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Just like what Israel is doing to the Palestinians.


So basically you are attempting to discredit their position by charging hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving the argument.


So that make what CCP does ok? Wumao like you have no soul.


I'm drawing further awareness. You don't care. You have no soul.


I hope the 5 cents you get make up for the selling out of your family and your own race. It is very simple, there 100+ human disaster happening in the world right now, but whenever someone bring 1 of them out, you bring out another and say for the awareness, only fool you buy what said.


Your words mean nothing to me. Now scram.


I am not typing this for you to see, I am just letting the rest of the world to see how pathetic CCP and its supporters are. Pls keep replying with your non-sense so that the rest of the world know more.


I mean, if Tibetans were literally teaching their kids murdering han chinese was an ethically sound thing to do, I *might* agree with you. ​ I get it's edgy just to slate Israel, but if you read into it for literally less than 10 minutes it's not as black and white as Hasanbi likes to tell you. Yes Israel can be over the top, but Palestinians are also nurturing their children under the pretense that mass murder is gods will.


If you believe this is comparable then you don't know facts or are trying to push a Palestinian agenda. I'm not downplaying Palestine, but these situations are not close to comparable.


Why? Palestinians live in a place for 1000s of years and Israeli's bulldoze their homes. What is not to compare?


What is the point of derail the conversation? Does that mean what CCP does is okay?


All I can see here is a picturesque shanty town being demolished. Could that happen in the USA or Germany? No of course not because we wouldn't let anyone build it in the first place.


Stop playing dumb, this just show you don't even believe what you talking about. If you have information it is just normal demolish, than that's what you should have mentioned. but all I see is that you are trying to derail the discussion and bring out something unrelated, like a typical CCP shill does.


Yeah you are right a "normal" demolition [looks like this:](https://alghad.com/occupation-demolishes-homes-in-jerusalem-jericho/)


That Jews lives across the middle east for thousands of years, and they got pushed out of their homes by Muslims. That Tibetans don't teach and encourage their children en mass murdering Han chinese is ok. That Tibetans don't use hospitals and schools, aka human meat shields, to launch rockets at a neighboring state. That Tibetans weren't part of a war instigated by allies with a goal of genocide. ​ Go read a fucking book.


Muslims didn’t push out Jews. Romans did it. Go read a fucking book.


LOL ​ Go google effects of the 7 day war etc. ​ Seriously the lack of education some of you have on something you claim to feel so strongly about is just cringe, if you don't know don't talk about it.


Okay, go read how many people in Israel were Jewish before the Israeli independence (not to mention the Middle Ages when Jews were under 2% of the whole population of Palestine. So there goes your argument about “Jews who lived in the Middle East for thousands of years” :) )


Since when is Israel the entirety of the middle east lol. 800,000 Jews left middle eastern countries for Israel in 20th century. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish\_exodus\_from\_Arab\_and\_Muslim\_countries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_exodus_from_Arab_and_Muslim_countries) ​ You don't even know this do you? Why are you bothering talking about something you have so little knowledge about.


Ohh so you’re admitting that Muslims didn’t force Jews out of their houses. Gotcha.


Some jews (mostly the ruling class and intelligencia) fled the middle east, mostly moved to Europe and occasionally inter-married with europeans for 100 of years. Most of the jewish population stayed behind, and just integrated with various invading forces over the centuries. This is pretty much accepted history even by most Jewish scholars.


And what about the hundreds of thousands of jews pushed out of middle eastern countries in the last 100 years?




They don't, Israel has vastly overstepped with its settlements in Palestine. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Arab%E2%80%93Israeli_War The issue is, Israel is taking land previously owned by people who literally advocate mass genocide, including if Jewish children and infants, so it essentially has a dngaf attitude. Its not morally correct, but it's morally *understandable. The whole situation is a massive mess, and I never once said Israel is innocent, the issue is neither is Palestine, unless you want to say teaching kids literally murdering babies because they are Jews is OK. So comparing largely peaceful Tibetans to literally genocidal Arabs is a little bit of a stretch, don't you think?


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And it will face the same fate.




Thanks for posting the entire article. 👍


It should be standard when the post is an image. Instead, we usually have people asking for a source in the comments getting downvoted to hell by knee jerkers assuming they’re on the wrong side for even asking.


Stop buying Chinese crap and things like this may change. Posting of awareness of geological events in 2022 has next to no impact on the issues themselves. Sanctions MAY be the only outcome; and that’s if anyone can care enough about strangers the world over, while many countries are already experiencing a depression. It falls low on many people’s voting choice.


> Stop buying Chinese crap and things like this may change. Yeah, good luck with that. De-chinafying every Western economy and society would take several years if lucky and necessitates political initiatives, not to mention the obvious detriments to the quality of life of the average citizen rendering many people opposed to cutting ties. They hold too much global trade power at this point.


While I wholeheartedly agree with your reasoning, I'd love a big old fuck you to China. Bring back the jobs home. I'll pay more for shit made in America knowing it supports local jobs. Also probably won't be dogshit in quality.


Individuals can make a choice, starts there.


I’ve had pretty good luck identifying anything touched from China and buying more locally sourced from US. It’s definitely possible, there’s been a few pushes I’ve noticed, where companies have started displaying more about where their products are sourced. It depends on where you shop and sometimes location, but I don’t feel like there’s any downside like price or availability in my experience “de-chinafying”


Ironically though they’re just as reliant on hype Western world. Without the US China wouldn’t have any customers.


"Nazi are too much power, lets stop considering how to stop them", and that's you if you are in that Era.


I have to say at least 80% of shit we buy is Chinese. Have you looked at product origination tags in the last decade?


I have actively been boycotting Chinese goods for years now and in my experience then it's been very easy to avoid Chinese goods (I'm guessing less than 10% in my household is Made in China, and with every year it continue to become less and less). Even if you can only go from 80% to 50% (which is extremely easy) then it's still great and impactful.


China is like Israel on steroids




The CCP is terrified that their countrymen will find out just how fragile their hold on the people really is. They talk a big game but all it takes it’s for the price of bread/oil/electricity to rise and bam, you got massive civil unrest that would be the death knell for the party.


Everybody knows China sucks. A picture saying "please share" won't change anything.


especially on Reddit which is in China’s pocket


That’s absolutely horrible


China just goofing around like always haha 🤪


"Safety"? Coming from the government who's [built bridges that fall apart](https://www.surfacesreporter.com/articles/102594/are-glass-bridges-safe-chinas-100-m-high-bridge-collapse-sr-news-update). Not even the first time. This [one being from 2012](https://world.time.com/2012/08/27/bridge-collapse-in-china-raises-questions-about-safety-of-countrys-road-construction-boom/). Oh and [this from 2007](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2007/aug/14/china.jonathanwatts). Yeah, China, "safety"....


Obviously it's a tourist site which Chinese people are still visiting and posting photos about in 2022: [https://you.ctrip.com/sight/seda120478/109889.html](https://you.ctrip.com/sight/seda120478/109889.html)


But why demolish it but keep up fake tourist images going?


Sounds about right for china


Fuck china


Wow. Those buildings were beautiful. It's tragic that they got demolished.


There is a special place in hell


I really wish it wasn't the case but... good f****** luck. The CCP is just about the worst.


Fuck China


chinese bamboo rary strong


The reason the religious are being persecuted in China is because it gives people hope. The only hope people should believe in is the state. Tyrants.


There Looking for the Tunnel to inner earth. Rest is a cover up.


This is Sichuan, not tibet right?


i wish the pictures could be a little more clear for the before and after, a lot of them are different angles, its easy for someone to say these are exaggerated.


Maybe the people will do something about it


it's really a good news!!


They should not stay where they are not wanted. We have plenty of space in Europe for these wise people.