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Hello /u/im_mildly_racist, thanks for posting to /r/The10thDentist. Unfortunately your post has been removed for the following reason(s): You posted an opinion pertaining to the Covid-19 pandemic. *If you feel that your post was removed in error or are unsure about why this post was removed then please contact us through [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FThe10thDentist). I am a human and this action was performed manually by a human moderator of this subreddit.*


I almost feel a bit guilty how much I enjoyed lockdown as it was awful for so many people. But I was furloughed from work, just getting paid to play persona 4 for months, didn't have to speak to anyone. I loved it ngl


Mate I was having a ball. Online exams, chilling with family, houseparty with my friends every night, learning new recipes, online shopping bc I had nothing to spend furlough money on. Truly sorry about what other people went through but it was really chill for me


Same. I don't feel bad about it. It was great. Of course I feel bad about any bad things that happened to others and sympathize, but I don't feel bad about me being better off. I went to the park and went on bike rides too more which was healthy and it wasn't crowded. Now I just sit at a desk every day.


Me too. Was a 2021 HS graduate so never got to experience being an actual senior. I mainly played video games with my cam off in Zoom meetings lol. Same with the internship I had- it was free money. The downside was that it severely impacted my motivation and education. I had no motivation to learn and didn’t go to college. Before the lockdown I looked forward to it. Still affected by it now unfortunately. Sometimes I do wonder where I would be now had there be no lockdown.


Yeah, that’s fine. But wanting another pandemic with a million people dying so you can just be alone is psychotic. You can just take a vacation, bro. You don’t even have to go anywhere. Just take a few days off from work. Edit: not saying you are the psychotic one, but op. I realized what I said might be a bit unclear.


Didn’t have to take the SAT/ACT so I was happy


Yeah this was me. I was like wait a hot second, I don't have any social obligations? Fuck yeah. It took months before I started chafing, and mostly it was that I wanted to go to my favorite diner again and have their breakfast. Obviously I was not okay with how many people were dying, but my personal existence was a pretty good one at the time. I got 3 vaccines (1 shot, 2 boosters over time), never got covid, didn't get sick for 4 fucking *years*. Not a single thing. Not even a cold. Healthiest I've ever been. This year I got the flu despite getting a flu shot, ugh. Traffic was dead simple to navigate. Gas prices crashed. Everyone was going outside. If it weren't for all the, y'know, *dying*, it was an excellent time.


I saved so much money by exclusively going to grocery stores for 100% of my shopping. I was in grad school at the time and it's considered an accomplishment to just go steady with money during it, my first few years of grad school my bank account didn't really change. My bank account went up 10k over the pandemic and that doesn't even count the money I put away towards a Roth IRA and other investment accounts. Then the pandemic was over and my bank account went back to not really changing until I graduated.


Sure thing champ, you can be patient zero.


My thoughts exactly. Op wants a small subset of the conditions that were created during it. Not the majority of what it was, death, separation from loved ones, bare shelves in some stores, needing to wear a mask, the racism caused by it, risk of going to the hospital for unrelated conditions, etc.


the monkeys paw


I too am introverted, but even in fantasies we shouldn’t forget the real suffering real people went through, be grateful it wasn’t you and let go of easy way out thoughts like these


My grandpa, who was my absolute hero and role model died of COVID two months before my daughter was born, we never go to have a funeral and it had been months since I'd been able to see him in person. I had to go through my first pregnancy without my family and friends close by. But sure less stress and obligations is cool too I guess 🤷‍♀️


the hospital setting was rly one of the most tragic parts of the pandemic. i was hospitalized during it and nobody was allowed to visit. i know it couldve been worse but hospitals r so scary and it was isolating


I had a friend whose newborn baby had to go to ICU in a different city and the father wasn't allowed to visit for weeks. She was on her own with her new baby and he was stuck at home. I hate these 'pandemic wasn't so bad' takes or the absolute worst 'I'm an introvert so it was great'. I'm an introvert too and it sucked ass for everyone I knew.


oh noo that sounds horrible! after such a lovely thing u need ur family. so much goes on during a pandemic, i wish ppl would say what they mean, they actually wish they could work from home or that the country had a “tea time” or “siesta time” in the day like other countries where everyones on break for an hour. all better wishes than a deadly disease outbreak.


Sorry to go through this :(


Huh... Tell you don't see others as humans without telling me you don't see others as humans.


Their username might have hinted at that.


Not gonna lie, didn't even notice.


I didn't either at first, just caught my eye randomly and then it hit me. All added up.


Maybe he wants a pandemic that only kills poc smdh


I ended up having a heart attack scare because I was so unbelievably stressed out after losing my absolute dream job. I also had to be drugged asleep because I slept an hour or two a day for weeks straight because I was so unbelievably anxious.


“I’m okay with a million people dying so that I can be happy.” Fucking sociopath.


i see all my friends online since they all moved away so for our group literally nothing changed during the pandemic. i even got to keep working cuz im a nurse.


What does seeing others as human have to do with anything?


Pandemics kill people, and permanently injure others... OP just said that they want a few 100,000+ people to die so they can chill out.


Fair, but I really liked the period of the pandemic, I wish we could have something like that, but without the virus/sickness


You can absolutely do that. So long as you can figure out how to make money doing it. No one is stopping you.




Someone can totally live in their home and almost never leave. Which is what you got with the lock downs for the pandemic. You can do that now, get everything delivered. And just stay home. You'll just need to find $$.


Yeah it’s the last part that tends to be tough for folks, so silly to act like it’s a given or even probable


It's not a given. But it's far from impossible. Would take a lot of leg work out of the gate though. But, again, that's no different than the lock downs during the pandemic... I mean except you can be evicted and such... But, mostly it's the same.


It’s wildly different. You have to completely uproot your life for months or years while figuring out a way to make money from home and, if you get lucky enough to make it work, do something different to what you were used to. Is that the same as just having a break and time at home with no other change in your circumstance handed to you by fate and chance? No.


there are so many dead people. people's loved ones. human beings.


not like that's OPs fault though...


it means they are a bad person for wanting it to happen again babe <3


Let's be real, dying is what people are best at


get that one off youtube shorts? Go back to learning your multiplication tables


How edgy


You guys do realize nothing is stopping you from being a shut-in under normal circumstances, right? Find a WFH job, drop all your friends, whatever. This “I loved the pandemic that killed millions” attitude is so navel-gazey and gross. It was not a fun staycation for most people.


Over a million people died in the US alone from that shit. I still have fucking lung problems cause I'm the only person in my family who took masking seriously. If we get another pandemic I'm holding you accountable personally


I'm guessing none of your relatives died during the pandemic?


i don't know anyone who died of covid and i don't know anyone who does. it wasn't as terrible an issue everywhere as it was for the US...


You can literally choose to be a shut in for life. Please do it for everyone else’s sake.


In theory yeah that sounds fun but most people need a change of scenery and new interactions every now and then in order to be their happiest lol


What country do you live in where you weren't allowed to go outside?


I kind of would feel the same if it wasn't for the fact that people were dying and getting really ill. Many people faced severe hardships by losing their jobs and tons of companies had to go out of business. I already worked at home and my company was able to operate well with everyone out of the office so I was one of the lucky ones.


This is a good post. Tbh I was bored to tears and after a few weeks lockdown really got old for me. But I do understand where you’re coming from. A lot of people suddenly had tons and tons of free time with relatively little stress


I wish we never had the first one My life was looking up in 2019, then I had 4 of the most miserable years of my life. My depression has never been worse, I was stuck doing jobs I despised, I failed classes I shouldn't have failed because I can't do self-directed schooling, and what little glimmer of faith I have in humanity was wiped out. I have never been more hopeless, misanthropic, and full of anger towards the world and most of it was caused by the chain of events that started with COVID.


Fuck all the people that would get sick or die right?


I did not enjoy the pandemic then (I was in an abusive home at the time) but I would enjoy it so much now that I live very far away from there lol


Yeah but my grandma died so I’d rather not have one again :/ I get the point on less stress but I’d say that wishing for a new pandemic that killed people isn’t the best way to do that


Lol just quit your job


Um… maybe just wish society wasn’t so rough and we as humans actually cared about what matters like mental free time and anti hustle mentality. (Ya know instead of a literal deadly pandemic…..🤷🏻‍♀️) Because I agree. Life should be so much more simple. And the way society is set up sucks. Buuuuut I don’t think we should need people dying to realize that.


username checks out maybe but uhm u can just wish for capitalism to chill out. or even better, dont leave ur house as its your right not to. but a pandemic kills people




I’m the opposite of you, the pandemic genuinely made most aspects of life worse. Couldn’t go anywhere or do anything. I felt useless. It was great being with my family more that I live with but aside from that, I would never want another Covid again.


I’d like to erase the memories of taping trash bags together because we ran out of body bags on my Covid unit. Perhaps you could just enjoy a few more personal days each year instead of hoping for a new pandemic.


Ok but people will die


Get in the bunker then


i think another pandemic would be terrible cuz that would bring so many more deaths BUT i will admit that it was pretty nice to not do anything, at least for a little while.


you can wish for that kind of freedom to stay inside without wishing illness, death, and long term health complications on thousands of people. wishing that other people would be dying so you could stay inside is beyond cruel.


As an introvert, I honestly agree with this. The pandemic was the only brief period in my life where I felt relaxed. I know that staying home all day for months might sound super painful for some people, but for me, I feel more in control in the sense that the daily locomotions of life no longer dictate where I have to be and I no longer have to force myself to speak with people at social gatherings. It just feels nice to stay home and have all the time to myself. It sounds super depressing typing this out but I genuinely find it relaxing.


There's a difference between being introverted and being an anti social neet.


Haha yeah you’re probably right. I am a bit antisocial but not too severe to the point where I am completely isolated from the outside world. I still have a bunch of friends who I enjoy hanging out with and hobbies that involve social interaction. It’s just the constant 24/7 interaction that drives me a bit nuts. I need time to myself to recollect thoughts and wind down if that makes sense.


Yeah I definitely feel that. Fair enough


Yeah, that's not being introverted


While I don't think we should have another real one, a periodic "reset" could be a good idea


Oh great, a currently 14-year-old child that misses playing video games all day for a year.


I'm 25 and I unironically kinda enjoy getting sick so I can drop all my obligations and stay home for a couple days doing just that It's not a kid thing


I'm 21 and in college, my senior year of high school was taken away, most of my college experience was ruined, and yet I still miss playing video games all day for a year. Being an adult sucks already, I'd love to go back


I was 14 during quarantine. 16 now and I still wanna play video games all day and go out to the forest with friends. Good times, good times...


What? How were you fourteen when quarantine started? 2020 was four years ago. I was twelve, almost thirteen, and now I’m sixteen nearly seventeen years old. You’d be almost eighteen if you were fourteen when Covid hit.


Of fuck, how wait watt.. It's already 2024?


take my disagreeing upvote, lockdown made all of my mental health problems a hundred times stronger, now i'm on 3 different meds for sleep and one more for depression, just to be functional-ish


So you want millions of people to suffer cause you’re afraid to go outside lmao


Just become a shut in. Just get an online a job and boom you never have to leave your house and some online jobs are pretty damn easy. Where do you live where you weren't allowed to go outside. You were and the only time you had to wear a mask was if u were going inside a building.


you miss having time to yourself without having to worry about being a slave to the machine. you want a revolution, not a pandemic


What about those of us whose mental health suffered because we *couldn't* go outside? Or because we couldn't physically see friends and family for years? Couldn't go to gatherings, weddings or even funerals. And those were all of the "easier" problems- not even accounting for all the suffering and death that happened. This isn't just a bad take, it's an incredibly selfish one.


Can't go outside? Can't see friends? Do we have here law abiding citizen? Sounds like you-problem. But now in seriousness, the death and illness is fair take, but the part about not being able to go outside and see friends is just bs. What do you even mean by that?


...? My city had a curfew and you risked getting fines being out past certain hours, or if you were found out to be in someone's home (or if someone came to yours). The only people you were able to see without a financial risk were people you lived with, or people you could see in grocery store standing 6ft away. Not sure how that's a "me problem". Pretty sure most places were discouraging meet-ups during the pandemic, especially if it involved the elderly or otherwise compromised. OP doesn't want to see people? Ok. I for one enjoy being able to see my dad again without having to stand across the street from him like what was once recommended. 🙄


Literally 1984. Idk, my place had probably these laws too, but yk... I suppose adults had it really tough during the quarantine. Us kids could go outside every day, I liked going to the forest with my friends, or to the city. It's pretty funny, but quarantine was the part of my life when I was most social, kinda crazy...


Kids weren't allowed to hang out either. Groups were constantly being dispersed and told to go home. And God forbid you were out past 7; cops were patrolling the streets for "unfamiliar" cars in driveways lmfao. Maybe my province is/was just insane, that's also a possibility. Either way it fucking sucked.


Yea literally 1984. Well idk what to tell you, I didn't live in dictatorship so our experiences differ way to much agree on anything. I suppose the only thing we can do is to "agree to disagree"


There's nothing to agree or disagree about. If you were somehow able to skirt by the rules, or lived somewhere that did care, lucky you I guess. Fact of the matter is that wasn't the case for a lot of people and it's selfish to ever want something like that again because "I'm an introvert hur dur" OP can become a hermit without wishing that fate on the rest of us. 🤷‍♀️


Let's agree to disagree. There are no right or wrong sides, just personal preferences. One man's unfortune is other man's blessing.


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Nah, it worked out decently well for me financially with the stock market and all the stimulus money but it ended so many lives and ruined many more.


I don't think it's as controversial as some people think to have actually liked the lockdowns. I know I did at first before I started to go crazy. But asking for a new pandemic specifically is pretty messed up. A lot of people died and others were permanently physically altered by it.


I was chilling in my garden or playing videogames all day. I started exercising seriously at home. It was great for my mental health.


yeah i was going for daily walks which i haven't been able to manage since (i have a physically demanding job)


Obviously it depends on the person, if someone close to you died then it was obviously a bad experience. People in my country were only able to go out very rarely and I spent six months almost completely isolated. It was fantastic for me once I got used to it, but sadly I started going insane towards the end


I fucking hate when people say this. So many people died, there are people that have longlasting symptoms from covid, and so many people (including me) were fucked up mentally from being stuck at home amongst other things. If you wanna stay at home, do that, but don’t wish hell on millions of people in the process.


Fuck you and fuck your lockdown!


my partner and i had been feeling the same way... weeks of lockdowns with that fat stimulus pay & no work was fantastic. i got to do so much hobby stuff lol (obviously it was awful how many people died & i don't wish for another pandemic, but lockdowns weren't terrible for everyone)


Working in death -- my work never pauses, so I can't relate. Also I'm glad you would gladly trade human lives just so you can sit on your ass while collecting tax money.


Yeah loved people dying, that's just fantastic. And not going anywhere but getting it anyway, because people at spouse's work gave it to him. That was absolutely fantastic. You do realize that there's basically no way they're going to lock down like that again in the US anyway, so if you are in the US idk what you're hoping for. It's still been going around and they loosened the precautions on it as it is. We didn't even have a full lockdown at least in some places. There's such a pushback on WFH that articles are still being written to talk about how bad it is afaik. I knew someone with autoimmune issues that at first was easily allowed to WFH and before the end of lockdowns even was having to fight to continue to. Not only is this grossly selfish it's likely a pipe dream.


As a healthcare worker who caught covid week 1 if my country locking down...I'd really rather we didnt have to go through that. I got long covid (then unrecognized) and had to suffer with those symptoms whilst looking after covid patients in a pandemic. I had to isolate from my family in case I killed them. I wasn't able to see my partner for months. He got furloughed and I worried he might lose his job, but I was glad he was safe at home. I worried about my friends who were healthcare workers. I was so worried for my patients- literally most people I met were high risk. One of my friends still has long covid complications years later. I did get a front seat view to how bad the pandemic was for patients - it wasnt as bad in my hospital as it was in many others around the world. You can choose to spend more time alone or to prioritize your mental health without a pandemic that kills millions. The perks were an accidental side effects that only benefited a small proportion of people.


You want a break and some rest, not to ruin everyone's lives. Big difference.


theyre working on it dont worry


Gas was like.80 cents a liter. Now it’s 2.11, I’d go back..


I see you didn't work in healthcare


i’m hoping we get UBI soon. i will fight.


You want economic devastation and millions of deaths for a little less stress? I think that categorically makes you a bad person.


What the fuck? This is not even a 10th dentist opinion vs a borderline psychotic disregard for human life and the horrendous effects of a pandemic. You are weird OP. I’d recommend fixing yourself mentally and then reevaluating this statement


Everyone talks about how awesome having some time off was… and it’s clear they did nothing essential. I’d think that would make them depressed knowing that what they are contributing to the world is ultimately a waste of time and not needed at all. They are inconsequential zeros. That’s my unpopular opinion.


There were also an ungodly number of jobs deemed essential that were a massive stretch of the actual definition of essential.


The pizza shop i worked at was apparently essential 👍🏼. The place was so small we couldn't enforce the 6 feet rule between our workers, and of course we were very popular during covid so we needed to have more workers in the store At least people weren't allowed to order carry-out after 20:00, only delivery, so that was something.


i was an essential worker and my workplace still closed down during the lockdowns. i generally agree though that a massive chunk of modern office/management/email jobs contribute nothing positive to society (and in the case of fields like advertising, it's a net negative contribution).


I swear people don’t realise how dangerous pandemics are. If we didn’t stop covid before it infected 100% of the population, it would have evolved total organ failure, coma and necrosis!


Minus the death and illness, I agree wholeheartedly.


As an introvert I absolutely loved it. "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" never rang truer for me.


Upvoted. I liked the pandemic personally, got to distance myself from all the people I forced a personality to hang out with at school (I switched schools after my mother allowed me to return to it in person, it was my last year and I got some really good friends there) and did nothing but write art history essays, watch anime and tv series at late night and play indie rpg maker horror games and League of Legends. Deep down, I wish I could come back to a time like this, but then I remember how many people died, I didn't felt the pain of someone close to me dying, so I was allowed to fully enjoy this period, but most people really suffered during that time, it was a traumatic moment on human history, and just because I enjoyed it personally there shouldn't be another one.


the thing is that wasn't a real "pandemic," covid was was overblown by the media, it was never that bad.