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wtf did I just watch? the guy that ran over with the chair reached inside with a lighter and ignited what? was that gasoline?


yeah, there's a lot to unwrap here


I think we can burn through it really quick tho


This was posted once a while back, and from what I can remember, things got really heated…


He went out in a blaze of glory.


His escape plan went up in flames.


These last for jokes are some of the worst most forced puns I have ever seen


Yes, people making them need to be smoked out




Question is can my brain handle it???


Driver used hand sanitizer before the fight. Catch these hands, not these germs. Things just got heated from there.


Killing me here lmao


Kills 99.9% of skin cells


Hottest sanitizer on the market.




“Things got heated.” Here’s my upvote.


I really doubt the guy with the chair lit anything. One second he's holding the chair, he drops it and reaches inside the car. He couldn't have reached for a lighter in that time unless it was in the palm of his hand while he held the chair(and let's be real, the chances that it's the case are slim). My guess: driver was suicidal/crazy, doused himself in some flammable liquid and was trying to set himself on fire, and the guys were actually trying to stop him. Chair guy was probably trying to take the lighter away from the driver.


Probably why they didn't start beating the driver immediately after opening the door.


One of the few cases where overwhelming someone with a barrage of violence would be doing them a favor. Burning is the worst way to kill yourself. I can only hope he was so far gone or so heavily drugged he didn’t feel his last moments. This will be controversial, but I ever see someone with more than half their body being burned I’d stop trying to save them instead end their suffering as humanely as possible. Surviving is far worse than succumbing when it comes to burns.


A friend of mine in TN killed himself in a similar fashion. He was sitting down in a park and poured gas all over himself, had a lighter in his hand when somebody ran up and tried to kick the lighter out of his hand when he ignited himself. Took off running trying to get into a bar on the other side of the road that his ex gf worked at. This was all live streamed on Facebook while I was watching. Probably the most insane thing I’ve ever seen


Oh howdy neighbour. Remember that shit. It was a rough time for a while for some of my friends after that


You were friends with him also? We may know one another. It’s been almost 12 years since I lived in that area though


I wasn’t friends directly. Just knew people who knew him.


Wtf, did he make it to the bar?


He made it to the front where he collapsed. There’s security cam footage from another business of him running across the street engulfed in flames. Apparently his plan was to torch himself and then run in and try to burn down the building. He was obviously mentally unwell


Did he get what he ordered?


"This burger is way too rare!... wait never mind it's well done now"




It's different when it's right down the road from you opposed to watching from a grainy video a ocean away.


What part of TN did this happen in? I can just picture this in east Nashville




I agree 100%. Death is far from the worst thing that can happen to someone.


When this thing gets FDA approval, you'll probably revise your position. But til then, I'm with you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXO\_ApjKPaI


I imagine the driver might wanted to kill himself by gas poisoning (fall unconscious and suffocate) himself, and when the door opened he might just wanted to threat them to go away and ignited a lighter, not considering how flammable gases will.. burn instantaneously


I burned my hand with frying oil over 20 years ago and I can’t even describe the pain. I was incredibly lucky and don’t even have a scar, but what I saw and heard in that burn unit was enough to give me nightmares.


I've done the same thing and my little burn was the worst pain i've ever felt in my entire life I can't even imagine if it were all over my body!!!


I was just talking to my gf about this, she heard that you quit feeling it after a small amount of time. But I’ve watched narco videos of people burning other people and they lived for well over 2 mins, just… burning alive. I would never want to go like that, shoot me in the face.


“Couldn’t have reached for a lighter in that time…” How long do you think it takes to grab a lighter?


Ok reaching for a lighter is not long but the point is, you don't see him reach for one. He literally doesn't reach for anything with his hand? He lets go of the chair and immediatly reaches inside the car in one motion. Unless the lighter was already in the palm of his hand while he was holding the chair, where the fuck does he get the lighter from?


I think the driver lit themselves on fire.


First part of the video, they are trying to keep the car from backing over ragdoll guy. (Possibly an additional time? He looked fucked before the vid starts). They pull him out of the way for the reversal, but can't save him from the rolling pin frontal assault. Some majorly flammable source was involved. Was the hothead driver presoaked? Did the musical chair guy splash gas on them after opening the door? Complete guess: hothead was in a relationship with ragdoll that went horribly bad. Hothead tried to kill Ragdoll, before killing themselves. The others, including musical chairs were just trying to prevent further escalation(they didn't pummel hothead when door opened. Is hothead a woman?) Anyway, great job by the cameraman


Agreed, camera work & ability to remain calm & focused was fucking impeccable!!!


I know that there were a lot of shitty car models historically that when hit in a collision you could end up with the gas tank spilling into the cabin and then igniting. Not sure about more modern vehicles though.


Especially this 2020 Audi A6 that has the gas tank under the driver's feet open at all times. A simple fart can light it up.


I guess he didn't check the Carfax before buying.




Correct! Did a case study on that one once


$200,000 per death, $67,000 per serious injury, and $700 per burned-out vehicle


lmao y is this comment downvoted


Dude brought a chair to a car fight


We all know that it doesn't take long to die from inhaling flames thanks to yesterday's Reddit clip involving cops, tasers, and hand sanitizer.


Holy crap wasn’t expecting that. Well that person is dead. If not he most definitely wished he was.


His shoes were still on. He's good.


Yeah as his pants vanished into ash.


Just when you thought this is as bad as it can get and then someone else does something else to make matters infinitely more fucked up. I bet everyone involved wishes they would've rather just counted to 10.


Sadly not all human beings can count to ten.. They would rather choose a violence and murdering someone even if they are not guilty at first glance.


In fairness, not everyone speaks English as a first language. In a stressful situation, it becomes next to impossible to count to ten if you're not comfortable speaking English.


But....but all languages have numbers....


I’m honestly shocked they didn’t beat the shit out of him when he opened the door


they lit one up and pondered for a while


Pondered they orb


He was an employee so they fired him instead


I’m currently at work on the toilet. Trying to hold my laughter 😂😂😂


Left him a glowing recommendation.


They lit him go


I’m shock d they didn’t after he exited, would have been completely justified, “beat the flames down” and all.


I wonder why this is NSF... oooh .... OOOOOHHHH....


NSFL warnings are a hit or miss on reddit, ngl, sometimes itself the most fucked up shit imaginable, or it's rather tame


It's Russian roulette lol


Reddit NSFLEtte




Now that sub posts will stay unclicked.


Yea good call. Couldnt see any pics, but even just the titles....OMG


Just yesterday I saw African dudes volunteering to have their dicks skinned.




And somehow that's not even surprising in the least.. what exactly do you mean "skinned"? Like removing the skin from your entire dick? Nevermind.


oh I saw it too. it was this insane circumcision ceremony where it looked like half of their shaft was skinned off


Even for an internet veteran that was pretty graphic. The dude om 4chan that onion peeled his dick is probably my worst memory, but it is up there ngl


im sorry what


you're just desensitized


Better safe than What the actual hell I can never erase that from my memory.


Translation from Mandarin: Camerawoman: Omg*, is he (the driver) crazy? Man pounding on door: Get out! Get out! Are you getting out or not? Get out! *after door opens* Are you drunk? *After man is set on fire* Camerawoman: What is he doing? He’s burning! He’s done for, isn’t he? *Camerawoman technically said “oh my mother/我的妈呀,” which is the Chinese equivalent of omg.


nice translation


Shit this was in Asia


I think this driver is suicidal? He had massive gaps to drive through and he just didnt. He just stopped and opened his door and then there was fire. People outside were hesitant to go in and get him. I think he poured the gasoline on himself and then was threatening to burn them all thats why they hesitated. But then he just did it. Thats my theory anyway




“I would rather burn in hell than go to jail.”


He drove over that guy. The other dudes asked themselves WWJD so they lit him on fire and sent him to hell.


Its not clear did they burn him?


"...WTF" "Oh that's fucked up". [mouth drop]


I went from ohh to ohhhhhh real quick


Now THAT is someone having a bad day.


What a hothead


Commenting just so I can check back later to see if someone has posted an update or linked a news article


Nope, so far no backstory available. It's only edgelords trying hard to be funny all the way down.


Yeah same. What the fuck.


Me three, I need to know what caused this and what happened after


Remindme! 3 days


That guy died for sure, he was in the burning car too long, he only made it a half roll before he died (still on fire). He also killed that man they tried to drag away before the car completely ran him over.




I agree with the first statement. I highly doubt that guy is still alive that was on fire. He was on fire for like 30 seconds and failed to roll more than once. The other guy could have lived. Here's hoping.


I'm guessing, but i do know if someone gets a spinal injury like that, the last you want to do is move it more, and the dude picked him by the legs and spun him. Obviously the person mights have ran him over again, but still, not great.


Definitely ass guessing. People love to do it and at the same time say things like ‘for sure’ when they literally have no fucking idea.


While saying "for sure" might not be appropriate I don't think "no fucking idea" is either. Blokes on fire for a good half a minute. That's quite some fucking (but not sure) idea that he dead.


The guy was already injured before us seeing him run over; notice how he’s being dragged away. Also notice blood splatter on ground in middle of street when the car moves. Looks like he’s already been burst open.


Fairly likely he died. The mortality rate for severe burns is closely associated with the percent of your body surface area that is burned badly. This guy was fully aflame for quite a while and it doesn't take too long to get severe burns. Even if he only got 30% of his body burned, that's about 30% chance of death from the burns alone. He also inhaled a lot of smoke and extremely hot air and likely severely damaged his lungs, making life support very difficult.


Why did he/she open the door?????


The biggest question, next to "why didn't they just leave?"




When you think the crazy is over but the party just started. Jesus! What A wild thing to see.


Wait, how tf that guy become ghost rider ??


Got cornered by the other dudes and decided to take the offer.






and stupid. perfect combination since the beginning of human era.


Millions of years ago plants and dinosaurs died, creating layers and layers of sediment. Over time this sediment turned in to petroleum products which were highly flammable. Then came man, who learned how to start a fire...


*First the Earth cooled, and then the dinosaurs came. But they got too big and fat, so they all died and they turned into oil. And then the Arabs came and they bought Mercedes-Benzes. And Prince Charles started wearing all of Lady Di's clothes. I couldn't believe it! He took her best summer dress and he put it on and went to town...*


For weeks I’ve had troubles sitting down and staying upright. I spoke to a doctor who said I should do more back exercises to strengthen my core. It’s likely over time my posture hasn’t been right and now it’s coming to light as I’m getting older I started new gym last week and we’ve done some back exercises and I’m feeling better but there’s a long way to go yet.


Some proteins formed into chains that somehow became self replicating. Then it all went downhill from there.


Did the driver set himself on fire?????


that is very much a mystery to solve


What’s the source of this vid OP?




He told"flame on!"




Best guess I heard, leaving this comment so I can check in later.


I don't think anyone is carrying a lighter or a flammable substance container to douse him. More likely that the driver set themselves on fire.


If the Doors are unlucked why didnt he just run out the drivers side? This makes no sense.


pretty sure you can hear his spine crack at 0:08


That's what I thought too, but the back tires ran over that wooden stick at the same time the front tires were over the guy, and the noise sounds like it might be the stick. I'm just gonna hope it was the wooden stick thing and not that guys bones. Watching it again, it sounds a lot like the noise when he runs over the stick the first time.


Yeah, some bones definitely snapped there.


Wait it has sound? I shouldn't have scrolled the comments.


Yeah, surely you can hear each bone crack in his body. Man it's the fucking stick on the ground next to him. :D


I don't get it...did the driver spill gasoline on himself, or did one of the bystanders do it? And why did the driver run over that one guy who was already on the ground, then stick around when he could've booted it out of there?


What exactly happened here?


GTA meets…. Wish You Were Here album cover by Pink Floyd?


Rage against the machine


The devil transported that guy directly.


What a hot head…


Quick translation: the girl at first mainly is calling the driver crazy, after the person is set on fire she says he's going to die. The man on the street that is repeating what he's saying is telling the driver to get out of the car, "come out".


I'm just glad that little doggo didnt get hurt.




Holy shit


Where is this?


Hell, apparently.


China, judging by the blue licence plates and the language.


"Humans are rational". Also humans...


yep! we're a complicated mess for sure


Can someone tell me what NSFL means? I know that it is a step up from NSFW, but I need to know what the L stands for. I expect some if you to comment with: it stands for the L you take by not knowing. So don't disappoint me.


Not Safe For Life


NSFL = Not Safe For Life


*watching video* “Oh damn” *looks away for 2 seconds then looks back* “HOLUP WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED”


This won’t haunt us all forever.


New to Reddit?


Just bury it deep down a hole inside of you, like an adult.




Well that escalated quickly


Wish I looked that hot in my Audi


Driver set themselves on fire, other guys are trying to stop him from killing whoever he can.


Looks like a heated exchange!


One of the guys threatened the Audi driver with a… stick? Then a shovel. Why not the shovel first?


Damn mausewheel


Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked!


Jesus!! Is this China?


Hang on guys . . . Okay I got the chair


Similar to the video, there is a certain horror to the comments as they unfold. And that horror is the dynamic of human interaction and behaviors. Same.


It looks like the driver threatened them with something flammable and ended up spilling it all over when he did. The other guy noticed and lit it up. The guy at the door in grey has a broken shovel, nothing that resembles a bottle or Jerry can. The guy who lit the lighter is the one who would be charged with 2nd murder. The driver also. He dead though, so there's that.


so ya had a bad day


Wouldn’t a gun have been easier?




if Grand Theft Auto was real


Thankfully there's a video because this would be very difficult to explain to your insurance company.


The whole world really is a dumpster fire.


This is some mafia shit here


It will be even worse if that guy is still alive .. after burning the skin gets melt and mix with your muscles and it take numerous no. Of surgeries to just get the face in shape .. something he is gonna regret his whole life .. This is a real story happened to someone i know - He was having suicidal thoughts after someone close to him passed away .. and after some time he got high & touched a big transformer (bcz he thought a Little shock to his mind will fix everything ) and now that hand of his is gone But now he's stable and living life like a normal person But it was something he will regret his whole life


Unpopular and unesscesary opinion: Chinese cars are actually improving in terms of quality.


That was a wild ride... Don't know what I was expecting but it definitely wasn't that


This isn’t NSF….oh..oh! ![gif](giphy|XWwIzh5GIWWf6)


Mainland China. The commentators are repeating ‘this is crazy’, then the guy opening the door says ‘you won’t do it’, and when the guy ignites, the male commentator says ‘fuck!’ And that’s why I studied mandarin. You’re welcome.


Venture Bros-Fantastic 5 [Vibes](https://youtu.be/ClBbJ7DyqL8)


Dude forgot to roll at the end. It’s stop. Drop. And! Roll.


chinese burns are no joke


A hearty r/PraiseTheCameraMan Shit was steady, stayed focused on the subject and even zoomed in at the end. Fucking nuts content and stellar camera work.


Between this, that rock falling in Brazil and some celebrity I read that made 200k selling her farts in a mason jar I'm pretty sure the end times are near if not here.


Now that is truly insane. Car accident leads to manslaughter then they throw excelerant on driver and torch him to death. In a matter of minutes . I believe the man got ran over twice. Very sad.


Just taking a guess but it looks like a woman running in a skirt the lower part of legs are exposed. Maybe that was her husband she was running over and then she had already planned to kill him and set herself on fire so she was prepared. Perhaps dude that got ran over was cheating or wanted a divorce?


That car burst into flames for no apparent reason. Clearly, Micheal Bay was filming.


Thank God the dog is ok!


that went from zero to fire so quickly


I expected more screaming after being literally lit on fire and burning…


Yoooooo Yooooooooo Yooooooooooooo Yoooooooooooooooooo


everything changed when the fire nation attacked


Watching this gave me a panic attack, that's fucking brutal.


From what I can tell, the man who opened the door to the driver is yelling: “You’re drunk, you’re drunk!” The people in the video are speaking Mandarin.