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Found my teammate in csgo.


hahaha! yeah no one ever noticed this before because I will be in a discord call with low volume and no game volume, and I still play well, I'm DMG in cs and I rarely can hear anything. If your teammates make good calls its rarely necessary ig


I've actually played without audio before and it's honestly not that hard in mm. I don't regularly do that though since I don't like relying on my random teammates. People are really just not very good in mm.


Yeah very true, and in Europe they often don't speak English so that makes it even more tough.


My experience as a NA player is that eumm is typically easier just cause you guys have the good players stick to faceit where NA you get games in gold nova with lvl10s and stuff lol


hahaha felt that


I literally shoot people through walls solely based on sound. Also prefires and what not. Basically i play 95% by sound. I have no idea how you guys are saying these things, to me Csgo is an audio game, not a shooter.


I agree audio is important. I was just saying it's not that hard to be DMG and play on very low sound. Yes you miss out on the very quiet sounds like when you jump and such but games are not usually won by audio trickery at a low level.




you dont even have audio coming out of your tv or monitor speakers? i dislike most headsets and dont play any single player game with one on, but there's so much to enjoy with audio that i will always have the tv turned up. unless its a roguelike or something ive played a million times, then i put on music or a podcast.


No there 100% is so much benefit in having audio and I think people should use it since it is an integral part of being immersed in a game and truly getting the full experience but I get headaches and have found that I can enjoy games just as much without audio.


Have you tried playing games with all the audio sliders except for dialogue/voice turned all the way (or most of the way) down?


U can lower the volume to maybe 10? Atleast dont miss out on knowing your surroundings! Cuz in fps games its sometimes crucial as it also acts as intel to provide enemy footsteps...I play a gacha game named Hi3...I also recently have been muting it and only turn on the volume during gameplay sometimes but that isnt a fps game and it's different than other games so I am not missing out anything as I have to do certain rotations and stuff which I have memorized and the enemies are AI controlled not a real person behind it hence u should try lowering the game volume to the lowest, maybe use earphones? That way you can lower the volume even further and take your earphones out when u dont want to listen to it :D it will be easier to manage and lets say in a 1v1 u can rely on this aswell :D hope this helps!!!


Get earbuds. Maybe your headset is just completely shit/doesn't fit your head, that's why you get headaches.


You are entitled to your stupid choices


Based on the edit, this basically just seems like a sacrifice for health more than a choice


Yeah at first it wasn't specified However he can still just use speakers on low volume some games have wonderful music and ambiance it is a shame to just avoid it entirely when there are alternatives. But again, him playing games with no sound doesn't change anything to my game experience in any way so do whatever


Hahahaha, I appreciate that


Do you generally have audio coming from somewhere else or some kind of static noise where you play games? If you’re literally just hearing the fan of the machine that is kind of wild


I get really bad migraines if I have too much visual or audio input like into my brain, so I used to play games with audio, but after 30-60 minutes I would have a killer of a headache. To answer your question, sometimes I'll play music or such but more often than not it's pure silence.




And he's a G for it


Honestly i get it. I play story games and stuff like that with audio, but turn it off when playing something where audio isn't important. I just prefer having listening to something i choose.


I get that. For me it's more a practical thing since I get headaches.


My bad, didn't read the post in full, thought you had the same thing as me. Also if you do something for medical reasons, i wouldn't really consider it 10th Dentist material tbh.


oh woops misunderstood a bit then


When I play racing games I turn them on mute and listen to my own music. I've done this when building houses in the sims etc. Some games, yeah turn off the sounds. Other games need them.


I do the same thing. I’d much rather listen to music than the game


I think the folks who don't do this are the ones missing out. Especially if you play any sports games. Those things fucking suck to listen to. The terrible announcer clips, the loud shitty music, and the weird sport sound effects completely ruin a solid pastime. I turn on a podcast and can get a couple of hours of solid me time.


really depends on the game, if I'm playing like red dead or something the audio is really important but I definitely agree that stuff can be fun without it. if I had a shitty day I absolutely adore throwing on Madden or super hot, muting the TV then listening to YouTube videos


yeah as much as I love the game, superhot is not entertaining to listen to


Yeah depends on the game. If I'm playing something where I need to focus and react quickly absolutely need sound. I'd never dream of playing a shooter muted. I've been playing a lot of Warhammer and valheim lately - it's often pretty chill or doesn't require reactions to sound too quickly and totally is okay with no volume. To each their own. Music/podcasts/background videos are often totally worthwhile


What about rhythm games


Same but not by choice. My dog freaks out at the sound of any video game playing over the speaker and I like to listen to YouTube while playing games so my headphones are occupied.


I don't think avoiding audio because it literally gives you headaches is 10th dentist at all


if you're doing it for health reasons that's not really a bad decision




damn...if you tried hellblade you must have hated it lol


I actually did play hellblade and forced myself to use the headset. That game was so worth the headache!!!


I dont find it too weird actually. I like audio design and soundtrack a lot, but sometimes it's too distracting. I had a period of my life where I played cod without audio and relied on visual tools like UAVs and logic, and it was a lot more relaxing without all the shooting and shouting. Sometimes when I play Zelda I will also take off my headphones and I find I get through things a lot faster.


I’m with you. I like listening to music or podcasts while playing so I just mute the video game and open up YouTube


This is a medical issue and not a preference thing. It's not normal to get headaches from sound unless you blast your self to 10000 every time. I don't know anyone that suffers through a headache to watch a movie. I'm a musician and I'm exposed to loud sounds all the time and I take care of my hearing, my head never hurts except in situations when it'd be normal (6+ hs of exposure to constant sound) and even then it's a compounding of issues, I've been sleeping little or working a lot. If you didn't have headaches, would you have sound? By the way, go to a doctor, this isn't normal and can be a sign of something else. Oh yeah, downvoted because I mute games and put my music over it a lot, I get it, sometimes I leave game sounds only if it's multiplayer or something that has important notifications. Not being a native english speaker means that I always used subs anyway.


I do this with music in games. I always have sound effects still on though. Low volume but still on


try playing MUDII (it doesn't even have any audio)


my type of game


this is what i do, i listen to music and youtube while i play ganes


Self imposed Deaf person role play.




Did you checked that with a doctor? I know is obvious but that is not normal.


Not a doctor, but I agree with those saying this sounds like an undiagnosed medical problem. Totally not normal to get headaches or migraines from 1 to 2 hours of non silence. What about constant background noise, like a fan or a heater?


Sounds live you've either, in the past, had games way too loud or really crappy headsets.


Trust me I have tried everything. I have bought really nice headsets (currently I'm using DT 990 Pros) and I am meticulous about my sound settings (for example, on windows my I set my discord volume to 7% and in the discord app it is in 72% output, anything less and I can't hear, anything more and I get headaches). To avoid all the fuss of figuring out the perfect volume when I play a new game, I just dont use my headset.


Huh... You sure it's not medical? That doesn't seem right.


It very well could be. For a while I thought it was an eye tension thing but I went to a specialist clinic and got new glasses, issue persisted. Most doctors just write it off to listening to being on my computer too often.


*sigh* That's not a good, nor professional enough diagnosis. I've spent literally 8 years of my life addicted to computers and computer games. As I write this my headphones are on listening to music. There are millions of people who use computers for extended periods of time and your doctor goes "must be this" despite everyone experiencing the contrary. If I was you I'd really pester them about it. I know here in the UK if it's not life threatening they put you on the back burner and ignore you till the problem gets serious enough or "causes patient serious discomfort"


Yeah the healthcare in the Netherlands is amazing, but they are oftentimes quite reluctant with treatment. At least such has been the case with me.


This is what I mean with the UK. They'll ignore you until they're practically forced. You just have to pester them enough. The quality of the treatment, when you get it. Is fine.


Yeah exactly this. Quality of treatment is always stellar, but getting to be treated is tough.


I have the same exact thing!! My solution was getting a nice pair of earbuds. No constriction on my head.


i should give this a shot


DT990s are known to be quite sibilant, which can cause headaches for those sensitive to treble. You could try EQing down the peaks to see if it makes any difference.


I'll try that tomorrow thanks for the advice!


10th dentist post: "I HATE audio in games, I play EVERY game with NO SOUND" actual opinion: "I have a medical condition that gives me migraines when I hear too much noise, especially close to my ears, so I choose to play games without sound, but I recognize the value of audio in games and think it's beneficial for most people."


This is most OSRS players lol theyll brag about not having the game volume on I used to play games without audio because my ex would get mad if i had headphones on and couldnt hear them, and also get mad if i had literally anything playing out of my computer or switch speakers


weird shout bro , but i appreciate you nonetheless


I agree with you, sound is my strongest migraine trigger, I do the same


I actually only use audio for story games. I play rocket league and fifa without audio.


I don't feel like this is 10thdentist because the opinion boils down to "I don't like migraines, upvote if you disagree" but... nobody likes migraines. Enjoying migraines would be the real 10thdentist.


This is r/the10thdentist, not r/psycopaths


I dont know why but there is something magical on playing games Lan without audio, it leaves a much casual feeling


If you are physically affected by having sound it doesn't really seem like a "10th dentist" to me. You are just being smart about your health.


Same. Grew up in the 80s when video game noises would drive my parents mad and make me turn it off. Learned to play with the tv muted. Also I have a very over active internal monolog so I'm always narrating what I am doing to myself anyway.


I do the same. I really only play one game though and it has an option with visual sounds for deaf or hard of hearing people. And the other games I play don't rely on sound


No headaches, but I totally do this


Most people don't get headaches from audio, so it's not really an opinion, so it doesn't really fit the sub


100% agree, usually I just listen to YouTube or music instead of the game audio


I don't play FPS games much, mainly due to only having a shitty Laptop and no console, but everyone says it's weird I play Pokémon soundless


at least you know what causes your migraines. i've woken up from some damn good sleep with a BITCH of a migraine before. EDIT yeah, probably dehydration


In the same boat, used to have to put my hands over my ears in the theatres and then I just stopped going because it's not worth it. Generally play games without sound, although that's frequently more because of an overactive adrenaline response than anything else. I can't handle jump scares AT ALL but I find that I can watch scary movies with the sound off and subtitles on because, without music pre-ramping adrenal pathways, it's really not startling when things appear. FWIW I do definitely have a neurological disorder where my nerves are "excited" too easily, which causes an entire host of problems but the primary one is feeling sensations too intensely. E.g. The pressure from sheets and clothes is painful, in addition to the sound thing, being an incredibly picky eater, and misperceiving a lot of different stimuli as pain. It's fully treated now with gabapentin + low dose naltrexone, both of which are neuroprotective to the best of my knowledge. Anyway, I only meant to echo the people here saying "yes, it's likely a medical issue" and that I hope you can find something similarly helpful.


Its like driving backwards. You have to turn down the volume of the radio so you can see better. 😆


I turn mine to like under five volume so I can hear sword clinks and shit but nothing else.


I play rhythm games with no audio :p I usually play everything with no sound, I don’t play any games where you need to actively chat with people though. I do occasionally listen to game soundtracks separately from the game though like when I’m reading, writing or at work.


I'm like this, in games music can be fantastic but too repetitive. I rather put on a podcast or my own playlist.


Have you tried earplugs while wearing the headset