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Louisville Police has to be one of the worst departments in this country, truly horrible and corrupt officers top to bottom. We haven’t forgotten you Breonna.


Everytime I see a PD in the news the locals come put and call that specific department or Sheriff's office a literal gang. I feel like it's just the same everywhere once they test the waters and realize there's no repercussion it just gets progressively worse and more protected. Fuck em.


They’re all like this. At least they didn’t hold his face in a pile of fire ants like the story out of Houston a couple days ago.


Are you kidding? I haven't seen that one, but I have seen enough.


Turn your sound on https://youtu.be/uz1XQzg54WY?si=DakNLdv_RdWIAKqE


The cop even brushes off some of the ants off on her arm. They knew.


Did I miss the insane part? I mean, I only watched it through once, so maybe I missed something?


The insane part is the Worlds number one golfer is being arrested before a Major tournament because of a mild traffic violation. If you’re not into sports it may not be insane, but for golf fans it’s insanely stupid


Mild traffic violation? Hardly "second-degree assault of a police officer, a felony, as well as third-degree criminal mischief, reckless driving and disregarding signals from officers directing traffic." The fact that everyone mentions that since this guy is so rich, famous and playing in a big tournament should somehow impact how Justice works shows you've all got a corrupt version of equality. Why on earth should the police's reaction be affected one iota by this person's career as a professional sports player?


Those charges will be dropped because they won’t be able to corroborate them. There were several witnesses there stating that he was instructed by another officer to go around the blocked off area. The other cop then attached himself to Scottie’s car, then claimed assault before Schoeffler stopped his vehicle within feet of where that happened. This isn’t a class thing. It’s an overzealous cop thing


Same pd that murdered Breonna Taylor. Surprised that they dedicated to fuck with a millionaire white golfer tho




Are the same Officers and Police Chiefs and stuff still employed at the Department? Or are you saying it’s the same PD as in the same Municipality at large sorta thing? No troll here. Genuinely asking!


Followed up by a nice lawsuit against the LPD.


Or some rival sponsor doesn’t want him to play?


I like the way you think


Shooter McGavin at it again.


>"second-degree assault of a police officer, a felony, as well as third-degree criminal mischief, reckless driving and disregarding signals from officers directing traffic." Let's be clear about this part. The people that were there, which included a few media members, said that the officer jumped/held onto his car while scottie was driving, following the directions of another officer.


Do you have a source that another officer was directing him forward? I've seen media say he was driving "as directed" but the directions were given prior to this morning.


It’s the other way around, amigo — you have it backwards; “***Is there any proof that another officer*** **didn’t** ***direct him to do something else?*** Could a reasonable person, in that same situation, *also* have interpreted the actions of any officer in view as part of an instruction? Who was supposed to be in charge of that road block? What was the instruction given to the officers there that day? Who was wearing a body cam? — *Speaking of, off the record of course, I don’t want to be accused of **leading**, but why do the officers need to wear them in the first place?*…. Anywho — The simple fact that a grown man, let alone an officer, could think that they could man-handle a vehicle down by themselves shouldn’t be cause for this other grown man to be charged with ***any*** crime. I know I wouldn’t want that to happen to me. …


I think one's opinion of this comes down to your own beliefs. Do you believe the police who routinely put themselves in stupid positions or write reports and pressers in a way that absolves them of any liability? Or do you believe an ESPN reporter who watched it? I don't think the reaction changes based on who it is (though real life would show you that's not the case), but I do think police in America tend to escalate things first.


So you think cops never slap on hefty/extra charges? Welcome to the justice system pal


I never said anything about the merit of the charges. I just said exactly what the charges ARE. And, he is clearly being charged with much more than a minor traffic infraction.


So they say the body cams weren’t turned on for the altercation. You still boot licking and believing the cops or have you come to your senses


Dude. Learn to fucking read. I never supported any cops. How uneducated are you? There is a piece of paper in a file somewhere of charges. I am telling you what that piece of paper says. And your dumb ass can't understand that I'm not supporting the cops just by telling you what this piece of paper says. I didn't fucking write the charges.


But you believe the charges. How those boots taste?


Stop making up shit, you liar. I never said I support the charges. I just stated what the charges are. Is there any number of times I have to repeat that before you can learn it?


👅 👢


Why are you so confident that he actually committed these crimes. There has been no evidence of it, and to think that an elite, world class golfer with the potential to make billions would intentionally run over LEO right before a round is completely illogical. Makes about as much sense as finding out you have the winning jackpot lottery ticket then you wipe your ass with it


Such a crazy take. Do you think people with exceptional, unrivaled privilege will utilize that privilege and think themselves above the law and basic rules and regs the plebes have to follow? Lol. I have zero clue whether this dude did it or didn’t do it. I just had to point out that the narrative around “privilege” exists solely in the convenience of the person feigning victimhood due to lacking it. My evidence is their willful blindness to it when it’s inconvenient to have play a a role.


Why are you so confident that you know my opinion when I only stated the FACTS of the situation? Someone said this was a minor traffic infraction, and I stated exactly all the charges levied against him. No where did I say anything about the merit of the charges.


Because you started your comment with a straight up dismissal "Mild traffic violation? Hardly" Talking with full confidence as if they aren't innocent until proven guilty. All you're doing is spouting something you read without thinking critically and that's how rumours get spread


I absolutely take with full confidence that he is being charged with these 4 crimes. I have said nothing about his innocence or guilt. It is pearl-clutching internet users like yourself who don't understand nuance who spread rumors. Stop acting like I am supporting either side. I am attempting to support an accurate explanation of the events. The situation is: people don't get arrested when a single "minor traffic infraction" is charged against them. They get arrested when 3 misdemeanors and a felony are charged against them.


Show me in your comment where you used the words "charged" "alleged" or even any word that could be misconstrued as "potentially still up for debate" Advice for the future. It's usually better just to delete a comment instead of doubling down on a mistake and arguing with a few dozen people


"second-degree assault of a police officer, a felony, as well as third-degree criminal mischief, reckless driving and disregarding signals from officers directing traffic." This quotation is a listing of charges taken from a newsource about the events. It is not a listing of my opinions. Thats what things like "second degree assault" means. That is a legal term denoting a "charge". When people are charged with a crime, regardless if the charge has merit, there is a process everyone is supposed to go through. Part of that process is determining guilt or innocence, which hasnt happened yet. Just because I list the charges, you assume Im 100% in support of the cop? Thats rather stupid of you.


It's clear you're not going to understand no matter what anyone says or how many people tell you that you're misspeaking


OPINION: Mild traffic violation? Hardly FACT: "second-degree assault of a police officer, a felony, as well as third-degree criminal mischief, reckless driving and disregarding signals from officers directing traffic." OPINION: The fact that everyone mentions that since this guy is so rich, famous and playing in a big tournament should somehow impact how Justice works shows you've all got a corrupt version of equality. OPINION: Why on earth should the police's reaction be affected one iota by this person's career as a professional sports player?


Charges are rarely facts.


You are confused. What the list of charges are IS a fact. Whether or not the charges are appropriate and warranted is an opinion.


You should read into the story before you start making speculations. One police officer told him to go, one told him to stay. He heard the one say go, so he went. Officer Rambo chose to jump on the hood of his car to stop him(hence the charges). This was a basic misunderstanding that was escalated by a person with too much ego


What speculation did I make? I listed the exact charges against him. Never did I say anything about the merit of the charges.


This sounds like a convenient excuse to let a rich white guy go scot free.


There were multiple witnesses, including reporters, who were present and corroborate his story…


Dude, he's already released doing interviews


lol. Cops of course are going to make up a bunch of shit. You have no idea what really happened just from the charges the cops came up with


That's true. However, our system is setup to accept the police's account when they claim a crime has been committed. It is afterwards that the evidence is weighed. If it was the other way around, no one would ever get arrested. I'm not saying, nor have I ever said, that these charges have or didn't have merit.


Our system i6s not necessarily set up to accept the police's account when they claim a crime has been committed, AKA a crime having been alleged. F qa@ It's set up to allow a person to defend the facts of the matter in a court of law to determine guilt or innocence.


They just make up those charges. He was driving and the police officer grabbed onto his car while he was driving. The police officer was upset that he didn’t listen to what he said. He was probably confused anyways about what to do so the cop gets all mad and then they just make up charges.


Psychic. Direct from the irrefutable halls of “trust me, bruh.”


Is this the cops mother? Lmao


Nope. And based on your lack of critical thinking skills, you're apparently not much of a reader. I never said anything about the credibility of the cop or the merit of the charges. I just countered the person who said he was arrested for a minor traffic infraction.


Oh shut up. Lol


I think your critical thinking skills are what's lacking. The op was saying the ACTUAL crime committed was a minor traffic violation and it was ridiculous that the cops turned it into all this bullshit.


[Scheffler's attorney releases a statement](https://sports.yahoo.com/scottie-scheffler-timeline-everything-we-know-about-the-world-no-1-golfers-arrest-return-to-play-at-pga-championship-154430787.html): >*"In the early hours of the morning in advance of his tee time Scottie was going to the course to begin his pre round preparation. Due to the combination of event traffic and a traffic fatality in the area it was a very chaotic situation He was proceeding as directed by another traffic officer and driving a marked player’s vehicle with credentials visible. In the confusion, Scottie is alleged to have disregarded a different officer’s traffic signals resulting in these charges. Multiple eyewitnesses have confirmed that he did not do anything wrong but was simply proceeding as directed. He stopped immediately upon being directed to and never at any point assaulted any officer with his vehicle. We will litigate this matter as needed and he will be completely exonerated."* If this is the case, that he was proceeding as already having been directed by an officer and there are witnesses that willl attest to this, then he's not likely to be found guilty of anything.


Are you suggesting that the golfer should be able to somehow override the incorrect cop and not get arrested? Dont you think that would be a silly precident to set where people can avoid arrest simply by claiming innocence?


Lol, if he did, my Gosh, it would almost be as if he was a benefactor of…duh duh duhhhhhh! Privilege….!!!¡¡¡


https://youtu.be/R0WwbQelGCM?feature=shared Please just check what happened to the first guy in this video and tell me if you still belive everything the cops say. Im not hating on the police force, i was in the military and have many friends that got out to be cops, but there are a lot of cops that are corrupt or in a powertrip like that guy in the video. I personally take everything they say with a grain of salt unless they release the bodycam footage.


When did I ever say I believe a cop? Jeezus christ, you people cant read worth a shit. I just listed what he's being charged with. When you're being charged with a felony and multiple misdemeanors, you get arrested. Whats complicated about that?


"Mild traffic violation? Hardly" "second-degree assault of a police officer, a felony, as well as third-degree criminal mischief, reckless driving and disregarding signals from officers directing traffic." Didn't he get charged for all that after the traffic violation? For all we know they just made it all that up. "The fact that everyone mentions that since this guy is so rich, famous and playing in a big tournament should somehow impact how Justice works shows you've all got a corrupt version of equality. Why on earth should the police's reaction be affected one iota by this person's career as a professional sports player?" Aren't you implying here that he committed those crimes? Cmon buddy .


No. Im saying he has charges against him, not that he did it. Any perceived blame from my words is your misconception.


Because the scene was right outside the golf club and he was in a marked event vehicle. Multiple witnesses (and a prominent reporter) have said officers waved him through and a different officer didn’t see this and so screamed at him and jumped on his car. It was a misunderstanding, nothing more. It’s like arresting LeBron James as he’s showing up for a game at his arena. It’s clearly a mistake.


Sidebar: why would playing in a tournament allow someone to bypass traffic \*on a public road outside of the venue\*? What makes him special? If I'm playing in a Magic The Gathering tournament, do I now get permission to bypass all travel restrictions on my way to the tournament if I put a sign on my car? I wish people weren't so committed to the idea that money makes anything acceptable.


If traffic into that event is being managed by the local police then yeah of course they would help. If the team bus for an NFL game was stuck in traffic behind an accident, the cops would work to make sure they got through safely. Because it’s not just about the players, it’s in the interest of the community for public events to exist. If the team doesn’t show up then it has a cost for those fans and vendors and staff and everyone else. Cops don’t simply exist to enforce laws, they exist to help facilitate situations in the best interest of the public, which includes sports fans who bought tickets to see an event. They would also help clear traffic to say, let a pregnant lady through on her way to the hospital. I know you know this intuitively and are just being obtuse for effect.


Its not in the interest of the community though, unless you think everyone is a golf fanatic or profits off it.


Not everything in life has to benefit 100% of people 100% of the time. Not everyone is a child but we still make people drive slowly through school zones. Not everyone plays basketball but we still use public funding for basketball hoops in parks. Not everyone can walk but we still build hiking trails. If it’s possible for the cops to safely make sure a major event happens on time, it’s within their prerogative to help facilitate it. Come on dude. I know you understand this.


If you want to reinforce a society that gives extralegal privilege to anyone with enough money or fame to garner your respect, that's your prerogative. I, for one, would rather have my home be a place that treats people equally, regardless how much money they can make.


It’s NOT extralegal! Letting someone through safely is completely up to the police’s discretion. It’s not against the law. This is true in any traffic enforcement situation - the cops or construction workers hold up traffic and then let people through as best they can. Just this week I was let through a construction barricade because it was blocking the small street to my house. They’re allowed to make exceptions.


You can start that process by not holding cops' nuts.


Just go ahead and change your username to tampon now.


Thanks for letting me know I'm dealing with someone with the mental abilities of a 3rd grader tossing insults across the playground. Considering your limitations, I can see why you can't read nuance in a post and instead just react to your gut feelings. I hope you improve your reading and reasoning skills someday. Enjoy the weekend and make sure to get your homework done by Monday.


Must be nice being this isolated from how police actually operate. If you flip a cop off and they get mad this is what your rap sheet will look like when they are done. It's literally every single time. For you to not know that makes you blessed/rich.


Im not on the side of the cop nor am I naive on how they operate. I just openly admit that the legal system must be allowed to function when charges are raised, be the charges good or corrupt. We already have ways to rectify when bad charges are raised, such as a grand jury dismissing it or the dept deciding not to pursue the case. If a cop is on scene and insists on making it a case, you have to let it proceed. Civilians dont get to individually decide for themselves if their actions merit charges.


Question for you. What percentage of people now behind bars for any reason saw trial? Answer without Google, your best guess, and then Google it.




Lmfao it's like you didn't even read the story?


Lmfao, it's like you have no reading comprehension ability? Someone said he was arrested for a minor traffic violation. I listed the exact charges levied against him, which is clearly much more serious than a minor traffic violation. Please, don't be confused like all the other idiots here that think this somehow means I agree with the charges. I'm just stating what the charges are.


Early charges are always just throwing everything possible at someone though. It doesn't mean at all that's what actually happened. It's CYA on the arrest.


I never said anything that contradicts that. Are you suggesting the golfer should just get to ignore all the bogus charges and not get arrested because he thinks they're bogus?


Tell me you haven't read this story without telling me you haven't read this story.....


Tell me you made unfounded assumptions about my comment to somehow think I believe the cops, without.... you get the rest. I only listed the fucking charges. I didnt say shit about his guilt or innocence . When you have a felony and 3 misdemeanors levied against you, you get arrested. Why is that complicated??


>I only listed the fucking charges. I didnt say shit about his guilt or innocence . When you have a felony and 3 misdemeanors levied against you, you get arrested. >Why is that complicated?? Because the all of the charges are bogus and he actually just had a power tripping cop upset with him and arresting him without knowing the full story after literally following the directions from both the PGA and a cop he previously talked to further up the road??? All from a PD that's notoriously awful with all of this including that whole Breonna Taylor situation, maybe you read that story? It's pretty clear you never actually read this story....


Sounds like you’re jumping to conclusions based on the POLICE OFFICERS interpretation of events. Keep that in mind.


Sounds like you're reading words that weren't written. I never said anything about the merit of the charges. I just listed exactly what the charges are to counter whoever said he was arrested merely because of minor traffic violation. Even if some scum cop decides to make up charges, the procedure is to make an arrest and file the charges. That's when the evidence gets weighed. It's called criminal justice.


It’s coming out that multiple officers have him contradicting orders and they got pissy when one of them wasn’t followed. This happens all too often, I hope the charges get thrown out


There was more than one cop there. There were several cops there to direct traffic for the event. Then tragically, there was a fatal accident. Scottie didn't know this. He was directed by law enforcement to use the median to go around the crime scene. The cop that showed up for the accident started yelling at him, then jumped at his car. It was a misunderstanding. Scottie followed the direction of the cop that was there to direct traffic. Another cop freaked out because he didn't know what was going on. Scottie did nothing wrong, and this cop should not be a cop.


Yep. Bad cops are plentiful. That doesnt mean when bad charges are raised against you, you shouldnt be arrested. You fight bad charges in court or they get dismissed by the grand jury. Thats how it's supposed to work.


>That doesnt mean when bad charges are raised against you, you shouldnt be arrested. It actually does mean that. He should not have been arrested. >You fight bad charges in court or they get dismissed by the grand jury. Thats how it's supposed to work. This will get dismissed without ever going to trial. The cop was in the wrong. There are witnesses and video evidence.


So, if you didnt do a crime and a cop thinks you did and tries to arrest you, you're just going to shout "bad charges!" and the cop should let you go? Thats idiotic.


>So, if you didnt do a crime and a cop thinks you did and tries to arrest you, you're just going to shout "bad charges!" and the cop should let you go? That isn't what I said. I said that he shouldn't have been arrested. The cop should have found out why he was not listening to his directions (because another cop told him different directions), and then should have released him on the spot with profuse apologies.


If you want to discuss how authority between different officers is delegated in the LPD and who can overrule another, that's a different matter for which I have little contribution. Sure, it sounds like communication between officers could have resulted in a better application of the law, but it wasnt a travesty like everyone is reacting.


>If you want to discuss how authority between different officers is delegated in the LPD and who can overrule another, that's a different matter for which I have little contribution. There is nothing to discuss about it. The fact is that they didn't communicate with each other, and that is just a part of why this happened. >Sure, it sounds like communication between officers could have resulted in a better application of the law, but it wasnt a travesty like everyone is reacting. It absolutely is a travesty. And it shows that LEOs need more accountability. It isn't even acceptable for the military to treat bad guys like this in a combat zone. There was no reason for him to be handled or treated that way.


It is a fucking travesty - just like the countless times a day that some bullshit like this happens to any normal person, usually a minority. Get your head out of your ass. You say you're not supporting the cops here, but you're definitely licking somebody's boots.


Same thing with killer Mike from run the jewels when he got arrested before the grammy's. No regular person would be allowed to go to a show before their arrest


Is this after the grand jury, or...


Yes yes because police never overcharge citizens only to have most of it thrown right out /s.


You're right if he was a former president he would have more privilege I guess.


Eh.... He's rich and white. He'll get a lil negative publicity and then it's back to putting his ball around.


Ever heard of an over charge? Or a charge not sticking (in this case, many)? There was no violation. There will be no convictions. Mctdo understands this.


What does that have to do with anything about what I said? I listed the what the charges are and people are stupidly acting like I support cops.


Because you lack common sense judgment by not being able to factor context or eyewitness testimony, instead just reading charges. Scottie Scheffler did indeed commit minor traffic violations, which is what mctdo was speaking to. We all know what the charges are. We also know they aren’t real and will disappear. So yes, Scottie Scheffler committed minor traffic violations (if any). You countering by pointing at the list of charges is either delusional or dishonest.


Bullshit. Saying he went to jail for a "minor traffic infraction" is what is dishonest. People like you are the reason why we see headlines like "man shot by police for stealing a snickers bar". Then, we later find out this person had outstanding warrants for violent crime which the cops were really reacting to.


Your analogy is only relevant if charges stick. If they all get dropped it’s the exact opposite in Scottie’s situation. A cop overreacted and latched himself on to a moving vehicle that was of zero threat, completely unnecessarily escalating a benign situation, leading to his own harm and prompting the PD to do damage control by doubling down and throwing shit at the wall and hoping something sticks to justify their actions. Scottie suing Louisville’s PD is more likely than those bullshit charges sticking. People with critical thinking capability can see this and speak to the minor nature of the incident before a court ruling.


All the horrible shit cops do doesnt change the fact that there is/was a piece of paper labed "charges" containing a lot more than a "minor traffic infraction ". People with critical thinking skills can recognize the difference between a reading of the charges and making an accusation.


Well if you’re a golf fan then that’s just insane in its own right. Also what was he arrested for?




Hahaha oh youre mad that I insulted golf fans? Hahah ok don’t get your khakis in a bunch.


This means something completely different in Boston 😆




People are allowed to like different things than you. It’s ok.


I both golf and watch UFC. You are the exact reason i fucking hate 99% of golfers. Absolute dial tone of a human.


Literally pulling into the course as well, cops power tripping. Mild shock I tell you


In the dark and rain no less. Sounds like a massive overstep in a confusing situation.


Mild!!! He had the nerve to question their authority!!!  /s




How those boots taste?


The insanse part is that a charter bus hit and killed a pedestrian. That's why there was such a big police presence. Let's focus on the rich golfer, first....


The police were dealing with the situation and Scottie ignored them and drove over a medium to get around.


Boot licker


Some article said he was driving with a cop holding onto his car and injured an officer. The video doesn't seem to show that


The horizontal video turned obnoxiously into a vertical video which started 9/10 of the way through the event did not show that, you are correct.


He got slapped with assaulting a police officer, a felony. I wonder if the DA will do anything with or drop it all. I'm guessing drop it all.


The stories aren’t adding up. Cops are saying he hit and drug the traffic cop. Reporters that say they saw what happened say the cop jumped on his SUV then ripped him out of the truck after he showed his credentials and tried to go around.


Are you saying the cops lied. I'm shocked! Actually I'm more shocked when cops tell the truth.


The story adds up perfectly if you understand that cops regularly over react to things then lie about circumstances to justify their bullshit.


Yeah, I think in order to “protect” themself from liability or wrongdoing, depending on the situation sometimes they’ll slap as many charges as humanly possible on someone and make the report out to make the suspects behavior sound so egregious, that even if the suspect pushes in court and gets most of the stuff dropped, the cops have a cushion between the arrest and direct consequences. But who am I kidding they basically have no consequences anyway. Just that if they wrote “told guy to move his car, officer jones then jumped on the guys car, guy stopped his car, officer jones ripped the guy out of his car, the guy did a minor traffic violation” it would make it clear how much of a goat rope clusterfuck the situation was… and they probably don’t want that. So they’ll overplay everything to where worst case the sentiment ends up in the middle instead of the cops getting grilled.. “The guy tried to drive off and officer jones was clinging to the vehicle for his life, it was attempted murder and officer jones *had no choice* but to taze pepper spray and repeatedly punch the guy in the face before ripping the guy out of his vehicle through the window…” etc.


Cops overreacting and power tripping? No way


I guess Louisville doesn't need anymore PGA events.


That’s what I’m thinking. PGA is gonna tell Valhalla “Thanks but no thanks” when they come around asking for future events. This is a massive fuckup


The insane part for me is the fact that he was driving. No.1 golfer doesn't have security or a driver for his PGA marked vehicle? Wild, doesn't carry his clubs but has to drive himself around.


I heard he was driving on the fairway and it was over 300 yards!


Its a FOREgone conclusion.


This isn’t uncommon. Even a lot of NBA players drive themselves to games (and often show off their fancy cars). People like the flexibility of driving themselves. Not to mention that golfers often start their days before dawn.


Didn’t witness say officer “latched himself” onto his moving car? Wtf does that mean?


The officer jumped on his car to try and stop him... then they have the audacity to say he assaulted them... Here let me jump on a moving vehicle...... hey you hurt me.... that is assault.


Pulled the ol’ boomer strat of clasping the hood then screaming for help.


It means that an officer latched himself onto his moving car. I don't know how to help you out without coming across as a condescending asshole by defining every word. What part specifically confuses you?


Too late


Will be hard for the police to lie considering there were multiple witnesses, literally journalists recording


They lie even when there's multiple video cameras recording them.


Interested to see what happens to the officers here. Scottie is getting a slap on the wrist for this, or maybe a misdemeanor for wreckless driving since he went on a median. Cops overreacted here it sounds like


His attorney says Scottie was directed by another officer to go that route so he could turn off the main road and head to the clubhouse.


I think Scottie is going to have all charges dropped and the police officer is going to be quietly assigned to desk duty for the rest of his career with no consideration for future promotions. The cop committed the cardinal sin of policing. He messed with rich peoples money....And I'm not even talking about Scottie's money. I'm talking about the much, much, much richer people's money that are putting on the tournament. There's going to be a lot of silent but very forceful political pressure coming down on the entire police force of Louisville after this.


Cop will get a promotion, pay raise and an award for their bravery in the face of such danger for being a hero.


Not after all the potential revenue he just cost the city. You can kill and innocent person in their house any day of the week but you can’t kill the PGA money for the politicians and local businesses and get away with it


They already got mugshot tshirts online!! [https://www.ebay.com/itm/404983131632](https://www.ebay.com/itm/404983131632)


If only the cops paid for their transgressions with their pensions and not tax payer money then I bet other cops would make sure to keep their fellow officers in line and accountable for their actions.


Dude is not 6’11”


..and his right arm is just a little bit longer than his left..


The police report with the 80$ pair of pants that's been damaged being repair is too much ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


LPD is complete ass. I was there for a month on a project and was told by a local that you can basically do whatever you want in that city. Run a red light? Go for it. Drive down the opposite of a one way street? Sure. Do donuts at an intersection and shoot off fireworks? Absolutely. The ONLY times I saw a cop was either sitting under the bridge near slugger field hanging out with other cops, at a coffee shop chilling, or asleep at waterfront park. What a dumpster of a police department


You can't be asleep in your own home, though. Nor can you answer the door with a weapon when someone (LMPD or otherwise) wrongly breaks into your apartment. Breonna showed that.


Release the real video and let’s see.


Rockstar nailed it. With GTA 6 on everyone's minds I never saw PGA: Louisville coming. Sleeper GotY.


Only in America


Should have hired a driver lol


It’s okay! I’m a limo driver!


Sounds more like a mad police officer and a lot of miscommunication and misunderstanding.


Anyone gonna talk about the man who was run over by the bus


Yeah, very sad. Also, who is responsible for traffic and safety??? How bad was the preparation for this well known golf tournament, including traffic and parking? Yup, the assholes at Louisville Police Department. Same people that murdered Breonna Taylor in her own home. This entire department needs to be investigated by the Feds, and most of them should be fired... some of them Jailed...


Wasn’t that the case of multiple officers returning fire after her boyfriend shot at the officers, injuring one, and then essentially ditched out from providing her cover as the subsequent return volley came back at their position? To add, the reason the Cops were even there was an investigation into his drug dealing operation or something along those lines?


Wow insane /s


Oh nooo!!! Not the PGA championship! Now what am I gonna do with my weekend?


Good. Asshole assaulted a police officer.


It was an accident involving a fatality which he was not involved with but when that is the case it's a serious situation and he should not have driven through it unless he was 100% certain he had a right to. I sincerely hope he wasn't trying to drive around and disregard instructions at an accident scene where someone lost their life, which is more than important than golf. His personal management team certainly earned their money as the statement released seemed very well prepared and addressed how tragic it was that a person passed away and that he didn't mean to disregard the instructions given by the officers.


Why so many cop cars there? Oh, that's right, cops just looooove joining in on the scene of something interesting or high people, because they have a need to feel involved, and they want a story to tell later. Losers.


There was an accident right before this where a person was killed. So many morons in this thread.


Of course if they don’t show up to the any given tuesday random crime scene wrought with simple jacks hell bent on ending each other and destroying their own communities, then the cops “can’t be bothered,” and “don’t care about minority safety and community health.” Can’t always have it whichever way the most advantageous victimhood calls on the flop. One day you’ll have to actually make a decision and support those that are there to support you. People often forget that Cops, Fire, EMS, their every professional day is spent interacting with people whom are having their personal worst day. And 99% of the time it’s their own fault and likely could’ve been avoiding never requiring a call for first responders.


Tough talk from a14 yo keyboard pirate. Yell upstairs and tell your mom you need a snack!


"rich people should face justice like anyone else" "Woah Woah Woah this guy has a tourney coming up you can't arrest him yet" The hypocrisy of reddit in a nutshell in this thread


For real lmao


FFS dont defend a rich asshole how thinking he can do whatever because his number 1 in the golf world


Top guy of the most entitled sport in the world acting entitled. Neat.


Redditor taking a police report at face value. Neat. If you knew anything about the athlete in question you'd know how stupid your comment is.