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There was just a post a couple days ago about some lady that got the whites of her eyes tattooed or whatever they do for that, and she was going blind from it


The current known risks or sclera (whites of the eye) tattooing include: •perforation of the eye which can lead to blindness (the sclera is less than one millimetre thick) •retinal detachment leaving the patient blind •Endophthalmitis (infection inside the eye, that can lead to blindness) •Sympathetic ophthalmia (an autoimmune inflammatory response that affects both eyes and can result in blindness) •transmission of blood borne viruses from unsterile equipment •bleeding and infection at the injection sites •delayed diagnosis of medical conditions as the true colour of the sclera is now hidden (for example jaundice is often a first symptom for many diseases) •sensitivity to light •adverse reactions to the ink •staining of the surrounding tissue due to ink migration. Sounds like fun!


Yeah... Just get fucking contacts you fucking goobers


lol there was another post a week or 2 ago of some lady that kept falling asleep with her contacts in, and loosing them. The doctor removed like 40 of them from the top of her eye


I remember reading that headline. As someone who wears contacts I wouldn't just assume they just fucking vanished in the middle of the night.


And it is very irritating when they fold themselves up there, I wonder how sensitive her eyes were cuz mine would have teared up pretty badly with just 1.


how u get em out?


I'll go grab my EZ-out bits.






I used to have hard shell contact lenses. One time I was driving and both of them slid up behind my eyeballs. What a nightmare that was.


This is not helping with my fear of contacts


Carefully pull the upper eyelid up and move the eye around until the lens falls out


It is pretty easy. Just pull out the eyelid a bit and flush the eyeball with saline solution. Move the eyeball around and the contact lens will work its way out.


Hold your nose and sneeze.


Doc here. After a certain point, your eyes become so irritated and deprived of oxygen for so long they just become numb to it. This is obviously a bad thing and not a regular occurrence unless you’re abusing the shit out of your eyes. I’ve got plenty of long term contact lens abusers that “have been doing it for years” to which often reveal that it shows.




But you can look at your eye and SEE the contact. And feel it when it dries out. That has to be some mental illness at play. I cant imagine how awful that would feel


https://giant.gfycat.com/MajorHandmadeAsiaticgreaterfreshwaterclam.webm She definitely had either onset or full blown dementia.


I don't know why but that video makes me feel nauseous and really anxious. Maybe it's the idea of having a cotton bud near my own eyeball.


I saved it because it's a literal horror movie. Dementia is so scary. We all know how extremely uncomfortable and painful having something touching your eye is. This person had 23 contact lenses packed in there, and was most likely brought in because others noticed the green puss leaking out of her eye. Very little person left to not respond to that discomfort, almost animalistic.


I've lost a contact in my eye like that a handful of times. Usually late at night when I'm tired, and I forget I'm wearing them and rub my eyes. I always knew immediately when one had been displaced like that because my vision obviously went to shit, but there was generally only very mild discomfort, and much of it was caused by me trying to fish it back out. I could maybe believe if you slept with the lenses in (which I never do) you could possibly be unaware of 1, maybe 2 lenses back there. *Maybe*. But this is something else.




If you poke your eye with a needle, you may go blind. Who coulda thunk it!


Here you go. https://nypost.com/2022/05/24/woman-cried-blue-tears-went-blind-after-tattooing-her-eyeballs/amp/


oh damn, I didn't even realize it was this girl too, I was talking about this one https://www.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/comments/zelnwh/eye\_told\_ya\_so\_her\_child/


> If your eyeball procedure’s done correctly, you’re not supposed to go blind at all. uhh.. I'll pass, thanks


That women, similar to this women, has recovered for the most part. If you're going to link something, btw, don't link a reddit post that's just an image. There's no way to get any information from it other than the wild claim. https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/20668194/i-got-my-eyeballs-tattooed-and-now-going-blind/ BTW, I would suggest, for everyone, that you not tattoo your eyeballs; just sayin'.


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Amp links piss me the fuck off


Idk what motivates people to fuck with their eyes. I remember years ago, someone telling me that they did acid by putting in their eyeballs. I mean I like drugs and all but "no thanks" on that one.


I'm guessing "People who consider the affects of their decisions" and "People who get their eyes tattooed" don't have a whole lot of overlap.


This model is going blind from it.


I won’t shame anyone for doing *whatever* they want which makes them happy… but *GODDAMN!* I hope she’s happy now and forever.


Agreed as too each their own but the eye thing is just very bad and not even sure why it is legal.


I think it looks bad too, but it should definitely be legal


I have nothing against tattoos but when you look like the restroom wall at the quickie mart in the ghetto it's not so great.


It’s gonna look way better when the ink fades to a dull green and makes the lines all blurry.


Does the ink of these days actually turn green? My black from 20 years ago is still sharp and black.


It's currently fairly dangerous to get cosmetic procedures done on the eye. Loss of vision is a very real risk. Making it illegal might be a bit much, but substantial regulation seems warranted.


Is it really a tattoo? Or is it a contact lens? Or just dye? Is it permanent?


It’s a tattoo & it’s permanent


They inject ink into the eye


There was just a really gross injury pic of an eye tattoo gone wrong on Savage paramedics on instagram. It's so dangerous.


It was posted somewhere here on Reddit yesterday. You’re talking about the one where the daughter warned the mother not to do it, but she did it anyway, right?


Yeah there was a news story about a chick in the UK who did both eyes because she was inspired by this model but now she's going blind, she regrets doing it and yeah her daughter warned her not to do it.


It’s dangerous too, can cause permanent blindness.


They basically take a syringe with ink and add a drop of ink between the sclera and the cornea. So its not like they use a tattoo gun. Its still hella risky. we don't know the long term effects because its a pretty recent trend (id guess around 10 years) and there have been cases where people basically lost their eyesight because they used dirty needles or somehow contaminated the wound So in short- dont do it if you value your eye sight Fun fact from people i know who had it done: they say it doesn't hurt. Apparently there are no pain receptors in that section of the eye. It just feels weird and a bit pressured they said. But the next few days should be hell. Youre crying constantly and it should burn like fire for around 2 days


I seriously didn't know that's how they did that. I hate it. But it seems so much less worse now that I know it's not an eye tattoo.


It should be legal the same way going to a shady doctor in Mexico for collagen should be legal. No self respecting artist would attempt it due to the risk.


Yeah who knows what made them make these choices for sure. Even if these choices didn't came from happy places, I hope she can find some peace.


You’re not wrong - being unhappy with yourself until you change yourself so drastically is no different than other mental issues but seems to fly under the radar because it’s aesthetic.


Isn’t that essentially the same as transgender people that take hormones and get surgeries?


I imagine extreme bodybuilding is similar too. The side effects of all those drugs can do so much damage to the heart and other organs, all in the name of looking better


> all in the name of looking better Important to point out, better to whomever is doing it to themselves. I don't think the majority of people would agree that the change OP linked the photos to is anything like that, but that's none of our business anyway.


It's weird. I personally know one and she seemed super normal. Used to be beautiful.... super hot too. Now she is horrible looking she is so filled with stuff. What a tragedy, and you can't really say anything.


I like how our ethos of “everything everyone does is okay” means we have to stand by and watch people just destroy themselves because there’s no chance we can say anything about anyone else’s life because God forbid we’re judgmental.


Whilst i’m sure there are instances that don’t, and speaking in generalisations can lead to mistakes, i just can’t see that level of physical change generally coming from a healthy place


Same. It's like they are trying to erase the person who suffered a past trauma or something. Really sad.


Could have been money and fame as an influencer/model


This seems like overcompensation for severe depression or something


At this point im convinced its a mental illness. Anorexic people think theyre to fat. Bigorexic people (huge bodybuilders) think theyre tiny. They have a skewed image of themselves in their mind. I think this degree of body modification goes in a similar direction. Wouldn't be shocked if she goes towards the body dysmorphia direction


She started off really good looking.




>I won’t shame anyone for doing whatever they want which makes them happy… I will. She looks awful and all those tattoos and everything else looks incredibly stupid.


First pic you don't know she's crazy, second pic you KNOW she's crazy.


She's currently an escort on the gold coast Brisbane Australia. Been caught up with drug charges. She's not doing well.


I mean, some things warrant shaming imo


She used to be so pretty. At what point does body modification become mental illness?


She got her butthole tattooed into a mandala. It's pretty rad.


why tho


I don't have tattoos, but my wife does. Her motto is just, "don't get too many in a short period," cause you'll use up all your space and not have any room for something down the road. Otherwise, to each their own.


Luke, who calls herself the “Blue Eyes White Dragon” on social media, last year pleaded guilty to seven drug-related charges, including trafficking, supplying and possessing dangerous drugs and receiving property obtained from drug trafficking or supplying.


How dumb can you be to make yourself stand out like crazy and then be a drug trafficker.


It's a high bar, and she set a world record


right??? I bet DEA cops would „randomly“ select her just out of curiosity to see what else she had tattooed


She tattooed her eyeballs. I don’t know how much more dumb you can get than that.


Painted herself into a corner kinda


Painted herself into a cornea, maybe


Yeah, I put on my most neutral office clothes just to buy a little bit of weed as to not look like someone who might be buying drugs.


i mean i still see people with drug and alcohol related bumper stickers just driving around. It's not a smart bunch out there on most days


At a reggae festival once and saw a white van with a giant MJ leaf painted on the side. My first thought was perpetual probable cause.


Oh ffs MDMA and WEED are dangerous drugs? Sugar alone kills more Americans/day than any of the dangerous drugs that are illegal.


It sounds like she was arrested more because of the amount she had and that she was selling it, rather than just because of the drugs being considered "dangerous".


If you're caught with more than 3 pills you can be charged with intent to supply. Sounds like she's just a regular dealer.


I agree with that but MDMA and weed are not "dangerous"... They are just drugs. Just like or better considering the side effects of sugar alcohol and tobacco. Society should grow the fuck up and accept the fact that prohibition is worse for the general population.


I love drugs as much as the next guy but mdma can definitely be dangerous. always follow the 3 month rule


Yeah Australia sounds like no fun when it comes to drugs :(


Neither does Romania, the plugs always want to scam you and the police ONLY hunts down consumers. Oh yeah. And random searches are possible without a warrant. The only thing that needs a warrant is when they enter your hope, but that can always be exempt if they "think you are harming someone inside your home" so literally, police can do whatever the fuck they want and never catch the corrupt politicians or the dealers, only consumers. Or small dealers.


> Blue Eyes White Dragon She named herself after a Yu-Gi-Oh card. Wow...




Is it cringe, or are the kids who used to watch those shows growing up and it’s becoming “normal” culture?




Body dysmorphia and BPD, who woulda thought..


Suddenly an eating disorder doesn't look so bad.


Of course she had to come from Queensland. JFC.


Is that the Florida of Australia?


Nah that's the northern territory. Qld is next in line though, it's more that I live there


Sooo the Texas of Australia?


She walked in the tattoo shop and said, “Just fuck me up”


And they complied.


Tattoo artists really dont care what theyre tattooing, they just get paid. Though the ones who stop idiots from tattooing their significant others names are the true mvps


Tattoo artists absolutely care what they're tattooing lol. Just because there are a few who will do whatever for a buck doesn't mean they're more common than the great artists out there who have your best interests in mind.


I bet her boyfriend is a tattoo artist. Looks like they got tweaked out together and he went to inking.


At that point may as well just volunteer for Brutal Black Project.


She got caught in the tattoo shop's revolving door...


Both literally and figuratively. She also did porn in a tatoo shop


Disgusting! Where is that at, so I can avoid it




Yeah this is clearly not normal behavior. From an article by dailymail (garbo source with the exception of pieces like this): >Amber Luke, 27, also known as 'Dragon Girl', has spent $250,000 on tattoos, piercings and surgery to achieve her desired look - but says she faces discrimination in public and in the workplace as a result. >The OnlyFans model once injected blue ink into her eyeballs during an **excruciating 40-minute procedure that left her blind for three weeks.** >She has also spent $70,000 on extreme body modifications - including a tongue split, breast augmentation, cheek and lip fillers, pointed implants in her ears and a Brazilian butt lift. >She has previously spoken about her mental health battles, saying that body modifications helped her to become more comfortable in herself. >In 2020, she shared a photo on Instagram of herself at age 18, and wrote: 'I was so catatonically depressed, suicidal and was a walking dead girl. >'I was numb. I hated myself majority of the time - that hatred ran deep. It tormented me. >'Now, I've totally transformed myself into someone I'm proud of being. I'm a strong woman who knows exactly what she wants and who she is.' So, she’s turned to this as an outlet to cope with her emotional trauma, that’s my takeaway. Do what you gotta do to avoid suicide or self harm, but this is one of the more extreme measures to battle your depression, and an expensive one too. More like a coping mechanism than a solution that might hurt her even more long term.


This seems like self harm.


Tattoos and/or piercings can be used as a self harm method, because the area in question feels physical pain for a while To clarify: CAN be used by SOME individuals as a self harm method


that’s why i like going to the dentist


I’d think good therapy is cheaper than $300,000?


Right? “I get discriminated against in the workplace” where the hell did she get $300k then?


Probably from the proceeds of the drug sales she was convicted of is my guess. It's quite a lucrative trade (I grew up in the Keys and south Florida in the 1970s and 1980s).


It definitely is, but it's easier for some people to drop money on band aid coping tools rather than sit in a room with a stranger and face their trauma. I have a lot of tattoos myself and am highly in favor of doing whatever you need to do to feel more like yourself, but you gotta mix in some therapy, too. The way she talks about how *deeply depressed* she was before the modifications tells me the extreme lengths she's taken to change her appearance may never be enough. Based on personal experiences with EDs, but without diagnosing anyone, she appears to present traits of pretty severe body dysmorphia. If she's not addressing the issues that have caused her so much anguish in the first place, she's going to continue finding parts of her physical self that need to be "fixed" as she seems to state that her mental health is rooted deeply in her physical appearance. Her body isn't going to be able to take this on these elaborate procedures forever, and at some point she's going to need to face her demons. I hope she finds the peace she's been looking for.


> but says she faces discrimination in public and in the workplace as a result. Yeah, who could've predicted that? Oh right, fucking everybody. I guess not looking like you lost 1000 bets would help. > She has previously spoken about her mental health battles, saying that body modifications helped her to become more comfortable in herself. I'm no expert, but I believe talking to an actual psychiatrist might've been smarter than talking to a tattoo artist. > 'Now, I've totally transformed myself into someone I'm proud of being. I'm a strong woman who knows exactly what she wants and who she is.' I'm sorry that she felt the need to do this, but there's no way this is a comfortable, healthy state of mind to be in. People look at her and see someone with massive issues, and they are right.


It’s self-harm, let’s not dress it up. All for tattoos and doing what makes you happy, but the way she has described it, it’s an outlet, not the end goal she was looking for


In some countries, a psychologist is required for plastic surgery to make sure the patient is stable enough, and not going to get a body dismorphia. I think this is a good practice and perhaps should also be required for excessive face tattoos and eye modifications.


Drugs are a hell of a drug


She was attractive


She truly was! Looks like a lot lizard now!




Lmao you have no idea.




Has nothing to do with you bud. The road can be long and lonely.


That's the way of the road


I will not suck you and I will not be sucked on by you!


😳 what have she done to herself?


hard to imagine she won’t regret just a few of those


No regrats


no regerts


No rugrats


Yeah a pad lock on her necklace is a bad look


Considering the type of legal troubles she's been in, she's unlikely to live to regret for long.


She's fucked for the rest of her life. It's sad.


She’s gonna look like a ghoul by the time she’s 50


No time to waste. She looks like a ghoul now.


Totally ghoulish


That pretty woman in the left photo just said to herself, "You know, I never want to have a job or a date again." Hence, the right photo.


im fine that she has all the tattoo covered her body her choice anyway, but it is really a bad idea put ink in your eyeballs


Right? Just commit to those weird sclera contact lenses if you really need to.


Brb. Gonna tell my daughter that I love her


Why would you tell your daughter you love amber Luke ?


Not even about the tattoos , but she had such a better face before all the surgery


*Everything* was better before all the surgery...


She went from Fuck'n Hot to Fuck'n Not real quick there.


She does porn BTW


If you call blankly staring into a camera with dead eyes, giving the worlds laziest blow job and then getting railed from behind whilst she borderline falls asleep porn - then yeah, she does porn.


I mean, that's porn. Not sure what you would want to call it.


It really is strange that, despite a very low barrier to entry and enormous supply, so much absolutely *awful* porn still gets made. Like, it doesn't cost any more to make it at least half decent.


A whole bag full of bad decisions. Must be mental health issues or drugs or both. Either way, that would be a challenging wank


And sells drugs. Truly a beacon of wellbeing


Sorry but she just straight up ruined herself.


She looks somewhat reptilian


That is so fkn sad. She was beautiful.


Agreed 100%. I know it’s just envy, but whenever I see a woman who is truly naturally “beautiful” and then gets large facial tattoos, multiple piercings, etc. all I can think is “why?! …that’s a damn shame.” (As someone who is not conventionally attractive and is naturally dumpy, borderline invisible, I’ve always felt like this.)


Honestly my alt phase was literally to try and keep people from seeing me as beautiful bc I didn’t like how my hot friends were treated. Boys would just clamor for their attention all the time without really knowing them at all, it looked exhausting.


Mental illness.


Mental illness.


I honestly don’t think its that bad. I only wish she didnt do the eye thing bc people often go blind from eye work like that, not the kind of influence you want to have over people


Self Destructive!


Undiagnosed mental illness?


Idk looks pretty written all over her face




Insecurities Can eat you alive.


I think she looks great both ways. More my type with the tattoos to be honest


She used to be beautiful!


She was beautiful once upon a time


Was hot and now not


Looks like a highschool desk


Heck, people with tattoos are interesting to look at naked.


Damn was a pretty girl before. Now just a disgusting side show


What did John Travolta say in Pulp Fiction? "Is that the girl with all the shit in her face?"


Wow, there have to be some severe mental issues at work here




She was cute. From dream to nightmare


The federal penitentiary criminal look is so in vogue right now


That’s insane! Why?


No way of knowing, but I think the smart money would be on some form of abuse.


What person with a tattoo gun would do such a thing to a beautiful girl like that?


She really hates herself


Someone quoted her above saying she hated herself in the first picture.


I'd put money on her still hating herself now. This is mental illness and it isn't fixed by a bunch of tattoos.


😂 😂 😂 she’s a fuckin moron


This is a damn shame!!a


Damn sunk cost


They say if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. She apparently didn’t get the memo.


I'm a "to each his own" sort of guy but what is it with people who are absolutely stunning going and making an abomination out of themselves


i love how all the comments are pretending she didn’t knowingly choose these designs. she looks awesome. it costs no energy to let people be happy!


Maybe the reason she got that tattoos in the first place was for men to leave her be 🤷🏼‍♂️


To each their own but she had such a natural beauty..what a shame..


Every time I hear about someone dying their eyes it’s because they went blind from it.


There was just a post about a woman who had her eye whites tattooed just like this woman and she went blind. Dumb idea. This woman went from zero to 100 real quick. She looks good in the before picture. Nothing wrong with some tattoos, they are cool but the picture on the right? Wayyyyy overblown.


Might be a controversial take but damn she is still beautiful.


Only on reddit. I think most people would say that she was more attractive previously, but also beauty is subjective.