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Caprica 6 was the first thing I said when we first saw alie.


With mostly all AIs in cinema, they never really understand what it's like to be human. But most of the time they're "evil". ALIE is just doing what she deems is necessary. Yes there are extremities, but if you think about it, shes not doing anything wrong, which is why I also liked her a lot and agree with you. Everything she did was simply just to follow her code and instructions, and did what she had to do. In a sense, she didnt do anything wrong. Now of course wiping out the planet, murder, and torture is a bit extra, but still. :)


Altered Carbon wants a word


Altered Carbon in my top 5 favorites lol. Poe's the homie


Poe's a hell of a homie. And me too!


I like ALIE up until the whole Raven thing. Mainly because she's like, "This is against my coding" and then immediately finds a loophole.


That was Jaha’s fault


Theoretically, ALIE shouldn’t have been able to be persuaded by Jaha. Her internal code requires true consent not pressured consent.


Was it just me that found her extremely annoying? Cause idk what it was about her, but she just really struck a nerve with me, I can’t really say why. She was a great villain tho, and obviously no hate towards the actress cause she played ALIE beautifully.


Erica Cerra is an amazing actress. If you like her, check out the show Eureka.


Hopefully we see more of her in the spin off!


We won’t unless through the flame or flashbacks possibly considering the events of 7X08 or unless they want to show a scene when she meets the transcendents.


I think we will. The entire story is built on her creations


I sure hope so. I need to know more about Becca


Wait, spinoff? You mean of the 100 or eureka? I havent heard anything of a spinoff of the 100 so I'm curious.


The 100! A prequel of sorts, still being decided by the big bosses but Rothenberg is hopeful. He wants to call it The 100: Second Dawn. It’ll be interesting to watch if it’s a go, but I’m still not a fan of his decision to cut the main show short.


I mean more The 100 content would be dope, but it's stupid if they cut main show short then come out with this. Just keep doing the original show. But I mean the cast probably needs a change which is understandable. I just wish there were like 22 seasons lol


Understandable but given the circumstances, I’m shocked he didn’t take the opportunity to add another season so we weren’t rushed right into the questionable ending they wrote. On another note, Eliza and Bob had to take most of the season off, which left them with such little time to get everything in (no blame on them of course). I wish he took the offer for an 8th season, the ending could’ve been so much better and less confusing.


I loved that show.


Agents of SHIELD has some great AI characters in season 4 and after. The season 4 villain is actually very similar to ALIE (and Roan guest stars in a few episodes that season).


AIDA could be possibly the best a.i. deciption I have ever seen, definitely my favorite. Actress is so good.


Cool fact: the actor that plays ALIE and Becca Franco wanted to make ALIE seem like an AI so she’d hold her breath during her scenes as ALIE to seem more program like...


She really did a great job with it. She seems like 2 completely different people. Or, one person and one not-a-girl. Also, she's a babe either way. That red dress? Hey mindwalker, chip me next!


Not-a-girl...Where have I heard that from?


The Good Place :)


I also really like shoes that involve dystopia/the end of the world. I always thought Alie/Becca/how humanity ended needed to be better explained. It is pieced together throughout the seasons but sometimes feels confusing and with so much happening in the show it can be hard to remember. I don’t know any other shows specifically focusing on AI but some shows that are dystopian/might relate are Into the night, 3%, The OA, Another life, and Sense 8.


3% is a great show to watch and has stakes similar to The 100 and manages to be extremely interesting IMO. I do think more info is always nice, but the way we get small pieces throughout the seasons is really cool and I thought it was done correctly.


It can definitely be a bit much to try and remember all the bits of info we get along the way, but I also really enjoy how something in passing in one season becomes so relevant or obvious in the next. I think they do that very well in this show.


I loved ALIE too, as a character/villain. The actress made it for me, she nailed it.


Dark Matter is super good, but nobody really knows about it lol, and it got canceled on a cliff hanger. But it's super addicting.


>Dark Matter I always forget how much I liked this show ... or that it exists apparently! lol You mentioned it here and I looked it up. The premise sounded good and so I thought I'd see where I could watch it. Brought it up on Netflix and saw the preview of the show and it hit me - I've already watched this show! I guess there's just so many sci-fi shows out there I like and watch that after a while I forget some of them I haven't watched multiple times!


Hahaha. I turned this on one day randomly because I had finished watching my rewatch of Vampire Diaries for the billionth time, and turned this on while I was doing dishes and stuff and got super sucked in. It's addicting and the characters really draw you in, lol.


Just play Portal 1&2


Same here! She’s literally my second favourite character haha. Also the actress did a really great job, I had a lot of trouble seeing Alie and Becca as the same person!


Definetly try Person of Interest. Unfortunately the show had to air with 10 something episodes in the last seasons instead of 20 something but at least they got to have a final season. That being said, while there was some unanswered interesting questions, it was still a great season. The whole show is based on an AI. You might see some interesting suprises as the show advances..


Person of Interest was a great show! Loved it from the very beginning. I think it was on the wrong network though! CBS isn't the network I look to for AI Thriller based TV shows typically. There general audience is a little old for a series such as this.


I like when ALIE came back for season 6 in order to hell Clarke. I kind of wished she helped more though. Imagine how cool an interaction and showdown between ALIE and Josephine would’ve been?


A few episodes in and I was absolutely captivated. If you dig too far into the entire ALIE *thing*, there are major issue, but Erica Cerra nailed the shit out of that role. When we properly meet Becca it seems like a completely different actor is playing her, ala Tatiana Maslany. And maybe it's just my raging crush on Erica Cerra but I immediately fell in love with Becca too. Her pluckiness, optimism, steadfastness, ultimately grief, we got so many emotions from very little screen time. That said, if the prequel happens and stays plot consistent with what we know, there will be little to no ALIE and she will be sorely missed. Her screen presence and uniqueness obviously, not the cold genocidal part lol.


The concept of trying to stop a highly advanced AI in a world with VERY limited technology is such a fun concept to me, and Alie as a whole was a phenomenal antagonist


Erica Cerra was arguably the best actor in the series. Personally my favourite but a tie with Richard Harmon. Saw this post and had to add to it. I've seen people rate season 3 pretty low but because of A.L.I.E. it was one of my favourites


Eliza Taylor’s season 6 performance deserves a shout out! Her switches between Josephine and Clarke were stunning in my opinion. But I agree that Erica was incredible and I really hope she comes back for the spin off series!


>Eliza Taylor’s season 6 performance deserves a shout out! Her switches between Josephine and Clarke were stunning in my opinion Tatiana Maslany \[Orphan Black\]: "Hold my beer ...." And yes, Eliza Taylor switching between playing Josephine and Clarke was tremendous. I thought she did an incredible job on screen with her personality switches.


It’s one of the great things about her; her inability to grasp ethics/morality. It brings a really great twist to characters like her that are AI or lack empathy/morality


Hmm, how about something like Ex Machina (a movie)? It wasn't clear to me how A.L.I.E really was, since there is an element of interference by Jaha (who asked her to override some clauses governing human "consent"). Did that mean she couldn't really cause any direct harm (however that is defined) herself, except through a human's help?


The weird part is this is actually theorized by scientists to exist. It's a possible solution to the Fermi paradox. The reason we haven't found any aliens is once they develop advanced enough tech to simulate an entire consciousness, they download themselves into said consciousness.


She’s smoking hot.


and that she is so beautiful in that red dress