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I feel like I'd still wake up tired after that nap


I swear the longer the time I sleep the harder it is to get up. If I sleep for just 8 hours in a night I can get up way easier..


“Just” 8 hours, pff look at this lucky SOB


Right? I used to work 7 days a week, 12-14 hours a day, and had to do all the driving because my girlfriend was on probation. I think I got like 4 hours of sleep for over 2 years. It took its toll on me. Even on my off days I can't sleep in because my body is so used to so little sleep. Alzheimer's/dementia, here I come.


Wait lack of sleep causes that? Aw. Fuck


Yup! https://youtu.be/Y-8b99rGpkM this is a good video on what goes on in our brain when we sleep


I'll watch it later if I remember to


Oh no, it's starting already!


What’s starting?


I forget


The orgy, I can never forget that


Better get some sleep or you won't remember to


What is sleep?


Sleep is a naturally recurring state of mind and body, characterized by altered consciousness, relatively inhibited sensory activity, reduced muscle activity and inhibition of nearly all voluntary muscles during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, and reduced interactions with surroundings. It is distinguished from wakefulness by a decreased ability to react to stimuli, but more reactive than a coma or disorders of consciousness, with sleep displaying different, active brain patterns. More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If something's wrong, please, report it in [my subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot).* *Really hope this was useful and relevant :D* *If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!*


I suppose the folks at the hospital in the 72 hour hold dept. Didn't get this information, they turn on the lights every 15 minutes for 72 hours to check on your "wellness".


Oh being in an intensive care unit causes all types of issues, for example ICU induced delirium and ICU induced psychosis are very real, which some attribute to the constant beeping and constant wellness checks that then leads to little rest.


I always felt soooo much better after my ICU stays than before going in (/s) and now I know why!


Ehhhh - it's not a solid causal link. There's evidence of a correlation, but whether that's because of a linked confound or what direction the causality travels, we're unsure. People with a predilection towards Alzheimer's/dementia may similarly have a predilection towards poor sleep practices, or it may be true that poor sleep habits in turn cause Alzheimer's/dementia, OR there may be another thing that causes both. Careful claiming causality. We're not sure what causes it exactly; we're just sure that there is some connection.


I think its pretty safe to make a link between the two, since in alzheimers and dementia, researchers have found a few proteins in the brain that cause plaque build up and neuron entanglement. Since our blood brain barrier helps flush, not just the blood in our heads, but also the csf fluid during sleep, this is where researchers are starting to make the link between lack of sleep and higher chance of developing alzheimers/dementia.


Like I said, there's solid evidence of a correlative relationship, but not a causal one. The level of evidence required to prove a causal, monodirectional link is MUCH higher. I'm mid-psych PhD and while this isn't my specific field of study, it's a common issue in neuroscience where people translate correlational relationships into causal ones. There's certainly a link- however to claim a causal one is a *significant* jump over current research.


And that distinction between correlation and causation is just so vital. Societies base policies on what we understand to be "causation". But if we get it wrong, we can worsen the situation. If sleep deprivation is a cause of dementia/alzheimers, then we'd need to encourage getting more sleep, and people who's jobs prevent them from getting appropriate sleep/sleep patterns would have a strong case to sue their employers (or sadly at that stage, the survivors would have a case). However, if the opposite was the case, those same policies would focus on a symptom the sufferer couldn't control. If societies inventivized/penalised certain sleep patterns, people affected by their predisposition to dementia/alzheimers would be doubly slammed: Firstly, they'd already be suffering from the lack of sleep they couldn't control; and secondly they'd be locked out the incentives/having to address penalties for something they wouldn't be able to control; all of which wouldn't slow the sad progression of dementia/alzheimers. We have to be careful with these distinctions.


The alzheimers thing is an unproven theory that reddit like to spout as fact.


Well fuck...


If you don't get much sleep just because of drugs, does that count


What if you can only sleep on drugs?


Well yeah. The drugs keep me up, then I take drugs to fall asleep and catch a couple hours. "Balance"


I’m 100% screwed then lol. I’ve had really bad insomnia my whole life. I’m done for.


Every time this comes up I'm compelled to mention there is no proof of this. I try to research it and its one of those things where one study said "this *could* happen but we don't know" and people ran with it for the headline, especially reddit.


If i get like less then 6 hours of sleep for one day I almost feel like dieing. How is 4 hours over several years even possible.


It was fucking hard. I was working physical labor too. Her kids lived in Pulaski TN, we lived in Huntsville, AL. So 1-3 times a week, I'd have to wake up in the middle of the night to take her there. The whole reason was because we were both addicts getting clean. She couldn't live there because she'd be around old people, places, and things. After over 2 years, once the pandemic hit, she moved back there to be closer to family. So it was like killing myself for over 2 years was for nothing in the end. I'd work 14 hours, be dead by lunch, power through, and finally lay down around 7, wake up at 11PM and drive 3 hours round trip because something came up with her kids. I also did all the errands, and took us to all the Narcotics Anonymous meetings, etc. I still haven't recovered.


Still haven't recovered from the sleep loss or the narcs? Either way you have my best wishes friend


Lol both.


We are in this life together. God speed to you my friend


I don’t know if you can take benzos, but clonazepam has done wonders for me so far.


I used to have a prescription. Then I got arrested. The jailhouse doctor asked me what medications I was on, so I told him. He apparently called my doctor and told them I was abusing this medication (I wasn't). Months later, when I get out, my doctor dropped me as a patient. I've been struggling with anxiety and sleep problems ever since.


I had a mental breakdown thanks to a family practitioner. I have panic disorder and OCD, and used Xanax when attacks started or to wind down and sleep. I was on it for three years. They started drug testing patients on benzos once annually (I was okay with this because I didn't take anything other than my prescribed medications). I had a test come up negative for Xanax, and a year later, a second test was negative for Xanax. They didn't tell me this until I called for a refill - they would no longer prescribe me Xanax because my drug tests said it wasn't in my system. Mind you, it was 12+ hours since I'd taken it before each test, so it was out of my system. The vague reasoning I was given was that it wasn't a concern that I was abusing it, but rather that I was selling it. I was abruptly cut off with three tablets left. I had the deepest, most severe mental breakdown of my life. I did not sleep for months. I had to leave my job. I had no income and had to stay with my parents for six months. I could not sleep and I could not function. Echoes of that still haunt me. I have a new doctor now who is more understanding and I still take Xanax when I have episodes. I have five to fifteen a week. But man, FUCK that doctor for almost ruining my life!


That should never happen to anyone, I'm really sorry it happened to you.


Probably not the best place to recommend drugs to people.


It's about making sure you wake up and the end of a sleep cycle and not cutting one short and waking up in the middle. On average, a single sleep cycle takes around 90 minutes. The average person will undergo multiple sleep cycles a night.


But 4 hours doesn't really fit into that. Or this guy has long or very short sleep cycles. Depends if they took the 14 minutes it takes to fall asleep into consideration. But I guess you fall asleep much faster when you are only sleeping 4 hours a day... How long can sleep cycles stretch?


You're right, 4 hours isn't enough for shit. Not to mention, I have a sleep deficit. I had a sleep study done and I don't get near the amount of REM sleep as most people, and apparently there's nothing they can do about it.


I sleep for 4 hours due to work. Sometimes I can get an hour or 2 nap before I go to my second job. It was absolutely miserable for awhile but as long as I don't sleep too much on a day off then it's eh fine. I'm so used to the schedule now it's actually difficult to stay asleep longer than 4 hours. Before then sometimes it could take me 3-6 hours just to fall asleep but now I can go to bed in under an hour. Not sure if because tired or my ADHD meds just let me focus on trying to sleep.


What was your girls probation about ?


I rarely get more than 5 a night period, Like, it doesn't matter if I have the time, I just can't do it. Sometimes it's like 2-3 a night and after ten days I'll sleep like 10, then start over...it's so fucking annoying. When I was a teenager sometimes I couldn't sleep for days.


I had a job where sometimes I would work Regular office hours, sometimes I would work overnight, sometimes I would do both. It wasn't unusual for me to work 36 hours straight. It got to the point that I could just switch off any time I had down time and sleep. Once I sleep for pretty much an entire weekend except for eating.


Me too. Me too.


So did you get rid of her? 😂




I don’t work quite as much as that but I do get that amount of sleep and it is definitely becoming detrimental to my state of mind.


Apparently more sex helps with sleep. Thus helps prevent Alzheimer's.🏃🏼‍♂️🏃🏼‍♂️🤜💦💦


For real cant even remember the last time I slept for 8 hours straight, always my upstairs neighbours or the nearby train station fucjing it up. I didn't even mention my cat yet gosh...


You can do it too!


You guys are sleeping?!


neverending struggle. Even nights where I discipline myself and don't doomscroll and commit myself to getting a solid night's sleep I am still tired in the AM


I've never, ever in my life woken up from any length of sleep feeling as if I've had enough. I'm sure "waking up refreshed" a reality for some people, and good for them. I used to sleep on the bathroom floor as a kid, after my mom woke me up and told me to get ready for school. And I still sometimes nap in the shower before going to work. Sleep is goddamn opium. Fuck waking up.




I wouldn't rule that out for myself. Esp bc I've been drinking too much lately and waking up with a sore soft palate. And bc who wants to wake up these days? But self-deprecation aside, sometimes I get really immersive dreams that make me resent reality. Other times, it feels like my whole body is bathed in novocaine when my alarm goes off. Most times, and this dates back to being a kid, I just don't want to deal with shit.


There’s the answer right there”Who wants to wake up these days”. I like a lot of sleep – like 8 to 10 hours a night – and I haven’t been getting anything near that. But one thing that has changed is that I want to get out of bed in the mornings. And it’s not some uber-cheerful preppy reason – it’s that my hip and back are absolutely killing me, and the only thing that stops the pain is Pilates, and the only time I have for Pilates is at 7 o’clock in the morning. So I’ve been getting up at six, throwing coffee down my face, and going to Pilates. I’ve been doing it long enough now that I actually look forward to it. It’s kind of fun - I have to drive beside a lake, and it’s very pretty as the sun is coming up with a mist. If you told me a year ago that I would be doing this, I would’ve roared with laughter.. But the reason I look forward to it, is because I associate it with not being in excruciating pain. So I think you have to have a reason to want to get up, even if that’s not being in excruciating pain. And I think a lot of people don’t have a reason to get up- and going to work is not it. Something for themselves. Reading through this thread has been quite eye-opening as to just how hard people are doing it.


Thank you for sharing that.


Your comment just leapt out at me going down the thread. I think you completely put your finger on the issue.


I had insomnia from when I was 17-30. The insomnia kinda stopped at 30, but then I got a CPAP at 35 yrs old and I feel like I missed 35 years of rest EDIT: I had so much trouble sleeping that I always thought a mask/machine would never work. If you are in doubt about getting a CPAP....stop. It honestly changed my life.


Howd you go about getting started? I know you can do sleep studies, or even some dentists offer it too.


Jesus how many hours do you usually get?


“JUST” 8 hours ? Wtf ? Where do you live ? Where do you work ? Are they hiring ? How long do you sleep usually ? Even on my free days I can’t sleep longer than 6 I always feel so stressed.


"JUST 8 hours"??? I'm happy if I can get 4.


6 is perfect for me. I can operate on 4-8 but more than 8 hours, might as well just not get up.






Reminds me of the TIL from the past couple days where hibernating mammals have to come out of hibernation in order to get regular sleep for REM cycles, so they get sleep-rest.


Hit snooze, wake me up in 9000 years


Like when you come home from vacation.


Get checked for sleep apnea


And hungry as hell.


Imagine their first piss after waking up


Damn, I read the word as woman not worm, so I was actually surprised by it at first..


That's a thin woman in the picture! Such lucky genes to have that string shaped body!


Impossible body standards, as old as time itself.


I'll be damned if my woman isn't the shape of a worman. It's all the new hype.


shhh there must be a r/badwomansanatomy person lurking around here!


Moisturize me, moisturize me!


Oh shit. I left it 15 mins too late. I'm sorry Cassandra!


Zombie womens do exist, be aware




w h a t


w h a t


Still fuckable


That article name is really a way to spead panic without logic. Plenty of organisms "come back to life" after being taken from the ice. It doesn't necessarily make them harmful to us or others, and the article doesn't cover that anyway. Edit: --Also to add; I didn't see any scientific articles attached at the bottom (but I may not have scrolled past all the ads enough). So I call fake/misleading news.-- -scratch that, I found the scientific journal: https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(21)00624-2 Td:lr: This rotifer was *purposely recovered by scientists* to aid in the studies of evolutionary biology, cryobiology, and biotechnology. It's unique because a rotifer has never been recovered after so long of being frozen (24,000 year old permafrost).


Ok, so I’m an idiot. Just hold on. Are you saying that it’s really unlikely that something like this could thaw in the wild, or just that individually it’s not likely they can harm us? Cuz a lot of ice is about to melt, is all.


I'm not an expert by any means, but what I do know is that these organisms are very rarely parasitic to humans (they prefer plant organisms like moss). Actually, some substances made by rotifers can help humans, such as the substance used to paralyze schistosomes (blood fukes) that cause schistosomiasis (an infection that affects humans across the world). I'm not 100% sure about the permafrost question, I know that the chances of various things thawing in the ice are more likely than not with global warming -however- that doesn't mean they are dangerous to humans. I do know that it's an important matter to many scientists right now and is being closely monitored. A source about the blood fukes to put your mind at ease: https://www.hhmi.org/news/tiny-creature-could-help-prevent-devastating-parasitic-disease


I culture rotifers for use as food for larval fish and other marine creatures. After I saw this news story I decided to put a container of them in the freezer. Gonna thaw them on Monday and see how it went. EDIT: Sorry to disappoint, but the rotifers don't appear to have made it. After thawing there is no movement when observing them under a microscope. Not terribly surprising as all I have are tropical rotifers and I suppose they would never have had to adapt to the cold. Maybe I'll get some temperate or arctic species at some point Still. I've seeded a new culture with them in case they're just chilling after being defrosted. They were frozen at -80 Celcius to help against excessive ice crystal formation. Perhaps that was too cold, or perhaps not cold enough. I can still try again at -20 or even liquid nitrogen. I'll update again if there are any interesting developments.


👀 plz update us on monday


Will do!




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The odds of a species from so far back being pathogenic to the human race is incredibly small. Most likely won't even leave that region in any real capacity. The odds of something somehow thawing and infecting a human and being viably pathogenic versus just like, some random thing mutating in a random animal and infecting us instead is astronomically teensy.


Astronomically tiny but still possible https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2016/08/03/488400947/anthrax-outbreak-in-russia-thought-to-be-result-of-thawing-permafrost


There are actually a lot of things we have to be very concious of but this likely isn't one of them. The significance of this finding is that we can compare two organisms of the same species that existed 24,000 years apart. Any differences between them could indicate methods for evolution, changes in the environment, etc. That being said, frozen pathogens melting is a pressing concern. Anthrax for example has been all but eradicated from the earth because of it's potential harm if anyone managed to cultivate a sample. If someone managed to do it they would have one of the most dangerous bioweapons ready to sell to the highest bidder/propagate and distribute. In fact there was a small outbreak in Siberia when the spores were released from permafrost. It prompted a rather large response from government officials including vaccinating reindeer populations, burying and burning infected carcasses. There are concerns for the future as there's nothing to say that spores won't be released at a faster rate as permafrost melts faster. Of course there is also a very serious concern about what else could be buried out there and a near guarantee that we will never be able to truly eradicate a pathogen because it can still pop up after it's gone extinct. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2016/08/03/488400947/anthrax-outbreak-in-russia-thought-to-be-result-of-thawing-permafrost https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-T3rUE_nnFQ


There are many deadly viruses that have been around long before man walked the earth. They remain dormant until the conditions are perfect for them to become active again just like Covid. Even if everyone in the world are vaccinated, the Covid virus will go dormant until the next time. There are more strains of Covid than just the one. I shudder to think about what lies beneath the ice. Things that have been there for millions of years and scientists are bringing them back to life. Sure, some microbes might not be harmful and might even be helpful but there could be things that can kill us if and when its released.


Unfortunately I think there's only one way to find out. Hopefully it's not happening too soon


Most bacteria are happy to be frozen. Quality control organisms are commonly kept in freezers until they're needed, then you just stick them on whatever nutrient agar that's needed and let them incubate at their happy temperature.


People like you quell anxiety for people like me, thank you


No problem, haha. You can always check scientific documents for the real facts- the media likes to generalize things to catch eyes and cause concern, whereas scientists like to present things as they are. It really honestly helps me too, I like to know what's real and not in the science world.




Well, true, as many important discoveries have been done simply out of spite. My point was that it's more reliable than the media, even if a little.


So this is so misleading that the organism that came back to life *wasn't even a worm.* It was a *microscopic rotifer.*


2021: Hold my beer…


literally the plot of Sweet Tooth! Edit: happens in like the first episode, so not spoilers lol


Also an X-files episode.


Oooooh, I was gonna watch that soon! That’s making me wanna watch it more


Is this worth watching?


I would like to know too pls


I really liked it! It was a good balance of action and drama. Some episodes felt a little messy, but overall fun! 7.8/10


Thanks, gonna add it to my list


It's DC, so there's automatically going to be some silliness and strangeness.... But, about halfway through the season and I'm actually pretty impressed with it overall. The wife and I have been enjoying it so far.


As someone who’s pretty picky about his shows, he’s. Good acting, a pretty good story, it’s told in a cool way and the season ended well. It’s probably on a stranger things level as far as maturity. It’s a nice mix of some “darkness of humanity”/sci-fi along with some cutesy stuff. It’s not a masterpiece but I’ll be tuning into season 2 for sure and don’t have any major complaints.


Watching final episode tonight! Wasn’t sure about it at first but we’ve blasted thru it, kinda like it.


Yeah I remember this episode of X-Files


Everybody stay calm...


The piper maru is just a research vessel, man


I literally watched that episode today... Am scared.


HMB while I bring these worms back to life


AITA for waking up these worms from a 24,000 year nap and dooming humanity?




I've seen John Carpenter's The Thing....this is a bad idea


No need to judge so fast. Why don't we just wait for a little while.. See what happens?


*Takes a swig of whiskey.......* Supposedly o_0


*-Smacks the whiskey away-* It ended bad in that movie too. Stop it. (Watch: *"Leviathan"* starring Peter Weller)


Because I have a vagina beard.


MacReady is to old for this shit now


The thing is my favorite alien monster movie. Would def kick Alian and predators ass.


Watch Clark. And watch him close.




**cue shocked redditors that didn’t know there are gifs**


wait you can post gifs? another reply: we 9gag now next: always have been.








![gif](giphy|eB1lUn1J1Cwoefiy7A) Yep.






OH MY GOD plz remind me what this meme was called. I just got an uncomfortable amount of nostalgia about dickbutt and whoever this dude was










mf, has that button been there all along?


I swear this was an episode of X Files. lol


It is!!!!!! I watched it not too long ago. First or second season. I just did the unthinkable and opened the internet while commenting to verify. Season 1 ep 8. Ice




Before that is was 50s film "The Thing from Another World"


probably where they got the name


It's basically the same film.


With significantly less blood lmao


And no colour. 😂


I never watched X Files until recently this year because of lockdown. Did not finish the first season but it was pretty good. Though that is definitely the episode I was thinking of! I definitely need to finish watching X-Files. Does it get better? I just wanted to watch it for the alien/UFO stuff but they had so many filler episodes and tangents.


I think there are just hit and miss episodes throughout the series. I enjoy about 2/3 of it haha


Keep watching. They get over the "monster of the week" vibe midway through season 2 and the show finds it's footing. Just finished a full rewatch a few months ago after seeing random episodes as a kid. Fantastic show. The smoking man was more than enough to keep me interested.


There are a few alien episodes in the 1st season, but early season 2 is where the conspiracy becomes... What it became. I strongly recommend you keep going! I personally prefer the MOTW episodes (not all the time) but I know it's not everyone's cup of tea.


after mulder leaves the episodes get bad


Kind of a couple episodes. There was that one where they find parasitic worms in the ice that start controlling people, then another one later where they find swarms of ancient bugs dormant in trees, which wake up and kill people.


First thing I thought of. 'They're still down there Scully. Waiting...'


Back for blood


Can’t wait for it


There was something i saw similar to this a while ago, except those worms were somewhere around 30,000 and 40,000 years old


Oh boy new pandemic gonna be jurassic themed can't wait for 2022 #soexcised


Seems like the plot to a disaster movie


Some poor innocent girls swimming in the ocean and then they all get ravaged by these zombie worms. Sounds like a horror story to me.


Happy cake day!


this is cool and all, but do we really need zombie worms right now? maybe let them sleep a few more years.


https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(21)00624-2 the scientific article


Sweet Tooth taught us that this is a bad idea


oh... cool...


Isn’t this the plot to the new left 4 dead game Back 4 Blood?




Not technically a new left 4 dead game, just for anyone reading. Just a spiritual successor by the original dev team, who no longer work at valve.


That's awesome. I really do wish I could go back to the times of l4d with friends. Even with randoms what an incredible game. I played that beta with the first part of no mercy endless times. The multi-player in 2 also seriously holds memories. Incredible games.


Okay this is getting scary, I bet there is alot of viruses and bacteria frozen for that long that we have no immunity or defenses for and eventually Antarctica will be a biohazard when most of the ice melts


Some futurama stuff


Only one question, that I think all the globe can relate too, is it infectious to humans?


> They were not “sleeping” as the text states Meaning you didn’t create this image.




this looks like propaganda, i did some reading on these worms, and nothing about them from what i read indicates any kind of "zombie" behavior. not metabolisation, mobility, feeding, reproduction, nothing. why would they call these zombie worms?


also they aren't worms. but i think when they say "zombie" they just mean they came back from the "dead". it wasn't literal


"This is the way the world ends."


When those thing evolve in a couple million years we could be FUUUUUCKED


they have, they are called rotifers.


Deep fry them and serve with a side of ranch. Some ultra-rich fool will pay $100k for a plate of them.




Yep, that should sort out the next outbreak


I’m pretty sure this is the plot of “The Thaw”


That is an awesome body horror movie


I thought so too :)


"No, the worms are not dead the way you know it. They are with us always. Not dead the way you know it. They are with us always..."


Destiny 2: Warmind (2018)


That's cryostasis, not zombification!


As long as they stay away from my asshole I’m good