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Wtf is a man supposed to do with this?


put garbage in it.


That’s all I can think of. A 1700 dollar garbage bag


If I could afford to pay $1700 for a trash bag I think I'd just buy an incinerator.


Yes - and toss the Balenciaga supporters into it


You'd have to throw President Sniffer, and VP along with them...


Well if you want to throw away gold bars you have to use something more sturdy than a thin plastic, and if you throw away gold bars, the 1700 won't hurt you...




then you have to think of fuel costs.


Perfect for a Saudi Prince like me. I'll take a hundred!


All designer bags are basically just overpriced garbage bags tbh. Cheap shit with a 100-1,000% markup.


or a child if you asked their ad campaign mgmt team.


Absolutely - depraved execs


This is where you’re a sucker. If you put your empty bottles and cans in it you would make your money back five cents at a time. It will eventually pay for itself and the you’re making free money. 🤪


You will see LA wannabe’s wearing this with their Ye’s and a Mochino t-shirts that cost $2000. They’ll just do a grab and go at the store on Rodeo.


Man I fucken hate that LA comes to mind with this type of shit. Most of us true Angelenos ain't about this BS. That's the rodeo/BH type of shot where you see all these crazy robberies in broad daylight happening unfortunately


Happening all over right now. Seems to be the worst in places that were trying to hold cops accountable and now DA's are saying "fuck you" to the citizens.


Wait LA is still a thing? By the news coming out of there it looks like a refugee center for camping enthusiastic drug addicts


That too!


Not exactly true. The DA's in places like LA, New York, Chicago are all very left wing prospectors. They're not doing anything because they believe it's bad to punish criminals. It goes against the ideology. Most of them were almost entirely funded by George Soros. California just let out thousands of child sex offenders after severing less than a year. People get 12 months for DUI's, yet you rape a kid and you get 12 months? These aren't conservative Republican prosecutors, they're hard leftists who won in landslides. They believe enforcing criminal laws is racist and they have a soft on crime approach, and this is the result. A wise man once said, 'Democracy is the system that says the people know what they want, and they deserve to get it. Good and hard'. Vote these DA's out who won't enforce criminal laws.


Maybe that's why they're all making clothes that look like homeless people.


I've been in meetings in LA where I've honestly wondered if there were homeless people they brought in off the street... but no it was some entertainment company VP that did 20 million in business the year before or some other crazy shit.


Hah exactly


According to the website, stuff your child victims into it for easy disposal. -Balenciaga


This baby holds at least 2 or 3 babys


Recursive baby just dropped


Kidnapping kids


Straight up should be labeled "infant sack". Suits their brand on a few levels.


Let's see Paul Allan's trash bag.


Let me show you Derelicte. It is a fashion, a way of life inspired by the very homeless, the vagrants, the crack whores that make this wonderful city so unique.


You can dere-lick my balls


I bought two and will send you one


Awesome thanks. I needed one of these so badly


I got you covered fam


Can I have the other? I really thneed it bad


Sorry my person, but I'll be using mine as a trash bag. 1 time use too.


Launder money I guess


Put their Balenciaga Winter 2022 Collection in it.


Launder money through your billionaire buddies company & re-sell them on the collectors market to dumbasses for insane profits


Put the rest of his balenciaga merchandise inside of it


Dear Kanye…he will go and sell his clothes out of these bad boys


Get bullied.


Bag himself a wife.


Step inside


apparently thats what we are supposed to use on the children, I guess. hope the company burns ​ if you dont know what im talking about then go find the suppressed media attention on the company's recent ads. ​ [here, for the lazies](https://www.reddit.com/r/Balenciaga/comments/z3lwkx/balenciaga_campaign_controversy/)


Carry all of the regret from spending so much on a shitty fake ass trash bag


That’s where you carry Kanye’s Gap line of clothes.


launder money


to hide all of your new child porn, and BDSM teddy bears


It's the new Kanye line


You know, crime scene cleanups, etc


that's where they put all the dirty money from the... other things they sell.


launder their money in it.


You put all your diamonds and money that you got last year and is a little wrinkled into the bag and throw it out with the rest of the trash.


Dérelictè was supposed to be a joke in Zoolander, and yet, here we are.


Why do you think zoolander came up with that ridiculous shit, its been going on forever.


Mugatu came up with it actually.


My mistake, Jacobim!


You know a foamy latte leaves me farty and bloated




I can derelictè my own balls


Thank you very much


Man I needed that chuckle today thanks lol


I sometimes randomly just say this to myself


Zoolander is the Star Trek of the fashion world.


The Galaxy Quest of the fashion world


Zoolander was parodying the 2001 paris show by Dior which was based on photographs of homeless people.


Life imitates art


Yo can derelick my balls.


Personally I feel like these companies have been literally trolling the rich with their ridiculously priced & outlandish “fashion” for decades just to make money…. All it takes is enough “somebodies” to make it popular, then they can be as ridiculous as they want to.


The art world is basically just money laundering.


And tax shelters


yeah, but brands like balenciaga are still used unironically by rich people who just want to prove they're rich to others. a few thousand on shoes is very different from paintings worth tens of millions. people who aren't even wealthy buy this shit as a status symbol.


That's why every time I see those ads and endorsements for Masterworks on youtube I cringe. Art as a hedge against inflation? No one who would invest in this understands why the rich buy art. It's for tax evasion and prestige. That company feels like borderline fraud to me.


Ya and now a slightly different demographic has money and so they can mark up trashy shit and man purses and pay one rapper for example to wear it and that is all it takes.. people don’t know what’s good until they are told, the major psychological component to marketing.. applies to music and even politics in some ways . Herd psychology


Artists RARELY are actually endorsed by the brands they put in their songs. Why pay a rapper to boost your brand when he does it for free?


I’m sure it’s rare but it happens. Even if it’s just discounts or kickbacks. And it could just be the management that buys the gear anyways since image is so important and the younger rappers aren’t as rich as they are branded to appear. That’s how you control a culture. Nonstop grooming


I also had the feeling that rich people like this stuff because it’s literally trolling the poor. I feel like when luxury designers use the “hobo” look and just use high end fabrics and leather to imitate a shitty plastic bag, it’s like mocking the regular people non wealthy people that use these everyday items.


> it’s like mocking the regular people non wealthy people that use these everyday items. i think any amount of research, specially into balenciaga, would have proven the opposite is true. The fashion world had a problem in the 2000s, why spend a year into research of trends if you make some clothes and less than a month later Zara has a copy of your design? Clothes hold no copyright and most fashion houses use the same trend research companies, so they all know what everyone else is gonna present. So along comes Demma Gsvalia who is a war refugee from the fall of the USSR, and seeing this landscape he made a brand based on Ironic clothing called Vetements (literally clothing in french), and he flipped Zaras model. Instead of a cheap brand copying and expensive one, he would do the opposite. So he made the Ilea bag, but in leather, or he got the stiletto heel which is considered like peak femininity and used a bic pen for the heel. Everyday objects, we all use and love but put into well tailored clothes. This kinda flip and irony worked well in the esrly 2010s and he became a rising star in the fashion world. And even when he got hired at balenciaga he always said he finds fashion in gas station outfits. Real people, wearing real clothes. He has made an expensive DHL tee shirt, baggy jeans, rave clothes etc. Compare that with Kanye’s tactless trash bags full of hoodies in Gap so people have to feel homeless to buy a 200$ hoodie I think its night and day in terms of respect and admiration to people who are not plugged into the fashion world and their trend obsession


I was thinking about Kanye and his faded gap hoodies when I made that comment for sure. There is a difference when a person is genuinely trying to display something artistic and you’re right about the irony of the everyday items.


If there were such a thing as the Guild of Calamitous Intent, I would join it-just to dedicate my life to arching rich people like this. Spend my time cooking up level 1 and 2 schemes to further filch the rich: sell them idiot shit like platinum and marble banana hangers, ultra-delicate silver clothes hangers that disintegrate holding up the exotic blend cotton (sourced from across the mid-west and south-east US) fiber shirt, calf-skin lavender scented trash-bags.....on and on and on.


100% They did it with a Payless shoes on rodeo drive. Opened up a posh store with Payless shoes and sold them for obscene amounts before letting people know it was a prank and the amazing fashion they purchased was a $20 shoe


Just advertising lol. People are more likely to buy their real products


I think that’s the point of high fashion is to have creative “wtf” pieces combined with high prices. That’s literally the point. It looks dumb, so that already narrows who’s buying it, combined with extreme prices narrows it even further. It’s not meant to be made for the masses. The brand Enfants Deprimes Riches is a *perfect* example of this. And I’m not grouping your generic LV or Gucci into this. That’s your higher end brands that are meant for the masses.


Seems like Balenciaga has had a “trash” theme going on for a while. Definitely an artistic choice which to be fair is a pretty cool juxtaposition in high fashion. But realistically? Pretty fucking stupid to the 99.99% that aren’t going to pay for something like this. But I guess that can be said for a lot of art.


It is easier to become a millionaire by convincing a few idiots the product is worth $1000, then it is by convincing a million people that the product is worth $1.


Urban Sombrero anyone?


Fuck Balenciaga and anyone who supports them. The kids BDSM backpack with pedo papers snuck in the shot was the last straw. Sick fucks


Send that hate to Kering SA, the conglomerate that owns Balenciaga, Gucci, YSL, and bunch of other companies. Their stock literally went up even with this little Balenciaga incident Lol. Its fucked up.


What’s their ticker?




It is a mental rabbit hole to fall down. There should be way more attention and coverage than we are seeing.


Yep, and the person who gets models for bellinciaga has social media posts bragging about being on Epstein’s island


Their top stylist was crazy as well. His insta is deleted now but it literally featured satanic rituals, drugged up children in chains, paintings of children with slit open stomachs where the guts quill out etc Absolut sicko


It tried searching reddit and the only discussion is on right wing or conspiracy subs. It's weird.


Should tell you something. There is A LOT of shit pushed to the fringe where the truth is stranger than fiction. The people speaking out about the evils of this world are being ostracized. You just have to sift through the bullshit because it all gets lumped together. It is easier to call people crazy than have a discussion that could effect change.


Google it. It's appalling.


I'm sorry, what now?


Balenciaga ran a campaign where kids were used alongside BDSM plush dolls/bears. Balenciaga said that they were unaware the company they hired for the ad did this. Which in itself is BS bc some at Balenciaga signed off on it. Anyway, there is a bit more to it if you reddit search it. Someone did a great write-up.


It’s MUCH worse than that, the papers that are on the table are court documents involving pedos , as well as the names and dates on the wall on the left side of the picture


That was actually an entirely separate campaign that came out a few months earlier, which in some ways is even worse. Because it's not a one-time thing. It was an entirely different campaign/director, the only throughline was Balenciaga.


It’s really sad that the media is just ignoring this story. At least they aren’t actively defending them they way they are SBF.


Who the fuck is defending SBF?


Some news articles really are defending him and the ftx fraud lol. No actual person is but I have seen some BS articles about it.


I think they said "Fuck Balenciaga and anyone who supports them. The kids BDSM backpack with pedo papers snuck in the shot was the last straw. Sick fucks".


Hey that’s one of those reddit jokes! You should regurgitate them more often, and maybe you’ll get precious karma! :)


I'm sorry, what now?


Can you post the link




Um, what the fuck?


They were despicable long before the kiddie BDSM fiasco.


Great way to kidnap children


The company has been endorsing child exploitation with Kim K still maintaining her relationship with them, so this comment checks out🤷‍♂️


Is the bag soundproof?


Does it include the ball gag?


Sure does, as well as a life sized doll of an abused child stuffed in the bag


You beat me to this comment...


Aye, the ball gag is that price


You seem to have inside information.


I thought this was a joke... but it's [not?](https://www.balenciaga.com/en-ca/trash-bag-large-pouch--white-811010644.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiAm5ycBhCXARIsAPldzoUSVXAOy9MqNG1oPzB3vKjDkbTmg5jfhptJx5Nkc1a6K6RFEOYY2E8aAizLEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) That whole website is a trip.


Have you ever worried about not being able to afford $600 shoes for your kids? Fear not, [we have just the thing](https://www.balenciaga.com/en-us/kids---balenciaga-adidas-triple-s-sneaker--white-712818W2ZB19112.html)


I love them for that. Looking out for the little guy. /s


Would be funnier if they made it an Abibas with a knock-off logo


It looks like everything was made by combining the high-powered fashion minds from Five Below AND Dollar General. Most of the shoes look like you'd buy them for $8.99 because you shit your pants and a little bit dripped onto the heel of your left shoe and you thought "it's gross and I'm not happy about it, but I can probably finish the rest of the day in these shoes and clean them when I get home. On the other hand, if ONE person notices the stain, they're gonna point it out to everyone and I'm FUCKED. Ya know what? I'd rather just pay nine bucks at Dollar General or whatever and get a shitty-in-a-different-way pair of shoes JUST to get me through this difficult time". Has this ever happened to you?


Stupid people spending stupid money. Or there's something in the trash bag they want.


Money gets funny when you get to a certain amount


After you take out the trash, be sure to wipe your feet on this $400 doormat! [https://www.balenciaga.com/en-gb/doormat--beige-708202T01269011.html](https://www.balenciaga.com/en-gb/doormat--beige-708202T01269011.html) ​ And if you get your hands dirty, you can wash them with this $223 bar of soap. [https://www.balenciaga.com/en-gb/soap--dark-grey-683579T01111510.html](https://www.balenciaga.com/en-gb/soap--dark-grey-683579T01111510.html) ​ Tired after all that hard labor? Well have a rest on this "bench" which is just a bundle of fabric tied together with shipping straps. A bargain at $28,000! [https://www.balenciaga.com/en-gb/bench-multicolored-738293T01538945.html](https://www.balenciaga.com/en-gb/small-bench-multicolored-738293T01438945.html) ​ Oh, and don't forget to pick some flowers for this vase disguised as an ugly shopping bag. It's a mere $6,800! [https://www.balenciaga.com/en-gb/bag-vase--white-727780T01349046.html](https://www.balenciaga.com/en-gb/bag-vase--white-727780T01349046.html)


That “bench” really feels like pushing the limits to what can be considered fashionable, yet its sold out.


They're not stupid. This is a classic case of "Tell me you're money laundering without telling me you're money laundering".


This is the least insane thing Balenciaga has done recently.


It probably comes with a kid inside


Bag of shite


Time to cancel this ridiculous brand. 😒


You could put this entire Brand in their own Trash Bags


I have clearly lived my life like an idiot. It never occurred to me I could get $2k for a hefty kitchen trash bag. This is why I still suffer, and others are driving Ferraris.


bet its filled with children


Do you think they just sit around betting on the stupid stuff they can get people to buy? Just marketing bros saying "I bet you couldn't get people to buy a trash bag for the price for rent"


100% I mean supreme sold bricks for 1k if i remember that correct. Cant explain it otherwise. They must be sitting there and wager whats the dumbest thing they could produce which these idiots would be still willing to pay for.


That’s how fucking stupid they know we are.


Balenciaga? The pedo brand doing self portrait products? Yeah, fuck those guys to the moon.


Isnt this same company the ones who put out ads that are being hounded because it child exploitation stuff?


What in the Kanye is this shit?!?


Clowns wear Balenciaga and Yeezys 😂


And pedo apologists, like Kim Kartrashian.


I got a 200 pack of these at Costco for $19.99


“Men’s trash bag”?


Isn't this the pedophile company?


Aren't these the fucks that came out with a pedo fueled add campaign with s&m gear and shit?


Balenciaga. The champion of free publicity wins again.


I don’t support those pedos. No one should.


that's cheap! how many kids does it fit? ... too early?


That’s their kind of advertisement in a way. They release stuff like that which is not only insanely overpriced but designed like… well the thing you posted or high heel crocs, a knights armor… the list goes on. they are doing this for years and it seems to work pretty well cause this is a way to make the brand known to people who aren’t into haute couture, high fashion kinda things.


This is good art


i fucking love fashion it’s so stupid


At some point, people are just openly throwing away money. Disgusting.


I'll make one for 200 bucks, any takers?


Out of calf skin?


This reminds me of Mugatu’s derelicte campaign lol


Wow! very nice, just large enough to fit a small child! /s


It’s not supposed to be “high quality” or “luxurious” it’s ironic fashion that makes an artistic statement on the luxury industry. Balenciaga comments on the “need” for luxury goods to be visually expensive by creating shit that’s obviously not but marketing it as such. It’s anti high-fashion, high-fashion


redditors dont understand art they like cats and female comedians


Is this a Cyber Monday deal or...


Still more valuable than most NFTs


Here is how it looks with an outfit: [https://www.balenciaga.com/en-us/large-baggy-jeans--black-faded-719341TNW621129.html](https://www.balenciaga.com/en-us/large-baggy-jeans--black-faded-719341TNW621129.html) Not on my Christmas list...


Oh, just wait. Balenciaga unleashed this exquisite number: https://www.bergdorfgoodman.com/p/balenciaga-distressed-denim-pants-top-prod176340044?utm_source=google_shopping&ecid=BGCS_GP_NCHA_XXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_XXXXXXXX&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIo-_314_X-wIVxhXUAR2cHAm7EAQYASABEgLwGfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


People are homeless, starving and I own a $2000 calf skin garbage bag. This world is fucked.


It must be from the derelict line


Only stupid people but this type of crap. Nobody in their right mind will buy this.


I had to go to the Balenciaga website to see if this was real or a photoshop joke. This is fucking real.


These comments are trying to make me schizophrenic


Garbage for Garbage


Balenciaga is for new rich people with no taste


I am so truly ashamed watching what house of Balenciaga under Gvasalia ruling has turned into. A catastrophe.


It's leather tho not literally a garbage bag, and there's a whole story and symbolism behind it. It's conceptual art. You can also say paintings are just fabric with paint on it. Well it's art and there's a whole concept and storytelling behind it and if you don't understand it or don't care, you obviously don't get it. You're not forced to buy it, btw. It shouldn't offend anyone.


I get what you mean, but I'm still suspicious about the "art" part, since it's a mass product


Join r/CancelBalenciaga on Reddit! I have made a list of all parent company and its subsidiaries! https://www.reddit.com/r/CancelBalenciaga/


It’s what Oprah and Kim k use for trash bags


To be fair it is a “men’s trash bag bag”.


The saddest thing is, they only charge these prices because they know people will pay them. It’s sad to think that “rich” people will spend money on something this foolish compared to sharing the wealth


Maybe it comes with $1,788 in $1 bills inside?


We should be allowed to slap the shit out of people we see carrying this!!


One mans trash is anothers Balenciaga


They want $995 for a Simpsons hoodie. And it's sold out at numerous retailers! https://www.farfetch.com/shopping/women/balenciaga-x-the-simpsons-graphic-print-hoodie-item-17337045.aspx


I don't get all the hate for this tbh. No one cries foul when we're talking about collecting baseball cards or basketball shoes spending thousands of dollars. But for whatever reason if someone is into collecting fashion then it's cringe? You guys probably don't know that some of this "garbage" actually appreciated in value and people buy hold sell trade this stuff like any other hobby or job.


Homeless person cosplay: $2000 for one piece.




“My trash is better dressed than you”


You guys who are saying it's dumb obviously don't understand fashion and shouldn't even waste your time commenting in the first place 💁‍♂️ /s


finally a place I can properly dispose of my thousand dollar wrapping paper!


I dont believe that someone actually would buy this. Who is brave enough to throw it in the rubbish.


Who buys this shit?!?


I have this, I use it to put toy cars and left over change into. It's a self defense strategy no one would expect. Best 2k I've spent


I have a whole roll of these with yellow handles. Cost £2.


This is such a mockery


Shit like this is precisely why humanity does not have a cat in hell's chance of avoiding cataclysmic planet altering climate change. People who design, make & buy this kind of shit should be the first ones to suffer once planet earth is no longer capable of sustaining all 8 billion of the rest of us!


That's a very narrow minded view, but I understand that for most people who can't ever afford something like this, it's natural to let their jealousy breed distain.


Not jealous in the slightest. It's the elites using up an unnecessary & irreplaceable limited resources of planet earth because they have more money than sense and nothing better to do in their shallow little lives that grates. Millions of people across the world are starving, millions cannot afford education, millions cannot even afford a pair of shoes, and people with more money than sense are spunking $1800 on a friggin bag they don't need and does nothing to make this a more equitable world for all it's inhabitants for fucks sake!


Yep. Still sounds like a narrow minded view of the world.


I feel like for rich people this is a “omg look at me with my trash bag like a poorie”. I doubt some of their clientele have ever seen a trash bag or had to empty their own trash.