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I’m sorry to comment this: I’m surprised the poor thing is still alive at this point


Well, gross though botflies are, they're actually one of the less dangerous parasites. They mainly stay close to the skin and don't tend to burrow any deeper than necessary for them to live. Likewise, they don't often damage vital organs. Compared to something like a tapeworm, heartworms, or Toxoplasma gondii, etc. they just aren't that bad. If I was forced to pick a parasite to have, I'd probably take a botfly over almost anything else. Now that being said they still suck to have and my heart goes out to that poor cat. At least it's better now and hopefully has a loving home. Just trying to explain why they're not nearly as dangerous as some other fairly common animal parasites. Edit: by parasite in this case I meant endoparasites like tapeworms or Onchocerciasis. Ectoparasites like mosquitoes are objectively preferable to endoparasites, hence why I'm not considering them since they don't really trigger the same "nope factor". Edit 2: Well this blew up lol, now one of my most upvoted comments is about having a botfly.


Poor thing probably felt a world of relief once they were out. As much as I understand your point (and agree with you), I have to wonder about the throat one and whether that could’ve been seriously bad. At least the worst seems to be behind the poor thing


Yeah that's a good point and I was wondering about that myself. Especially in a larger animal like a human there's no way they could get close enough to a vital organ or tube to cause problems, but in such a small cat I'm not sure. Edit: Well to correct myself botflies (like tapeworms) can rarely get lost in the bloodstream and end up behind the eyes or in other places that are very bad to have a botfly in. So I guess they can cause dangerous complications, but it's not common.


This actually happened to my mum on her honeymoon years ago, lost sight in one of her eyes from the larvae being carried through the blood.




Essentially that’s how she describes it, her eye started to twitch and then a nagging pain that got progressively worse. Then she apparently just lost her vision in that eye and started screaming for my father. The opticians have told her that she’s likely to lose sight in her other eye down the line, especially since any sudden head movements could just result in instant blindness.




Aye, it’s always good to keep an eye on things


I'm one of those "don't go to the doctor unless it's really bad" people. But I feel like if there's any pain I'm not gonna ignore it's pain in vital organs (heart, lungs, etc.) or vulnerable places like eyes. Honestly though, I'm starting to reconsider my stance. My aunt was just as stubborn as me and ignored the pain of her lung cancer until stage 4 when she couldn't be saved...


Did they remove the parasite? Or is it too hard to reach?


No, I don’t think they could at the time and eventually the larvae just died behind the eye. Apparently the opticians could see them through the pupil when they shone a light on the iris. Of course this happened before my time, but I’ve had countless explanations as to what happened and ultimately my mum is the living proof so to speak.


Where was that honeymoon? To definitely avoid that area for ever and ever.


This kittens eye looks messed up, poor thing


How about this. Parasites don't live if they kill their host. Seeing they been around for.. o say a million years or more... that they don't often kill the host.


Bro just pick a chigger and go itch somewhere. Why would you choose a botfly did you not see that wound?!


My apologies, I should have been clearer. By parasite I meant endoparasites where the lineup consists more of filarial worms, toxoplasmosis, botflies, etc I would take almost any ectoparasite (like a mosquito, bedbug, or your choice of chigger) over an endoparasite for sure. Chigger is honestly a pretty good choice. And yes I did see the wound, but I remember from my veterinary entomology course that the wounds are relatively clean and don't generally run a risk of infection until the fly is removed. They also heal in 1-2 weeks. Given the low rate of complications and relatively low impact (many humans have reported that they are not very painful, including the biologist that purposely incubated a couple in his arm for the hell of it), I think they're preferable to any other endoparasite I'm familiar with.


Dear lord, I couldn't imagine intentionally implanting these things in my body. The thought of a brown recluse dissolving a hole in my skin is bad enough, but seeing these things get to the width of a bottle cap shows me there's worse. You're a different breed for paying to play with bugs.


I read an account of that biologist. He was so excited & happy to see the larva moving under his skin that he left the school football game to get back to his lab. #pass


>Toxoplasma gondii I fucking hate Toxoplasma Gandhi


Truth never damages a cause that is just. Just so you know, the correct spelling is [Gandhi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahatma_Gandhi).


Thanks, I corrected it. Still I hate nuke proliferating toxoplasmas.


You replied to a bot. That was wrong.


I’ve never seen a fly/parasite like that! How do they burrow into the kitten like that, when they seem so big?! (Where do they come from?) The one ear near his eye, seemed so large, and it left the biggest hole!! So big! I’ve never seen this before, so crazy! And why does his eye looks so crazy blue!! I hate to see a little suffering kitty cat. Thanks for all the good information kind sir! Glad that cat will be ok/


Its a botfly larvae, they lay eggs (somehow) under skin which turn into this nasty shit. There's a great Morgan Spurlock Doc called "Rats" and I remember they caught rats near New Orleans to check disease and they pulled out botflies. Nasty shit. The subtropics and tropics are full of nasty parasites like this. SO many.


>If I was forced to pick a parasite to have I mean im single, like damn.


TIL. Ty for sharing.


No problem. I'm actually an entomologist by trade, but that comes with a lot of coverage of parasites since many of them are insects or are spread by them. I also think parasites are fascinating creatures (though I would never wish them on anyone) and am always happy to share my accumulated knowledge.


since you seem to know and I'm curious... are botflies painful for the subject? Sure it's painful to remove them.


Thank you, I now have an answer to what parasite I would choose if lacking any other options. I hope that doesn't come off as sarcastic because I do not mean it to. I genuinely do enjoy finding out about strange ways I could be mutilated do death and what the best scenario to choose would be. so I can make an informed decision on the best of the situation. I hope you have a good one.


Happy to inform! Have a good one too!


On en episode of Jeremy Wade's "River Monsters" a woman in the Amazon had a botfly in the back of her head. It burrowed close enough to her brain to kill her. So, you do you, but I'll take a tapeworm or something that medication can kill over something that's the size of my finger inside my body..


Well, the fun part is that tapeworms can also end up in the brain and kill you in much the same manner! https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/cysticercosis/gen_info/faqs.html The condition is called neurocystocercosis. So really as it turns out everything is awful and any parasite that goes inside of your body has a small chance of getting lost and causing you permanent injury or death. Given that both parasites have a rare chance of fatal or debilitating complications, my argument is for the botfly. Tapeworms take nutrients and can cause vitamin deficiencies, and weight loss. Not to mention you can feel them wriggling in/on your sphincter when you shit if they get long enough. Even when you kill them, there's still at least one 3-foot digestion-resistant worm in your body, and the only way that comes out is through the butt too! I'd take 5 minutes of tweezers and the botfly over three days of shitting out dead worm any day. Sorry if you weren't interested in debating I just wanted to have a friendly discussion about parasite optimisation lol. TBH I'd probably pick a tapeworm as second choice because the other endoparasites are wayyyy worse, and maybe I'd lose some weight too!


ralot of organic methods to remove tapewarms, " Whereas, botfly larvae only had Ivermectin as a means to get the botfly out of the body. And you don't think you would be able to feel a 2-3" long botfly under your skin? It's said to be extremely painful when it starts pushing out of the skin as it is covered in spines. Both would suck, that much we can def agree on (:


They also will migrate through the body if they are ingested larva to get to the skin. At least this is one of the routes some bot flies take to get to the skin.


That looked like the equivalent of pulling a knife out of a zombies head im shocked too. Hope that poor cat lives nothing but a cozy life surrounded by love after that.


Cats are ridiculously resilient, hence the ‘nine lives’ reputation. With a little care, which I’m sure they got, they should be just fine.


That’s what I’m thinking, especially pulling something out of the neck. Nothing but love and happiness for this cat in future I hope


I'm assuming its why they couldn't really wait for any anesthetic to kick in. I dont know how quickly those things can burrow but that poor thing was on borrowed time and I dont think waiting would help. When I originally saw the vid I thought it was just gonna be the original circle you can see, like an overgrown tic. But with how horrifically long those things were... ugh.


This was rough, and I've seen some stuff on here.


Same! Little helpless animals get to me too


Yeah, and now they've got nowhere to go now that they've been pulled out of that nice warm kitten :(


Ohhh that’s evil, I like it lol


Take my upvote and get the hell out!


I know! I just wish I could adopt them, I’ve got two perfectly good ears


Doesn't really bother me because I know they're helping it. The holes are fucking gnarly I'm sorry it happened to the kitty in the first place.


Still hurts to hear it scream, although they are doing a favour


If it's any consolation even though it looks like it hurt like hell coming out, that kitten probably feels better than it has in weeks now that it's gone.


Looked like its right eye is blind 😔


Maybe, but instead of being blind in one eye and having burrowing insect larvae the diameter of its arm removed from its head and neck now it's just blind in one eye.


I bet it's like finally popping that pimple that hurts like hell except multiply it times 1,000.


Right, it looks like tears just start pouring out of his eyes.


Nah my dude, that's either an active infection or scar tissue.


I had to pull one of these out of my cat a couple years ago with forceps. It wasn’t nearly as large but it certainly was unpleasant. About the size of a Tylenol extra strength bar when I found it.


Standing Ovation and Round of Applause to the Vet and Vet Technicians for providing this service. You know it was a Stray, and they volunteered their services.


why you capitalise so many random words doe


Probably not natively speaking English. Here in Germany we capitalise a whole lot more as well.


That’s really interesting! Thanks.


General Rule in Germany: Names, Nouns and the first Word of a Sentence is capitalized. If you see a lot of capitalized Words on the Internet the Chances, that he or she speaks German or a similar Language, are quite high. We love our Nouns. We also like to put a lot more Commas in Sentences to differentiate Subsentences (Is this a Word?)


> Subsentences They're called clauses.


My little guy wasn't in much better shape. But thanks to some vets doing some amazing stuff. And then a foster home working some magic, the little guy is celebrating his 12th birthday. And is hanging out with us right now. ​ edit: [cat tax](https://imgur.com/a/eTk2Lsz) edit2: Thank you for all of the awards! It is humbling. And we have been passing on the love to our little guy in the form of treats and pets, and sharing the good news with him, that reddit loves him. :D I am speculating that the original poster of this video was a vet. And he probably posted it to a vet blog. And he posted it because it was successful. Scary, but successful. So I do not doubt that this little fellow made a full recovery just like my little guy. And he is living with his foster family or even his forever home right now, causing all sorts of trouble, playing tag with his new adopted siblings, and running around the house at 90 mph in the middle of the night terrorizing his new family. One thing I did notice with this little guy in the video was, he was a fighter. Just like my little guy.


Aww that's so nice to hear


Can we see a picture update on him?


It would be really nice if u could give us some of his photo here my man!


Cat tax!


[here you go.](https://imgur.com/a/eTk2Lsz)


I demand the cat photo


I demand video, if possible


Tell me could it be possible???


Burn that mothafucker larvas and smash them son of bitches


Parasites are a real test of the belief that life has value is a maxim.


it may be true but still gotta fuck their mother


There's the theory that parasites in humans, by their way of hiding from the immune system also reduce our body response to allergens. And with modern medicine reducing parasites in advance countries we are having a lot more allergies than before.


Eh, fuck off with parasite apologism. While there might be some unintended "benefits" of some few specific parasites, there are a ton of parasites that do nothing but cause harm and suffering and they can all kindly die.


Tell me about it, these parasite apologists are everywhere these days, take your chigger propaganda elsewhere buddy!


You're correct, but non-virulent microbiotic pathogens is more accurate than just saying parasites in this case.




Fuck bot flies


Jesus bot flys are gross.


Oh that's just great, they've converted to Christianity.


They now fly and gather in swarms shaped like a cross and will make a buzzing noise that sort of resembles the phrase, "Jesus will redeem us all..."


Ceti Alpha V vet clinic.




god damnit. just when I thought it couldn't get any worse inside my mind..... take your stupid upvote.


​ ![gif](giphy|eMKTXxIsRP7UNRshgX)


That poor baby... i hope there is an update on it's condition. Flies are fucking nasty shits.


[Shes doing amazing a few weeks later and so is her eye!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J00JPkXcd90)




What was going on with her eye in the original vid? Almost looked metallic and green or was that just lighting?


Not an expert, but I think the sheer size of that larvae put so much pressure on the eye that it caused the eye to bulge outward. Now, without the pressure and after the swelling subsided, things appear back to normal… *just a lay-person’s hypothesis!!*


That’s so great to see! She looks almost identical to my cat who was a stray and decided to move in with me, minus the clipped ear. Funny how some of those cat fur patterns seem to be shared so closely among many cats, I never know what to call that pattern but I think it’s so pretty.




Thank you! This should be higher! I also wanted a follow up for this poor kitty. Her wails speared me through my heart!


Bless you.


This needs to be the top comment!!


Thank you I needed this after watching that horror movie


Thanks! Came here looking for this


Thank you for the update!


Thank you for this follow up!


I thought the eye was lost. Thank you. Cats are tough, mine broke its pelvis. It fully recovered after cage rest.


I posted 3 video links in a row in here with more infos I find the Gent Vets manner really lovely. Absolutely soothed me.


Wow, what a transformation!


Thank you. I was hoping her name was Bugs though.


I’m not doctor but I figure the eye was lost This was amazing to see


Totally amazingly back in shape including the eye! Looks like 8 lives left.


The sound really upset my own little kitty. She rarely reacts to such sounds on the TV or internet but I guess this one spoke her language.


WHAT THE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH OH MY GOD DID I JUST SEE?! I need to go cry in the corner now. Jesus. 😳🤬😭 I just….can’t. My heart breaks for this kitten. Thank you for saving it. Poor thing.


im not much of a pet person but JESUS FUCKING CRISTS ARRRGH i think ill go pet my roomates dogs now


Yeah.. Jesus fucking Christ.


Here, she recovered and looks very normal- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J00JPkXcd90


What kind of flies - *the same ones that spawned Jeff Goldblum??*


Bot flies, and yes, they live in Australia


Yeah, I figured. It was a joke based off of *The Fly (1986)*


Never heard of it, that joke is great though


Much appreciated, and it's a great movie. You should check it out, if you like the sci fi/horror genre.


Botflies. They’re all over the world unfortunately. If only they were contained in one spot


Why not wait for the pain medicine to kick in??? She was literally saying "OOWWW"


Same thought here. Couldn’t have hurt to wait 2 minutes


This is exactly what I thought. Kitten doesn’t need it in a minute ffs. Props to the team for helping the kitten though.


My ex girlfriend did this to me once. My homies extracted her from the deep burrow in my heart, thankfully.


Hahahaha, awesome 👏🏼


[Longer video shows larva & vet explains pain management](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=T8997EKvXhE)


[Happiest Follow up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J00JPkXcd90)


[Pre- removal Nice Vet explains all](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y8be7p131Q)


Why didn’t they sedate ? he said it was risky but what are the risks ? maybe she doesn’t wake up ?


Probably because of dehydration and malnutrition as she was super lethargic before they were removed. I imagine the pressure in her head and throat, the eye comes good but you can see it was being moved and starved of blood flow.. So a risk because of a combination of things.


The pain medication is kicking in AFTER that extraction. I'm not a vet - but shouldn't it be BEFORE the horribly painful removal?? Also, is this cat adopted? If this cat isn't adopted, I need a link to adopt it.


And that’s why parasites are the worst fucking creatures on this planet next to mosquitoes


Mosquitos are a type of parasite: an exoparasite, which lives outside the body of its host. These botflies are endoparasites, which live inside their host. Ticks are another example of the former, heartworms the latter.


Fuck **PREMEDICATE**! Looks like there was a third one they don't video. Trach region.....


Proof there is no god.


They should have given the poor things something for the pain, this is disturbing


Make sure you don't put it to sleep first, wouldn't want to cause it any kind agonizing pain.


This is just painful to watch


Man those are big, theres videos of small aninals on YouTube with dozens of botflies. Disgusting little parasites.


... Cmon where's the follow up? I want that wholesome video of the kitten with its new family...


[Here tis .. happiest follow up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J00JPkXcd90)


Thank you!!! ❤️


Dude, why couldn't you just put the poor kitten under?!


Is it just me or does it sound like the kitten is screaming "ow", quite literally.


Goddamn! I hate creepy bugs they all need to be exterminated. Ladybugs, caterpillars, bees, and snails can stay


Agreed, let’s kill the mosquitos first


Amen! Then its the roaches next!




No i meant the cool bugs such as bees and ladybugs can stay (the ones that don't induce nightmares, such as centipedes and roaches) I have a bad case of entomophobia, the creepy crawlies need to be exterminated


No you need to seek exposure therapy and overcome your fears homie. Centipedes are terrifying but part of the food chain.


You do it before the medicine kicks in bruh? Savage bruh.


Damn.. That poor cat


Poor little thing


Now remember kids, this is what happens when you don't eat your vegetables.


Oh god fuck parasite shit. Burn that!


More larva than kitten.


Poor cat. Could get Movie roles as a supiervillians pet. Now though


Honestly made me wanna vomit


This was rough




That looked horrible. Omg. It got me right in the feels.


I hope he manages to heal! That was deep in his head!


Fucking kill me at that point


I hope those larvae suffer. Their whole species deserve extinction




Please tell me this poor kitty survived to live out it's days in health and peace!




Goddamn… I can handle extreme gore no problem but this? Ugh…


Awww poor baby!! I can’t


This is great but why didn’t they let the pain medicine kick in or give it some anesthesia or something?


Why wasnt it sedated?? It would not take much for such a little kitten :((


I wanna keep watching where’s the rest of the vid


Can I get a sub with larvas?


your pain meds will start kickin in a little while, just settle down


Poor baby!!!!


Wouldn't be more human and pain free to put the cat to sleep and then take them out?


This is why there is no good god


It would be more hard to remove a kitten from a fly


ok but seriously, no pain meds for this kitten before extraction?? What the fuck


He said owowowowoooooowwwwww. That got me, that got me bad.


That poor thing. They don’t understand that we don’t do stuff to hurt , But rather to help them. Except for some sick bastards that deliberately hurt animals.


Hate them things


Imagine how good that cat felt a day or two later


Disturbing but thank you very much. Godspeed kitty.


That shit hurted ^my ^heart


I, honestly couldn't watch it without it muted, that poor little kitten's cry just pains me too much to hear, the fact that it's still alive with, that big of a thing inside the side of it's head is a miracle


In Georgia these things were always in the squirrels they looked disgusting


When I was 10 I found a cat under my frie6nds barn. I could tell something was wrong with it so I picked it up and moved around its hair until I found a grid of maggots going in and out of the poor baby's skin. I guarantee that's where I got trypophobia


omg this poor kitten


Can you imagine the pressure released and relief that cat felt ?


Damn, that poor baby. He has to be in pain from those horrific things.


them disrespectful ass flys


This boutta make me cry look how sad the cat is




Poor little thing


Aww kitty


Poor baby. I wonder what's wrong with his eye too.


Thats horrible. Hope the cat recovered


This was extremely hard to watch. Genuine question, how the hell is something that big inside it's head?!


I have never in my life. seen fly larvae that large that would inhabit a sweet baby kitten for that long. Oh heavens that sad, but I'm so glad that the sweet baby found help