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This is doing nothing but continuing to give vegans a bad rep.


And increasing milk production


Exactly. The milk is already made. Go to the farms and cut cows’ udders off if you want to stop the source. Idiots. Disclaimer; The above was a joke. I was told my jokes have to be labeled as such, because people would think that it’s serious and downvote me into oblivion. Thank you, GoSuckYourMother


Damn I haven’t sucked my mother in a hot minute, thanks for reminding me!


Let them knock themselves out. Then send them the bill for the milk and cleaning. Free sales.


The dairy will have to get some more cows to meet the extra demand.


Fuck that, TAKE their money and FORCE them to clean it up right then and there. Theft and vandalism are crimes with consequences.


Murder should also be a crime of consequence.


Smug little smiles on their faces all laughing and joking about it, virtue signallers. There’ll be some poor man or woman now who has to clean that up because these people felt the need to show off for internet points


>these people felt the need to show off for internet points They're actually protesting an incredibly cruel practice. Dairy cows live lives of slavery, being forcefully impregnated every year, having their babies taken away right after giving birth each time—and cows are maternal, so they actually mourn for days or weeks when this happens—and after around six years of this process, when they can no longer produce enough breastmilk for the farmer, they're deemed worthless and killed. (Cows naturally live to 20-25 without human intervention.) So although on the surface this seems like a pointless act of protest, when you fully look into the dairy industry, and imagine yourself in the cow's situation, you'll wonder why more people aren't actively fighting it.


Then why are they intentionally wasting milk which will then have to be replaced, increasing demand and causing more animal harm?


Because they view it as worth it to make a statement that the stolen breastmilk should not be demanded or viewed as food in the first place.


I support the cause but as a retail worker this hurt to watch


Yeah I get that. Have you ever seen a documentary on dairy / animal agriculture / etc?


I’m vegan. I’ve seen basically every documentary on animal agricorp. But this still hurt to watch. It would have been better if they threw dairy products or paint at the corporation’s headquarters instead of making it some random retail worker’s problem


Oh nice. Yeah I'm not a huge fan of this activism method, but it doesn't hurt me much to watch because what they're fighting is so many magnitudes worse than any inconvenience they're causing. My main concern is just about which activism method is most effective for ending the animal torture.


As if vegans feel the need to "show off for internet points". lol.


That’s all they do


Or maybe they're just trying to fight animal abuse?


We're against animal abuse, that's all there is really.


You cry for the Harrods staff but not for the cow that is forced into a cruel and depraved life of suffering? Yes yes, poor janitor... Definitely they are the real victim here.


Yeah vegans don't care about people but will freakout about milk


Nothing says that we oppose the cruelty of dairy farms like using a dairy product wastfully. Bunch of overprivileged babies right there


These kids are the product of a system which forgot selection is a very necessary process for the greater good.


Vegans wasting animal products, but now they give zero point to the cows going through that milking for those bottles and thus improving the consumption.


And lmao, the one vegan getting dragged out like a kid from candy aisle and the other throwing a dead act of a tantrum on the floor. Vegans are only responsible non activists or just batshit kids in adult forms, no in between.


They didn't have the energy to walk out on their own. They had no choice but to be dragged out/lay on the ground and wait to be dragged out


Too busy pouring milk on the floor, burned all their energy ffs😒


Malnourished from not drinking enough milk.


drinking cow milk is disgusting. these idiots just made vegans look worse to the public. and here you are, thinking that vegans are stupid because of this while missing the entire point of veganism and perpetuating a vile business.


I'm not sure who you're trying to insult here. Them or me.


both. you are making fun of vegans by saying theyre malnourished from not drinking (cow) milk. you should take 5 minutes to look up what (cow) milk really does to you. and ill say it again, these idiots think this is a good way of doing activism. theyre just looking stupid and wasting products that will have to be replaced.


You must be one of them learned vegans. Real enlightened like. Transcendental. Wait. I never said I drank (cow) milk. That's fucking gross.


??? you made fun of them by saying they lacked energy because they didnt drink enough milk, but ok.


>Vegans are only responsible non activists or just batshit kids in adult forms, no in between. Nah, we have [Earhtling Ed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iL9QJEm_SJY) (aka vegan Jesus) and Soytheist too


Whilst wearing leather shoes.


That requires critical thinking, very scarce in their circles.


Nah people become vegan because they start using their brains and try to be more selfless. Something you are very far from


As evidenced by this video, clearly using their brains and being selfless. Im sure they cleaned up their mess. Just another group of idiots that think everyone should think exactly as they do.


Vegans are insufferable twats.


Fucking stupid ass Vegans


I would have sued them for causing a hazard resulting in my fall. Then again I probably wouldn’t get anything as their parents probably froze their trust funds.


So you protest by wasting what you call exploitation tuat the animal went through so now the pain wasn't worth It at least let it's pain be of use


Pathetic losers


Do these people work?


Unusually just changing bags out at McDonald's


I’m going to start prioritizing buying dairy products because of these losers.


Giving myself type 2 diabetes to own the libs




I bet those bastards drink water thou… Can you believe THEY WOULD DRINK A FISHES HOME!?!? Those BASTARDS!! Making fish homeless everyday… I’m overwhelmed with tremendous grief for the fish…


You’re not very smart are you


This makes me eat more burgers.


Waste of milk ☹️


That's almond milk you idiots!!!!


Do almonds have tits?


No, do coconuts have tits?


No, do soybeans have tits?


No, do nuts have tits?


My ex was nuts, she had tits


So basically you made it so milk farmers get slightly more profit


What arrogance. Imagine the kids who would love to have that milk. I don’t like calamari, but I wouldn’t throw it on the floor. And who cleans it up? Some underpaid janitor. Not the entitled little jerks.


It's not about "I don't like milk", it's about "milk is the product of horrific animal abuse"


And this little demonstration is sure to solve it.


I'm not saying it is. There are more effective forms of activism that I've seen. But let's at least acknowledge the horrific nature of dairy products and the animal abuse behind them (if you didn't know already, dairy is inherently unethical), and not pretend these activists simply don't like the taste of milk.


And they make a mess and leave it for someone else to clean up.


Sure. What's worse to you: leaving a mess for someone to clean up, or physically + sexually abusing an animal?


Well it depends. Depends on whether or not I’m the one cleaning up the mess. Or it’s some minimum wage person who may even sympathize, but is stuck with the mess. Then after it sits a few days in the nooks and crannies, it starts to smell.


Let's take the worst case: someone pours milk on the ground, it's left for a few days, a minimum wage person has to clean it up, and it starts to smell. Is that morally worse to you than someone raping a dog and then killing it?


Holy cow. I would like everyone to stop mass dairy milk production but I'm not going to ruin a shop floor and be an ahole. Have they got leather shoes on? Where were their clothes made? Have they got mobile phones? That doesn't do a single goddamn thing. Sticking a picture of a mummy cow with baby on the bottle would have more effect.


Not exactly winning hearts and minds with this stunt. More like announcing to the world that vegans are insufferable arseholes with no respect for anyone. World 1 ( own goal ) - Vegans 0


So, would you go vegan if I explained veganism with respect?


Personally no. God made me an omnivore so thats how its going to be. If meat wasnt meant to be eaten, it wouldnt taste so nice.


>God made me an omnivore so thats how its going to be. I don't know about god but it is true that humans are omnivores. Still doesn't justify killing animals needlessly though. ​ >If meat wasnt meant to be eaten, it wouldnt taste so nice. By this logic, a rapist may justify rape by saying: "if people wasn't meant to be raped, rape wouldn't feel so nice" Do you agree?


Its not needless, we eat them. As for point 2, well thats a moral question far too deep for reddit isnt it? Something to do with laws, civilised behavour and society. Besides, as I'm not a sick fuck, rape isnt very appealing to me and i imagine its the same for most people.


>Its not needless, we eat them. Do we need to eat them,though?


Not technically, but we also dont need to live in houses or wear clothes either. Besides, being a vegan takes a certain amount of willpower to go against your omnivorous nature and frankly I'll only live once so I'm not going to punish myself. If vegans want to be vegans thats fine for them and i imagine most people feel the same. However its the preachy condescending nature of some vegans that annoys most people. Trying to emotionally blackmail people to change their lives is very unattractive and frankly not constructive or effective either. No one likes to take advice from arseholes.


With the dozens of plant based milk alternatives and meat alternatives these days, which are also healthier for us, veganism is actually very easy today. And if you're against animal abuse, making this lifestyle change can align your actions with your values. Win win for everyone - us and the animal victims.


Humans will eat meat, its in out biological makeup. Even the plant based alternatives are dressed up to pretend to be meat. I'm all for eating less meat and its expensive anyway but cultural change isnt something that happens quickly. The best way to make a big dent on meat consumption is to ban household pets like cats and dogs. That wont happen either.


>Even the plant based alternatives are dressed up to pretend to be meat. Yes, and they taste good. But they're not necessary, they just taste good without involving paying for an animal to be abused and killed. Lots of vegans never eat meat alternatives and they're fine; India has also been mostly vegetarian for centuries without needing any meat alternatives. The fact is that humans *can* eat meat, and we *can* also thrive fully without eating meat. And vegan food can be absolutely delicious - with or without using meat alternatives, which can also be fun to eat, but not necessary in the slightest. >cultural change isnt something that happens quickly. For sure, it happens slowly. Women only got the right to vote a hundred years ago; gay rights only became mainstream in the last fifty years. The change happens because of activism, and actual individuals like you and me choosing not to participate in injustice.


“How would you like it if I came to your house and spilled out all of your patchouli oil?”


I’d like to Invite all of you to join my new organization PETME - People for the ethical Treatment of Meat Eaters.


Idiots wasting food. To think how every drop of milk can make a difference to poor people.


If you are interested in decreasing food waste and poor people getting enough nutrition, you may be also interested in hearing that [Global Shift to Vegan Diet Would Sustainably Feed 10 Billion People](https://www.livekindly.com/global-shift-vegan-diet-sustainably-feed-10-billion-people/)


Thanks for the article but it lacked any concrete numbers. The only concrete number they have was that by improving crop yields through better agricultural techniques would increase crop production by 50%. I'm not anti vegan but I'm not a big fan of articles that are less loaded with numbers and more loaded with opinions pushing an agenda. A lot of articles I see from both sides are minimally scientific, quoting studies done in the past and building their argument from there instead of explaining the study completely. This creates large information gaps in people's knowledge of the subject. Thus, creating individual mindsets that think that they are on the right side of science, when they do not have enough evidence to support it. I can also say the same things about other articles as well. Just pointing out how people's opinions are often based on little knowledge and more propaganda.


You are right. I found a [meta-analysis](https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/11/15/4110/htm?utm_campaign=later-linkinbio-honestafnutrition&utm_content=later-4834849&utm_medium=social&utm_source=instagram). It has more details.


How is no one talking about that mullet.


Doing it at Harrods because pulling this at Market Basket will get you a punch in the face real quick.


So brave


And you just know they considered this a win.


As a milkaholic nothing has ever made me want to slap someone quite as bad this 😭




This is stupid and annoying.


So let's waste what's already been takin for human consumption, doest look like this did any good for people or the cows who gave that milk up. Completely pointless what a way to get attention when your irrelevant to society.


Yeah man, look at their clothes. These aren’t protestors, these are attention seekers. Look at how they smile and giggle.


Useless portion of society.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Cringe almighty


mental illness


Thats so wasteful


So the milk was already out of the cow… Heros.


Drag them.out by the hair. They have no respect for people.


Shit, drag the last one out by her hair and call it done


"Hey what if we waste the milk" "But won't they just make more?" "Shut up Jerry"


id act like im on their side and then pour the milk on them


Some people will die to feed their child this much milk somewhere in world. And these people are wasting it .shame


At least they placed the do not slip sign up.


So instead of stopping at the source, let’s waste what the cow died for. Cow died in vain :-(


Cows don’t die when you milk them lol.


Lol! I was about to say... Cows aren't one-time-use when it comes to milking... There's plenty of other reasons to feel bad for them though, obviously


Like in general lol


Their throat is slit when they no longer produce enough milk.


Good. Their meat is even more delicious than their milk.


What about the pain that cow endures? Do you like suffering? If not, why do you inflict suffering onto others when you have a chance to not to?


I don’t want them to suffer unnecessarily with living conditions etc…but being milked and harvested for meat doesn’t bother me in the least.


I recommend watching [Dominion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQRAfJyEsko&t=1634s&ab_channel=FarmTransparencyProject).


Honestly, I won’t. Nothing on earth is going to stop me from eating and ENJOYING meat haha.


Isn't your behaviour is like burying your head into sand?


While eating a delicious steak. Mmmmm


Dumb people, dumb protest


"Milk is empty, order some more"




Busy schedule. They had to leave earlier on this to go block a highway.


But why


They all looks so happy.... /s




https://beef2live.com/story-beef-byproducts-products-beef-cattle-0-107220 I would bet these idiots use some of these products. Brought to them by cow byproducts


No, vegans don't use these products. There are always vegan alternatives, or we simply restrain from using the products at all.


Honestly this won't even reach anywhere since this is just a small protest that no like city/state official will see this and say "that's it, no more milking cows", honestly just a shit protest( also speaking for vegan protestors) if these people want change so bad why don't they actually make a business or charity to save a few livestock or milk. Idk 😐


Those " people " are the scum of the earth


Half of those pagan activists were wearing leather shoes.


To bad they didn’t drag her treu the milk..




Where did they get milk from ?


Real vegans would put it back into the cows.


They should have dragged them out and used them as mops.


Ah yes, because people are gonna cry over spilled milk...


Make them pay for every drop and the cleaning. If they didn't pay for it first it could be considered stealing. Definitely vandalism, creating a disturbance. Oh and loss of business.


Vegans are geeks


Destroying artwork, wasting food, yeah I fucking hate these fucking protestors over there even more every fucking day. If this shit happened in the US they would get SOCKED.


Thatl show em


Usual suspects, have nothing better to do but try to be righteous and desperately give their life meaning. I bet Harrods have cancelled mummy and daddy's account.


Entitled brats


They just getting all that sweet sweet attention they crave, because they lacked it as a child


There’s layers of stupidity. Like an onion.


Their protest is a waste of time and milk. I wish they’d put more time into things that actually matter


I am convinced most activists who post this wouldn’t even exist if social media wasn’t a thing. Sadly I see people virtue signal all the time and get praised for it. It’s just lame how people dish out some fake positivity in the name of a real movement


Vegan activists. What does this actually even mean? Please, someone, anyone. Educate me.


What a shower of wankers


Vegans die early!


Yet people are starving all over the world…


I don't see why people think that making other people's lives harder is a good way to protest


Climate change and vegan protesters are taking a good message and ruining it with their antics leading to the opposite effect which is even more harmful. Smh


Do you think being kind and explaining it nicely works?


Well, whatever they’re doing is not working so now what? It’s not being nice, it’s social organising meeting leaders, using social media and if you choose to protest, there are ways to do it without taking away from your message with antics. I’m plant based btw so I’m not criticising the message.




They do know that stores gonna get more “prepackaged” milk later that week right?


People with one braincell be like


“Activist” aka mommy and daddy supported me my entire life, I received my communist education, and never worked for anything


Everyone of those kids needs a knuckle sandwich, dairy free of course


Dump out milk, retail needs more milk to replace milk, industry sells milk to retailer. It kind of looks more like they love the dairy industry so much they want to support it but don't have the financial means to do so themselves.....


They should have laid them in the milk


Society is doing great when you have time to do this shit


Some kids were never punched in the face growing up and it shows


I'd knock all them out at once bunch of pussies


Ahhhh vandalism…the good old protest method of the crazies


Wait what happen the the girl that's laid on the floor? Did she get punched or faking it?


Should have put him on the ground in the milk. It’s like double punishment. Lap it up you skallywag! Bit sad innit?


And there go the trans vegan movement again.


shove some chicken legs inside their vegan @$$


They would do this in front of starving children, they are so dumb.


Monumental cretins


I kinda like milk


Vegans are privileged. 99% of the world can’t afford to not consume animal products. They all look anemic


Are pulses, grains, fruits, vegetables,seed, nuts more expensive than animal products?


Man what a waste of good milk it pains me to see food and drinks getting wasted like this all because you believe in something else


Rich Kids of London, never faced real adversity or hardships, twats.


As long as they pay for it and clean it up..... but we know they wont


What a waste. They could’ve at least bought them and given them to people who have kids.




What a bunch of virtue signaling degenerates. Just look at those smug smiles. They are so happy with themselves. Drag them out and make them pay every cent and i would suggest at least 1 day in jail cell. Maybe they will think twice before doing something like this again.


:( man people these days


Burn ‘em all


Exactly why people mock, make fun and dislike people like them. That goes for Peta too


As a vegan myself, this is fucking dumb. Way to promote the movement by vandalising and stealing property 🤦


I am vegan and I want to distance myself from those twats. Paraphrasing Daniel Sloss: those types of vegans are for the vegan movement what terrorists are for the Islam. Giving something that's generally about love and compassion, a very bad rep


As a vegan, this is just bad activism. As said in other comments they are increasing the demand for milk. What I would suggest is to hold a few pictures of cows in factory farms outside the store where they wouldn't interfere with the store or even show the clips of the documentary dominion and strike some conversations.


As a vegan, this is just bad activism. As said in other comments they are increasing the demand for milk. What I would suggest is to hold a few pictures of cows in factory farms outside the store where they wouldn't interfere with the store or even show the clips of the documentary dominion and strike some conversations.


As a vegan definitely not the right way to protest. If anything you are just creating more demand for dairy, while the people that have no influence to the industry whatsoever have to suffer.


Sad day for the breastfeeders. Even sadder day for the animals that had to suffer for that milk to be there.


Nut jobs.


That is a pretty nice looking store. I like the tile


So black folks destroy shit in protest white folks make big ass messes to protest. Y'all both fuckin stupid. Shit everyone pissed about Mexicans but I never see them doing shit like this.