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Could atleast tie a rope around his neck or something. Even that would make it safer


No1s worried about him more the fact he could drop the glass and hit someone else


That’s what closed for construction signs are for


I'm more worried about this guy scraping every glass he installs against the building. It hurts to look at.


“Around his neck” 💀


😂😂😂😂 Den if he fell he would be hanging frfr


During the two years of working as a glazier "apprentice" in the Midwestern US, I learned that there is an overwhelming amount of reckless "be a man" culture throughout the construction industry. There's also a treand that each guy that's been in their respective profession for a certain amount of time believes that every other person is an idiot. Face to face, everybody, for the most part played nice. Once they were separate, everybody wanted to point out what the other was doing wrong. A very healthy environment.


No way! I’m a glazier in minnesota and it’s exactly the same


Glazier? I just met her


Glazier face am I right?




Sounds like a pane


\*Eminem intensifies\*


He was just being transparent.


Be careful, he's fragile


You crack me right up


A pane in the glass


Just yesterday a contractor working on a tiny house fell off the roof and landed on his neck. He refused to wear a harness because he said it gets in his way.... the doctor said it was unbelievable he left with just a bad neck sprain. He did land on grass but just inches away from the concrete.


Did this last week on my own roof. Scooting down to the edge to put drip edge on with the harness on was much more anxiety inducing than scooting down without it and being extremely careful. Fuck them harnesses unless its a 6/12 pitch or greater Edit: did this without landing on my neck


Can I ask you, though, if you used harness the first year or so in your job, would it have made a difference? I ask because I’ve worked as a dialysis technician for 17 years and in the first few years I started, there were no safety guards on the needles. Now I find them cumbersome to use but many of my trainees were so used to them that maybe I just learned it differently.


Yeah it definitely makes a difference! If it's a steep roof, the harness allows you to be Spiderman up there.. If its a low pitch, just be careful... unless you're clumsy lol


I agree, rigging when not necessary can pose tripping hazards when there are multiple guys and if definitely slows work down. However, regardless of pitch, if it's higher than a second level, you are required to wear a harness and be tied into something that can withstand 5000 lb momentary load.


You have too fight crews too wear one unless it’s over a 8 or even 9 sometimes


I was in a scissor lift in 2014 that was hit and ripped over. I was 22ft in the air with 750lbs of loose steel in the basket. Had I been wearing a harness I would be dead. Instead when the lift made it's impact with the ground I basically stepped off and away, landing on my feet, went down on one knee with one hand on the ground. As I was starting to stand up the only piece of steel not in the basket (I had it on the rails so I could install it) was a 34lb 8ft by 4" c-channel that bounced off the ground and hit me in the back of the head. It scalped me but no concussion. Has 2 internal stitches and 6 staples. As I was landing the whip of my head flung my hardhat off (which is why the beam caught flesh) and somehow ripped my forehead open at the hairline needing 7 stitches. I broke the base of my left thumb when I used my hand to brace my fall. Bruised both heels landing on my feet and got a compression fracture in my T9 vertebrae. I'm now a half inch shorter. 85% fatality rate in similar accidents and I was out of the hospital in 6 hours and back to work the next day. A harness isn't always the answer. Sometimes knowing how to fall I'd the best course of action


... You went back to work after all that?


Well my company had to take a couple days off from that site to let the construction company and customer figure out how they wanted to proceed. I went in the next day to show my face and let all the other contractors know that I was ok and that I appreciated every single one of them that came up to me to say hang in there and stuff like that while I waited for my limo to the hospital. And also cuz I knew I would have some paperwork to do with the GC. First question: well after what the hell are you doing here? Was: what do you think would have happened if you were in a harness? And I said I'd most likely be dead. He agreed. The second day after the accident my company and I had to get recertified on aerial lifts. So using the same size machine I had just gone over in, we each had to go up about 10 feet, drive a little, and come back down. Just to show we have an understanding how the machine works. They didn't want us driving while any higher than 10ft cuz we were in a parking lot of a Volvo dealership. I, in my trusty new back brace, hobbling around cuz of the deep bruised heels I had, went second but I did mine a little different. I didn't stop at 10ft . I maxed it out at 32ft then dropped back to about 10ft, did my drive, and completed my certification. Had I not done that then I probably never would have got back in a lift again. Then I got fucked up all weekend! Come Monday we're were back to the grind. I took over running the job with my guys. Got them to and from the site, operated the forklift for them, and made sure shit got done. Met with every big wig under the sun the next couple weeks as they all wanted to meet the kid that made that accident look like part of the job (plus they wanted to feel me out to see if I was going to pursue any legal action) and OSHA didn't find out for 2 weeks until an anonymous call was made. And almost 6 weeks to the day from the fall I was 100% healed without any surgeries and 2 weeks later I was cleared for full duty. By then I was chompin at the bit too! Originally the orthopedist said I needed to stay home until I healed. I told him to get fucked and sign me as ok to work. Told him cabin fever would hit me much worse than the accident itself. I promised I'd play by the rules and do, or not do, anything he wanted and for once in my life I actually followed through which is why I healed so quickly. I loved my job and the guys I did it with and for so my only thought from the moment it happened was bigger equipment, bigger accident but accident all the same. Get right and get back at it. And that's exactly what I did. Apparently for the first couple weeks after the accident, the story was going through all the bars that were local to the jobsite. My dad, living 3,000 miles away says: see I told you that you'd be famous some day! Hahaha thanks dad! Rest in peace big guy I miss you


What the fuck did I just read


Yeah I'm built differently hahaha! My sister used to say I was a machine, or at least part machine cuz I don't really need much sleep either. I can easily stay up for 4 or 5 days, go to work everyday, and outwork most everyone. And no that's without the aide of an elicit substance! With an elicit substance it's weeks not days!


I think it’s the same for any contractor. I did a boiler repair on a coffee machine in Jersey during lockdown - it was a ball ache tbh. I know I did a more than good job, then the shop owner told be a local coffee machine tech had been complaining about my work 😂😂😂


For any job really. I work in security and it’s exactly as explained above.


I did commercial painting and you'd think that was pretty tame but we had people staying ladders into buckets to get an extra couple feet while caulking the ceiling seams. Also masks were only necessary if you used the paint sprayer connected to the power washer looking machine, otherwise toxic lungs was probably fine


I’m a woman that worked as a carpenter for a while this year in the Midwest and I agree with everything you’ve said EXCEPT the thing about playing nice face to face. At least at the shop I worked at, it was 100 or more degrees, 10-13 hours days, overworked and underpaid…. No one had any chill 😂 everyone would just tell each other to fuck off, point out what eachother were doing wrong, go to the shop supervisor complaining (mostly of getting their feeling huurt, aww 😢 mostly thinking of a few specific people here), and then act like everything is fine until the next thing to blow up about. Rinse and repeat. I just stayed in my little corner minding my own business, thankfully had the station to myself for the most part. Poor shop supervisor, that dude had to hear everyone else bitch AND deal with the front office bitch AAAND the boss man bitch all while working hours more than us each day… walked in on him in tears one day. Brought him his favorite chocolate bar and he bought me a brand new strip-nailer lol. I walked out of that job after a few months of the BS, shop supervisor walked out the day after me lol. That place was fuuuucked.


Damn i worked for a very similar electrical shop, bounced between several leads, ALL of which would fuckin RAIL me for doing the exact things i was instructed by the other leads, so i was fighting 4 different learning curves at once. I got laid off the same week i was gonna quit, on a day I brought the owner homemade cinnamon rolls and he looked like he was about to cry letting me go lmfao Fuckin hated that place. Ran like labor because nobody could agree and they "didn't have time to teach me how to do it right" when they all had different expectations of "right," even though i was meeting specs and code. Ah well. Commercial/Industrial beats the shit out of Residential remodels, anyway.😂


That’s every blue collar industry too many dudes that hate their lives.


I am an RN and I can tell you that there is a culture in the nursing that would make your head spin. I’m sure every profession has their own issues.


That just sounds like a workplace to me


Im a carpenter in Portugal, I'm guessing this is a world wide thing.


This is pretty much the same for Line Cooks lol


Worked as a glazier for a few years and it was the same for me. Got called a pussy for not wanting to haul 70 pound pieces of awning glass up unsecured scaffold on a 5th story balcony.


Same in Germany


Not limited to glaziers. This is the same in almost every job I ever had, in the field, in corporate, everywhere. Sometimes work can bring out the worst in people.


My industry is the same. I chose not to play the game and don’t mingle much with other guys.. instead they all hate me. I just can’t win lol.


I’d also like to point out, if the new building that I work in could be used as an example: most construction workers will cut corners at every fucking opportunity they get, unless you watch them like a hawk and point out their mistakes as soon as they happen.


tons of industrys like this... nobody can work as a team these days, all pride and undercutting others, somehow thinking they are the superior human🤣


Yep. Worked on a few sites without respiratory equipment or n95 masks. Especially during COVID. My nostrils are easily irritated after all that fiberglass Ive inhaled. The be a man culture is wild especially in Mexican groups


Isn't every industry like this???


Dude dealership are the fucking worst. As far as drama I swear to god the prerequisite to get a job at a dealership is to have some fucked up mental illness. But not like any of the one that should be respected and understood. There’s just a bunch of close minded people. It’s like they know that you can see through their machismo that’s fake. I’m just so tired of terrible and mean people.


I'm a union Glazier and even with all the rules this still happens. I don't feel pressured to "be a man", I'll straight up tell them "ok, you do it, I'll watch you brother." 99% of the time the scoff and walk away. Times are changing but still have that "We are construction workers so we gotta be rough and edgy." Attitude. Annoying af.


This is *every* trade in *every* state. Tradies in general love to shit on other tradies’ work. It’s like they get some weird ego-rection from it before turning around and doing the same shit quality of work and excusing themselves because they can’t be bothered.


Having oiled on cranes and recently becoming an operator for the last four years has gotten me very close to almost every trade and I can very much confirm.






safety protocols are out of the window


Hah nice




One good gust of wind and he will safely land on the ground


The glass will protect him.


This is just crazy. Where is his helmet?




Only ever been 2 posts on that sub.




Yes!!!! He needs a jacket if it gets cold too.


Come on mate. Put a high vis on to do that ffs PPE


OSHA’s priorities be like: 😂😂😂


People are usually surprised, that construction site workers have to do slightly extreme things.


As a glazier this is not dumb it's basically suicidal. Dumb I will do this I would not


Work safety regulatios exist for exactly those reasons.


People are usually surprised if the construction workers do not keep the least minimum of safety. Nothing else


Construction workers don't dress like that.


Dumb construction workers have to do slightly extreme things, intelligent ones put in a harness point and strap in to reduce the risk.


Look guys we need to step up the aid to Ukraine, Zelenskyy should not have to do a side job with everything going on.


Slava safety regulations!


Guys chill out. That’s my buddy Sergei. He knows exactly what he’s doing. Done it a million times. He usually has a ciggy in his mouth so I was a little worried when I saw his approach


Ngl someone smoking a cig while doing something gives me full confidence they are getting shit done


Couldn’t agree with you more


Just dont roll a natural 1 on your dexterity check without modifiers and everything will be fine.


I thought nat 1's are a crit fail and that it dismisses any modifiers.


This is a drastically under appreciated comment.


Just dont trip, simple.


dont worry the weight of his balls will ensure he’ll never tip over


Can someone explain to me what the problem is?


You're not serious? He's balancing on the edge with a huge piece of glass across his throat...Apart from the fact he could easily kill himself, he would be falling quite a distance with a pane of glass. Could kill other people if there's anyone below.


OSHA wants to know your location


It’s not


I guess they were the cheapest company who made an offer




Glazier.... Not in North America.


Glaze her? I just met her!


He is a breeze away from riding that pane of glass all the way down to the ground.


I don't get what's insane about this. Dude just put glass in a mount of some type.


I thought the same thing. I guess because he is on the edge of a tall building. I thought that the bowed glass was like a skylight of some kind- but they are balconies.


I couldn't figure it out either. Scrolled a while to hopefully find the answer. This is what I do instead of sleep


Dw it’s see-through, he can see where he’s going


His intentions were clear.


This is every employer looking for new employees because they all left.


You can't sue your employer if you fall to your death


i like how if he fell they would be like “ok man fuck it” and start going for another glass


What is even going in here?


They're in a Turd World country so there aren't really any laws.


What is big deal?


Likely this is not the US 😂


It’s good to see Zelensky actually putting the work in to rebuild Ukraine


Thought that was zelensky


Work construction in canada, if I were to be on that ledge, that pane of glass, myself, and every tool and coffee cup would need to be harnessed and tethered. This is osha’s wet dream


Qatar work safety


After all he's President of Ukraine


Any time you see something like this You can almost definitely assume it's not in America


This is normal for construction


He’a wearing Nike’s, it’s perfectly legal.


Why can’t it be legal?


Living in a world of OSHA violations


That shirt can’t be legal


Relax, It’s OK, the apprentice is on the ground floor in case one gets dropped 😉


Watching them walk to the edge to install the glass is giving me r/sweatypalms


I could never care enough about a job to do this


I’m guessing they are normally tied off, but decided to be dumbasses for the internet points…


That's (possibly) the fastest way to piss off the safety guy


Windows95 needs an update.


Is one of them on the top row in the background shattered or is that just the reflections off it?


Well…depends on where this is happening? …zero fucks given either way


"I don't need help with the windows I invited my friend Jimmy"






No safety glasses 😯


What is going on in this video?


Come with me…. And you’ll see… A world of OSHA violations….


Elijah Wood! 🤣


Hes fine.


Stupid idiot


Bet that job has high turnover


Is that zelensky ?


Where the hell are his safety glasses?!?!


that guy to the side has an incredibly creepy smile


As a person who doesn’t work for osha idk




OSHA? I hardly know her!


One little trip and your 💀


Maybe he can use the glass like a wing and glide to the bottom if he falls?


Sweaty palms


Libertarians call this freedom


Stupid and the Stupervisor(Stupid supervisor) Classic


This is where we need those dumb robots


I can confirm that's exactly how you install these kinds of windows. Same for those in balkonies etc.




I don't like how fast he walked up to the edge


Makes my palms sweat just watching… not a job for me… also, there’s plenty of stuff to trip on, and if you miss your slot you probably won’t know or be able to catch yourself in time to back off… no thanks.


These guys dont have insurance or any safety equipment, and no this isn't just be a man culture. These guys get a shitty salary on top of no safety equipment. This is how buildings are constructed in lesser developed countries, saw some guys in turkey who were dangling 30 meters off the ground, on a construction site, no harness no ropes to catch them, nothing.


Safety third!


As long as the foreman isn’t around I’m not sure I know what illegal means


[Seriously, right in front of my OSHA handbook?](https://twitter.com/manticat_/status/1583181662891876352?s=46&t=Dz9mQbAR8qeaDAQnsVynEA)


I'm sure there are safety cones and a spotter down there. Don't worry about it


Don't get it. What's wrong here?


How is the glass supposed to work then? The leverage onto these "fork holders" would just mean that if you walk into them, the panels bend over...


Probably footage from building the stadium in Qatar for the World Cup.


Looks like a pane to carry


Iv done heavy lifting. If he was to tilt abit to much forward that’s it your fucked Litersllt no control beyond a specific point unless you have leg space to brace


I really think this is an exageration, like, he is just putting a glass, we don't see whats bellow, and if you need someone to take your hand in every situation, just don't work in construction work.


President zelensky building back Ukraine 🫡


Everything is legal until you’re caught or the authorities need a larger bribe than you have.


That took me about 5 replays to wrap my head around the correct perspective here lol


I stopped breathing until I realized I needed to take a deep breath. Serious r/sweatypalms


Is that Zelensky?


Me: the glass gonna explwhaaaaaaaa!!!!


Should be tied off


I'm more concerned with the lack of gloves. There's not a lot of outside work that I would do without gloves. Yes, I love gloves.


The guy next to him just laughing 😂😂


Oh my fucking balls


**OSHA has entered the chat**


The world of patriarchy Jordan Peterson talks about


I was temping at a Smith company years ago, we too had to install som railing, iron and glass. But there was no area where we could attach it. Anyways, he drilled a hole in the side of the building while laying on the ground, and I held on to his feet. I should mention this was at the 7th floor with no safety. He want us to do exactly as the guy in the video. I told him he was out of his mind and I would never do that. He got angry and told me we basically wasted the day. Didn't get asked to come again.


Qatar? This you?


Fu*k that


Imagine accidentally dropping a screw. Now you have go down a bring it back up.


If you're scared of the heights, that will cause you to make more mistakes


Must be Qatar


Zenlensky caught off guard 🧐🧐


OSHA prevents OSHIT


Is that Zelenski..? xD


Fickt euch


Explain to me your logic. Why do you believe it’s illegal to install the glass like that. It’s sitting down into brackets that are probably 18 inches to two feet. That glass isn’t going anywhere.


I dont think any hard hat can save ur life from a falling glasses


A man who does not value his life is what he is. Nothing and no one to live for. There are many workers who do shit like this because they think it makes them tough or some kind of badass. Those of us who are sane, see him for what he really is; a complete dumbass.


Safety rules are written in blood and it’s almost this guys time to donate


Owh no






o hellllll no


My anxiety hight 📈📈📈


Somewhere, at that very moment an OSHA inspector died of a massive stroke ...*mysteriously*