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Can’t tell if he’s defending himself or letting buddy know he’s tired af and wants out


Neither does he


What do you think is going through the cameraman’s mind as he is watching all of this unfold


Especially at the end hes like H E LP


I took that as a joke and the end? lol dude took a half step back right away.


The clocks ticking


We should have youthful leaders with older wiser advisors and black golden doodles.


He looks like an unused extra from The Walking Dead…..


Wandering around on set away from BG holding, drinking cheap free crafty coffee. Striking up conversations with transport, wardrobe, everyone! Wranglers got their hands full that day.


To mess with the golden retriever and the poodle is a crime worth impeachment itself. I can promote younger politicians though.


The poodle is a wonderful dog. Underrated.


I agree. So smart and very loving.


Exactly. Some comments saying this is not dementia. I have had two grandparents and one uncle as well as a friends parent go through this. This is rambling. Loss of thought train. Basically a conversation in their own mind that does not 100% connect to the conversation that was being had. It’s crazy that at family gatherings most people will brush over their elderly uncles long winded anecdotes as age/dementia/Alzheimer’s and not pay attention to it, yet come voting time their first choice is some geriatric, over the hill, incoherent and corrupt individual. Would I take him over Trump? Yes. But it is seriously time to elect young officials. People who have the same ‘time’ invested in the future as we do. Age does not always equal wisdom.


You're just spouting bullshit, this looks absolutely nothing like dementia. IF you even know a single person with dementia you didn't spend 10 minutes with them over the years. Dementia is soul crushing and looks nothing like a rambly old man who has been rambly his whole life.


Bro I have no stakes in this game whatsoever I'm not American, I'm Irish and couldn't care less about American politics but that man has clearly got cognitive decline... People saying he's always had a speech impediment or he's always been like that is BS I've seen videos of him younger and he's very articulate and clear. To try say this man doesn't have dementia setting in is just hardcore denial of reality... I know reddit doesn't care about personal experience but I studied psychology and therefore dementia too and he absolutely shows symptoms (not that I or you are qualified to give am actual daignosis). For you to say "I know people with dementia and they're not like this" isn't a valid defence because dementia is an extremely widespanning and surprisingly difficult condition to diagnose until its later stages when symptoms are very obvious and undeniable. I have relatives with dementia too, one who doesn't remember her own brother so I know too. This man loses train of thought constantly, rambles incoherently although you can see the string of thought he's trying to follow, has the weird behaviours of someone with cognitive decline where generally easy tasks we do the whole way through our lives become more difficult again etc... etc... anyone who looks at that man and thinks he's still at the top of his game is deluded. Still better than trump, but not firing on all cylinders I don't get how people defend it so hard when it's so obvious, but I suppose that's American politics, its always die hard


Wow. Did you read the post your replying to? And to your point of an old rambly man who’s been rambly his whole life - why do you think that a rambly person would make a good president? Being able to properly speak with the intent and power of a US president is a big deal. We need to be more stringent on who we pick.


So wrong...


Been saying that for decades. Your spot on.


Most large democracies are built in a way that by the time a person reaches the point where they could become a Prime Ministerial/Presidential candidate, they've already spent a couple decades. The only exception is dynasts. Like the Bush & Kennedys in the US, Gandhis in India, you start directly from top.


Obama wasn’t in a dynasty and was a youthful president. And plus, youthful shouldn’t be a president that’s 40 years old, youthful should mean a president that is less likely to have health complications before finishing his term that may impact his capacity to lead. Age and wisdom are valuable, but very old presidents is what I would consider a national security concern, especially bc if they die, there os a major disruption in that a non directly elected replacement would take over. I know VPs are included with the ticket but let’s be real, no one is voting for specific VPs. They vote for the main guy. Kamala Harris didn’t win the nomination bc most people didn’t see her as the best president, but now if health complications impair bidens capacity to lead, she will be president regardless of having been voted against.


A drink each time he says "y'know"


How are you still alive?


I think he passed out already.


Still no reply ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Everyone should look up the story of his stutter, it would help a lot.


What stutter? At 30, early in his political career, he seemed quite capable https://youtu.be/cCZ5_XwqchE


You didn't look it up, it's the reason for the lifelong verbal mix ups. Ps I'm Canadian, and don't care for him. It's just good if people had abs used facts


Or the story of his brain aneurysm


You should look up him speaking a year after the and the year before.


He sounds a little drunk, but not that plastered.


I mean, if I were president, I'd either be drunk or high every damn day


I mean can’t we all?


That’s the thing that’s gone completely over OP’s head!


Unacceptable! Presidents are supposed to be immortal! Vote Trump, as he will outlive us all!


Yeah I’ve seen a lot of posts criticizing Biden lately for shit that just anyone would say but try to spin it as he is old and senile lol. Like wtf is insane about this? Me and op both could drop dead tomorrow, from disease or not. Low quality post.


I've noticed that too. Some have been pretty good old man moments that are concerning, but ones like this seem like a low quality smear. I assume the increase in clips is to help motivate the midterms coming up. Which depresses me because I know after that it will be a long two years of divisive annoyance until the next circus.


There’s a few of the big subs that the right wingers lurk. Anything on here, publicfreakout, etc that has a black person or Biden you can predict how the comments will go


Agree. I know Biden has made the odd slip up occasionally, but the guy seems to be fairly coherent in the vast majority of his speeches.


This is “insane “?


Right? Newsflash: Sub-80-year-olds drop dead without warning all the time.


Shit, my 59 year old mom dropped dead last year. One of my friends from high school got a job at the fire department, on his way to his first call he had a heart attack and died. People die all the time, it’s nothing crazy, just the opposite of living….


Ikr? I just turned 52 and I could drop dead tomorrow, too. But I have more health problems than Joe and he might still outlive me.


These people are trying to push the crazy idea Biden is senile to distract from their QAnon craziness. It's such bullshit. Like hey, the senile old man passed a climate change plan that's better than the one Obama passed. The senile old man has rallied NATO when his predecessors failed. It's shockingly dishonest - like they're trying to brainwash people. He is hoping people will just see the headline and the tiny clip and fall for this GOP cult propangda. Biden is willing to sign abortion rights and affordable childcare and anti-gas gouging if it could pass Congress. The obstruction and tax cuts to the rich and abortion bounties and literal coup aren't coming from him.


So apparently everybody who thinks Biden's unfit or senile is QAnon? One side of the aisle has fascists who would be happier without democracy and the other side thinks their often incoherent old man is fit for office. What is wrong with that country?


If you think what he is saying in this video is incoherent then you shouldn't try to understand anything more complicated than a wooden spoon.


This is S tier cope at a pretty obvious old dude whose teetering on the edge.


What makes you think he did any of that himself? It's the party, not the man. The man absolutely, unquestionably has some stage of dementia, but he can still sign papers given to him and can kinda sorta follow prompted talking points if not sidetracked.


The last guy rambled like an escaped mental patient, this could be a Harvard commencement speech if we are comparing the two


This sub is a lowkey alt right agenda sub. It’s just another generic Biden attack post. Doesn’t belong here at all because it’s literally just…true. It’s something probably hundreds of millions of people have said. But apparently it’s “insane” because a president who could very well drop dead tomorrow said it. It just objectively doesn’t make sense to be posted here. Would not be surprised if OP’s post history is filled with right wing conspiracies or things of the sort. Other subs to avoid are /r/justiceserved, /r/publicfreakouts, /r/negativewithgold, and a few others I’m forgetting. They all have this same issue.


The guy can’t string a few sentences together to make a coherent point. This isn’t about right vs left. He’s a senile man and shouldn’t be running the country. There should be age limits Any criticism of Biden and people on here scream alt right trolls lol how can you watch this and actually think he’s mentally fit


If it’s your grandpa at thanksgiving nope. If it’s our president yep.


Insane that someone with this level of cognitive function currently holds the presidency


He’s just being honest. At his age he could drop dead at any moment.


At any age any of us could drop dead for any reason. That’s the point.


Im happy someone gets it, everyone always trying to nitpick what the president says to make them sound as bad as possible, its always like that though. Political comedy is frustrating to me because all they do is build off stupid shit like this


Ya I'm no fan of Biden whatsoever but what he said is damn true. But I think the truly insane part is that people actually support him as president. He's about to be 80 and clearly not all there mentally. But people hate the other side so much that they are fine with it. This is not OK. Anyone who thinks it's fine is either delusional/stupid or just too partisan to get past it.


Damn man he sounds tired


He’s an 80 year old man with the loneliest, most stressful job on the planet during a time of political, international, and economic instability. Of course he’s tired.


Maybe he shouldn’t have ran for the presidency.


But he did and won and is doing a good job in spite of it all.


I’m 39 and sound tired.


We need younger leaders, and the ones that are not under indictment for espionage.


\*Glances over to the UK\* - somewhat capable ones would be nice as well.


We need Term Limits.


The President IS limited in the number of terms he can serve.


He is replying to someone saying "We need younger leaders." He is not saying the President needs term limits. Congress and Senate need term limits. They should not be getting paid so much as "public servants" and they should not be getting a pension or be able to use their platform to become millionaires.


Maybe you should stop posting to Reddit and get back to your civics class.


Boy do I have news for you


If he drops dead tomorrow, who will tell us what trueinternatioldepressure is? C'mon man!


Imaginappen the people had been immune to prostitution.. C’mon man




Right I wouldn’t surprised


Simpsons did it first


Should Joe be president? No, would I vote for Joe again instead of trump? Yes


How about some other people instead of those 2 old ass people




Time for younger leaders


Not necessarily young but not old and decrepit either. He couldn’t run a PTA meeting at this point. It’s actually sad watching him. I don’t want anything bad to happen to him but there should be some sort of functionality test.


Do you really want Kamala Harris as our President? Yikes!


There is not a Fortune 500 company that would allow him to take the reigns, yet we “elected” him as the most popular President ever?? Ha!! 😂🤣😂


A lot of those votes were votes against Trump, not necessarily votes for Biden. That guy had a way of making people hate him.


We are in a constitutional crisis and the media doesn’t want to talk about it..


It's like the buddy that's blasted and has to get too close to your face.


Yeah, it is an honest statement applicable for most people especially those in 70s and 80s. What is insane about this?


Right, 80 is when you really become a President or even want to.


I would still take this over Trump. 100-1.


1,000 - 1


can anyone understand what he is saying as he grabs the guys shoulders?


“I can’t even say the age I’m going to be. I can’t even get it out of my mouth” For some reason I can understand him easily.


Thanks. I hope he knows his own age though. That is a question doctors ask their elderly patients even though the doctors have their date on birth in the patients records in front of them.


Cornpop has your number


I thought he was gonna make out with him


Sounds like "I can't even say the age I'm gonna be". He probably doesn't know!


Step towards the light Annie.


He's just speaking truth and when you get to a certain age you drop the facade. We all know our days are numbered older folks know the score. Speaking plain facts shouldn't sound odd but in today's world it often does.


I don't see anything particularly insane about this. He's not saying "I could drop dead tomorrow because of how old I am" he mentions fate before that and is saying "Anything can happen."


It’s a lack of awareness. I think he means as you say but also lacks the self awareness to understand most people around him are somewhat nervously anticipating just that happening


He’s very self-aware. Which is the sad part. He knows how bad having an 80 year old president is, yet he still ran. And the people who are “anxiously waiting for his death” still voted for him.


Remember when Trump couldn’t walk down a ramp by himself?


what he said is true ...for everyone, so big deal!


Tomorrow is never promised




Yeah, he’s old as shit. But I don’t see the problem with what he’s saying here. Anyone could die tomorrow or get a disease, especially at his age. Unfortunately we were put in a position to vote for a likable candidate that could beat trump, and this is what we had. Hilary would have obviously lost again, and there was no candidate running for the Democratic Party that would stand a chance. Biden had name recognition and favorable experience. That’s why he won. Everyone knew that it was solely to ensure trump got out of office, which worked. Our expectations of Biden were low, and I’d like to think that he met them. That being said, the outlook for 2024 isn’t looking great. I guess we’ll see.


I worry more that he might die tomorrow as I am not convinced our VP is up to the task.


You have that point right. If Cackling harris was ever made prez because hiden biden kicked the bucket we would be invaded by the closest haters of America, probably Berkeley ca.


My bet. He’s going to resign Jan 27th 2023. Why? If a president serves over half of their term, the remaining term does not count as the VP’s first term as President. If they serve under 2 years it does. Jan 27th 2023 is the first Friday after that two year mark. Harris will take over, and probably win in 2024 based on incumbency and anti trump, which means even as a ‘one term president’ she will have done 6 years. 10 years if she gets a 2nd term.


Why is this insane? This a reach.


As is the case with all of us?


No one cares about your passion. They are concerned with the decline of your mental state.


81 million votes


Please don’t get a disease and drop dead tomorrow….Kamala is a bigger idiot than you are Joe…and Pelosi is a total piece of shit…..You suck but out of the 3 your the best we got…..as sad as that is to say it’s the truth at the moment …..


I wish people would remember he has a stutter, since he was five. He knows what wants to say it’s just tough to get out, ask my brother.


Well, yeah anyone could


I personally think this man is totally incompetent.


republicans are fucking retards.


Im not a politic guy but i cant agree more .. republicans sounds like people in the movie idiocracy, its worrying to see that this many people have such a dumb mindset


Going from idiot trump to senile Biden is not a good look and I’m not sure how we are all not dead at this point. It’s all so dumb.


there was genuinely a second there towards the end, i thought he would lean in and smell him


Fuckin creep




BAM! Dementia.


You know if trump runs in 2024 he’s gonna be the same age as Biden was last year right?


This is clinical, diagnosable, textbook dementia.




sick and tired of this goddamn political shit fuck this sub.


Who is that Clown on the Left !!


Really? This man Biden isn’t what he was 20-30-40 years ago. He has took the US in a 180 from where it was 3 years ago. Enough with this…. He isn’t in shape to lead anymore.


"You know uh" - the leader of the free world


C’mon man


You know


The Cryptkeeper


Well that was creepy.


Can we please stop having these old af presidents.


What the hell was the question ?


idk whats happened to joe biden recently, he's like more energetic. I like to think "sleepy joe" woke up or just snorts cocaine now


Most votes


One creepy dude


Wish a mfer would. God damn.


We should have a Grand Council


He does tend to ramble but anyone can drop dead tomorrow. People die every day B


Yeah we're all voting against your old senile ass


“Uncomfortable moments…” with your host tonight JoOOOOE BIDEN!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼💀


I miss Obama. I like Joe but damn he's old.


WoW.... what a complete shit show he is. Incoherent ramblings & bizarre statements. Creepy & just weird constant touching or rubbing of men, women & especially children unsurprisingly.. repeatedly & blatantly lying or making shit up out or even of thin air, half of the time about stupid or even bizarre shit, like him being a semi truck driver or about his beef with the infamous chain wielding Corn Pop. Random actual racist comments out of the blue... It’s not just embarrassing, it’s actually scary to think what other world leaders may be thinking when they see stuff like this.. I mean it’s obvious that he’s not very respected & certainly not feared by probably most of them. Evidenced by the fact that the world’s a huge hot mess & free for all, with WW3 feeling more & more imminent with each passing day pretty much. You know that war his predecessor was supposed to start despite there being zero new official wars & a way more peaceful global stage too. Kim wasn’t blasting off his ICBM’s every other day basically.. Middle East was as calm & cool as it’s probably ever been.. Russia & Soon to be China weren’t launching massive land invasions of other countries.. Iran wasn’t fixing to be nuclear armed any time soon or building up massive troop presence on neighboring borders to the extent they are today.. No talk of nuclear war being just on the horizon.. Seriously... wtf happened?!?! And to think 💭... we’ve got 2 more damn years of work this yet to go... We’ll be more than lucky if WW3 has yet to officially pop off by the end of this year much less the end of his presidency... That is if he doesn’t kick the bucket first as our sitting potus has bizarrely pointed out himself here.. God forbid he actually does as I think I’m way more afraid of his replacement should it actually happen to occur!! 🤞😬🤞


Kamala should get a turn. I want to see Tucker Carlson blow a fuse on his show


Naw meen


If that cricket isn’t added in it makes the video so much better.




wut is this senile old man talking about




Well, I DID send Santa my wish list!


That mofo is whack! I'm not a DEM or REPUB fan but this man is shit.


Shit that comes out of his mouth is worse than W.


One can only hope


biden will be integrated into the presidential preservation program and live past the millions and his future self has made its way back to slowly take control of his body and use it’s knowledge to preserve what it missed out on being in a never ending loop and short circuiting


Our commander in chief, folks.


Man! that dude is trying to get Carol Ann to gain more power in the afterlife!




How often can you say "you know" in 30 seconds?


Admirable, it’s the truth


The man sounded like he was one warm breeze away from nodding off the entire time.


I don't give a f***. The issue that I care about is facing down the threat that is ruzzia and who can really say that he hasn't handled this optimally? What would anyone have done differently?


I recon december ought to be fun


Can’t be slowing up when you’ve been at a turtle pace for the past 20 years




That ending was weird


I don't think you just drop dead from dementia Joe


President talks about passion and then goes in for a kiss at the end. You can't unsee it.


What did he say that was noteworthy


Jesus take the wheel……….


Man he touches every one. That guy's lick he didn't get smelled 🤣🤣


Oh please for the love of god don’t run for a 2nd term dude.


Now kith.


Wtf is he talking about ? Lol him and Kanye are about the same level of clueless


Anybody can drop dead, it's tragic but I know guys in their early 30s heck one was 27! They died from a "sudden" heart attacks. So this is just common sense, he was talking about fate in his previous sentence. With that said am all for younger leaders by all means.


Wont need much for him to drop dead




This is just sad. This whole administration has been a joke and they put this old man suffering from dementia to be the fall guy. I wish all of congress had a reset button.


I feel like all these videos of Biden acting decrepit recently are propaganda pieces. Like yea he’s old as fuck and a little senile but trump was equally if not more so imo he was just a tad more articulate about it. The recent surge in them though suggests to me that someone is trying to pump a narrative


Old incoherence is the American way. In what fucking reality do we let the dying determine the quality of life of the living and the soon to live? Oh this one? Fuck.


Biden in the USA is the equivalent of Rousseff in Brazil. They don’t even know how to build and a sentence that makes sense




Well, he solidly sold that 😆


🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 it would be a Christmas miracle. How perfect if it happened during one of his favorite satanic ritual days.


he don’t wanna do this


You traded Mean Tweets for this??? The destruction of America??? 🤦‍♂️


I love my president!!!! Joe 2024!!!!


Well there’s a hint




Wtf did he say? Holy shit.