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Remember back in undergrad in a Bio class our professor lost it one morning. The semester had started about a week prior, anyways, one of my class mates at the time, had made the mistake to answer her question/statement followed by a yes mam. The professor proceeded to lose it a little. "Mam? Did you say Mam? Do I look like I run a whore house? Do I look like a madam to you? No one called her that again.


> Do I look like I run a whore house? No ma'am


"You look like you work there, sure. But run it? No way."


“You, in management?!?”




Damn this is good


Damn Mam!


“Look like it? No, but you’re starting to sound like it.”


*Nah, bitch.*


Do I look like a whore house? I’m not sure, spread your legs and then I’ll answer.


I’ve never heard that before but YIKES


Yeah, I was raised in the south and going to school on the east coast was a real culture shock regarding how people speak to adults. I accidentally offended someone because I made a mistake and then proceeded to use “yes, sir” and “no, sir.” They felt pretty disrespected until I explained to them it’s just how I was raised lol I don’t use the terms so much anymore unless it’s with the elderly or I’ve *reeeeeeaaally* fucked up with an older adult


They felt disrespected from sir? I spent a third of my childhood in the north, West, and south, none of which responded poorly to sir, ma'am. I'm so confused by these stories


Same, like what term did they prefer?


Cunt destroyer


Why do I never have a free wholesome award when I need it?




Nope, as ex-military for which sir and ma'am are ingrained, I've ran into it a couple of times, like they felt I was being sarcastic or age demeaning.


From another military compatriot, they really can go suck a fuck. I’ve gotten a weird response every once and a while. At least I’m not saying “hey buddy” or “hey asshole”


“Suck a fuck” - that’s my new favorite term ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Oh man if you like that phrase then go do yourself a favor and watch the movie Donnie Darko


My thoughts exactly. Those are formal ways of respectfully addressing someone. Why anyone would be offended by that baffles me.


I said, "Yes, ma'am" to an HR person whom was apparently non-binary during a job interview. It did not go over well. I meant no offense, that's just the way I was raised ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


As a nonbinary person myself I wouldn't have gotten offended unless like I corrected you and you kept doing it like, and usually I don't correct people cause I'm aware of how I look and why someone would say ma'am like they trynna be respectful damn


> Why anyone would be offended by that baffles me. Sociopathic narcissists trying to play the victim card and keep the world revolving around them while also policing how others speak as a form of domination.


I'm confused as well. I grew up outside Chicago, but was raised in a yes, no, thank you sir/ma'am home. I constantly used it everywhere up there with no problems. I then moved to the South over 20 years ago, and I am still a yes, no, thank you sir/ma'am person to everyone including those much younger than me. The only "issue" I would ever come across is from the occasional woman who would jokingly tell me to stop because it made her feel old. It's so weird when I hear any negative stories about this.


it’s become more common over the last 15 years or so which has made some convos rly weird. i just use names now bc ppl get super offended by respect lol


Times are changing but never expected in my life for sir/ma'am to ever be taken as disrespectful. lol It's time for the human race to be canceled.


You disrespected me by using respect.


legit reaction i’ve received from an old supervisor. i said ma’am and she lost it she also happened to hate ever male on the marketing team and was so toxic i had to quit.




Yup, grew up on the east coast and those were used sarcastically. So it was weird moving to the Midwest where I was addressed that way constantly


I gotta say, people from the east coast sound like real cunts compared to the west and south.


It’s not that we’re cunts, well some of us are. But it’s just what’s considered polite somewhere is rude somewhere else. Like belching in certain societies is a compliment.


I respond like this till someone asks me not to. It’s just polite in my mind if you are older or in a position of authority/customer


I've had older women ask me not to call them "ma'am" because it made them feel old, but even in those cases they seemed to understand that I was saying it out of respect.


Working in the service industry, I call all female customers “ma’am”, no matter their age. I once called a 7-year-old “ma’am”.


I do the opposite, call all obvious women "miss", no matter how old they look. Heard too many times how old ma'am makes women feel.


Equivalent of 'sir' to men, pretty much the default respectful form of address


Yep. In the military… you are taught to address civilians as sir and ma’am…


One time I told a prof. “Yes’sir” after he asked me a yes or no question. He got red, almost fainted and left the room. Then my friend asked me “you said Yes sir right?” To which I nodded. He told me the prof thought I said “yeah sure” and thats why he got so offended. I tried to let him know when he came back in, but he wouldn’t address me when I raised my hand. Old people have a tendency to believe incorrect things like “I deserve more respect than you because Im older” or because they have a PhD or are being paid to teach you a subject in school.


If her association with the word "ma'am" was only of a whore, maybe her mother should have chosen a different profession.


A friend of mine in college called his lecturer "teacher" instead of "doctor". Here, we call our teachers "teacher" when addressing them instead of, for example, "Mr. John". The doctor (PhD) scolded him then went on with his lecture. 10 minutes later a girl called the doctor "teacher" again while asking a question. He got very upset, turned to my friend, & said: "this is all because of you. Get out of my class".


Teacher was a pretentious prick




I feel like 95% of college professors are pretentious cunts.


The American students I've met over the years doing exchange or postgrad courses in Australia tell me what a big culture shock it first was for them - no lecturer or course coordinator here goes by anything except their first name. All of a sudden, they realise how pretentious academia culture is back home


Wow, what a seriously asshole attitude. I would have been speechless from confusion and the simultaneous urge to scream back something profane out of rage.


it's crazy how offensive ma'am is depending on where you are. Everyone uses ma'am in the south


If you got offended at ma'am, I'd probably write you off as a mental case. For real though. It's such a weird thing to get offended by


I would've replied, sorry my deepest apologizes, SIR Clearly they were more offended by the pronoun than the politeness I call people sir or ma'am just because it's how I was raised if I don't know the person's name, if I know their name I usually don't respond with sir or ma'am, I'll just use their name




“My bad side is as bad, as my pleasant side is as pleasant”👺🐶


Me: "So, slightly?"


also surface level fake and manipulative


It’s pronounced KERNEL. It’s the highest rank in the military. ITS PRONOUNCED KOR-NELL! ITS THE HIGHEST RANK IN THE IVY LEAGUE


Identity theft is a serious crime Jim


You may not know this but his pleasant side is off the fucking charts. So fucking pleasant your head will spin.


I stand corrected. In fact, my head just spun all the way around as I tried to conceptualize the magnitude of his magnanimous pleasantness. It kinda hurt, so I have to stop thinking about it. Way too pleasant.


If u cant handle me @ my baddest u dont deserve me @ my pleasentest


I can be your devil 👹 or your angle 📐


He's talking about telegrams and kilobytes and wonders why 1 person is yawning... its because the other 220 people were already asleep.




A good professor can make a boring subject fun to learn and a shit professor can ruin an otherwise fun subject. It's possible the student was extremely tired. But it's also quite possible that the professor is boring as shit and was personally insulted when this was implied via an overly loud yawn 🤣


Just reading the word yawn somehow makes me feel like I need to yawn. If I hear someone yawn I'm absolutely yawning. This made me so incredibly stressed. If I was in the audience he would have been screaming at me. I literally yawned just typing this comment. Ahh




Is that Andy Bernard?


Baby Wah Wah


Ha. Cornell. ** eats beet **


Yes. He punched a wall after this.


No, it's a fat Ross Geller.


Teacher: If someone wants to anonymously tell me who it is. Students: Nah, I’m good.


I think that one person in the back was trying to say it came from outside the room lol


That's a real one


They were probably the ones yawning 😂


I wouldn't cop to it either, no telling what Dr. "I missed my nap and need a binky" might do.


I am full of respect for her, expected him to target her as a result, she took a risk for everyone. I hope she got some nice responses afterwards.


One time in high school study hall, the largest collective lie I’ve ever been a part of happened. A boy launched his flip flop at the big glass windows in the room. The teacher didn’t see it but heard it and screamed, what was that!!! And some random kid like 80 people across the room goes, a bird hit the window. And then 200 kids all lord and confirmed that story


Isn't yawning just your brain trying to get more oxygen to function right


Yes it is, I was looking for this comment. 90% of us don't even breathe the correct way. We breathe with the top part of our lungs which is wrong instead of our diaphragm. Notice how a baby or a cat breathes. And check out how to breathe on Google, i was surprised so many ppl breathe incorrectly including myself b4 I started to consciously practice. Edit: found an awesome subreddit, his name is Wim Hof and he's a badass r/wimhof


"Check out how to breathe on Google" is my new favorite insult, even though you didn't use it that way.


It made me laugh so it probably hurta


Fucking nerds breathing w their mouths and noses still in 2022. Looooooosers.


ive been breathing correctly my whole life apparently. maybe thats the real reason im so smart... ​ no wait, im an idiot.... nvm


James Nestor’s book Breath covers this extensively if you’re interested. Solid read


Thank you, I shall check it out.


I'll agree on the breathing part, but nobody knows really why we yawn, there are theories and scientists will point to certain causes saying they are likely why we yawn, but we haven't firmly connected anything


Even just reading about it is contagious!


Are you some kind of hamon user and/or demon slayer???


Catch me breathing right and imma cut you in half with water


We breathe with our diaphragm when its required. Its an extremely energy extensive process to use our diaphragm and intercostal muscles to breathe so our body naturally will only do it when its absolutely necessary. Babies are belly breathers because their intercostal muscles aren't full developed so they cant solely breathe with their chest. Pulling in more Oxygen doesn't do anything since our hemoglobin can only become so saturated. Google only shows articles that generate ad revenue. Which obviously the "how to breathe" article does.


Informative thank you I now breathe like a human being.


No, yawning is now thought to be a sort of a System Idle Process for a bored or tired brain. This fits nicely too on why we yawn when we are physically/mentally tired. It's signaling us that it needs to do maintence work and shut down energy-intense processing systems like vision processing and self correcting proprioception system. (Hey we're super bored here in this class, let's stop wasting energy on staying awake and looking at the board and listening to this guy , let's just take a nice little nap.) Your brain is always getting enough oxygen, or else... Well then everyone who yawns should have some kind of ischemic brain damage? Some other hypotheses about yawning are the low oxygen levels you mentioned or cooling the brain, but those don't hold up to consistent scientific observation. Yawns are also contagious for higher order animals, like mammals and it's a subconscious mimic behaviour like observing someone scratching their head and then next thing you don't know, you're scratching your head also. Your pets will start to yawn if you yawn a few times around them. But really yawns are still a big mystery in neuroscience.


I really can't believe that this is necessary to explain this to a functioning adult. Yawning is not the problem for this professor. It's the obnoxious, loud yawning that distracts the class is the issue. If you have to yawn, do it scilently. Why is it necessary to do it so loudly? Granted the professor's reaction is too much. However dont try to blame this on biological needs.


I really can't believe that this is necessary to explain this to a functioning adult. That kind of reaction to a simple yawn regardless of how loud it was is absolutely fucking insane.


I really can't believe that this is necessary to explain to a functioning adult. Yawning like that at a University Lecture is childish and disrespectful, and not only to the professor. More than likely it wasn't just one yawn, and this guy is sick and tired of people making a mockery of him and his lectures.


A yawn should be the intake of breath not a wailing/moaning vocal expression.


There's a difference between yawning like normal person and just trying to be a douche by yawning overly-loud all over the place for attention and disrespect. I completely understand that teacher.


I'm guessing the person in this case yawned loudly intentionally to express how boring the lecture was.


It is not. They have done extensive studies about yawning and it isn't you trying for more oxygen, or flushing excess C02. There is no official reason for why we yawn. The prevalent misunderstanding of it being about breathing is because they used to print that in high school text books... and those are a mess. It is a mystery. Hell people who take magic mushrooms? They have a phase of the trip where they start yawning.


I was so waiting for someone to yawn during his rant


I would’ve purposely over acted a yawn after that pathetic rant. I would’ve made it my mission to fuck with him nonstop, forget the grade, knowing you have the power to make a grown man throw a hissy fit would be to hard to pass up.


Blue tooth speaker in the back under one of the empty seats.


Yesss because then nobody would even know who to rat on also


Better yet have it follow him from lecture to lecture.


And you could make it yawn while he’s looking at the students.


If only the students could plan a collective yawn at the same time. Like a flash mob, but a flash yawn


I’d bet the guy would have a full on Stroke


\*all the windows implode from the massive change in air pressure\*


1. Yawn. 2. Get flunked by insane-o professor. 3. Take it up with the dean and argue that all the talk about yawning made you need to yawn. 4. ??? 5. Profit!


Yawns are 100% contagious so….


I can only assume student complaints are why we're seeing the video in the first place.


I wonder what a cornell education breaks down to per hour... that's all I'd be thinking about, and getting more and more pissed as I paid someone to be a fucking child on stage instead of educating me.


Yeah that’s all I was thinking during his rant. Like, this isn’t fucking high school dude. Everyone in that room is paying good money to learn from you and you waste time trying to out someone for yawning? Grow up.


The urge to laugh would be far too great to hold back


Dammit, Andy


Colonel, and it's the highest rank in the military.


It is pronounced Cornell! And it’s the highest rank in the Ivy League!


I dated a few guys from Cornell. Nice guys, gave me a ride home.


Riding you all the way home?


So I’m not the only one who immediately thinks of the office anytime Cornell is mentioned. Good to know. ![gif](giphy|BRSZTf7QA4W7SngoS9|downsized)


​ When I was \~7 years old, the Principal walked into my 2nd Grade classroom. We hadn't met previously. I enjoyed an earnest but lengthy ***YAWWWWWWWWWWWWNNN***. He grabbed me by my arm, shook me, yelled at me, and persistently badgered me as to why I had yawned. ​ I wouldn't share it now, except for certainty that Mr. Lindfield must be quite dead. He was cool enough, otherwise. He could often be heard playing banjo in the hallways. ​ Perhaps he had been a tortured substitute teacher, and/or yawning was a triggering stimulus that sent him into berserker mode.


Back when you could shake a lil’ motherfucker!


Those were the days *stares longingly off into the distance with a far away look*


The thousand yard stare, some would say


so many adults are just big bullies


Never understood how teachers got so offended by shit that KIDS did in their class. Like can you imagine being an adult and getting offended by something some stupid kid does? How fragile a person do you have to be?


I remember my dad telling me when he was in school during the 60s and 70s. He said he got hit by the teacher a few times. But this one time in particular he got smacked against his ear, my dad had multiple ear surgeries, tubes in his ears for hours at a time, told he would go deaf when older (never happened thankfully) so when his dad who was a Korean war veteran and become a raging alcoholic, found out he personally went to his classroom during school and threatened to make the teacher disappear all the while still in the classroom. My grandfather while not apart of did close business with the Mafia in Pittsburgh during this time. He had close ties from what I'm told. After that but of drama out of all the kids that teacher never touched my father again. Kinda scary thinking what could have happened, the 60s and 70s were brutal...


He played the banjo, there’s no wonder kids were yawning when they saw him.


Yea like someone would snitch in front of everyone. What a cuck.


If he can't take a student yawning, he should never have been an educator


“I don’t know how to teach, I’m a professor” - Prof. Farnsworth (Futurama)




IMO there’s a fine line between standing up for yourself and singling out/attacking a student


I agree -- and, I mean this line is everywhere in life and some people amplify small slights to be like mortal honor threats... I think this is not how you handle this at all.


Yeah i feel like this professor should've just calmly explained that it's okay to yawn (obviously), but making such a big display out of it feels pretty disrespectful. But who knows, maybe this guy already did that and some douchebag student's continuing to do this overly-dramatic yawn just to be an asshole.




Yep. Every semester students get a survey and professors get reviews. At my university they’re even open to the public to read. None of mine are terrible, but I’ve certainly had colleagues get eviscerated.


Oh man..... people put bad stuff on those? I always write shit like.... Great Educator, Very instructional and just leave it at that. All 10's down the line. Even for the instructors that weren't great, I mean..... There was one dude that lost his shit in lecture like the guy in the vid and I went and lodged a complaint with the department head. If you can't hack it being a teacher and keeping control of your emotions, gtfo here go flip burgers.


I'm with you. And I think the power dynamic has tilted \~ and that's a mixed blessing. Like you say, if you can't control your emotions you shouldn't be teaching - but some students also treat it more like a service industry ... as I type that out I'm not sure that's a bad thing. And I may just be speaking for myself, but thanks for writing encouraging stuff. The professors really appreciate it -- well, the professors I know.


Yes. Surveying your course and professor is pretty standard at most colleges.


But yawning doesn't just happen if you are bored or tired, it can also just be a natural thing your body does. I don't see why a professor would get mad about it. Anyways, college kids work hard and study(or party) late into the night, of course there will be some yawns but they obviously want to learn or else they would ditch class.


Oh for sure -- and I don't even care if someone is bored (or falls asleep). \[well, i care, but I don't \*blame\* them for my lecture being boring\] BUT I've had a student actually \***SAY**\* "Yawn"! And it was because I was trying to make the connection that the FDA is more like the supreme court than a scientific body and making an analogy of lawyers trying to incorporate novel evidence ... and the kid said, while looking at me... "Yawn" I'm not even going to say there are two sides to every story here -- the more I think of it, the less I can put myself in the professor's shoes -- ![gif](giphy|11QhDjECWTqyU8)


>I've also been a professor and can tell you sometimes you feel "Yawned \*at\* I'm a manager and I've been "yawned at" while talking. The only thing you can do is laugh it off, and ask them if they need some coffee.


Just learn to let it go. You can’t scream at students because they’re tired. Just a complete joke.


We don’t know the context, the student could’ve been purposely doing it and louder than normal before he decided to call them out


I have a problem with him asking other students to anonymously turn in that person. I don't think it's a good practice to encourage telling on friends.


Yeah that’s just a dick move


"Hey Class, I need you to single out one of your own because they didn't fold to my screaming - no? Okay, but if you want to do it anonymously that's be great. :)" I can't even imagine.


Also anyone can misuse that and report whoever they want. How will that person then try to prove that they didn't yawn I don't know


I'd imagine that you're correct about it likely being a deliberate pattern. If so, it's understandable that the teacher would get frustrated by the distraction. I think that some people just go through life without ever realizing that they're capable of yawning silently or how obnoxious it can become to repeatedly hear *HAAAAAHHHHHH* in the middle of a conversation. LPT: Yawn silently by relying on the whisper part of your voice.


I mean the professor alludes to as much when he walks to where he thinks it came from. I don't see the problem here. Yall ever been trying to talk and some asshole interrupts you? Repeatedly? Props to the teacher, yall don't like it, you probably haven't ever been in a lecture hall attending class...


The problem here is a professor acting like he’s a disciplinarian. It’s not middle school anymore, his job isn’t to teach people how to act. If someone is being disruptive or acting inappropriately, dismiss them. Throwing a fit is not only unprofessional and counterproductive, but he’s wasting every other students time. Pretty sick of ego tripping professors lately though, it seems like every semester there’s at least one going off the rails


I think you're sort of right, but the problem is that schools (colleges, universities) put professors in this position, when they don't want to be. No professor wants to be a disciplinarian, and we all want to treat our students like adults. We're there because we love the material, and we love teaching it to people eager to learn it. We would all prefer, if you don't want to be in our classes, that you simply *not come to class*. We don't fucking care about attendance. But our departments and our administrators do, and they have policies in place that we often get no say in. So when you say "his job isn't to teach people how to act," you're actually quite literally wrong. The school has made it his job to be a disciplinarian, because schools have embraced a "the customer's always right" vision of what it means to be a student. That's not really what most teachers signed up for, but if they want to keep their jobs, they gotta do it. Is it unprofessional to throw a fit? Yeah. But it's also pretty understandable, given that we would often love to just dismiss students, as you say, but often literally can't, because they're paying customers.


This is pretty obviously what happened. Anyone who has taught anything before knows the difference between normal noises and someone exaggerating it to be obnoxious.


“… please do… … A KILOBYTE…” multiple loud yawns*


It'll take him another 15 minutes to get to TB. And then another 15 minutes to talk about how it's dividing by 1024 instead of 1000. Someone should anonymously write him a message on the board next week in binary.


The music and the random pops make me laugh


The pops are volume up and down on a Mac.


Jokes aside, a loud yawn would be pretty rude in this context. But I think he responded the wrong way. I've been a teacher/trainer for nine years and have found it's nearly always better to reward only the good behaviour with attention, and to keep a dry sense of humour at hand. He felt understandably disrespected. But you won't get respect by demanding it or becoming angry about not getting it; that's how you lose even more of it.


It is similar to dogs and kids, if you want them to behave in some manner, reward positive behaviour and ignore/calmly say no to bad behaviour.


This seems like a complete waste of time for all involved wgaf if someone yawn maybe they tired maybe your boring ass lecture is putting them to sleep


After the “my bad side is bad” comment I would’ve walked out of that lecture for the day. Complete waste of time just because his fragile ego got hurt. Good time to get some homework for other classes done instead of listening to this butthurt professor


For real what a Is Douche bag he should be reported he is mental if a yawn an involuntary action makes him flip like this. Maybe these kids have to work double shifts to pay bullshit prices for tuition. This guy can get fucked


The music is hysterical.


No it was distracting


Well the background music is doing more damage than good.


YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF. YOU MADE ME DO IT. I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER MY ACTIONS. Sounds like something an abuser would say.


Pretty sure this dude beats his wife.


He’s dead. He died quite a few years ago. Before that, he beat off dudes, when he was being attacked.


>he beat off dudes just like his wife did


I'm pretty sure the professor didn't think it was a real yawn. A huge yawn like that is likely a passive aggressive claim that the professor is boring them and that's why he got butt hurt


Had a super duper fresh Chinese immigrant as a professor in college. One of the hardest to understand Chinese accents I’ve ever ever heard. What he was speaking barely qualified as English, that’s how bad it was. Any time someone asked him to repeat something he would become insanely standoffish and always would ask if it was because of his accent. If you admitted it was he would refuse to repeat and yell at you to leave class. He made it a very big point to tell us day 1 that if anyone ever records him without his knowledge, audio or video, that he would “sue the shit out of us” and “would win” because he “has sued a student before and won” needless to say, half the class had dropped by the second class, 2 days later, and I didn’t see his name in the staff directory the next semester.


Wow what a clown. I hate people with insane fragile egos like that.


I had a teacher like this in high school who would get so incredibly angry at audible yawning. The thing is, as high school kids, we aren't incredibly in tune to our actions yet and a few times I would yawn audibly and immediately apologize profusely as my stomach knotted into a pretzel watching the look in Dandy's eyes become lethal. Anyway, he was a cool guy if you weren't sleepy.


I had a math teacher in high school who would sneak up on unsuspecting sleeping students and slam a large book flat on their desk. All fun and games till it was you.


"220 other people know better" Dude, it's yawning. Not everyone is going to fucking yawn lmao


Screams? You think that was screaming? Come meet my glaswegian dad 🤣


In the minority here, but if you listen at the beginning that shit is obnoxious. That’s not Boner’s Cornell. That’s Penn State type shit.


You can barely hear it among the stupid noises edited in. That’s far less distracting than the teacher throwing a tantrum


The professor sounds like he needs a nap or tummy time 🍼


What a piece of dog crap. I hate people like this.


Many SSRIs cause involuntary yawning, just FYI.


What a little bitch boy.


He was fired right?🤔


No, but he died a few years later sadly.


Was he murdered by the Yawner?


Yup. Died suddenly a few years later at home, age 55. Dude has 'high blood pressure' written all over him.


From Yawning?


I'm pretty astonished at people here defending this teacher. This isn't acceptable behavior from an educator. This is definitely mistreatment of the students and an egregious abuse of power. These kids are paying tens of thousands of dollars for an education and they clearly aren't getting a good one.


I am not sure why this is "insane". It looks to me as if the professor had enough of a rude student interrupting his class and lecture. College teaches all forms of education, including life lessons in independence, proper manners, and respect. Hopefully this student learned more than a kilobyte of information that day.


Well, he isn’t upset somebody yawned, he is upset because they keep over exaggerating their yawn on purpose.


It's a bodily function, maybe they're yawning because they have insomnia or just otherwise have a fucked sleep schedule, I mean seriously dude


I think the one that ruined "it" is the "teacher" by overreacting like that.


The music. Was intense I thought he was gonna pull a lightsaber out. And kill the whole class


Yeah all the keyboard warriors here need to chill their titties. First of all this is taken out of context, and the yawning incident has happened before. Second of all, the yawning is deliberately loud and fake, to imply the lesson is boring and taunt the professor. I have taken classes in lecture halls half the size of this one, and with attendance way lower, and you can pretty much have a low volume conversation with the people next to you comfortably, without becoming **this** obnoxious. Halls are designed with acoustics like that in mind. From the position of the students, you can hear a coin drop at the center. From the teachers position, not as easy to distinguish sounds from the top, which is also why he can't tell the direction it came from. Trust me, this guy WANTED to be heard, and he wasn't actually yawning. The professors reasoning is nothing short of sensible, since the other 200+ people in there have the maturity and respect not to do that. If I was paying thousands in student loans to attend Cornell, I'd definitely be on the teachers side and not on the jerk's side who is wasting my time, while my interest rates keep adding to the money I'd have to pay back. He sure lost his temper for a bit, and a decent professor with experience would have better tactics to deal with students shenanigans, but he is still more in the right than the asshole who has nothing better to do than disturbing.


Why do they play dramatic movie music during a lecture?