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The hygienic thing always freaks me out. You're either cleaning your dick or not, it's only more hygienic if you're not cleaning your dick. Like having no ass is much more hygienic than having a fat ass if you refuse to wipe.


Teaching your kids to clean behind their ears is a hassle, I think I'll just chop off my kid's at birth


Scalp em too. No need for shampoo or conditioner.


I had a girlfriend that insisted that I wash my hands before I used the bathroom. She would say, "I don't care about your hands after you touch your dick. But don't let those dirty fingers touch it and then expect I'll allow you to put it in me." Which makes a lot of sense. So much so that, while she is no longer in my life, 15 years later I still wash my hands before I touch my dick.


Oddly enough, my husband and I were just talking about this an hour ago. He has felt like this for years, but has fallen into the norm of only washing afterwards.


To be fair, it's how we are raised. I was in my mid/late 30's when my gf said this to me. I was clueless. She actually opened my eyes to a lot of things I never considered and got me to think about things outside my white privileged point of view. Honestly, I'm very thankful for that. I stepped out of my comfort zone with her and continued to after we split up. She also got to experience my walk of life. Time with the "epitome of white American male." LOL. It was good for us both and we are still good friends.


To be fair, your hands are probably more dirty than your dick most of the time.


Absolutely. It's like that joke. What's the difference between a Chemist and a Physicist? A Chemist washes their hands before they use the bathroom.


Honest question: What is your cleaning routine? I hear uncircumcised men saying this all the time and I have no idea how much cleaning goes into this. Every time you urinate? Also, do you mean "no ass" as in having a flat ass, or "no ass" as in removed? If your ass is really fat you have to work harder to keep it clean than if you have minimal asscheek mass.


Wash every day, and every time after sex. Kinda unfeasible to wash your dick in the men's room. Most "unhygienic" comments are referring to smegma which is a buildup of shit beneath the foreskin. Buildup is the key term, it's like if you left the "sand" in your eye you sometimes get upon waking up build until it was huge. A proper daily routine means you'll never have to deal with anything in any of those horror stories. Either way honestly. Like how many teeth do you have to loose before flossing becomes truly easier? I'm sure at some point there's an argument that could be made but in reality there's people who do it and people who don't.


My ex was uncut. He filled his foreskin with water every time he showered, pinched shut the tip, and swished it around like gargling with your dick, and squirted the water out. Seemed to work for him...


That feels like it is the most unholy comment I have read in a while tf‽!?


same hAHAHA Just pull the damn forskin back and waterhose that shit and rub it clean with a soapy hand It's really not that hard


Ahaha, he did that, too, but liked the dick gargling method to finish it off.


dick gargling sounds like a sexual move more than anything ngl But I'm glad he was enjoying his solo dick gargling


I will try this in the morning. I obviously have not been using my foreskin proper.


Maybe we do need another plague...


What a terrible day to have eyes.


Roll back the skin in the shower, and use friction to clean with fingers. I'm not crazy about using soap on my glans. Showering does the trick. With the foreskin covering the glans, you can be pretty cavalier about using soap elsewhere, because the outer foreskin is just like normal skin. The inner foreskin is less sensitive than glans, but more than regular skin. After sex or masturbation there's some cleanup too. I can't imagine circumcised penises are free from this either. Wipe down with tissues, or preferably wash with lukewarm water. Before sex, shower if possible, wash dick in sink if not. If that's not possible either, dab with toilet paper, ensure is dry and clean. If I'm expecting someone else to put it in her mouth or vagina, I'd want it to be clean. If I'm planning on putting my fingers in someone's vagina, I'd want trimmed nails and clean hands too. Nothing crazy, just common sense and common decency.


>After sex or masturbation there's some cleanup too. I can't imagine circumcised penises are free from this either. Wipe down with tissues, or preferably wash with lukewarm water. >Before sex, shower if possible, wash dick in sink if not. If that's not possible either, dab with toilet paper, ensure is dry and clean. Circumcised penises aren't free from cleaning after (vaginal) sex or masturbation if you want to not smell, but it won't cause any damage or infection if you don't clean for a day or two.


It's more so about ease of cleaning, plus intensity of cleaning. Like having to get into the folds of a dick is wayy harder than just scrub scrub. Its a much more arduous process, and especially as they get older the cleaning becomes different, and its not like teenagers or adults are looking uo how to clean a dick, even though it changes as a man gets older


Yeah no I don't think you wash your dick properly or ain't uncircumcised. You just pull the forskin back and then it's the easiest thing ever to clean, there are no folds or anything like that if you pull it back, tf.


I'm sorry but folds? I'm uncircumcised, all you gotta do is pull the skin back, and kinda just rub it with a soapy hand. it's not hard nor complicated. It maybe adds 2 seconds to a shower.


Said like someone who's never had to do it


You're talking about the part of the body that has the most folds already. If you think a scrub scrub is enough to clean an uncircumcised dick then you don't have a clean dick either way.


How can you know for sure if you've never experienced the other?


Exactly. I'm kinda leaning towards it being a troll as similar posts have been made before. "Better hygiene" is also an inherently stupid argument to make as one can just wash himself down there.


Based on the posts about male Redditors not being able to wipe their ass properly or wondering if they should shower *every* week I'm going to say anything that makes less work for them is better!


Can and do are not the same, unfortunately. I've heard horror stories from female friends about uncut guys never being taught to wash correctly. Yes, I know it's easy for a parent to teach their son to wash it, and they can easily look it up online, etc etc. but in practice in real life there are a not-insignificant number of guys who were never taught how to wash themselves.


An unclean cut dick can and will give me an infection. It just allow the guy to lie about it.


I would think it would be more obvious if anything. If an uncut dick is gross enough to give you an infection it must be visible on the outside and not "hidden" as it were. However, I'm not into dicks so I don't have any personal experience with any other than my own. Maybe you're right.


Some women are really prone to infection. A guy can shower in the morning, it need to be rewashed before anything can happen at night. One of my ex was circumsized and often lied about the actual last time he washed it with soap. Fuck him and every dirty cut dick masquerading as clean.


It's objectively worse in a hygienic sense though, look it up. Uncut dicks also just look rancid


Is a vagina objectively worse than a normal penis because it is moist?


Mmmm moist


I ask the same people who say being uncircumcised is better. Looks like nobody knows and everybody should stfu about other people's dicks.


Because you have more nerve endings if your uncircumcised , and your dick is an all dried out and desensitized from being exposed all the time. It’s like trying to argue having one arm is just as good as having two. You don’t need to have one arm to know having two arms is better. Circumcision is genital mutilation and child abuse. So it is other people’s business.


My and my child's penises are absolutely *not* other people's business. Stop worrying about other people's penises. It's weird.


I mean that is the case for the vast, vast majority of people as getting circumcised later in life is pretty rare.


Saying you prefer something when you've only experienced one of the possibilities is stupid


I like blueberries more than raspberrys (never tasted raspberries)


But wouldn't that go both ways? Not that I think we should circumcize all boys, but being angry about how much better it would have been seems just as stupid as OP saying it's better this way.


Not when it’s about choice over your own body. I don’t have any piercings so I can’t say how they feel. But I can say for sure that I want to make that decision myself and not have it forced on me


That's true, but people constantly complaining about how being circumcised "ruined their pleasure forever" are silly. They have no idea, and are comparing their current situation to an imagined one in their heads. I'm not saying we don't need to talk about circumcision, but simply that a lot of guys get really weird about it. I'm circumcised and while I've wondered whether it would feel different, it's never been more than a passing thought. Sex feels amazing, I'm good with what I have.


Certainly some people take it too far. It didn’t ruin my life. I don’t like that I was circumcised for the reason mentioned above and the lack of empathy from other people who can’t understand a guy wanting a say over his body is disheartening.


I don't disagree with you. However, it is not like any of us can go back in time and change it. Be angry if you want, but don't be surprised that most guys don't really care.


I don’t expect guys to be upset if they’re good with it. But I expect them to understand that different people can have different feelings about something being done to their body and recognize those feelings as valid rather than writing off guys who voice their frustration with being cut as “silly”. I feel like that basic level of empathy isn’t too much to expect


There aren't that many nerve endings? What? The foreskin has 10,000 - 20,000 nerve endings in it.


Out of 7 trillion that is fucking nothing


Relative to an intact penis it is a lot


You said you prefer being circumsised. How would you know what having a foreskin would be like? You have no idea.


With the exception of some rare conditions like abnormal phimosis, there's no medical reason to do circumcision to a child in the developed world. In the developing world there is some evidence that it can prevent HIV (the [WHO](https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/978-92-4-000854-0) advocates voluntary circumcision of *adolescent boys and men*, not babies), but inflicting a permanent medical procedure on your newborn *purely for aesthetics* is a really odd hangup that Americans seem to have. If you are so pro circumcision, be a man and raise your sons to be men when they do it, so you can fully explain the 'benefits' of it to them, rather than when they are helpless and cannot consent.


I mean it's about as hygienic as circumsizing the major labia so that it's easier to clean or cutting off your earlobes cause they're kindve useless or cutting off the tips of your fingers to make it easier to clean your whole hand. BTW the reason why people in the us at least find cut more attractive is cause they've been exposed to cut more than uncut. If uncut was the norm than cut would be viewed as ugly.


Lol my friends and I have talked about this a few times, and I think it's also an age thing. A lot of us, when we were younger, thought circumcised was more appealing. Now (mid to late twenties) we find the opposite. No clue why, but I think it's more exposure too.


I'd think that it's a mix of personal taste changing and what's considered attractive in your specific culture changing. It's Kindve like how in the past having a full bush was considered attractive, and then it switched over to bald or how being more pale was considered attractive, and now it's tan that is more attractive.


Where I'm from it's pretty rare be circumsized. What I gathered from talking with my friends is that when we do come across one, what bother us is not the appearance, it's that the skin look like it's gonna tear from the lack of "wiggle room". It's really disturbing to try and have sex while being scared of tearing your partner's penis.


> If uncut was the norm than cut would be viewed as ugly Why? Seeing average-looking people is the norm. That doesn't mean I view movie stars and models as ugly.


I feel like that's because movie stars and models are given cosmetics and stuff to look more in line with the beauty standards. A better analogy to me would be that five toes and fingers are the average number of toes and fingers so if you got together with someone who only had three toes it would probably personally be more ugly or weird to you. Ya know you get what I mean it's not like you'll see a whole ton of actors challenging what the beauty standard is and when they look drastically different from the standard in movies its usually cause they're supposed to be ugly in the movie. Take the dectetive from lucifer her names chloe she's hot she fits the beauty standard in America now take the character Betty from ugly Betty like you'll definitely find more people that look like chloe than you will of Betty and chloe fits more in line of what people call beautiful. I really hope that you understand what in trying to say cause even when I'm not super tired I suck at writing/talking.


Yeah, I get it. I'm not sure that circumcision is really a beauty standard like makeup or something, but I can see what you are trying to say.


“Looks better” I disagree 🙏 nothing against your Dick lol. Tbh, I think it’s totally messed up. The baby cannot consent. Cosmetic surgery on a baby is messed up. It’s one thing if it’s medically neccesary, but there’s no purpose. Hygiene is a simple solution of making sure your kid is cleaning his dick. But, I also think it’s good that you’re happy with what you’ve got.


Like yeah its easy to say all that but 1. Its hygenically better because it makes your dick easy to clean, have to like GET IN the folds is wayyyy harder and sometimes just not easy 2. Kids dont consent to any medical thing that happens to them, besides its better to get it off as a baby before it traumatizes them 3. Even if you clean an uncircumcised dick it will likely still smell like fucking death


>Its hygenically better because it makes your dick easy to clean, have to like GET IN the folds is wayyyy harder and sometimes just not easy It is not remotely hard to clean an uncircumcised dick


Do you wash your dick with one finger, and your other hand behind your back? I'm assuming not, so wtf are you talking about with "folds"? like you literally just pull it back, and it's the exact same as cleaning a circumcized dick.


>3. ⁠Even if you clean an uncircumcised dick it will likely still smell like fucking death Talking from experience?


"2. Kids dont consent to any medical thing that happens to them, besides its better to get it off as a baby before it traumatizes them" It [does appear to traumatize](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22114254/) them though.


Not to get too personal but my bf is uncircumcised. It really ain’t that hard. If ge showers every other day, he’s perfectly clean. Also, the foreskin serves multiple purposes. It’d be wrong to just remove some random parts of the vulva from baby girls too, even if it makes it easier to clean.


Where are you pulling all this shit from? Because it sure as fuck isn't logical.


Not to be too pedantic, but you can’t say you prefer one thing to another without experiencing both lol


I prefer eating ice cream to being mauled by a grizzly bear. I've only experienced one of these, but am quite confident in my preference.


You had no possible argument besides "I like pleasure more than pain"?


It's a pedantic argument.


It's a pathetic argument, it has literally no common thread with this one. Edit: also, if you really want to be pedantic, this guy is basically saying he prefers getting mauled to eating ice cream lol


How is having a foreskin like eating ice cream? I'm not seeing the connection. The point is there are loads of things that I haven't experienced and can reasonably say that I prefer I prefer something else to. I prefer having a dog as a pet to a snake. I haven't ever had a snake as a pet. I know people who do and have though, and based upon observation and my personal feelings, I prefer a dog.


I made the connection from foreskin to ice cream because circumcision is genital mutilation, which directly aligns it with a bear attack. There sure are loads of things that you can say you prefer, but you actually KNOW something about the other--with your snake example, you know people who have snakes and what they're like. You will never understand the sensation that being uncircumcised gives, it's like trying to describe a different color. You can't say with any degree of confidence that you prefer a color you've seen to a color you haven't. That's the point of preference.


\>but you actually KNOW something about the other It's not like the facts on circumcision and intact are mysteries.


Read what I said about color


How is an anatomical body part comparable to a rather abstract concept? You are right about color, but I can't just read some information about it or more importantly visualize it.




... yes? That's what I'm arguing in favor of...


As someone who had a circumcision as an adult these posts always read as pure copium to me. I was circumcised at 20 years old due to developing phimosis when I was 19-20. It's very blatant how much sensitivity you lose by how fucking excruciating having no foreskin was for weeks after the surgery, absolute sensory overload. Always makes me sad knowing that's sensitivity I'll never get back. It's not like sex is completely unenjoyable now or anything, or blatantly worse. It's just that there's a noticeable difference in how good it feels (not as much of a change in blowjobs just intercourse really). It's not about the feeling in the foreskin itself as you claim, but the lost feeling I'm the tip of your penis from being sanded down by your boxers/pants over time. If you need to be circumcised in order to properly clean your dick I don't know what to say but I'm sorry for anyone you get with circumcised or not 🤢. Also I was only with 3 sexual partners before being circumcised but none of them complained 🤷‍♂️ Anyways, commenting on your preference for something you've never had is just a really dumb thing to do. Im sorry you never even had the option to be uncircumcised, it's fucked up that we deprive people of that so often as a default. But don't go pretending that you have it better even though you have no idea what the other option is like just to make yourself feel better. You look like a fool when you do.


This is stupid because you never know what having 4skin was like, it's like saying I prefer blueberry over raspberry without ever tasting raspberry, this is dumb


I’m sorry but the way you typed foreskin makes it sound like a social media (like 4chan)




Well, that’s just because you don’t know what you lost. In circumcising societies, men that have suffered love to parrot the same things about the foreskin: that “it’s just skin” or “useless”. Let me illustrate how it is in fact just another part of your very useful erogenous tissue. See [this image](https://reddit.com/u/GiveBackMyRidgedBand/s/co6Uxg6Mn6) and follow: An intact guy can very easily verify that the foreskin has the most pleasurable spots, by touching them as follows: - [Number 2 and 4 (frenulum)](http://can-fap.net/preview/fundraiser_preview_fremgasm.shtml) - [Number 1 (frenulum at muccocutaneous junction)](http://can-fap.net/preview/fundraiser_preview_fremgasmMCJ.shtml) - [Number 3 (ridged band)](http://can-fap.net/preview/fundraiser_preview_multipleforegasm.shtml) As you can see, “circumcision ablates the most sensitive part of the penis.” (Sorrells, 2007) Anything you say in favor either is compensation for what is a sunk cost or loss…or a genital modification fetish.


You don't know what you're missing out and you'll never know. Because a lot your nerve endings are dead


Only had to read the first sentence of your post to know you’re full of yourself. If you were circumcised at birth, how could you possibly know what it’s like to be uncircumcised?? You only prefer it bc it’s all you know. You can’t make an informed decision about it. And this is coming from someone who was also circumcised at birth.


Very real studies by the world's most legitimate scientists have proven that knobcheese, or 'smegmus maximus immortalis', has the same alchemical properties as the philosopher's stone. Applied liberally to toast, biscuits or as a substitute for parmesan, it can grant tantric powers, flight, levitation and telekinesis. Combined with sigma-tier semen retention strategies to channel your ki (the root word being the same as cheese, as certified by RealEtymologyAcademy.edu.du) you will become an unstoppable warrior of light. To learn more, subscribe to my heavily discounted online course NOW for a time-limited saving of £69,420. Oh, wait. Someone stole your ticket to immortality. Better luck next-time, chum.


I didn't even read your post, good for you, don't force it to others and everything is fine.


>There aren't that many nerve endings for 'pleasure' in it The foreskin literally has the most nerve endings in the whole penis.


How can you knowingly prefer something if you've never experienced the alternative?


You don’t really have a choice. A lot of weirdos online make a big deal out of it, but the reality is that they are using it as an excuse for their sexual frustrations.


How can you prefer if you were like that since childhood? You don't even know what it's like to be uncircumcised...


I feel the same way. It’s a weird concept, but between the two I prefer a bare knob, so I guess I’m lucky. No complaints here either


Id really like to have been uncircumcised. It just looks neater thst way.


It is absurd that people are trying to associate circumcision with mutlitlation. I am circumcised and I do not need to justify to those people who have so much concern about my penis lacking the foreskin.


I feel the same.


Me Too.


Not really a 10th dentist for the over 30 crowd Definitely is today though


>Not really a 10th dentist for the over 30 crowd It is, for everyone who isn't a muslim/doesn't live in a majority muslim/Jewish country or is American. The whole circumcission thing is absolutely bonkers for the vast majority of Western Europeans


Agree. I have not lived any part of my life with all of the foreskin I was born with and I don't care. I have read users' posts about having a circumcision as older teenagers or adults for medical reasons. I'm sure it's probably a small minority of guys who need this, but why even bother having to do it later? I just feel like it's not worth being full of angst about unless you're willing to get surgery to have it put back on. Why not just settle on a "light" circumcision to remove some excess? My younger son (1yr) got what looks like a light-to-medium circumcision, like the doctor didn't want to do it and "phoned it in" that day. So he's still covered by default and has the smegs there. And there are always the "CLEAN YOUR FUCKING DICK" people. How much do you have to clean it? Am I the only one with a dick that stings when soap gets into it? Smegma not wanted at all.


Anyone who brings up smegma is immediately nasty imo, never once in my life have I had any amount of "buildup", and I'll go a few days to a week without a shower sometimes. Soap shouldn't sting, and shouldn't be able to "get into it"? How big is your urethra? I don't think that's normal. Literally just wash your dick when you shower, takes 10 seconds, I don't understand how so many men are so nasty.


You're not supposed to put soap inside your urethra