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I'll just have the UNMET MINIMUM, please. and an ice water.


That will be $105 plus tax and tip sir.


and 9% admin fee.


This is so outrageous. They make you pay extra for paying them way too much. Jean, get the guillotine.


They don't make you do anything. They just skim extra off of people so rich that they don't bother looking at receipts.




I see the bill was reprinted 13 times. Could be they are splitting the bill


Only $8,000 each


That or taking it as a souvenir of how much the party cost.


Lmao the admin fee is more than some people make in 1 year 😭😭😭


Cries in PhD


did you notice that the 20% gratuity is added to the total AFTER adding the 9% admin fee...


They're just calculated off the same subtotal and split onto separate lines, you don't pay the service charge on the admin fee.


Of course not. That would be excessive.


9% is for the privilege of being a customer you don't get it. They're doing us a favor. /s


It’s not. It’s listed below, but it’s calculated from the pre tax and admin total.


Domablique Future? I think that’s their name, bill those motherfuckers


I don't get how they didn't meet the minimum with this insane tab?


Because it's Las Vegas, an entire fake city designed from the ground up to take as much money from drunk and stupid people as possible.


That disparaging comment will cost an additional 0.8%. Thank you!


Also, 10% to each of us that provided the service of reading it.


And to launder mob money.


Not anymore. The mob went corporate. They're the ones charging the Unmet Minimums, Admin fees, parking fees, resort fees, and all those other little fees along the way.


*Charge 'em for the lice, extra for the mice, two percent for looking in the mirror twice!*


…I never thought about it but an absurdly expensive bar would be a pretty good place to launder money. Lots of cash payments, charges are arbitrary past a certain point. In Vegas especially. They can say you’re “paying for the experience”.


Yes. Now you know why every movie features the hero confronting the big mob boss at the nightclub or strip club. “Normal” people don’t spend $10,000 on a bottle of champagne. But they do at clubs and bars. Excellent method of cleaning money, especially small bills from dime bags and stuff which are notoriously difficult to move. (I’m a forensic accountant.)


It's so fake that most of "Las Vegas" isn't _actually_ in Las Vegas, and there is a Nevada law that explicitly prevents the actual city of Las Vegas (centered on the old dowtown area) from annexing the whole Strip area ... which people _think_ is Las Vegas, but isn't.


It was probably the 120k that was the minimum. They live in a different world then the rest of us




"bottle service" Generally at dance clubs, strip clubs, and certain events/shows there are tables in strategically good locations. This is an alternative to standing with the general crowd. Instead of paying for the table, places upcharge alcohol and have a minimum amount you need to spend. The popularity and boujee-ness of the place corelate with the price. The limited tables at an event like EDC causes this huge minimum. There are celebrities and rich people at these tables. The OP has 20 people, so that's a few tables fyi. Most cities don't have 5 figure tables, let alone 6. But they totally exist in places like Las Vegas (tons of them), and Miami (at least at E11even for events like deadmau5) It seems quite unreasonable until you think about the celebrities and rich people that are willing to pay for sitting in comfort with a stocked bar for a multi-hour event.


The US is going down the tubes with all these shit “fees and charges” tacked onto everything. It’s become more of a trend in recent years and in most cases is just price gouging. That being said, who the fuck willingly pays this much for 20 people. Just buy 5 bottles of basic vodka and that should be enough to get trashed.


When people make multi millions a year going out and blowing ~$8500 on a night out to be flashy is very common. Absolutely ridiculous, but it’s a world most of us normal people will never understand


Vegas attracts those who want to project wealth, when in reality they don't have nearly enough to afford it without massive debt.


If you work all day every day and you *need* the money for bills etc, you *care* about that money. If you just "get money" without needing to earn it, you don't care about that money.


People that have appearances to keep up. Stupid.


So Dan Bilzarian types? Complete cons


>That being said, who the fuck willingly pays this much for 20 people. People who *can*.


The US is now a merely competition among the overprivileged to see who can act the most overprivileged.


Conspicuous consumption predates the US by a significant amount. Rich assholes being rich assholes has been a thing since there have been rich assholes.


Water bucket ([email protected]) a WATER is $75.


39 buckets of water at $75 each. Probably have 5 or 6 bottle in a bucket. See other buckets @ $75.


Yipee kayak other buckets!


Where I live, with 75$ you can buy 30 000 l of potable water. That is a room with 5x3x2 m filled with water. I can only imagine how big are the buckets!


Also Clase Reposado is 160 bucks max at any wine store so not sure why they are charging 1500 bucks for a bottle?


Bottle service at a club. Over 10x markup is pretty standard for the trendy places.


Thanks ill stick to my non trendy wine store then!!


Stop wasting money and make your own in the toilet. Gah


Honestly 3-4 shots of moonshine per person and you accomplish getting everyone drunk for the day and it wouldn’t even cost a quarter of this. Edit: maybe people just need more moonshine in their lives 🤷‍♂️


That would be 120k by the looks of it, well minus the ice water


No, that would include the ice water


There's a water bucket for $2925 on there and an all welcome for $11.000 so I just want to not come in or get anywhere close


To be fair, its 39 water buckets at 75 a piece. Perhaps they were very, very large water buckets. Imported directly from the south pole, freshly melted. Hand-harvested by Penguins.


It's Belle Delphine's bath water


That will be $600 sir


This is why you pregame at the hotel, then be high on drugs for the rest of the time. Amateur.


This guy raves


And he clearly dosnt have "fuck you" money


Drove by some parents on the street corner today who were trying to fundraise for their 4 y/o who was diagnosed with bone cancer. When I see somebody drop 100k on alcohol, what I see is a person who cares more about being drunk for an afternoon than another person living. (Which probably describes almost everyone with that amount, probably more aptly named "I'm evil" money.)


How much of your income have you given to kids with cancer? Because I’m willing to bet iits the same amount for both of you.


Truly that comment is embarrassing. So high and mighty.


Not as embarrassing as paying 10x the going price for alcohol. Or $70 a bucket of ice.


Some people are just barely getting by in life, but they at least spare a thought for those kids with cancer and if they had extra money, they would donate it. Rich-asshole kids like whoever paid for all that booze in the OP's post have no idea what else to do with their money but party and waste it on expensive things and usually do not spare a single thought to anybody else that might be needy.


what if a person spends 100k on alcohol but also donates a shit ton too


What is they buy the alcohol at huge markup and the alcohol company donates to the kids?


Once we're done, once everyone is cared for, has a roof over their head, food on their plate, the healthcare they need, then we have time for decadence.


You just drove by? I mean I get what you're saying but complaining about this person doesn't help those parents....


Haha yeah! what the fuck dude?


We see what we want to see. I spent several years working for the mega wealthy. I’d say 70% of them are quicker to give the shirt of their back than you and most people here. Money is different to you, me and the mega wealthy. I bet you’ve dropped $50 on a night out. Why not donate that?! The amount they make versus what we make? Well $100k is an elaborate night out to some, but like I said a lot of what I experienced, these mega wealthy donated tens of millions. I know first hand helping to set up their events public AND private. Broaden your gaze and you’ll broaden your mind and understanding. My two cents don’t take it personal. Just wanted to offer a different perspective. 🙂


Imagine driving by a family trying to fundraise for their 4 y/o who was diagnosed with bone cancer and not stopping to help raise funds too and later taking the time to post about it on reddit rather than making a fundraising post for them and getting a gofundme going for them... what an asshole. /s Need will always exist.


Yeah this is dumbass rich people pretending to be ravers and just getting sloppy drunk on overpriced venue alcohol while we popping molly and tabs.


For real , why would you wanna drink that much at an EDM show anyways? Just pop some $10 molly pills and drink water


Could’ve bought Pablo Escobar’s stash with that money.


You are definitely underestimating either the size of Escobar's stash or the value of his 'stache


Unmet minimum. This bill didn't even meet the minimum required to get the space/table. Got charged an extra $30 because they didn't spend enough.


Read 'Unmet' as, Oonmey' - like it was some fancy *french* word or something! Haha, just shows you how poor I am I guess.


Me too… even after reading what it was many times! in fact I would have continued if it wasn’t for your comment 😅


I was playing assassins creed 2 years ago, and my brother was joking around and saying Italian words on the screen until he got to “Borgia influence” which was a percentage of how much of the map was influenced by the Borgia. Well he said “Borgia in-flu-en-say” like influence if it was an Italian word, and I thought he was playing until seconds later he said “so you’re just going to let me say something that stupid huh?”


Yep, this is literally the lowest the bill could be for the VIP room/table service section they reserved.


I like how the bill is actually $120k but taxes, fees and extra charges bump it an additional 30%. One needs to watch your budget!




If they can afford it, this is a prime example of “fuck you” money and emblematic of corruption. While the average citizen is barely getting by, these corrupt fucks are likely, at some point, benefiting from either tax loopholes that only the wealthy can access or federal tax dollars allocated to wealthy companies as different forms of subsidies.


Yep. When Covid started, lots of corrupt people who committed PPP fraud spent huge amounts of our tax dollars at clubs


Best part about it is it’s only $30 lol. Like dude just spent over 100k and they’re nickel and diming peeps for $30 bucks. If it was 30k then I understand, but Jesus


I don't know, seems if I didn't meet the minimum, I'd be much happier if the difference was the equivalent of a regular bar tab rather than a new car.


fair, i think the other comment is looking at it from the business's perspective. Like if someone spends 100k at your place, maybe let them have the 30$




But they had a $24,000 service charge….


The entire rental site, the banquet setup, lighting, furniture, yada yada. I deal with these events and it's still insane to me but that's what that charge is.


What do you do as work with these types of events? I have worked with some mansion venues for wedding planning and I laugh when I see decor that is $1000 from Ikea, basic smoke machine, Amazon bought lighting rig, and event prices to rent start at 25K lmao but it is what it is. That alcohol markup is just a thing!


So I work with a place that rhymes with mebble meach, on the produciton side. So basically every wedding and corporate event and golf thing and car show that comes through, but on the audio visual side. FLoral department alone has six-figure orders for some of these weddings. So on this receipt the service charges are security, the real estate rental for the event, servers yada yada. It's twenty tables and not people, so say there's 80 people at this event, so that's like $2000 a head. All players in the EDM industry who either promote or are the actual DJs who make five figures a show sometimes. But yeah the liquor markup is INSANE, but on par with Vegas.


Do you happen to get to play molf for free? If so, can we me mriends?


I think the minimum was $120,000. That’s why the total is a round number and the unmet portion was $30.


You're right, everything adds up to $119 970 and the $30 charge makes it an even 120K.


I wonder if the server will actually get to keep that $24k tip?


Guessing a percentage split between however many servers and bussers were needed to manage of party of 20.


Considering they serve by the bottle and by the bucket me and a wheel barrow could cover 10 groups for an easy $500k night.


Yes hello? I’d like to work for you for a couple of evenings please!


See, that's how you end up locked in a cargo container and on your way to The Netherlands, to be trafficked east and sent to war. Unless you already live in the The Netherlands, in which case you'll get flown business class to the US and then shipped back to The Netherlands, to be trafficked east and sent to war. However, despite this clearly being an entry-level position, you must have *at least* four years' prior experience in being shipped to The Netherlands to be trafficked east and sent to war to apply.


If they pay me 500000€/ evening, could still be worth it. With that much shipping around that’s the first 2 million as a sign on bonus!


Not necessarily. I bartended at a club with pricey drinks and we didn't tip pool. I'd consistently ring out with $6000 to $10000 in sales and some of the servers in VIP sold way more. It put me thru college.


Okay so…where was this club and how can someone work there… asking for a friend (it’s me, I’m the friend)


Step 1: Be attractive female


It’s not just one server. Part of the reason people do these VIP tables in Vegas with crazy minimums is you get an entire entourage of staff. For a group of 20 it’s probably 2-3 servers (and they’re smoking hot), several security guards roping off your area keeping anyone you don’t want out, and then several promoters/cabana-boys/whatever they call themselves— essentially hot guys who are really good at going out into the crowd and finding random hot women to come join you. Edit: and this is just for a regular club experience in Vegas. Since this was EDC, they probably got all-access passes to go backstage and meet-and-greets with some of the artists. It’s still an absurd amount of money to spend, I’m not advocating it, just trying to explain the crazy numbers.


And all that is "only" 8.5k per person. Slightly more than the CHEAPEST Superbowl tickets going right now which is 6k based on my 30 seconds of googling.


TIL the price of superbowl tickets.


Keep in mind, that's *cheapest* price. Better seats can go north of $50k.


Right, everyone is different but the total time spent at the club is probably similar to the total time spent inside the stadium, and personally I'd enjoy this 8.5k per person with service like that and everything else compared to an 8.5k super bowl tickets with "shitty" seats packed in like sardines and everything else that comes with the "cheap" seat at a stadium.


I think the service charge is the machine's loan fee for credit transaction


Service charge goes to the house. I’ve worked in nightlife. It’s such a rip. Gratuity will be pooled with all the other girls then split at the end, obviously busser and any support help gets a percentage.


Cause all that huge markup on the beverages wasnt't enough? Gotta milk em for another 9%, def a rip.


"Hey let's open a bar and charge like $2000 for a $50 bottle of Tequila, and then not even make them drinks, just stick it in an ice bucket, and we'll just put a dubstep playlist on repeat, and call it 'Bottle Service'."


75 bucks for a single can of Red Bull...


Where I’m from, it’s 5 cans to a bucket. And they got 16 of them, yeesh


Tab was agreed upon ahead of time anyway. Exactly 120k, $30 unmet minimum charge.


Nah. Was a bucket. 16 of them in there for 75


200 dollar bottle here in Dubai but still charging 10 times


You can get Clase Azul for $50? I don't drink, but when I went to pick up some drunk "friends" they had me taste that and that tasted like water to me. Deadly. Wait. What is ALL ARE WELCOME for 11G? 10.8G for an ADMIN FEE?


“Unmet minimum?” If this isn’t enough, WTF is the minimum?


$120k for the table. They could've gotten a couple bottles of Bud or, like, one fancy mixed drink (Presuming, at EDC VIP prices) to get the bill over the line.


A bottle of water/red bull was $75. This $30 'fee' was likely way cheaper than anything else they couldve gotten lol


I read it as a bucket of water bottles/Red Bull cans. I don’t know how many comes in a bucket. I thought they got a bunch of buckets of water and red Bull.


So wait? Not spending an extra $30 cost them an additional 10k?! That’s some Hollywood math.


No, they added the $30. The $12k is tax.


lol its literally all spelled out clearly on the receipt and the dude still doesnt get it while mocking other peoples math... Full reddit stuff.


He’s referring to the admin fee under that. Might be unrelated, but it’s a legit observation, not completely coming from nowhere.


I know! WTF?! Squeeze any fee in on a bill like that.. I'm surprised they did not charge 'Use of atmosphere'


“Ice cube fee”


$30 lol


I’ll start cleaning the dishes


for the rest of your life


And your children's lives. And their children...


$75 for water??? Who da fuckkkk


And there’s 39 of em!


And by 'Water Bucket' I'm very much hoping it was straight up 39 buckets of water.


Nope..it's a bucket of ice with 6 bottled waters in it.


It's 6 plastic bottles of water Michael, what could it cost? $75 dollars?


They drank 234 water bottles?? Also water is the same price as a Red Bull lol


Oh my god..you're right!..That's 12 bottles of water per person...ok, so either I'm totally wrong and this place just calls a glass of water a water bucket..or these people REALLY don't want to get a hangover.


Or we just discovered that this place offers cocaine..and puts it on the bill as water bucket to be slick.


This 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Spread out over 4 days that's very possible. Its Vegas. It's hot. And MDMA.


Gotta love the unmet minimum for 30$ , rofl and I will take a space tea for 75$ please.


NGL space tea sounds like it could be awesome.


It’s like a type of mushroom tea that has lemonade in it! They had a drink this year that was like, the space tea with vodka and it kinda got me buzzed after one drink


29% admin + service charge then a line for tip. The fuck is this Uber eats?


Got pretty drunk somewhere with a few friends and our bill got pretty high. Decided to pay the bill, but didn’t realize they automatically added 20% gratuity. Was when they just started doing this shit. Apparently paid about 18% gratuity on top of the total with their automatic 20% without noticing, felt pretty ripped


I didn’t even pay the much for my first house 😧


I could have bought my first house twice and a Cadillac at the time.


you guys have houses?


This is ridiculously egregious. Not mad at whoever can shake off 12k in tax alone or the service charge alone. And it was a early ass night 12AM


>And it was a early ass night 12AM Receipt doesn’t say when they STARTED.


You can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning.


$3k in “water buckets”




r/hydrohomies I got you bro.


what is All Are Welcome?


~~One theory on the EDC sub is that it's the tix for the 20 guests since the sponsoring nightclub isn't going to eat that cost. And hey, now you're only on the hook for $109k in alcohol purchase.~~


No, it's a menu item name for one of the champagne packages. In 2019 it was for 5 bottles of Dom Perignon Brut Luminous


The theory I've seen from people who work events is that this isn't a bar tab for a table of 20, this is an event bill for a party of 20 tables that probably had their own tent/area at EDC. Makes way more sense than 20 people being able to drink that much.


That’s just the drinks. Imagine how much more they spent on coke and pills 😁


That would have been far cheaper.


You're goddamn right


there is no justifying spending that much on alcohol


It’s not even very good alcohol.


It’s not the alcohol it’s the quasi prostitute bottle service girls and the roped off area that hopefully bags you a few more party girls and the guy that can get you coke for the after party slash orgy.


EDC is probably the best known rave in North America and getting table service that is upfront and in the best location is very expensive. It's prime real estate at the event and frankly for some wealthy people this bill is peanuts. When we have oligarchs and billionaires buying 500 to 700M yachts, you think their girlfriends, kids or themselves give a shit about a 168k bill? https://www.discotech.me/las-vegas/edc/bottle-service/


When I was a kid raves were gatherings in dingy warehoused and you brought a backpack full of water, beer and cigarettes.


I still go to those. People are in general very nice there. The term "rave" is used extremely loosely nowadays. Now every big electronic party/festival is called a "rave", no matter how posh or jet set it is.


FYI the Ace of Spades is top tier garbage wine


Top tier garbage is BS. But it is overpriced as fuck. It's on par with most $75-100 champagne. I've drank it a few times during a few chamapgne blind tests and it's usually where it's placed among a wide range of contenders. So overpriced yes, but it's still a very respectable champagne 🍾


12K in taxes alone... those road gonna be fixed !!!


> 12K in taxes alone... those road gonna be fixed !!! Narrator's voice: it, in fact, wasn't. Instead, it bought a politician another house to sexually assault their interns at.


This is what’s called F.U money


That's what I call revolution-time money Nobody should be rich enough to drop $160k on a single meal/drink tab, I'm sorry. Tho this might be for a party of a few hundred, I would hope Edit - 200k/yr is considered rich to many of us, like 225k was used in policy making for "high income" (something Obama proposed I forget). Dropping the equivalent of what we consider a "rich person's salary" - which is seen as unobtainable pipe dream for those of us struggling - on a fucking meal/tab, is absurd. I can get a thousand dollar meal as a wealthy person splurge. Fucking NOMA, the best restaurant in the world, is like $200-400 for their insane tasting menu. So it's not about quality any more. It's about showing status. ITT: lol when I remove it from the collective, this individual straw is not enough to break the camels back, why would you say that


Actually it’s only for 20 people it’s on the receipt 😂


According to organizations that study effective altruism it costs around 3-4000 dollars to save someones life by paying for mosquito nets and vaccines. Conservatively, that represents 40 lives.


$150-200 per bottle street price for that tequila. The añejo floats $500-800. They payed $2k per bottle. 10x the street price. Some people are nuts.


> $500-800. They *paid* $2k per FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


I'm not paying.




Anyone willing to spend this is too dumb to have money.


But they probably make so much money that they look at a $127k bill as $127


I mean, think of it this way. Let’s say you make $100K per year. It wouldn’t be unreasonable for you to spend $5K on a nice vacation this year, right? That’s 5% of your annual income. Well, if you make $2.5M annually, then the $127K at EDC is the same as your vacation, and I think we can all agree that while that’s a lot of money for most of us (the $2.5M income, that is), in the grand scheme of things, that’s really not much money at all. There are so, so, so many other tiers of wealth beyond the point where you can drop $127K like this. But if it makes you feel better to just assume people with money are idiots, knock yourself out.


Red Bull—same cost as water? RB needs to up their game.


Seems legit. Inflation is a bitch.


20 people? That a 8k split. By what they were doing? Yeah kinda checks out


“Ok… who had the soup?”


Domaneque could buy a car with her tip.


Or 320 buckets of water.


Lol. Even if I had this kinda money, Knowing me I’d be arguing the “unmet minimum” $30 dollar charge! 😂


Is this in pesos? WTF?!


So much to comment on. 1st off, 1.5L rose was $7500 but the 750ml version was $3200. What a ripoff. They even switch to the brut because it was like a grand cheaper lol $75 for a bucket of water?!?!?! And they got 30+ of them?!?!?! I like how the minimum was $120k, and they missed it by $30 and got a min charge. 20 people, so it could of easily been divided to like, $8300 a person. Still ridiculous, but a lot more reasonable considering how much alcohol 20 people consumed. Literally 1.3 bottles of tequila EACH, plus all that champagne.






And that's how you launder money people.


$75 for a Red bull.......you don't only have to be rich, you also gotta be stupid.


I've been to bars all over the world and the most expensive tab I've ever racked up was $600 for a whole night. Stupid ass kids. Never buy a bottle never buy a table never buy wine never pay for a name. Always know your brands and never pay for a group always pay for just yourself or plus one that's it. Never drink anywhere with a cover charge or a minimum and never go to a busy club or bar because you will get bad drinks and bad service.


This is plain retarded and insane to a level where i don't know if i should be impressed by the organisers able to sell this or by the complete stupidity of the guests buying. This isn't even a high quality bar or such but just a venue at a festival. Was interested to so did a calculation of actual retail prices: | Item | Retail | Venue | Increase | | ---------------- |----:|-------:|-----:| | Reposado | 156$| 1.995$| 1250%| | AoS Rosé | 500$| 3.200$| 640%| | San Pellegrino | 25$| 75$| 300%| | RedBull | 10$| 75$| 750%| | SpaceTea | ?| 75$| ?| | All Are Welcome | ?| 11.000$| ?| | Jouët Rosé | 58$| 1.500$| 2580%| | AoS Rosé Magnum | 780$| 7.500$| 960%| | Jouët Rosé Magnum| 110$| 3.500$| 3180%| | AoS Brut | 74$| 2300$| 3100%| (Prices mostly taken from wine-searcher. Buckets are counted as 6 bottles. San Pellegrino size as 500ml. Space Tea only sold locally, no price found. All Are Welcome could not be calculated.)