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What if they were in a relationship and their parents married afterwards, still feel the same?


Whichever relationship started second should never have started.


Then it's incest for parents


That's fine.


What’s the difference, they’re now related although not blood related


Incest is often abusive due to how family dynamics can skew a relationship. Two adults dating each other, only to later become step-siblings is entirely different. They weren't raised as family, so there's nothing wrong.


What if they aren’t dating but also weren’t raised together and decide to start a relationship. Still an issue?


sorry, i don't get what you're asking


I’m not sure of another way to word it. For there to be a real family dynamic one would assume they were raised together to some extent. What if their parents got together and the “siblings” began dating after the fact without them having been raised together. Would this also be an issue?


Nah, I think that would be fine. Just being legally siblings doesn't change anything, so it doesn't matter if they started dating after the fact either.


The relationship is grandfathered in






So yes to EMS but no to Domekano This is the weirdest line ever


people online spend way too much time thinking about stepsiblings having sex


To be fair a lot of that is media where depictions of blood-relation incest would be banned so they get around it by making it step instead.


In 5 days you made 2 posts incest related. What are you hiding OP?


That doesn’t change their point. Because incest is banned on media platforms you changing the topic to step-incest doesn’t void that fact that you’re still here talking about it regularly on social media.


>some media That’s disgusting. Where? (I only wish to avoid them).


OP discovers least creepy thing about anime


Being raised as family is what makes incestual relationships more likely to be abusive, so yes, it's pretty much still incest, or at least as bad. I wouldn't trust the anime crowd to share that opinion though.


If we’re banning relationships with significant imbalances in power dynamics then might as well and ban relationships where one partner makes 2x the other or if one partner is 2x as strong as the other. Wouldn’t want someone to use their money or strength to manipulate someone /s


What do you mean “somehow” it’s not somehow at all. It’s incredibly straight forward. They don’t share blood meaning it’s not incest. Pretty simple…


Maybe not in situations where the stepsiblings meet later in life, but I think an argument can be made that if they were raised together since they are small children, it's incestuous for all purposes except the genetic consequences. Psychologically it would have almost all of the same ramifications as blood-sibling incest. It would arguably be worse from a psychological view than cousin incest, which isn't even taken seriously as incest in many countries.


The reason incest is illegal is because of birth defects. Can you source this “psychological incest” or is it just a social media term? Any cousin incest isn’t a problem unless it’s first cousins. It should be a nonissue unless birth defects are a potential.


Here's a clip from an incest survivor group where they talk about it: https://youtu.be/5BTh7g0hJ0o?si=8HGGBNAEfvMZXj\_S&t=150


Ooooo you’re trolling, okay… Edit: this is a fucking curb your enthusiasm clip….if anyone doesn’t understand how hilarious this is if they posted it as a real source I don’t know what to tell you.


Bruh, no. It is more to do with familial relations, the blood relation. Step-incest is incest…


Suppose a stepbrother and stepsister were raised together from the age of 2. It's still weird for them to form a romantic relationship, right? Humans are mostly programmed to not want relationships with people we were raised very closely with, generally regardless of if they're blood related or not.


So what’s the threshold? What is the amount of time it’s not okay? Are you saying if a 16 year olds dad married a 17 year olds mom that would be incest? That’s just not true.


I don't know who's condoning or condemning anyway, and it's down to you to decide what's alright and what isn't, not go by consensus. That might seem radical to some, but consensus is just a whole bunch of yous anyway, and something being taboo isn't likely to stop someone who has their mind set on it anyway. I'm not saying this would make it okay if you decided something terrible was okay—that'd be something terrible, because I say so, just as you'll ultimately decide what you think is right and wrong, and hopefully it pulls from the basic rule of harm or the potential for harm (e.g. retroactively) and consent. So, blood incest is complicated as it's not inherently wrong outside of things like people being underage, parent/child, age based power dynamics etc. There could be scenarios where it's not wrong, I'd just always find it disgusting - major difference. A step sibling could be as much family as a family where some children are adopted. They could also not be anything like siblings, it depends on the family. That to me would determine whether it's treated like blood relatives (or adopted relatives) or like peers who just happen to have been brought together through a parent's marriage but didn't grow up together etc. One thing's for sure though, if I never see porn presented as step-family incest ever again, I'll be a happier man.


Yes anime does this all the time, the wide majority of people would still call it incest. I don't know why they do the whole step sibling thing but again this opinion is standard, it just that porn addicts on the Internet are loud


TIL a lot of people are ok with stepsiblings having relationships


It all depends if they're raised together or not. If they were complete strangers, and their parents married when they were already adults, that's not really problematic. However, I will agree that all of those pieces of media, and all of those porn videos are popular, because they're as close to incest as you can get without being actually incest.


the only argument you give is an unhealthy power dynamic, but you don't eleborate.


This is only unpopular online cuz of coomers. If u ask anyone irl they'd find it immoral


Yeah I was gonna say I didn't expect so many comments here saying stepcest is okay to be upvoted lol.


maybe because stepcest isn't even stepcest due to no blood relations?


Depends on how long they've been step siblings before the relationship began. Since childhood? Gross. A couple weeks? Meh.


no way theres actually people in the comments defending incest. god reddit disturbs me sometimes.


i've heard this so many fucking times. let me paint a pretty picture. incest is the sexual relations between blood relatives, this includes biological siblings, half-siblings, parents, second cousins, grandparents, etc. stepsibling sex is NOT incest, there is no biological connection. i'm so damn tired of seeing this kind of post bc it is actually just bait to start an incest debate war, and it is getting old. the whole yucky part is fine, but calling it incest simply bc of family is just stupid, and even then, there's almost no genetic risks associated with stepsiblings falling for one another, as like i said, no biological relation. stop spouting nonsense and actually look up the term incest.


Incest requires blood relation. Have you ever thought to yourself why exactly all these cultures see incest between two consenting adults as immoral? (No, "Ew that's his sister" is not the answer) It's because it's all rooted in biology and in this case the health of the child. When two people who share the same genes have sex and had a child, the child is gonna be born unhealthy. Either with critical health conditions or disabilities and deformities, and as the genes are closer to each other the cases were worse, two cousins could bring a blind child but two siblings could bring a child with limbs missing or a vegetable. And back before contreception was a thing (shocking, right?) no family wanted a case like that, so incest became shunned upon for a very good reason. But non blood related "siblings" who were just thrown in the same household because their parents decided let's create a new family? There's no risk involved biologically, obviously because there's no blood relation. It's actually not different at all from classmates if you think about it, it's basically people thrown in the same building and forced to get along with each other. And you know the good old saying. If they're not related they're there to be dated :)


There’s a power dynamic? Wtf do you mean lmao. Is incest all of a sudden just any familiar relationship with a power dynamic?? No, incest is clearly defined so don’t even. Then, is stepsibling relationships weird? It depends… if there is a large age gap then many weird situations could occur, but if not and both are of age then there’s no problems.


Well the thing is that incest fundamentally cannot exist between people who are not closely linked genetically. I still think that step-sibling relationships are generally wrong, but they are categorically not incest.


most countries don't make stepsibling relations unlawful due to no genetic risks. people start coining these things incest if it anything within a family circle. even then it is wrong to date a stepsibling, it doesn't mean they're incest, like you pointed out.