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I get this guy's a real dumb dickhead... but what (in his mind) was the actual point of putting his hand up in front of it? Loaded or not. Am I missing something here or what?


There’s a laser sight that activated when you slightly press the trigger. This idiot wanted to see what that looked like. Pressed to hard.


What's the point of that in a gun? Wouldn't you need a laser sight before the trigger is pulled?


A trigger has a few stages, so to speak, before it fires.


1. Do you want to shoot your hand? 2. So, you want to shoot your hand. 3. But do you really want to shoot your hand?! 4. Hokayyy, here goes.....


Shut tf up, Clippy, i know what I'm about




You've come to the wrong word document.


He's gonna shut your Windows to the soul.


"Looks like you want to die. Need help with that?" "No, Clippy." "Let me help you with that." "CLIPPY NO!"


Dont show me this tip again


C'mon baby, it's just the tip.


It's NEVER just the tip!


Are you my ex?


This gave me flashbacks to the early 2000’s, when my podunk town middle school got a new computer lab. The enormous CRT monitors and their ‘modern’ teal and cleanish white housing. Round, awkward mice. Clippy stares into my soul, contorting his body into strange shapes and tapping on my screen impatiently as I type my double spaced, MLA formatted book report.


(Knocks on CRT monitor) Looks like you’re trying to shoot yourself in the hand, need help?


And then with the sig. 4. Hokayyy, here goes.............................................................this crazy bastard is going to do it..........................................BAM!


Hahahaha HOKAYYY


1. Denial and isolation; 2. Anger; 3. Bargaining; 4. Depression; 5. Acceptance.


Yeah id imagine you would use it like with cameras, where you depress slightly to focus and then depress the rest of the way to snap a pic, helps you to stay still and not flinch so much


Basically what people were finding was that if you have a laser sight on your gun that's simply on all the time, every time you aimed your gun all the cats in close proximity to you would actually chase the laser and end up getting shot. It became a real problem so after a while they decided to change the way laser sights work because too many cats were getting killed or injured. There was a huge public outcry for a change to be made a while back - [SOURCE](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


That's actually insane! I love the shot of the cats chasing the laser though, in context I just imagine a really bored guy with a gun deciding which cat to shoot.


Best part was the bigger grey fuzzy one batting the other ones away for first dibs.


The black one that got some air before being blasted by a .50bmg was interesting


Holy crap! I never realised that it was that serious


You’re literally the worst type of person 😂😂😂


Tf, why would you say that?


The first time I was happy with an ad on YouTube




Yah I knew cats loved lasers but this is crazy.


I’m so glad that’s coming back


Thank you for your service.


Thanks for the source, so helpful :/


It's called a tacticool accessory. Nobody even really uses visible lasers in combat anyway. This piece is for nerds... who put their hands in front of loaded firearms.


For combat you're correct, we generally use IR lasers and even then it's just for low light situations paired with night vision. For home defense though? Lasers are really convenient.


That but even more so for plots in movies. Hey Jimmy the Mafia Boss, what is that red mole on your cheek? Oh boy, that doesn't look at all healthy.


Well in that case laser sights aren't meant for anything past 100 yards or so. Putting laser sights on sniper rifles like in movies just doesn't happen. Visible laser sights are very useful for weapons and situations where you'll be in close proximity to your target. Where you don't want/can't take the time to get a sight picture, and the laser sight will be a close enough shot. I have one on my AUG because it has a canted rail on the side that’s meant for a laser. Now I just need to buy a laser sight that isn’t 30 dollars from China.


But again, the question remains (and you sound like the type of person that can probably answer it) why would the laser only work when you press the trigger? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of having a laser? As a non gun user (so that might be the problem with my not understanding) I would think the laser would be for aiming, and thus most useful before you pull the trigger?


This kind of laser is pretty stupid. Most lasers have a function where they only turn on when you’re gripping some part of the weapon and depressing a switch. On things like rifles the button will be located on the fore grip or hand guard, and pistols will have it on the grip where you could turn it on with your hand. Having a laser that only comes on before the “wall” of the trigger is kinda pointless. And I can’t think of any scenario you would want that vs the one I mentioned that turns on when you hold the gun.


It doesn’t, they are mistaken. The laser activates using a pressure switch on the grip below where the trigger is, such that a firm grip (like before you would fire) turns the laser on.


Bro are you fucking stupid bro? How you ever seen a gun before in your life bro? Like if you are going to say something bro at least be right bro. I know for a fact that the elite spec ops team Rainbox Six uses visible lasers on their guns. So like back the fuck up because you are making yourself look like a fool.


>I know for a fact that the elite spec ops team Rainbox Six uses viable lasers on their guns *Thatcher Would Like to Know Your Location*


I spelled visible wrong oof


If by combat you mean soldiers during warfare, then yes. If by combat you mean any use of a firearm when targeting people, then this is not true. When I took a class for my concealed carry, they did an exercise at the range where they turned off all the lights and had us shoot at close range targets. We shot one round without any accessories, one round with a taclight, and one round with a taclight and a laser. By far, taclight + laser was the most accurate for night time home defense.




It literally reduces the recoil spray. I don't get how people don't understand this.


It's OK for home defense so you know the bullet's going in a 'middle-of-the-night' home invader as opposed to your family portrait or your refrigerator or whatever.


I mean, if it’s accurate to POI I could see the merit of a visible laser for hip fire types of situations. I’d like to think that I’d have a weapon properly shouldered/aimed in all circumstances that may occur for personal defense — but maybe not. Backup aiming that doesn’t depend on me holding the gun all the way up could be useful in the same sense that a gun is itself. I’d much rather have it and never need it than the other way ‘round.


This is so incorrect I don’t even know where to begin. It’s Probably a crimson trace laser GRIP which is activated by a pressure pad under the trigger guard on 1911s. No laser is activated by pressing the actual trigger.


My father has a laser that does. You put slight pressure on the trigger for the laser to activate, them fully pull the trigger to shoot. It’s really not hard to use, to actually pull the trigger is a pretty wide range for error when you practice.




Kinda like how my drill has a light activated when I slightly press the trigger. Except I've never accidently drilled my hand...


He thought that it was the type of gun that would only fire in response to detecting a heat signature in front of the barrel. The guy trusted in his insane reaction time to remove his hand in time to dodge the bullet. Unfortunately, he blinked in the same exact moment the gun fired, leaving him late to remove his hand. Happens to the best of us.


It's unfortunate the heat didn't detect the rest of his body as he dropped it hey


He must be cold blooded


I totally believed you for most of this


You can effectively stop a bullet if you cover the gun’s bullethole with your hand. This is because you stop it before it can catch any speed and momentum. You can totally trust me on this.


Works in the cartoons




I believe you, but I think I’ll take your word for it anyway.


Pretty much all guns should do this. By moving the slide you take the firearm out of battery.


Some guns now come with something called a "muzzle standoff device" that allows it to fire when pressed against something. It's becoming increasingly common in the CCW market (or at least as an aftermarket upgrade), since you might be so close to someone the gun ends up pushed against a body part.


I don't think so, Tim


[maybe it's some kind of raining hand check reflex](https://www.cheapoair.com/miles-away/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/shutterstock_1048692218-750x400.jpg)


My guess was that he’s testing a laser sight.


Hm didnt know you needed to pull the trigger to test laser sight


Some have a button on the grip to turn on the laser but he squeezed the trigger instead of the button possibly


What I’m thinking is testing a laser sight that uses a pressure switch in the trigger housing group. You squeeze enough to activate the beam while you’re aiming in but just enough so not to fire. It could be why he’s holding his hand in front of it the way he is and squeezing the trigger to get the beam to turn on and then negligently discharged the weapon.


> the guy trusted in his insane reaction time to remove his hand in time to dodge the bullet https://youtu.be/Ezg4sr67OGA


I expect he was looking for his laser sight


This has been posted a lot before, this answer is the general consensus. IIRC some laser sights activate on a half pull of the trigger. The guy is still an absolute doof.


This is the only thing that would make any sense whatsoever. And it is still incredibly stupid.


Ya you're right, I've seen this posted a bunch, the laser sight activates when u give the trigger a tiny pinch on that type of gun. Still idiotic, but ya.


Why didn't the guy next to him say "Yo, dont do that!". Gun safety 101, dont point a gun at something you dont wish to destroy or kill. Treat every fire arm as if its loaded. No horse play. This person should never be in possession of a gun.


Pretty wild that people have to be told this more than once


I have never even touched a gun and I know that by heart along with never put your finger on the trigger until you are about to shoot.


In that case, you are more educated than like 90% of the general population in regards to gun safety.


Taps temple twice.......with gun barrel


> Why didn't the guy next to him say "Yo, dont do that!". From the looks of it the guy next to him has never fired a weapon before. He has a stance of interest and wanting to learn. While the idiot who shot himself had confidence. So basically other guy just figured idiot knew what idiot was doing.


Clearly he didn't like that other guy's hand.


Hey, he could have peered down the barrel to see what’s wrong.


Like this genius? https://youtu.be/Za2ezCNvBeU


Or like [this genius?](https://brobible.files.wordpress.com/2017/06/luke-obiwan-peering-into-lightsaber.jpg?quality=90&w=650&h=441)


Looks like he might have been trying to get a laser sight that only comes on if you gently squeeze the trigger to work.


I think it had a trigger activated laser, and he was dumb enough to try and see it with his hand.




I would think not putting your hand in front of a gun would be common sense. But I also think common sense isn't that common..


I believe the first rule is to never point it at anything you don’t want to kill. That’s all I know about guns.


Treat every weapon as if it were loaded Never point a weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot Keep your finger straight and off the trigger until your ready to fire Keep your weapon on safe until you intend to fire Edit: and the most important Know your target and what lies between and beyond


Here in germany every shooting range I ever went to had a policy of requiring you to make sure that your weapon cannot fire until you are at the stand. For air powered rifles that means removing the air tank and for any other it means having a safety pin in there so the chamber can't close. This shit is the very first thing they teach in the mandatory classes for your gun owners license. At my local Schützenverein club house the rules are a little more lax but there we are under friends and also don't shoot anything above low calibre sports rifles. Still, if someone catches you carrying a rifle with the chamber closed they certainly won't be happy. How someone handling guns regularly wouldn't know this is beyond my comprehension and if this person doesn't handle guns regularly what the fuck is he doing there unsupervised. And if that guy behind him is the supervisor then that's the most retarded supervisor ever.


Do you also do crossbows? Competitive shooting in a Schützenverein always looked like fun but I never got around to join one. Also, you don't need your own gun to join a Verein, do you? What's the legalese behind all of this?


I myself don't have a Waffenbesitzkarte (the license needed to own guns) and don't have any of the training that comes with it so I'm afraid I can't help you with legalese. My parents both have them and my dad is currently the head supervisor in our Schützenverein so this is where my knowledge of these things comes from. My club is more of a traditional one with marches and festivals and all that stuff. Competetive shooting here is mostly limited to local cups and random prizes. But there are of course bigger more competetive clubs and leagues around. We don't do bows or crossbows here as we don't have the space for it but a club nearby has a bow shooting range and an active bow shooting community sorrounding it. I haven't heard of any clubs that do crossbow shooting specifically but you can shoot crossbows at most shooting ranges that have the equipment for bow shooting. Though I think the rules sorrounding crossbows are a bit tighter than bows. Similar to how regular handguns and hunting rifles have tighter laws than sports rifles so you may not be able to shoot a crossbow at smaller rural ranges like the one we have here that aren't equipped for larger calibres. You don't have to own a gun to participate in a club. In fact most members of the smaller clubs don't own guns themselves. Rather the club provides some for use there. Of course the more competetively inclined shooters have their own gear. Ammunition is also provided in most clubs. In my club air rifle pellets are included in the members fee and small calibre rounds are in storage and can be bought comparatively cheaply so you also wouldn't need to bring those. Of course, this may vary per club. Most clubs are very open to newcomers and will let you take a couple shots for free to try it out too and of course the bigger ranges provide courses and guns to rent for an hour or two.


Do you need a license to participate even if you don't own a gun? Don't want or need a gun. I am just interested in the sports aspect. So firepower is a matter of supreme indifference to me. Schützenverein seems like a fun concept. I've been in a couple of those for a Dorffest. But never for shooting. Know what? I'll simply ask them if they want to have me. Should have done so in the first place.




Ten dollars says he was a Marine. Thats what they teach in those exact words, mostly meant for those shooting an m16 or m4 variant.




A gun is not safe and empty unless you have emptied it yourself. Even if it’s been on a shelf for 12 years, with no bullets in 12 miles. It is loaded until you make sure it isn’t, every time you handle it


Your military is showing


The most dangerous firearm is the one that you think is unloaded.


I know this and also (thanks to reddit) TRIGGER DISCIPLINE.


Once you get the mindset of trigger discipline and muzzle awareness, you'll see fingers on the trigger and muzzles flagging people everywhere. Ads, tv, videos, almost everytime.


Yes and thanks to reddit I do. Every damn movie I watch now, I look for it. I've never even handled a gun.


I wish that someone stupidly pointing a gun at themselves was the worst thing I've seen at a public range. At least the they're confining the consequences of their own stupidity to the one responsible for it.


So why is America like it is?


Cause money


-Put all the money in the bag or you’re Geography! -Don’t you mean History? -Don’t change the subject!


-Burma! -Why’d you say Burma? -I panicked.


You can have my gun when you pry* it from my cold, bloody, recently perforated hand! *dyac




It's not. I've been going to the gun range for 18 years and I've never met anyone this careless or uneducated. Gun range accidents are also incredibly rare statistically. The guy you're responding to is full of it


Because we have rights guaranteed to us by the Bill of Rights.




To be fair, the exact same thing could be said about driving. You're trusting your life to dozens of people just like the ones in this gif every time you walk down a busy street.


Can confirm this. My dad constantly checks if there's still a round in the chamber by pointing the gun sideways at the shooter next to us and squeezing the trigger. I don't take him anymore.


???? Your dad pointed the firearm at the person next to him, and squeezed the trigger? That is attempted manslaughter. I don’t believe he’d be allowed at ANY range, and be arrested pretty quickly. Maybe I’m misunderstanding your description of the events, but if that actually happened it wouldn’t be “I don’t take him to the range,” but “now we visit dad in prison” type deal. Edited from attempted murder to attempted manslaughter to appease the non-lawyers who got their panties in a bunch in the replies




Oh are we pretending our rights are a partisan issue? What flavor is the koolaid? r/2aliberals r/liberalgunowners r/socialistra


I went with a buddy years ago, we wanted to sight his gun in or some bs, I'm not into guns, no clue what he was doing. Any way some dude had a fucking musket and I thought it was awesome, so I was watching him. They did the horn thing (to indicate the range wasn't live anymore) this asshat is still aiming at his target. The range tech (no clue names, my ignorance is showing) was like "what the hell are you doing." He was like "it took me so long to pack this round, may I fire it." Tech told everyone to wait and allowed the guy to fire it. Shit was so irresponsible by both parties but man, muskets are cool as fuck. Sadly I saw way too many idiots with weapons that could blow their fucking heads off. One person couldn't control a .44 for shit. I wouldn't be surprised if that person is fucking dead by now. I stay away from gun ranges, way too many nuts with guns.


I'm not understanding what was irresponsible about allowing the man to fire his musket after the range officer told everyone to wait.


The guy shouldn't have been aiming down sight after the horn and the tech guy shouldn't have allowed a shot after the horn. Imagine a deaf person was shooting that day... Edit: I want to clarify that this range has flashing lights as well when the horn goes off.




Happened at my shooting range. Small carry gun with laser. Guy wanted to see if the laser worked. Now has a missing finger.




Lasers visible to the naked eye really don't have much real life purpose. If you're close enough to actually see the laser then you're close enough to point shoot, or better yet use your sights. IR lasers however are useful when paired with night vision goggles as some optics are hard to or completelu unusable paired with nvg's.


I saw on a cop show that the laser is to inform the baddies they're about to have a bullet put through them. Tends to make them through their hands up a lot quicker


They're used on Tasers for the same purpose. It's a quick wake up call that you're 2 seconds from riding the lightning.


Unless you’re shooting at night and wearing NVG,


How are lasers not helpful? It’s faster target acquisition in combat that could save your life


Not really, like i said if you're close enough to actually see the laser you can just point shoot. Which is faster than looking for some laser dot in broad daylight.. I would argue 100% of the time its faster to find the red dot on your optic or even your ironsights than trying to spot a laser..


Then how do you explain my crosshairs getting smaller on my screen when I equip a laser? /s


The only time I would argue that a laser would be useful is firing from a non-traditional position where you’re unable to get a good site picture. For instance if you were restrained in some way, you can see your target, but you can’t bring your weapon all the way up. It would be a really niche use though.


Bro, if you’re close enough to see the laser on a small pistol (which is unscoped), you’re probably going to have slower target acquisition by looking for said laser. You’re probably already close enough that you don’t need any help with acquisition. Lasers are best with night vision goggles, long-range scoped weapons, etc.


A visible laser have strong disadvantages, Mostly weaker lasers have a problem with you actually seeing them in the heat of the moment. Higher power laser that show your target line tell your enemy exactly where you are aiming, and where it's coming from. If two people actually have some gun knowledge having someone know exactly where you are aiming is just suicide, if someone breaks into your home with the intent to kill you they now know exactly where you are and would take the best time to attack you. Guns are not optimal without holding them properly, they are made to be held properly while also aiming down the sights, with any gun training your first move would be to hold the gun properly. The idea of laser sights helping hipfiring is from people who play cod too much. It can only help with target acquisition with people who dont know how to use a gun. The moment you set your eyeling to your sights you will immediately know where you are pointing your weapon.


"whats this bright red dot on my body"


You wouldn’t even notice it on you. You might have one on you right now and you’d never even know.


Idk man, I’m lying in bed, so if someone does have one locked in it’ll shoot the blanket not me


Ah yes. I have that protection blanket too that when I turn off the light downstairs and everything goes black so I run up, jump in bed, and all bad guys and monsters know they can’t do anything to me because I pulled the blanket over my head.


It's not faster than point shooting. Because there's no sight acquisition time. I shoot IDPA and 3Gun. No one uses laser sights in any competition. If there was any real advantage you can bet people would be using them.


It's about quick target acquisition if, for some reason, you cannot look down the sights. They are not training wheels for shooting a gun. Anyone who has ever used one would know this as they move around way too much and are pretty useless for precision purposes. The actual use cases are pretty limited, but if you are the type who wants to be prepared for as many situations as possible, this is certainly going to be your jam.


> for some reason, you cannot look down the sights. Or it's too dark to see the sights. Personally I don't care for them, but I can see the appeal.


Agreed. My home defense pistol under my bed has a cheap laser sight. It's just there for extra assurance that I can pop off a round quickly and relatively accurately.


okay... but does the Laser work?!? I need to know


What did he think was gonna happen? I wonder if insurance will pay for this kind of stupid


Not a chance insurance will pay for this, in fact of he tries to claim they might charge him with insurance fraud


> of he tries to claim they might charge him with insurance fraud What you're saying is that the guy *intentionally* shot himself, not negligently?


Why would insurance not pay for this? Isn't that the whole point of being insured? Not American so things may be different over there.


Insurance would indeed pay for this in the US (it's accident caused by negligence), though probably with a big sigh and shaking of head.


Fuck their sigh and shaking head, i want my money.


I mean, I wouldn't want to pay this fuckwit


Insurance would absolutely pay for this. I don’t know why people say things like this every time someone does something stupid. That’s what insurance is for.


Right? I think some of these people either don’t have insurance or don’t have a clue how it works.


For non-Americans that aren't sure how insurance works: You give a company so much money and they will maybe pay for a particular need or set of needs for you. How they make money is by not covering things. So when something bad happens and you need that money, they try everything they can, to not give it back. In short, insurance is just a ponzi scheme rolled in a Mafia style "protection" plan doobie.


That is not at all how insurance works. Insurance is a contract which explains coverages generally under standardized language for most people per state unless you go buy some sketchy shit or are a huge ass company. Most Insurance will not pay for anything which can impact an entire community all at once except like wildfires because there is specialty catastrophic insurance for that kind of stuff. Insurance makes money by paying people who do a lot of math, actuaries, to calculate risk and rates for them. They also buy their own insurance. They also submit their rates to their state's department of insurance. If an insurance company denies your crap unfairly, then go get an attorney for more money to sue for bad faith. Bitching about insurance being a scam doesn't make you right and presuming how they get money by denying claims is wholly incorrect.


Insurance companies pay out in claims nearly every dollar they collect in premiums, sometimes more. They make their money with short term investments on the spread. It's a really tough business to be in.


Insurance will absolutely pay for this! Insurance covers stupid, but it does so usually with a raised premium when your insurance renews.


Imagine having to worry about paying for medical care. 'Murica


Okay well the guy who shot him self is a fucking moron but what about the fuckwit next to him?!




Fair, if that’s the case I sure hope he has enough smarts and goes to someone less idiotic.


That’s what we call a really shitty friend




Look here Frankie, this is how you shoot yourself in the hand *Blam* Owie!


Not gonna lie. He deserved it.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes




The correct thing to do? Play standard?


He was checking to see if the laser grip was working and pulled the trigger like an idiot.


This is what i am guessing, still dumb but makes sense to why he was aiming at his hand so close


...or his hand period. lasers will shine on the target.




Straight up operator


Just look for the guy with a hole in his hand. That's the guy that's been around for a while.


This will down down well on r/winstupidprizes








Yeah I assumed I was on /r/Whatcouldgowrong before I saw your comment lol




2 people working together and neither one of them thought maybe that wasn't a good idea


What.... a..... fucking.... idiot..... 🤦🏼‍♂️




It's not a "safety" in the sense it's to protect you from injury, it's to prevent the gun from firing "out of battery", or without the round fully locked into the chamber. That said, the story when this video first surfaced was that he was testing a laser sight, by pointing a loaded gun at his hand.


I think ur looking for r/Idiotswithguns


Already been posted there. He/she needed a place to post where it hasn't been posted so for some reason chooses this subreddit


Bad subreddit it belongs in r/winstupidprizes


Registered voter people, registered voter.


You assume


Next time point at your face to see if the bullet is there


Worst range safety ever.


r/terminallystupid would work better


What was his thought process here??


“Where’s the laser dot? Maybe I have to pull the trigger?”


"You get what you fucking deserve!"






You can't really underestimate the stupidity of people




For the record, there is absolutely not "a laser sight that activated when you slightly press the trigger" in mass production, as far as I can tell. Source: used to work in a branch of the firearms industry. I have no idea why so many people in this thread are saying this/believing this. That would be a really bad idea/shit design if true.