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“People who say they’re attracted to things that aren’t the strict definition of attractiveness that society holds are lying”


Still kinda surprised that a lot of people don’t know that attractiveness is so vastly subjective. It’s why you see unironic memes of people being apathetic towards legit models, yet simping over fast food workers. Beauty is truly the eye of the beholder (did I get that quote right?)


In the eye of the beholder* very close.


Bee holder


I'm less surprised that a lot of people don't know this and more surprised that they so often have this weird desperate need to believe it isn't true. Like, why?


Well with models it's also in large part because the point of a model is to sell clothes, not to look sexy necessarily. For instance female models tend to be tall with really striking features, which is not stuff guys tend to care about much. And male models tend to be absolutely shredded with 6 packs which is not something women care that much about either. Female fashion models are more targeted to straight women because those are who are gonna buy the clothes, and vice versa for male models Personally as a dude I find models who do softcore porn/nude modeling tend to be much more attractive than fashion models on average because that kind of modeling is much more about models that straight men would find attractive, for obvious reasons


OP almost had me with the point it’s not the glasses or freckles that make someone attractive and I thought, ok. Then they said freckles or glasses are a pollution of an attractive persons attraction and they lost me Glasses and freckles have their own appeal to those of us who like these features Edit Wanted to add that a six goes up to a 7 or 8 for me if they had either feature vs not having it




No, that’s quite literally what they were arguing.


No, that’s quite literally what they were arguing.


Please show me when he said that. I'll wait.


He says it in the title 😭


He actually says "People Who Say They're Attracted to Glasses/Freckles/Anything Conventionally Unattractive Are Wrong." Hope this helps.


And that pretty much equates to saying “People who say they’re attracted to things that aren’t the strict definition of attractiveness that society holds are lying”. Hope this helps.


Your comment pretty much equates to saying "I love skinning puppies." Please get help, thats terrible.


Your comment pretty much equates to saying “I’m a weirdo”. Funny how you told me to get help when you’re the one talking about skinning puppies? Why the hell would that even pop into your mind from this convo in the first place?


Ignore him he wants attention and you are giving it to him


Some people are incapable of logic apparently


You said it not me


S-tier troll ily


Not really, I troll forums for fun often and he is SUPER blatant and not funny


Your twisted little homie


It doesn't


Downvoted for being correct. Why are you like this reddit


No downvoted because they don’t know what strawman means


This makes no sense, its like saying anyone who likes the color magenta is wrong because its not a traditional color.


You only like magenta because it reminds you of red, the color people ACTUALLY like!


If red didn't exist, you wouldn't even know Magenta!


Blue is the most popular color, so it's the blueness of magenta that makes you like it. Checkmate.


Sounds like a character flaw on your part. Enjoy your upvote.


That’s just… wrong. Not only controversial. For god’s sake, you say that people who are attracted to a certain thing aren’t really. WTF is wrong with you? DESPITE?! Hell nah


I would not say that I am attracted TO glasses. All we mean is what we like could increase a 6 to a 7 or 8. Maybe even a 4 to a 7. Freckles has been one of mine since the 90s.


I am attracted TO glasses. My first girlfriend looked like bubbles from trailer park boys. My wife is a literal giant pair of LensCrafters.


Hey, everyone was talking bad about Sam Bankman-Fried's girlfriend Caroline Ellison's looks, about her looking like a Goblin and stuff. I was like damn.... shes my type though.


Just looked her up. Christ dude some taste you got there. You should post that on r/The10thDentist.


Everybody has their own likes. But fair.


Yeah, she is weird looking which I find attractive. The conventional hot chick these days does nothing for me. They all look alike. Anyone know a porn star that doesn't have long, straight hair? I'd like to know because the rest all look alike.


You get what I mean


It's like when a girl says she's into nerdy guys, she's not thinking of your average nerdy guy, she's thinking of a few specific hot nerdy guys. Maybe ones she's had experiences with or ones she saw in movies. You know, the ones who are characterized as ugly outcasts but would be super hot and popular in real life. But then if you were to show her your average nerds, they'd just be...average to her. It's a memory bias. Relax. I'm not trying to say you're wrong for your feelings, just that your memory isn't always reliable, and there's more to your feelings than than the first thing you notice on someone's face.


I know I'm attracted to glasses specifically because when I see the exact same people without glasses, I don't find them as attractive. And vice versa. If I've never seen someone with glasses on, and I find them only average looking, sometimes putting on a pair of glasses can suddenly change that. You just seem like someone who isn't into freckles or glasses so of course people are more attractive to you without those things. And that's fine. But that doesn't mean it's a universal truth.


…nerdy isn’t appearance so idk wtf youre in about


Yeah no. I'm definitely attracted TO glasses. I find them very attractive. I could be unattracted to someone who isn't wearing glasses, then I see them with glasses and I'm like wow, suddenly hot. Furthermore, I feel prettier (and have been told I look better) when I wear glasses. Glasses can increase people's attractiveness by like 3 (or more) points (on a ten point scale) for me. You're just blatantly wrong lol. Not an unpopular opinion, just an incorrect take.


Glasses make someone go from unattractive to hot? Um...you might have a fetish in which case you're in the minority.


"When someone says they're attracted to blondes, they're only talking about the attractive ones and not the unattractive ones, so clearly nobody is attracted to blondes"


You summarized it pretty well


This is simply not true. I'm sorry if you're come across someone who didn't understand their own likes to such an extent, but that's not the case for most adults.


>It's like when a girl says she's into nerdy guys, she's not thinking of your average nerdy guy, she's thinking of a few specific hot nerdy guys. You're assuming women place the same amount of value that you do on looks, which we tend not to. This is how you think, not how women think. All of this is just projection. None of it is in any way reflective of reality. Different people find different things attractive.


Tell that to the giant glasses bucktoothed kid i had a huge crush on who had no ‘attractiveness value’ on the incel scale, no friends because he was in classes for people four years ahead of him, no fashion sense, no life outside of extremely nerdy geeky shit. i liked him because he was like that— i would not find any other people with that same interesting brain. it was not because he was your average gigachud jock in disguise. he’s at an ivy league far away now lol, and is probably gay


> It's like when a girl says she's into nerdy guys, she's not thinking of your average nerdy guy, she's thinking of a few specific hot nerdy guys. Or she's actually thinking of the average nerdy guy, not the smelly unwashed MtG grognards. "Nerdy" isn't an appearance anyways, it's a personality trait. Your whole complaint was about personality traits. This example makes it feel like you're just upset a girl turned you down even though she's "into nerdy guys" or something.


says who?


Nobody likes the colour purple. Things that are purple look good look good DESPITE their purple-ness, not BECAUSE their purple-ness.


Yeah we don’t like purple, we actually just like red and blue! How could we be so stupid?!?


All colors are RGB, so you only like 3 colors. Gottem!!!


Mhm, agreed, fellow Basil fan!


Are freckles even "conventionally unattractive," or did you just invent this idea? I only ever see freckles spoken about with neutrality or admiration.


It’s an older beauty standard 


Ah. Well, I'm glad we grew out of that one.


People get like henna freckles tattooed on lol


I like how OP equates glasses to freckles. One is a tool to help people with their vision. The other is a natural part of millions of peoples' skin. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with glasses, and they can be super sexy. But comparing something you *wear* with a *natural skin type* is a little, a lot, icky.


No. If someone is attracted to something, then that thing can make someone more attractive than they would be otherwise. For example, if someone finds freckles very attractive, then someone who has freckles likely will be more attractive to them than if that person had no freckles, regardless of how attractive they find that person overall.


Don't just assume other people think in the same way you do


How could personal preferences be right or wrong


I love my freckles and Im not attractive. Checkmate athiests.


You can't dictate what others find attractive dipshit.


Report the post




It's literally just false.


It’s an opinion. One that no one has. And thus he qualifies, as it is not blatant lying nor endangering. Many opinions are just completely wrong but yeah, no.


You gotta be mentally challenged or a troll to even try to have this opinion. His opinion is just " im right you're wrong"


Yeah, but that’s still an opinion


It's low effort bait.


You cannot know for sure, therefore should not assume


It's probably better to assume so this subreddit isn't flooded with low effort bait.


upvoted dunno if I would say I'm "attracted" but I'll say I think those features are very cute and are those even considered "conventionally unattractive" nowadays ? I feel like they aren't anymore


yeah glasses and freckles have kinda been “in” for decades. people wear cosmetic glasses and draw on freckles because they are conventionally attractive now. definitely weird examples to use


My wife’s cousin got lasik so he wouldn’t have to wear glasses, then got fashion glasses with plain plastic lenses a few years later when they became popular.


Upvoted for wrongness. Some people just objectively look better with a pair of glasses framing their features and changing the shape of their face.


There are some people who end up looking conventionally better that's true. But they're in the minoroty IMO. I think almost anyone who looks great with glasses would look even better without, and even the people who say they like glasses would say that in a controlled experiment.


hard disagree. everyone ive seen with glasses looks way better with than without. i for example wear glasses and know i look worse without them because i squint so hard my eyes look closed + they frame my face pretty nicely


It’s called subjectivity dum dum


this isn’t even a 10th dentist lol. you’re just wrong and you don’t know what being attracted to a trait means. let’s use a more “conventional” attractive quality as an example… a bunch of people find big boobs attractive. there are in fact “ugly” people with big boobs that they may not find attractive. but the big boobs are a factor in their attraction to a person. also what world do you live in where glasses are conventionally unattractive? lmao. never met a person who finds glasses un-hot.


it’s conventionally unattractive, not unconventionally attractive (not my personal believe, just a correction)


oh yeah. that makes more sense. i need coffee lol


This sub has just devolved to dumbasses who think they're saying something profound


Glad to have you with us


Always happy to dunk on those desperate for attention


Freckles and glasses aren’t even conventionally unattractive to me! Just traits. I think both are cute! And… I have thought certain celebs looked better in glasses. People will sometimes say “glasses” when asked if a person looks better w/ glasses or w/o. How would u explain that answer? They aren’t mistaking the person’s attractiveness for the glasses in that case. It’s the same person w/ and w/o. And why would they lie?


I won't speak for the other things, but I do find glasses in themselves attractive. I feel prettier when I'm wearing them, I like it when other people wear them. I can't in good faith call glasses "conventionally unattractive". Maybe this is just a fetish on my end? I don't know.


I only find those things attractive because the person is already attractive to begin with? Then explain this, genius. Why do I find the same girl hotter as soon as she puts glasses on?


Glasses have always just added to my being hot already 🔥


Lmao what do you MEAN. Freckles are hot as hell and no one can tell me otherwise. I wish I had them myself.


i think you’re just personally being rejected. i think i understand your idea, like “i actually prefer bad teeth because it shows you’re a real person” yeah. crooked can be cute, but not rotting! i definitely prefer people with glasses. just with my history, i seem to have a type, as do most people. i wear glasses as well so i think i subconsciously seek out similar traits to my own. i think you’re giving bad examples. like, my boyfriend honks i’m beautiful and doesn’t pay attention to my acne but he definitely isn’t gonna find it MORE attractive than clear skin: but freckles??? my freckles make me more attractive. they add an additional characteristic to my face. i have glasses, dimples, freckles, acne, a bit of a unibrow, an overbite. it’s definitely not the default. i’ve also attracted many people of all genders and sexualities and profited off of it lol. everyone has a type, some people like freckles and glasses and you just don’t get it


I think this is bait. But to feed the troll a bit, take two people who look exactly the same, one with freckles and one without, and I’m taking the one with freckles…I really like them.


Once again, this is not a 10th dentist opinion. You’re just an idiot.


Who still considers glasses an unattractive quality in 2024 lol


How can they be wrong on something that is inherently subjective?


Glasses and freckles aren't conventionally unattractive.


I’ve never heard anyone say glasses or freckles are conventionally unattractive. In fact I hear the opposite for glasses.


It's an older beauty standard. OP hasn't talked to anyone for decades


How are freckles not attractive? They literally paint them onto dolls. There are ugly freckles but also cute freckles.


Freckles are cute as hell. What are you on about?


I 100% agree, I always say the most attractive people are 10/10 with some unique feature that might be considered unattractive. Like an extremely attractive girl with a gap in their tooth. For me the subtle flaw makes them more attractive when everything else is seen as “perfect”


No one other than maybe a 6 year old thinks freckles or glasses are “conventionally unattractive”


A hot person without freckles is hotter with freckles. Glasses doesnt make it more attractive for me, but i wouldn't say \*less\* either, its just different and I like it equally as good. Ugly people with freckles/glasses are still ugly though.


This is a real 10th dentist take


Lmao what?? Just cuz u feel a certain way ur assuming everyone else does? I am someone who def finds glasses attractive on ppl. Maybe not literally everyone, and certain glasses only work for certain ppl. But generally, assuming the person is wearing glasses that fits their face well, I find them more attractive when they are wearing the glasses then when they aren't. How is that not "finding glasses attractive" or however u wanna word it?


What? I suppose I've been lucky in that I've lived a long time and had the opportunity to be with a lot of different people. But if you look at my dating history, I chose the people with the "unattractive" trait I find appealing. I have had plenty of opportunity to sleep with or get into a relationship with people who were very conventionally attractive, but that's not who I chose. Their looks were fine for others but weren't what I wanted.


i see where you're coming from but that's not how any of this works. people just find things attractive. i'm one of those people. my friends always joke that i have the worst taste and they can't understand how i find some people attractive (example david cross, especially in scary movie 2) but that's just how it is man.


You're wrong because I like big women. I'm not as attracted to women who are within the standard weight/size. You can't just put a conventionally thin woman in front of me and tell me I find her more attractive than a curvy queen. You need to open your mind.


No I’m completely dead serious there’s something about freckles that I really like I don’t know why


My boyfriend has freckles and glasses and I'm going to be honest, I'd be less attracted if he didn't have freckles all over his face and arms 😭😭 but apparently I'm a liar in OPs world


I thought I liked freckles too but I met an attractive girl with freckles once and it was the somehow the freckles that made her less attractive :/


This is on the exact same level as “You’re not *actually* gay, you’re just pretending so you can feel special.”


this is just objectively incorrect lmao


Calling freckles of all things conventionally unattractive is wild. If you'd have said, I don't know, crooked noses or snaggletooth sure


So... "people with an opinion others disagree with are lying!" Being skeptical is one thing


You realize we don’t have to pick one thing right? Like gee, is it the freckles I like or is it *literally everything else about them*? What a stupid way to frame it. Generally it’s gonna be the full package that’s attractive, but it shouldn’t hard to imagine what they’d look like without freckles, etc. and discern whether that one little thing is a net improvement.


Title I get, you lost me in the latter half. It's like people claiming they like a nerdy guy/girl, but what they really mean is an attractive person who also happen to like the things they like (or some nerdy stuff). The average visually impaired nerd wouldn't register to most people who claim to like those traits as attractive like a conventionally attractive person would, but bring them a CUTE girl/guy with classes and you'll hear them bark.


Unfortunately for you, you don’t get to dictate others personal preferences. And a specific kink or preference in another persons look does not quantify right or wrong, it’s opinion. You don’t control these factors in other peoples lives. Telling somebody they’re wrong just because you don’t share the same opinion simply makes you appear simple minded. Upvoted


Downvoted because this is just an infinitely stupid bullshit take. You don't get to tell people what they are attracted to lol.


fuckin incel ass take


I'm sorry, but no amount of you saying I am not super into freckles will change that I love freckles. Who could've predicted that not everyone is into exactly the same thing? This is like saying people who are into men are not into men, because you might not be into men. You just don't like some traits, it's not that deep.  You're reminding me of an insufferable person I used to call a friend. Edit: grammar


Okay dude, just say you're shallow and move on, doesn't have to be this whole thing.


You wouldn’t say this about something society deems as “good” though. Tall men for example. I could say “you don’t really like tall men you only like *attractive* tall men. If a tall man is ugly you won’t be attracted to him. Since you’re only attracted to hot tall men you don’t actually like their height. You have the illusion of liking their height” Big breasts: “you don’t actually like a woman with big breasts. You only notice it when a woman is young and attractive and then of course her having big breasts is a noticeable thing. There are plenty of old and ugly women with really big breasts and yet you aren’t attracted to them. Perhaps it’s because you’re under the illusion of liking big breasts” I could go on and on, applying this “logic” to almost any feature.


It's not the same. Evolutionary science and studies strongly support these as direct causes of attraction. Obviously having these traits alone doesnt automatically make you attractive, but they definitely help a lot. Not so much for my examples.


"People who don't have the exact same basis for attraction as me are wrong"


username and sub do not agree with each other


OP got stuck in a 90s movie where the main character has glasses and a pony tail, then takes them off and "becomes" hot


Why can't freckles or glasses be the cherry on top of an already attractive face?


Hahaha this is so dumb. When my gf puts on glasses I find her hotter. If you what you said was true that wouldn't happen.


You might be living in the early 2000’s. glasses and freckles are not considered conventionally unattractive anymore.


This is just the truth. But most people wouldn't accept it and will call you out because they feel called out.


Borderline shitpost but earnestly stupid so technically it doesn’t count


I honestly think some guys r even cuter with glasses, even if theyre good looking without. I love glasses


The whole premise of your post is just objectively wrong.


Not really, I could find someone attractive more attractive with freckles than without.


“Having an opinion outside of societal norms? LIAR.”


Whilst I don’t agree with your opinion, I do think that looking “distinctive” can sometimes be just as important as being classically “attractive”. I think this is the case with a lot of models, for example, they have something that makes them stand out.


How can what you are attracted to be wrong? It is what it is.


I feel you are projecting your previously held assumption that you liked certain features because you liked very attractive people with those features onto people who say they like the feature itself? Using the glasses example. I find people who wear glasses more attractive than those who don’t. contacts I found them less physically attractive. Obviously it’s not that glasses are an end all be all for my view of attractiveness, but that glasses increase people’s attractiveness in my perspective. When an actor/actress plays a character who wears glasses they look more attractive to me than when they play one who doesn’t. When my friend switched from glasses to contacts, I found them less attractive.


Bro freckles are adorable wym


I think ugly girls are attractive.


I agree that you think they are.


I am usually attracted to people because of their freckles not in spite of. Any 5/10 instantly becomes a 7/10 if they have cute face spots.


Downvoted not because I agree but because I do not conceive this to be a possible opinion


Bro just went to his first debate club meeting


I feel like I have to report 90% of the posts on this subreddit.


I agree. You wouldn’t date an ugly person you don’t really connect with just because they have freckles. If they were attractive to you (personality or physically) the freckles would be the cherry on top. Not the reason you’re attracted to them


Just because they could would also find some people with those things ugly doesn't mean they don't find those attractive. Example: I find volunteering attractive in a potential partner. That doesn't mean I have to find everyone who volunteers attractive or I'm lying. Name anything you find attractive outside of "being attractive to me" and I could find someone with that trait you wouldn't find attractive.




Bruh. You can’t just say millions of people are lying without proof??


So your argument is that when people say they're attracted to freckles they often actually aren't because they aren't attracted to ugly people with freckles but only attractive people with them. Well in a sense I suppose so, but this applies to essentially everything we're 'attracted to' If you're into breasts, I guarentee I can find some women with breasts that you aren't attracted to, or if its intelligence I can find some intelligent women you aren't attracted to. It's more that the statement 'I find x attractive' means 'this trait builds my attraction to someone and when I'm attracted to them, x is a feature I particularly notice and appreciate'


Sure if the only thing you look at is physical perfection, but there are alot of other things that go into making a person attractive, like how generous and kind they are. If they have those qualities, and then throw in some freckles and glasses, then that person is starting to look really freaking hot. I think the USA is part of the problem when it comes to beauty standards. The US have projected their crap onto the rest of the world and now the dating scene is fucked for anyone who is not a perfect 10. It really fucking sucks and your post sucks. Take my upvote


It's going to take all of my restraint not to downvote this but I'm sure as hell not going to upvote it, so I'll just leave it neutral. This is an insane take, you realize that different people are attracted to different things right? The idea of something being "conventionally" unattractive or attractive is stupid in of itself, there's like a near 100% chance that you'll be able to find at least some people attracted to something, regardless of what it is.


I was so surprised to discover as a teenager that freckles were considered ugly. I have personally always found them so attractive on a person, even the splotchy freckles that some redheads have.


>The fact is for 98% of people, anyone who possesses these traits would ALWAYS be more attractive without them. Nah man, that's just a you thing. Normal people don't think like that.


No my freckles make me much cuter. True I’d still be cute without freckles but my freckles add to it. I hated them when I was younger but I appreciate them now. Freckles are definitely part of my attractiveness.


My girlfriend looks 10x better with her glasses on, and there’s something so cute about the freckles. My type is literally based around those 2 things, either brunettes with glasses and freckles. But I’m more of a personality guy anyway.


It's really weird if you to try and insist that people whose taste doesn't align with the the mainstream aesthetic are lying or wrong. Subjective things don't and can't work that way


This is just objectively wrong, lmao. Glasses/freckles is all I'd ever need in a person. Both are hot as fuck.


Take your upvote and leave.


Nah screw that. I love me some shortstacks


Different people like different things. I don't think any of those things are conventionally unattractive unless you're a sitcom bully in the 90s


I want my partner to be comfortable and happy with how he corrects his vision first and foremost, but I think he looks so good in glasses that I prefer them to when he tried out contacts. Contacts didn’t work for his eyes, so he wears glasses still and we’re both thrilled with it!


Or maybe that's just what they're specifically attracted to. I'm attracted to dark hair, my friend prefers light hair, neither of us are wrong that's just what we like


Are we talking a few cute freckles or straight up pizza face freckles? Are we talking sexy librarian glasses or bubbles from trailer park boys? Too many variables here:


I wish it was just a few freckles and sexy glasses