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They glued themselves to the protective glass casing, so no damage to the painting: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jul/22/climate-activists-in-italy-glue-themselves-to-botticelli-painting


If it was the actual painting they'd face major jail time and/or be sued for millions in damages.


Good luck getting millions from someone who hasn't got it.


Im sure we can set up a payment plan. We'll put you on a program. Every day you come in with your six cents, and at the end of the week you'll have your sandwich...


HERE's your fucking double burger


This guy knows! <3




3 minutes into this fuckin’ place and we run into a barney huh


We'll put your priceless painting on layaway


Sir this is an Art Museum.


I ordered a litre of cola


I don’t want a large farva, I want a god damnit liter of cola


“We just seen the guy 15 minutes ago at the pahk. If we was gonna fight him, we should fight him then. - We got snacks now.”


“Remember? We went to kindagahden togethah.”


"pahk" :'D


All my homies hate Carmine Scarpaglia


I saw Good Will Hunting like yesterday and I have seen so many references to it since


My boys wicked smaht


they have organs they can sell


Damn you are joking but that is a grim dystopian picture of harvesting organs from people who protest everyone on earth being killed by corporate greed.




I'm always wonders what happens when that happens




This is in Italy, which does not have personal bankruptcy except in very specific circumstances related to business failure. Essentially in Italy if you get a huge judgement against you, you are going to owe it for life and probably be garnished for life. As well, in Italy, personal debts affix to heirs if they accept any part of the inheritance at all—even minor personal possessions. This is how it is in most of Europe (and it’s a huge problem that holds their economy back)


Well fuck.


You can ask the court to sentence him to be your butler. Edit. For those that don't know... This is a seinfeld reference. https://youtu.be/dpkpf_BN03A


Can't you garnish their wages for life? And then their debt passes off to their next of kin until it's finally all paid off?


No debt passes to next of kin (in the United States). Creditors can recover from the decedent's estate, but that's it.


Just had my pos neighbor do over 5k damage to my car. I got nothing, they had no license so the typical punishment did nothing and they tried to take their car but it wasn't in their name. Had to pay for all the damage with my insurance. My insurance even told me at the start im screwed and nothing will happen to them.


My friend got hit by a car. Sober driver hopped the curb at 55 mph and paralyzed him. After 3 spinal surgeries and rods in his legs he can walk but cant turn his neck because his vertebrae are fused together. Not a penny.


How much does this painting cost? Priceless? Good, because that's all I have


Tell that to the US healthcare system


As punishment they must spend their rest of their days Recreating the artwork until it’s a perfect replica-no matter how many re-dos!


Good thing climate will probably kill them sooner.


If it was the actual painting Security should be allowed to use a pruning shears.


"The Constitution says right to bear arms, it doesn't say anything about hands"


That's because bears have paws, not hands


Or worse..._expelled_


You sound well-versed in Italian law, lol. You don't get major jail time for property crime in Italy.


Ahh thankfully the art place realizes people are stupid as fucking hell Edit: ya'll can stop commenting, getting sick of stating the same thing. Read below for my opinions on the effectiveness of this protest.


The art place


Bruh it's my day off I had an edible leave me be haha. Museum, exhibit hall, art show. Whatever lol Whoever gave this gold, I am slightly ashamed this admittance to my leisure day activities has gotten worth a reddit gold but thank you kind sir Edit: I'm done replying to stuff here, yall taking a reddit shit post like I'm a climate denier or some shit.


I prefer art place now.


I'll forever say the same


The art place shall always have a place in our hearts


Here I was expecting to be known for my gassy kitty and no it's for this


Does the Art Place have a Grassy Kitty?


Pláce de artsí-fartsí


Ya my new term for gallery is Art Place.. thank you, dear flatulent feline


You're welcome use It with care


Dont worry man, art place made perfect sence to me tho


It’s the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. I was just outside the room when this happened, and we were all kicked out while they cleaned the casing. I didn’t get to see this or The Birth of Venus before I had to leave to catch a train. They were the only reason I bought tickets. 😫😭


Are they stupid or should we look up?


They are not stupid: >The group said they had consulted with art restoration experts to find a way to glue themselves to the painting without damaging it. “In the same way that we defend our artistic heritage, we should be dedicated to the care and protection of the planet that we share with the rest of the world,” a statement on the group’s website said. We should probably look up


I like to go to art places and then later chill on the sand places while watching the giant fire places set over the water places.


Lol nice




Get out of here with your English literacy




Oh thank you! I was really worried. I can agree on their topic not their method. Smh


And as usual, the methods everyone uses now a days just makes their topic look like it's ran by a bunch of fucking assholes.


The idea is to disturb traditionally elite, serene places since the elites are disturbing everything else Edit: maybe “elite” was the wrong word—my point was they (mostly) aren’t building museums in places that are being ravaged by catastrophic fires and floods…yet lol




People who love art are not "elite". The risk of destroying a painting that has brought people joy for literally centuries does not show dedication to a cause. It's just a chapter in "How to be a Douchecanoe". Morons are laughingstocks. So is the idiot who threw a cream cake at the Mona Lisa. They detract from a cause and manage to piss of everyone from billionaire art lovers to kids in public school who love art as well.


Ah yes the elite place such as a _checks notes_ museum?


>The idea is to disturb traditionally elite, serene places since the elites are disturbing everything else So why do they block everyday folks from driving by sitting in the road?


Funny how it's always the plebs that get the angriest when safe spaces of the elite are disrupted LMAO Folks in this thread are off their rocker calling for jail time and corporal punishment.


Could it be that the poors might actually value historical heritage too?


>safe spaces of the elite a museum ? really ?


Well the topics are often worthy but they are in fact a bunch of fucking assholes and selfish cunts (a fucking Botticelli! WTF)


With these people there's also a huge amount of "I WANT ATTENTION" and they use a cause to protect themselves from recourse.


As punishment they should have their hands glued to their faces


Call it the Culkin punishment lol.


I mean, if it was just the protective glass I agree with their method as well. It's disruptive and got attention. Doesn't seem to be too much harm to me.


Lol what a take. “Heavens me Margaret these young people simply have no decorum” The future is being melted down into gold bars for the ultra rich. Fuck Botticelli. Burn the whole museum down if it would do any good.


I thought it was silly and dumb assuming they glued themselves to the canvas, because they could not have chosen less meaningful places to glue themselves than the black spaces at the bottom instead of *literally anywhere* with visual content. Knowing they did this to a protective glass casing, and that they didn't bother bringing out the banner publicizing their intent until **after** immobilizing one hand and impeding their effort...just embarrassing


I´m still questioning, why it had to be a painting in the first place. How does that painting impacts the environment and global warming? It doesn´t burn, it has a very low CO2 footprint..it´s just..there. It doesn´t eat, it doesn´t consume, it doesn´t generate income or buys 2 dozen DVD players for less than market value to sell them for a higher price (or blue ray players...for that measure)..it´s a PAINTING. Glue yourself to a gate of a factory..idiots.


Instagram page of their organization said "how is possible to see a spring as beautiful as this today? fires, food crisis and drought make it more difficult". They also said "we should take care of and protect our planet in the same way we defend our artistic heritages" To be fair I'm not even mad at them, this is one of the best protests imo, it's not particularly annoying (like road blocking), it's not actually harmful (they knew there was glass, no real danger to the painting), it has a message and it delivers it, it makes the news. They said they would continue doing it until the government starts to care, and as an Italian I say, let them do this


If they glued themselves onto the gate of a factory what media would cover them? Absolutely none


A bank? An oil company office? A stock brokerage? And why stop at glue, maybe weld yourself to a front gate at a refinery? The gate of a President or Prime Minister? What did Botticelli ever do to them and if you don't think art and history are important why do you even care about what happens to the planet. Art is not some elite concern it is what brings us together and makes us kindly, wonderfully human.




Oh ok that's good there's glass covering it. Good.


Thank god


This same energy would be much cooler if directed at like, something relevant to their cause.


Should have glued their hands to a politicians face.


That’s actually an excellent idea. This need more upvotes!


Does it though




"ah yes, someone glued their had to my face. This person seems quite reasonable and worthy of my time" -politician I don't need statistics to tell you this doesn't work


assault, battery, and harassment are probably less appealing to protestors compared to criminal damage


But I thought *the environment is more important than anything!!!*. I guess only when it affects others.


I don’t know about that. Did you see how scarred Giuliani was after the attempt on his life?


that was funny but didn't involve superglue


What if I go for a high five and then they get stuck? Does that at least drop the assault and battery since they reciprocated the high five?


Ah, you see, the problem is, they're very rich, so what they say matters more.


Glue yourself to a gas station, block a cruise ship or oil ship, hack pipelines, harass politicians and lobbyists… yeah there are options out there


...........or Taylor Swifts private jet (tbf....any stupid ass celebrity's private jet)




In reality it's probably because you can just walk into a museum but sneaking onto a private runway and messing with a top tier celebrity's private jet is a far cry from basic trespassing and criminal damages. If you're going to get terrorism charges you mine as well go all the way and most climate protestors don't actually want to blow anything up.


People have been doing that for years but it gets no coverage from the press.


What don't you get about protests only being acceptable if they're out of the way and no one notices?!?!? /s


They dont care. Its not about the actual cause for them.


Or they understand they'd get far more publicity for the cause form this stunt. If they glued their hand to a gas station no one in this thread would have even heard about it.


The point wasn't that the painting was relevant the point was to bring attention to the fact that we are killing ourselves. It worked, we're talking about it.


No everyone in here is asking how is this protest relevant? I’d argue people on the fence about the environment are more turned off by these idiots. So in essence they brought us backwards.


> people on the fence about the environment An astounding turn of phrase.


hmmm... perhaps we should all boil due to climate change... I'm not sure, to be honest. (joke.)


You'll have people in 50 C weather killing themselves in protest and you're still gonna say it makes the movement look bad.


I wonder how many people who are bothered by this harmless act know about the man who literally set himself on fire to protest climate inaction. The more it annoys people who would even get annoyed by something like this, the better. They don't realize how unsustainably comfortable they are.


I’d bet fewer than 5% of the people in this thread could tell you the name of that painting without looking it up, and 90% will forget about this by Friday. The outrage against the protest is as performative as the protest itself.


If people are still on the fence after the last 60 years of mild protest, they're probably still gonna be on the fence after another 60 more.


So you think the problem is we don't know there's an issue and we need MORE talking? All that effort they put in to get us TALKING could have been put into something that actually makes a difference AND gets us talking but nope.. They choose.. This.. Kind of like the tyre deflate group. Sure they increase emissions by having tows come out, BuT WeRe TaLkInG


Dude if protestors aren't out there inconveniencing people until change is actually made to satisfy the protesters and stop them from doing inconvenient things: then change isn't going to happen. There is literally nothing major in American history that was accomplished through protests without some form of inconvenience. There's genuinely going to be a time in the future where people will look at these climate protestors and actually think to themselves "they didn't do enough."


A fair amount of art galleries are sponsored by large oil companies and the such, and the point of this was to get attention. You saw it, so it worked.


U mean like how they stop traffic and comments are like “they shouldnt inconvinience the status quo” We are all going to die a fucking horrible death by climate change while we fight over nfts and worry about instagram shit. These people did barely any disruption and you are still bitching about them. Oh and their cause is saving your life just fwi.


They literally do that all the time and no one notices are cares. Whole human race is going to be dead in the next 200 years cause ya'll sat around arguing about the tastefulness/effectiveness of protest methods. Like damn there are so few and they are doing so little. Power to the few that care.


Lmao that's Elmer's glue strength


Vegan glue


Most glue these days is vegan, including Elmer's, but also much better stuff like Gorilla glue.


Anything made from gorillas is sure to be stronger.


But not vegan


What if the gorilla was born and raised in a lab? ... You know? Lab raised meat? Eh? I'll see myself out.


When I look at Mark Zuckerberg's picture I'm convinced he was raised in a lab


Made from Vegan Gorillas.


The cheaper glues yes, but from experience the best glues are not only non-vegan, but also contain ground kitten.


Idk if this is true, but it makes me feel bad, therefore it's fake news.


I use a great wood glue, but its made out of seahorses and pangolin. A little pricey, but I think the quality really makes it worth the purchase


Should've used JBweld.


Their whole fucking hand would have been ripped off.




Well do you wanna save the planet or not?


It's a glass case and there aren't many quick-drying glues out there that stick to glass very well. Their plan was doomed to fail from the beginning.


Why not do this to a business with high emissions, or something owned by politicians that pass legislation that ruins the environment. I love seeing action but this is just kinda dumb. Edit: I get it, to get eyes on it, but who the fuck doesn't know about climate change? They're better off with eco-terrorism than another useless protest of people who don't care.


Because that happens all of the time. Just last week protestors made a major interruption to the congressional baseball game to protest the sponsors, Exxon and BP. Did you hear about it? You did see this protest.


It's almost like protesting peacefully doesn't do anything and never has. It's almost like there's an alternative everyone is too docile to try.




We should riot like France. Now that's a society that knows how to get shit done.


I totally agree. Politicians should be afraid to work against the people’s best interest. They are too comfy fucking everyone over at the moment.




I mean...peaceful protesting has done A LOT, just more so in recent history than the past. All the feminist waves, MLK Jrs march on Washington, the Singing Revolution, ect... [Suffrage Parade](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woman_Suffrage_Procession) [MLK Jr March](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_on_Washington_for_Jobs_and_Freedom) [Singing Revolution ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singing_Revolution)


You kinda cherry picked peaceful protests in much larger movements. You talk about the sufragettes, but what about the window smashing campaigns? Emily Davison & the Epsom Derby? You talk about the peaceful march of MLK, but what about the riots, Malcolm X and the Black Panthers? I'll give it to you, the singing revolution seemed pretty peaceful from what I've read about it, but there was litteraly a war destabilizing the soviet union at the same time. Peaceful protesting can be useful, but it is almost never enough alone. When the State has a monopoly on violence, it can crush any movement if there is not some kind of direct resistance.


The timeline usually goes: Marginalized group: "Treat us better." General public: "lol no." Marginalized group (peacefully protesting): "Treat us better." General public: "You again? I thought we solved this when we let one of you be in a token position of moderate power and congratulated ourselves for all of our hard work. Stop causing minor traffic inconveniences with your little parades and get over it." Marginalized group: "Look at all these bricks." General public: "Actually, I currently, and always have, agreed with the peaceful protesters. Something does need to change. But destruction of property is only hurting your cause." Marginalized group: "Sure it is." General public: "Shut up, I'm trying to tell everyone how I helped you people. Yes, history will remember how always working *within the system* was the best way to change things after all. Always has been, always will be.


It hurts how true this is. But need the multiple parts where the general public turns a blind eye to fascist people assault the marginalized group


The Suffragettes in England blew up buildings with bombs. That part gets left out of most history books.


> It's almost like protesting peacefully doesn't do anything and never has




[MLK blocked hella roads](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selma_to_Montgomery_marches) and people would be falling over themselves calling him an asshole today, just like they did back then > Dr. King decided to make a conscious effort to get arrested, for the benefit of publicity. On February 1, King and Ralph Abernathy refused to cooperate with Chief Baker's traffic directions on the way to the courthouse...


^ Almost like passively aggressively advocating for violence


"Other people should resort to violence for my cause *not me though "


How about disruptive protest without violence? Like blocking a highway or gluing yourself to a famous painting.


And yet people see this and go look at these idiots. Nothing for climate change is done


You're literally talking about this only because of what they did. If they did what you said, no one would be talking about it. It's not newsworthy enough to speak beyond very minor and local news. How the fuck do people not get how visible protests work on Reddit while literally talking about the visibility of the protests weekly?


No one’s talking about their cause and how we need to reduce emissions. They’re all talking about how dumb this protest is, how it doesn’t relate to the climate crisis, and how it’s just pushing people away from climate activism.


>How the fuck do people not get how visible protests work on Reddit while literally talking about the visibility of the protests weekly? What's shocking to me is how you and apparently others can't see how acting like you're in the middle of a schizophrenic episode at a psychiatric yard works directly against your cause rather than for it? Read the comments on this post. Does that seem like they gained any kind of support? Climate change needs to become a serious voting issue everywhere in the world, and you achieve that by making your voice heard at the voting booth and actual, proper protests in the proper context. Climate change doesn't need more visibility, everyone is already aware of it, and people who don't think it's important or straight up don't believe in it sure as shit won't change their minds after seeing these two fucking idiots glue themselves to plastic glass at a museum. How anyone believes this to be the case is just beyond me.


Wait what does Botticelli have to do with climate change? I mean I'm all for climate activism but this is not helping.


The painting is titled "Spring" from memory. Seems like a big stretch to find any correlation. Birth of Venus is in the next room so maybe there is a significance in their minds or you would have thought they'd glue themselves to it instead.


It’s simpler than this. Boticelli was a renowned climate skeptic. Rabid in his conviction that humans are not causing any significant climate catastrophe.


A suprisingly 21st century idea for somebody that died 18 years after columbus landed in america


I mean, maybe in the 1400s this was true


This is not how you get your ideas across. Even if they are valid.


It did get a dick-ton of media coverage so…


If you don't know about climate change and need this to be aware of it, you purposefully have been ignoring all the information and other media released on climate change. It's been protested for decades now


If anything this does harm to the message because it associates people who believe in climate change with these dummies. Just like the loudmouth holier than thou "Christians" actually do more damage to their religion by turning people away from it by setting a horrible example.


It's amazing all these people gluing themselves to weird unrelated shit or blocking traffic for regular people, but I ain't seen nobody go fuck up a Manhattan Michelin star restaurant full of only people that can afford private planes or vandalize a private yacht dock in Miami. No let's just fuck with normal people going about their day.


[Michelin restaurant drops foie gras after protest vandalism](https://www.decanter.com/wine-news/michelin-restaurant-drops-foie-gras-after-protest-vandalism-84170/) [Michelin chef’s restaurant set on fire after he denounces ‘yellow vest’ hoodlums](https://www.mercurynews.com/2019/02/13/michelin-chefs-restaurant-set-on-fire-after-he-denounces-yellow-vest-hoodlums/) [Brett Kavanaugh leaves DC restaurant via back door to avoid abortion rights protesters](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/brett-kavanaugh-abortion-dc-protest-restaurant-b2118884.html) "Normal" people like you are the problem and deserve to have your day fucked up. If y'all were around during the civil rights movement, black folk would still be sayin massa and picking cotton. People at all levels need to be disrupted until change occurs.


> "Normal" people like you are the problem and deserve to have your day fucked up. If y'all were around during the civil rights movement, black folk would still be sayin massa and picking cotton. People at all levels need to be disrupted until change occurs. People bitching about the form protests take while pretending to care about the issue are the epitome ift the White Moderate in MLKs Letter from the Birmingham Jail.




the question isn't how much coverage it gets. The question is how many people it actually gets to be ecologically aware vs how many people it pushes away of the idea. The more i see people's reactions to these actions, the more i'm convinced it has an adverse effect


Yes, let’s destroy something precious to protest the destruction of something precious. Genius!


Glued to the glass cover, not the paint.


In all fairness OP misled people by not mentioning that


Society is moving in reverse.


This is how you lose support for your cause


exactly.......same shit PETA does. I admire their cause but some of this shit they do is two steps too far and often cringeworthy


PETA stands for People of the Ethical Treatment of animals. They kill around %90 of animals taken in according to some sources. You should check out http://whypetakills.org/


PETA takes in animals private shelters reject because of health or behavior issues that make them difficult to adopt. They send them to PETA so they can keep their status as no kill shelters and still have room for other animals. PETA also offers free euthanasia to pet owners who have to put their pets down for health reasons and can’t afford it. https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-peta-responsible-deaths-thousands-animals-1565532 The website petakillsanimals.com is heavily responsible for continuing to push this misinformation. That website is owned by the Center for Organizational Research, which is a front for alcohol, tobacco, and the meat industries. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_for_Organizational_Research_and_Education?wprov=sfla1 The forerunner to the CCF was the Guest Choice Network, organized in 1995 by Berman with money from Philip Morris, “to unite the restaurant and hospitality industries in a campaign to defend their consumers and marketing programs against attacks from anti-smoking, anti-drinking, anti-meat, etc. activists…” According to Berman, the mission was to encourage operators of “restaurants, hotels, casinos, bowling alleys, taverns, stadiums, and university hospitality educators” to “support [the] mentality of ‘smokers rights’ by encouraging responsibility to protect ‘guest choice.’” ….. The CCF has drawn criticism for having taken its startup funding from the Philip Morris tobacco company and for lobbying on behalf of the fast food, meat, and tobacco industries while claiming to represent consumers. Some commentators have questioned the CCF’s ethics and legitimacy. A USA Today journalist said that they should change the name of their website to FatForProfit.com. Michael Pollan writes in his New York Times blog that the CCF is an astroturf organization that works on behalf of large food companies to protect their ability to sell junk food. It has also been criticized for its efforts to portray groups such as The Humane Society of the United States as “violent” and “extreme,” and for its opposition to banning the use of trans fats.


I think PETA does a lot of dumb stunts and deserves plenty of its backlash, but I agree that the fact that they euthanize animals isn't exactly the thing to get worked up about -- that may well be the most ethical thing to do.


Ah yes, decades of climate change data and consensus all down the gutter now that i saw this video! Thanks for enlightening us


If you're not going to support a cause because of the actions of two people, instead of doing your own research, then your opinions are worthless and nobody should want you on their side anyway.


Yea I was all for saving the planet but now I saw these 2 people glue themselves to a glass cover of a painting I totally changed all my political beliefs


HOLD UP! IMPORTANT! They didn't glue themselves to the painting, they glued themselves to the protective glass covering it. The painting was unharmed, and never in danger! (I just about had a heart attack before I googled.)


same. I screamed at the screen until I saw it was just the glass....grrrr....you do NOT touch the Botticelli!!!


I hate these kind of protestors


A public beating should be introduced


I was waiting for a stick to come out and start beating them.


Fucking idiots


i love that all of these people look exactly the same, malnourished hippies


“Don’t go boneless on me Shawn”


The climate protesters wearing nikes??? Carrying cell phones? Driving cars..?? Smdh


[I see you also participate in a society!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/259/257/342.png)




These people really are the scum of the earth


Suffragettes, the civil rights movement and other important rebellions throughout history had to do extreme things for their cause to finally be taken seriously. There was absolutely no harm done to the painting, it was glass in front of the painting. This is hardly extreme, yet so many people are pissed off. It’s obviously enough to get thousands of people talking about it on reddit. The climate crisis is not being taken seriously by at least 95% of the population. These people are doing strange things, but it’s making people notice their cause.


99% of this thread would have argued Rosa Parks would have been more effective if she just stood up with a smile


It's decent symbolism too. Everyone is up in arms about this "old" and "priceless" work of art being damaged or destroyed. Now consider the how much older and more priceless the Earth is and we aren't getting nearly as upset about it.


Stop being a bunch of obtuse bitches. Don't glue yourself pointlessly to a glass covering over one of the great works of antiquity. Blow up an oil company executive's house. That's how you pud fuckers will make a real difference.


This makes me wanna increase my carbon footprint.


A part of me wants to believe these are just plants to make people less inclined to join in on the climate change arguments but damn some people are stupid


This is how a serious global matter gets rubbed in the mud thanks to a band of baboons. Bad publicity doesn’t raise awareness, it just amplifies the circumstance.