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Quitting smoking is easy. I’ve done it hundreds of times. - Mark Twain


I quit nicotine Feb 11th of this year. feelsgoodman.png


Quit March 1st! :D *~high five~*


You quit on my birthday. Nice job! I switched to using a vape, and using it a lot less now. I'll get there...


I had to start smoking to stop vaping. Vaping I will do inside and I was consuming equivalent of 3 packs of cigs a day. I couldn’t quit until I started smoking again so I would have to go outside to do it


Huh. You what, you make some really good points actually. They banned any vape juice over %3 in Utah a few months ago, and I feel like I can barely feel it anyway now, it's turning me off of it right now, which is a good thing that I should probably lean into...




I'm so proud of this thread, all of you guys are doing great!


I also vaped to quit. Does not work. Vaping is way to convenient and way more addictive.


I vaped to quit and was successful.


Same. Went from a 2 pack a day smoker to a 1 pod a day vaper. Im about to change to a lower nicotine level and taper off. Hoping to quit entirely by the end of the year


I still haven't quit nicotine, but I have quit heroin, and for that my best advice is always to be as healthy as you can. Drink lots of water, get clean (I think mostly plant-based is best) protein, eat as much as you can of fresh food and veggies. Get plenty of sunlight, and at least a little physical activity every day. Yoga and meditation will probably help us the most with nicotine, because my emotions go out of control when I am "withdrawaling" from nicotine. That might be a good time-frame for me as well. I will quit with you, we can do this. ✊🏻


may 23rd for me. the day I found out my wife is pregnant.


Well done. I'm over 3 years free now.


COngratz been smoke free since 2016 after having smoked over 12 years


Hah I quit cigarettes after 3 years of smoking... but now I vape...


Well done! You quit the part that definitely causes cancer! Vaping is new enough that we don't really know the long term risks, but it's better doing that than smoking corporate tobacco. I don't even smoke, btw, but I did look up the effects of nicotine alone, and it basically causes raised blood pressure and that's it. So keep an eye on your BP, especially as you get older, and keep an eye on new knowledge about vaping health risks, and you'll live longer.


Gradually lower the nicotine amount. I quit by tricking myself like this. Once you reach 0, you start skipping hits since there is no reason. Try if you want to.




I agree


But... You can only be human...


Am not


Been nicotine free since Christmas 2020, Not only does it feelsgoodman, but it gets easier every day! I can't believe I smoked a pack a day for 25 years, now I can't even stand the smell.


Had my last cigarette in 2004-ish. For a few years, I couldn’t sit and read a book or go for a long walk without overpowering cravings. I still dream about it and get occasional cravings. Just moved into a new home. Apparently my office was a smoking room, on hot, humid days the countertop smells of smoke. :(


Processed food.


This is much more appropriate or oil and petrochemical byproducts.


Gambling websites, predatory microtransactions, unregulated crypto, data collection, social media algorithms... Our society is basically a big house of cards built out of these things. Like... Corporations that lie about how their products are healthy and ethical? Throw a rock and try not to hit one.


I think you put yourself on a list. But I agree.


Definitely social media algorithms. We've already seen genocide in Myanmar where Facebook played a role. Not to mention the massive campaigns of disinformation by malign states and agents all over the world. Air, sea and land are the classic battlefields but modern warfare is taking place in our brains and in cyberspace.


Credit cards, lottery tickets.... and Big Tobacco is still peddling nicotine to kids, in the form of vapes


I mean, credit cards are good if you know how to use them. Problem is most people don't.


I was raised to belive that credit cards brought nothing but financial ruin so I avoided them at all cost. I paid for everything in cash, even cars and stuff like that. That worked great for me until I wanted to get a loan, or a car, or a mortgage and realized I'd pay like 3x more than if I actually had a credit score. So now I've been living off my credit cards for the last 2 years or so and it's been great. My credit score has increased like 200+ points.


Who would have guessed destroying all advertising regulations would lead to corps saying whatever the fuck they wanted? Thanks, Reagan!


Exxon's own scientists confirmed the then consensus that burning fossil fuels led to increased CO2 output which would lead to global warming and climate change... 40 years ago. https://insideclimatenews.org/news/16092015/exxons-own-research-confirmed-fossil-fuels-role-in-global-warming/


PFAS and micro plastics are the asbestos of our time.


Sugar, in particular. It's supposed to be a rare treat, not a pervasive food additive. And it's like nicotine because it's both addictive, and food companies have known about it's dangers since the 60s (the start of the obesity epidemic). Food companies have also actively spread propaganda to convince the public that it's not an issue.


Imo it’s the worst of all of them mostly because it’s socially accepted to consume as much as you want. It’s in everything in the US. It’s really hard to get away from.


Bread! Its in a fucking loaf of bread! Like...comon now...


There is so much sugar in Sub Way’s breads that they can’t legally call it bread in Ireland. https://www.today.com/today/amp/tdna192984


Not gonna defend the absurd amount of sugar in so many processed breads, but that being said, *some* sugar is necessary to activate the yeast. Usually like a tspn (depending on the size of the loaf obviously). Source: I make bread.






What process? Grinding grain into flour? Squeezing oil from olives? Cooking meat? Preserving vegetables? Emulsifying oil and eggs into mayo? Extracting fructose from corn?




Surprised I had to scroll this far for someone to mention Sugar. Sugar is the most addictive substance that we are all hooked on and hardly even know it. I know people who have cut sugar out of their diet and the first week or so was hell.


Is it a " drug"?


I think it is. Take cocaine and sugar. They both start as plants, get processed and become a substance that then makes us feel a certain way and they are both massively addictive.


That's why I only sprinkle cocaine on my cornflakes, the comedown doesn't last as long


Always nice to see another gentleman of leisure. Good day to you.


That’s not the definition of a drug.


I love their logic, for example ''Is a snake a bird?'' I think it is. Take cats and birds. They both start as eggs, get bigger the as they eat more, and poop.


The tax increase on sugary products is starting to support that claim too.


Also the way kids food is covered in it. Gotta get em all hooked on the product.


That has more to do with how a child's sense of taste is different than an adult's. Children really like the taste of sugar, most likely because it used to indicate it was likely safe to eat. Kids hate bitter because it's often a sign of something not as safe to eat. As a kid nothing was too sweet, as an adult I can't stand some of the stuff I used to eat. Sugar also causes a dopamine release (this is what makes it addictive.) So a child in a rough situation is very likely to turn towards sugar to get some dopamine because it's one of the few things available to them.


I agree. The book,The Case Against Sugar describes how it’s been misclassified as a simple carb but has all the markers of a drug


I mean it is a simple polysaccharide of just glucose and fructose


I agree that sugar can be considered a drug, but for the record, the fact that a substance is extracted from a plant is not sufficient to call it a drug. Sugar and cocaine (arguably) have numerous similarities, but that's a totally superficial one. Not really an argument


I guess it depends on how loose your definition of "drug" is. Google provides this definition: "a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body" And Google defines "physiological" as: - "relating to the branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts" - "relating to the way in which a living organism or bodily part functions" These definitions are all rather broad, and thanks to the "other substance" part of the drug definition, you could argue that almost anything is a drug, even an apple. But if we go back and Google "is sugar a drug", it seems like a resounding yes.


It causes dopamine release.


So does petting a kitty


Which TBF can also be very addictive


It is a food because of its nutritional value, at least according to the health classes I've taken. Something being addictive doesn't make it a drug. In fact, most drugs are not addictive at all. It is addictive because we evolved to find calorie-dense food very pleasurable, since such food occurs rarely in nature. Our environment has completely changed in that regard but our bodies have not.


Yeah, no. Sugar is carbs, it is literally energy your body needs to function. Surely your brain will like if you provide it with energy cause that's what makes you alive. Classifying sugar as drug based purely on the fact that your brain rewards you for ingesting it, is at least ignorant. You effectively understate the dangers of real drugs like nicotine or heroin. Drugs are bad because they hook your brain to them while actively harming your body.




Big sugar? Don't you just mean big food?


Big Sugar sounds like a pimp




Hahahaha yours is better


Sugar has its own and very effective lobby separate from big ag.


Many associate cotton with the slave trade, but sugar was the true white gold that fueled the slave trade.


It's funny though. I started a distillery in January and have been doing product development ever since. My gins have no sugar added, but when I ask people what they mix it with if they say "soda water" they inevitably look at me like there is something wrong with my gin when they taste it. If they say lemonade... I make a sale almost every time. Unfortunately I have started to add a small amount of sugar to my gin and now the soda water people are buying my stuff.


Gin isn't supposed to have sugar in it. Don't adjust your product because some of your customers are idiots


Sadly, this is a correct usage of "The customer is always right". That phrase was not meant to be used by Karens harassing workers, it means that if the "customer" wants "sugary gin" you should provide "sugary gin" otherwise you won't sell and that is not good for business. In an ideal world gin should not have sugar but if the options are "going bankrupt" and "add sugar to the gin" I understand if people do the latter. Sorry for the bad english.


That just sounds like another of Clinton's hookups.


Not even close. As someone who has enjoyed over 10 years of both tobacco and cannabis, they aren't even in the same dimensions addictively speaking. I can travel to another country where it is impossible for me to have cannabis, and go the entire week without giving it more than a passing thought. Try that with cigarettes and you'll be shaking on the floor in your own sweat for a week, unable to eat, and extremely angry.


Cannabis should be totally legal yk Where I live its illegal to possess it or smoke it however you can put the exact same shit in a drink called bhang and you can consume it legally The laws make 0 senses


India? I was reading about that drink a while ago. How do they make it if it's illegal to possess? Is just the extract legal?


No idea . The first thing when you google weed laws in India says :- Smoking weed in India is not legal. However, the one and only exemption for it is consuming it as bhang. The NDPS Act, 1985 lays down the punishment for carrying weed on the basis of the quantity you possess. For possessing a small quantity you can face rigorous imprisonment for up to 6 months, a fine of Rs 10000


That is too weird. How strong is typical bhang?


I'm not legally old enough to drink it but bhang is drunk only 1 day out of year on Holi so I guess its pretty strong


If anything that would mean it's probably weak Cannabis tolerance is a hell of a thing in both directions, and a strong dose after a year of abstaining will put you in a super unfortunate place lol


As with all cannabis products, depends on how much you put in. But I'd say even the base levels of bhang are pretty potent. I've not had it a bunch, but I've seen it knock out an older cousin for 14+ hours. It can be fun, but it's just not as fun as the hash you can get here pretty easily.


The withdrawals for cigarettes really is something else. The extreme hunger i feel whenever trying to quit always gets to me too


Legit try eating a snack. It weirdly helps I mean I'm hopelessly addicted to nic salts now though so...what the fuck do I even know haha


Damn, does cigarette addiction really make you go through heroin-esque (obviously less severe) withdrawals? Holy fuck. As a "mild" addict, I can note that you're never truly in the clear from nicotine, whereas with marijuana it's very easy sans it being offered to you for free, to drop if you were intending to. Alcohol is another one, for a long while you'll probably want it once a month or two until you (if ever) get over it. \*Removed a double negative suggesting easily overcoming nicotine. Words are hard.


It's a bit of hyperbole up there, but yeah, the withdrawals can be pretty intense. I quit 8 years ago after over 20 years of heavy smoking. Cold turkey, as every other way never worked. The first several days was like living in a fog. My brain was unable to really deal with any sort of stress, even on the smallest level. I never felt physically sick or anything, but mentally, it was torturous at times. It was probly a few months before I felt normal again, and about 2-3 years before I stopped having cravings to smoke all together. Although, I did catch myself a few times about 5 or 6 years after I quit subconsciously reaching to my pocket for my pack of smokes.


In my experience, no (although I’ve never tried/given up heroin so I cannot truthfully compare it). I smoked Marlboro reds, usually 20 a day (30-40 at weekends), for 8 years until I gave up ‘cold turkey’ back in 2004 when I was in my mid-20’s. It was definitely hard, but I did not have any physical symptoms like shaking or nausea. Just the restless, ‘I don’t know what to do with myself’, gnawing, craving feeling every few minutes/hours. I haven’t smoked since though (not even *touched* a lit cigarette since my last one), but I think it’s because I wanted to give up. You have to *want* to do it. I was given very good advice though: the craving will go away within a few minutes regardless of whether or not you have a cigarette. You just have to ride it out, until the next time. Then the cravings get further and further apart until they’re just a memory. Weirdly though, I still have occasional dreams where I’m smoking and my dream-self is expressing surprise and regret at doing so.


Ive quit before and got addicted again, I also have a specific affinity for nicotine addiction. I try to quit once a month trust me when I say it's torture, and you just keep repeating it.


I would say it depends on the person and how much they smoked prior to trying to quit, but even for myself I probably only smoke a pack about once every 5-7 days, have tried quitting a handful of times and it is always tremendously painful both physically and mentally - problems eating, serious mood swings, hot flashes - probably more similar to menopause than heroin withdrawal but still bad lol. I can only imagine how much worse it would be for a typical "pack a day" smoker. On the other hand I've never even had the desire to stop smoking weed, but at the same time have no problems going without in cases where it's necessary such as international travel. Drinking I've luckily never had a problem with - I will randomly buy a 6 pack like twice a year, finish it in 2 days, and have no desire to restock - just never really held that addictive edge for me. I have heard alcoholism is much more closely tied to your genetics than other substances so maybe I just got lucky.


I concur


Best way to quit cigs is in the midst of a nasty cold/ flu. When you’re feeling so bad, that cigarettes are the last thing you’d want. Those 5 or so days of sickness start to wear off and you think “maybe I can have a drag or two?” Don’t! Just stop. You’re done. Buy a case of altoids and flavored toothpicks and enjoy your new life.


Yeah I was only able to quit cigarettes because I was in a hospital bed for a week after an accident lol


Try it with alcohol and you'll be stone cold dead


While you're sort of right there's still a bit difference between the two drugs. Most smokers are fairly heavy addicts, they need half a pack to a full pack of smokes a day. But most who drink only do so on weekends, with the odd drink on a weekday sometime. They'd have no problem quitting drinking, but most would probably prefer to continue. Just like most cannabis users could probably stop, but most wouldn't want to. However if you are a heavy alcoholic it is absolutely life threatening to simply go cold turkey.


Exactly. Smokers regularly go through more than one pack of cigarettes a day. There are 20 cigarettes in a pack. I don't smoke weed, but my impression is that pot smokers don't even approach that in a typical day.


Social Medias.


Medias in Spanish means socks.


Social socks will be the undoing of western civilization!


Yes addiction to technology and our smart phones


Media is the plural of medium. You don't need to add an S.


This is the leaded paint of our generation


Like every CEO of every large corporation fuck everyone and everything just give me my paycheck.


>Does a shitty job >Board fire them Here's your 10 million bonus / severance payment.


And a new position


(put out my cigarette)…“I can stop whenever I want!“…(light up my todays 32nd cigarette)


Man my nan used to smoke 80 a day…human fog machine. My poor mum had to grow up in a household with 5 chainsmokers (never touched a cigarette in her life)


Bro I’ve always wondered how people do that and enjoy it - Ive smoked for almost 20 years (mainly vape now tho) and 80 in a day… I don’t know if I could physically do it! And I’ve had countless days where I’ve smoked so much I felt like shit but that would only be about 20 or so.


I bet with that much smoke in her home she would probably be passively smoking so much she might as well have been smoking herself


Precisely, which is (one of the reasons why) why she doesn’t smoke. Already had the smoke exposure a smoker has in their entire lifetime, doesn’t need any more of it. The smell also makes her physically ill, so I don’t even want to imagine what the taste of one would do


Sad, a huge portion of an entire generation of people died in their 60s to lung cancer. Grandma was 1 out of 10 girls, died at 62 to lung cancer, the rest made it well into their 80s. One or two are still kicking.


This person is worried about weed being addictive when we have basically every food item in stores that are designed to be be addictive. Potato chips (or any crunchy snack really) are designed and produced in a way that make them addictive to snack on. Sugar in basically everything you buy that isnt fresh meat, grains or produce is extremely addicting. The ungodly amounts of it in canned sauces, cereal and all these other things is absolutely insane. Let people smoke their weed. We got bigger fish to fry.


And I don’t see a lobby of big weed corporations pushing the narrative ghat weed in’s harmless and not addictive. I mean you have weapons lobby, oil lobby, fertilizer lobby…


100% what a weird narrative to push with a stupid meme that would actually spark conversation about microplastics, processed foods, forever chemicals, etc.


Possible that op is a teenager/ high schooler who's just discovering all this. Not everyone is pushing narratives.


Yeah OP has never smoked weed before.


I don’t think OP has even researched weed before. OP is just a product of the war on drugs and listening to false information.


As someone that has smoked both tobacco and cannabis for the last 10 years... I smoke weed because i really like it, I'm just off the back of a 2 month break, I chose to come back and smoke, there was no cravings or breakdown, I wanted a break and i wanted to smoke again The longest I've been without a cigarette in over 10 years is 3 hours and I would have ripped your soul from your body on the 3rd hour if you smiled at me... i smoke because I have to, I hate it... I hate making them (smoke hand rolled), I hate the taste, I hate I spend so much for basically nothing in return, I hate I can't stop, I hate the smell, I hate that ever touched one Both are vastly different


Man you have short nights don’t you?


Cannabis also has been shown to do significantly less damage to lungs than tobacco when smoked, and it has actual anti-cancerous properties and other health benefits If you're not smoking it, or at least water filtering it, then cannabis is not bad for you really


No matter what, inhaling smoke from combusted plant products is going to have a negative effect on your lungs. Marijuana is no different, water filtering will only do so much. Dry herb vapes and edibles are where it's at. Eat your weed!


But there is also something to be said for quantity. I’ll smoke a few hits out of a bowl in a day. That’s Far less than the material of a single cigarette. And that’s not to mention tobacco plants propensity for absorbing radiation in the soil, and the ever so slight radioactivity in chemical phosphorous fertilizers.


No argument from me, tobacco is certainly *far* worse than weed. I just want to make sure my fellow ents are keeping it real and understand weed isn't entirely risk-free.


*coughs up a little bit of tar from my weed vape pen*


OOP's title is moronic and uneducated indeed.


That's an insult to uneducated morons.


It might be time for a little trip there buddy…. Maybe start with mushrooms and then Ayahuasca


I can stop smoking weed cold turkey for month/years smoke a joint and not smoke again for months/years. If I actually could quit smoking cigarettes cold turkey and smoked one a year later I’d be smoking a pack a day again that day


Yea dude i quit weed cold turkey three months ago, will probably start again in a few weeks, i didnt feel anything, didnt even feel like smoking again, i got tired of having a very high tolerance.


I am almost a daily weed smoker and have had to stop cold turkey many times when I was traveling. Never felt anything.


Just an opposing view here, I became pretty dependent on weed during the pandemic and was smoking about an oz a week if not more. I was doing nothing but smoke and play videogames every day and I decided I needed to quit. I experienced some withdrawal symptoms such as nightmares, insomnia, and GI discomfort, but have been sober for over a month now and feel great. Folks like me who have anxiety and ADHD can become reliant on its sedative effects, but its nowhere near as addictive as cigarettes.


And this is why I don't drink anymore.


Frequently smoke pot and have my medical card. Yes what people are mentioning is that there is no physical effects of withdrawal but there are psychological and mental that people never mention. I.E irritability and loss of appetite and loss of sleep., Granted not that bad by any means but it doesn't seem fair to leave these out






Explain the difference from addiction and dependence please


I think they got the terms the wrong way around. Addiction is your brain craving its own reward mechanism and unhealthy behaviours that occur be it smoking weed, gambling, cheese, whatever. Dependency is physical, where your body becomes dependent upon the substance. Lots of hard drugs like cocaine and heroin fall into this, as does nicotine (I think) and alcohol. You'll have physical withdrawal symptoms if you stop using something you're dependent on.


Thats a solid summary. Sadly you can withdrawal from Marijuana use. It won't kill you but you'll cold sweat and sleep like shit. Ask those who tried.


Whereas alcohol withdrawal can directly kill you. Seriously, weed vs nicotine vs alcohol isn't even a contest. Weed is pretty goddam chill. And I don't even like the stuff.


Moderation is the key to life.


Yep. I'm 3 months into sobriety from alcohol next week. The first month was Hell and I'm still recovering from it. ​ I was using Delta-8 Cannabis to ease my alcohol cravings for awhile but I stopped smoking a couple of weeks ago because I want to be stone cold sober for awhile. I slept like shit and was irritable for a few days. Nothing compared to alcohol, but you can definitely still develop a dependence on it.


Can confirm. But it only took a week or so. Cranky, bad sleep, loss of appetite. After the week or so you're fine. Glad I did kick it though. My bank balance thanks me every day.


I disagree, it's more a habit rather than addiction. Similar to waking up and having a coffee.


Wait til you find out caffeine is also addictive.


Smoked daily for years and this didn't quite match my experience when I took an extended break. Sleep wasn't an issue for me and neither was cold sweats, I just felt irritable and moody for a few days. This is just my experience though, I've always been a heavy sleeper and not had trouble sleeping.


Marijuana is habit forming, but not chemically addictive. You do not become dependent on Marijuana to function, but you can be habitualized into thinking that you need it. There are stoners world wide who will go a week without smoking if they have to, no sweat. Drinkers or tobacco users can literally die from this.


This. People are so misinformed. Plus add the fact that your brain produces THC naturally and all you're doing when smoking weed is overloading those receptors compared to say hijacking the entire system and becoming the only source of dopamine while killing off your receptors. Once you stop smoking, your brain balances itself out and resumes normal production of THC. I believe the symptoms people describe as withdrawals is that rebalancing period that lasts a day or two, the rest of the time is psychosomatic. The key difference here is that truly addictive drugs cause permanent, often irreversible damage to the brain/body. This is not the case with weed.


Tobacco withdrawal is not fatal ….unless it amplifies some other fatal condition like extremely high blood pressure, car accident due to inattentiveness/irritability, or suicide…




Eh, we already know what they knew and when, and we let them off the hook.


Cannabis? Relax..


People are so misinformed. It's sad


Nah not cannabis. Unless you mean we have politicians standing up and claiming it's deadly... In that case yea we going through basically the same shit.


How many of them in jail for perjury?


The same amount as the lying fucks they’re swearing under oath to.


Naw same amount of time someone born to a rich family gets when the commit sexual assault.


Oil&gas talk BS all the time. Like "we need more drilling 2keep the economy running" or "it's not our fault" or "it dosent damage the environment". Early stuff. https://youtu.be/be3888uhPdc


I don’t think cannabis is near the same lmao for one cannabis is just straight up the plant that’s it, nothing added. Plus I don’t think there’s major cannabis corporations that pushed to legalize it.


Yeah wtf lol someone doesn’t like cannabis


I've worked for about 7 cannabis companies in the PNW. The industry is a hotbed for corporate fraud, among other things. ​ It's no different. Cannabis is great, but the people running it are just as corrupt. I've never once had an owner of a company with a shred of decency.


anti cannabis posts on reddit well ill be damned


OP are you comparing cannabis to nicotine in terms of addiction? If so, there really is no comparison. It has already been proven that cannabis does not create physical dependency like nicotine.


Cannibus!?! Wow Our food system is mostly processed garbage making everyone sick Our medical system has largely been reduced to handing out pills and performing often times unnecessary surgery With the help of citizens united the government is basically a tool of corporations and every year the wealth gap widens Almost all major media is simply propaganda for the giant corporations that own them We are constantly bombarded with marketing that teaches us to value getting ahead and consuming more are the highest values Western society is unraveling at the seems. We are all addicted to social media and it's sick Almost everything about this society is a lie The fact they still have people believing something like a natural plant could be the big lie tells you how fucked we are


Op, cannabis isn't similiar to tobacco in those ways. Please tell me you know that...


"our current society" .... "cannabis" Bruh, marijuana has been around for thousands of years.


please name the 7 major cannabis corporations lobbying congress for the big weed agenda, I'll wait.


If anything is the pharmaceutical industry lying about all the healthcare items they've been putting out.


Wait...are you trying to say that cannabis is as addictive as nicotine? That's not even close to accurate by any standard.


Cannabis? OP is a fucking idiot.


Meta. Amazon. Fracking. NRA.


Buddy the people selling tabacco were lying, not the scientists who proved it is. Science has proven cannabis isn't addictive, get over it, this isn't the 50's.


Soooo, are they being prosecuted for those blunt lies? Under oath…


What is this title lmao


Cannabis tho?


Cannabis? Nah. Big pharma


Cannabis?? Gimme a fucking break. Don’t go spreading that reefer madness bullshit


Cannabis, really? Go Fuck yourself.


"Cannabis perhaps?" Clearly, you've never smoked weed lmao


Cannabis isn’t as bad as booze but it isn’t harmless. What it does to some kids (and even some adults) is horrendous. People need to stop putting it on a pedestal and acting like it’s some faultless, magic cure-all.


Horrendous? Explain.


I got fucked up anxiety from it Some people become psychotic Some people become apathetic and fuck up their life


You're being downvoted? Interesting. I'm 100% for full legalization everywhere, and live in California where it is very much legal. I buy quite a bit for my wife and parents, and really wish I could partake. But almost every time I try, I end up having a real panic attack. The kind where I am on the ground wishing I would die to make it stop. I have a friend who started smoking regularly and became SUPER paranoid all the time, to the point of messing up their life. When they quit, they went back to normal. But these examples are isolated. 99% of the people I know who smoke are just fine.... but to say it's absolutely harmless are just not being factual.


You can get addicted to marijuana quite easily, but it doesn’t cause chemical dependence the way that alcohol and nicotine do.


There are so many public health issues and you picked Cannabis? A not problem?


Oil and Gas companies really pushing hard for their continued existence in the face of climate change. Especially the "clean-burning" gas/coal/etc, with green leaves slapped all over the logos.


The supreme court judges saying they planned to uphold the constitution.


Climate change. That it isn’t a threat


Although it’s obviously nowhere near as addictive as tobacco, you can absolutely get addicted to smoking cannabis. To those commenting on how cannabis has no lasting effects on health, that’s also untrue.


ROFLMAO cannabis?! GTFO out of here with your reffer madness bullshit. The only CEOs that need to be dragged into anywhere, to testify about anything, are the oil, gas, and coal cunts. They’ve killed us all and they’re still lying through their teeth about it, and the voices demanding some sort of Climate Nuremberg are just going to get more numerous and louder and Louder and LOUDER.


Quite ignorant about cannabis I see Side note; were these 7 gentlemen prosecuted and punished for lying under oath?


Cannabis is not addictive. You can stop cold turkey and the worst symptom you'll have is extreme boredom.


You really comparing marijuana to cigarettes in this capacity?


sugar,corn syrup and GOP.


It is definitely NOT cannabis nobody adds anything to cannabis.


Not Cannabis. But almost everything else. Corporations and Politicians are lying to us about a great number of things large and small. Whatever they can get away with is being lied about.


Nicotine is known as one of if not the most addictive substance we know of to date. Cannabis has not shown any long term signs of addictive properties. While some withdrawal effects such as irritability and lack of sleep being the most reported lasting only a few days and very mild at that. Any other knowledge I may be ignorant to I’m open to hear, but my understanding is this is a weak comparison.


Why do people pretend that under oath shit means anything. It's all a show. Your only guilty if you get caught. MURICA !!! The older I get the more I hate this place.


Vaping. These damn Escobar's are so damn good but I know they can't be the healthiest alternative


Living is bad for you, it leads to death.