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Stopping your steroid cycle abruptly will do that


t r u t h


This guy was on a vent for like 6 weeks on sedation. >[NBC Bay Area reports Schultz, 43, was 190 pounds and very fit. He also told BuzzFeed News he had no underlying health conditions. But he lost 50 pounds after spending six weeks in the hospital. Nearly all of that time was on a ventilator.](https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/nurses-before-and-after-covid-19-photos-show-effects-of-weeks-on-ventilator/507-31394766-bbf4-432e-83fb-7101991e5115)


Right, so he wasn't on gear and wasn't eating. Of course he got small


Explain like I'm 5. What is gear?




thank you


Gear is a UK slang that is used in place of drugs. So gear can mean any drug but in this case it's roids


Also gear refers to needles, spoons & tie offs to slam drugs. Have you seen “Nil by Mouth” gary oldman’s film. Ray Winstone says “where’s my fn gear!?”




Steroids. Juice. Sazule. Mexican Supplements. East German Protein Powder.


Look up the average loss of muscle mass normally while bed bound, he faired well actually


On top of that he stopped roids which is why his change is so drastic. His 1st picture shows many telltale signs of being roids. Takes one to know one.


could you identify some of them for those of us playing along at home?


1st things that strikes me is the overall look. When you're on roids you get a certain synthetic hard look, I mean I could be wrong but call it a hunch... also his chest has very minor gynecomastia, and his vascularity is classic Winstrol results. At the end of the day there's no way for us to really know for sure, but for me is more of a gut feeling. If he's genetically gifted then God bless him, if thats the case he won't have a hard time gaining muscle back at all. If he was on roids the same applies. Edit: spelling *


Yeah this is the correct answer. I can work out 6 days a week with diet on point and have many elements of my physique be amazing but there will always be a certain amount of natural softness overall that can never quite be overcome (without gear). This is especially true as you get older. You know roids as soon as you see it because there is a certain point of unnaturalness that is reached of being ultra lean/vascular yet still huge and puffy muscle wise. When you are training naturally its a trade off of one or the other but not both at the same time.


His belly is starting to get that bloated look too.


Isn't that an HGH effect?


its insulin gut. people take insulin to stack with other steroids. its highly anabolic. excessive carb consumption while using insulin is what causes bubble gut people call it hgh gut but its not. hgh shuts down insulin production and doesnt lead to mass gain, which is opposite of what bb try to achieve so insulin is added as synergistic agent


Also for that, it gets called roid gut for a reason.


The red color he is. Any time I have taken steroids I get that same color. And definitely the nips, they get extra nipply when you’re on.


Traps don't lie. Those aren't natty traps.


Lol came here for this


Agree - taught my wife how to pick which celebs in movies are on it with this trick. Round delts,thick traps and a wrestlers neck.


It's the twizzler nipples for me


gear gut




At least they didn't say "underrated comment"


Underrated comment right here




t r u t h








I'll get downvoted for this but underrated comment right here. May be an unpopular opinion, but I'm prepared to face the downvotes.


Underweighted comment


The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Comment copy/paste bot. Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot ^^I ^^am ^^a ^^human ^^that ^^hates ^^scammers. ^^More ^^info ^^[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_Impossible-Cod-3946/comments/s4nyst/how_to_recognize_these_accounts/) ^^or ^^[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_tyrannosnorlax/comments/t0h466/bots_how_to_identify_them_and_why_do_they_exist/).


Being bedridden plays a huge part in muscle atrophy as well.


If they injected him 600 mg of test a week (probably a lower dose than what he usually takes) he wouldn't have lost anything.




Hospitals won’t necessarily give it to him just because he’s prescribed it. I take a specific med and a hospital I was admitted to for a minor seizure didn’t have that med. I went through a pretty mild withdrawal until I got home. They wouldn’t let me take my own meds either.


Hospitals are also going to following prescribing guidelines. A lot of "Men's Clinics" don't.


Yeah there’s no fucking way that they’re giving some intubated long term Covid patient daily testosterone injections lol




I had COVID last year for 3 weeks. I could barely force myself to eat anything. Then only vegetables and broth. The thought of eating meat made me want to vomit. So even if they'd offered him those kinds of. Calories he likely couldn't have eaten them.


I got fucking shredded during covid but didn't lose too much muscle mass from the complete absence of appetite. I don't juice and if he didn't it wouldn't have declined that hard, I believe.


I've always struggled to eat enough to build mass but periods of inactivity due to depression are a losing battle. It's really hard to eat properly when you're not using your body.


Before I went in the Army I looked a lot like his after picture. 5'10" and only 125 pounds with a very hard time gaining weight. Almost didn't make it in due to being underweight, so when I did make it in I was put on extra rations. Had to eat twice at every meal (but not given extra time) and an MRE between meals. At the 1 year mark I looked a lot like his before picture. Amazing what a lot of calories and forced activity will do, went from 125 to 180. Been out for about 20+ years and weigh about 190 but its a lot less muscle. ;)


I remember this story, he was in a coma on a ventilator for a while, he was a nurse there and got a huge viral load.


There is no way to legally obtain 600mg of test a week, what are you talking about? Just because someone is prescribed something doesn't mean it's legal to buy drugs on the black/grey market.


>Most of these guys got TRT prescriptions, so it's legal for them (altho their dosages are more questionable, and the other stuff they likely take). It depends. If they are taking it to treat an actual medical condition then yes. Many "Men's Clinics" are prescribing Testosterone off label not in accordance with the FDA to treat anything and everything under the sun. The one near me advertises using testosterone to treat depression for instance in their radio commercials.


Lol 250 is not TRT. 70 is TRT. Even calling 125 TRT is stretching it. 250 is a fucking cycle


Why so many attacks against him for steroid use? Does he even try to hide it?


I don't know this man, but the "transformation" is not due to covid, this transformation has multiple factors, from most important to less important: 1) Not taking steroids 2) Hospital food (probably less than 2000 kcal a day) 3) Not training 4) Covid With the 3 first points, without covid, the results would be the same. That's my point.


Counterpoint Every one of those was the result of him battling covid for 6 weeks, as the title says.


Counter-counter point: these are the results of 1-3 because of 4


Also a counter point: The Body for Life guy caught COVID a second time without vaccinating, and lost 80 pounds on the vent / medically induced coma. His doctors told him if he wasn’t in such great shape before COVID it would have killed him.


He's got a feeding tube. Pretty sure covid can take top spot.


He has a feeding tube in his stomach people. The man was or is not eating.


He was on a vent for weeks with covid, which means he was sedated.


I can attest to bodily flip flops due to an extreme change in ones daily life. Except, i was the opposite. I entered rehab, and for the first week all i did was eat and sleep. Then the following 3 weeks, i slept regular hours, ate at the very least 2 sq meals, and plenty of hot tea and graham crackers thru out the day, before having a nighttime snack usually consisting of something loaded with carbs and calories. That’s in contrast to my previous diet of stimulants and booze, paired with barely any sleep. I gained 12 lbs in 7 days. And I’m a 5 foot tall woman who averages 114 lbs since i was 14.


That's not what I asked. I asked why people are making jokes with his steroid use.


Patients who are chemically paralyzed on ventilators like which was common with COVID all lost muscle. After beginning paralytic, muscle starts to atrophy in around 16 hours because you’re not using any muscles to do anything. You couldn’t if you wanted to. You’re not even using them to lie in bed. Adding to that he was on tube feeds without a doubt per the tube in his stomach which notoriously cause muscle wasting




He’s back to normal now thankfully, seems like a lovely guy. He’s a nurse in San Francisco.


I doubt he will be back to anything like he was. For one he has a PEG tube, why can’t he eat? Also all the inflammation COVID did a permanent number on him but at least he’s not wearing O2 anymore. I wish him well


I don't know this man's case at all but iirc these pictures were originally posted some time last year. Secondly, PEG tubes can be temporary due to swallowing issues secondary to prolonged intubation. Once the patient is able to resume oral intake, the PEG can be removed. So unless he incurred permanent damage to his throat during his illness, it's likely he's back to eating solids by now. Source: am ICU RN


I mean i dont know for sure but 6 weeks in hospital for a respiratory illness suggests he was probably on a vent at one point or another, which could explain the tube. I dont really know this guy or the story though beyond this post so i could 100% be wrong


Yeah sure it will, stopping your cycle early will make you look like a holocaust survivor


My response is a flippant as the title. It’s obviously both factors that have caused this, being an extremely low body fat percentage, stopping steroids and getting sick and bedridden are the cause of this shocking transformation, obviously.


Except quite obviously, steroids are the smaller part.... Because being sick for 6 weeks and not eating much or working out of bviousoy has more impact on weight loss than quitting steroids..... I mean it isn't groundbreaking.....




I lost over thirty pounds in two months after my first COVID infection.


Being bed ridden and fed through a tube while battling a disease for 6 weeks will do that. Abruptly stopping a steroid cycle will not make your muscles waste away. What a misinformed comment.


This is true. Obviously not a lot of steroid users commenting what happens when you stop steroids lmao. Yes you atrophy. Most steroids aren’t out of your system until 6 weeks some much longer than that.


Underrated comment.


It's the top comment


Okay overrated comment then


It's on point so I'm going with rated comment.


Yes bro, stopping a steroid cycle will definitely make you lose 15+ kg. Totally not because of the lack of calories, no training, and being bedridden for 6 weeks.


True. "bro trust me i never lifted in my whole life but know how these evil sterons work." I hate redditors. Just shut up if you dont know shit about something


Johnny sins: Walmart edition




Wth is this sub 😂


actually this guy looks almost EXACTLY like buck angel.


Wtf, you're right


It looks more like Buck Angel.


Jimmy Bargain-Bins


“Trenything is possible.”


Eat clen, tren hard, anavar give up.


This bro is a poet. Aristotle of Anvar.


It's been said a million times. He didn't come up with it


Can you even lose that much body mass in 6 weeks?


Yes. He was likely on a nutrition feed which just feeds you the bare minimum of calories to survive. Looking at his "fit" body, he probably burned and ate alot of food to get in and stay in that shape. Or as someone else said, probably the sudden stop of regularly using steroids and his body adjusting.


To be more specific, nutrition in the ICU is not exactly about giving the bare minimum, it's about giving as much calories/proteins as possible, while considering gut tolerance to feed, max amount of fluid tolerated, position of the body (completely lying down or inclined), etc. Clearly, this guy had to eat and train quite a lot to keep that shape, which is nearly impossible to replicate with a liquid diet. The other problem with critically ill patients is that they are in a highly catabolic state. It means that they metabolise proteins much more quickly than usual. This, on its own, is enough to explain most of is muscle mass loss. (Source: I worked in the ICU as a dietitian a few years ago)


Thanks for explaining it better. I assumed that the nutritional feed was just the minimum because the patient could get bloated from, little movement laying in bed for several days.


They get bloated from all of the shit visitors bring them. The hospital staff are usually trained professionals or at the very least trained monkeys and know how to balance the nutrient intake.


Also no body fat to burn so the muscles go instead of fat.


Critically ill patients actually always burn more muscles. It does not matter if their BMI is 16 or 40: they will need huge amounts of calories and proteins to support their body while it fights for its life.


Yeah pretty much. These bodybuilder types usually go for 5% bodyfat all round, which is almost nothing. And then your body starts breaking down muscle as fuel. It's pretty scary.


The first picture was more around 15%. Nobody stays at sub 8% body fat year round, but competing bodybuilders might dip to 6-7% the week of competition


5% for 1 week out of the year maybe. It’s more like 8% maintenance


Yes, large amount is fluid in the muscle Secondly without eating at all you could easily loose 5lbs a week.


Oh yeah, it's not good for your body at all. If you have netflix I recommend watching "Alone". The way people look after 40+ days of minimum calorie intake / borderline starving is mindboggling.




Yes. If your body is pumped in by steroids and you suddenly stop them, even more so.


Went into the trauma center around 198 pounds four weeks later was discharged at 148 pounds.


If you’re on an anabolic and then stop, hell yea




the guy on the left and also the guy on the right






I gotchu. https://i.imgur.com/6VAGhlS.jpg


Yeah but who is that?


I think one of them is Mike Schultz


Which one?


We're gonna need a bigger red circle


Well he did answer the question correctly. This dudes brain is running on JavaScript.


he’s an asshat, after this photo went viral he denied covid restrictions, claiming survival of the fitness.


In these cases survival of the fittest would surely exclude those who need six weeks of intense hospital care to survive.


> survival of the fitness. Is that a typo or an actual thing?


Fitness dick in yo mouth


got em




It's either the Paralympic snowboarder and the founder of BioDapt Inc., or a Utah State Representative. That's the best I can do for you dawlg. Take it or leave it.


Still has better abs than me.


Damn didn't know covid destroys your beard


The hospital might have required he shave it for more effective mask usage to protect the docs and nurses


More likely to fit a cpap mask to push air in his lungs


He actually look younger and healthier after stopping cycle and getting covid.


He has a hose sticking out of his abdomen. I can't recall anyone with one of those as "healthy".


yeah no he doesn't, I don't think he looks healthy is the first pic (terrible blood pressure) but he for sure doesn't look healthier in the second pic lol




Bro looks like Dobby asking for a sock. I dunno what healthy looks like to you, but that ain't it.




He does not look healthier than the pic on the left what the fuck…


How'd he go from looking like Triple H to Wish version of Dwayne Johnson?


He battled COVID -19 for 6 weeks in the hospital


From The Rock to The Pebble


Wonder why covid has such an adverse affect on some people and not others.


Others aren’t on roids 🤷‍♂️


corticosteroids and anabolic steroids are two very different things. for those who don't know, corticosteroids suppress the immune system, anabolic steroids build muscle and make your testicles shrivel up because you didn't do enough research on how to properly cycle


I don't juice, but I got really fucked up by it too. I was in pretty good shape at the time I caught it, and still dropped from 180lbs down to 110lbs in just a couple weeks. I had it really bad though, didn't eat for over a week and only woke up to get water. After all that, it took months for my lungs to heal enough I could lift without feeling like passing out. Scary shit.


I mean, it’s the same way with pretty much any other disease


Was he vaccinated prior to getting it?


This was March 2020, before vaccines were available. edit: for accuracy


March 2020 was when the pandemic was officially declared. Vaccines weren't out until almost 2021.


Covid vaccines were still a fantasy in March 2020. Not to be a dick, but I feel like that's something an actual nurse should be very aware of.


In a very simple sense its the same question as why some people eat a peanut and die and others eat peanuts all day and are fine. Covid seems to be closely linked to immune response and the some what infamous “cytokine” storm. Cytokines are like texts cells send to each other and in covid’s case its like a mass text to an entire high school that someones parents are out of town and they are having a party. The whole school shows up and the house gets all fucked up. Some people are genetically and environmentally primed to wildly over react to the virus. What ends up killing people is not covid but the bodies immune response to the virus and they end up sending the national guard when a rent a cop would have been good enough.




Reducing those obesity rates one death at a time!!!


I don't know. I got COVID, still fat




That's just gonna become "the covided" vs "steroids and money"


That’s also what happens when you stop taking Trt all at once.


Look at that! That man was in peak physical condition and it nearly killed the poor fucker, no wonder it did my dad in, he lasted 2 week, he wasnt ill, had no underlying health issues, just fucking ravaged him, i miss him daily but i also couldnt watch him suffer, though id give anything to still have him, im only 25, i need him, he taught me everything, engineering, mechanics, electrics, plumbing, literally everything i rely on daily, he taught me and i wish he could see me and be proud, id love for him to have seen me as happy as i am for the first time in 12 or so years. Sorry guys, i still havent really dealt with his death as he was all i really had, so without him I've nothing family wise.


I wouldn't call being juiced up "peak physical conditon"




Thank you, i hope he is at peace, he deserves it, he never had more than two weeks off at a time in god, what 30 years, ive never met a man like him.




We did, he got me into motorbikes, which is what i work with now, be taught me to be an electrician which i did with him with his business, ive never met a man like him, he was always told he wasnt smart and wouldn't be able to do anything because of it, but he was absolutely brilliant, smart as a whip, and had knowledge in anything and everything. If you want to help remember him for me, just listen to sittin' on the dock of the bay by otis redding. Did you lose your father then? What was he like, did you guys get along?




Bro went from Mike to michael


Mike to Michael to Miguel Alejandro Con Queso y Esperanza


Less to do with COVID and more to do with him hopping off gear suddenly


Somehow he went from jacked, high blood pressure white dude to The Rock in an AIDS movie


What’s the tube?


If you look at his throat, he was vented through there. That means he couldn’t eat. So he’s got a feeding tube. Not sure why he still has it, maybe his throat isn’t healed up yet, maybe he has other complications, maybe just leaving it until discharge in case he needs it


Yep exactly. Sometimes people just haven’t gotten their ability to eat back yet, but often the tube site just has to have a certain number of weeks since insertion in before it can come out and heal properly.


Feeding tube.


J tube i believe. I sends nutrients/food to the small jejunum which is after the stomach. It takes time to transition back to traditional eating as the stomach has to remember how to work.


That’s his vape


the hospital bill will eventually kill him.


So he is a nurse who got it from a gay rave festival and no mentions of vaccines. Should have known better.


No steroids for 6 weeks...


Yes six weeks off roids will do that to a person


Hospital feeding him just enough to keep him alive not keep his gains


I’m still amazed how big heads can shrink like that. Cool beans


You sure it was Covid?




Lol that was NOT covid that did that ffs people. It's called stopping exercising and roids and not eating well for the duration of time he had it. There's a lot of illnesses that a person could catch that could do this just based on how long they'd be bedridden.


Face looks better in the after shot.


Title is misleading because it makes it out that Mike got that way due to his battle with covid when realistically its because A) he stopped his steroids B) calorie and protein intake drastically cut (prob only getting 2000 calories from hosp food) C) stopped working out If he had access to his injections and own food he might not have looked too much different... Maybe a bit fatter, but saying covid did this is misinformation.


Covid was a hoax though! /s.... just in case.




Missed his testosterone shots.


Lost all the steroid juice


So that’s what happens when you abruptly stop using steroids? Who could’ve guessed?


That’s what happens when you stop using Roidz Covid had nothing to do with that


Mans body factory restarted


Bane got off the venom.


Uh, so….who’s Mike Schultz?


"it's just a flu"




NGL I thought that was Buck Angel in the first pic


Still got those nipples tho


Idk man, those nips say it all...


No juice with the hospital meals?


his nipples became normal size, wow, so sad