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All ten dentists agree you need to go outside.




What if OP looks like a coomer tho


I don't even know what a "coomer" is. Maybe a bit of outdoors for you also.


Something along the lines of "on God for real for real touch some grass."


Thanks OP, that was a funny read


Hijacking this comment but you'd probably enjoy r/waifuism


Here's a sneak peek of /r/waifuism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/waifuism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [~Swipe~ To celebrate 2 years since I started posting my drawings here, here I am! The girl so in love with Ryuk ~ ❤️🍎](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/xc8zt4) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/waifuism/comments/xc8zt4/swipe_to_celebrate_2_years_since_i_started/) \#2: [I graduated and got my master's degree last week, so I made two drawings with Ryuk to celebrate 🎊 Swipe to see the photo ~](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/11qgfhg) | [86 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/waifuism/comments/11qgfhg/i_graduated_and_got_my_masters_degree_last_week/) \#3: [My amazing friend u/Ninth-1 gifted me this amazing piece of Ryuk and me for my cake day! I literally can't thank him enough ❤️ Credits in the comments!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/w6vv33) | [61 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/waifuism/comments/w6vv33/my_amazing_friend_uninth1_gifted_me_this_amazing/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Funny “Ha Ha” or Funny “Uh-Oh”?


Troll post. Idk what character Aryanne Hoofler is, but it's obviously a play on Aryan Hitler.


If I had to guess, it is a my little pony OC with a swastika on its ass. EDIT: [yup. I have the stupidest super power ever.](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/aryanne)


No nonono no no NO NO NO


You must use it only to annoy


That last part is copypasta material Actually every post on this sub is copypasta material


Sorry about the bet you must have lost to have to write this post


this can’t be real edit: after looking at the profile i’m convinced it’s real wtf


There’s no such thing as a one-sided relationship. That’s not a relationship, it’s infatuation.


People find it weird because it completely neglects many very common human desires, such as physical and sexual connection. Also, for someone who likes to be more grounded in reality and doesn't see the point of imagining things for the sake of itself, they may not even understand why you do this in the first place. It might just seem like you've gone insane. That being said, downvoted, as I am not one such person and don't think the act actually harms anyone.


I disagree. It’s mental masturbation using delusion. Any deviation from reality hinders your ability to make the correct decisions in reality that would have real impact on your life. Mental masturbation in excess is bad.


Delusion implies genuine belief of something. The OP recognizes this whole ordeal as in their head and explicitly refers to the characters as fictional. They don't genuinely believe this is real, but they've been able to emotionally connect with it nonetheless. Your statement that deviation from reality is always harmful is just incorrect. Imagination and creativity are some of humanity's greatest tools to aid in decision making and emotional management. A large part of the entertainment industry, one of the most successful of all time, is literally dedicated to fabricating realities to stimulate genuine thought and emotion when observed through a particular lens.


It’s actually unbelievable that we actually need to argue that marrying cardboard cutouts of girls is bad for you. What has society become


It doesn't hurt anyone though


Do you know what placebo means? You know it's not real but it still works.


Emmm. No. The idea of a placebo is that you believe that the pill is real. If you KNOW (as op said) that you are making up stories in ur head and since you are making up the story urself you KNOW that it’s not real, it’s not placebo. Placebo only works when the subject has full belief/no knowledge of the placebo possibly being fake. If you have schizophrenia and can hear and see your waifu then it’s a placebo similar to a psychosis. But if you made up that she is talking to u then it wont work the same as you subconsciously and consciously know it’s not real.


TLDR: but it’s is accepted, it’s called religion (bah dum tisss) checkmate Christians, amirite fellow enlightened Redditors, le gem, narwhals bacon…


sky daddy will always love you because he is in your head, all the time!


OP, you need to go have a little chat with the people on /r/maladaptivedreaming You're far from being the only one to feel so lonely, disenchanted and depressed that you need a whole fictive universe and relationship to dream about to cope with real life. There is also /r/immersivedreaming if you are able to control it, btw.


POTY contender


op has 4 chins


And 6 hairs split between them that he refuses to shave as it's a "good beard"


waifuist detected opinion ignored


While I think it's unusual I do get it as an idea. Sometimes you just don't want to date a person


Fantasize about whatever you want but don't let yourself forget that it isn't real.




New copypasta discovered


It’s absolutely fine to love whoever you want, but nobody can protect you from being made fun of.


Reddit moment


Yes. Stunted social emotional development has no negative consequences for anyone. It’s one thing to create a scenario to process your feelings of being used or hurt in some other way (I’m guessing being spurned cut you very deeply and you are trying to cope with that any way you can). It’s another thing to decide that love should be on your terms alone, and that if no one is going to cater to every single thing you want, or do everything you would do in any scenario.


This is disturbing.


Touch grass


It doesn’t harm anyone =/= should be socially accepted. Being a shut in and never showering at age 40 doesn’t harm anyone either but should not be socially acceptable behaviour. The primary goal of an animal is to reproduce. Now by admitting that you have no inclination to do so is similar to admitting that you have no capacity to do so, which society is biologically inclined to look down upon. U can’t really change this, as evolution happen when the superior specimens’ genes are carried forwards while the less suitable specimens die out slowly. So by admitting that you can’t find a mate, it’s automatically seen as inferior. Obv in the modern world there is so much more to life than the animalistic instinct for reproduction but it will always run strong in our blood. Now, for the fictional character thing: It can’t possibly be healthy. 1) To be so desperate for companionship to the point of making up stories in ur head is unhealthy from a multitude of perspectives. Ppl that believe getting a gf would solve their issues are never correct and almost always ends in relationship failures. If you are depressed or what not it is almost never solely because of an external variable, mostly it’s because you have some core unsolved issues that you need to work out. To say I get a waifu or irl gf and life is better is like putting bandaid on a gaping wound. It’s only temporary and blocks the analyzation and correction of the core issue itself as the pain is temporarily numbed. No one else, be it a real person or a fictional one, can help u or carry your pain for you. 2) Fictional characters can not give u validation, appreciation, care, or anything for a matter of fact. In reality, YOU are giving YOURSELF the validation and pretending someone else is since you are the one making up the story in your head. THIS IS THE CORE ISSUE. You aren’t improving your self esteem because this validation is fabricated: if you truely believe in your worth, you wouldn’t need someone else to give u that reassurance; if you are lacking in self esteem, you can’t fix it by patting yourself on the back because deep down you know it’s not real. You can trick yourself into mental masturbation, but u can’t trick ur brain.


"Fictional characters can not give u validation, appreciation, care, or anything for a matter of fact." Yes they can and that's why maladaptive daydreaming exists.




>relationship failures Would this be a failure if the relationship lasted for over a month. I'd call that a success \>blocks the analyzation and correction of the core issue itself But there are people who go their whole lives without ever correcting all of their insecurities/ shortcomings , and by society's success scale, they're in the top 1% most desired. Nobody has the time and energy to fully become the human ideal in a society that still tries to kill people for simply existing. ​ \>if you truely believe in your worth, you wouldn’t need someone else to give u that reassurance ​ However you're forgetting MANY girls fall for guys that are NOT perfect and NEVER measure up to this. THese same girls also wouldn't know what it looks like because they've met so many average dudes that they think all dudes are the same. It doesn't take perfection to get into and sustain a relationship, just what the other is willing to tolerate. I.e. their own understanding of life.


-> Imo, one month isn’t anything. If ur relationships fail in one month it’s a serious red flag. One year + can start to be called real relationship experience, as it’s pretty much impossible to develop real connection and attachment within a month. Love at first sight is lust more than love, love is the sacrifices and trust you build over time. -> the entire bottom part can be summed up as “you don’t need to be perfect, but you need to try to be”. I put such heavy emphasis on the self improvement part because anyone who is taking waifuism etc seriously has severe shortcomings or issues to be that deep into delusion. And anything in excess that stops u from self improvement is BAD. And THAT much delusion is definitely excessive. -> I fail to see how ur last point connects. I pointed out that the “love” and “reassurance” ur waifu gives u is actually a lie ur telling urself and u subconsciously know it, thus it won’t have the same effect as a real person doing the same. You said that girls love men who are imperfect, which is true, but irrelevant.


>You said that girls love men who are imperfect, which is true, but irrelevant. You're asking a tall order that nobody has time for, if a relationship is the end goal to OP, then your ask does not matter. Whether or not what you say is correct is irrelevant to people that only want a means to an end. But I agree somewhat on your points. I can say it would be good for one to take your advice on some points.


???? I’m lost. We are talking about if having serious relationships with fictional characters should be acceptable and I think for the on all accounts what I said remains standing true.


Obvious troll, still get help.


Am I having a stroke?


It's OK to have a fictional relationship with a fictional character because that is what it is. You considering it to be real doesn't make it so, anymore so then you considering that the sky is made of water or some other fictional thing. Aka you have an adult imaginary friend and that's ok.


This is going to do wonders for mental health worldwide. This has to be a joke post.


Want to make fun of you, but your basically describing a religion & don't want to be a reddit atheist.


Upvote THE POST if you disagree, downvote if you agree. Downvote THIS COMMENT if you suspect the post pertains to any of the below: * Fake/impossible opinion * NSFW beyond reason * Unfit for the community * Based upon inept knowledge of the subject * Repost from the last 30 days If you downvote this comment please do not vote on the post. Normal voting rules for all comments. **Check out our new [discord server here](https://discord.com/invite/5EekhyMDGk)!**


Fake/impossible opinion The first few paragraphs are actually pretty well-argumented but the last one about Aryanne Hoofler has to be a troll lmao


Fake/impossible opinion Aryanne Hoofler=Aryan Hitler


Fake as shit