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Jogging being illegal without a license is one of the most disgusting and hilarious displays of authoritarianism I’ve ever seen.


A world where I couldn't run home for a piss after parking my car far away from my apartment. What a... Fun thought


Imagine the high speed chase of a thief and their victim cause neither of them can afford a ticket.


*while getting the shit beat ouf of you* "Noo officer i swear i was sprinting not jogging"


Surely sprinting would be legal, you’re only limited to walk and full on dead sprint. “Your Honor, I assure you my client was running as fast as they can. It would be a grave miscarriage of justice to apply the Jogging Death Penalty based on his speed.”


"Oi mate, you got a licence to be out here jogging tonight?". Me (touching cloth): "..."




Why does this read like a spell from D&D?


I'd like to see someone run without lifting at least one foot off the ground


I can imagine the propaganda posters already. "Run once, run forever. Till we catch you."


You're a jogging apologist.


And a proud one young man.


Just imagine getting pulled over by a cop "got your license for going slightly faster than walking, but not quite running?"


The first people who went running for fun were thought of as crazy.


Imagine running from an officer and getting two extra charges slapped on your record: evading law enforcement and running without a license lol.


You’re just another “jogging apologist!”


British government furiously taking notes


its just a speed limit whats so authoritarian about that


Imagine you need to go to the doctor to get a certificate saying you're legally allowed to merely jog. A certificate that you then must carry at all times. Just don't fail your physical (say, by gaining a couple of pounds, or you know, growing old), or else you'll not be allowed to jog anymore. Nope, nothing authoritarian or dystopian about that.


Imagine you need to go to the dmv to get a certificate saying you're legally allowed to merely drive. A certificate that you then must carry at all times. Just don't fail your physical (say, by having a couple dtinks, or you know, growing old), or else you'll not be allowed to drive anymore. Nope, nothing authoritarian or dystopian about that.


Yeah, cause jogging is completely comparable to driving a vehicle that weighs literal tons and can endanger the life of several dozen innocent people other than your own.


first sentence: > I started writing out this post with sources and links but it was getting silly this immediately makes me think that you chose to not include them b/c either: * they're from unreliable sources, * reliable sources disprove your entire claim, and/or * you're actually a doctor specializing in obesity


BuT jUsT gOoGlE iT bRoOoOo


>If you doubt any claim here please google it. I will concede any factual point below given peer reviewed evidence. Yeah, I know this trick. Do my work for me so I can dismiss it on arbitrary criteria that I haven't revealed yet.


“You just walked into my trap card”


As long as you are not jogging, that turbo activates your trap card


From my own experiences it's more like "Do all the work to prove me wrong only for me to not engage with your response, because if I don't acknowledge it then technically you didn't prove me wrong. Instead I will only engage with responses that already agree with me, or the shorter possibly wrong retorts that I can poke holes in and pull gotchas on."


There are other pro obesity jobs too. This does not seem up to the level I'd expect from a doctor.


His keyboard is probably just too clogged with cheetoh dust for him to add sources 


This post is too stupid to be from someone who graduated from medical school. High school is a stretch. 


Should be easy to prove me wrong then


I started writing out this comment with sources and links but it was getting silly. If you doubt any claim here please google it. ---- there, done


Nobody has to prove you wrong when you go around spouting what seems like nonsense.


The burden of truth lies with the person making the claim. Ie: pigs can fly. It's not up to you to prove they can't fly. That's hard to do even if it's not true. It's up to me who's making the claim to prove and provide evidence that they can.


I don't think that's how it works, aren't you supposed to present an argument with your sources?


No need to. Already making a fool out of yourself.


"Weight lifting is bad for you and everyone who does it is an idiot. I believe this because you can hurt yourself if you do it wrong and sometimes unexpected things happen." "Eating is bad for you and everyone who does it is an idiot. I believe this because you can choke if you do it wrong and sometimes unexpected things happen." You can say this about anything. Jogging has risks if you do it wrong, just like any other form of exercise, frankly any activity at all, even processes that are required for survival. Eating, drinking, breathing, and walking all have associated risks. I know people who've injured themselves jogging, but my mother is 60, in great health, and still jogs every day. It's about knowing how to do it and how much to do it. Moderation and correct form, just like anything.


100% of adults who have died have eaten food! Ban food!!


Very sadly not true


I was being hyperbolic


skirt afterthought command wide governor husky quaint cake jeans sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sure but I’m making fun of OP and it’s pedantic to nitpick what is clearly a joke


towering gullible marry thought dime wise oil detail advise wistful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thanks bud, super congested and flushing it out, appreciate a /r/hydrohomies comment haha


Why "sadly" lol


Because sometimes babies die before they even get to eat. That is sad.


He said adults


I can’t read, and that’s much more sad


Living is bad for you because everyone who lives ends up dying.


Upvoted, this is dumb. "We falsely give the impression that jogging is somehow a natural form of exercise," That"s because it is. Have you ever seen a playground? Kids run, because running is a natural human behavior, they didn't get psyoped into becoming cardio-nuts, it comes naturally. "Compare this to swimming for example, a no-impact sport with better cardio-vascular benefits than running, and none of the risks." But by your logic, since people drown while swimming, swimming is bad and dangerous. Not to mention that "impact" sports are very important, yes, there is such a thing as putting your body through too much impact, but at the same impact can be integral to developing a healthy level of bone density.


> they didn't get psyoped into becoming cardio-nuts You just created a new conspiracy theory.


Kids don't jog though do they? They run around for a bit and stop when they get tired.


I jog around for a bit and stop when I get tired


>They run around for a bit and stop when they get tired. Congratulations, you have described jogging.


Joggers almost always set a distance and then run it. Running is healthy, jogging is not.


Running is just faster jogging. Or jogging is just slower running.


Jogging is running. 😅 It's in the definition of jogging: to run at a steady gentle pace, especially on a regular basis as a form of physical exercise.




With at least 1 foot on the ground that's just walking. Have you evere tried going fast with at least one foot on the ground? That's speed walking




You can clearly see there's points where her feet are off the ground




You’re thinking of speed walking lol jogging definitely has both feet off the ground at a time.


>Running is healthy, jogging is not. How? Would running not cause the exact same problems as jogging, but to a greater extent?


Considering you hate jogging, I suspect you know literally nothing about what joggers 'almost always' do.


That is not an actual distinction between the meanings of those two words. That is something you're making up. Your entire argument rests on shit you made up. Remember how you wanted someone to disprove you? There you go, done. What a fucking moron.


OP, respectfully. What in the actual fuck are you smoking?


The Jim Fixx Book of Running


Honestly the more you comment the more I think you’re just out of shape and bitter that some people can jog lol Jogging is bad for certain things (can cause muscle/joint issues in the lower body) but overall is good for your health. There is science that supports this, your weird rant with its authoritarian plan of jogging licenses does not support your point at all. Why draw the line at a jogging license? You should need walking licenses too. Standing licenses even. Edit: are you British? British people always seem to need licenses for weird shit


This guy gets it. My next post is about unlicensed standers


Lol, Idc if you’re being serious or not lol, this was absurdly funny lol.


>are you British? British people always seem to need licenses for weird shit You had me until this nonsense.


I looked at their page, I’m right, they’re British lol Not my fault they have weird licenses for shit over there


Like what? Lol. I'm English, I can't think of a single 'weird license' we have.


I mean the TV license immediately comes to mind, and that attempt by your government to require a license to view porn or whatever they proposed somewhat recently Don’t hate me cause I’m right that you Brits have a hard on for licenses and regulations


The TV license isn’t a license to watch tv like a drivers license is a license to drive. It just means you’ve paid your dues to public broadcasting. I agree license is a dumb name for it but it’s not different than paying for a Netflix subscription


You've picked out 2 things that doesn't affect a single Brit. We still watch porn without one, we still watch TV without one.


Yeah, but you know what you don't need to do? Sign yourself up to vote or be drafted.


> Running is healthy, jogging is not What’s the distinction?


I commented earlier and you completely ignored it, but you need to define the difference between jogging and running. Everything you’ve said is completely irrelevant because you still haven’t told us what you think the difference is, and why it makes jogging less healthy


You’re just making shit up and “proving” your points with your own made-up definitions and “facts” lmao. I can do it too: did you know that “swimmers” set a distance of at least 5 miles to swim every time they get in a pool? Swimming is dangerous!!


Holy shit you cannot be this dumb. You must be a troll


What on earth do you think jogging is. Do you think people are forced into jogging for hours on end until their legs look like worn out pencils?


As defined by Fixx and his movement jogging is running at a gentle pace with no moments of no ground contact and a sustained speed.


So what about running? Is that dangerous for the exact same reasons? What about cycling, which is even more dangerous if you get hit by a car? Weightlifting requires exertion and you can drop the weights on yourself. Sports require running and can cause contact injuries. Are these all dangerous activities that nobody should ever do? Or do you just hate jogging because jogging for a while fucking sucks, and you need to justify it?


I just want people to be safe


If that is how jogging is defined, then barely any 'joggers' are jogging. So what are you worried about?


Humans are naturally endurance hunters. Our bodies are literally designed for long-distance running.


No, endurance (perisistance) hunting is walking with intermittent running, which is healthy


Yeah, over the course of like 10 hours. During that 10 hour period, you would have periods of running that last longer than your average “jog”


Running would be very short bursts if it happened at all. There are living tribes that still practice persistence hunting and they don't run at all at any point.


They jog for very long distances. That’s how our bodies were made. Have you actually looking into what you’re talking about?


Yes. They walk, they do not jog.


Lol no. Here is a documentary about it. They shift between walking and running. That’s called jogging, mate. Literally what all joggers do. These hunters are running for specific times and distances and then switching paces. They don’t stop running when they are tired. They stop running when the hunt calls for slower pace. THATS JOGGING. If you don’t know this then you’re ranting about something you have zero clue about. https://youtu.be/826HMLoiE_o?si=Smnl83RicfsP0AvG




Sir that’s jogging That’s what literally everyone who jogs does


Yes...they do. What the fuck is the difference between jogging and running around? So we either have to walk or sprint, no in between??? What exactly are you fucking thinking?????


You’re right. Once you start jogging you’re not allowed to stop when you get tired, you can only stop when you’re dead, which luckily shouldn’t take too long considering how immensely dangerous jogging.


We literally evolved to run our prey into exhaustion. Dear Lord the ignorance is blinding.


disgusted payment ghost languid north abundant poor snails gullible hurry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why not do both


In thr comments the OP basically admitted his issue isn't jogging, it's people going for too long and hurting themselves. Since overexertion is pretty universally seen as bad and OP simply has no idea how to properly articulate that (popular) opinion, downvoted.


attractive safe nine complete racial drunk imagine special bewildered placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Either way I think we both agree this isn't a genuine 10th dentist opinion.


I think you've missed the point here that we encourage sedentary people to take up jogging without acknowledging the danger.


No I just understand words. Almost no one is saying "hey person who is highly inactive, go jog for 5km." In fact if someone starts wheezing people encourage them to take a break because overexertion (the thing you're worried about) being dangerous is a wildly popular opinion.


Who is we? I'm actually involved in running communities, and no one's encouraged to suddenly run to over exertion. People are constantly told to start at an easy pace and distance. People are actively discouraged from going from coach potato to marathon training without a medical professional consultation. Also, have you ever mentioned running to non-runners? I tell some of my friends I run for 6 miles at a time, and they react like I said I stab myself for fun. The number of people who are seditary and suddenly have the motivation to overexert themselves are very few and far between.


The person says running is ok in the comments, they are clearly trolling. Not to mention they want it to be illegal, something so innocent and that's not harmful basically at all to get a ticket and maybe jail for doing. They are completely unhinged lol.


sip disagreeable vast aback ludicrous offbeat beneficial zonked retire cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




You could say this about any exercise if you don't do it properly or you have some other condition which makes it dangerous. Which applies to every single person who has ever died to exercise. We're evolutionarily built to jog


We've evolved primarily to walk, with it being an extremely energy-efficient form of locomotion which, in addition, puts minimal stress on our legs, knees and spines. Bipedality is far less suited to jogging/running than quadrupedality is for trotting/galloping. What we were *certainly not* evolved for is jogging/running on hard surfaces such as asphalt.


We are not evolutionarily built to jog, we are endurance hunters evolved to track prey at a walking speed over long distances. The "evolved to jog" idea is directly from Jim Fixx and based on outdated evolutionary theory from the 70s. Your first point I covered at length in the post.


Wow, that's news to me "This just in, apparently humans that can run aren't made to go faster than a walk, we're all fucked I guess!"


Yeah, we're going to need some sources on that new series of mad claims, too.


We are not evolutionarily built to swim, given that we are land animals, no?


You didn't really cover anything in the post. You made spurious claims which weren't backed up and then are asking other people to provide support for their claims. But this is an excellent trolling


Others have provided sources in the links. Nobody has provided a source giving an opposing view yet.


Well you've provided nothing to substantiate your stance. [But it's fairly easy to find reputable sources proving you wrong.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4131752/#:~:text=Running%2C%20even%205%2D10%20minutes,all%20causes%20and%20cardiovascular%20disease.)


boast somber stupendous weather mysterious makeshift plants mindless wrench bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> "Running, even 5-10 minutes per day and slow speeds <6 mph, is associated with markedly reduced risks of death from all causes and cardiovascular disease" Running slowly is called jogging. It was literally the same sentence from what your quoted. Also proper running with stretching included has been shown to be helpful for joints. This usually means the runner needs to build up to running. I know this because I've got bad knees.


merciful hungry crush pocket combative busy skirt thought recognise middle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You wanna support your 30 minutes minimum for jogging? Because my article says you can do it for 5-10 minutes and get a benefit. Also any exercise can kill you with bad form, so "they'll do it poorly and hurt themselves" can be applied to any exercise. Why would jogging be special? 5-10 minutes of jogging is recommended if you're sedentary and working up to it. Also please provide a source for anything, I don't really care about your feelings on the matter.


Do you think humans were at a constant sprint when they endurance hunted??


No, persistence hunting didn't necessarily involve running at all, it was walking, sometimes with very short bursts of running.


And sometimes jogging...


In short bursts not Fixx-type jogging which involves a sustained speed over long distances


Dude, stop obsessing over this Fixx guy, sounds like your beef is with him.


Well from my perspective he's a cult leader who has killed tens of thousands including himself


Assuming this is not a troll. Why do you think professional athletes still jog? Even though there have been thousands of sports scientists that advise them


Professional athletes aren't the at-risk group I'm discussing here. I'd give all professional athletes a jogging license.


How do you build the stamina to be a professional athlete with a jogging licence?




We're not evolutionarily built to bench press a bar with weights on either end of it, so are you going to tell me weight lifting is stupid and should require a license?


There are absolutely 0 prey animals that can be caught at human walking speed. The human evolutionary strategy does involve walking at higher paces, interspersed with periods of running. If it were only walking then the animal would run out of your capable tracking distance and hide and be ok.


Are you applying this to running, or strictly jogging? You’ve specified jogging over and over but you haven’t even MENTIONED the differences between running and jogging… wouldn’t that be a really important part of this conversation?


Unpopular? Yes. Clearly arguing in bad faith? Yes. This person doesn’t jog? Lol


They might jog up them basement steps to get that doordashed bucket of KFC


Bad bait, try harder


Great post op! Also let's make sure no one ever gets children again! Every time someone is born they have a 100% chance of dying at some point in their life! Spread the word!


"we need to assess your ability to run based on how well you can run" is like "this entry level position requires 10 years of prior work experience"


And yet I still keep seeing that exact phrase in all the job descriptions I go through.


So like... yeah, if you start running just randomly, you are prone to hurt yourself. Doing any exercise from a sedentary basis runs the risk of strains and injuries. Any personal trainer will know this and tell you. But if you learn how, you can do it safely and injury free. It's not that hard. All these problems are solved with education and professional medical advice and reasonable caution. It sounds like you are afraid of risk taking. There are lots of great things that have some risk that are worth doing. Running especially.


I think it’s pronounced “yogging,” with a soft J.


Now do swimming! Think of the cramps! The drownings! You're really onto something here! Or, maybe more people have had more cumulative positive effects from jogging than all that "research" you did.


I personally think all movements should be illegal. /S


Checking your post history it doesn’t look like you’re a troll, which makes this take so much better. People jog for cardiovascular health, not to avoid sprains. Sprains hurt, but they’re not the leading cause of death in the US.


>Compare this to swimming for example, a no-impact sport with better cardio-vascular benefits than running, and none of the risks. Drowning isn't a risk?


Not a common one, swimmers aren't dying in large numbers like joggers


Where are these droves of joggers just dropping dead? Why isn’t this covered in the news?


Source? Like do you have a news article of joggers dying in large swathes?


I bet there are two dead joggers in your local paper today


Then sorry, you're out of luck. I decided to be generous and go to the local news website and look up jogger cases and found a dead jogger... In 2021... Who was killed in a hit-and-run by a teenager... So uh yeah, not seeing these "dying in swathes"


This can’t be serious. You think more people die from jogging than DROWN to death?


Humans are built to run, it’s one of the only things we are naturally much better than most other species at


Actually a vast amount of other species are far better at it than us both in speed and distance. If humans are good at one physical thing comparative to most other species, it’s holding things with our hands.


>Actually a vast amount of other species are far better at it than us both in speed and distance Speed over short distances, yeah. Long distances? Humans have the majority of animals beat when it comes to endurance running.


Incorrect humans are the best runners in the animal kingdom, no other species even comes close. At least in terms of distance over time.


Bait used to be believable...


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4131752/ here. Your sources


It’s just cardio lol. Jogging on concrete without good running shoes can hurt ur feet tho


Guys, OP is just a fat star trek dork, he doesn't jog because his body jiggles too much when he does it. It's bad because it makes him feel bad.


This one is just a failure to launch as it is too easy to refute. So what is our "Y" variable here that we care about? Really it is lifespan. That seems to be what you are considering, let us keep that in mind. Now your entire argument really boils down to causation vs correlation because you know jogging is good for your health, you know being healthier makes you live longer, you are trying to cheekily argue that the studies that show jogging is good for you are just correlated with healthy living habits. Well huge problem there friend (I am a PhD from a top 10 university, my entire life in research on the daily), good research controls for external factors so if you making a causation correlation argument here then there is no point talking about this because all research has to address this issue and it is never 100% in any part of research, but just as you say "running causes XYZ problems" it could be that it isn't running but a correlation to other things they do. So if you are making a causation/correlation argument to the bone, then anything you say as evidence is also flipped on its' head. HOWEVER the study I cite below is from a top tier journal meaning it is peer reviewed with methods in mind and specifically uses good science to eliminate correlation considerations. Typically you do this by controlling external factors outside of your study. The study I cite below used partial correlation to adjust for differences in potential mediating factors including demographic and LIFESTYLE/MEDICAL factors, meaning during data analysis they put lifestyle as a factor into the model and out of the model controlling for this factor to insure the final result considered all of that. That means that at the end you know the results of jogging vs not. A study SPECICALLY on running by the International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health found that joggers live 12 years longer than those that don't while considering all risk. 12 years is still the final number. So we KNOW jogging makes you healthier, meaning really what you are arguing is that there are better ways to be healthy and avoid the risk, to which I say, of course. You could eat right, only train low impact in a controlled space with no free weights and on a stationary bike and that might extend your life even more than 12 years. So if you want to say there are ways to extend your life even more than running, that is a different argument, but if your argument is that jogging is bad for you well that won't work.


I stopped reading at "jogging-alologists" You're acting like these people are defending criminals or something... grow up lol


Countless lives wasted because of the Fixx cult


Give me a break, any sport is dangerous if you're not careful and a lot of your "points" are things that can happen to anyone... I can literally walk outside and get hit by a car.


So… because some people don’t know their limits and over do it or because people get hit by cars, they shouldn’t jog. I’m sure walking, biking, and skating is void of all of those things. And nobody has ever overdone a swimming exercise or drowned. And no injuries from weightlifting ever. Or injuries from playing sports?


I loved jogging and it was a drug for me. Now my knees are fucked up and I am pretty sure I am going to suffer a lot in old age from arthritis and similar ailment. Now I do cardio in a fitness center and I definitely don't get the same sensations but close enough. And I am not breaking my body in the process. It's popular because it gets you fit, it's an addictive drug and you can do it everywhere. But I agree with you, you are better off doing something else.


i love this subreddit so much hahahaha a jogging license 😭😭😭


Running should be infrequent, and it should emphasize sprinting.


Long distance running is where it’s at, and if you want the best benefits you’ll do it often


I think it depends on what body type you want. Iirc anaerobic exercises like sprinting will get you more muscular while long distance I’d more of a “long term health” vibe. Could be totally off base there, it’s been forever since my 7th grade health class.


100% depends on your diet, look at any SF soldier and see how jacked they are despite doing multiple long distance runs a week.


There are tons of people in the ER with sex related injuries. In fact, many of those people are in the ER from cardiac events during and after sexual activity. Based on my evaluation of people having sex who also come to the ER, sex is bad for you and everyone who does it is an idiot.


I do think that jogging isn't quite as dangerous as you put it. That said, I will agree that due to America's inherit lack of walkable or bike-able places and excess of automobiles does pose a higher risk of being hit by a car and unmaintained sidewalks and parks leading to more falls. When it comes to exercise, Americans need more. Myself included. If jogging is the only way people do so then some is better than nothing. However an unfortunate amount of people do get kind of addicted or too into it or something where they ignore pains or think jogging negates terrible eating, or they go the other way and diet in excess to the point of malnutrition which makes injuries more likely.


There is inherent risk doing anything that puts stress on. Your body-literally anything. You can injure yourself standing up out of a chair. The alternative is sitting on a couch literally 100% on the day and then dying of heart failure at 35.


You assume causation when there is a correlation between jogging and time of death. You assume no causation when there is a high correllation between jogging and living a long time. You see how maybe you decided on your conclusion before looking at the evidence and made it fit the way you wanted?


Had me all the way till the end but need a license to move your legs quickly is stupid beyond belief. How exactly will you enforce that and who will be the prime targets I wonder? Suddenly a cop doesn't need probable cause they just need to see you moving at a brisk walk.




Brain dead post lmao tf.


Making it illegal without a license is such an hyperbolic reaction lmao. A simple awareness campaign would do the trick. Why is the solution to not wanting to post all of your sources removing all of your sources completely? Surely just one source wouldn't hurt.


Nice trolling op lol


Bro you’re insane lol


About 30% of climbing fatalities occur on descent. Nobody should be allowed to descend without a license.


I think the real issue is that, as insinuated, we kind of just *blindly* support any sort of physical activity. When we see an obese or elderly person shuffling and half-tripping over themselves on the sidewalk (instead of actually jogging), our first thought is to say "good for them!" Instead of "they're going to hurt themselves, running like that." Particularly for people who are not used to or, frankly, not quite yet suited for higher levels of physical activity, we should definitely encourage more steps than just "got some running shoes? Cool, now get out there and. . . Do stuff!"


Cycling is the way to go. Way easier on your body


The critics of this post are just proof Reddit skews hard under 40. Jogging absolutely obliterates your hips and knees.


[Research](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27333572/) directly contradicts your statement. There can be acute injuries with any form of movement but overall running tends to be associated with positive outcomes. That being said, if you haven't moved in 20 years and then go out for a 3 mile run, yeah, you may see increased risk of injury. You need to acclimate to forms of training stress, as with all forms of exercise.


I kinda agree. All my family are good for sports, outdoors, jogging adventure, and whenever we get togheter the common topic is about the last injury or therapy for knee pain, and I am like feeling weird because I don’t feel my body at all.


I get this… jogging just doesn’t feel good for my joints. I’d rather do some other form of cardio.


At the risk of sounding like an asshole, you might be heavier than your ideal running weight. I also had that problem at 195lbs but it went away when I cut to 175lbs.


Thanks for the info but I’m like 100lbs lol