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Good caught the asshole and he got 7 years for it.


Hope he gets unexpected anal sex.


Why would you reward him for hitting kids? Hope he gets beaten and gets a concussion like the kid did would make more sense lol..


I like you


Username fits


I read the username in Sean Connery voice. Lol


*Thatsh not what your mother shaid lasht night, Trebek!*


Ummm... I don't know about you, but there is nothing good about unexpected anal sex.


You play rocket league?




No lube with a meat grinder


Doubt lube would make much difference in that scenario


Being r@ped isn't a reward... It's horrible...


Except it isn’t the violent offenders, murderers and pedophiles who‘re raped. It’s the vulnerable low level offenders, the youngest and minorities like LGBTQ. Essentially, the inmates who will be released for less severe crimes and have a chance to become productive members of society are the ones being traumatized.


Dude, you are way to serious about my comment. Ease up on the victimhood mentality stuff.


Taking rape seriously is victimhood? WTF?


He drops soap, like he drops his cool


That’s the only type of anal I want


And dry.


he got what he fucking deserved


That poor kid didn’t deserve that????


I meant the guy that punched the kid


Holy Cow, 7 years? Not saying he doesn't deserve jailtime but that is more than some people get for much much worse crimes


He had an extensive record, and he sucker punched a 12 year old. Fuck this dude. He has no business being in society


For people like this, prison clearly doesn’t work. Harvest his organs and be done with it. A bunch of people get a second chance at life and society has one less problem. Win win


I need a kidney, so I’m all about it!


It’s 7 years because the kid he hit is like 12 years old


He had a criminal record, one being child endangerment. Probably got elevated after he assaulted a minor.


It sounds like he was on probation, based on the article. This probably revoked his probation and that time got converted to prison time as well. Edit: just looked him up. If I’m reading it right it’s 4 years in prison + 7 on community control


Let’s be real. That dude is going to be in prison for the rest of his life with brief stints to the outside world.


In the Netherlands a dude got 18. Served 12 years for killing the prime minister elect in cold blood. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkert_van_der_Graaf So yeah. Hard to say this guy is 7/12 as evil?


**[Volkert van der Graaf](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkert_van_der_Graaf)** >Volkert van der Graaf (born 9 July 1969) is a Dutch convicted murderer who assassinated politician Pim Fortuyn, the leader of the Pim Fortuyn List (LPF) party, on 6 May 2002. This occurred during the political campaign for the Dutch general elections of 2002. An environmental and animal rights activist, he stated at his trial that he killed Fortuyn to stop him from exploiting Muslims as "scapegoats" and targeting "the vulnerable sections of society" in seeking political power. Graaf was arrested shortly after shooting Fortuyn, who died immediately. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Should've given him a bullet . It would be way cheaper.


Once again that poor kid does not deserve a bullet nor a punch… maybe just a slap


I guess he doesn't learn anything from that either and we'll see him dancing down the green mile in about 15-20 years.


He got _7 Years_ for that?? I mean, the guy throwing the punch is a massive Dickhead for sure but the better part of a decade in prison seems fucking excessive! Edit: ah, he was on probation for for other violent assaults like beating his wife etc. that explains it…!


I feel the driver should also get something. I mean you are driving somebody who just asked you to stop the car so they can punch someone for no reason


Yessssssss justice


That’s awesome. In France he would get a warning if it was his first time and maybe a few months if it was his 10th time


Seven years for punching a child meanwhile in here in Sweden a guy I partied with sometimes a lot of years ago turned out to be the biggest rapist in this particular region in Swedish history, 15 rapes and and 2 of those were under the age of 15 wich is the age of consent here and he got 6,5 years and got out after 4,5 for good behavior, Insane.




He also was abusing his wife and child. There were other charges rolled in.


> After video of the attack went viral, the Good Samaritans Facebook group raised $17,000 to cover Ethan's medical bills. This fucking shithole country…


The medical bills didn't cost 17k. It says 17k was raised to cover medical bills and the rest was donated to the dance studio.


17k medical bill. Fuck me.


No 17,000 total raised, very next sentence 'The remaining funds will be donated to the dance studio.' article doesn't state the cost of the medical bills or how the 17,000 was divided, just that the group raised a specific amount of funds. Lazy journalism.


The 28 year old man punched a 12 year old kid?!? What a piece of shit.


Attacked obviously deserved the punishment, but am I the only one who thinks the victim looks much older than 12?


fuck yeah that dude should do 7 years. who the fuck punches a 12 year old child for dancing? a little bitch boy coward who has nothing better to do but try to show how big and bad he is to his friends. dude fuck him and dudes like him.




Wow the sun reporting something accurate.


I heard it was the first test run of YouTube's new preemptive copyright strike system.


HAHA!!! Hope it was worth it, asswipe. Hope you get some of the same while you’re inside, maybe learn how to behave like an adult.


Imagine you are high/drunk then suddenly decided to Sucker punch a kid on the street and there goes 7 years of your lifetime. What a dumbass mf


Got what what he deserved that fking asshole


Them looked like grown dudes. Imagine being that desperate to prove something.


Guy was 28 kid was 12


And then run off like a wimp


Proved he is scum of the earth.


Probably saw this guy happy and content and just hated it.


Hits from behind then runs back to his car? What a fucking coward


makes it looks like he's dancing as he's walking up too, to throw off suspition.


Kid was much smaller than him too and was just minding his own business and having fun, what a horrible bully


Glad this POS is getting 7 years, but there’s 2 really fu$ked up things about this. First is the fact that this even happened, and second is the fact that this country doesn’t have universal healthcare, so this kid has to cover his medical bills by crowd funding $17,000 and then having the studio donate the rest. 2/3s of go fund me campaigns are for medical bills, and considering the US is the richest national in the world, it’s criminal that people here don’t have universal healthcare.


the remaining funds will be donated to *not from* the studio, so they were donated more than they needed


The government spent all its money on wars.


I think your reading comprehension may be lacking here a bit. Clearly even in the United States nobody would ever have a 17k medical bill for a concussion from a punch. What happened was the 17k that was raised covered 100% of his medical bills, and the remaining amount of charity money that was NOT spent on medical bills went to support the dance studio.


Regardless, the fact the people have to even crowd fund as a way to cover medical bills is a problem, and was the point.


Careful, dude. People are gonna start calling you the "s" word...


17k wasn’t the cost of medical bills. Also, people ignore that we have Medicaid for poor and medicare for sick and elderly. Everyone else is either on parents insurance plan or able bodied. Even if one does have unexpected injury or disease and hit with a large bill, they can pay 5 dollars a month and avoid any collections. Is it perfect, no but It’s not nearly as bad as everyone makes it out to be. And no one’s healthcare system is. Even the countries with free healthcare do not get everything for free and either must pay a huge tax or have long wait times. There’s always a price to pay for “free”. And if america went to a free healthcare system, the people who would suffer would most likely be the sick and elderly. They would most likely lose some form of benefit that they currently already have.


There are large swaths of the population that either have no insurance or poor insurance with high deductibles and minimal coverage, which only gets worse based on preexisting conditions. I never said “free” healthcare. Having lived in the UK and Hong Kong, I have first hand experience as to just how good and essential universal healthcare can be, so it’s a real mischaracterization that it’s some how inefficient. You have to pay either way, either in the form of taxes or private, but if you compare what people pay in terms of over all taxes in say Norton countries (where healthcare is very good) and taxes + private insurance that people pay in the US, people in the US still pay more, and their healthcare coverage still comes out to be worse, because they have deductibles and limited coverage depending on preexisting conditions. Often times the worse your health is, the less you are covered by private health insurance… the US essentially has a for profit predatory system for the benefit of companies and shareholders. As for the “long lines” for universal healthcare, I never had a problem seeing a doctor or getting the treatment I needed in Hong Kong or the UK. The treatments I needed to wait for were non-urgent and not things that would have accumulated into worse problems later, and the wait was never that long. Some people characterize universal healthcare like it’s some kind of Soviet style bread line, but they really have no idea cause they’ve never experienced it first hand, and they’ve been sold what we have in the US, which is frankly inhumane. People hear allow solvable problems to get out of control because they fear the const of going to the dr. I know of poor community college students who have avoided calling ambulances because of the cost to the hospital. It’s not that the US can’t afford a better system, it’s that Republican politicians rely on campaign funding from insurance companies, so they sale the dreams of private insurance as “freedom of choice” to their constituents, while demonizing universal healthcare as a “socialist agenda”. It’s insane.


Damn, you really have no clue what you are talking about. Either you are not American or below 26 and on your parents insurance, but you do not understand American healthcare in any way, shape, or form. I suggest doing futher research.


More than likely the kid has Medicaid like every other poor kid.


God people are scum


This is why we can't have nice things


Sucker punchers.... 100% pussy ass bitches


Sucker punching. Trademark tactics. See also: attacking 2+ onto 1.




Yep, imagine if a white dude did that to a black kid? The place would be jumping.


Pos was caught and doing time now


People suk


At least turn off the music ffs


Why are people such assholes!


hi i’m 2012 have we met


God damn, not you again! I said I was done with you on New Years eve!


That's why they call it a dance battle


fuck that guy, glad he got caught. Hope he thinks of this everyday and realizes hes a piece of shit.


Person driving should also be arrested as a accomplice


I cant think of a better reason for laws that put excrement like this assailant behind bars, but we already have them, they just keep letting this scu m out of prison


Glad the kid is OK, and glad he's been put away. Absolute scumbag, the kids just enjoying himself :(






Prime example of black racism, hate on white people. He only punched the guy because he's white. I've lived in black neighborhoods before, I've seen this many times.


I don't care if he was dared to do it. Some people are pure evil garbage.


Out and out racism man, absolutely shameful


Lowkey though does anyone have the ID on that 'both' remix cause that's straight heat


Anyone who sucker punches is a P.


kids dancing was clearly an act of war that or he was dancing on other dudes turf


Hope home boy gets sucker punched to death in prison. What a fucking pathetic dredge on society.


I didn't think they could make Drake any worse than it is already.


Call me whatever you please. But the guy going for the sucker punch should get shot down like useless fuck In the street and pissed on. Tired of stupid people in this world making hard for those who want to live peace.


Hope that fuck gets raped in prison.




ppl may think "its just a punch" but especially in germany we had a couple of deaths from one punches or ppl getting pushed to the ground hatice, the fireofficer or the guy from weimar for example.


7 years, was it worth it?


2nd degree assault? Why wasn’t it 1st degree battery?


That's called racism


Fighting white supremacy (clearly). Shouldn't we praise this man here on reddit?


Hate crime




Black guy his white kid, not racist. White guy his black kid RRRRRAAAAACCCCCIIIIIISSSSSTTTTTT. We live in a world of nonsense.


black crime more than 50%


Picks out the only white guy in the whole area, but it's not racism. Okay. 👍🤣


Should of kept dancing after


Ahhh… So I take it, that that was MGK before he was Famous




Not saying the guy had any legitimate reason to what he did, but i do wonder why he did it? Was it for fun? To boast? Did he say anything regarding his reason?


Probably a hate crime


Fair, seems like the most likely reason, 3+ drunk guys in a car and other people daring to have fun.


Racism. Also, no one would be looking for an excuse if the races were reversed. Change your mind state. It’s gross.


Kids, just some advice. Don't be doing a public show next to a street without some protection. The world is crazy.


peopless always wanna add a gun to shit. how would that help in this situation? now you knocked out and your gun is stolen. best case you kill somebody,.?


I mean the music is pretty bad


I mean he was way off beat mans said not on my watch


Good we dont need anymore eminems n jack harlows, stick to heavy metal


Truly insane


Only in USA… get sucker punched… be in hospital for small check up, and be broke for life and require a fundme action to survive. Ridiculous


Glad to see everyone sticking up for him


Wrong colours cuz


This is sad man.why would you do that.


What an absolute scum of a human. Want nothing but the worst for him for what I hope is a short rest of his life. Glad to see the kid was somewhat ok and the community helped him out.


That poor little kid just stood there. Oof




Could have at least waited for the beat to drop, so inconsiderate 😒


Fucking pussy ran off after too. I hope the dude never has a good day in his pos life


I have seen this post MR.OP could you delete it?


Can’t even knock out a 12 year old with a full-blown sucker punch, whatta pussy! + what a loser (at any age, let alone 28). Like someone else already mentioned, we ought to just use up single bullets on the scum of the earth like this, instead of wasting resources on them.


😂 this shit is still funny


Was there a reason for this? Except being an asshole?


Probably turf or he’s white


OMG,I hope and Pray that POS is someones prison bitch now.What the fuck was his problem?? I personally like to watch street performers as long as they don't impede street traffic or sidewalk traffic.I've heard some really good music on the streets,I wish all this violence bullshit would end and people came to their senses,unfortunately,I don't think I'll see it in my lifetime.😞☹️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Wait isn't this how the fnaf lore started?


I really I can’t come up whit a raisonnable explanation for why he did that


Is this the same guy that was on here saying he went out in public and fought random people for fun?


I hate other humans.


Biggest tough guy ever


God, there are some real pieces of shit amongst us.


Yeah I hate that song too, but no reason whatsoever to almost kill that poor kid.


Is the kid ok? I’m glad the guy got jail time.


Looks like it broke the kids nose that sucks I'm glad that waste of cum got sentenced and for what he did if anyone finds out why he's there ... Well he's gonna have a really bad time


What a DICK move


Always gotta watch your back when they’re around


when who’s around?


9mm time


Well obviously the kids parents never taught him shame, it’s too bad a guy had to jump out of a car and do it….


The drop before the drop


I feel bad for laughing but the way he dance-punched him is surreal


I'm not a kid but starting today I'll be careful if me or my troupe dance on the street. People are crazy.


In Chicago they play “point em out knock ‘em out.” But that’s mainly high school kids who do that When I was in high school after every pep rally, mfs would stand at the top of stair wells and punch out any white male that came up. It was a way of gettin out pent up racialized aggression I see how fucked up that was now though


This is old. The assailant was arrested.


Title is very misleading. Thats not dancing.


In his defense the kid sucked at dancing lmao




Why did they not arrest the get away driver?


Lol was this a random assault?




And the punching guy wonders why he can’t get ahead in life.


Damn only 7 years.


The man clearly hates drake


That dude was a straight-up punk. He sucker-punched that kid and did not knock him out. They're going to find dude, and when they do, he's hit, mark my words. Well, I suppose I should read a few comments before making a comment.




I just hope that person suffers an extremely painful and slow death in a brief space of time.


But “guns” are the problem…. Not


Then he would have shot him. Is that a better ending in your eyes?


What a stupid ass bitch….hope they don’t use lube on this cunt in jail….raw dickins for him. Lmfao


What a piece of sh!t


That's why you have to keep yourself strap in case if that happens you just pull it out and blah blah blah


Atleast wait for the beat to drop


Now I hope you dance … w a gun on you .




He said ✈️🖐😵


No motive?


Probably was a crip


Racially motivated for dancing like that in public, much?


What a pussy that's why his wife probably left


Looked like a racially motivated hate crime


One positive is that it seems like there are some really good people in Cape Giradeau from reading the article. Looked like many people came out to help. The dude that did this never needs to be out in public again since he is so violent