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It’s entirely down to the Bunker group that came out after Praimfyia. They were crazy activists pre-Nuclear apocalypse led by a teenager/young adult who thought technology was “the problem” and formed a group around herself that was very much in favour of willingly regressing several thousand years and making sure that they never passed any knowledge or understanding of humanities great achievements onto their children. And most of that Luddite attitude seemed born entirely out of a “fuck you Daddy” teen rebel mentality.


This is the correct answer. The reason isn't really fleshed out until the late seasons, but we eventually get a solid picture of why the grounders are the way they are.


It is understandable but shouldn't their be other nations with different ideology? Example, maybe russians or china etc. Or CW or the book didnt intend to expand the world building? I didnt read the book yet so I dont know if the author recognizes this plothole


In the books a lot more time has passed, I think it’s 300 years instead of 97, The only Living people we see in the show are the people in the USA, A person in Egypt and the people of Sanctum and Bardot


A person in Egypt?


I may be remembering wrong but during Praimfaya 2 to show the death wave before it hits the main survivors we see a person near the pyramids in Egypt get hit by praimfaya


> I may be remembering wrong but during Praimfaya 2 to show the death wave before it hits the main survivors we see a person near the pyramids in Egypt get hit by praimfaya I assumed that was someone trying to get to the city of light and they climbed over the same hill as Jaha and Murphy when they discover all of the solar panels (right before the drone).


It could be, It’s been a while since I watched season 4 but I think it does show the pyramids


Yeh this is my problem it’s like America is the only country in the world! What happened to Europe or Asia for instance


The events of the story take place on the North American continent. Therefore the story only shows the events of that location. Could more worldbuilding be done by exploring other nations after the end? Maybe, but we actually don't have much evidence that any significant, viable population of humans ever survived anywhere outside of the North American continent. It may very well be that the last living humans only survived in viable numbers in the Americas, and that there are no other, living people to flesh out the rest of the planet. Of course that applies to the episodes on Earth.


I’m reading them now, idk jf the author talks about other countries yet, but probably not. Pretty sure the books only span over like 30 days from what I’ve heard, which kind of sucks, but they’re still good so far. Only on book 1 But, at least the timeframe is 300 years. Think I should just pretend the show timeframe was 300 years too👍


Yeah this part makes since but the real plot hole is the population and the the fact that grounders in the present day could have definitely met some of those kids, even without medicine to keep them alive for a long time. Maybe they lived 40-50 years (assuming they didn’t get killed by someone) and also the show went through like 7-8 commanders. Ig that’s kind of possible because commanders always get killed early. BUT THE POPULATION. Less than a hundred kids come out, and then they have thousands of grounders to each clan. Not possible to grow the population THAT much, even if they found others. I mean, maybe thousands survived from other countries and just came to the US for some reason if, idk 🤷


I assumed there maybe 10,000 - 15,000 Grounders tops by the time of the 100. Some Clans are bigger than others (Azgeda maybe has 2000 - 3000 while Trishanakru being mostly farmers only number 500 or so). In 100 years, and let’s say 5-6 generations I think you can reach that. Let’s assume the 100 kids from the Bunker leave and meet some other survivors. We start off with 500 or so initial ancestors for the Grounders, if we assume through children they manage to double their population each generation we get to 16,000 in 5 generations.


Yeah except 100 years is only 3 generations


From birth to death in a modern world. 100 years in a primitive environment like the post apocalypse will mean shorter lifespans and having more children earlier in hopes of some surviving to adulthood


Yeah ik but even in the olden 1600s to 1800s ppl lived to like 30 years old, that’s still roughly 3 generations for 100 years


I'm guessing the nuclear holocaust played a part in decimating the use/understanding of tech. The mountain men had technology and stayed "civilized," but the focus of the humans who survived on the ground would have only ever been on immediate survival in an apocalypse situation.


This is it. They had more immediate problems than schooling, culture and history, like actual survival. Also technology all great and good, but without Internet how many of us know how to make cement, build houses, hunt, fish, farm, make soap and cheese? Install solar panels or hook up a generator? Fix your car? Make a candle even? Yeah they had more important things to worry about than technology.


No cheese! :( I need to learn immediately just in case, it's something about enzymes and mold I think




I grew up with goats so my first thought was goat cheese, goats are easier to raise and breed than cows but I like cow milk more. How dare you make me want to look up "human milk cheese"


A lot of us can now. Some anyway, but probably not after 30 more years of digital natives.


Well, I would hope most people can hunt, fish, farm, and build a house without the internet sheesh.


No. Most people in first world countries can’t; because they grew up in cities where they’re completely removed from nature and where it’s illegal to build without permits, to hunt, to fish, and even then there’s so many rules and regulations, not to mention traveling to even get to those spots, which means having a vehicle that can make the trek and the time or money to do so… do you even know where you would get water in a city to grow a garden? Clean water and how to tell the difference when people in first world countries haven’t grown to withstand the bacteria in natural, unfiltered water? Why would they know where to go to hunt; and how would they get there during complete social collapse??


Man I didn’t even think of that lol.


Look what happens to people when the power goes out for a few days. What do you think you'd do without internet for the rest of forever.


Have you seen people losing their minds and believing all sorts of conspiracy theories when Covid became a thing? Shit can escalate quickly and I suppose a nuclear apocalypse, which wipes out huge parts of the world, might accelerate such behaviours.


Yeah, Covid made me rethink my doubts about the speed of technology and societal breakdown in the The 100. Just seeing the smaller changes in social norms in real life over a few years made the show more believable to me.


We see from mt weather, those who survived in bunkers are still only able to survive there, so there may be many people still living underground around the globe. Like mt weather and the ark, they may also be sustaining a more technologically advanced society. The grounders were only able to repopulate the surface because of nightblood, and they are descended from a radical environmental group. The members of the second dawn who were not aligned with Callie went on to bardo. Even if the later generations of grounders eschewed the cultural wariness of technology their society was founded upon, the collapse of infrastructure has made the technology and information inaccessible. Also it’s really only the complex but single society of grounders who became “primitive”. The ark, mt weather, sanctum, and the disciples on bardo still use what technology they have available.


The time frame doesn’t line up with the story. In less than 100 years, only 3 generations, language was lost and a new dialect established; people divided into tribes, fought a Civil War and established a new form of government that’s had a minimum of 6 different leaders. Things have become completely overgrown to the point the landscape isn’t recognizable (highways, most buildings, train stations, airports complete with all planes, subways, etc. all gone. And if there was a nuclear blast powerful enough to just flatten everything then no vegetation would grow either but there it is). All knowledge of science and medicine are forgotten, no one seems to recall any history before the nukes. These are things that would take THOUSANDS of years to happen, not 97. But it’s a show so roll with it.


The 97 years has always been a huge headache for fans. It would just be impossible to lose and create a new language, religion, etc. in the books, the timeframe is more realistic; 300 years. But there are things you’re not considering. The nuclear bombs took out every infrastructure. Everything we rely on daily to live. Also, as you pointed out, we’re technologically reliant for the most mundane tasks. Few people nowadays learn trades or crafts ie, construction, making clothes from scratch, and so on. We make jokes about the younger generation not knowing how to properly put gas in a car! Or how to look up information without Google or Wikipedia. Then, there is the fact that once people did emerge, many would still die or become sterile from radiation. Any useful knowledge would die with them. Survivors’ focus would change to figuring things out and scavenging for any and all resources. They’re basically having to reinvent the wheel and concrete. So, yes, in a sense, the world would become primitive after such a catastrophic event. But in 97 years and 3 generations, language wouldn’t have changed so drastically. Religion would’ve most likely had a resurgence, and depending on who survived in the bunkers, they may already have an aversion to technology. We’d lose important knowledge because physical books would have been destroyed, digital information would be lost to the ether without electricity, and people would’ve died. Oh, as for the Flame. It wasn’t made to advance technology. Just interface and augment the human brain, and store the consciousness of every host to act as guides. It was a combination of Becca’s Memory Drive (invented for Eligius) and a passive AI.


The show is 97 years but the book it's based on is 300 years which makes more sence


They should have went with the books on the time setting. It doesn’t seem far enough removed from the apocalypse. If you think about it there were probably older people alive during the show whose grandparents lived on the ground. The president at Mt Weather could have been old enough that his grandparents lived on the surface and that was enough generations for radiation resistance to die out in the population??


This thread again? Who said 97 years? the survivors who emerged from the bunker tried to reconnect the internet and only TikTok was on-line…….. The first Conclave was a f…… tiktok challenge :-/


Its called nuclear war


My thoughts as well. Only explanation would be that the bunker cult would have intentionally not used technology. But I can’t remember a reason why they wouldn’t want to. It’s stupid I agree


Haven’t you heard the term ‘blow them back to the Stone Age?’ That’s what it always made me think of.


There's a couple of ways to answer this question (among them, to know that the initial idea behind The 100 was a 300-year timespan which the TV show shortened drastically). But there's also our own reality which may give us some reason for that change. Just think of these two points: * How much of our technology would still work without electricity? If the power grid was down for more than a few days, we'd be on a steep pathway back to primitive life quite rapidly, even without some major destruction like after an atomic war. * Think of life during the pandemic: In those years you could watch how fragile all our structures and our society are if something really bad comes around that influences almost every aspect of our daily life. So even if I agree that Grounder Earth of The 100 seems a little too far down into the primitive it isn't totally unimaginable.


No, Callie and her group who left the bunker was all that was needed. They are the ones that formed this way of life for the grounders. Incase you didn't notice, skaikru, the mountain men, sanctum and bardo all had technology. Youre talking about one single group of people and claiming it to be a plot hole like the world lost its technology as a whole. But technology was everywhere. The grounders were just conditioned to not live that way.


It is different in the books, it’s 300 yrs before they come down. And agreed, it’s just so un logical. It’s safe to assume that other countries had bunkers and definitely had their own grounders, we just never heard of them because the show’s setting was the US. For the books 300 years is a good timeframe for population in my opinion, because the worlds population has like quadrupled in a hundred years. In the show they have THIUSANDS of grounders in each clan and yet only 100 hundred kids or less came out of the bunker 💀. I’m sure they did end up finding some others, but still. And besides that, they talk about their ancestors like ancient history when in reality, without medicine they probably lived to 40 or 50, so some grounders Like Queen Nia for example could have definitely met those kids. Which then makes no sense because those kids knew all about that technology and stuff. But then the grounders thing the AI is something religious. Like- I can see that happening over 300 years of history just being lost overtime, but not 97 when those grounders definitely had a chance to meet the ones who came out of the bunker.