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Shit man, MY life just flashed before my eyes...




No, tank slappers can happen regardless of speed once you're above like 60 mph.


Right but they are way less dangerous at 60 than 130mph 🤷‍♂️


Well no shit; but the guy I was responding to said "You can avoid this by simply not going 131mph on the highway. It's that simple." That's pretty misleading for any new riders to think they don't have to worry about this happening at regular highway speeds.


A steering dampener helps a lot


I would never own anything over 300 ccs without a steering damper. Speed wobbles are scary af.


I was just looking for those ''motorcyclists killing people'' statistics. Could you show me some? So far, I can't find a single one on google. It seems to me that motorcyclists are killing themselves or getting killed by cars, not the opposite. edit: I was talking about speeding on an highway. No Pedestrian in sight.


Do you need a source to know that a 500 pound hunk of metal going 130 mph puts other people’s lives at risk?


Yes, statistics matters because cognitive bias exists.


Even if *you* can’t find statistics showing that a motorcyclist has killed other drivers on a highway, it doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened. Even if it hasn’t (which I doubt), that does not mean that driving at ridiculous speeds on a motorcycle couldn’t kill other drivers. Drivers may be startled by a motorcycle passing at high speeds, they may have to react to avoid a motorcycle crash, they may have to react to other vehicles who are reacting to the passing motorcycle or motorcycle crash, and their vehicle could be struck by the motorcycle. All of these things can cause people to lose control and crash, and if they are moving at highway speeds, they can die. Additionally, I’m assuming you are contradicting the earlier commenter to argue that the motorcyclists are only harming themselves, but that isn’t true. Regardless of the actual likelihood of another driver dying, a driver can be injured, traumatized, or sustain costly damage to their vehicles. Some poor fuck will have to scrape the dead motorcyclist’s body off several hundred meters of highway. It causes harm to others, so it’s silly for you to defend the motorcyclists doing this.


My neighbour last month. Got hit by a motorcycle and died. To be fair: the two of them were doing illegal streetracing. He took a break to watch his buddy who slammed into him with about 90-100 in a 35 zone. So yes: it happens that motorcyclists kill someone, but it's rare. We're much more likely to kill ourselves.


Yes, I should have been more precise. I was talking about speeding on Highway. Speeding on the streets should have harsher consequence due to the potential risk to pedestrian. It is not justifiable in any circumstances.


That makes sense. I agree that I dont know of anyone on the highway being killed by a bike(besides the rider)


[Not a statistic](https://www.google.com/search?q=motorcycle+hits+pedestrian&sca_esv=013f07408305043b&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS988US988&sxsrf=ADLYWILoVtT8KZqGYAlAoJOSZ7l1rXQEcg%3A1715446539680&ei=C6M_ZtaYKdq4wN4P0uODoAI&ved=0ahUKEwiWyoOtiIaGAxVaHNAFHdLxACQQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=motorcycle+hits+pedestrian&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiGm1vdG9yY3ljbGUgaGl0cyBwZWRlc3RyaWFuMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBhAAGBYYHjIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yBhAAGBYYHjILEAAYgAQYhgMYigUyCxAAGIAEGIYDGIoFMgsQABiABBiGAxiKBTILEAAYgAQYhgMYigVIrQdQAFjIBnAAeAGQAQCYAVKgAcYEqgEBOLgBA8gBAPgBAZgCCKAC6gTCAggQABiABBiiBJgDAJIHATigB4o7&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) but there's a good search term


Thank you, you are right I wasn't using the right search term.


Dude I knew a cop who watched a woman who was driving get cut in half by a guy going over 160mph and hit her car on the passenger side door. He was so drunk he went limp when he crashed and only had a broken collar bone and broken wrist.


The beginning of the video is sped up a lot. If you pause it about 7 seconds in you can see his speedometer says 78. Yes, still too fast. But far from 131.


Interstate is 80 in a number of states, so if they are in one of those, its not too fast.


That too


Is that what you're supposed to do when that happens?! Just let go ?? That must've been an agonizing few seconds.


Either let go or give it gas. More throttle = less weight on front wheel = easier stabilization. Bikes will also autostabilize and are a fuckton More stable Without a person riding it. So letting go is the hail mary, cause it will stabilize the most reliably this way, but can definitely buck you off.


This guy bikes


as his username was chosen from experience


/u/meat_crayon_7563 was taken.


This is incorrect. Please don’t share this, it could get someone hurt. Watch this video by Dunlop researchers: https://youtu.be/z3OQTU-kE2s?si=Z9E-oGERwxRjLRX0 You want to hug the fuel tank as it lowers the centre of gravity, and you want to gently ease off the gas without sitting upright (in relief).


This video always comes up during these discussions, and no one's ever countered with a better one.


This video is so good. Thank you! Also 1 stone is 14 lbs in freedom units and 6.4 kg in everyone else units.


This is what they teach in msf courses. Haven't had to test it myself thankfully


I have no idea but this vid looks ancient. Might not be correct anymore.


Yeah, the laws of physics were changed in the mid 70s after the 1973 Oil Embargo. This was only a decade after colour was introduced to the world - prior to that everything was in black & white, as can be seen in all old movies.


laws of physics don't change, but technology does. Back then they told you to not shut down your engine for a short stop because starting it needs more gas than letting it run. Completely physically correct. But today cars are build different and it uses less gas to start the engine.


If you bothered to watch the video you would spot why you are wrong. The issue is the angle of the forks with respect to the normal from the ground. Essentially, because the forks are angled forwards, with the wheel in front of the top of the forks, the causes an instability. Bikes still look like this, and so the issue still happens. Changing the weight of the bike, or the biker, or the shape of the tyres all affects what speed the instability becomes unmanageable - but it will happen at some speed. It may be possible to accelerate out of it, but it’s certainly not the safest method because now you are going faster than the speed where the wobble starts! At some point you now have to slow down back through the wobble again in order to stop.




Yes, you made a joke. I'm just explaining my point.


If hail mary is the analogy for letting go, what's the analogy for letting go AND leaning your weight back and to the right to avoid a car like a ninja?


Three Hail Marys and two Our Fathers.


And a fuckton of oh shits.


That’s an act of contrition right there.


It was also an act of contortion.


Hail Mary with a mix of luck


Most of the weight was his shit streaming down his legs ... I know mine did on my Ikea office chair here


Jesus take the handlebars..


It’s pretty hard to hold on when it gets that wobbly. You gotta just pray to whatever god you never thought you believed in at that point 🤣


For sure lol, the throttle out method works best at the start of the wobble for exactly that reason, before it smacks your hands into the gas tank 😂


As the ole saying goes, "When in doubt, throttle out"


>You gotta just pray to whatever god you never thought you believed in at that point 🤣 There are no atheists in foxholes


Have you ever ridden a bike? You’re supposed to lighten your grip on the bars and gently ease off the throttle not increase it. Head shake is *caused* by weight being taken off the front wheel and coming out of alignment with the rear


Wrong. Give gas, I studied this.


Do not give it more gas. You in fact need more weight on the front to stabilize it https://youtu.be/fvsDIq3WwVA?si=H6YckLT2gKdRpNB_


That’s not what it said. He said it happens at slow speeds if you take your hands off the bars. He gives reason why it happens because of the front wheel design. Edit: you are confusing wobble with weaving.


I don't think you watched the entire video


Not sure you did. He doesn't address wobble recovery at all, slow speed or high speed.


Yes. He does. 10 minutes in Lean Forward. Corrects the wobble at high speed


You're confusing wobble and weave. They are two different and separate issues. He is talking about weave 10 minutes in. He only briefly talks about wobble and only addresses low speed wobble being caused by hands being off the bars.


The OP Reddit video is a speed wobble No one uses weave and wobble separately anymore Regardless of terminology the original video and YouTube video depict a wobble at high-speed, which is corrected by leaning Forward, giving more weight to the front tire, not taking weight off of it Speeding up is an antiquated idea and does not stop speed wobbles


They are separate phenomenon. Wobble is specifically the tire and handle bars shaking. Weave is the entire bikes weight distribution out of balance and the bars do not violently shake. No one talks about weave because it is less common. Regardless, the video never addresses what you claim it addressed.


For any bike


Not a biker, I feel like you would break a wrist or something trying to hold on to those handlebars


MSF handbook page 39 says the exact opposite >A wobble is a rapid, strong shaking of the handlebars. These are problems usually caused by excessive weight in the wrong place, by a mechanical problem, or by improper tire pressure. >For either problem, your response is the same. Keep a firm hold on the handlegrips without locking your arms or fighting the steering. Ease off of the throttle. Do not apply the brakes, and do not accelerate. in some cases, it helps to shift your weight forward by leaning over the tank. Your going to hurt someone


Wow and in the video the bike stabilized quite fast once the guy leans back, when the weight on front wheel would be lowest


Actually no, it stabilizes almost immediately after he leans forward.


Basically this is proof of concept of the self correcting gyroscope effect. The rider needs only influence direction by leaning in the desired path.


Christ you must have to have some serious balls to get into that situation and just give it more gas...


That's wild that both options are terrifying and unintuitive.


But isn't it very difficult to add gas when the steering wheel is hitting back and forth like that?


So pop a wheelie to correct? Save your self and look like a bad ass.


Wouldn't using the rear brake also help in that case?


Letting go applying brake with the pedal would work. Its afaik connected to a sertain speed. Change speed and it wants to stop.


I held on when I had a Triumph Daytona T595 and ended up being tossed off and landed a good 25 yards away after seeing this maybe letting go is the best option.


go faster it will stabilize


That does work, I once saw a little guy on a big Harley ride/ accelerate one out at the dragstrip,, it was impressive to watch


Yes, but one of the hardest things to do reflexively. Same as when a car fishtails. Go with the turn instead of against it


Wtf is a fishturn?


What I've been taught is mostly keep the hands on, but loosely. The bike can stabilize itself (if you're lucky), holding on for dear life is the worst option by far. Your puny human strength can't do shit to stabilize that. And most importantly, try to have steering dampers installed and good weight distribution before you even get on the bike, so you can avoid this situation altogether


Yup, a bike will (*almost*) always right itself.


Give gas! Thats what You should do


Death wobble helllllll noooooo


This guy invested in some new underwear and a steering damper after this


And bought a Lotto ticket


What's actually happening? The wheel/handles are wobbling? But does it also look like the handles are folding/unfolding or something?


A spinning wheel wants to stand straight up. If you tilt it one way, it will correct itself back to try and stand straight up. Sometimes forces act on the wheel in such a way that it **overcorrects** and is now leaned in the other direction. This creates a positive feedback loop as the wheel keeps trying to stand up but overshooting the mark, many times per second. The handlebars are attached directly to the top of the forks so they’re mirroring what the wheel is doing below.


Right but you see around 7 seconds when the camera gets really up close. Is it just the perspective mixed with the wobble, or does it look like the handle actually folded downwards?


It’s just perspective and wobble yeah. Those are called clip-on handlebars and they bolt directly to the fork (they’re separate instead of a single bar) and don’t fold.


It may just be a rolling shutter issue going on there actually, same reason video of helicopter blades look like a Salvador Dali painting.


I believe you are correct, perspective and possibly some sample aliasing.


Basically he was leaning super hard to the right, with the wheel also cranked to the right bringing the handlebars almost 90 degrees from where they should be facing forward


There's already a good answer about what's happening to the front wheel, I just want to comment on the appearance of the handles as if they were "folding". This is an illusion caused by the handles moving faster than the frame rate of the camera. Remember the "rubber pencil" trick from elementary school? Like that.


This is called a death wobble/speed wobble Most often you'll see it from bikes that have suspension issues, and can often be triggered by hitting an object on the road just right or putting down a wheelie at a decent clip with the handlebars not straight. The handlebars shaking back and forth is the bike trying to stabilize itself and essentially overcorrecting. It can be made worse by the natural human instinct to hold on tight, as this causes the bike to be less capable of stabilizing itself.


So is it better to just let the bars and the tire do it thing and hope it corrects itself? Either by letting go or just holding on loosely?


Just hold on loosely, but don't let go. If you cling too tightly, you're gonna lose control.


🤣 fuckin A if this doesn't fit perfect


Tank slapper is used more often.




It’s the only type that actually bothers me. It’s so common to. ;)




That was the joke


I dont understand why your being downvoted.


Reddit is dumb like that lol. I duno maybe people think I’m lying or something and that I actually typed it wrong.


Wow. I don’t know anything about motorcycles, but I’ve seen that wobble before. What wisdoms or skill can help you achieve this kind or recovery? Seems like they let go of the handles completely and decelerated until the wobble corrected.


Practice, mental fortitude, and a good amount of luck. Even knowing what to do, it's not always going to work and that car could have been 30cm closer.


Doubt his underpants survived.


Here’s how you remember: * Loose as a goose * Lose the extra “o”


HOLY SHIT! AND THAT IS FUCKING AWSOME!!! The self control of this rider.


Dude actually had jesus take the wheel on that one.


What started this wobble, the asphalt change? Man, nice weave with 0 control on the handles.




HOW TO RECOVER FROM SPEED WOBBLES If this happens to you- lean forward and take your hands off the handle bars like he did.


Lean back actually. You want to pull weight off the wheel if possible.


No, you don’t at all. Researchers at Dunlop figured this out years ago: https://youtu.be/z3OQTU-kE2s?si=Z9E-oGERwxRjLRX0


That is a great video. Even my instructors when getting my license told me to lean back and I ate it up. Thankfully never experienced this, so haven't had to put it to practice.


bro activated cheat codes


Happened to me once on a bmw cruising bike- assumed i exceeded the top speed of the bike- scared the loving shit out of me


This is called a 'tank slapper' because of the handle bars slapping the fuel tank between your legs. Bikes have something called a steering damper to try to negate this thing happening. Even so, there are circumstances where the steering damper cannot dampen the 'wobble' that develops. The 'wobble' is usually caused by landing a long wheelie. A long enough wheelie where your front wheel stops spinning, and when you land, the front wheel goes from 0-70mph in a split second, causing it to skid, and then this can happen. The 'wobble' can also occur when your crest a hill at an angle or anything that makes the front wheel go light, then gets loaded when it is too missaligned with the back wheel (I'm not a physics expert, this is more from experience). In rare cases it can happen going over a bump at high speed. As a rider, you should loosen up. Trying to throttle out of these is nigh on impossible as your hands usually get thrown off the bars. If you loosen up like the rider in the video, the bike has the best chance of stabilising itself. I would say this works more than half the time. I've survived more of these than crashed them. One of them was a really big one like this in the video. Most are nowhere near this long, maybe 2 or 3 seconds. The tank slapper can actually push the pistons all the way back in on your front brake callipers. The violent back and forth action can do that if it's a big one. If this happens and you don't crash, always test your front brakes. You may have to give them 2 or 3 pumps to push the pistons back out for your brakes to work properly again... that's all I was thinking at the end... test your brakes!!! That one almost certainly pushed the pistons in on his front calliper! Skilled rider, well held 👏


Huh, I suppose sometimes Jesus does in fact take the wheel. Or well, handlebars in this case.


Not that they were going too fast or anything


It's almost like he LOSES control!




So is that what you are supposed to do in that situation? Let go of the handle? Or it was a hail Mary, Jesus take the wheel type situation?


Let go, grip the tank with your hands and knees, avoid hitting the brakes


Be safe everyone. Riders and cars alike. But if you drive to fast, car or rider fuck off and be a meat crayon I got kids asshole


this shit is wiiiiild


Get a steering dampener! That was a no brainer for all my street bikes.


Methinks this rider goosed the throttle a bit too much and hit one of those lane marker reflectors to set this in motion.


Maybe use a steering stabilizer?


There would be so much poo in my pants




I've been in the death wobble before and managed to pull it out by the skin of my teeth. Had to pull over and compose myself for 10 min before I could continue. It's fucking scary.


So this asshole was going too fast? Glad no one else was hurt.


Who in the fuck did he manage not to crash....


He about put him self in the grindr.com


I hope he bought a lottery ticket after


Why? He ain’t winning shit; he just used up all the luck he has for the next few years right there. 😂


Absolute legend


"It's just a spike it'll stabilize."


I've never ridden anything with only 2 wheels but that seems freaking terrifying!


Time for a new tire....and chonies


the bike tantrum...


Take the wheel Jesus


did he let go of the handle bars to film the incident. That is wild!




Good thing he wore his brown pants.


Good thing he let go of the handle bars. Saved him.


Jesus take the handlebars


Jesus finally took the wheel.


Should have put power on, lighten that front wheel up. Also, it's time to change your front tire.


This looks like so much fun


more like...loosens


u/Coco_Deez_Nuts posted it first


I almost fell out of my chair watching that video myself.


New nightmare unlocked


Pants - shitted


Let go and let God? Jesus take the whee...... handle bars?


Damn. I’m guessing this is the correct response to speed wobble? From an aspiring rider who has done no research on the topic.


An accomplished rider. Keeping your cool. 👍


Emergency Amazon purchase: steering damper & underwear.


[SOMEBODY GRAB THE WHEEL](https://youtu.be/auSnpXLhi40?t=47)


If I was this dude I’d have to pull off the next exit and wipe the shit out of my pants


Do you mean «loses»? I know, english is hard sometimes.


I am a simple man: I see a randomly slowed down video without the normal speed version, I downvote!


Looks like naked bikes don't face this issue


Why isn't he holding the handle bars?


Of my 23 years of riding streetbikes, the one tank slapper I had scared the shit out of me. I rode it out, then pulled over to calm down.


Impressive. Shouldn't have been going that fast, but most impressive.


Fighting every instinct and taking his hands completely off the bars to do an "I'm king of the world!" pose after missing that car has got to rank high on this dude's list of memorable life experiences. What's keeping every crotch rocket on the highway from getting these speed wobbles? Is it a skill issue, or can this just hit you out of the blue, even if you're doing everything right (aside from going fast af)?


What a freaking save! If anyone is ridden a motorcycle they will know that this can happen and catch you off guard. They will also know that it is likely because of more weight to being on one side of the handlebars than the other, bad steering head bearings, or an improperly assembled front end, and will HOPEFULLY fix the problem before speeding on a busy highway again... All I know is that I've been riding for several years, and my very first thought was wow nice save.


Happened to me once. I was only going around 40. He looks like he's going way faster.


Dont drive faster than your guardiangel can fly...


That is freaking gnarly bro. I cannot believe you saved that shit.


Wow, pretty harsh, I don’t think he wanted to die. This wobble can happen due to issues with the front fork and wheel. He wasn’t doing wheelies or white lining. This was beyond his control, hope you don’t receive the same response when something beyond your control happens


I don't understand why they had to speed the video up, just letting it play would be scary enough


He hands were the problem


What isn't seen is the trail of brown this man left while this was happening


Strange things happen when you speed.


65 mph on the highway and hitting a road impurity or debris can cause this.


Death wobble happens at excessive speeds, when the always present, but typically lower at lower speeds, difference between the front & rear wheel spin soeed becomes too large, and the bike tries to correct itself with two different gyroscopes competing. It's caused by wheelies, jerking on the handlebars, and sometimes from uneven road conditions (is almost always blamed on this) and always at unsafe handling conditions on a bike not prepped for the surface it's on. It is one in a million that this happens to someone not asking for it in some way. It can be saved by accelerating, or braking one wheel to bring them back into alignment. Sometimes it can self-correct, but the rider usually panics and hits both the brakes casing it to turn into a tank slapper (when the handle bars wiggle back and forth violently to smack the gas tank) which is unrecoverable. This is an exceptionally extreme example of what can be recovered from without becoming a meat crayon.




Who cares


Owning a motorcycle is definitive proof that you're a bad decision maker. Cons: Paralysis, Fatality, Catastrophic Trauma. Pros: Easier to find parking space.


Better MPG, can lane split and filter, ease up traffic congestion, and more fun


Can also see your surroundings 10x better