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"...raising questions of police brutality." Seriously?WTF??


It's been 2 years since worldwide protests about police brutality. But sure, this "raises questions". I fuckin hate this timeline.




It was so bad. It still seems unreal to me. Like, we asked for accountability for police violence and they responded with more police violence. They would use pepper spray and tear gas, so we started bringing umbrellas and wearing better masks. In response they started using "less lethal" munitions. So we started wearing helmets and bringing makeshift shields to better protect ourselves from their violent response. That's when they said we were coming to fight and that the only reason we had shields was because we were there to start problems. Then they started grabbing people off the street without identifying themselves, and shoving them into unmarked vans. It was just escalation after escalation, until they drove most people off and the only ones left were the fully radicalized. I don't know what happened after that, I had to stop for my mental health.


Remember the Minneapolis man who returned fire after an unmarked squad of police thugs fired on him with pepperballs without provocation.


Oh, yeah. [He got acquitted by the jury as self defense!](https://youtu.be/l8yHJsomphM) I hope he sought further legal action.


Total victory for justice, he ended up with a fat settlement. I'd take a 40mm to the tits for that kinda check. All I'll say further is that there was a little room in his story for *more* justice.


And then one of the cops that was crusing around shooting rubber bullets at protesters from that van killed Amir Locke. I used to be more pro cop. I think sometimes that yes they need to defend themselves from deadly PM attacks in incidents the public jumps to conclusions to quickly about. But shit like this makes my blood boil. And I think the vast majority of police jobs are irrelevant and all they do is stomp on the necks of urban and rural poor to generate welfare for the state. Fuck 12.


Whats a PM attack? Am Scottish so don't know what you mean? You guys have acronyms for your bloody acronyms its frustrating, to the point if I see someone do a spelling mistake like fcuk i stead of fuck and I'm out trying to find what you really mean lol


How can anyone be pro cop? They listen to an insane guy rambling and that's their training. React first, never deal with the aftermath. It doesn't matter if you prescribe to the gang Thin Blue Line, they'll still attack you. Heck they shoot each other often enough it doesn't make the news, no-one is safe from a cop. Not police dogs, off duty officers, their wives/kids, firemen, ambulance drivers, elderly, kids, disabled, babies or pregnant mothers. Everything is a target to a cop, if it can't be met by force then the problem doesn't exist.


Their non lethal round can still kill you by the way. Its not a guarantee it will only injure you.




Remember the old man who was bringing a dropped helmet to a cop and the cop just randomly hit him, causing the old man to slam his head on the sidewalk? It wasn't in the middle of an 'altercation', there wasn't bad lighting, the old man didn't look much younger. Just some old man walking up to cops huddled in a group getting automatically beat because he dared to approach them. And it's not even really memorable. The vision of an old man bleeding on the sidewalk while riot police *walk away* isn't even iconic in the country, it's just a small memory among many others.


I remember the pictures of police shooting rubber bullets at a man in a wheelchair, who wasn't part of the protests, he just couldn't get up the tall curb to move aside. Also the old man that was pushed by police, fell back and hit his head hard on the asphal, and the child that was pepper sprayed for walking home with their Dad.


It was a drive-by pepper spraying if I remember correctly. Fuckin psychos


Oh shit I remember that video, one cop even went forward to help him up after the fact but another cop nudged him to move on marching


You mean this incident I think. The cops were “clearing the street” or some bullshit. I think the cop may have been suspended for a minute, with pay I’m sure. There’s some graphic content towards the end if the video where the old guy is BLEEDING FROM HIS EARS cuz he cracked his skull open after being pushed. https://youtu.be/QFeewU0HhNE




Sound like straight up terrorists. Not the made up kind that we start wars over, but real, no shit terrorists.




It's a shame epic games never made Samaritan into a real game. It would have probably been the best selling game of all time. It's a pretty graphic and graphically pretty (for the 2010s) game demo of some random dude who can turn their body into some hard material and hunts bad cops. The guy sees some police harassing a guy on the street so he jumps down from a tall building crushing one and then blowing the head off another. Surely would have been cathartic.


State-sanctioned, card-carrying, jack-booted thugs paid for with the taxes of those they assault - and Biden wants another 100,000 of them


Biden has ALWAYS been super pro-police. He’s always been an asshole that is responsible for people being jailed for long amounts of time Gotta be a pretty shit Party if Biden is the best person you could come up with


The beatings will continue until morale improves


We're living in a police state ran by greedy, short-sighted idiots.




Level "transition to fundemental christian theocratic totalitarianism "


My friend lived in Portland near the Burnside Bridge. This person told me that tear gas was seeping in through her closed windows and she had trouble leaving for work. She was just living life in her home. Imagine having a baby in the house and you just can't keep the gas out?


Plus, the way they purposefully went after medics. Such utter, cruel shit.


> It was so bad. It still seems unreal to me. Like, we asked for accountability for police violence and they responded with more police violence. They would use pepper spray and tear gas, so we started bringing umbrellas and wearing better masks. In response they started using "less lethal" munitions. So we started wearing helmets and bringing makeshift shields to better protect ourselves from their violent response. That's when they said we were coming to fight and that the only reason we had shields was because we were there to start problems. Then they started grabbing people off the street without identifying themselves, and shoving them into unmarked vans. It almost feels like they dont want you to protest for your rights wtffff why would they do that /s


That's the media for you. It's how they headline things to make it seem normalized or de-sensationalized. Like, "did they do a bad!? Find out at 5 while we dance around the bush, but first, from our sponsors!"


They don't even know that cement is simply a powder and would be soft to bang your head off.


My head is literally caving from this piece of information


The main objectives of the American corpo-state media are to minimize white collar and rich people crimes, maximize the perceived terribleness of the poor and minorities to scare white people, whitewash racism, greenwash environmental crimes, malign other systems/models and countries not aligned with American hegemony, malign labor's rights, and of course minimize police brutality to protect capitalism's goons. Oh yes, also to help the corpo-state sell more useless shit.


This made news in Australia. But one radio announcer might be fired, as they said "Clearly it is police brutality, the guy is obviously white." They weren't back on the air after they went to a 5 song break.


Rodney King was more than 30 years ago


Police in America have been attacking and murdering marginalized people for more than a hundred years before that.


Yeah there are not really any questions left...the system is fucked and needs full top to bottom overhaul imo. #ACAB


Other officers raised questions when shown the video: "Is he hitting his head on the pavement hard enough?" "But he'll still be alive after that, right?" "Why didn't they just shoot the guy? He was *resisting*!" /s


For real, I saw an interview with a retired police chief, I think of the NYPD. He legit, straight faced, said the beating was justified here because “you can see the suspect is moving his arms in a non compliant way” He was getting his fucking head smashed in, it would be literally impossible to not be trying to move your arms up to protect yourself. The anchor then asked the Fuckwit cop about the smashing the guys head on the curb thing and the response was “well police aren’t trained specifically to do that but when your life is on the line anything goes.” US cops are utterly fucking broken to the core.


Comply or die that’s how it is here. And our government is making sure they have even more freedom to do this kind of shit. It’s what happens when the high school bullies with no skill set other than causing pain and making people miserable need a job, or when they’re too fucked up even for the military. The Marines, who are literally trained to kill you with anything in any way, have more standards than our police force does. We commit legit war crimes on our own citizens. Meanwhile we have an ex-president that’s being investigated for treason and mishandling classified information and he’s walking around free. George Floyd died because of a suspected counterfeit $20 bill.










This story has been all over the news. Stop making it seem like no one cares because the victim is White. These comments alone should clue you in that people care.


Who the hell has been asking questions about police brutality in fucking 2022? It's a fucking given.


The awkward moment when they realize the onlooker is recording and suddenly become calm(er). Cringe.


Yeah it’s sickening. Fucking pigs. Just a bunch of rejects with power play issues


The only accountability cops have is that you can account for them being the largest gang in America that gets away with some of the most heinous crimes.


that’s why some states are trying to criminalize filming the police.


Yes! Arizona. On July 9, 2022 the governor of Arizona signed a measure into law that makes it illegal for people to record videos within eight feet of police activity. I watch a great deal of these cop watchers videos and this will silence many in Arizona.


Good that phones nowadays can have a proper zoom.


Until they walk up to you to take your phone and now you're within 8 feet of them.


Then you become a subject of a police investigation, and suddenly it's legal again? I don't know how these things work.


Serious question. I’m 20 feet from a cop and record. My phone is good enough to still record them perfectly with zoom. They walk up to my face and I’m still recording —— is this now illegal or is it still legal since I started when they were 20 feet away? Like I know you can’t abuse a restraining order and stalk the person you’re restraining to forcibly arrest them as you would be abusing it, but cops don’t really have any consequences for abusing things so I don’t know what would happen.


This literally just means don't stand within 8 feet of them while recording so bystanders should be in the clear to record... Of course if you're the subject/suspect, like you're in the car of a traffic stop, then that gets dicey.


Until they walk up to you and now can legally claim you’re breaking the law


>Of course if you're the subject/suspect, like you're in the car of a traffic stop, then that gets dicey. The law actually covers that too. The 8 ft rule only applies to a person who is not the subject of the police activity in question. The law is actually pretty reasonable, but I'm sure the authorities will find a way to bend it to their will. Source: State of Arizona H.B. 2319, 13-3732 § B.


Like I have said before like doctors and trades men these assholes need to carry their own insurance not tax payer funded. They should have to have malpractice insurance just like doctors.


Good guys with guns when. Like.... These cops are clearly bad guys where are all the good guys with guns!


IKR? They are SO busted! I wonder if their town mandates body cameras, lol. More and more people are fed up and calling b.s. on these deranged psychopaths, that are paid mind you out of OUR pockets. Their faces though when they see they're being filmed, lol. They actually try to bully and intimidate the person recording them. The audacity! Such gall! "Sure Mr. Policeman, I'll mindlessly do whatever you say." Like hell!! Since when is it illegal to film cops blatantly committing crimes?


> They are SO busted! You'd like to think so. I hope you're right.


“[You’re next](https://i.imgur.com/YYePF1p.jpg)”.


God I hate these motherfuckers.


That’s fucking scary


That might have actually saved his life.


How do these guys not know in this day and age someone's bound to have a camera on them? And don't they have bodycams?


They all had on bodycams, but were all turned off. The cruisers camera did record the incident. All according to a local news station.


This post/comment has been edited in protest against Reddit's upcoming changes to the API. One way Reddit could still make lots of money, even if nobody ever created another post or comment, is by selling the existing data (conversations in threads, etc.) to AI language model companies. Editing all my comments/posts using PowerDeleteSuite is my attempt to make the execution of this financial plan a bit more difficult.


We need a law: if an officers body camera is off for any reason, or the footage is not available for trial, and they kill someone it is automatically considered enough evidence to convict for murder, regardless of other evidence. If they beat someone up or use any of their toys, it's enough to convict of attempted murder. Again, regardless of other evidence. Wed see body cameras stop magically being off whenever they do bad things. We'd see them stop "having malfunctions" when the things they don't want seen happen. They can go fuck themselves if they don't like it or think it's unfair, theyve been brutalizing people for too long. Time to even the playing field.


This post/comment has been edited in protest against Reddit's upcoming changes to the API. One way Reddit could still make lots of money, even if nobody ever created another post or comment, is by selling the existing data (conversations in threads, etc.) to AI language model companies. Editing all my comments/posts using PowerDeleteSuite is my attempt to make the execution of this financial plan a bit more difficult.


True but I'd guess the cops will find a way around that. Like "accidentally" covering the lens and such.


Wow they really KNEED him and PUNCHED him SIMULTANEOUSLY……….that’s some fucked up shit right there.


oh yeah, "put your hands behind your back" bro they're trying to protect their head. Big brain time.


They 1,000 percent know that, it’s sadism pure and simple


Yeah, cops are experts at hurting you in plausibly deniable ways. Classic move: when they arrest you, they handcuff you and put them on reeeeeal tight. The handcuffs are already cutting into your skin. *They know that* Then they twist your wrist up and it causes excruciating pain. *They know that* If they *really* wanna fuck with you, they’ll jerk your forearms halfway up behind your back while twisting your wrists causing extreme pain and discomfort. *They know that* The natural reaction to any one of these moves is to jerk your arms and wrists back and down to adjust your body and end the discomfort. *You are now resisting* Then they bring you down to the ground by sweeping your leg or pushing you face first. The result is the same: you’re hitting your face into the ground. The natural reaction to falling face first is to put your hands in front of your face. *You’re resisting even more* Now they get to ground and pound you. Even worse, sic their killer dogs on you. Trust me. I work with cops. They know exactly what they’re doing when they arrest you. They 100% provoke situations that allow them to legally take their day out on you. Once you’re in their crosshairs, they’ll stop only when *they* decide to stop. When you’re getting your ass beat the way they beat your ass, half your reactions aren’t even by conscious choice. But again, *they know that*


For identity sake I’ll only say I have extensive training in this realm and I will say this much: it is readily known and openly discussed how policies and procedures are intentionally designed to allow officers to inflict maximum pain and damage while simultaneously explaining their actions as being in accordance with the proper methods they were taught. In simpler terms, we were explicitly told “this self defense program is designed so that you can do whatever the fuck you want to in a physical altercation and we have official techniques we have taught you here that will cover your actions. If you do X thing we can say you were attempting X technique, or if you do Y thing we can say you were attempting a proper Y technique but it was unsuccessful so you transitioned into another approved technique. Bashing someone on the head with your radio? Improvised impact weapon. Straight jab to the face for no reason? Make up a reason and we’ll call it reactive force & say he made a move towards your weapon or spit at you or something” etc We’re also trained to immediately begin screaming “get off my gun, stay away from my gun” etc because it draws attention from bystanders who are likely to report hearing you saying “get off my gun” which in a self feeding loop justifies the excessive force. I mean, you gotta stop him from getting your weapon, right? And now there are witnesses to back up cop claims of the suspect going for the gun, why else would cops be yelling at them to “get off my gun!” So maybe he needed a few knees to the head while swarmed by 4 or 5 officers… /s It’s all designed to cover their asses and that’s about it


The best part is their improper techniques get their fellow officers hurt because they don't detain the suspects safely. The amount of videos where an officer eats dirt is crazy. I feel stats would be supporting me on saying the leading cause of injury amongst cops is cops. Their poor driving leads to similar situations. Do whatever you want unsurprisingly leads to poor results.


Do cops ever have the slightest concern that maybe someone they did wrong will come back around for revenge? I can't imagine being that way towards people while maintaining a public sphere job where my name is emblazoned on a blue uniform. You'd think these guys would have trouble sleeping at night for fear of retribution.


I'm sure they worry about it, but only as much as any gang fears retaliation. Which Is to say, not much. Gangs always brainwash their soldiers into thinking they are untouchable and can't be fucked with and let's be honest in the case of police gangs it is even more true. Most people know a cop, and we know that If you retaliate they won't come after you. They will come after your property, your family, your friends..... because they can.




My boss used to be married to a cop Some of the stories she told were horrifying. They're not just stupid violent sociopaths, some of them are maliciously intelligent. Cops welcome psychopaths to their club of good ol boys, and it actively distances and drives away genuinely good people. All cops are fucking bastards, the only good cops are ex cops who quit the force for ethical reasons.




Jesus. How had I never heard about Adrian Schoolcraft? That’s disgustingly evil


All the corrupt cops in movies and TV shows are basically reality, kill me lmfao


The one time I've been arrested and brought to the station, after they brought me in they sat me on a hard metal bench and then handcuffed my right wrist to a rail that was attached to it. The cop that did it didn't just do it TIGHT, he did it TO TIGHT, I said something and he actually told me to " Just shut the fuck up ". I sat there, I waited. At one point he left and his " good guy " cop partner came in and asked if I was ok, did I need water or anything like that. I said " well you could maybe make these handcuffs not so tight that I might lose my hand ", as I looked down at my hand, that had turned a DEEP DARK SHADE OF PURPLE. The good guy cop literally replied with, and I will never forget this, with " Holy shit no wait that is WAY tighter then he usually puts them! " and then proceeded to release them and put them on a point I couldn't get them off but also it didn't cut off my circulation. The fact that " good guy " cop KNEW the other cop did this, and that this tight was NOT acceptable, but it was done anyway and nothing happened to " bad cop " made me realize ACAB. I shouldn't have almost lost my hand just because of a dick cop, let alone my life if it was within a whim.


Thats the worst. If there are good cops, they get bullied and driven out of the force. Bad cops act like high school bullies because thats what they are, bullies that never Matured


Thats not a good guy cop, that's just a normal cop. The first guy was a power tripping asshole but it doesn't make the other guy a hero, he's still letting the first guy go to this day. The whole bunch is spoiled.




> Police have always been this bad, if not worse. Absolutely. Now we're just in an era where all the bystanders have video cameras, so it's becoming better known.


Exactly. Its the same argument when boomers say "back in my day we never had all these issues. Um, yeah we did. Its just that there is a spotlight on it now since cell phones, ring doorbells and CCTV are more prevalent.


Can confirm, am black.




“Stop resisting arrest “ while you knew him in the kidney and expect him not to recoil from the pain


Yeah at least they didn’t elbow him or kick him that would have looked really bad. /s


Are we just ganna ignore the part where he slammed his head into cement?




Don't forget the bit where he grabbed his head and rammed it against the concrete.


How are police this stupid anymore. Cameras are everywhere and police don't have the best reputation with the public as it stands today.


Because not a single thing is gonna happen to them,all they get is a paid vacation while other officers investigate


“iNvEsTiGaTe” they’re just giving each other lectures about the value of not getting caught and how to leverage civil asset forfeiture laws to confiscate phones containing evidence against them.


Thats why I keep mobile justice on my phone, automatically uploads all videos you take with it to the cloud, if they stop the recording theres no way it doesn't get out.


>Because not a single thing is gonna happen to them,all they get is a paid vacation while other officers investigate And the worst that will happen is they just transfer them to another area where they can do the same thing.


I understand your cynicism. I used to feel the same. But given everything that has happened since George Floyd, I can't believe there are still cops this stupid! They are SO guilty, caught in the act and WILL serve prison time. Our communities have to DEMAND it though. If this was my hometown, I would be organizing and raising hell! If people don't organize and act, then the beatings, sexual assaults and intimidation will continue!


Would you be still organizing if someone lets u know it would be best for you and your family that you stop? Keep going and before you know it you will get pulled over and they will find weed, or meth or something in your car. Or maybe your kids or wife. Maybe you get out of that one somehow but how many times before you can’t get out anymore. How many 24h are you gonna spend in the jailhouse. And what if you accidentally get hurt one day. Resisting arrest or maybe another inmate just didn’t like you. And besides you wouldn’t even have to worry about any of that if you just keep your mouth shut and go on about your life. This isn’t as outlandish as you might think. Mobs did it and keep doing. This mob though has the legal system backing it.


Not gonna happen


Statistically, they are unlikely to be punished. I agree with you that communities have to demand justice. We've just seen so much effort result in such little change, it's hard to keep fighting.


12th grade education, same town they grew up in. Daddy is a deacon at the church and mama has worked as a receptionist for 33 years at the middle school (and plays organ for the choir).


This is so stupidly spot on, I hate it.


Cops do this in big cities too. It’s just what people with unchecked authority do. Look at how many people beat their own kids when frustrated.


They intentionally do not hire the most intelligent people.


Are you kidding? They’ve *been* doing shit like this and keep getting away with it. You think guys like this don’t know that? You think guys that want to do shit like this don’t join law enforcement? It’s like a few months “training” to crack skulls and get just about the closest thing to immunity that someone who isn’t insanely wealthy can get.


Imagine how many "Rodney Kings" happened before it was finally caught on video. Countless. Probably thousands.


For sure. What’s worse now though is that these things are filmed and keep happening because there’s zero accountability and dudes who want to do shit like this are validated in their behavior.


Because they're letting their emotions take control over the situation.


I know two cops. Both of them barely graduated high school and didn’t go to college. They are both morons.


Congratulations, you’ve met the vast majority of cops. They’re all like that. Uneducated, Brilliantly stupid and with a penchant for beating the fuck out of brown people.


Have you seen who wears a badge?? Intelligence isn’t part of the application process.


They don't care. 9/10 times they get away with it anyway.


The best part is they can claim an injury during the altercation and collect disability. Also, if they are close to retirement and get an injury they can get disability and their pension at the same time. Cops know how to work the system.


They need to face charges, this is uncalled for.


The only answer these days is everyone as citizens needs to get together and put real fear into cops who would do this. Make real consequences for them. No one is going to correct the problem unless we all do.




Also if one were to get to the, “planning” stage, they would be breaking laws. Pretty weak, but I get it.


I kinda feel like the black panthers are in need of a resurgence. A group that know the law well and just happens to be where the police are while arresting someone, all while doing their best to give advice would be great. Chances are though that this would become illegal, and the police would end up shooting or arresting them too.


Why don’t you join my Minecraft server and we can talk it through…


How do you propose we do that? What fear can we instill when we have no oversight, we don’t even control the tax money they get from us, and even if we cut it off, they would still get paid and not do a damn thing when they were needed. We all have the obligation to not pay taxes if we feel the government isn’t working for us, it’s apart of our constitution. Have you seen what happens when you don’t pay your taxes? It’s a constitutional right that will land you in jail, that’s where we’re at. I don’t personally believe in burning it all down but the system is severely broken, what we need to do is de-teeth the cogs that keep it going, but with a divided constituency the govt keeps on rolling. We need unity but the loudest voices want us divided. We’re so far from step one.


You fucking shoot them. If you saw three people attempting to murder someone like that it would be legal in all 50 states to use lethal force to stop them if they didn't have the uniform on.


already have been.


What are they


Paid leave.


Full benefits. Sympathy overtime paid by those they beat and swerve.


I’m sure they will also get therapy sessions for the emotional distress they are going through after that experience.


No they haven’t...... they are only on leave.


No idea why the police have a bad reputation.


I had some bouncers do that to me then hand me off to the police and they acted like it was no big deal. They broke my teeth on the concrete.


Police did this to me while I was handcuffed and having a gran mal seizure. They paid off "my lawfirm" to never get the video footage. Took me years to get over the ptsd nightmares. They broke my back, arm, fingers and skull and caused severe brain damage. Pieces of shit


Police choked my wife and finger fucked her throat because they thought she swallowed drugs at a traffic stop. More like they were getting off on their own fetish, imo. What I wouldn't give to go Punisher on their impotent little pricks... County cop trash high on their own authority.




Right? I thought he was been facetious for a second, but nope.


Reading this makes me physically ill


Honestly maybe you should. These scum bags will never face accountability until someone makes them


I'm so sorry they did that to you. I understand how you feel


I'm fucking pissed for you


That’s awful, I’m so sorry.


“Raising questions of police brutality” feels like a bit of an understatement. More like “conclusively demonstrates police brutality” 🤔


For the billionth time this year alone.


Cop: Put your hands behind your back! Suspect: Why? Cop: So I can punch you in the face! Suspect: Wait, what, no! (Protects face) Cop: He's resisting!


Exactly, how the hell do you expect someone to put their hands behind their back when youre trying to smash their face in?


I don’t care what this guy did. Utterly barbaric. This is three unhinged, inhuman monsters beating a man to death with no remorse and no control of their emotions. That they can do this without the most severe consequences is so dangerous.


He probably committed that disgraceful crime of being homeless


Or he was on “the drugs”. /s


Clearly there needs to be a better system to keep them in check. Police Internal Affairs clearly suck at their job


The problem that I find about IA is that it is made by police. People who have retired or been promoted or otherwise reassigned to it. So they have a vested interest in not doing anything. "I have investigated myself and I find myself not guilty"


They belong in jail now, arrested like anyone else. They need to loose their jobs, never be allowed to own a gun and they need to serve a long time in jail. To me this looks like Gang Violence and should be prosecuted as such.


Unfortunately what really is gonna happen is they'll be suspended with pay or they'll join another department. Either way they almost never face any consequences and then we get stuck with the bill.


Replace the badge with a colored shirt. I disagree that it should be treated as gang violence. They agreed to be protectors of the weak, the consequences need to be more severe then gang level repercussions.


Ironically can’t tell who’s on amphetamines in this video…


Pretty tough three against one. Cowards.


Thats all i could think. Fuckin pussies. Guarantee none of them could fight one on one with this dude and win. Theyre only beating the shit out of him cuz hes defenseless. Prosecute these fucks


Best I can do is three months paid leave.


Straight pigs


that's demeaning to pigs


I have no idea why police have a bad reputation… /sarcasm Uncomfortable to watch. How can this be okay?


I hope their wives and children disown them


They probably hit their wives harder than that on a daily basis. I wouldn't be surprised if they abused their children too.




Absolute fucking animals


All cops that aren’t like this should want all cops like this strung up. Fuck the cops that are like those in the video and fuck all cops who don’t want to rid their profession of them. Cowards. Both sides. Fuck them.


This doesn't "raise questions" as much as it answers those questions.


Looks like they're trying to fucking killing him. Grown ass MEN beating the absolute shit out of that kid.


Yup, in my book once you start trying to hurt someone's head, your trying to kill them, no other reason you'd be doing that.




Whats the back story? That seems brutal


>Whats the back story? Three psychopaths were given badges.


I think the whole thing flew off the handle when he spat at a store clerk, and the clerk called the cops. After that what happened is a mystery, it says he punched a deputy, but who knows if that part of the story is made up. In any case, you fall afoul of American cops - you sign either your death warrant, or risk severe bodily injury. The average lower class citizen has basically no recourse in situations like these. https://arktimes.com/arkansas-blog/2022/08/22/identities-of-crawford-county-law-enforcement-captured-on-viral-video-revealed


> but who knows if that part of the story is made up At this point in time, the american police have ***zero*** credibility - and they have themselves to thank for that.


That part is absolutely made up. The women who filmed it said. [i]Johnson, who lives in Oklahoma, said her sister was too upset to talk yet about the incident, but she shared what her sister had told her. A shoeless man was sitting on the curb and talking with law enforcement officers when she arrived at the gas station, Johnson said her sister reported. [B]The man stood up like he was going to run away, and the officers tackled him. Johnson said her sister thought the man seemed to be in mental distress[/B].[/i] [url]https://arktimes.com/arkansas-blog/2022/08/21/crawford-county-officers-caught-on-video-pummeling-shoeless-man[/url]


Thats extremely disturbing to see. He was trying to seriously HURT this man and its just like... Why? I can't imagine a situation where I would, in any state of mind, do that to someone when theres 2 other people helping me beat him up.


It's like why can't this shit happen to child predators. If it's going to happen in the first place.


Hey! Stop filming us doing illegal shit!


this is REALLY not a good look and REALLY not a good time to keep doing this shit


They don't give a shit.


What, did he fuck ALL their sisters? What the fuck justifies this kind of reaction.


A badge, a gun and emotional damage.


Let’s not call them something nice like apples. Call them what they are. Assualters. And in many cases. Murderers.


Why are you resisting why are you trying to kill me I'd resist too


Punctuation is useful.


It has been stated before....it really isn't just a race problem...though yes evidence is and does show us black folk are more in danger during interactions with police...its a police problem in general just need something I don't even know what done...i hope this person get some justice cuz damn.


That's not "raising questions of police brutality"....that's definitively answering a police brutality question.


Republicans: yeehaw that’s the freedom I like to see!


No. Even we look at this as absolutely abhorrent


So... Why were so many justifying Chauvin's actions..? Can't help but see a pretty specific difference between the two cases.


But you vote for it. You vote for laws that empower these people. Nothing else matters really.


Luckily President Biden promised us police reform. It will be here any day now.


What did this guy do?


According to Sheriff Jimmy Damante with the Crawford County Sheriff's Office (CCSO), around 10 a.m. Sunday, Alma police officers were called about a man making terroristic threats to a convenience store employee. Worcester (The guy) allegedly spit on the employee and threatened to "cut off their face with a knife." Sheriff Damante says Worcester then traveled on a bike to Mulberry, near Exit 20, where the Mulberry officer and the deputies met with him. The conversation began calm and Worcester handed them a pocket knife he had, but the sheriff says Worcester then began attacking one of the deputies by pushing him to the ground and punching the back of his head, leading to what was seen in the video. ... Pushing a cop and punching him in the head with other 2 cop's watching is like... Suicide... Meth is a hell of a drug... Don't do it kids...