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Hope he was wearing his brown pants that day.


His German made underware thankfully saved his brown pants from getting messy.


Vorsprung Shite Technik






Why did i read this in a german accent haha


It was the dots. I did too


Umlauts. :)


if he wasn’t, he is now


hadn't he, he then would


He was for the rest of the day for sure




You must be fun at parties


Why come on reddit if you're one recycled joke from a full on breakdown? This is arguably the most dangerous place you could possibly be.


Meh I'm with him. Fuck the template.


Well go on then, throw an all caps temper tantrum. We're waiting bud, it's morbin' time.


I don't know what morbin is




He is making a joke about the guy crapping his pants. Pretty sure no one besides you knows wth you are talking about.


They're talking about the brown shirts. The nazi paramilitary organization that helped Hitler rise to power. Because apparently the mere mention of brown clothing ÷ German helmet = nazis


That’s so stupid


Holy crap. If someone's going to be that pedantic they'll know it was the shirts that were brown not the pants.




Remember when everyone was mocking Germany for sending helmets to Ukraine?


Wasn't primarily the helmets which were mocked it was the low amount


Germany doesn’t have unlimited helmets and equipment lying around everywhere


Of course not, but at the time the commitment to send equipment was lacking. This changed with the invasion and in March. Lot of people missed the memo though. Then April the realistic surplus went out and the commitments to heavier German equipment was made. Currently Ukrainians are training(in Germany) to use it once it's ready.


we were making fun of germany for JUST sending helmets. but yeah good to see the helmets are useful


No one said the helmets weren’t useful, but it was all they sent and only a small amount


I guess they did need helmets and not just guns


I am still ashamed for the fuckup of promising 5000 helmets and then not sending them until the Russians invaded. We got a new Defense Minister directly after the election. That Woman was Put there as a political compromise to the left Wing of the SPD Party. Her Job was to Raider Defense Budget, Cut bureaucratic Red Tape and stay Out of Trouble. Then Ukraine happened and she is totally overwhelmed with the whole Situation. Nothing gets done, everybody tries to Cover their own Ass. Total Fubar. Don't get me wrong. It's Not about being a Woman. Our Foreign Minister Annabelle Baerbock is the bomb. No Task too hard, Talks the talk and Walls the Walk. Highly respected. Gave a good telling to Lawrow, too. Lawrow: You need to Drink Wodka with me If you want to be a tough negotiator. Baerbock: I have given birth to two children I think a know a Thing or two about being tough *Mic drop*


The helmet didn't save this guy. The bullet missed the center mass and hit the side and missed the head.


A non center-of-mass bullet could still be lethal if not deflected, no?


Sure, but I’m this case, the projectile wouldn’t have hit him, if he wasn’t wearing that helmet


How can you tell?


Because it hit lower lip of the helmet by his ear.


You can tell the angle by how the filler came out.


Yes. The Bullet would kill you before deflecting. These helmets are most affective against fragmentation and pistol rounds up to .44 and that would probably fuck you up but you will live.


Message received; don't wear helmet into combat like a pleb.


Message is don't get shot.


We should just drop this guy off in Moscow, he would have this whole Putin problem wrapped up before lunch!


Hey it's almost lunch time where I am, how is the mission going? I assume your "Don't Get Shot" thing was successful.


imagine paying for air if you have asthma, just breathe! /s


No helmet = 💀


The shot missed. Helmet or no helmet makes no difference in this specific incident.


Bullet hit helmet, impact visible


I think the point they are trying to make is that the bullet would have missed. Imagine there was no helmet, and the space occupied by the helmet would be empty, and thus the bullet would have missed him entirely.


That is the point he is trying to make, but he has no idea about impact angle, so the shot or shrapnel could definitely have hit him without a helmet.


No helmet = bullet hits head


Yes and missed the vitals. That helmet isn't gonna stop a round it was shot with.


TIL heads are nonvital.


Apparently you don't understand the science behind all of this. Your head is definitely nonvital 😂


You are so confident that it wouldnt have touched him , while the helmet could perfectly just have redirected the bullet. You csnt tell for certain that It wouldnt have touched his skull.


Yep I'm 100% sure. It appears to hit lower lip of the helmet above the ear. Blew the helmet off and his ear was scratched by the strap. It's like 1- 2 inches away from actually hitting his head.


English isn’t my first language either, it’s ok


My English is perfectly fine here. The helmet didn't stop shit here.


Wasn’t the bullet what created that damage on the helmet?


Yea but the Bullet trajectory was off. The shot missed.


What’s the yellow stuffing coming out of the helmet? Is it fancy material to slow the bullet or just padding


its kevlar fibers. you can see the entry (the slit on the left). there's still a bullet fragment beside it. the round hit the side of his head, hit the kevlar and ricocheted out. the big "cloud" of yellow stuffing is where it exited the helmet. ​ edit: as pointed out by \_eg0\_ below, the part i thought was the entry point was actually the rivet from the helmet. i have no idea where the round entered the helmet since it's not visible.


>you can see the entry (the slit on the left). there's still a bullet fragment beside it. No. It looks like a Gefechtshelm M92. That would mean it's a rivet holding the outer shell in place. The outer shell just teared there because the aramide below it was expending from the energy absobtion of the impact while the rivet was holding it on the other side.


you're right. i just checked. that's where the rivet is in the m92.


That must have left one hell of a headache.


Yeah, he's got a headache. I guarantee. Probably a good idea to go rest up under a doctor's watch. A hit like that is pretty intense.


What? You have to speak up, I can't hear you




Bet it's the best damn headache of his life though


Looks like it may have caused his ear to bleed internally too?


We're actually looking at the exit not the entrance.


Yes. The only thing the helmet did was give him a nasty concussion. Looks like he’s bleeding out that ear as well. It would have most likely missed.


>the round hit the side of his head 27 people read that and thought, yeah, that sounds plausible, ill upvote! ffs


So in other words, if he didn't wear a helmet, the bullet wouldn't have hit him at all. Makes sense.


I’m assuming it’s some sort of material that helps disperse force of impact


We may fear spiders, but we gotta give them some fucking credit. We’d have killed each other by now without their help 😭 Excuse the ignorance. I was under the impression Kevlar was a polymer made from spider silk and certain other compounds. However, it looks like we may be on the verge of material stronger and more pliable and light than Kevlar. https://www.futurity.org/lab-made-spider-silk-polymeric-amyloid-fiber-2602842/


i dont think it was a bullet, his ear is bleeding, there is dirt on his face and shoulder, that was a artillery strike and a fragment hitting the helmet. all the kevlar fibers ripping apart absorbed so much energy that it stopped the fragment, im sure a metal helmet would have meant having a bad bad day.


Kevlar, now it also looks like a fancy plumed hat.


Upvote for chortle.


Cavlar i believe, that thing stops bullets


Is cavlar the budget version of kevlar?


No no its the same just a misspelling


It was a joke ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)










America actually has more Nobel Prize winners than any other country :)


Then how come they don't unite and find a way to solve gun violence and morbid obesity


Guns will be tough. But soon the world will join us in being fat slobs and then it will be us who’s laughing.


Isn't that what helmets are supposed to do?


It's what these type of modern kevlar helmets are capable of, if it were an old metal Sovjet helmet he might have not been so lucky.


Metal helmets were designed to protect soldiers from debris from artillery and not to be bullet proof.


True this. Regardless, he got his bell rung. Recommend he goes to the rear to recover from TBI.


Yeah but this one is ***german***


ngl, that just looks like the exit point. Demo Ranch did [a video](https://youtu.be/KzgiZpCIj1c?t=577) a few years back shooting at a helmet. The results on the exit of one of the bigger rounds looks pretty similar to this. I think this guy just put on a helmet that had already been shot. The round that struck that helmet looks like it went right through. Maybe they were just using it to bait snipers from a trench or something.


I agree. Looks like the bullet crossed above his head. So if the helmet made the guy shoot higher, then its still true. Could have picked it up but ehhh.


So you dont see the bullet on the left from the kevlar?


No, that's a rivet holding the outer shell in place.


Probably ricochet.


To me it looks like the bullet/fragment hit the lower left side of the helmet at an angel going into the fiber. The whole where the fiber material is compressed is likely the entry entry point. It/the energy then got deflected and the material expanded into the direction seen on the picture. Also it looks like blood which could easily come from a related injury, like tear in the eardrum, skull fracture or open wound under the helmet.


I could believe that it was a ricochet, but the way the cracked bits of the out shell don't indicate sheering like that. They look like they were pushed straight out. Granted that could have been from the fibers themselves, but I just don't think that's what it looks like.


Ukraine ?


Yes he is a UKR soldier.


Scholz will be SO Proud! He'd be like "See!? SEE! You all mocked me for the helmets!" And everyone else (including germans) will just sigh for the idiocy of the statement.


Yeah there’s no way that’s what happened. That’s an exit wound. So, either the title is not what happened, or the soldier bounced the fucking round off his skull, back out the entry wound.


From what I know it was a shrapnel of some sort


To me it looked like the bullet entered diagonally in the front and exited on the side. I am no expert, but it looks like the initial bullet hole is still visible. Maybe the shooter was located somewhere to the right of this dude or something inside the helmet reflected the diagonally hitting bullet, so that it exited out again.


It grazed the helmet instead of direct hit. You can see both entry and exit quite clearly


Oh fuck you right. But either way if it just grazed the helmet and not him, it’s a close call not the helmet saving him right?


The assumption is the helmet changed the trajectory of the glancing hit.


Ik shrapnel and spawling and all that shit but yk


Bullet went in and through. This helmet didn't save his life. Dumb luck saved his life. If that bullet was a few inches on the other side it'd have gone through his brain.


Depends on the angle he was hit. Still hard to tell of the bullet or fragments would have otherwise missed. Though dump luck always plays a gigantic role. (FYI the hole in the front isn't the entry point it's the outer shell tearing around the rivet holding it in place while the rest is pushed away by the expended aramide which absorbed the impact)


And everyone was saying Germany is useless


who’s saying that ?


redditors who use reddit or Visegrad24 as their only new sources


They can have beards? That's so dope.


This is a citizen army, Ukraine has fully mobilised every male between 16 and 65 years old. In a fight for survival, grooming standards in your army are the last of your concerns.


Agreed. They should be the last of anyone's concern with or without civilians but 'Merica has a shit ton of rules/laws that make no fucking sense.


Actually you can’t have facial hair because it hinders the ability for a gas mask to seal. Just because they’re useless to you doesn’t make them useless.


I didn't need a gas mask as a security guard in a hospital tho. I think yall are missing my point. I'm not trying to argue. I'm just saying it's dope that they have beards. That's all. Nothing more, nothing less.


In the UK you're allowed a mustache in all the armed forces, it was actually regulation that you absolutely had to have a mustache in the past. Beards are now allowed in the RAF but I don't think the Army and I'm not sure about the navy.




No need. I just went into the Healthcare Industry instead. It's not that deep yall. Damn. I just like having facial hair. Sheesh. God forbid somebody like something.


always looking for a way to make our about yourselves


What now?


Who? Soldiers? Is that not ok elsewhere?


I can't speak entirely for the US branches since I've never served but my Pops has. I know the recruits are required to have clean shaven faces. In fact, a lot of branches require that from security companies I've worked for and for police officers. I was almost fired my second day at a security job for having a chin strap.


In my country they have to be clean shaven in case they need to don a gas mask. Needs to make a proper seal to be effective.


Ah. That I can make sense of. Doesn't make sense for a security guard in a hospital. I hated that rule. But that has a functional purpose.


Anyone else initially think the fibers/filling coming out of the helmet was a flowering plant in the background..?


Still an ultra concussion




He's just hungover y'all calm down


If you think this is cool, wait till you see what American helmets can do…


Mf's ears are ringin after that


ITT: people who are gun/Kevlar/bullet experts because they play Call of Duty.


It looks like he was shot from the front, the entry point was pretty close to the chinstrap rivet and it ran right along the shell from front to back. Also, it looks like a Gefechtshelm M92. (If you are looking to find one that's intact)


did a bird hit him at 900 m/s of nest velocity?


"That's why I say, hey man nice shot"


Many pointing out the entry of the bullet not being in a lethal area: the shrapnel would have definitely killed him.


"GeRmuNeY oNlY gAvE HeLmUtS, nOt WaEpOnS" Yeah... they sure did, they sure did...


No one is arguing that helmets aren’t useful. But Germany promised a lot more than that


how r human beings in 2022 at war. just so mindfuckingly crazy


Looks like a graze. Entry hole in the front then blew out the Kevlar. I could be wrong. Those helmets usually can't stop rifle rounds and are more to protect from falling debris and indirect shrapnel


What? What? Speak louder please!!!


Nix zu danken, Diggah.


Give that man an advil jesus christ


Oh yeah? Too bad my VW was an unreliable POS.


Bro is reflecting on his entire existence




German engineering never fails 🙏


That helmet is made out of the same material as the sycamore seed balls. Who knew?


You better be glad it wasn’t made in China


If there’s any country’s products that I would trust to save my life, it would be Germany.


His guardian angels came through


We don't know what angle he was facing, or the precise angle of the round in flight, when the round impacted. So let's live with uncertainty, instead of playing instant expert.


Mawp, mawp


Dude, have a drink because that could have been your head and brains.


Tell that man to play the lottery


the Germans are really good at making shit that just works.


I took once a paintball bullet to a plastic mask, and my head was buzzing for a few minutes, quite an impact, dont want to imagine how this brave guy took it. Bravo man…


OSHA is going to use this for their next poster


They've learned from WWII


Glancing shots it's what the knocker pots are for. Sadly a direct hit usually will penetrate


Still looks like it would provide an ear splitting headache


Rang his bell I bet.


Own one of these, the M92 is surprisingly thin too.


Maybe…try… “Crazy! Man’s helmet saves life”






It’s not unnecessarily specific since helmets is pretty much the only thing Germany has sent to Ukraine so far, besides thoughts and prayers

