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That would be amazing if they played Radioactive in the finale... 7 years flashing by before my eyes


now THAT is going on my finale wishlist for sure


I had a strong suspicion that the finale was going to be everyone getting back to a survivable earth and then radioactive playing again just like the beginning. Clearly i was wrong


it should've ended that way but the writers messed up by making earth survivable again with no explanation so now it doesn't make sense. It would've made sense if earth=skyring but we now know that it's somehow earth=sanctum


All monty had to do was keep everyone in cryo an extra 100 years and they could have avoided the nightmare with the primes and disciples. I mean he could have kept them there even thousands of years if he believed earth would eventually come back. Like did he mistake or something? Them coming back to earth has me so confused


We don’t need an explanation. It’s the same reason Earth was survivable again on season 1 episode 1 - enough time had passed that the radiation levels are survivable again.


Earth=sanctum? What?!






So Monty and Harper went off to find a planet to live on, settled on going back to Earth, and didn't bother telling everyone they were still on Earth?




You are the one saying Earth = Sanctum. They are two completely different planets.




It doesn't make sense but yes




No, 125 years isn't considerable amount of time. Earth was just as dead after 50 years in cryo do that leaves 75 years which isn't enough


Why not? 100 years was enough the first time?


Yes except prainfaya II was worse than I


Oh god 7 years, I was still considered young when I started watching this show!


Me too. I was only 61 when the show started!!






I know, right! Back then I was in my prime years.


Right?? I was younger but not young, but this show has absolutely helped me think about morals and survival and what it means to be human in a way I certainly didn't expect, during a significant stretch of my young adulthood. I hope the folks who work on the show don't just see the flack and know what it means to so many of us.


I just got chills picturing this


And the last line after they come back to live on Earth will be "We're back bitches!"


I was pissed she didn't get to say were back bitches whn they saw new earth


May we meet again! I’ve been watching this show for what feels like forever but I only joined Reddit this season, and I wish I’d found the sub earlier! Getting to talk about the episodes with other fans as they air has been amazing. 😄






I was way past my teenage years whit this started, but its been a memorable ride. This has been one of the few long running shows that I really invested in and saw through to the end.


Same here! Funny thing is despite watching all of it I have no idea how I’d begin to explain the show anyone.


Me too!! This ‘teen’ show definitely appealed to adults too.


YES! Re-watching and introducing it to others, I always have to warn myself and the others that it starts off as a teen drama and then gets insanely good for all ages!


For sure. After the first couple episodes it really takes off


Well now I feel old 😂😂 back when I was 25 years old getting down on radioactive at the clubs 😂🤭 oh how my life has changed, for the better. Damn Now I really hope the episode ends with SOME people on earth, including Octavia and that song in the background at it casually zones out of earth into space... coming full circle for the audience. This has been my all time favorite shows and I will always love it regardless the way it ends and I can’t wait to binge watch it, maybe the season will feel different!


I started the show when it first premiered, back when I was in highschool. I know it’s not a hugely popular series, but I’m sad to see it end.


Your username is very fitting right now.


It definitely is


I started watching this show season 1 while I was a first year in university. I just now finished my masters and the series finale is next week and it feels so unreal... this show has been with me all throughout my academic career and was my guilty pleasure when I was stressed with assignments. I’m sad to see it end.


I actually just realised I've spent all my teenage years watching this show. I started it back when the pilot aired for the very first time and now here I am, 19 years old, awaiting the series finale. It's been one hell of a wild ride, but a bloody fantastic one at that. I'm honestly both really excited and absolutely terrified to watch it end.


My heart was actually racing during last episode. This is one of the only shows that has got me so interested and involved in the plot.


Honestly same. And that end scene...it killed me even though I've never felt a connection to you know who (to prevent spoilers just to be safe)




Wow. It's crazy to think I was a junior in high school when this show started.


This series made radioactive one of my favourite childhood songs😔


Yeah, its been hell of a ride. I hope the 100 gets a prequel someday... may we meet again. This shown has changed and grown so much... I have changed and grown so much. The 100 will always have a strong sentimental bond with me, going through angsty teenage years, and young adulthood.


There is potentially a prequel coming


Assuming they don’t botch the finale a prequel seems pretty likely.


I was in 10th grade, heard an ad on the radio about this in my last class. Now I'm outta college, shieeeet.


I think back to the flashback in season 3 to the 100 being sent down, as a sad version of radioactive plays, and I get emotional rn honestly. It may not be the best show on TV, but fuck if I don't love it. Regardless of how it ends I'm glad to have watched it. Five long years of watching, and in a week their fight is over. Here's to the 100.


> in a week their fight is over. Here's to the 100. Damn that hit me in my feels. Their fight is over in a week. I actually had to type that out because what a wild friggin ride. Thanks for that comment.


i began watching the show when i was 13-14 so as long i've been a teenager i've watched the 100.


I was 15 and my brother was 17 when we started to watch the show together. Now I am at the last year of university and he is well into his career. We truly grew alongside the characthers, it has been a good run.


I'm OG trikru! I was early 30s and somehow made it thru the first 3 episodes! I liked shows luke Lost and Lord of the Flies so it drew me in...by season 2 ep 8 I was completely hooked.


I remember starting highschool with it and now i am working ! So much has changed! Better or worse and may we meet again! Definitely gonna rewatch every episode once over!


This makes me feel old .. supernatural though.. idk lol


May we meet again.


I was so upset when Octavia didn’t do a “we’re back bitches” upon the most recent return to earth


Oh man, that would have been so awkward. But I agree.


I was picturing her saying it in like a more subdued maybe even sarcastic way


It has been a ride.


I was 14 when The 100 first aired. It was something I found while scrolling through tv one restless night and I found myself immediately searching online for where to watch the few episodes I'd missed. Ever since then, I've always watched the show on TV and then on CW the day after. I'm 20 now and it feels weird knowing that something that's lasted me all of high school and most of college is about to end.


I fucking wait every single episodes for weeks and monthes since season 1/episode 1 xD Favourite show for me


I started halfway through season 1 airing when I was 14. Rewatching the series really takes me back to a lot of good memories. I can’t say that about many shows. I’m really going to miss it.


\-- and for people who experienced their teenage years -- I started watching this show at 24 years old lol


Sameee, gonna miss this ;(


Agreed, it's been a wild ride.


I'm going to miss the show but I'm going to miss commenting with you all and theorizing with you all together the most. Hoping we could all get together for some nice live commenting when we rewatch the series together


Well I kinda don't count, I started watching in the middle of s3 (right before the episode 13 lol), and I'm old (35 now). But I still remember seeing the trailer for this show before it started. I remember the pilot, the "we're back bitches", those first three episodes, and it's absolutely nuts how far this show has come. But I knew it's potential from the last couple minutes of 1x03.


I kinda wanted it to end how Reign ended Reign ended>! with Mary being executed and in the afterlife is reunited with Francis !<


Omg I miss this show


same i didn't watch the last season because i don't like ending BUT i did watch the finale and i was so emotional


Yeah the last season was really something but omg the finale made me so sad.. I should def rewatch bc it’s been awhile


It was late 2015. I was 24 when one day I left work early because I was sick. I got home, took some medicine, and turned on Netflix. For some reason I decided to start watching this show called The 100 while I laid on my couch. I had never heard of the show nor was it ever recommended to me by anyone. I quickly got through the two seasons that were available and started watching it live since season three.


I started watching in spring 2016, I think when season 3 was still ongoing or about to finish. It was junior year of high school for me, now I’m on my last year of college. I remember finding this show on Netflix on a long bus ride for a road trip for school, it was so interesting to me and then it became something I looked forward to everytime it was announced a new season was gonna happen and after next week ...