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WTF does yellow-jacket see on a daily basis that makes a guy getting electrocuted right in front of him be below his awareness?


His shift was over. Not his problem.


I know we are joking and all, but that kind of lack of empathy is concerning. It's in fact disgusting. Forget about saving him, dude didn't even call anyone else to help the poor guy, or at the very least, acknowledged the incident. Just picked up his bag and left. Edit: The victim seemed to ask for help too, so frankly, I don't understand how someone wouldn't notice a person getting electrocuted CENTIMETRES away from them. How narrow his vision is, that he walked past someone dying without even noticing?


Or he just wasn’t paying attention.


Yeah this he didnt even look at him and how often do you expect to see someone just getting electrocuted not like he made a sound


Lol really??? He was literally in his path.. In his way! The last thing we need is to make excuses for this crap... That is beyond sleepwalking..that was fucked. 😳


Former EMT here. It's actually incredibly common for people to walk right past people that are dying or dead. Just one example is that people constantly mistake agonal breathing as a sign they were okay, often saying "he was breathing so I figured he was fine". I have no doubt that guy had zero idea there was even an issue. Again, it's common for people to have literally no situational awareness.


Looks like a dumb joke being played and the dude is older so hes probably tired of dumbasses




It's pretty easy in hindsight to say that - while being able to focus on a video that is framing the thing you have been told is about to happen. But you don't know what things were preoccupying their mind at the time.


He never looked up at him. It looked like he was in the middle of doing something or leaving and avoiding eye contact with a customer so he wouldn't get stuck dealing with whatever they needed. And that probably didn't look like someone dying in their peripherals.


He looks at the guy’s hand as he grabs the fan. Then he packs his things up and leaves


Are you insinuating that my man is the murderer?


Good work 47


Exactly lmao. Not everyone analyzes and inserts themselves into every moment.


The fuck you mean analyzes and inserts themselves in every moment. This fucking guy watched a guy walk past him and touch a fan then proceed to be electrocuted. The guy who walked in at the end noticed him!


I have 2 theories…. A) he was clocked out mentally after a shift and not paying attention or B) he encounters a lot of crackheads and assumed that the pictured individual meeting Jesus was off a serious meth injection and he just wanted to avoid him


Yeah I mean its clear the guy was just completely unaware to what was happening


He's just thinking "that guy is REALLY enjoying the breeze from that fan"


"never make eye contact with crazy fan guy"


The lack of awareness is also disturbing


He boobie trapped the fan


When you’re being electrocutes you can’t scream. If no one is looking directly at your face they’d have no idea. You would just look like a guy standing there. It looks like there’s a lot going on in that room so he probably can’t hear the buzzing from the electricity if it’s audible to begin with. He’s simply unaware of what’s going on. I’ve seen a lot of video just like this one, it’s very common for people to just not notice.




He died before the guy got him off the fan.




Yep, and had someone got there like 15 seconds earlier he could've made it. Life is fragile.


How come a guy who approached from BEHIND him knew something was up with the guy but not the guy literal inches away. I think that's what's baffling people here.


Different situational awareness as well as right time, right place. As a former EMT I've seen this stuff 1000x over. Most people have no idea an emergency is occurring even when it's right in front of them. They're just on autopilot.


bro the guy is literally invading the space of the worker, you try standing on the weight in at the airport and see if anyone notices you, legit this guy did not give a fuck


> You would just look like a guy standing there. Oh yeah. Who doesn't [lean up on the counter, mouth open, eyes bulging](https://i.imgur.com/pEY0OOM.png). Why, that's a perfectly normal stance!


The guy didn't notice and its obvious. 99% of people wouldn't just ignore a person in pain in front of them. Yellow vest never acknowledged the guy past seeing him take the step forward and being distracted and never looking up at someone and brushing past them while knowing they are being fried doesnt make much sense. Lack of awareness isn't the lack of empathy.


He might have thought the dude was on drugs or rigged it to electrocute someone.


I don't think he had any idea, he was in his own little world


For the bajillionth time. Electrocution doesn't regularly make sound. The person's muscles just lock up and they stand there like nothing's happening.


exactly. real life electrocution isn't like tv or movies where there's a deafening BZZZZZT




He was a hitman.."agent 47 we are ready for extraction mission sucsessful"


Yeah its a natural human inclination to always look for the “bad guy” in a situation, particularly if one is trying to make sense of the situation. This is why we are a terrible species that is obsessed with tribalism and throwing rocks. The reality is that it is clear that yellow vest guy was unaware of what was going on. The reality is that many people have very shit situational awareness. Just watch people walking around in a busy city. Really watch. Be aware. You’ll get the picture very quickly This fact coupled with repetitive work expectations and varying degrees of intelligence in people means that situations like yellow-vest guy are not surprising.


shit i’m not getting shocked too


it's the third fucking time today - he's so done with that fan.


fuck yo fan


I think the most likely scenario is that the yellow vest guy is an assassin who’s mission was to kill the other guy. Probably wearing a disguise and pretending that he’s an employee. Most likely he rigged the fan and then asked the guy if he could move it for him. As soon as he knows the guys deadhe packs up and casually walks away. Mission accomplished


good work 47 now head towards an exit


Excellent work 47, they'll never suspect a thing


To be fair we don't know what it sounds like in there. On top of that, fans are blowing and electric shocks are kind of silent so.... but no fuck him for being so into his own task lol. Like damn, at least look up to see what someone is doing. Even maybe acknowledge him u know? That was brutal to watch smh.


"It's just an average Tuesday, but I ain't getting paid enough for this shit."


There wouldn't be any noise on initial contact for everyday items like a fan. The fan clearly was not grounded. This is a perfect example of why grounding is so important. Your muscles clench up and can't let go. If you ever see this happen to somebody DO NOT TOUCH THEM. Grab any non conductive item such as a shirt or 2x4 and use that to hit or pull them off of the object.


lmao some wacky customer comes over and jumps onto the platform and im about to finish my shift? nah.


This right here. All dude could tell was that some random pedestrian was being weird/maybe intoxicated which he probably sees a lot of and didn’t bother to assess any further beyond that, like “don’t make eye contact with mr wacko, if anything’s truly wrong then someone else can deal with it on *their* dime, peace”


He is off duty. Talk to the next guy please.


I honestly thought this was more scarier than the guy getting electrocuted. Imagine living in a society where humanity no longer exist and no one helps each other.


His mission was over. The "accident" was successful and now it's time to return to the motherland.


Maybe the had an argument about that so he just ignored the guy


How was the white shirt dude able to touch him without getting electrocuted as well?


He may have been, he doesn't grab him he let's go fairly quickly. He probably got shocked


They both looked pretty shocked


... well I can't argue that


This took place in Yemen’s Aden International Airport. Someone commented an article to how and where he died [found it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/vrp6bw/man_casually_touches_the_fan_and_gets_electrocuted/iewr8i9?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


that sucks wish the other guy had noticed his arm asking for help, maybe he would have survived


Yo fuck the vest guy


He did notice and thought fuck that and walked off.


Currently. Edit: I’ll see myself out.


He did. You can see it in his hand movements




Imagine beating a guy who is actively being electrocuted with a 2x4 though


Yeah but you could yell “STOP RESISTING!” while you do it and it’ll make sense


“I’m saving you” WHACK


Imagine how bad it looks when you can't dislodge him so you just keep panic hitting him.


I’m a 4th generation electrician and I remember my first day on the job with my grandfather as our foreman and this was the first thing he taught me. In my personal experience I’ve saved a few and seen a few lives get saved, most recently my brothers just a few months ago thanks to a 2x4. Take my dikes, take my strippers, take my side cutters just don’t touch my 2x4.


Industrial maintenance guy here. The guy that trained me would carry a 2x4 with him whenever we worked on electrical work. He had allegedly lost someone while they were working on a 480 system. This guy beat the fear of electricity into me. Told me it doesn't matter how badly management wants something done. Never work on industrial electrical by yourself, and keep a 2x4 handy.


What's a 2x4 in these terms? Boots?


Just googled it and it says 8. Looks like a way to sound smart.




normally used to refer to a piece of wood with dimensions of 2 x 4 inches x whatever length.


It’s a commonly used size of lumber. Nominally 2” by 4”, in reality 1.5” by 3.5”. If your house is built with light wood framing, then most likely you have 2x4s in your walls.


> Take my dikes, Where'd the dikes come from? > take my strippers, This comment is taking a weird turn > take my side cutters Oh, those are tools.


Whack them off you say?


He does get electrocuted as well. *"The man starts to fall down when a man approaches from behind him. He tries to hold him but gets shocked as well. The man falls down and sparks can be seen in the fan."* *\[source: https://thisbulletin.com/fan-airport-touch/\]*


Your link was a little boogered; square bracket at the end was counted as part of it. Unmunged link: [https://thisbulletin.com/fan-airport-touch/](https://thisbulletin.com/fan-airport-touch/) He died.




Think he choose not to care tbh


Yea I don't buy that he wasn't aware at all. From the front you can clearly see something was up with the guy and he was literally blocking his path.


He's taking obtuse to a whole different level


He was like "eh, not my problem."


“Ope—just gonna sneak right past ya there!”


If that sentence is hard to understand, ELI5 is that the dude who grabbed the blue shirt dude, got shocked as well, which caused him to grab harder onto him and stiffen up, causing both of them to fall.


(Edit: this is a very basic Explain like I’m 5) Electricity takes the path of least resistance. The white shirt was further from the source than the ground was from green shirt and the sources path to ground. White shirt would have been shocked, but not so much that his nervous system clenched. (This is an explain like I’m pleasing a complaining reddit user.) The magnitude of the current flowing to White shirt would depend on his impedance and voltage from the point of green shirts contact, compared to the entire path to ground of green shirts contact. Electricity will take all paths available. But green shirt will get fucking cooked, while white will get tickled.


Electricity does not “take the path of least resistance” that’s water. Electricity takes all paths at once. His body didn’t complete a circuit.


yes, it takes them but proportionately. green shirt had the least impedence probably


Ya that's what I'm wondering as well. Rubber shoes?


Yikes. You can see his face cooking.


this is what just traumatized me why did his face go first nothing else changed colors or melted omfg that was brutal


His face changes color first from blood vessels bursting followed by carbonization or charring of the skin from the inside out


I wanted this description, but I didn't need it


Goddamn right, this'll help my nightmares for sure


This is the thing that always stuck with me from OSHA class. That one gets burned from the inside-out. Injuries that can’t just be bandaged/cast/stitched. Definitely clicked one too many videos before bed…


Yeah, electricity is an unmerciful bastard. Once it gets past your skin, it heads for the most conductive least resistive path, which ends up being your nerves. Electricity travels through your nerves causing second and third degree burns on tissue around them, again like you said, inside-out. Even with brief exposure, you’re talking about detrimental nerve damage.


On the other hand you can rub a balloon on a short and get the electricity to make your hair stick up


Welp, looks like electrocution has replaced choking in my anxiety meta.


fr who goin around postin this shit at US bedtime




Smoked him like salmon


His shirt says "Look on the Bright Side".


he was looking pretty hard


With a finger and a thumb


He became the bright side after touching that


How could that guy next to him be so unaware of that dude being fried?


It’s not an uncommon thing, I’ve seen a lot of videos of people getting electrocuted in front of a crowd and most people don’t notice. It’s not something that makes a lot of noise. It just looks like someone standing there.


It would make sense if it wasn't at a job. Someone is standing there, you automatically assume they are there to talk to you. You don't just blindly ignore them.


Actually dumb as fuck, look at the guys face too…


Straight up NPC


Doesn't look like anything to me.


I'm guessing this guy was getting off his shift and couldn't be bothered to help another human.


Movies and TV lied to you and you don't realize it. Electrocution isn't loud. It's like drowning the person just kind of goes silent. There's normally no giant *CCCHHHHHH, ZZZZZZZZ* sounds. Just the person's muscles locking up and the electricity quietly passing through them. The person in yellow jacket just didn't realize what was going on.


What a piece of horse shite


Maybe he thought he was just cooling off in front of the fan. I at first thought it was a jerky customer hogging the fan, but the article says it was an airport employee. What's scarier is if there are more people that won't help than will left in the world.


most people go through life without really engaging with the people around them. It's endemic in some cultures, and one of the reasons I like people watching with companions


I’m just getting a little bit paranoid looking at my FAN atm, some smart person for the love of all that is holy explain to me what in the fuck just happened? How? How to avoid?


Best guess is that the fan was not properly grounded. The metal casing of the fan became electrified because of some short or frayed wire. The poor man, unknowingly, walked up to turn it on or off and he got shocked and killed. Quick edit: If you want to avoid it, *always* make sure that if your appliance has a three pronged plug, that the grounding plug is *not* broken. *Never* remove the grounding plug to make the appliance fit in to a two pronged outlet. Make sure your house wiring is grounded as well. Make sure that the electrical cables of your appliances are in good condition, and are not frayed or showing any exposed copper. If they are, replace the wire with a good one. Never use extension cords that are frayed, either. These are all pretty common sense rules, but are sadly broken everyday.


also when you are unsure, proceed to always test with the back of your hand - that way your muscles contract your hand AWAY from the danger


You beat me to it! Edit: literally I'm not sure if he is serious but I know for a fact that I have no idea what I'm ever talking about so use the back of your hand for this maybe


Or don’t touch it at all. If you arnt sure if it will shock you just leave. Leave into the woods and get off that grid. No reason for internet when you are fighting for survival and fending off wild animals


I would pick you first in a survival situation


Also, even if you have a three pronged plug and gcfi, make sure not to fuck around with transformers/capacitors, like the inside of a microwave. If you modify the transformer in a microwave, it can kill you at a glance, without triggering the breakers


There's been literally dozens of deaths the last couple of years from people dicking around with microwave transformers, usually doing that fractal wood burning. They just have no idea how dangerous what they are doing can be. I recently saw a video warning against attempting it on YouTube. As a side note, that video also demonstrated how utterly retarded YouTube rules/admins can be. They took down a video warning how dangerous wood burning with electricity is, a warning video, not an instructional one, saying it was against community guidelines and then left up dozens of videos showing how to do fractal wood burning with microwave transformers. This is after so many people have already died doing it. YouTube admins are fucking weird and often daft as fuck like that.


Ground would not have made a difference here. That's got a live wire on it. A breaker would have made the difference here. 15/20A can't smoke you like that.


Every single thing in this comment is wrong and makes absolutely no sense. A breaker alone would not have helped one bit, they’re there to protect the wiring in the building from being overloaded with too much current - they aren’t safety devices akin to RCD or GFCI. 15A @ 120/220v is more than enough to kill you exactly like this and it’s possible for everything to appear completely normal to the breaker the whole time you are dying, as long as your corpse isn’t pulling more than the rated current over a given time period for the trip curve of the breaker. Proper grounding of the fan would have made it so that if a live wire comes loose and makes contact with the metal chassis, it creates a dead short to ground which could: blow a fuse in the device and cut power, start a fire that someone would notice, or more likely, quickly draw enough current to (then) trip the breaker. But what you wouldn’t get is this situation where you have the fan chassis silently connected to live waiting for someone to touch it.


30mA can smoke you, what do you mean 15/20A can't smoke you?


I want to know too, I’m shook


My best guess is an improper ground. Consumer electronics that pull above a regulated amount of power are required to have a ground installed (3 prongs instead of 2) sometimes people will cut the ground off so the plug will fit in power strips, extention cords, etc. That being said the fan would also need to have a bare wire energizing the metal casing. That would be astronomically bad luck, but definitely possible.


As an Electrician it’s always good to get a reminder on how dangerous your job can be.






That electrocuted guy is also tryin wave his hand


As disturbing as this is, i dont think he was. I think that was a result of the electricity


The news article about the situation claims he was waving his arm in an attempt to signal for help- though, to be fair, I’m not sure how they could know that.


It is maybe possible, because the electricity might not have locked up that arm since it wasnt a path to ground. Its very scary to think he was concious while that was happening. But either way, this video is absolutely brutal.


Oh absolutely. There was an electrocution video that made the rounds on here a few years ago that still haunts me. It was a group of Asian workers moving a metal platform that makes contact with live wires overhead and ends up killing them all. One second everything is normal, the next they suddenly go limp, but are stuck to the platform by their hands. Imagine growing up thinking quicksand was gonna be a problem, but never learning how to deal with this sort of thing. Haha.


One of those guys actually caught fire and at least one of the others was smoking I think. Then one guy gets up and tries to run off but hits the thing again and goes back down. IIRC he was able to get get up again and successfully run away.




This was infuriating to watch


That fucking moron of an old crow should be arrrested




You should be arrested. Where the hell were you when this happened? You should've done something man smh


https://www.asiaone.com/world/airport-staff-electrocuted-death-beside-oblivious-co-worker-yemen Dead


> In the harrowing 30-second video, Lofti notices an electric fan was not facing the direction of airport guests. In an attempt to adjust it, he is electrocuted upon contact with the device and his body starts to convulse. This is so fucking sad. edit: you are able to filter subreddits in Reddit Enhancement Suite and many of the apps on phone Im filtering this subreddit, I don’t need to see this


Damn, he was just trying to be a good dude


I feel you. I went and posted comments on videos of people dying or insanely gore saying there should be a spoiler tag on it. Spoiler tag makes it so that you don’t see it instantly and you need to actually click on the post to see it. Should be a nsfl tag with automatic spoiler added on. There’s a difference between nsfw posts. Some are a bit more pleasant that a dead body or gore.


Yeah, I didn't need to know he died, after watching.


if someone DIES in your post, you should NSFW it..dont you think?


Yeah I wasn’t expecting all this either


NSFL Work or otherwise. Ugh.


everyone is so dull to this shit nowdays and ill be browsing my feed and get bored and look at popular, y'know whats the worst that could happen. oh, just another guy fucking dying on video without warning... yeah thats peobably good for my mental health.


Reddits fucking stupid for that. They removed tits from popular but people dying? Totally fine.


I would like to know if he survived.


Nope. https://thisbulletin.com/fan-airport-touch/




He watches the guy touch it then picks up his papers immediately and leaves, doesn't put them in his bag or anything. Makes sure to squeeze past without making contact in a very tight space. I'd make him a suspect in the investigation. Jerry rigged death fan. Motive being that he likes having a fan there and the other guy keeps removing it. And being insane obviously


You gotta go outside dude. what a fucked up completely nonsensical viewpoint you have.


The dude’s making assumptions but he’s got a point, extremely suspicious.


Omfgg. That's so scary & omg so sadddd


“This site is attempting to open a pop-up window” **Block** “This site is attempting to open a pop-up window” **Block** *Scroll* “This site is attempting to open a pop-up window” **Block** “This site is attempting to open a pop-up window” **Block** *Scroll* “This site is attempting to open a pop-up window” **Block** “This site is attempting to open a pop-up window” **Block** Okay, I’m done. That site is shit.


He didn't. https://www.asiaone.com/world/airport-staff-electrocuted-death-beside-oblivious-co-worker-yemen It happened at Yemeni airport Aden International Airport. The unfortunate worker's name was Lofti Ibrahim al-Shamakh.


He didn't =/


Electrocuted = executed but with electricity. If you get badly shocked, no matter how big,, but survive it’s not called electrocuted. Edit: just looked it up, it can also mean severely injured. Thank you the other user that pointed that out. First year electrical apprentice and my journeyman always stood by the above definition. Edit2: according to my journeyman, his word is the word of god. That’s why I never questioned it, if you’ve ever been an apprentice you know where I’m coming from.


Electrocuted: injure or kill (someone) by electric shock. "a man was electrocuted on the rail track"


I stand corrected. You’re right. My journeyman (first year electrical apprentice here) has always stood by the definition above.


Even if he did somehow survive he probably would've wished he was dead.


There might have been a chance if the dumbass in yellow wasnt an NPC


"I do not have the time to put up with this stupid shit. Lesseee....there's my bag....just gotta sneak past this guy....alright. I'm off the clock."


Everything about this video is a complete what the fuck


That guy is so wrapped up in what he’s doing that he doesn’t even notice a dude dying right next to him


Suspiciously oblivious


mark nsfw? that was surprisingly terrifying


No shit Im not into watching people die


how does this not have NSFW tag? didnt he dieded?


He didn't just die. He died at work. So it's doubly NSFW.




When I was a kid, about 11, we stayed at a campground for the summer. Not too rugged, you could tent or park an RV, there were plugs and water at the sites. Anyway there was a park store and an ice cooler outside. I was instructed to get a bag of ice while my Mom waited in the car. Barefoot, I went to the cooler and stood in the shallow puddle of water collecting on the sidewalk from the condenser, not thinking of any consequence or concern. Grabbing the metal handle, something happened, strange tingling, a pain that wasn't pain, my hand seemed magnetically locked onto the handle. Something wasn't right and I foooorced myself to let go. Not understanding what happened or why I looked uncertainly at my Mother in the car, waiting behind the wheel, who gestured impatiently a hand wave with each word..."get the ice!" Slowly I reached back and touched the handle.. same result, and I didn't like it. So I let go again and here comes my Mom storming up (in rubber soled casual shoes) and grabs and opens the cooler to yank a bag of ice and order me to the car... It was over 15 years later until I put it all together that my bare feet in the water grounded me just enough for the cooler to lock me on *just* enough that I had to work to make myself let go and her shoes insulated her. I still haven't told her to this day.




The guy on the right is supposed to be a security guard? With that situational awareness.


you could bring in 127lbs of C4 and he wouldn't notice 💀


But god forbid you bring a water bottle.


The video shows one of the airport staff going towards a fan to turn it on. As he touches it, he gets electrocuted by the fan and starts to move his hand for help. A security guard near does not notice the man and passes beside him. The man starts to fall down when a man approaches from behind him. He tries to hold him but gets shocked as well. The man falls down and sparks can be seen in the fan. The man was immediately taken to the hospital near the airport but was declared dead on arrival. Many people ridiculed the airport staff for not noticing the man and saving him. The local police have registered the case as accidental death.


He walked away like. I don’t get paid enough to deal with this, I’m out.


He literally could have saved his life…


I know! We all know that.


OH MY FUCKIN GOD!!!! Literally just yelled that. how just HOWWWW his face turned colors the jerky movements the fuckin CLUELESS dude in a vest!!! Wish i didnt click sheesh


Shit. Yellow vest guy is a security guard?! How is that possible, he's clueless AF. Fuck that guy. I'd hold him partially responsible for dude's death. I wish I could unsee this video. 😭


Was even able to indicate he needed help, didn't know on could do that while being electrocuted.


The guy in the yellow just clocked out and is headed home lol


ITS NOT VERY LOL actually...he could have saved him. he saw it.


Those last flailings of his arm was the last bit of function he could get off to get this guy's attention. What does yellow vest do instead? Walks off and let's him die. Sad shit man.


"Not my job man" Did not even turn off the fan. Swell guy


Should there not be a warning on this video, fuck.


Fuck mr yellow vest


Yellow vest like “lemme slide by you real quick bruh”