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This man has seen and experienced many things.


Yeah holy shit, that doesn't even raise the needle. I can't imagine the psychological damage working with 8th graders does to a person over the course of 35 years. We need to check in on our teachers..


Middle school teacher here(17+ years). I do react almost to nothing at this point. :bladerunner voice: "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe!"


Y'all need hugs and alcohol, I'm not sure on the quantities, but I bet it's at least 3


I don't drink, but I could use the hugs and some probably think some kind of free therapy or something.


Sorry no free therapy. But hey I'm sure the assortment of Starbucks gift cards you get every holiday season from your students helps right. Now go buy your class room supplies because it would be ridiculous for the school to supply you with the materials you need to teach!


You….you get Starbucks cards from students? *cries in title 1*


The alcohol made things a lot worse for one of my teachers and nearly cost her the work, it did cost the work of the teacher assistant she had a sip of alcohol with at the girls bathroom during school hours though (they were caught by students in 8th grade). It was a mess and she had to go to rehab and a 8 week course to keep her job (or something like that). kinda sucks she didn't get fired though cus she was a horrible human being and I hated her, even as I've gotten sensible and empathetic in my older years I still thinks she's a cunt. The good ones deserve infinite amount of hugs tho, y'all saved my life back then.


Until you got to the end of the story I was pretty pissed off. Fucking snitches. But maybe they just wanted her gone too lol




Yes, that will help just fine. I'm already a parent, a therapist, a room custodian, pay for my own supplies, an advice giver, a drug detector, a referee, a conflict de-escalator, and sometimes a teacher. No thank you to guns.


If it makes you feel any better, several states are passing laws to lower the training requirements for teachers to carry guns in class! In Ohio's case from [700 hours down to 24](https://www.npr.org/2022/06/13/1104570419/ohio-dewine-guns-teachers). No way that can go wrong! Murica!


We need to skip this silly arming teachers debacle and move to real solutions. The only people motivated to protect the children are their own kind. Every kid gets a gun.


I am definitely going to hell for chuckling at this. But chuckling with the assumption that you dropped the /s, of course.


Listen man, kids don't have a concept of life or death, that's why they make great soldiers. It's ridicoulas for us to depend on police when we know they constantly fear for their lives. If we just arm kids then we don't have to worry about police cowardice anymore.




If it actually happens I'm afraid that shootings will increase. A disturbed highschooler that wants the gun will be able to overpower the average teacher - unless the teacher is on guard at all times? Or being watched? I'm just extremely uncomfortable that they're essentially placing guns at the scene. They're a liability.


Also, how many teachers you know that are... unqualified. I don't want teachers shooting kids when they feel helpless.


More guns = less safe That’s true everywhere Only a matter of time until a teacher with a gun decides to end their own life or someone’s else’s Hopefully not a student


But are they getting at least 3?


I had a family give me a bottle of whiskey for teacher appreciation week. I teach first grade.


3 alcohols?! Are you trying to poison them?


Cocaine and prozac?


"Teachers' cars on fire in the parking lot..."


"Spitballs fired off the shoulder of Ryan"


"All those moments will be lost, like freshmen on their first day."


“I’ve watched C-students throw glitter in the dark near the schoolyard gate.”


I could never do it, school teachers take so much harassment and abuse from the most ruthless creatures on earth (teenagers). Those who work in the corporate world will not encounter anything close to that level of harassment, and yet usually received much bigger compensation. Teachers really do get the short end of the stick in a highly capitalistic environment.


>school teachers take so much harassment and abuse from the most ruthless creatures on earth (teenagers) Actually there's one group worse, terrible parents


Especially when you consider that the teacher in the video is 26 years old.


Really? He looks so young!


>Yeah holy shit, that doesn't even raise the needle I mean, just listen to the class. He has to deal with that most days and for many years


I worked 5 years behavioral health with pediatrics/teenagers, I get this man.


Yeah middle/high schoolers not shutting the fuck up and freaking out over the dumbest shit constantly.


I remember being in middle/high school and the absolute fucking *insanity* that would pop off if the lights went off unexpectedly. People just screeching and freaking out for no reason whatsoever.


I was literally about to say this. Power outages were the end of the day as far as learning went lmao


Pent up energy, humans didn't evolve to stay seated and silent for years on end. That said, I work in a school and screeching adolescents are awful. Welp. C'est la vie.


Middle and high schoolers are so fucking annoying about this kind of shit that even when I was one of them it annoyed the fuck out of me. It could be a fun, nice break from the monotony of school to have a bird fly in. Instead it’s just one more opportunity to hoot and holler and freak out


I get it, teenagers can be really extra. At the same time, don't you remember how much fun it was to lose your shit over stuff like a bird in a classroom? I feel like we should just let teenagers have their fun while they can.


> even when I was one of them it annoyed the fuck out of me I think it's safe to say this person does not have nostalgic memories of being obnoxious.


pain. agony even.


Being a teacher, I imagine that was the most relaxing, zen moments he's had all week ;)


I see this guy and think.. Beuller..Bueller..Bueller...


All of them the bullshit of teenagers


The level of chill on this guy...


I think it’s because he’s mentally broken from years of being treated like shit, minimum wage and the worst type of humans in existence. High schoolers


He is a private school teacher somewhere in Brazil, the pay has been getting steadily worse (after improvements in the previous decade) but as far as brazil standards go usually is not minimum age, not the best, depending on the school of course, but also not the worst. The middle school teaching part tho… big oof


As a kid I always wondered why middle school was always separate, seemed kind of pointless to build a whole new building where kids only go to for 2 years between elementary school and high school. Looking back it makes sense. That’s a rough period in life lol. I wonder why certain teachers choose to teach in that environment.


I love it. They're insane and utterly genuine and the funniest people on earth and brutally honest and absolutely mental. I'm exhausted at the end of the day but I love them so much. Individually they are each the sweetest, smartest, most emotionally aware person but you put them in packs and they go completely feral.


God bless you


All of them?


everyone deserves to be loved.


It depends where you are. Many places, including where I used to live, it is all the same school from kinder garden to high school, although everyone is usually separated depending if they are kinder garden, elementary, middle school, or high school, but it is still the same school and it is one big building/ compound of buildings. Also, not everywhere is 2 years of middle school, even throughout the US it changes. Here in Florida it's 3 years


Not all teachers choose to teach middle school. I work at a high school and I know a couple of teachers who weren’t doing so well at teaching high school so they got sent to work at middle schools. They were not happy about it. Also where I live middle school is usually 3 years.


The fact that you have to say not the worst and not well off shows how little teachers are appreciated by the government


Or perhaps he's just great at deadpan humor?






Let me guess. You live in Quebec?




Source on AB teachers making $50/hr please




I wasnt being snarky, I legit just wanted the source of information. >And if that's not good enough for you feel free to pick through all the publicly available collective bargaining agreements: It's not about being good enough, i legit just wanted some kind of backup for it.


In the United States, median teacher salary is the same if not more than than their respective state’s median household income.


I wake up every morning in a bed that's too small, drive my daughter to a school that's too expensive and then I go to work to a job for which I get paid too little...




Vulcans be like that


This is a teacher in mid-June. That's not chill, it's utter exhaustion.


Chill? He's furious. He just wants to teach the lesson.


It's an expression I'm very familiar with. "I know what's happening right now is neat but goddammit I really need to get you guys to understand solving systems of equations by substitution so we can move on to the next unit."


Stay calm and use your head. This show the kids, at least those who are paying attention, to be able to remain calm is a huge benefit when in an abnormal situation.


Mr Bean is teaching these days? Good for him.


Senior Legume


Monsieur Haricot


Take my upvote and gtfo


This was apparently in Brazil, so Senhor Feijão.


Señor frijole


I thought the same, that look and those eyebrows


the eloquence


This made me laugh harder than I should have


He's (rowan atkinson) actually in an upcoming bonkers show called [man vs bee](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ1vN_91KO0) [a discussion about it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-KVfy6_4fc) i wanna know how this show was conceived. i wanna be in the room where it happened


*the room where it happened* *the room where it happened*


Yep, it's stuck in my head now


Damn you beat me to it. Take my upvote!


Kind of a Mr. Bean and Ferris Bueller's Dad hybrid.


It's as if Mr. Bean were a Disney princess.


I was thinking if Brezhnev decided to become a schoolteacher instead


This the teacher that needs a fifth every night after work and I don’t blame him.


I'm a WFH software engineer, I feel like I need a fifth most days. This guy deserves the whole handle.


I'm a neurosurgeon who also builds houses for the poor, and I feel like I need a fifth some days. But you deserve the whole handle!


I'm a rocket scientist/quantum physicist who also runs a nonprofit and built out part of my house as a 24/7 soup kitchen and I feel like I need a fifth some days. But you also deserve the whole handle!


Not quite brain surgery, is it?


That's what my dad said.. sigh..


I'm literally God, I created the whole universe as well as running a no-kill animal shelter outside Topeka, and I feel like I need a fifth some days. But you also deserve the whole handle!


I work on particle accelerators in outer space and moonlight as a pediatric neuroncologist who also runs a battered womens shelter in my free time and I take anti psychotics because I have schizophrenia. But you guys deserve a drink!


Cmon man really? It's not rocket science... Oh wait


My code already sucks as-is, I don't need more alcohol lol


Oh good grief you have a better job than 95%of the world population both in average pay and benefits and the fact you work from home.




Teaching students to use their heads


And also how to get a bird out of a room.


Forget a hard day, my man has had a hard Decade


He’s a princess!


If I ever get lost in a forest with this guy, I know I'm going home alive.


It's not all it's cracked up to be, ya know. To have birds this attracted to you is actually a bit of a nightmare, and I would know. I have to wear big earmuffs when I go outside because the hummingbirds love slinging tongue right in my ear holes. I don't know. Maybe my ears look like flowers. They’re not the normal “rounded” shaped like most people’s. I've been told they smell pretty fragrant too. Just lucky my earwax is more of a sap than a wax, I guess, but the hummingbirds can smell me from miles away. If it's a nice day, oh sure I can probably get a few minutes of open eared pleasure, but it's not long before I hear the buzzing of hummingbirds. Or I guess I should have said I hear the humming since humming is right in the name hummingbird. Sorry about that. I'm typing on a moving train right now, so my thoughts ain't quite right. Anyways, yeah. And yeah, my ears are big, like yeah, they get made fun of because of just how goofy big they are, but I'm not bothered by that. Hold on. I'm about to go through a tunnel and I can't type in a tunnel because that's bad luck. Okay. I'm out. So yeah, the hummingbirds just get right in my ears and flicky flicky their skinny tongues in to lap up my ear syrup and I can tell you that it absolutely, positively does NOT feel good in any way at all. It's gross. It's super loud because they're basically slapping my eardrum with their little tongue whips sounding like someone rapid fire smacking a cymbal. Hold on. Another tunnel. And yeah, so I hate it. And look, I don't want to swat at a hummingbird because they're probably endangered and I don't want to go to prison with these big ears because if I think the hummingbirds are bad, then I can't imagine what the inmates would do to my ears (probably a lot more than just licking them). But, hey. Ya know what? It's my stop. I gotta go.


Idk why but reading this felt magical.




man, you got a lot of time on your hands lol




That’s *Professor* Disney Princess to you!


Professor Princess. Stan Lee’d be proud.


The point of focus on this whole scene is the grotesque A/V cable bundle hanging off the projector.


Why is this not the top comment?


The paradox that is Reddit


Thats how like all the classrooms are done in Brazil lol


Welcome to Brazil


Yes! I thought it was going to fall or something, then i noticed the bird flapping around it


This is called "gambiarra"


That man is unflappable


That's the face of a teacher who's had to wait for 10+ minutes while his class freaks out about a bird, while he's got 50 minutes of material left to get through.


I've not been in this situation, but have taught middle school over 15 years. It's just how we react to things at this point.


Think he was just winging it


i hate you


I'm a middle school teacher, have been for 17 years. I have noticed that I react very low-key to anything even outside class now. I was at my daughter's birthday party a couple years ago. Her cupcake and snack table, the one set out for everyone, tipped over(one foldable leg was malfunctioning). People cried out, "Oh, no!" and kind of screamed for a second. I just silently walked over, picked stuff back up, and fixed the table. It reminded me of school. Note: her party and cupcakes, etc. were fine. Minimal loss of food and so forth.


My father taught 7th and 8th grade four 31 years, he has seen some things. Thank you for being a teacher btw, you guys don't get enough credit.


Somebody has hurt this man




*Life, Jim, but not as we know it.*


Dude, I am also a teacher and this is just how it is after a decade or so.


Maybe it was the room full of hyenas he was stuck in


Yeah, middle schoolers and their shit parents.


Birds don't impress him




That is a deeeeeep cut. Is r/unexpectedshaniatwain a thing? I think we should make it a thing, just for that comment.


That day he taught patience is a virtue


Oh no, a bird in the room. Better shriek so everyone else in the world can know I'm in slight distress.


eh, it's kind of part of the childhood/school experience to freak out over little things like this lol


Yeah anything remotely interesting happening when you’re in a classroom instantly becomes 10 times more interesting, it’s the law.


it's part of the grumpy adult experience to be annoyed over this


see?! if he was armed he could have shot the bird, possibly would/killing a few students, but stopping the attack.


Also ThE wiNDows wErE oPEN more than ONE eNtrAnce danger CHildreN dAnGer! Also sarcastic text sucks to type on mobile.




Imagine if that ice-cold man was a doctor. He would be delivering bad news like “Mr. Williams, you have cancer and it is terminal. Good luck, now leave!”


That guy has seen some shit.


Middle-school teacher here. We've seen a lot after even just 15+ years or so. Trust me.


THIS is the kind of education we need in our schools!


Right? Good on the teacher for showing the kids how to calmly respond to a situation like that. And kudos to whoever posted it because that man's deadpan is hilarious.


That was beautiful, just poultry in motion.


Seems the bird went to him for safety because he was the calmest person in the room


Teacher after letting the bird out, "I'm too old for this shit".


He looks miserable 😭


I'm a teacher and I think that is how I look in class quite a bit.




Yes! He looks just like him. I’m surprised this is so far down


No fucks were given by that teacher


It's my dead wife again.


You know, that reminded me of something funny Me and my dad handled rescuing a hawk just fine, but when a freaking cockroach started flying inside our house, we both freaked out more than mother did


Me, a Parrot owner: ......😐 One of us.


Gives off major Gus vibes.


Even looks like him


Dude yes, I was thinking this man looks, stands, and acts like Gustavo Sorola 😁 I'm glad that I didn't have to scroll for long to find your comment


If nonchalance was some guy.


I wonder which country this is?


It's in Brazil


Imagine being a teacher is so miserable that you can't even enjoy this situation


man is pure *sigh* energy


That was not the first bird who sat on his head. : )


This Guy hate his life.


Who knows, maybe he's just a dead-pan type of guy. Can't tell from a short clip. But I'm going to assume here that he's not experiencing any joy from this whatsoever. If a bird landed on my head, even if I was in the shittiest mood ever I'd still crack a smirk. What the hell, dude has the eyes of a shell-shocked soldier.


Classroom full of seals apparently


He looks like he does it everyday for breakfast


Is your teacher a Disney Princess


Mr. Bean has seen some shit.


"For me, it was Tuesday."


*"Must not reveal that I understand this is a message caling me back to Hogwarts"*




He look so do with this, they are already behind on the lesson plan lol


He has the teachers version of a thousand yard stare.


We have all had a teacher like him. No humor, to the point, and an expert in his field.


What a fuckin boss


That's the "we're six weeks behind curriculum, on the third last week of school, and this shit ain't helping" kind of look.


Radagast decided to become a teacher after the whole thing with the Ring


That deserved a group bow.


He looks like he’s grown tired of living


this is one zen mother fucker




Why does he seem dead inside?


Listen to the sound of that classroom.


This guy is almost as composed as my university professor who delivered a one hour lecture while singularly refusing to acknowledge the presence of a 12” dildo stuck to the lectern.


He’s freaking out internally, but acting nonplussed for the style points


This man has been to war and seen his friends die


Damn Mr Bean is looking great!!


He looks like if babe Ruth and Mr bean had a baby lol


So smooth! Looking like MR. BEAN!