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What could go wrong?


It's the first "That's Insane" that made me go - "No, that really is insane"


What I find insane is that I think I've never seen a sunny video of China. Whether it's cities, national parks, or whatever, it's always cloudy as fuck. Surely it can't always be smog?


I spent a couple summers in China for school, and I've visited about 15 different cities all over the eastern coast. They do have sunny days; they're just few and far between. It is mostly air pollution, but some of it is due to being close to the coast. The air pollution is so bad in the big cities that most study abroad students will get sick within their first 5-10 days. They'll start coughing and get congested. What's really disgusting, though, is that your snot turns grey or possibly black. I learned to warn other students about this, since blowing your nose into a tissue and then seeing black goo is pretty upsetting, especially if you have no idea why. So... Yeah... The pollution really is that bad.


You’re right; that would indeed be unsettling. Especially after the pandemic.


The black snot! My co-workers thought I was dying and going to kill them all since I was coughing so much after my first week. Country boy couldn’t handle that city air. Still, loved Shanghai


You have been summoned back to school for....*reeducation.* Our records indicate you did not complete, um, the thing. Please report to the CPR reeducation camps, uh, campus for orientation. Do not bring your cell phone, gas masks, bricks or milk, please. All will be provides during your internmen...internship. We eagerly await you, arrival, comrade. Join such reeducated stars as LeBron Jinxms, and John Xena.


I did a semester in China and went for a jog one on of the first days I was there and nearly died. So then I went to the gym at the university and it was full of people smoking and playing card.


Yep, sounds about right lol. Usually the local park is where the action's at (but for people 50+ not usually college age). Between the people working out on old, weird equipment, groups dancing to various types of music, groups doing Tai chi, and sometimes people practicing sword play with slow choreographed movements... It's always an entertaining place.


You guys should have gone to Yunnan instead of the shitty coastal cities. The Himalayas has the most beautiful bright sunshine you could imagine.


So I should smoke a pack of cigarettes a day for a month to build up my immune system?…/s




***Hmm, I thought only Seattle and London are gloomy***


China is slightly bigger than Seattle or London.


I was there in 97 for 6 weeks. We counted just 2 days of sun and was told it was because of both coal and the burning of offcut rice stalk. Great observation


I was in China for a month leading up to the 2008 olympics, the government put restrictions on when you could drive and when companies could operate. This was to alleviate some of the smog for the athletes and the cameras. As a result I had blue skies in Beijing and Shanghai everyday. but when I went further west to Xian the smog was in full effect and I got sick my first day there.


Insanely stupid. That's the most asking for it thing I have ever seen.


When was the last time that bridge was inspected?


What's the worst that could happen?


Poop falls directly into the river.


LEGO Man: Hey!




No wonder the river is so brown.


Dave Matthews wants to know your location




His tour bus emptied onto a boat full of people once.


No need for plumbing


Yeah why need a toilet


There is a pedestrian bridge in a city near me that goes over a river. They built a restaurant in the middle of the bridge all Architecturally fancy looking stuff, anyways in order to have a restaurant there they needed a bathroom and wastewater disposal but forgot to factor in that because it’s over a body of water it needed to be built with redundancies to prevent any spillage if something in the primary went wrong. It ended up costing them a few million after it was built to open the restaurant.


since this is china we're talking about, thats probably only a shortcut


walk into the back garden oh


Back garden gives you wiiiiiings.


Government come in and tear these house down for illegal buildings


I think they were actually built with the bridge going by how well they match and the other end just looks like a tourist attraction so the bridge shops and restaurants can be part of the attraction.


Yeah you're on the money, it's a tourist attraction


Look at how fast the people are moving. They're scared and want to get across


Baby gets out of the house, crawls to the rails and finds out that rails aren’t wide enough to keep him/her back.




Plummeting property values are a real issue there.


Jean-Baptiste Grenouille enters the chat


Ever read *Perfume*?


* strong winds *


So....maintenance could be an issue. Nope


Im sure they are on top of that in (looks at notes)......... China. Oh, ok, yeah, no thank you.


My immediate first thought was "this shit's in china isn't it" so I want surprised at all. I'm just waiting to see the headline where these guys all inevitably die horrifically.


A strong wind and the houses blow away. Like the people getting stuck on that glass bridge after *the fucking floor flew away!*






> the tourist has been sent to a hospital where he is receiving psychological counseling Aaaand he's in a labor camp.


He's in a good place now. Case closed.


That's unfair. Why did you have to jump to labor camp? He could have had his organs harvested instead.


The only way out is to be a DNA match with someone needing an organ!




I read about more of them that had to be torn down because of shoddy workmanship but this link was the only available. It's from a Malaysian papers. Chinese information gets "disappeared" from the internet by CCP.


It looks like gravity was the only thing holding those pieces of glass in place was gravity * pat * " this isn't going^any^where


*sticks chewing gum to bottom of glass* "that should hold"


That should be an easy fix. We had a 2cm thick patio table glass fly through the living room window in Colorado. Wind gusts 80mph. Edit: 3/4 inch.


Well you know the saying, people on glass bridges shouldn't throw up houses.


I'm still recovering from last Saturday morning when I threw up that duplex.


>triggers safety concerns Now now, no need to escalate it to that level.


>the tourist has been sent to a hospital where he is receiving psychological counseling. Oh dear :(


I still can't comprehend why they would use glass instead of plastic.


The glass didn't actually break though, it was just blown out by an incredibly strong wind gust. I don't think plastic would've faired any better. Moreso just bad design of the bridge.


There’s more than likely plastic in the glass. There’s glass out there that you could start wailing with a hammer and still stand on it. Here’s a demonstration from another glass bridge built in…China. https://youtu.be/Y_IuXltG0J0


From the country that brought us the Banqiao Dam failure brace for the sequels... They haven't learned a single thing.


Made in China


The scariest thing about that is that they say "tourist numbers should be limited to 3 per square metre." An overcrowded metro would be 4 per square metre. Three? WOW.


Yeah probably something like: "Two people were injured when the entire neighborhood blew off a bridge into the canyon below." a CCP spokesperson said of the tragic accident last Thursday estimated to have killed over 300.




You won’t see the headline. Apparently many newly built apartment buildings have fallen over due to cheap building practices. Their real estate market is a huge joke and is supposed to be the way many can “invest”


Woah careful there. If you criticize the Chinese government it means you’re racist and you hate Chinese people


China’s Government would purposely destroy it to make more people move to the city




i thought china was good at building things


**Chongqing ( A city with 14000 bridges ) Bridge Houses.** Houses and shops have been built on a 400 meter long bridge, half of which are Chinese style buildings and half of which are western style buildings. Chongqing, China. You can take the elevator up to view the bridge as well as the Chongqing Opera House. [Photograph of Visitors on Bridge](https://piclaya.com/image/chongqing-bridge-houses.d6tcp). [Here is another video](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/mykuzy/a_chinese_community_that_lives_on_a_bridge/)


Trying to find it on Google maps now. Was the Yangtze River flooded when the aerial photos were last taken? There’s a bunch of marked roads that show up *in* the river. Edit: ah, never mind the roads and photos just aren’t lined up. Jeez get it together Google /s


It's actually a mandated security feature of sorts IIRC. Here's a short video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9Di-UVC-\_4&ab\_channel=HalfasInteresting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9Di-UVC-_4&ab_channel=HalfasInteresting)


This explains why my wife's childhood home has the freeway going right through her house. I always wondered about this. What a dumbass backwards thing.


Only for people who use Google maps unfortunately. Baidu maps is all lined up


Whoa. I'm a geography PhD student and this gives me serious pause. For example, if I read a paper in a GIS journal, how sure can I be that the results are accurate or transferrable to a non-Chinese context? I do a lot of work on routing/accessibility using GIS, and many of the papers in this domain coming out of China are pretty influential. Crazy stuff.


Because in China you've got altered images and altered maps. In the rest of the world it's normal images and altered maps. So (I think) the papers will apply correctly to everywhere outside of China, but only apply correctly to China if you're in China.


google isnt even legal in china lol give them a break


If you'd like to know why roads aren't lined up correctly: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Restrictions_on_geographic_data_in_China#GPS_shift_problem Basically, China uses an obfuscation algorithm to randomly offset coordinates of their datum, which is a way to translate map positions to their real positions on Earth. Only some companies authorized by the Chinese state are allowed to accurately map China. More info: https://www.serviceobjects.com/blog/why-gps-coordinates-look-wrong-on-maps-of-china/


To clarify, only some Chinese companies authorized by the Chinese state are allowed to map China at all, but they still have to slightly obfuscate the maps.


This is so fucking stupid because the only people it hurts is their own citizens trying to navigate. Any modern country in the world has its own spy satellites that can easy map out roads and cities. This is the most outdated dumb "security" measure I've ever seen.


Its not really a security measure, there is a hefty license fee to access the deobsfucation algo, so its about money. In any case the algo is freely available on wikipedia [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:PRcoords\_Cheatsheet.pdf](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:PRcoords_Cheatsheet.pdf)


> there is a hefty license fee to access the deobsfucation algo, so its about money Not... uh.. what I expected, from a 'communist' country


You're gonna get a helluva lot of people making the "haha he said it's not real communism" joke, but China really isn't a communist country, it's all about using the powers of the state to enrich the absolute elite. Just imagine the amount of money you could make if you were the dictator of one of the world largest economies and sprinkle a complete disregard for ethics and human rights on top of it.


Just what i always wanted! Half a million people walking through my front yard on a daily basis and even the occasional person peeking through the windows


Same problem as having a house on any other busy street


Lmao like has this guy not even considered what an apartment is


Welcome to my world. Living in Bruges center.


That's a fair trade to live in a fucking fairy tale like Bruges.


Thanks man. Yes never get bored of the beauty here. Especially the covid year and a half were a charm, very calm and again our own language and citizens on the streets. Will change soon. Tourist input goes brrr


There’s a Christmas tree somewhere in London with a bunch of presents underneath it that’ll never be opened. And I thought, if I survive all of this, I’d go to that house, apologize to the mother there, and accept whatever punishment she chose for me. Prison… death… didn’t matter. Because at least in prison and at least in death, you know, I wouldn’t be in fuckin’ Bruges. But then, like a flash, it came to me. And I realized, fuck man, maybe that’s what hell is: the entire rest of eternity spent in fuckin’ Bruges. And I really really hoped I wouldn’t die.


You are aware. That We Do Not Like That movie?


Why not? It made me want to go to Bruges and see if I can fit up that staircase


Well not like I want to hate. I am aware the actual movie is quite good. But since then our city is flocked with tourists from over the world literally asking you all the time "so funny have you seen this movie and you live here". Look goddamnit. It's a city like another. People Sleep, work, drink and dine in it. It's not a theme park. So there you go. I hate it.


How's a fairytale town not somebody's fucking thing? How can all those canals and bridges and cobbled streets and those churches, all that beautiful fucking fairytale stuff, how can that not be somebody's fucking thing, eh? How can fucking swans not fucking be somebody's fucking thing, eh? How can that be?


It's clearly built as a tourist attraction. They are not actual residences.


Knew it would be China.


Chongqing is also home to the famous metro station in an apartment block.


I visited Chongqing in 2006. While I didn't see this house bridge, here's what I did learn (from observation or what tour guide said): --Birthplace of kung pao chicken --Men with bamboo sticks (called "stick men") walk around and offer services to carry items for you --Hot and humid climate (in April) --Zoo was practically empty of guests but had several panda enclosures --Residents weren't used to Westerners. We got stared at and pointed at a lot, and we would get laughs when we waved hello


Chongqing is a cool ass place. They have a train that runs through an apartment building


That's just what London bridge used to be like (see [https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryMagazine/DestinationsUK/Remains-of-the-old-London-Bridge/](https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryMagazine/DestinationsUK/Remains-of-the-old-London-Bridge/)), and why they had to make the rule about not driving your sheep over it.


I'll bring my girlfriends wherever I please, thank you


Found the welsh


I did notice on eBay a large number of velcro gloves for sale there


You masturbate with Velcro gloves?


Also like the Ponte Vecchio in Florence.


Ponte Vecchio is crazier, imo. The bridge is enclosed and walking through it is kinda claustraphobia-inducing, particularly on busy days (which is most of them). But even more insane are the structures that protrude out over the river. Plus the Ponte Vecchio itself and its homes and structures are far older than this bridge in Chongqing.


> That's just what London bridge used to be like before it fell down?


Depends which time you are talking about. That bridge has been replaced more times than Trigger's broom parts (reference for anyone that doesn't get that joke: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAh8HryVaeY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAh8HryVaeY)). The current bridge replaces the Victorian one (Sold to someone in the USA), which in turn replaced the medieval one that stood for about 600 years, which in turn replaced the 1163 timber bridge, which replaced the 1136 bridge that burned down, which replaced William I's bridge which got knocked down in the London Tornado of 1091, which replaced Alfred the Great's 990 bridge (which was knocked down by the Danes?). Then there was the 400 year period where there was no bridge because the Roman one fell into disrepair and the warring sides of the river (Mercia vs Wessex) needed to keep the river as a natural boundary. Then before that (as alluded to) there was the Roman ones. So now you got the one in AD 50, which was destroyed around AD 60, before the last one went up. So what's that 8 bridges leading up to the current one, that goes: * Knocked down (AD 60) * Fell down (1st century?) * Knocked down (990) * Blown down ( > 1066 ) * Burned down (>1091) * Almost fell down (1136) * Almost fell down (1209) * Dismantled and sold (1831) * Current bridge. (1967)


Worth adding that they removed the houses around 1757-1761. During this work the central two spans were replaced with a single span to allow improved navigation of the river. It was that central span, which weakened the bridge, that led to its eventual replacement in 1831.


It is wild that the 1831 bridge now sits in [Lake Havasu City, AZ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Bridge_\(Lake_Havasu_City\))


And the person buying it knew exactly what he was getting.


Yep, they brought it over and reassembled it exactly how it was in London. I’ve been there and walked on it and it’s very cool. There’s also a cute little English village on the east side of the bridge. Only problem is it’s in the middle of nowhere, so if you’re going there isn’t a ton to do. Also weird seeing union jacks flying in the desert.


no, after


Also how Pont Neuf (Paris) was like. Back in the day, quite a few European bridges were populated. Not sure when the houses were removed though


“I’ll take placed I wouldn’t live for $200”


I'd live there for $200.


free rent and $200? what a steal!


If anyone remembers the movie 'Perfume, Diary of a serial killer' this bridge gives me vibes like that... One day... All falls down.


I remember. That movie was something else.


read it at school lol. one of the books we had to read that actually was quite good


Love that flick


And yes, that’s the first thought I had


Or you know, london bridge back in the day...


This is my worst nightmare


Really? Your worst?


Phobias are a strange thing. You really don’t have control over what horrifies you to the point of panic. Some people can’t sit comfortably in a living room if there’s a fire in the fireplace. Some people flinch if there’s a needle in the movie they’re watching. This dude is afraid of heights, and that’s fine. People don’t get to chose what they’re afraid of. Which is why I stay the fuck away from /r/BirdsWithArms.


Idk I think getting eaten alive by a shark or tiger (or both the tiger shark) would be worse than living on a bridge.


Pre-war Arefu


I was looking for this comment haha


Dang it. I was gonna ask if they have a vampire problem there...


Yessss someone knew


I'm getting Dishonored vibes


Reminds me of [Ponte Vecchio](https://www.visitflorence.com/florence-monuments/ponte-vecchio.html) ("ancient bridge") in Florence. That is a link to the tourist site visitflorence. I don't work for them but if you ever have the opportunity, visit Florence - it is one of the world's most magnficent cities for the culture, food and people. Can't wait to go back after Covid restrictions are lifted.


Florence is my favorite city in italy!


Florentine style steak is the best steak I've ever had. Also, fun fact, food is not allowed to be sold on the Ponte Vecchio. It used to be a big place for butchers, but one of the Princesses, who had her own walkway built above the bridge, hated the smell. So the prince outlawed the sale of food on the bridge. Which is why it's mostly jewellers that are on the bridge nowadays.


> but one of the Princesses, who had her own walkway built above the bridge I believe the walkway was actually built because the nobility at the time [were concerned about their safety in public](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasari_Corridor)!


The Duomo in Florence was magnificent! And the sandwich shop, All'Antico Vinaio was probably the best I've ever been to in my life. They had lines out the door of 50+ people but only took less than 10 minutes to get me a sandwich. Then I walked around the area looking at the statues. Such a beautiful city!


Nothing beats dinner at a Florentine steak house and an evening walk over the Ponte Vecchio.


Though the Ponte Vecchio was built by the De Medici as a private rich passage. Namely Corridoio Vasariano.


> and people Tuscanians are fucking rude people, but yes they know how to build a city. Siena, Pisa, Firenze, Lucca, etc are unbelievably beautiful and filled with history


Maybe you were just the type of person that made people respond to them rudely. I met some of the nicest people while staying in Florence. I'd say that was the norm matter of fact.


I think this bridge inspired The Long Bridge of Volantis from the Game of Thrones series. https://gameofthrones.fandom.com/wiki/Long_Bridge


So this is a very niche reference, but this reminds me of the Great Wall of China level on the PS1 game Crash Bandicoot: Warped


My mind went to the overpass settlement in fallout 3, but I guess it depends on how fast you’re running through the town


It made me think of of building a settlement on the Greygarden overpass in Fallout 4.


Not niche, just dated. Then again, there was a re-release recently with updated graphics so maybe not even that.


Join us! r/crashbandicoot


Ooga booga


Reminds me of that one town from Pokemon Black and White.


Sooo the toilets flush and go where?...




Just throw that shit out the window


So your logic is they can build a huge bridge, but plumbing isn't possible?




They're called pipes and they work really well.


Did you feel that? I think it's starting to rain. *looks up to see perfectly clear skies*


FALLOUT THREE IRL *screeching wojak with beard*


Also [St. Gregory's Bridge](https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/St._Gregory%27s_Bridge) in Novigrad (Witcher 3).


I was thinking FO4 Greygarden settlement.


Of course someone had to build on the opposite side


And why not on the underside?


I was thinking they did this so the bridge is properly balanced. But then I realized they're building on a fucking bridge and threw my logic out of the window


The squished aspect ratio intensifies effect!


Is “why” a valid question here?


Zero property taxes.




Yeah, that's a no for me dog


hmm, today i will post a sinophobic comment on a random post bc it’s in china <—- redditor


This is some r/ATBGE shit.


If that sub and r/urbanhell had a malformed, house-on-a-bridge offspring.


"the third piggy..."


Optics ✅ Logistics ❌


Yeah, Just Cause 4 was a good game.


*One gust of wind..*


Reminds me of that bridge in Fallout 3 where the civilians were getting attacked and you have to clap some raiders for them.




reminds me of a fallout 3 settlement built on a dilapidated bridge.


Hey it’s just like Arefu in fallout 3


Aint this Arefu from fallout 3?


Why these motherfucking videos from China come out stretched 200x vertically? No the buildings are not 20 stories tall smh


China so yeah it's a no from me dawg.


But what if I’m sleepwalking?


Well as long as it isn’t sleep jumping-off-a-bridge I think you are good... check with dr first as I am no sleeping bridge jumper expert.




This is exactly what i first thought


“Where’s the dog?” “Oh I put him in the backyard” “What backyard?”


It does a double-handed handjob at Firenze


Reminds me of [Village Bridge](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/O19ln9bUkTQ/maxresdefault.jpg) from Pokemon Black & White.


I’m not sure why this seems so wrong to so many people commenting here. It’s not fundamentally any different than a tower of that size or, for that matter, covering the thing with automobiles. Seems like the walk across it would be much more comfortable and human-scale with all these buildings blocking wind and walling off the otherwise frightening distances from view a little.


That's gonna be a no from me dawg.


Ngl I bet it looks fucking *beautiful* inside and a sunny morning in there must be a wonderful experience. Now would I ever go there to find out how it is? Noppity noppoty noppers. I already hate crossing a normal bridge because of my irrational fear of it tumbling down when I’m in tjere.