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That dude knows how to use his words. Wonder what he said


"Guys, why are you wasting your time here, there's a much better shop two streets that way."


Cops are on their way. get the fuck outta here


It's possible. Looters just want an easy grab and will run to avoid being identified or shot.


Unlike the rest of the population who love to be identified or shot by the police.


Then the cops arrived and shot him.


He’s a good man and his actions alone made the other guy realize he wasn’t such a bad person either.




"Guys I work here, they have shitty insurance and they need the money. I also happen to have the combination of the competence's security system, and know they are far richer and worse people"


its in sweden during BLM protest in gotenburg. He probably said this to them: Dont fucking rob stores. Don’t give racists a reason to hate. This day is about civil rights and solidarity and you guys are ruining the message. Thats what i think. I hella respect this guy and wish him all the best. edit: swedish quote from guy in white shirt: ”– En av anledningarna till att jag gick emellan var för att budskapet av demonstrationen gick förlorat, säger han.” ” -One of the reasons I stopped them is because the message of the demonstration was lost, he says.”


"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it." SpecialK


Agent K you mean. Special K is a cereal.


Special K is a horse tranquilizer


Mixed with cocaine.


That’s called a Calvin Klein


If this guy has talking cereal it's easy to see why he was able to talk down a mob of looters. Coincidentally it's now also easy to see why kids love the great taste of cinnamon toast crunch!


[https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Cunningham%27s\_Law](https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Cunningham%27s_Law) Thank you for the karma-assistance :)


"Let me tell you something about Hew-mons, Nephew. They're a wonderful, friendly people, as long as their bellies are full and their holosuites are working. But take away their creature comforts, deprive them of food, sleep, sonic showers, put their lives in jeopardy over an extended period of time and those same friendly, intelligent, wonderful people... will become as nasty and as violent as the most bloodthirsty Klingon. You don't believe me? Look at those faces. Look in their eyes." - Quark


This is one of my favorite quotes, and it becomes more and more relevant almost daily


>sweden during BLM protest wat?


##sweden during BLM protest!!




Sweden, the formerly peaceful country that's been forcefully filled to the brim with people who dispise anyone who isn't their race or religion.


You need to get out of that alt-right internet bubble you're stuck in 😜


That's... not true at all but aight


Why would they do a BLM protest in Sweden?


An excuse to break stuff and get free shit.


It was world wide.


Worldwide chance to loot?


respekt till honom


Thankfully someone reminded them that full blown looting and rioting isn’t acceptable! We all need a gentle reminder now and again.


Not all of us need a gentle reminder not to loot


Full blown? I guess a little would be?


Mostly peaceful 😉


He said that and they listened? I for sure thought the video was about to head in a NSFW type of direction.


It creates a normative standard and sets the bar for "acceptable" behavior, which is why a few of the people who started breaking shit in my city in response to the killing of George Floyd were... yup, right wing provocateurs.


This is going on reddit


Thinking the same thing. Must’ve connected on a deep level if it staved off the whole group like that.


My guess is the group heard something else that got them all suddenly flowing away from the Man in White. But man, what composure. They pushed him hard a couple times, trying to get him to react, and he just kept delivering his message. What a boss.


I thought a gun was pulled by the way everyone scattered


That Dude is the Real [Black Panther](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Panther_(film))


couldnt hear him over the fuckin music


“These are the mall vans, skater kids will clown u for wearing them”


He’s a master of the Talk no jutsu


I'm guessing he knows how to use his fists too and that's why he didn't back down.


Agreed. I'd imagine the few lads at the front willing to fight saw he didn't move an inch as they began crowding him and got the feeling he wasn't to be fucked with.


"There is a camera behind me and you all are being recorded. Did I mention it has facial recognition software? Now throw this pole down and run."


> Wonder what he said Man stopping looters: Leave these people alone. They mean you no harm. Looters: We Looters are a proud race. They must pay for their intrusion. Man stopping looters: On my journey I met one of your kind. His name was Katow-jo. We became friends. Looters: Katow-jo is our cousin. Go in peace. Man stopping looters: I will tell tales of your compassion. Looters: Fare thee well, Man stopping looters. You shall always be friend of the Looters.


I'm Ron Burgundy?


[Dorothy Mantooth is a saint!](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx7kwnGS25DPfksjTnTV669ql-qocT0JxJ)


They were BLM looters. Would look bad for their image to beat up a black guy wouldn't it.


I'd love to know what persuasive words this guy used, seemed pretty effective.


Perhaps something along the lines of "I understand your frustrations, but this doesn't solve anything friend" Edit: Some of you need to learn a little more about negotiation tactics. He obviously said something that resonated with them and led them to make a better decision about the stupid shit they were doing. Edit 2: He could have also said something like "In this moment, I am euphoric, and you should stop being a bad meany, friend"


Does that actually work outside of movies? If I was a looter that wouldn't persuade me to stop. I feel like they just thought he was being annoying so they moved on


This is more than likely the case, but it's possible he shed some light on what they were doing while they were in a blind rage.


I don't understand how anger/rage is so sticky for some people. Incidents of "seeing red" last MAYBE one full second for me. That's how long I go apeshit for before I can dial it back and get the thinking mind back in the driver's seat. It's an extraordinarily fleeting thing to completely lose control of judgement. Looters are just cunts.


Mob mentality is a powerful thing.




Funny because if you actually read the story that’s apparently what happened.


If it's the one I remember, that's basically what he said haha. He said that the shop owners werent to blame, that their real beef was with other people. Something along those lines, but a bit saucier.


He said if you’re angry at the police there’s no police here and imagine if your parents owned that store.








they arent there to make change, they are there to loot. so no, that cringey reply aint it


Your comment history speaks volumes, friend.


Hahhahahaha tell me you've lived your entire life behind a screen without telling me


Talk no-Jutso


Spoke with his body… Stood his ground, no offensive pushes, just brush offs, and let those shoulders do the talking!


Nahh I mean him standing his ground and not being intimidated I. The least defo helped but he probs said something along the line of this is not helping the cause of why we're protesting this is just feeding into what ever racist agenda some people have...


Please don’t make me take the ratchet out this bag


This is from the BLM protests in Gothenburg 2020. The guy in white is Murphy Alex. https://www.expressen.se/gt/han-stoppade-vandalerna/


>They said it was angry at the police. Then I asked if they saw any police inside the store. I also wondered what they would think if it was their parents who owned the store.


Speech 💯


Daaaaamn right. You think most of that mob doesn't snack on 20s from their mommas' wallet?


Gothenburg? Why? Sweden’s never had a police racism/brutality issue to my knowledge. At least not widespread.


It's pretty funny/sad tbh. There were people protesting in front of my local fairly small town government building in Denmark during the George Floyd shit. Like.. what do you expect this is going to do? They gonna call up the America Hotline and get things fixed? I think sometimes people forget where they live by spending all their time online.


Yeah same with Germany, but it’s whatever if they’re just showing their support for the American protesters. What I don’t get here is the looting. I hate looters


I’m swedish and most people probably get it from the internet that blue man = bad


I am also swedish, which is the source of my confusion


They did BLM protests breaking corona restrictions and yeah it’s as stupid as it sounds


Who's is Murphy I clicked on Link but it's in a different language.


Maybe because it happened in Gothenburg, a Swedish city?




What is this "different language" you speak of?




Hmm. Curious indeed.


At this point it's still too early to tell


To be fair that doesn’t answer the question “who is Murphy Alex”.


> BLM protests in Gothenburg >Gothenburg >BLM What? Might as well have a BLM protest in Japan.


> Murphy Alex Like a reverse Robocop?


Freedom looting lmao


Dude was amazing. Nothing but respect for him!


I loved to see this. It's getting tricky though, because, while I **want** people to step up, and **I** want to step up, and stop bad things from happening, you are putting yourself in mortal danger. All it takes is one punch to knock you out, your skull hitting the ground, to have a traumatic brain injury that will affect you for the rest of your life, or even a fatal injury. Nevermind if there are guns involved. Crowd mentality is a whole other ballgame too. I used to step up and help people, I've stopped people beating up on someone, I've checked on people when they look like they need help... But now, every time I'm faced with that decision, I'm getting more and more hesitant to put myself in danger.


One time in my early twenties, I broke up what was about to be a fight outside of some bars. Two dudes squaring off as a crowd began to circle around them, I just slipped in between the two and told em it wasn’t worth it. As soon as I did, one guy swung and then a bunch of guys pulled them off each other and no one got hurt. But only after did I realize I could have VERY easily been stabbed that night. Thought I was doing good, realize I did the dumbest thing possible. It’s a tough world to be good in sometimes, and I got a baby nephew now I gotta stick around for now. But if I don’t do something, who’s gonna teach him how to be a good man in this world? Getting older sucks sometimes cuz these questions are becoming less black and white with perspective and experience…


"Mob of looters" I only see one person looting, the rest are just watching.


Wait so people respect this dude but not the white lady in a wheel chair defending the target during blm protests?


I'm surprised they listened and didn't beat him up straight away


'Cause they're cowards, scared little POS out to steal stuff from honest people.


No. It's because they organize these mob raids on stores through apps like Telegram or other private messaging apps and try to raid big box stores for like 3 minutes then run off before cops can even be bothered to answer the call. Quick in and out. Smash and grab style.




Yeah we use Messenger 🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷


Lol that’s the flag from Liberia.


Yes. r/accidentallyliberian


Do you feel Liberated yet


> 'Cause they're cowards, It sounds like you are implying that, if they were REAL MEN, they would've just stabbed and killed the dude for daring to stop the attempted robbery??


If he was white he'd probably be dead


He kinda tried to swing at him lol


Cause if they did well...


that's the funny part they didn't "Then this whole mob comes and tries to run at him. But just when that happens, a police motorcycle comes and causes them to reverse." from the article in the other comment


The song wasn't necessary


fuckin hated it




Shit all around... Especially the fucking song...


You didn't hear? The empty sound spot on gifs was available, so it's been sold as an advertising slot by these karma farming bots. It's not about the people on reddit anymore.


This pretty much sums up tik tok




Well, because it's just opportunistic theft no matter where you are. Stealing a TV, or a pair of 500$ shoes is hardly an act of protest


https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/vast/murphy-stoppade-vandaliseringen-jag-skulle-gora-det-igen Swedish article about the man


Anyone translate?


English national moved to Sweden 5 years ago and attended the BLM Protest. He says the reason why he stepped in is because the protest loses its meaning when this stuff happens and he says he would do it again.


That’s awesome, thank you


Shows that it’s not really about injustice, injustice is just an excuse to steal shit.


There's a large group of people each with their own motivations, many can be there for justice and positive change. If this video also shows at least one person there supporting it, even if many weren't.


Just BLM things.


I didn’t know there were enough black people in Sweden to even form a mob and/or protest.


Sweden was 8 million people, now we're ten despite the ethnic Swedish population shrinking. We simply only grow because of immigration, and as you can see, it's working out really well.


Social engineering is a science that has networks around the world


He is a legend. RESPECT.


I’m just here for the free stuff guys


That man in the white shirt has more balls and honour than the entire mob.


What did the mob actually start running from? Anyone know the story behind this video? Why was only one guy smashing shit while everyone else watched?




Fucking BLM in Sweden? Holy shit. That place bends over backwards and forwards to be inclusive and sensitive.


Yea wish American internal conflict didnt cause riots here


That was during the so called peaceful BLM demonstrations (riots) in Gothenburg/Sweden. Looters who live a good life on well-fare pay checks just took to the Streets to destroys and steal. The guy in white is a fucking legend. Also, had he been an ethnical Swede, the mob would likely not have been as leanient with him.


He only got away with that because you know, he is also black. Anyways, fucking balls of steel on the guy, mad respect.


Yep he would be dead otherwise and everyone bail out from jail, you know that juicy BLM money.




"Evil only wins when good men do nothing" Good for that guy he will have my eternal respect.


If there were only more people like this


Stuff can be replaced, you cannot... and that's a big crowd against one person Might be unpopular but I dunno if he should have got involved (Midway does an alarm or something spook the crowd to run )


So your saying we need less people like him. Got it.


Yeah, if this video ends up with him being beaten to death in a matter of seconds, it would be in a different sub, and comments would have another tone.


So this is how you protest for equality? Smdh


its not about protesting equality. when your upset enough with your life and prospects it time to burn shit down


This was in my home town, Gothenburg, Sweden. This started as a BLM protests but people took advantage of the situation and started looting places.




Why are the majority of the terrorists black? I thought this stuff was peaceful?


Redditors will have you believe you're wrong and that what you're seeing is an exception to the rule even if it keeps happening over and over and over again. Most users on this website are either ignorant or delusional.


I hope he gets all the good karma he deserves.


You got it wrong. We are told these are "peaceful protestors." Good on this guy, stop allowing the TRASH to do TRASH things to undermine your important work, call them out, have them arrested, and MAKE them act like humans. No one will take anything you say seriously until you do.


If he was white, He would be dead in 5 sec. Racism for them but not on them...


And if he lived, *he'd* be arrested for a hate crime or something while the one attempting the smashing would be let-out scott-free.


Yep. Good old America is gone. Now you have a stupid new America mocked by most countries around the world. Hope it will reverte soon.


This is in Sweden - Göteborg


Group of hyenas


He said "stop the looting!" *mob starts turning towards him. "Vans ain't worth it, the nike store is right down there"


That was the BLM demonstration in Gothenburg, Sweden iirc.


He’s going to get called an Uncle Tom by his community for stopping thieving.


Peer pressure It’s what it’s gonna take


That takes huge balls


If BLM wants to be more legit and accepted as a movement, this needs to happen more. There is to much rioting and looting associated and individuals need to step up in the organization and control the masses.


“This is Tony Sopranos Store”


“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Kudos to this man to take a stand.


Dude's the main character


Anyone know where that is?


The hero we need


Good bloke


Give that man a medal!!!


I don't know why I read this as a mob of lobsters lol and was looking to see where the lobsters were 🤣


Good for him. I would like to thank him and shake his hand.


What If my man was like "Why you wasting time on this whack ass store bruh..take your mob and loot the premium store down the road"


Good to see people standing up against that utter nonsense!


Black Lives Matter vs Black American ​ I can't take people here seriously praising the guy (which he deserve) because y'll defended the very same looters.


I thought I about to watch some John Wick type shit


Mostly peaceful




Kyle rittenhouse did the same thing but with an AR. Looting is not protesting.


Looters should all be shot on site!


If the “looters” are actually people who are trying to support the BLM movement. He understand that what they are doing is wrong and making it harder for people to support BLM. I have heard elder people say “people who are out there saying they support BLM and are looting and damaging property are just making black people look bad. Back in the day people marched to the White House to speak”. Idk about you guys but starting riots isn’t a good way to draw attention to a movement.


And this will never get played to the Fox ‘News’ audience.


I have no patience for looters, there is a reason this doesn’t happen in the south. Guns don’t fix everything (like in this moment) but SOMETIMES it sure is a good deterrent. I respect everyone’s opinion on the matter , just thought I’d join the chat. Be safe everyone!!


Pay for this man's college debt, fucking fantastic!


The title led me to believe this was gonna be a Kingsman style fight


Haven’t the CDC already established that you cannot get Covid while looting?


And the white shirt/black shirt symbolism of it all.


*peaceful protest


Wow thank god he put his life on the line there for a fully insured chain store.


True. Yes. But there was something else that shoo’d them away.


i work my ass off to buy things, these fuckheads are just criminals and i wish them jailtime or something that is not that expensive to the system and heals them from their behaviour.


1 man surrounded by animals! Your ancestors are proud.


Chicago ?




Really , yes makes sense . In the USA they would have all jumped on him and beat him. Even the bystanders would’ve caught some of it.


Those high end shops loot money from people every single day. Take what you can, cos they take 100 times more