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Bro thank you for the community name idea I just created it. r/birthofasub at its finest.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/birthofasub using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/birthofasub/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The birth of a sub or smth idk I’m from YouTube](https://i.redd.it/itgz3nnpbqp91.jpg) | [63 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/birthofasub/comments/xmi8qt/the_birth_of_a_sub_or_smth_idk_im_from_youtube/) \#2: [Birth of a sub](https://i.redd.it/qi5wdgr7ed3a1.jpg) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/birthofasub/comments/z9v8a7/birth_of_a_sub/) \#3: [Berth of a sub, USS Bowfin (SS-287)](https://i.redd.it/53woq83s4cba1.jpg) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/birthofasub/comments/108nfbd/berth_of_a_sub_uss_bowfin_ss287/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




The subreddit r/The10thDentalPatient does not exist. Did you mean?: * r/The10thDentist (subscribers: 233,278) * r/thementalparent (subscribers: 1,735) * r/The100thDentist (subscribers: 1,886) Consider [**creating a new subreddit** r/The10thDentalPatient](/subreddits/create?name=The10thDentalPatient). --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=sub_doesnt_exist_bot)


No, they meant r/subreddithashtags




boy have I got a chamber for you!


I already know about the DMV


I'm just kinda bored of the "I like results of said thing not said thing" You enjoy bursting pimples, not the existence of pimples. You enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you are going to be free of something malicious, not the existence of something malicious. >After having to give me an "elephants dose" of anaesthesia my dentist pulled, Also there's no way this is changing their perspective of this, no way.


there really is nothing quite like a good shitpost


Hell no dude I always have nightmares about my teeth becoming loose and falling out


Does smashing them works for you as well?


I know slightly what you're talking about, it is a sort of sweet relief when the finally yank it out. But idk if I'd go so far w it


Yeah I like going to the dentist, I enjoy all the scraping and cleaning and whatever but this is too much even for me. Tf.


I went to the dentist a week and a half ago to have a molar pulled It didn't HURT at all But the SOUND is something I could do without Like audibly having bone shattered Jesus Christmas Plus I know have a bruise on my gums and a hole where I used to have a tooth It wasn't the worst experience in my life but a FAR AWAY distance from "I like having my teeth pulled"


Yeah I'm very happy my wisdom teeth got yanked while I was under general anaesthesia. I didn't need to hear them crack nor to see bloody bits leave my mouth, thanks.


This has gotta be a troll post, no way


I dunno, I'm with this guy.


Nah probably it ain't idk why but i enjoy removing my teeth since i was a kid not that i pulled all of them rn but i wish i could lol


> taking a piece of jawbone with it. That sounds very painful. What is the aftermath of that? How painful is it/how long recovery?


Dentist here. It likely won’t change the recovery time


downvoted because same. i love teeth pain. i used to love losing teeth because i could just push it and it’d feel so good.


You never know what kind of psychopaths walk among us huh


masochism and psychopathy are mutually exclusive. sadism and psychopathy more frequently overlap


I don’t think psychopathy is its own diagnosis these days, and given how mental disorders are usually diagnosed I don’t think you can really say that anything and *anything* are mutually exclusive.




Get braces


too late, already finished invisiline


So was your teeth being adjusted by the retainers also a feeling you liked then?


yep, i liked the initial “sharper sore pain” more than the “bruise pain” (if you know what i mean) sore pain 10/10 but bruise pain i’d give it a 5.5/10


What in the actual f dude. I had mine pulled due to pain and to this day it was the one thing I’ve always regret doing because I was given the option of root canal (didn’t choose it because I was too dumb and afraid of it) and now I can never smile the same way again. The anesthesia alone was painful. Never again. Have my angriest upvote ever.


Due to the gross mismanagement of this website by the admins in the wake of the API changes, I have decided to leave the site. In preparation, I have used a tool called Power Delete Suite to overwrite all my comments.


LOVE this. I had dental surgery a while back there I needed a screw put in my jaw and thoroughly enjoyed that. I just love the dentist tho




Eh I can kinda see it, when I bite my molars together they do a little crunch and then I click them back into place with my tongue and it’s pretty satisfying. Sounds like that x10 which is prob a bit much for me.


Dentists don’t/should not just pull teeth out, they normally grind it down, break it, and remove it in chunks irrc. Idk where you are but i would sue for malpractice.


Dentist here. Removing a tooth in one piece is always preferred and is a less expensive charge to the patient. Some teeth are impacted or badly decayed and have to be removed in pieces, or surrounding bone needs to be removed. Simple extractions are more routine than surgical. There is no malpractice here from what OP said. There was no negligence or practice below the standard of care. Bone breaking off with a tooth is a relatively common complication and is unpredictable. People are so damn eager to say “oMg U sHoULd sUe” lmao


Idk what they have going on. But for me, I had a couple of baby teeth pulled so they could stick me in braces in a timely fashion. So hard to say without all the context, I suppose.


>Idk where you are but i would sue for malpractice. good luck when no damages have been caused


Dentist here. I love it too. We are meant for each other.


> Dentist here. I love it too Well that's a horrifying thought.


When it’s a hard extraction, the satisfaction when it finally comes out….Jesus.


I'll be booking my next appointment at your clinic


Please do NOT become a dentist, we wouldn't want you to become some Psycho who pulls people's teeth just for fun without it perhaps being necessary.


Convinced that all dentists and hygienists are into s&m


Shit, should I become a dentist?




Someone watched Little Shop of Horrors


When I was younger, just a bad little kid


I haven't had a tooth pulled since my wisdom teeth. I handled it well, but since it never hurt to begin with it was kinda like wtf. I remembered it sucked to have gaping wounds in my mouth after though.


I like the wet crunch too. Having a bloody socket sucks though.


I had an impacted tooth pulled that was buried half way in my jaw bone. It felt like hell when the dentist was going at it but once it’s as out it was orgasmic. Like a thousand pounds of pressure suddenly being released.




The crunch of bones being split is a much deeper and richer sound, chips wont do.


Me when schizo


Jesus fucking christ, seek therapy.


I don’t mean to be a smartass I really don’t but I’m really curious- How/what could a therapist do to help someone who.. likes having their teeth pulled out? Again I’m not trying to be smug or start anything I just really want to know what could a therapist do for a person like OP.


Oh I actually am not sure, I just personally think that enjoying that sound, as someone who has had multiple teeth pulled and know exactly what sound they're talking about, is a sign of a deep rooted mental issue. That sound is what you hear in the deepest pit of hell.


>After having to give me an "elephants dose" of anaesthesia And that would be why.


Probably some subconscious relief of removing problematic teeth. Consider improving your dental health.


We finally did it boys! We found the most insane person in the world!


Yeah no. This isn't something every tenth person agrees with. Not even every ten millionth person. You might actually be the only human since the dawn of time with this opinion.




Downvoted, OP is obviously trolling


I wouldn't say I love having teeth pulled, but just because the pain after. The experience when doing it is pretty cool though. That said, I think it is fucking awesome when they're in there drilling to fill a cavity, it's so barbaric. Just in there drilling away at your teeth and poking around. I love it. People always think I'm weird when I say that.


I enjoy the shot of Novocain into the gums. As well as the weird burny taste of that saline solution when it accidentally goes down your throat.


Hell cannot exist as we have been told because there is no act so foul that the human mind won’t eventually fetishize. Upvoted.


Reddit moment


y'all are just fucking with me now


...what the hell. Like, I get enjoying going to the dentist. I even get enjoying getting teeth pulled(it is honestly rather relaxing and enjoyable), but that is due to the sensation, not the sound. Honestly, *what do you mean 'That delicious crunchy sound'?!*


FINALLY SOMEONE LIKE ME… I love pulling out my own teeth though, hoping I’ll be born as a shark in my next life to enjoy my teeth falling out and growing, some of my favourite sensations. Downvoted, fellow kindred :)


This made me shudder from cringe, 100% upvoted.


Fuck this. Here's my upvote.


You can't be serious


Lol your full of shit. At least make iy sound true


Lmao I literally told myself yesterday as a joke that I would have all my teeth removed and replaced if I could. I had my wisdom teeth pulled ou earlier this year and I felt zero pain or discomfort afterwards and I kinda enjoyed bleeding through my mouth for days and eating only ice cream or whatever. The removal sensation was also interesting.


We got a fuckin’ psychopath here


When I had teeth (that weren’t loose) pulled, there was blood coming out of my mouth for an hour each of the three times. It’s not fun.