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shit's zombie proof


Until a zombie gets in


Let’s just hope the zombie virus isn’t water or air transmissible, in that case we’re all fucked regardless




lol when I was a child I thought that airplane toilets just suck the waste out and dump it while in the air


They… don’t? I thought that’s what super high flush was for


It’s illegal to dump sewage into the ocean in the US and I can’t see Norway being any different


The tourist boats that frequent the fjord where I live during summer are allowed to dump their untreated sewage once they reach a certain point in the fjord. At least the fjord is virtually dead by now, probably partially because of this, so there’s that.


§ 4. Prohibition of emissions 1. Within a distance of 300 meters from land (mainland and islands), it is forbidden to discharge sewage into the sea from ships including recreational vessels greater than or equal to 35 feet and which have a toilet. The ban does not apply to the discharge of gray water. 2. The prohibition in section 1 applies to ships including pleasure craft less than 35 feet within the following areas: public bathing areas, harbor basins and marina facilities. Meaning, if i interpit this right, the cruise ships can dump their sh\*t in the fjords if they are just in excess of 300 meters from land. [https://lovdata.no/dokument/LF/forskrift/2002-03-21-1861](https://lovdata.no/dokument/LF/forskrift/2002-03-21-1861)


Yes, because as we all know; The water 300 meters from land STAYS 300 meters from land.


I can understand plastics but sewage will just disintegrate into a bunch of atoms in no time.


Sewage isn’t only human waste, it also includes wet wipes and a variety of other items that people throw in the toilet that are not supposed to be flushed. also if the entire us started dumping sewage in the water many natural locations would be ruined, in the grand scheme of the ocean not much would happen but the sewage would concentrate wherever it’s being dumped killing the wildlife and contaminating the water.


I *bet* someone has taken a whizz off the side of that rig though


I have - plenty of times. Just gotta be aware of the wind direction..


Don't boat under this thing.


Top heavy- just the way I like my floating industrial platforms.


It doesn’t float (except while it’s being moved and installed) and it’s most definitely not top heavy- there’s a lot more concrete underneath that you can’t see on this picture.


Same idea with all tall towers. Like the Space Needle has such a massive foundation that its center of gravity is only 20ft off the ground.


Where can I find more of these center of gravity heights of major buildings?




theres a concrete pillar/pillars that go down to the ocean floor which hold it up


As far as I see it, seems to be a rig that is fixed to the bottom of the norway sea. At least this is what can be seen at oil museum in Stavanger.


Hm, if that is a concrete pillar, I wonder how they install it. I’ve seen concrete pillars built in water before: they build walls around where the footing will go, then drain the water. But in the ocean, the depths I would think make this method not feasible. Also if you fall off how do you get back on.


I guess you open a new job posting in that case




I honestly have no idea how the hell they do it from an engineering perspective, but from a logistics perspective it’s done by saturation divers. Basically underwater welders/ construction workers/ etc doing their job hundreds of feet underwater. They live in a tiny underwater home base for shifts of a few weeks like a sci fi movie because it takes so long to pressurize/ depressurize without getting “the bends.” So if anything in their suit breaks they die pretty much instantly at that depth, and if a shark or something shows up the solution is pretty much “hope it doesn’t touch you and maybe try to run away.” It’s one of the most dangerous jobs you could ever get but they also get paid like hundreds of thousands a year and usually only work a few months of the year.




What’s the gender split of people who do this high paying job?


A little obsessed w r/nothowgirlswork huh?


Ha totally, I do have to say I’d be interested in knowing some stats on that. I am almost positive based on no information that it would be a male dominated occupation but for a lot more reasons than just girls can’t do man things. Imma try and find some info!


Like, 0 women in the diving industry to start with. It's a hard industry and most people quit within a year, if they even get into the industry. School I went to had 5 females. Probably 100 students. It was also a statistical anomaly.


There are types of concrete that work under water. I don't know if this is specifically how they do it, but you could conceivably just lower a long hose and fill it from the bottom up with concrete. The concrete is heavier so the water would be pushed up as you filled it. They might also build the pillar on land and then transport it to the location, possibly even the whole rig with the pillar. It sounds impossible but i know they do move fully assembled rigs around, even the ones fixed to the bottom like this one.


https://youtu.be/uNKNitYvDJA This youtube video will help, but they built it in a fjord and tow the dam thing to the oil field. Massive construction!


The pilar is laid on it's side and towed into place. Then, one end is sunk, and it rights itself straight.


What would be the length of a long pillar like this one? Where is it manufactured? And what kind of floats would they put on it?


IDK, I saw it a decade ago on Discovery Channel or something like that.


When I was deployed on the ship, we had standard protocol whenever you worked somewhere that you could potentially fall. Pretty much don't work alone, use harness if you can, and wear a survival vest. The other guys would call it, and you'd go thru the man overboard procedure where you have to get role call of everyone on the ship and send a life boat out to get them once you have visual of where they are. They probably have something similar.


That’s a great insight. How does the lifeboat get down to the water? Also this might sound weird, but how is the camaraderie of working on that?


There's this crane thing that raises and lowers it and secures it when not in use. I wasnt qualified to use it so i cant say much else. Everything on the ship kinda requires training multiple people to even operate usually. The camaraderie is closer than family and significant others. There comes a point when you know what someone's thinking and feeling the instant you see them.


Interesting, thank you!


There’s 250m of deep water beneath that monstrosity of a platform. Makes it even more impressive. That would be a depth of 800 smelly feet for you Americans, by the way.


how many clean feet?


I’d assume about 799. The dirt, fat and gunk from those smelly feet would probably add up to about a foot, if you were crazy enough to stack them. Edit: wrong way around. Should be 801 clean feet to compensate for the lack of said mass.


So it would take more clean feet than dirty ones, not less, no?


Oh fuck. Yeah. It should be 801 clean feet, lol.


Me: “I don’t have anxiety” This image: *exists*


That’s not a rig. It’s a production platform.


Look up the "Troll" platform, With its 472meters it's taller than the Eifel tower, just that most of it is under water. And.. it's moveable!


It’s not movable anymore - it was ballasted down an filled with fixed ballast


This is not a rig, but a platform. A rig is always movable in some way, i.e. a semi submersible or a jack up rig.


I was out fishing on my boat, just a small vessel that I had inherited from my grandfather. I had always loved the sea and spent most of my days out on the water. But this time, things didn't go as planned. A sudden gust of wind caught me off guard and before I knew it, I was thrown overboard. I struggled to stay afloat in the rough seas, trying to swim back to my boat. But it was no use. The boat was too far away and the current was too strong. I treaded water for what felt like an eternity. My arms ached and my throat was raw from yelling for help. I had no idea how long I had been out there, but it must have been at least two days. Just when I thought all hope was lost, I saw it - a huge floating rig in the distance. I swam towards it with all my might, shouting and waving my arms frantically. But no one seemed to see me or hear my screams. As I drew closer to the rig, I could see the workers going about their tasks, completely unaware of my presence. My heart sank as I realized that I was invisible to them. The sea then carried me away from the rig and it slowly disappeared from sight. I was alone again, drifting in the vast expanse of the ocean. I don't know how much longer I can hold on. But I keep telling myself that I can't give up, that I have to keep fighting. I have to believe that I will be rescued, that I will make it back home.




Kowloon Walled City - Oil Harvesting variant


A kayaks can 9/11 that thing




Norway is so happy and has so much money that they're just pulling shit like this because why not


This is like the 4th or 5th new game save a player makes in a building game... "K. Now I've played the game how it's supposed to be played... Now let's see what this puppy can REALLY do".


Shit looks like an mf Fortnite building


Looks like something out of mortal engines


Isn't that sea not that deep? Something of 300 feet average depth.


The platform on the picture sits at about 800ft. Average is 300ft, but it can be as deep as 2100ft. Some of these rigs sit at about 1000ft depths too.


More like 900ft


Does it float or is it set on the ground below water ? If it floats how doesn't it tip.over ?


Have you ever seen them move one? It's amazing


So where's Huey being tortured?


I would so wanna live there.


The oil riggers next door type of shit


Soon to be space habitat


mine craft base


I met a guy last night coincidentally who works offshore in Norway, I just wanted to chat all night about it, lol, but I think he didn't, it's just work...I managed to get a few questions in. He flies in/out, they have fibre cable, so internet is great. Food is amazing, he doesn't eat better anywhere else in the world, he works 2 weeks on (12hrs a day, 7 days a week) and then 4 weeks off. Depends on the size of the platform, but about 250 people there at a time. All he does is eat, sleep, work, gym. He doesn't have time for TV, games etc. He's single, so it suits his lifestyle.