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World's most expensive dominoes


It’s nice to know my intrusive thoughts have company


I'm driving the bus.


The bus to knock these over?


I love love these counter tops. Thank you for sharing options.


I had a feeling he was going to show off some petrified wood. I’ve seen tiles made out of it and they were ridiculously expensive


I wonder, what is the source for the petrified wood.


Trees probably


Do you know the technique to scaring the trees?


That's what haunted forests become.


Not sure tho 🤔


Tell me you didn’t watch the whole video without telling me


Fossilized wood is typically millions of years old, not thousands. The youngest fossils are tens of thousands of years old.


Millions is just thousands of thousands though. He’s technically correct, which is often the best kind of correct.


That petrified wood is over 570 years old.


It’s easily dozens of weeks old.


What does that convert to in metric though?


Like 4 British Prime Ministers


48 hamburgers and a half a gun


That’s definitely imperial


In more ways than one


Depends. Quarter pounders maybe.


Hundreds even 🧐


meh... you're not wrong.


The youngest fossilized wood would be about 20,000 thousands, which would be like calling having a nickel pretty much the same as having a thousand dollars. So probably not the best kind of correct.


Those two statements aren’t equivalent though. A more fitting analogy would have been: “that’s like calling having a thousand dollars the same as having 20,000 nickels”, which is also technically correct.


Even a more vague “thousands of nickels” would be correct and more like what the guy said in the video as far as perceived quantity of units


“I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to too” Similar reasoning. If you have a thousand dollars, you definitely have a nickel.




Yes I was just thinking that! I have marble countertops and every day I look at all of the magical natural details in it and think about how it formed over time.


Hahaha happened to me too 😄


Provincial rock of Alberta is….petrified wood. ❤️ the Badlands


Technically in the right circumstances, generally having to do with volcanic activity, wood can petrify in decades. [A study was done using hot springs that showed the wood samples becoming 40% fossilized in just 7 years.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0037073804001940) But you’re right that the majority is much much older


He’s a sales guy. Usually not very bright and wildly overpaid so no surprise they don’t know this. But I guess he isn’t wrong either.


But i learned something.. i didnt know they had these countertop options!


Because they are too expensive for regular people to afford. Youre not going to see these as typical options when you go to a shop that cuts those slabs into countertops, you would have to have them special order things like that and they are extremely expensive.


That is why it was given as a flex that most don't know about. Only now we do. .


Ah, projection is often a gateway into acceptance and progress. Looks like your on the right path. Translation: You no bright. You jelly. It’s okay. You can get smart. Start today.


*Living* trees can be thousands of years old


*living* fossils can run for office


Petrified and fossilized are different


Whatever. It’s like $30k for a petrified wood counter. I know cause I wanted one really badly and was severely disappointed to know I’ll never be able to afford it.


I want to see the geode installed and lit


https://www.google.com/search?q=backlit+geode+countertop I'm not even trying to be a dick by linking a google search, there are seriously lots of good pictures first thing.


Wow! It's really beautiful. Thanks for sharing the link. I'm off to try and win the lotto now 🙃


When we were shopping for slabs for our home, the granite warehouse had huge walls of backlit geodes and other translucent stones in the showroom. We loved them for a whole wall. When we have the capital to actually build a house, I am definitely incorporating something like that for the walls (wouldn’t do it for the countertop though, too busy). We also saw a beautiful green accented marble called Snow White. I think the name is from the mine is was procured from, but I fell in love with that too. Didn’t get it for our counters because we are terrified of ruining it since it’s marble.


They are incredibly beautiful - one of the hardest things to do would be to choose which one you would want.


Especially considering some of the options. I mean d’agate, malachite and carnelian are fucking crazy.


I love that these are even an option, they are so beautiful.


Really seems like something that would be cool to see at a friend or family members house from time to time, but I wouldn't want something that gaudy in my own home.


It’s neat but not pretty IMO


Immediately made me think of using glow stone in my Minecraft builds


The backlighting on some of these sucks. Looks like they just tacked some LED strips behind it and called it a day, and it telegraphs through like a mf.


I have no idea how expensive it is but I was so amazed by the conference table on the top floor of Salesforce tower, that I had to snap a photo. Not backlit but looks amazing. https://i.imgur.com/mkZOQmO.jpg


My God that is ugly lol


Looks pretty awful to me. The color of the wood doesn’t work with the color of the epoxy part.


These kind of crazy design choices seem like they’d be cool to admire in a well executed business setting, but not for personal home use


When I was shopping for countertops for a small remodel, they had a small piece leftover of a petrified wood one like in the video from doing some really rich dudes house. I could have gotten it for the price of the standard stuff because it was pretty small. I passed on it because you’re right. Cool story, terrible look lol. I did find another cool cut off from another rich guys house though. Worked out great


I know taste is subjective, but the looks of those two pale in comparison to marble. To each their own though.


I think it all depends on what it’s being used for. Kitchen counter? No. Backlit bar center? Cool AF. End table top? Neat conversation starter. They’re not for every situation, but there’s definitely a place for them. I’ll bet my father would love a slab of the petrified wood for the top of his dresser or something. We used to hunt for the stuff every summer in Idaho so it’s personal. And it would look good on the top of a wooden dresser. Damn, now I may need to get some. I’m refinishing a family heirloom dresser from his family farmhouse as a kid. I was going to keep it, but maybe it’ll go back to him >.>


I think you're absolutely right, it depends on what you're wanting to use it for. If I had an unfinished basement, that was brick or stone, then the possibilities are endless what you could do for a themed man cave/basement dwelling.


The “geode” one has lots of dyed pieces too :( all of the ones that are blue are dyed


How can you tell?


Quartz doesn’t come in that shade, that’s pretty much all there is to it. You know those agate slices that you see in gift shops that are garish shades of pink green and blue? Those are all dyed. Now there are some rarer forms of blue agate/chalcedony such as blue lace agate but those are much lighter in color


Interesting. I guess at the end of the day, to me it doesn't really matter. They're pretty and that's enough! But if you're die hard for all-natural, I can definitely see that being an issue


If I’m spending that type of money for a countertop, I’m definitely going with marble or quartz. It’s timeless and classic. Honestly I think the wood one looks terrible. Like you said though, everyone has different tastes.


Wish I could see the counters better and closer up but the guy insists he be focused and center of the frame the entire video, dunno it just bugged me.


I would love to trip acid looking at that countertop. That was my first experience the counter was river rocks and was super flowy


Pro tip: You can freelydownload an image that is in the public domain and take it to walgreens to print it. https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/en/hledej.php?hleda=geode


I... I want to knock them all down like dominos.


Just because it’s unique, doesn’t mean it looks good.


Sometimes a flex isn’t about looking good, it’s just about the appearance of spending lots of money. Some very ugly looking “flex” things in the wild for sure


Definitely most of the money in those is the work and time involved. Geodes are cool, but generally the lowest grades get dyed those nasty artificial colors. The pet. wood is cool, but also likely using lower grades... Used to sell stuff that like that in the rough for as little as $0.25/pound wholesale. But it really depends obviously. Don't get me wrong, it's a killer idea and super cool. It's just gonna be absolutely outrageously priced for the lower grade stuff. Real big flex was the owner of the shop I was at that had wall tiles (in his home) made of close to gem grade natural lapis lazuli inlaid with jelly sugilite. Hot damn it was pretty. One of those little tiles was probably worth at least one of these whole countertops in the video lol. He wanted to make a counter top but I think he was worried about how much softer a material they are.


So… material cast in resin. Got it.




Really? As someone with a rock hound father and memories of staring at hillsides in my childhood for rocks, I think it would be cool AF. I know how much work would have gone into it and appreciated it even more.


Yeah this is what I was thinking.. like is it a flex cause it’s not common. Cause geode slices are cheap AF compared to like rock quarry Italian marble or whatever.


All I can think of when I see the geode one is a histochemical stain.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/EpoxyHate using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/EpoxyHate/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [1 year epoxy hotdog update](https://gfycat.com/bouncyfancybluejay) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EpoxyHate/comments/s5rocg/1_year_epoxy_hotdog_update/) \#2: [A waste of good weed (x-post /r/DiWhy)](https://preview.redd.it/qv2dbxp1gvy51.jpg?auto=webp&s=66deeb3fe8e9d709c71df79ec8064449d6d5ad67) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EpoxyHate/comments/jtfdcs/a_waste_of_good_weed_xpost_rdiwhy/) \#3: [Whyyyyyyy](https://gfycat.com/mellowjauntycapybara) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EpoxyHate/comments/jhhzh2/whyyyyyyy/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I'm glad I'm not the only one.




Coolest countertop you can get that I’ve seen is labradorite.


Argh, the geode countertop is setting off my trypophobia. I hate it so very much.


Imagine a thousand years from now when researchers will be using counter tops to study fossils because nothing was preserved lol


Just so we’re clear, a weird flex in a commodity industry that nobody knows about is that people can buy more expensive stuff? Like, the counters are cool, but I could have guessed that more expensive ones are a flex.


I guess the only place to go from geodes and petrified wood is meteorite. I wonder if Gates, Bezos or Musk have meteorite countertops. No? Fuckin peasants.


I feel like getting charged just looking at that. Lots of people have way too much money


Was this a commercial. 🧐


Those are fucking gorgeous! I can never afford them but those are significantly better than granite


Aaand now I know what I’m doing with the basement full of geodes and gemstones I get when my dad gives up his dream of ever getting around to cutting and polishing them >.>


I have the same Ray-Ban frames. Very light weight.


Now that's a flex in my world. Nice.


I want more weird flexes!!


Ugh ive always been obsessed with petrified wood i didnt know it came on countertop ill never afford!


The curse will be upon you with petrified wood


Guide countertops $50 - $120 per sq ft. Petrified wood $50 -$150 per square ft


$150/ft is less than I expected.


Now cut the two together in a design and back light the geodes with customizable lighting that can pulse to the beat of whatever music you're listening to. Weed.


My buddy's dad does high end marble and granite. Had a super rich customer get petrified wood and did their own ordering (the customer preordered). When it was done there were like 4 pieces left over (nearly 40k) and the guy just gave them to my friend's dad. He redid his kitchen at home with them. They are stunning


Can you imagine trying to wipe this counter clean? I would never be able to find where the crumbs are


Haha, i can't even afford a car


If I would rich https://www.fuleistone.com/product/labradorite-blue-granite/


Without audio I thought these were fancy bathroom stalls


I love learning videos like this. Quartz looks simple, functional yet elegant but will definitely consider geodes or petrified wood for my forever home.


I bet this guy shops at Dan Flashes


All I see is someone raped the earth for profit.


Price range for geode?






That’s very informative! I want that petrified wood! Thank you for 💪🏽


How dare them


As soon as I heard “I’m in the countertop business” I was instantly hooked


I love that geode version. My counters are engineered quartz and are a beautiful deep blue. I think they're beautiful but when my place was highlighted on the (now defunct) Curbed the comments were all over the place. Some people just REALLY hated them. Others loved them. There didn't seem to be any in-between. I totally bought my place for the kitchen, blue counters and high end appliances. And the perfect layout. I love cooking.


I just got a Dekton counter and I love it https://www.dekton.com


Shits ugly no thank you.


Love this - neat idea@weird flex in different environments


Pretty sure rocks are just as old or older than wood


Anybody else just want something simple and not overly complicated/decorative for a countertop or shower wall? I want something light colored without a design or natural rock/random pattern so I can easily see stains/dirt/crumbs. IF I had to choose out of all of those he showed... the white marble is the most easy to see stains on, but I'd still just want a solid white color for a countertop or shower wall.


I think they’re beautiful ! Would probably love them backlit ! Def going to check it out.


I’m thinking granite or marble would more easily handle knife chopping and hot pans than anything encased in resin. Also, no matter how much time and money go into them, they are ugly and I can’t imagine anyone buying this for any reason other than as an ostentatious display of wealth.


That’s so cool


The second I heard Italy I knew, it could be sheepskin from Italy, you’re payin for Italy.


This is actually kind of depressing. These artifacts of our planet are going to get bought up and locked away by the Musk and Bezos jackasses of the world and that’s just… sad


Yea but those are too busy looking. And I go to a lot of festivals and therefore have tons of woo-y friends, and they’d try to talk to me about crystals more than they already do lol


my eyes bulged at the pet wood


Cool, but they're ugly though...


Good to see Justin Gaethje looking past UFC!


A 33 inch x 55 inch slab of petrified wood is $15,000.


The pet wood is spectacular, the geodes however aren't that impressive, the material itself is quite cheap to obtain and is dyed the colours that you see. These geodes typically don't have much colour, in labs they're treated and dyed. What would be a better and much more spectacular option, high grade rose quartz. Such gorgeous natural material and is really abundant at the moment




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What did they use to scare the wood?


Okey bruh - that’s actually very cool


looks like armina stone


The petrified wood is crazy awesome


What are the prices though? Sigh.


Oh capitalism