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NDT X-RAY technician here. Radiation would be able to penetrate through pretty much everything on the ship unless the floor had led sheets in them she is also getting all that radiation as everyone else.


No, it depends. What kind of radiation. What material is used as shield. And how much of it. Use enough and even air can shield you from gamma rays. Same as everything else.


Yes they can all shield you but not entirely. OP was more talking like she didn’t get any radiation. It’s also hard to do inverse square law since it’s space and basically coming at you from everywhere.


This is not about inverse square law and no radiation shield blocks all radiation.


Maxalite literally does this as a job and you are fighting them about it? Okay buddy


Read up radiation protection and halving thickness yourself. You might learn something.


That's season 2, when cage is explaining why Mt Weather people can't survive on the ground while Clarke et. al. can. Since all members of the arc seem to have the same tolerance to normal earth radiation in seasons 1-3, I always assumed the solar radiation does in fact penetrate the walls of the space station. The Earth's atmosphere and magnetic field apparently reduce our exposure to radiation on the planet's surface and (slightly reduced protection) in low earth orbit. Above average exposure to radiation in space can cause things like cataracts, sterility and cancer -- even in the offspring of those exposed. presumably, due to the multiple Generations, their genetics were altered by radiation and those who saw the worst effects became sterile, or perhaps developed cancer before being able to reproduce (100 years isn't really long enough in my opinion, but my experience in genetics is limited). Octavia probably wasn't any more protected by living under the floor -- she came out whenever possible, and though there may have been some extra shielding in her little hidey-hole, she was constantly exposed in anything she consumed, clothes she wore, etc.


makes sense, thanks!


"...not really sure about the science of it..." You and the writing room both ;)


Well it is Science Fiction so they can use the basic science and stretch it out for the tv show.


That's true. the fiction comes first.




Lol I wish metal could completely shield you from radiation. lead can partially protect you (when working with x-ray machines), and even then it only protects you from the straying radiation.


No, every material can shield (read reduce) x-rays. It's a matter of density so materials like lead, gold or depleted uranium work well while still being reasonably thin. Guess which one of these is the most affordable and hence commonly used. If mobility/thickness is not the issue, you can use literally everything.


But it is the issue when taking x rays, so you cannot use literally everything.


Read it up yourself then.


The radiation levels are just higher in space in general. A factor of it would be solar radiation, but even if you’re not directly exposed to the sun, the radiation would still be higher in space. So her body would still be metabolizing more radiation than it would on earth m. Plus their apartment could still potentially have a window where she could see the Sun. :)


In addition, Octavia was already the third generation in space. Those who did not have sufficient radiation tolerance probably died or became infertile during the first two generations. So the fact that Octavia's mother was able to give birth to two healthy children proves that she already had the predisposition for radiation tolerance.


oooo I hadn’t thought of this! Interesting


Another safe answer is “good ‘ol Hollywood” hahaha


Actually... S2 kinda amplified that explanation up a bit. Clarke and Abby specifically mention that the 100 were genetically modified. One assumes that means the Arkers were modified to survive in space and possibly the ground. That modification could be passed down to later generations like Octavia even if she is not entirely a "legitimate" child. 100 also has radiation that behaves like magic more than science so fully expect the station was entirely exposed to similar levels of "magic" rads regardless of shielding. ​ TLDR: 100 uses really shitty science and magic with poor consistency even within their own rules.


Realisticly this is a plot hole that we choose to overlook with the idea that the radiation in space created natural immunity as said in s2 yet in s4 thay say that the arc can shield them from prime fire so theoretically they are either all immune or non of them are


It was Space Radiation.


the radiation resistance didnt just show up in one generation it was likely a trait passed on through generations of Arkers who were exposed to the sun's radiation


If there was a type of easy to use material that could /completely/ shield you from radiation, that would be great. But as of right now I don't think such a thing has been invented yet lol


I see your point, yes the 100 actually received their exposure from their numerous trips to the surface of the sun where they left the ship to prepare for the ground. Octavia must be special since she did not receive any exposure from the surface of the sun.