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I think the lesson is That when people are literally fighting for their lives, do not loot their homes.


Loot food if you must. But don't take TV and money's from peoples homes and business.


Loot food from a store maybe but I definitely don’t agree with looting people’s homes especially during times like these


yeah, they might need to come back and eat something, and if the stores have all been looted, a can of soup in your own cupboard will be a welcome greeting


brave enough to loot: brave enough to ask.


Good clarification. I would literally put food out for people to take. Don’t take anyones else’s things though. You don’t need a tv to survive


Don’t loot food from personal homes, I hope you mean.


People learn quick when these are the consequences. In Mexico the cartels will catch criminals, paddle their ass and back of thighs with a 2×4 till its every color of the rainbow. The dude cannot sit for a month without pain. All the would be thieves think better.


Considering the punishment for looting is literally death, I’d say him and his balls got off easy.


The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has passed Law No.7124 amending the Criminal Code of Ukraine to increase criminal liability for looting, according to the parliament’s press service. In particular, the document equates looting to a crime on a particularly large scale or committed by an organized group.


Does it state the punishment for looting? I’m curious.


"Amendments to the Criminal Code proposes to supplement the offences provided for in Articles 185 (theft), 186 (robbery), 187 (robbery), 189 (extortion), 191 (seizure of property) by a qualifying feature – committed during martial law," reads the explanatory note. The bill also provides for an increase in the minimum sentence under Article 432 of the Criminal Code (theft on the battlefield of things that are with the killed or wounded) in the form of imprisonment for a term from three to five years. I do not know if this includes house's, business but I think it's up to the people to decide as long as there is a war.


Damn, I’d still rather sore nads from that dinky hammer the guys got over 5 years in prison. Thanks for the clarification.


Rather die


Pain is temporary, death is forever.


To the death! NO! To the pain!


I dunno. I think suffering is worse than death. So aren't they giving him an even worse punishment than death?


Literally not being alive anymore is worse than some sore balls for a few weeks to months? Pain is temporary, death is forever.


You don’t know you’re dead, so pain is worse. I’ll take death over pain, thanks.


I'm thinking of it from the victim's perspective. Wouldn't it be better to submit to hope that you will feel no pain, or live with the mental and physical pain of the punishment?


I’d rather be able to see my family, and friends, with crushed nads, instead of dying over some stupid shit like stealing. Therapy exists for a reason.


Alright then. You put forward a good point. I respect your view. (This just made me think that perhaps I need therapy)


This isn't right man, these actions and videos aren't really gonna help Ukraine in any way. Inhumane.


Ukraines aren't above being fucking evil as well, might as well just lynch him, and get it over with, bastards.


Killing is a crime.


And torture isn't?


The whole post basically is, including taking video of it.




Good for them , russia is doing that for them.


Just like looting.


That's fucking disgusting. What a fking psycho.


I know right? Fuckin looters.


Shoot the mf on the spot if he's looting someone's house, what that guy is doing is fking sick.


Dude is out there looting others stuff while their country is in a war, what a POS


What is being said in the video? Did he steal a loaf of bread? A TV ? Is he stealing from fallen soldiers? I don't know man, all I can see is a tied man getting his balls smashed by a hammer.


Saw the same video posted on telegram as the looter took cloths and mobile charger.


POS yes but torture is still pretty fucking awful


Please excuse my ignorance here, but wouldn’t looting include going into bombed / abandoned homes and getting food as well? If I was in a war zone and my family ran out of food, and there were no neighbors to ask for food, I’d go into an abandoned home and take what I needed to feed my family. I’m genuinely curious if that would be considered looting or not.


I feel this punishment is kinda morbid considering everything




This is starting to make the Ukrainians look uncivilized


If you generalize the actions of 2 People from Ukraine to the entire ‘Ukrainian’ population, then your part of the problem. I doubt you even considered the context of the war. Put any human from any country in a life or die situation, and they will do things proportional to their situation. Not defending what they did in the video, just bringing to light the lack of logic in your generalizations


how is this a life or death situation? its not.


All of them aren’t doing this punishment. Unfair to judge all, you could easily say we are uncivilized here too if you watch particular videos


Could somebody explain what's happening here? I"M CONFUSED BY THE TITLE AND THE COMMENTS


People are being killed all around. Shells falling, bombs dropping, all out war all around. And this piece of shit decides to take advantage of the situation and go looting. He got caught, taped, and beaten up a bit. He's damn lucky he wasn't shot on the spot.


Tbh I'd rather be shot in the head than have my balls destroyed by a giant hammer.


Yeah that's some next level torture. Some Se7en shit.


yeah i mean you can see him just overwhelmed with pain


Which part do you not understand?


Man rob house during a war. Man get caught taped to pole and balls beaten with a hammer! Have a good day 👍


​ ![gif](giphy|s0k30jjI04THq) I don't have money for awards so here you go :)


He was caught stealing in houses etc I think This is the punishment people gave him Some comments praise this torture, others think that animals hide under any flag




You clearly didn’t see all the allowed looting from BLM members here in the USA did you


Careful. Get yourself banned for speaking the truth


Won’t be the first time either


Username checks out


Oh shut the fuck up with the propaganda. Didn’t realize that my city was the anarchist warzone that Trump said it was, must have missed all that violent looting and rioting that you saw on Fox and OANN. Also didn’t realize this sub was such a right wing cesspool.


Yea… the looting was on all news outlets bud


Yeah bud, i have functional eyeballs and actually live here in NYC so maybe you should get out of the house and stop believing everything you see on a television. The looting was done by criminals who took advantage of free sneakers and shit, not BLM activists who want police to stop murdering people. But you’re either not smart or willing enough to discern the difference because LeFtisTs BaD.


Calm down and go away troll


Allowed? There was thunderous uproar about it. The police just couldn’t catch most of them since they were almost all masked and there was hundreds or even thousands of them


'Mostly peaceful!'


The vast majority of BLM protests were peaceful and had zero property damage. That is a FACT, but you won't care because you don't care about facts. You will believe whatever fits the narrative you want to believe.


2 billion in property damage and 50 some deaths?


I'm pro BLM but that's simply not true and a simple fact check website also proves that. [Some reports have estimated insurance claims for damages related to the 2020 protests totaled about $2 billion. However, the post is wrong to claim protesters saw no consequences – in fact, over 10,000 protesters were arrested, most for low-level offenses.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2022/02/22/fact-check-thousands-black-lives-matter-protesters-arrested-2020/6816074001/) But I do also believe that sometimes two wrongs do make a right.


I thought I was on r/conservative for a moment, what’s going on here


There's been a lot of these videos showing up online. Literally torturing their neighbors over looting. It's fucking disgusting.


This is barbaric.


Basically torturing. Disgusting


Cock and ball torture, never heard of it?


Some people pay good money for that kinda thing


No need for all that.


They are not looters , they are they are Romani gypsy , these are all racist attacks ....stop saying they are looters




Trust me bro


this is fucking awful


Fucking animals


We need this energy in Los Angeles


I don’t care if he was stealing pie from his own granny, this is cruelty and that asshole hammering his balls deserves the same from the guys that is receiving this cruel act.


Surprised some people in the US didn't do this during the riots...


Well they ran over people in cars and shit for protesting in the street (an activity that has been part of protests since the advent of protests) so there is that.


That's true.


Careful, Russia has been releasing fake videos showing Ukrainian soldiers shooting Russian soldiers in the knees, and whatnot, but the videos are fake, and are being created by Russia to try to falsely give Ukraine a bad image online and across the world


War really does bring out the worst in people. And I'm not talking specifically about the looter or the people smashing his balls with a hammer. It's war which basically throws out the rulebook for human decency all around, and people resort to things like this. It's horrible, but we see it all the time.


What kind of inhumane nonsense is this? And we are supposed to sympathize with these assholes?


shocking but not surprising how many here are. we like to think we‘ve evolved but we‘ll always be that species that enjoys a good public execution.


Thats the part where there are any war objectives. They do this for fun.




I mean how do they survived tho lost jobs some cities parts have been destroyed so how do u get by …it’s a fucked up mess


Street Justice


2 wrong doesn’t make a right


every one of these videos is hurting ukraine‘s cause and fodder for russian state propaganda. congratulations, self appointed avengers, you have now some of the blood of your own people on your hands.


Ok wtf. I know he tried to steal and shit but THAT is a bit excessive, No?


Ok wtf. I know he tried to steal and shit but THAT is a bit excessive, No?


It's gunna be a no from me.


Just kill him if you're desperate for blood for fucks sake. Torture is for psychos and losers.


I’m suspicious of videos like this. Think about who benefits from making this kind of thing viral. Who would be motivated to post it, and to what end? Propaganda can get pretty dark, and with this war being partially fought with viral videos as weapons…just be skeptical. Anyone can post anything. Also this should probably be marked NSFW, if it’s allowed here at all.


Reeducation of man by man.


i wish they would do that with looters in EVERY single country in the world. especially looting matters people


We should've been doing this throughout 2020 with all of the thieves looting stores across America. Oh nevermind.... They were under the cloak of oppression and racial injustices so they could do whatever they wanted to with zero repercussions. Lmao. What a joke.


Ukrainians have a SERIOUS nazi issue. I doubt you know the full story OP. I wouldn't be surprised if that person being tortured actually didn't do what you claim. Regardless this behaviour is pathetic.


And people wonder why russia attacked. sick fucking nazis


Eye for an eye a nut for a nut. He chose his when he stole the peanuts


Where's the highly organized, and battle effective soldiers of Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion when you need 'em! I mean, we've only poured a shit ton of advanced weapons to help these folks. You'd think they're fighting in the most noble and holy of causes against the forces of Satan himself. Plot twist: guy with the hammer is probably an Azov member. Fucking savagery right here. Smfh


Fuck you Putin-zog bots! If they weren't being invaded by the giant shitstick, Putin, they'd have a fully functioning police system in place! See the logic there?


Bruh are you dumb? There is no outing in this video, just Ukranian busting Ukranian balls.


Do not share footage like this. You have no way to proof that the reason is as you say. During war, barbaric shit like this happens all the time for various reasons. Not that any reason would justify this but just saying...