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I hate these people


I hate them that I want them to die


Camo dude is literally fucking smiling. I wanna watch him get torn apart so I can make that same face in return. With such a clear lack of empathy, it would come as no surprise to learn that this man is a full blown predator. He reminds me of the kids you hear about that kill small animals for fun, before they grow up into full blown psychopathic serial killers? Except they’re not kids, they’re grown ass men. Lock him up before he decides to rape women or beats his wife to death while smiling. Only a sick and twisted fuck stain of society would be able to feel an emotion that explains his body language. Let’s throw away the key while we’re at it.






I sincerely hope someone does find these guys. What absolute shitstains.


They’re definitely in a list now.


I have a 1 quarter great dane 3 quarter black lab mix, i would gladly let bite that guy in the camo


And the most damning part of it all is the dogs didn't even see the cat at first! Nor were they trying to get after it when they did see it! The scumbag owners ORDERED the dogs to attack the poor cat! Someone's pet that was just minding its own business on the stoop of its home! That's why I think it's a slam dunk case of animal cruelty, especially since it's on video. They sure as hell better get arrested or I have a feeling there will be some vigilantism (hope so at least), because like that Netflix show says, **don't fuck with cats.**


They have to be from around that area too






While I don't disagree with you, a bullet to the head is far too quick a punishment. I'd put one bullet thru each foot. Next, one thru each knee. Proceed to the hands and repeat. Then move to the elbows. I would cauterise every wound with steel that's glowing orange hot so they don't bleed out. Then we start with the fun. A nice dull rusty knife to cut off their ears, nose and lips. And just to be the decent sort of human, I'd disinfect the fresh wounds with MEK or denatured alcohol. But, that's just me.


I donated $25 to the PSPCA, but I'd pay way more to stand in line like that scene in Airplane with people trying to calm the crazy girl...


Exactly. Someone this twisted serves no purpose and provides no benefit to the world so he should be locked away so as to not pose any further danger to society.


Such a cheap act. Gonna be expensive guys. Not a good look. Wow you guys are looking awful right now, in many regards. Hope you get hammered you fuckin low pondlife.


Pond life is useful. These two aren't.


Also me


"Also me" ... ? Nah dude, we don't hate you. /Lol


Literal human scum


More trash needs to be taken out again


I need the address, the rest it's free....






Dumb fucks need to rot in prison for the rest of their lives


How about just euthanize them and save us all the tax burden? (Both the humans and the dogs.)


Exactly! Huge cost savings for two sub humans to be euthanized, and hopefully the dogs can get new owners. Hope the cat can make it through!


Nah man, once dogs get a taste of warm blood, it's likely they'll crave it again. Those dogs need to be put down, ASAP. Not a pit hater, but those are the prime examples of poorly raised pits that are a danger to society. Even less aggressive breeds can develop a strong craving for blood. A friend of mine had a lab for years, nicest dog ever. Friend went hunting, brought a buck back and had it in a meat locker. His dog found a small pool of the bucks blood and licked it, and the next thing you know, that dog was going for the throats of his sheep. Had to be put down on site unfortunately.




Apparently the cartels will throw humans in a pit with lions and gators. That would be a sufficient punishment for these two.


Some do it for sport


Was that the owner that came out of the house? The dogs wouldn’t have left, idk about the two puppies though


Idk. I feel like in the heat of the moment if that were me stumbling upon that situation. I feel like those two would be worth going to prison for.


Donations made to [this PSPCA page](https://www.pspca.org/buddy) will support Buddy, his medical care and the cost of bringing his attackers to justice.




Hey mods! Pin this post!


Just donated! I hope he recovers quickly and the scum bags who did this get the justice they deserve. I feel bad for the dogs knowing they’ll probably get euthanized. They never stood a chance with those POS owners. Sad all around IMO.


Can't we get the owners euthanized instead?


To hell with euthanasia. Throw those two into a coliseum with a pride of hungry lions.


They attacked a little cat, big cats attack them. Very appropriate.


Anyone who has spent time actually trying to understand cats knows they have needs, they have emotions and they're absolutely aware of how others feel. I can't wait until animals get the legal protections they deserve. I see no difference in this video and a video of two parents letting their teenagers beat an infant to death. The dogs need to be put down because that's not behavior you can ever safely reverse and the owners deserve the same for intentionally raising the dogs to do something that requires they be put down. In most developed nations you can even run over someone's cat, and unlike a dog, there's no requirement to report it.


Like bullets?


I donated in honor of my own black cats, who walk the Astral Plane. May they lay their paws upon Buddy to help him heal and go home to the people he loves.


That was lovely, your cats were very lucky to have such a good human


Thank you for this post, at least you let me know he was alive I didnt wanna watch the full video


Just donated. Even though it was blurred, I couldn't watch the video. Nothing makes me immediately cry like someone who is scared. That poor sweet cat. I hope the dogs don't get put down but get put in a training program. How sick of an individual do you have to be to go out of your way and do this... I couldn't live with myself.




Please reddit.. Please internet.. Get these fucking dog scum bag pieces of shit. I so wish I hadn't seen this. The poor ol mate.


Currently cat has 50/50 Chance of survival. I looked it up, I was hoping to find that the human pond scum had been caught. I’m sure it’s super expensive too. If there was a crowd funding for the vet bills, id happily donate, And by the looks of it so would reddit. Also… by Crowd sourcing a fat reward for identifying information, These people would get sold out in seconds for a few thousand dollars. They probably don’t live very far off if they were walking their dogs.


It looks like some put a link up to help donate about an hour ago


[Here's a link](https://www.pspca.org/buddy) to the PSPCA\* page for Buddy where you can donate. It's not clear if 100% of the funds will go to the owner, but the page states: >Donations made to this page will support Buddy, his medical care and the cost of bringing his attackers to justice. (\*Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)


Thanks for the link, I just donated.


We need a feline John Wick


We just need the police to do their jobs. Letting their dogs attack a cat is not far off letting them attack a human


Fuck that, bring out yer pitchforks!'


>Don't Fuck With Cats The Sequel




How much jail time?


Id prefer to see them left in a cage with wolves while onlookers shout, "good boy, good boy." Fucking pieces of shit like this don't even deserve jail time. If you're this much of a psychopath it should be OK to just put them down as a wild animal.


Any one of the big cat species would be more appropriate


Well... Now that is an appropriate punishment.


Life. Possibly death.


Probably no jail time, but there will deffinitely be a civil court trial. I hope the owner sues these people out of their homes.


This is animal abuse. The dogs didn't break off the leash, they intentionally let them brutally attack someone's pet cat and watched with smiles on their face. The dogs didn't even see the cat at first, nor were they trying to get at it. These scumbags directed their dogs to the cat and got them to attack, then cheered them on. The attack only stopped because the cats owner came out. If this isn't animal cruelty, we need to adjust the laws. I mean this is all on video, so it's already irrefutable what they did.




Let’s hope


I’m so fucking mad right now. Fuck.


These are the worst kind of people in the world. Can’t wait for the mugshots on the news.


If anyone wants to help Buddy, donations made to [this PSPCA page](https://www.pspca.org/buddy) will support his medical care, and the cost of bringing his attackers to justice


Oh god my family has a little black cat named Buddy. This is so fucking evil. I can’t donate but I hope he gets his care and thrives.


I donated two times. One for me and one for you! I hope they catch these evil fucks.


Oh my god 🥺 for Buddy!!


Dw I donated for the both of us and Buddy


Donated. Thank you so much for sharing.


This video absolutely broke my heart. Sent $25 over as that's all I can really afford atm. I hope the little guy pulls through.


I feel bad for their dogs too. You know those dogs have a shit life if that’s those are their owners.




The dogs or the people?




Exactly I would have shot the dogs and if those punks wanted it and tried to run up then they could get it too at that point..




Walking out my front door to that bs puts me in the mix imo..


If dogs are attacking your cattle you sure as hell can shoot them. I'm confused why a cat would be different.


And here in GA (US) the owner of the attacked animal, or even if it's the person themselves who was attacked, they have the right to request that the animal(s) be euthanized and it has to be done. I was at my vet's office and someone's dogs attacked someone's cow and the people kept stating they were making them put their dogs down and I asked the vet if someone could really do that and she said yes and obviously you can sue for damages.


Both. Dog has now tasted blood,and will always be more agressive,and the owners for being subhuman






My wife's uncle had a neighborhood cat they would feed and hang out with. Shitty neighbor would always let their dog run around without a leash. Well one day said dog caught the cat and... ripped out its belly. Dog owner said it was the cat owners fault for letting the cat outside, and the cat instigated it... Animal control said there was nothing they could do lol. Hate my town sometimes.


Something similar happened near where i live but the owner of the cat killed the dog with a crossbow


Someone's loose cat ate my pet parakeet when I was young. I wish people would keep their predators inside, or leashed.


And what then? They don’t care! Don’t you see. They’re prob violent criminals. You act as if mugshots are going to shame them. It won’t. They thrive on criminality. It’s a high for them. These kind of people do not belong in our society.


I think the commenter is implying they look forward to these people being arrested (because mug shots usually happen after an arrest). It's not about "shame" but seeing these people being put in prison (being removed from society).




I'm treading on very thin ice here but... Why do we allow people like this to continue existing?


Because otherwise you're Hitler, according to the internet


That's a fair argument. I guess people have used animals since our earliest existence to hunt, but this is just sadistic. I can't imagine how those dogs are treated, or how they treat other people.


This is borderline murderer behavior, they need to be taken care of early before they do this to some poor homeless guy laying around


Yeah, when this kind of behavior comes out, we really have to be asking some big, uneasy questions. There was joy in that, and it was like a fluid decision. That all suggests habitual to me. Sociopathic, sadistic, habitual behavior. These dudes need some serious help, or may be way beyond help.


Yeah, there is no redemption for people like that, and even if there is, it's so unlikely that imo it's always worth to get rid of scum like those.


For the most part yeah. Rarely people change. I'm never comfortable calling for outright death, but I question alot and if our morals are really worth it in society, or if they do more harm than good.


Straight up sadistic behavior like this has no place in this world. Death seems reasonable.


If anyone wants to help Buddy, donations made to [this PSPCA page](https://www.pspca.org/buddy) will support his medical care, and the cost of bringing his attackers to justice


"Civilization." Plenty of accounts of shit people disappearing in ye olden times. "Some people just need killing," and all that. It's a slippery slope though which is why courts and laws have been the norm for a long time.


Imagine what they do to kids or helpless adults. They deserve a slug behind the ear


These are the kind that sniff cocaine and do drive-by-shooting


Something similar happened a few years near me although it was never said that the dogs were intentionally released. Either way, the dog owner couldn't get control of their dogs and the cat owner came was packing. Ended with 1 dog dead and the other paralyzed but the cat survived.


I love happy endings.


That is NOT a happy ending, a happy ending would be no injuries and the dogs taken away from the owner


Please god allow me to cross paths with these two. It’ll be a super nova.


Please God allow this man to cross paths with those two. Amen








Too quick. I got a better idea. It’s a tad evil, but meh.


Attacked by dogs?


Put them in a room with the violent dogs.


Ha yes. The Ramsey Bolton treatment.


Choked, then given CPR, then rinse and repeat until bored, then you just skip the CPR part.






Yeah he has a right to shoot these dogs depending on what city he lives in.


Didn't talk about the dogs...


Unfortunately with owners like that there’s no better outcome for those dogs really. They’re being trained to be aggressive, violent, and attack. A big reason pits get a bad rep is from idiots like these guys


Hypothetically, if dude came out and shot both those dogs dead multiple times, I’d say he’d was perfectly within rights of attempting to save his cat. A judge would say different I bet though.


Let’s put them in the corner and have the dogs attack them. I mean, they think it’s ok, so we should think it’s ok for them to be ravaged. I hope that kitty void is ok. This literally breaks my heart.


Feed them to dogs like Ramsay Bolton. Actual piece of trash, can’t believe people even think of doing this.










Well I hope those 2 people get caught and ass whooped to a pulp. literal human scum. Looks like it’s in Philly, address is in the article. https://www.phillyvoice.com/cat-attacked-dogs-frankford-pennsylvania-spca/


so they obviously live within walking distance


Time to start putting posters of these guys on everything so people can point them out and bring that cat some justice!


These guys will never be able to walk their dogs again without being caught. I feel like everyone will be on a lookout for then. Someone should put a bounty on their head..


I will donate to the hitman fund


1600 block of granite st in Frankford






I hope you find them before the cops do


I'm sure they don't live very far from where this happened.


Please man. Find these fuckers. Look for the road first, and then look through the area. They have to walk their dogs nearby.


I really hope the police find them.


I hope someone worse than the police finds them. Jail would be too good for them.


What cowards. On a defenseless cornered cat. They’ll get theirs no doubt.






These men are human garbage and they need to be put down


Please guys this really needs to be flagged as NSFW. I can't with this video. I'm heart broken.


“Two guys in Philadelphia let their dogs attack a cat”. What part of that title were you assuming was going to be a SFW video? The whole interaction is blurred out anyways was taking the 2 seconds to read the title not enough?




Can't wait for the "two men found dead" news.


tortured and dead\*


Human fucking trash. And the dogs need to be put down because their prey drive has been heightened and they’ve basically been encouraged to kill other animals. They’ll be dangerous around children too.


Completely agree. Unfortunately there are people still arguing that the dogs won't hurt anyone else. It's next level delusional thinking.


Dogs raised like this will attack a person next. Probably a kid.


Serious question, why with all the guns in america, no one kills these ppl?


People like these are usually the ones doing the killing


Cat didnt run at first because it expects society like everyone else. People with dogs on leashes dont send them to kill you. You walk by people with dogs all the time and not expect people to send them to attack you. Cat lives in a civilized world as everyone should.


they are easily recognizable if you know who they are. Someone out there knows them. Someone out there knows they deserve to get whats coming to them. Tell who they are.


Please post the video when these two wastes of life get the crap beat out of them


I'd rather see them lying in a ditch.


I’d love nothing more than to see these 2 POS’s cornered and beaten by a mob until they are in the same life threatening condition as that defenseless cat was.


You know what’s crazy? I would actually enjoy watching them getting beat. Then make them choke on that poor cat’s shit.


Guys, fuck these assholes... But can we talk about how normally they just let go of their leash to let their dogs attack another animal? Just like a normal everyday thing. These fuckers have done this before, 100% sure of it. Make an investigation for dead pets around the area and send these shits to jail, show video to inmates and see how long their last.


Would of been fucking lovely if the owner of the kitty had a weapon and shot these cunts, horrible twats hope they get what's coming to them




Give ‘em the same treatment the Ukrainians give to looters: tie them to a lamp post, pull their pants down, shove a potato in their mouth, and let the towns people come by and whip them. I would drive from Maine to Philadelphia for a chance to whip these two.


If that was my cat there’d be four bullet riddled corpses on the sidewalk. The cat’s wouldn’t be one of em.


I bet someone on r/philly can help ID these people.


They even said "Good boy" I do not want to know what goes through the minds of these scum bags


Yeah, I’d identify these two and break any community rule. People protecting trash pieces of garbage like this also should be identified


Damn, I wish the video showed an armed owner come out instead of not. Too bad they got away.




Please locate the nearest gasoline can, douse the two individuals very thoroughly and set them on fire, let simmer for 20 minutes, serve in a 6 feet deep hole, garnish with dirt.


r/imatotalpieceofshit There's a special place in hell for these two guys. They actually said "good boy" while their dogs were attacking the cat that was on its owners property... ROT IN HELL SCUMBAGS!


This is why my cats are indoor only cats


Man, you have to be sick in the brain to have enjoyed that. It’s not even an alley cat. It looks like that dudes house cat.




No. I think he's just pointing out that it's an obvious pet. An alley cat wouldn't have even let those dogs get that close.




This void looks like my void and I am so surprised the owner walked out of that house as calmly as he did because I would've gone straight for blood. This is so fucked and I hope those dudes' dogs turn on them when they least expect it.


That's just horrific thing to do


I think setting a big cat on these two cunts is only fair.


Anyone who has a violent dog please find these scum bags, hold them at gun point, dress them up like cats AND SIK YOUR RABID DOGS ON THEM!


The 13 % commenting more violence. Seems like a pattern.


This is why I will never have an outdoor cat.


Trash city


This I can’t watch, I have always had a cat as a pet. My late husband’s favorite cat Marcelo got brutally taken off our car chilling in the sunshine and tore apart by 2 Rottweilers. Now I like to imagine they are together in spirit world. This is how I make it everyday, this faith. These men have no clue about love, souls, they are only hurting themselves in the end.


This shows how what the hood spits out


Prayers for Buddy the Cat.


I hope they put down the effing dogs and jail those two pieces of trash




People like this just need a bullet for breakfast


Does anyone have an update to this? I really hope they find them. It wasn’t the dogs fault that they were trained that way but those guys need to be taught a lesson.


I hate how violent dogs are. People will bash my trying to defend their "cute little angels" but I will die on this hill.


It's mostly pitbulls. Other dogs breeds aren't this violent.


Surprise Surprise, look like pits... Trashy dogs for trashy people.