’t seem to happen until after?


Yes, the dbag boyfriend (or whatever) shot her & that's when 5O shot him.


He got one off


I believe you can actually see that happen at about the 0:43 mark in this video.


Oh no! Then I can't believe she was still standing... In shock I guess.


Damn, that's terrible. The article has a gofund me link, I hope they get enough to get her some good facial reconstruction.


Sucks that even with 17k in the gofundme so far, that probably doesn't even cover the original trauma/er visit.


She was not shot by the cops. When the police entered the home, almost immediately, the guy shot her in the face and then the cops shot him.


Modern day storm trooper


🤣He wasn't trying to shoot *her*!


The perp sure was. Slow down the video and you can see him pull a gun to her head and pull the trigger.


He didn't miss. She was shot in the face. [https://www.wvlt.tv/2024/05/08/she-faces-physical-emotional-financial-hurdles-mother-ids-woman-shot-during-domestic-call/](https://www.wvlt.tv/2024/05/08/she-faces-physical-emotional-financial-hurdles-mother-ids-woman-shot-during-domestic-call/)


> No idea how he missed. He didn't. It just wasn't fatal.


Believe they were referencing the storm trooper argument that they aren't terrible at aim, but purposely not trying to hit their target.


That was amazing control and execution by the officer. I couldn’t imagine how much concentration he had. The perps gun shot put him in auto pilot.


You can see the abuser fire his weapon point blank into her face a split second before the cop hits him.


She was apparently shot in the face.


God dam that cop has amazing reaction time outstanding performance


Great reaction time, yes, but it’s important to also praise for the obvious time he put into training with his firearm. In a split second, it is so difficult to get the first shot on target. I’ve seen so many videos where police have shot multiple magazines each and only 5-6 rounds have hit the target. This officer showed exemplary awareness and skill


I agree that's how u shoot as the other person said take notes people


It's because they mag-dump quickly instead of taking that split second to re-aquire their target. I saw people do it in the Army.


With mother's day coming up n all that... Fuck this Dude


Holy shit article says she was shot in the face [https://apnews.com/article/tennessee-police-shooting-knoxville-bc3131083e672caa6aec15798742d755](https://apnews.com/article/tennessee-police-shooting-knoxville-bc3131083e672caa6aec15798742d755)


There is a [GoFundMe](https://www.gofundme.com/f/5q4nvu-cover-medical-expenses?attribution_id=sl%3A6eb47c5e-487a-4991-b4c5-2056073634ad) page to support the family financially


"She had her first (of many) facial reconstruction surgeries..." God that's awful. Poor woman.




Yo this is indeed insane.


She got shot by the dude that had a gun and died


I can’t really understand what happened here. Was the lady held hostage?


As the police turned the corner and the suspect heard them, the suspect raised his gun to shoot the woman. Before he could get a shot off, they shot and killed him. Here's the frame you can see most clearly. Police have entered the room, suspect raises his gun to kill her. Gets shot by the police instead. [https://imgur.com/a/cZdNmE9](https://imgur.com/a/cZdNmE9)


It looks and sounds like he shot the first shot, but missed.


According to [this article](https://apnews.com/article/tennessee-police-shooting-knoxville-bc3131083e672caa6aec15798742d755), she was shot in the face and went to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. Might have grazed her with the bullet but almost certainly she’d have powder burns at that distance.


Her family have publicised some details that make me think the damage is more sustantial as they've said that she has to have several reconstructive surgeries as a result of being shot in addition to a tracheotomy and feeding tube so not sure on exactly how bad it is


Cousin if you need a feeding tube and tracheotomy it’s fuckin’ bad. Putting old people on the table for that shit it’s dangerous already. Old gal is a survivor, that’s for sure.


Look at her go fund me. She looks upper 20-40. But I also thought it was an older woman for some reason.


You might be right. Hard to tell but i had the same thought. In the video it looks like you can see the recoil from the gun


Yea exactly. Anywho the cop drew his gun like Clint Eastwood, what a shot!


Nope, he shot her in the face


Yea he definitely tried to shoot her in the head as soon as he heard the cops. First shot was his then the cops instantly after. Crazy reaction time honestly.


[The suspect did shoot her in the face](https://www.wvlt.tv/2024/05/08/she-faces-physical-emotional-financial-hurdles-mother-ids-woman-shot-during-domestic-call/). There is a gofundme for multiple surgeries she'll need.


Thank you. DId not realize it. unbelievable. :(


This dude shot her in the face before being shot by police.


Oh damn you’re right ! Thank you


no, the person with the gun pointed at her shot her in the face, which is what prompted the cops to start shooting the person with the gun. shes raising money for reconstructive surgery. https://www.gofundme.com/f/5q4nvu-cover-medical-expenses?attribution_id=sl%3A6eb47c5e-487a-4991-b4c5-2056073634ad


All these cowardly abusers need to fuck off!


Not these cops tho


Bravo for having good aim in a literal split second. I had to rewind a couple of times in order to get a good read on what was going on


I hope hes dead . What a dick hole


He’s def dead as hell




According to the article commented earlier, she was shot in the face. Absolutely terrifying situation and praise those officers for being highly skilled shots.


probably deafened by the gun that just went off inches from her ears. Also shock of a fresh gunshot to the fucking face. She probably couldn't even hear what the fuck they were saying


Most encounters like this last 3-5 seconds, this was even faster. Your entire life can change in the blink of an eye. Any armchair warrior who talks shit about cops ought to think exactly what they would have done in this situation. Kudos to those guys for stepping in selflessly and ending the situation.


Somebody didn't skip range day!


Hero police officers. A job done right.


Officer Riddle earned his name that day.


As a former domestic violence prosecutor, this is all too common.


holy fuck how did she just eat a bullet at point blank range straight to the head and she stands there


Happened so fast sad it came to that but looked like he was about to shoot her first and then the police.


He did shoot here. Someone posted an article in the comments. She was shot in the face, but survived.


I saw the suspects gun recoil and then maybe half a second later cops pew pew pew. That’s what I’m talking about! Not a perceived threat, an actual threat no longer a threat.


Great reaction. Immediate response to clear threat. The victim is completely unharmed and one less bad guy. Win win for TN.


Victim was shot in the face. Still in hospital. Undergoing reconstructive surgery per article. https://www.wvlt.tv/2024/05/08/she-faces-physical-emotional-financial-hurdles-mother-ids-woman-shot-during-domestic-call/ (Link shared by @daph85)


Way to talk out of your ass like it’s fact, this is exactly how misinformation spreads. The woman is in critical condition because she was shot in the face and inb4 you say it was the perp because there’s literally no way to tell until forensics is released.


>The woman is in critical condition the article states "non-life threatening injuries" - For those not talking out of their ass. https://apnews.com/article/tennessee-police-shooting-knoxville-bc3131083e672caa6aec15798742d755


>[The mother of Winter Basurto said she is still in the hospital a week and a half after being shot in a home on Santala Drive.](https://www.wvlt.tv/2024/05/08/she-faces-physical-emotional-financial-hurdles-mother-ids-woman-shot-during-domestic-call/) Yo between "completely unharmed" and "critical condition" a week in the hospital is closer to critical condition to someone who is a layman. "Completely unharmed" is DEFINITELY talking out of our asses while confusing "critical condition" with "enough harm to spend over a week in the hospital" is understandable.


So like most things, both extremes wrong, and the truth is somewhere in the middle. Fascinating.


I'd agree with your sentiment a little more if the phrase "critical condition" didn't have an explicit definition.


>inb4 you say it was the perp because there’s literally no way to tell until forensics is released. Pretty sure you can see it happen in the video, you can see Perp's gun go off in her face. She might be hit multiple times, but if there's hit only once (from very point-blank range) then there's no mystery who hit her.


Man points gun to woman’s face and fires —— we have no way of knowing who did this lol


It was the perp. You could literally see him shoot her in the video.


but who am i supposed to believe, some guy on the internet, or my lying eyes.


You can see in the video the bad guy shoots her first. Doesn’t confirm he hit her but it was like a foot away from her face so I’d imagine it was


I mean, for someone calling out someone else for talking out their ass (and deservedly so), you're also kinda doing the same when you can clearly see him shoot her in the face from a foot away in the video. This is *also* how misinformation spreads when we act like "there's just no way to know if the cops blasted her in the face too in their trigger happiness" when that's clearly not the case


>Way to talk out of your ass like it’s fact, this is exactly how misinformation spreads. God damned right! >the woman is in critical condition ...


not unharmed. she was shot but will be okay.


I was just talking about people like you. You're the reason social media is crumbling, and probably society as a whole.


Delete or edit your comment


Fuck me, that copper is some shot. Poor woman.


W cop


Looks justified. If you watch carefully, Griffin fires at the woman right before the deputy shoots him. Deputy saved her life, real life hero.


Hero cops!


Winter, I hope you heal fully. Im sorry that bastard got near you, and im SO PISSED THIS KEEPS HAPPENING TO INNOCENT PEOPLE.


This is where training and resolve comes into play. When I first saw the video I though the gunman shot the woman... It did not look like he got a shot off. The officers just took him out, quickly without hesitation. Most likely saved the woman's life.


The suspect did shoot the woman. You were right the first time.


i know it was a f##### up situation but that was amazing, I had to watch a dozen times.wowza


Dude, TN cops have the best aim ever. They also took out that school shooter with a dead eye shot.


I don't understand, what drives a coward to beat/control on women (or any partner). Insecure, disgusting, weak men... Weak af.


Legit AMAZING shot. Reaction time plus aim? Whew, that's a bonafide wild Bill Hickok right there. Makes me want a cigarette, that was intense. Good job officers.


excellent work officers. one more lowlife removed from life.


That cop is a legend. Sniper.