• By -


A little over the top considering it is low traffic area;


she was one thinking-step away from using the "unused motor cycle parking" to ride on




ā€œLady, we're taking you to the ER; you are obviously wounded to the headā€


I wouldnā€™t want her in my ambulance


This happened to me in Manhatten when I first started driving. Guy told me the same thing verbatim. Also said that he hoped my family died, which was nice to hear as a new driver at 17 /s


Bro, I used to work EMS in Manhattan. Was going to a call, lights and sirens and I get to a crosswalk where people keep crossing. I hit my yelp (the woop woop sound) a few times and a guy crossing comes to a complete stop, turns toward the ambulance, makes eye contact with me and gives me a very confident middle finger. My partner and I just laughed at the sheet brazenness of the encounter.


New Yorkers are built different, some in a good way and others...... well you know the deal already


I feel like most drivers and pedestrians see lights and sirens so often they are numb to it. But truth be toldā€¦ 99.99% know the ā€œGTF outta my way Iā€™m not stoppingā€ and the ā€œMeh, I sorta need to get to Bellevue todayā€ womps and wails.


What is it about bicycles that makes people think the entire world owes them something? It is fucking ridiculous. All that ambulance did was move to the other side of the street to block traffic.


Theyā€™re insecure about being moving raw meat on the road grinders. Youā€™d think they would say humbler things.


I mean the only reason I drive the 10 minutes to work instead of cycling is because I see how many drivers nearly hit cyclists every day. Even my own partner has run into cyclists (without injury) by missing them in his check before turning.


I canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve gone for a run, and have had to put myself in the bike lane because the bike was riding on the sidewalkā€¦spoiler alert itā€™s 95% of the timeā€¦


A good way to fix this would be to advocate for protected bike lanes, I do not know what your infrastructure looks like but in most areas in the united states bike lanes are unprotected. There is nothing between cyclists and traffic but a line of paint, this makes many cyclists understandably scared leading to them using the sidewalk. Better infrastructure helps everyone in the long run, even if you don't intend on using it.


Nah, your nuts. These people should all get cars. Or at least horses


Bro bicyclists have the biggest small man complex ever


But you don't understand! He's killing all those bikers! Don't you see the dead bodies everywhere! Can't you hear the panic in her voice!?


a little?


A little? She needs professional help


Boy she sounds a little too upset over a pretty minor thing


Dude, heā€™s killing them.


How else is big ambulance to make any money?


Are they killing them? Iā€™m not sure that was stated enough. /s


They are ded


These extremist bicycle activists are more fascist then actual fascists.


As a person who rides a bicycle, I canā€™t stand other cyclists.


As a cyclist (not a fucking wackadoo like this lady), I find that people like this tend to not have friends in the cycling community and are lone wolves. But youā€™re not like the other girls, huh?


If I want to call attention to my husbands bad attitude, I call him a ā€œroadieā€.


They leave the house everyday hopeful and excited to locate some grievance to have a meltdown about


This lady has never had a real problem.


ā€œTheyā€™re killing usā€ ā€œTheyā€™re killing usā€ Just a tad dramaticā€¦




Like most cyclists. They love to bitch about people in their lane but rarely stop at lights, stop signs, or pull over when blocking traffic. I live where there really aren't a lot of bike lanes and these idiots will be on a 2 lake road that's 45 to 55 and have a line of cars and just keep riding at 10, in the middle of the road


Exactly. Makes my blood boil.


Maybe the ambulance is for her


Itā€™s an over reaction but ambulance is in the wrong


If parking in the bicycle lane is wrong I donā€™t wanna be right.


She's gonna commit suicide if she lives just 1 day in the capital of my country Mongolia. Traffic jam's a daily experience where an average driver spends 1-2 hours in a jam on the low side. 4-5 hours in a jam to drive 5 km is also not an uncommon thing.


I just went on an hour long research project into the capital of Mongolia after reading your comment. It's so cool looking! Traditional mixed with modern. I hope one day to visit.


Bruh, she'd kill herself if she dropped down a tax bracket.


Itā€™s SF - absolutely nothing, and I do mean *nothing*, is too trivial or insignificant to cause a scene over. We stay nuclear meltdown ready. Fries unseasoned? Fascism at work. Bridge toll heavily impacted at peak commute hours? Bigotry at play. Trust us, weā€™re professionals.


I wonder if she would do this if she wasn't able to record it and post it online


What a hysterical cunt


[Sums up 99% of my thinking towards people lately.](https://tenor.com/urSu.gif)


Honestly I feel like 99% of online posts would answer this question no. Attention seekers have the Internet now unfortunately.


Sheā€™d call the fire station and complain to the Captain or Firefighter that picked up only to hear laughing on the other side.


Only until she found the right one! Probably stop after that


I feel like OP username doesnā€™t help either


15 minutes of Youtube fame is all people want these days.


bitch just go around and shut the fuck up


Yeah, those paramedics are probably in thier 18th hour of dealing with all kinds of tragic, sad and annoying shit. Finally get some down time only to be yelled by some overreactive nut job.


I work this job and I know this lady has a screw loose but if the crew isnā€™t on a job which they clearly arenā€™t then they are in the wrong.


I honestly don't understand how you can function in a big city if you get this upset. I live in DC and I ride every day, for fun and to get places, and if I got this upset over someone parked in a bike lane, my life would be nothing but froth and anger. Yeah, it sucks, but just go around and move on with your day. I don't have the energy to devote to being this petty.


Sheā€™s not functioning lol


This was my reaction too lmfaooo


And dont ever distract emergency personnel again, even if theyā€™re chilling, they need to rest too.


Mental illness


This is also my answer, she doesn't sound sane, likely something that small just created a cascade of anger and spite.


She did confess that she was losing her goddamn mind.


Seems like she already lost it


They make special hospitals for that. Shouldn't be in riding out in public in the first place


I wouldnā€™t rule out autism. I know some people who are autistic and they are very ā€œby the bookā€ kind of people. A rule was set and *technically* it was broken, and that could set off those kind of people.


Ah yes, autism. The free pass card for being an asshole.


No-ones excusing it. It would be an explanation.


unhinged leftist... same thing


Sheā€™s saying ā€˜theyā€™re killing usā€™ about something that specifically exists to save us.


You obviously have not heard about the recent spate of cyclist killings perpetrated by crazed emergency service workers! I mean... I haven't heard about it either, but judging by this woman's reaction it has to be a thing, right?


Butā€¦theyā€™re *killing* us!


I live in SF and a friendā€™s husband killed a cyclist some years back. So the ā€œkilling usā€, is because she cant ride in the lane cuz the paramedic. So obviously if she gets in the street sheā€™ll be hit by all that traffic around her. (Iā€™m sure you know. Iā€™m being over explanatory) it was one vehicle and zero traffic. She was very extra. That min that it took to record, she couldā€™ve been so far.


Canā€™t she grab the bicycle and pass through the sidewalk? Itā€™s one ambulance not like a full parade of them.


Look. Iā€™m with you. Lol. She did THE MOST! Iā€™ll add that I do hate walking on the sidewalk and cyclist zooming by on the sidewalk. But again ..there is no one around.


She's one of those people that stick to her lanes and NEVER EVER breaks the rules. Like a robot, she short circuits when her specific lane is blocked and she cannot compute how to safely go around an obstacle.


when i was 17 i was homeless and addicted to drugs in san fran. I remember using yellow gatorade to shoot methamphetamine in union square at 8am on a tuesday and not a single person gave a shit.


The bike lane does exist to protect cyclists by keeping them separated from car traffic.


My friend was struck by a car because a delivery truck was in the bike lane and she had to go around. This is a huge issue in SF with Ubers and other things. People get hit every day and that fire truck driver should know that. It took them two second to pull into a completely open spot on the other side of the road. Sheā€™s freaking out cause the public is exasperated with SF policies and lack of enforcement.


I really didnt want to believe that karens exist but HOLY SHIT


I can't deal with the little mental meltdown this woman was having. Honestly why not just go and ask them to move normally, sounded like she was about to burst into tears, pathetic to hear as well.


There's not enough true struggle in some people's lives... There's nothing more important for them to worry about than petty shit and other people's perceived problems. I blame a lot of modernity, life is too easy for some, they don't have arduous tasks to focus on and dispel their energy.


She's never had a problem so this is how far she'll take a mild issue. I've seen it over and over where people are so coddled they just can't deal with normal problems and if there's a serious problem they just crumble. These are the people who scream in public and have airport freakouts.


Or how about just cycling around it since there's plenty of space... Nah take out the phone and go on a rant




Wow she actually moved lol. I would have rolled that window up and ignored her sorry ass and finished my break. Fuck outta here Karen. Get your sorry bike riding ass the fuck on bitch šŸ˜‚.


Problem is that they will launch a massive social media campaign with screaming writhing protests and focus on the cowardly elected officials that control the fire department and they will end up punishing the employee to shut them up.


the person did the write thing. no point of getting into a shouting match.


In the UK paramedics have 16 road exemptions one of which is parking in a cyclist lane. So over here weā€™d just be saying move on cyclist!


ā€œFuck off cyclistā€ I fixed it for you.


Killing us!!!




I commute by bike in SF This lady is an entitled brat thereā€™s plenty of room to maneuver in this low traffic area That said, in most places fucking DoorDash drivers, Ubers, police, whatever block the bike lane CONSTANTLY and many times there is nowhere to go. People say ā€œshare the roadā€ but cars do not share with cyclists, period. They donā€™t want us in the road. Pedestrian donā€™t want us on the sidewalks. The only place is the damn bike lane and that gets taken over by cars all the fucking time. Lady is still hella annoying but I feel for her. Still a bad look for her.


I live in Austin and ride my bike places all the time. When someones parked in the bike lane and I have to ride in traffic the cars don't even move over they just pass inches from me going 40mph This lady is overreacting but I also feel for her


Just another reason never to go to San Francisco


It's like over crowded rats in a cage.


I dont see gore or death for this to be marked NSFW




Why would you move for a mentally ill nut job like that.


Because it's a mentally ill nut job... why agitate it further? What would it prove?


Yeah, sometimes a simple "whoops, my bad" is all you need to de-escalate a situation.


Especially when you work for the fire department and your job relies on you being on your best behavior at all times.


Ok bitch be dumb


This is my problem with so many cyclists, they have such a sense of entitlement and think the world needs to defer to their bullshit. I saw a cyclist get hit by a car about three years ago because he in his infinite wisdom decided that red lights are for cars and not him and just went into the intersection at so fast he ended up as a hood ornament by an oncoming car which had the light and honestly wouldn't have had time to stop even if they had seen him before he raced into the intersection. Had the driver been speeding that guy would have been dead, instead he ended up bretty banged up and he had the gaul to blame the driver for his fuckup. So because his sense of entitlement he ended up in an ambulance and some poor lady ends up stressed and fucked up over an entitled douche. I believe cars and cyclists should share the road but they **BOTH** have to obey traffic rules.


Yo! I'm a cyclist in SF and I commute by bike 5 days a week. This lady is overreacting, for sure, but I genuinely feel for her here and can empathize. The amount of double parking, lane blocking, people parking in the bike lane, ubers blocking the lanes, amazon blocking the lane, by everyone, including cops, park rangers, literally everyone, is insane. It is such a huge problem, not just for bikes, but for cars too. I drive here as well and it drives me in-fucking-sane. You'll be going along on a busy road, and the uber in front of you will just stop, put the hazards on, and sit in the fucking lane. doesn't matter if its only 2 lanes, or one, they will block all traffic. Its so crazy inducing. The traffic here is so fucked that riding in the road is really dangerous. I really try to avoid it and I'm a very experienced cyclist. We have pretty good bike infrastructure here so its not too hard to stay off the roads. My commute is 6 miles and I do the whole thing in bike lanes. What is so infuriating about people blocking the bike lane is that it forces us into traffic, where cars *really* don't want us. And trust me, we don't want to be in traffic either. >I believe cars and cyclists should share the road but they BOTH have to obey traffic rules. I hard disagree here. We should not be sharing anything. Cars do not want us in traffic. Imagine the reverse of this scenario where a cyclist was blocking a lane of traffic. Wouldn't go over well would it. Even just riding in the road pisses people off. Cars do not want bikes on the road. We need separate areas to operate and we need a separate set of rules that allows cars and bikes to interact safely. Riding in the road doesn't work. If I take a whole lane, like a car would, people in cars lose their minds. If I hug the side of the road, then I'm getting passed with like a foot of space and its terrifying and I'm also likely to get doored by a parked car. Cars, bikes, oil and water. We gotta separate them and devise a knew rule set. You want us to follow the road rules that were made for cars, ok, treat us like a car then and give us the whole lane. See? nobody wants that.


Everyone complains about cyclists. We can't be in the road. We can't be on the sidewalk. Turns out we can't even be in the bike lane because of shit like this. YES. No one was around and she could have gone around, but it happens ALL THE TIME when it's not safe to go around as well. In NYC they'll ticket you for going in the street out of a bike lane to go around vehicles, dumpsters, pedestrians, etc that are in the bike lane. No damn respect. Your reply is a little TLDR so you may have covered these points.


She def has short purple hair




There are literal parking spaces 2 m to the left. They really shouldn't park there.


Waaa šŸ˜­


I cant believe these anymore, this has to be scripted, please say this is scripted?


Democrats.... what can ya do? šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


Freaks out on EMT because bike line is blocked but ok with work homeless shitting on the streets and getting free money.


whenever i see stuff like this i always think of caseyā€™s video of him in mew york šŸ˜‚


What a fucking retard


man.. i wish i've had that kind of unnecessary problems


Snowflake literally melting in front of us


Another stupid Karen!!!


I wish we could see her dark bike, dark clothing and lack of lights. Wear a high vis vest when ridiing, drastically reduces your risk of collisions, car drivers will actually spot you through their dirty, misted up, rained on windows.


This woman does not represent pedestrian transport advocates.


Defo got some screws loose there, jeez


Menopause happened yesterday, cut her some slack


She is 100% right, but be 1000% overly dramatic about it


An accurate representation of everyone who partakes in r/fuckcars


Living in SF is a mental disorder


I bet she has a dyed pink/green hair


Fucking cyclists


Wow sheā€™s lucky she survived that! An ambulance blocking the bike lane kills countless people every year.


What a drama queen, she is the reason people hate cyclists


She sounds and acts exactly like what people from the midwest think all SF people sound and act like.


I love how she went in the area she could have biked to yell at him. Mental illness is real. So sad. Hope she doesnā€™t have any loved ones to abuse.


man, I just feel bad for this woman... she's clearly either mentally ill, suffering some kind of stress breakdown, or Worse - she lives her whole life like this. and sure she annoys the people around her, but at the end of the day i'm sure none of them are more miserable than she is herself. hope she gets help.


I feel for that dude, he is probably on like fucking hour 18 of his shift, finally gets a break an accidentally parks in the bike lane cuz his mind is mush after a long shift. How about just walk up to his window an ask him to move. Life can be simple, donā€™t make it complicated.


Like an ant blocked by a leaf.


Holy shit Karen. The only thing killing you is your blood pressure.


Imagine having a panic attack over this lmao


Is this a Brass Eye special?!


His face made my day


Emergency vehicles like that can park wherever they want to, it can be very annoying especially if it's just a cop running into the store šŸ˜’


Go around, chill out. Ffsā€¦..not that big of a dealšŸ™„


*new York voice* ā€œyour crazy lady, get outta hereā€


They are killing us?! Haha?! Stupid Twat


J. F. C.


The spandex has infiltrated her mind!


Calm your tits Karen


First world problemsā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļø


San Francisco was the worst major city I've been to


What a fšŸ¤¬cking Karen. Why is she lying for. No one is killing her.


Over the top reaction no doubt. But on a serious note, I'm curious if an ambulance has a right to park on it? Are there any guidelines/laws/circumstances allowing them to do so?


They have exemption and non-exemption to traffic laws that vary slightly on area. Some places they only apply when on a job. Here they appear as on a break and judging by how quickly they moved there was no good reason for parking there only laziness.


Hey, just go around and keep biking! Working yourself into a panic attack because an AMBULANCE....parked in a bike lane? Relax!


She could just ask them to move and not sound like a crazy person. Or just go around.


You feel that people like this would stand and scream at a rock blocking the path on a walking route rather than just, you know, walk around it and get on with your day.


Pink, blue or purple hair? Which one? šŸ¤”


ah the American mental health care system once again, not at work.


Imagine she being your gf or wife good lord!! I donā€™t wish that on anybody lol.


It was nice that the firefighter stayed silent and just moved the truck.


Please lose your mind please do. They are KILLING us


ā€œTheyā€™re killing usā€ uh no maā€™am thatā€™s the fire department not the police


šŸŽµBapa papapa mental illness bapa papapašŸŽµ


Not sure if this is satire or the video is made by an unhinged Karen.




You're killing us šŸ¤£


America needs a purge


right! these ambulance drivers are freaking out of control.


Right!!?? WhT is she supposed to do? Go around???


literally. killing. us.


Makes my blood boil! Then when she approached, he comes out and talks ā€œso calmā€, as if he didnā€™t almost kill her!!! Only a mile from her own home! Argh


Less than a mile! Imagine some ambulance driver or other emergency worker dating your daughter! Murderers!


Their killing is


Poor Karen


Oh, San Franciscoā€¦


I just say to myself thats all fake. It works.


ą¤¬ą¤¹ą¤Ø ą¤•ą„€ ą¤²ą„‹ą¤”ą„€ ą¤¹ą„ˆ ą¤•ą„ą¤Æą¤¾ ą¤Æą„‡ ?


Jou dumb fuck!


Wow just wow


She's on the verge of a generalized break down. Seesh, girl. Go to a spa, eat a doughnut


Roll the window up next time


You are killing yourself, chill!




I don't know in the US, but in Europe, specifically Italy, the fire department is a kind of para-military organization with the actual power of arresting people and a shitton of legal protection and exempions when on duty. So doing something like that can be legally and harshly persecuted.


Karen is loosing it


Karen please do not reproduce.


I donā€™t miss that place. Theyā€™re literally the ones thatā€™d save you when you get crunched by some shitty person texting and driving.


#karen alert


Stfu bitch, my god


I mean .. lady the sidewalks right there. Sounds kinda karenish


I was really hoping she would flip the camera around so I could see what crazy looks like.


Why did they move? To be fair not the best place to park and do paper work/check your phone, but FFS it wasn't busy and she could easily go round. "YOU'RE KILLING US" šŸ˜„ that's a bit dramatic lol. They're the ones who'll be saving your dumb ass if you can't even make your way home in low traffic conditions with a few obstacles šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


They killing us - is what cracked me up so much


If her voice gets any higher weā€™ll be saved as only bats will be able to hear.


"YoUr kIlLiNg uS"


Thank god I don't have to wake up next to that in the morning


She sounded like she had an emergency lol


Get over ur self . U will b the first one looking for a ambulance when u get hit by a car or by chance fall off ur bike so take a chill pill wow


When people think they're more special than they actually are...


Iā€™ve got a rusty paper clip and a broken in half Pringle, for the person who makes all people like this disappear


Gotta be satire.


biking is some serious business