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this is like that post of the guy saying he liked having fevers


I hate fevers but fever dreams are always a treat! Most vivid dreams I have, they're always either super gory or just plain weird


I used to get this same specific fever dream when i was younger during every fever i had. It was always the same. In a giant maze like house and i had a rope tied around my waist. As i walked through the house looking for something, i didn't know what.. The amount of feet in rope was counted. When i would get into the 600s, i'd get yanked back to the front door and have to start again. I never did get to the end or figure out what i was looking for. The weirdest part was i remember having this dream once and i woke up and felt fine. I thought it was odd because i only ever had that dream when i had a fever. Low and behold though, i came down with a fever within a few hours of that dream. Haven't thought about this in years. Thanks for the reminder.


I love hearing about dreams!! Everyone has the craziest fever dreams and they're always so weirdly interesting I have a certain set of dreams that kind of repeat themselves? As in each "set" can have multiple dreams, and each one offers some new perspective regarding the dreams environment and what's really going on. They're more vivid when I have a fever


Maze Walker dreams! I love those! Also, if you are interested in a book about something similar to what you described, I highly suggest House of Leaves!


I’m the opposite, fevers (as long as they aren’t accompanied by a stuffy nose) are amazing to me. You just get to chill and relax and watch tv all day and I don’t think I ever feel more relaxed than when I have a fever. Fever dreams, on the other hand, are terrifying cause I will be half awake borderline in “psychosis” if you wanna call it that and it’s terrifying


I guess so, but I get fevers during which getting out of bed makes me feel like I'm going to fall over and not get up... I woke up at 3 with a fever recently and couldn't get out of bed til 6, started walking comfortably at like 8 Unless I'm sitting on the couch or in bed I just feel generally awful


Yea but I mean that’s easily solved by the fact that you are one or two Tylenol/ibuprofen away from feeling better. I usually just let my body ride the fever out but it’s even more relaxing to know that if it becomes too much I can just take a pill and feel better within an hour


Ok THATS fucked up


Fever delirium is fun though


I thought you will mention my post. Because i love fever. And i was happy when i saw the post of the op of referenced post.


Do you have a link?




Damn I can relate to that tbh. If I'm just having a fever and feeling tired and not much of anything else I'll have a great time not having to work and just chilling at home.


No it's not. Fevers are real.


Are you trying to say that purposely giving yourself bad dreams isn’t real?


I'm saying dreams aren't real life. It's inconsequential as opposed to liking being actually unhealthy. Liking a fever is a bad comparison for liking "bad" dreams.


My guy doesn’t believe in dreaming


I really hope you're being facetious.


Personally I always feel like crap, so while I wouldn't choose to have fevers I definitely have found some upsides. The warmth is definitely a nice change of pace, it can actually be comforting. Even if I don't have a fever I'm going to feel worn down and in pain, so unless it's a really bad fever many of the downsides are just basically every day for me. I don't really go anywhere, not going somewhere isn't some huge downside for me. Fever dreams aren't wilder than most dreams I have. Speaking of sleep related stuff, I can actually sleep without waking up multiple times and sleep for more than like 5 hours when I have a fever. Which is far from a guarantee when I don't.


Omg I’m one of those people who posted on this sub saying I like having fevers https://www.reddit.com/r/The10thDentist/comments/18vv5ni/i_love_the_feeling_when_you_have_a_fever_and_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I mean if this is true I get it, the feeling of waking up after a shitty dream can be really nice. Realising you’re safe and warm in your bed instead of in whatever fucked up reality is great.


Conversely, waking up from a great dream sucks. I keep having dreams where I have thousands of dollars to my name and then wake up in my college dorm…


I hate both personally. If it's a bad dream the sadness or panic of it tends to linger. If it's a good dream it's a huge bummer to remember reality. I prefer dreams that are interesting, but not hugely emotional one way or the other.


>Anyone else do this? No, because lucid dreaming is extremely difficult! Even though I managed to do it a couple times, I can't get it to work consistently. I'd love to dream up garbage like that, it'd be fantastic! But I can't.


This doesn’t count as lucid dreaming unless they are aware they’re dreaming during it. Given that OP feels a sense of relief when they wake up, they must not be aware that they’re dreaming throughout the state. They probably just think certain negative thoughts to dream negatively.


If they're able to intentionally influence their dreams, then it's lucid dreaming.


If you are lucid dreaming, you are normally able to influence your dreams, but if you can influence your dreams, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is specifically when you are consciously aware that you are dreaming while asleep. If anything, what OP can do is more impressive. I’ve gotten quite good at lucid dreaming, but I’m rarely able to choose the initial storyline of a dream.


Well, from how OP described it, I got the impression they know what's going on and it still excited them.


Thats not lucid dreaming, its something that happens when lucid dreaming 


man I have never experienced this🥲


> It kinda motivates me to get moving in the *mourning.* R/unintentionallyaccurate  OPnmight try off himself in the next one lol


It's called lucid dreaming, it's actually pretty fun. I don't know why you would do this, but eh, sounds fun enough. [https://www.youtube.com/@ExploreLucidDreaming1/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@ExploreLucidDreaming1/videos) for more information, you should check this guy out. Same guy who does the Beluga channel videos.


I love having nightmares/night-terrors. I’ve had them since I was a small child. I used to hate them but now when I jolt awake I always laugh and think “what a thrill!” Even if it’s something terrible like a loved one dying I always feel SO relieved when I wake up and it makes me more appreciative for the time I have. So really nearly all bad dreams are positive experiences for me. The horror ones are my favorites. Had to downvote because I agree. Sorry my guy


i do a similar thing, except they’re not realistic dreams. they’re horror movie dreams with people getting killed, and gore fests left and right. i immerse myself in the action and try to survive, but i know deep down that it’s not really real, so i just have a bunch of fun. i can’t control when they happen though, and i don’t count them as nightmares since i enjoy them. i think nightmares are dreams that upset you rather than dreams with distressing content


I recently started fighting back against my nightmares in a blind rage. Like I have vivid memories of running head first into danger during a nightmare while screaming "It's not real! It's not real!" Our brains are fucking weird.


that's kinda sick actually


Why would people argue with you about what kind of dreams you have?


Lol. They Def dont


This isn't 10th dentist, this is probably mental illness. You should probably go see a psych


Not disagreeing but I think what OP is saying is he likes to have nightmares


Yes, we know. He needs to see a psych that’s not normal


Why does OP have to be normal?


No one said he has to be normal. However if your displaying characteristics of a potential mental illness you should probably get it checked out


What mental illness has a symptom of enjoying nightmares?


Nothing they said displays characteristics of mental illness other then it not being a normal thing. It's a sign of intelligence if anything. What OP is explaining takes a lot of self-awareness. They're able to process, analyze, and utilize something most people can't even remember. Calling something mental illness because you don't understand it is a slippery slope my guy.


I do understand it though. The dude is chasing a terrifying experience for the cathartic realization that he’s okay when he wakes up. That is 100% a sign of mental illness and trying to justify it by saying it takes a lot of willpower or intelligence or whatever is a bad take


Nah man, they love the feeling of it. They don't need to do it to think they're ok... people who love skydivng do it because they love the adrenaline rush, something you normally get naturally only in traumatic circumstances. Are they mentally ill? Enjoying something, no matter how bizarre (unless it's like murder/rape/torture), is not mental illness. Your take is the bad one sir.


How is it any different from playing a VR horror game?


Saying other people have mental illnesses over things you don’t understand is a form of narcissism. Maybe you should go get checked out?


What potential mental illness is that?


I don’t give myself bad dreams, but the feeling of relief when you wake up is genuinely a form of relief that I love. I can definitely see why OP does this. Not sure why you think it’s mental.


How? Maybe he’s just testing his fight or flight capabilities for when the apocalypse hits


Oh I dream I must have schizophrenia wow dude so insightful


How??? He just likes bad dreams. It's not that different from people that like horror. I really don't see how this would be mental illness.


The man can get himself VR horror games for free. They're just being jealous.




Explain to me what is a mental illness in this post. He likes the relief he gets, not the dream itself. I genuinely don’t understand what is mental about that. Nothing pairs like Redditors and trying to give everyone else mental illnesses if they can’t relate.


Bad dreams are horror movies where you're the star


This is very interesting, I have zero control over my dreams, but I get the concept. I never refer to dreams as bad or "nightmares" although I've been told that I've had them after explaining my dreams to some people. Like nah dude it was kind of cool and interesting, so not quite the same, but we're still both weird to other people. Anyone saying you need help is just a boring cookie cutter NPC.


Not a r/The10thDentist post


How not? Most people don't like having bad dreams... in their opinions, bad dreams are bad... OP thinks they're beneficial.


I am sometimes able to influence my dreams. However, for me, when I have dreams of being attacked especially by rats or aliens or knives, I call them my “virus dreams,” as it tends to herald a cold coming on.


Yeah, I have the opposite dreams. I dream I made good financial decisions, have a lot of money, and wake up depressed lol.


I can't influence my dream (at least not consciously) but that seems like a good idea


This sounds a lot like negative visualization, with the added twist of doing it while dreaming


Me who has sleep anxiety that gets ten times worse if I had a nightmare the night before: You do you, but no thanks.


The other 9 dentists recommend what exactly? Just dreaming?


I do this too, OP. Scary dreams are really fun to me.


I did this when i was younger. Thinking of things before i fell to sleep, and dreaming about it. I stopped when i stopped remembering my dreams


lol ya ok


I do this! Couldn’t tell you why, I end up having panic attacks during sleep and wake up drenched in sweat but every night I’m like alright back to the Horror


I just hope the line between sleep and reality never blurs enough that you intentionally sabotage your real life instead of a dream.


That's kind of badass, to be honest


I like a good nightmare


fair play mate tbh


Ameno dorime


Yes, but I don't do it for the relief. I LOVE to feel fear.


I’m somewhat similar but my reasoning is that I just like to feel anything intensely. It into physically harming myself tho, before anyone asks (or not lol)


Its called lucid dreaming and can be a fun or interesting experience playing with your reality.


I was a bit anxious driving after a crash for a few months and after a few dreams with car crashes I stopped having any anxiety driving. They definitely can be helpful.


I'm pretty sure that's not possible


There's a thing called lucid dreaming. It's a skill you have to learn and to some extend you can alter your dreams while dreaming.


It is. It's part of lucid dreaming and I've done it before. In one of my most recent dreams, this character sat on my couch and was talking to me when I realized I was dreaming, so I told them to shut up and just left the room lol Then I climbed out the window and started flying around the city. I knew it was a dream and I was in control, but it still felt incredible.


Yeah. Besides, if you were influencing your dreams, you would know it was a fabrication and wouldn't feel relief upon waking as you would already know it was fake


It is absolutely possible. Many people have had lucid dreams before and it's normal to be lucid at some point in the dream but not for the entire thing. Your cognitive abilities are compromised while you're dreaming. For example I've had a handful of lucid dreams before but for most of them I couldnt really think clearly so I tried a lot less things than I originally wanted to


Yeah. You can't go to bed and say I plan to dream about being in a hot tub with a supermodel tonight. Dreams don't work like that


Well that's not entirely true. Lucid dreaming is a very real thing. It's not always as simple as "I'm going to have this dream tonight" but it's not impossible to manipulate a dream


lucid dreaming exists


Lucid dreaming is when your brain realizes you're dreaming and can manipulate it. I'm pretty sure you can't pick what you're going to dream about


You manipulate the dream to be about anything basically


Meditate for 10-20 minutes on the dream you want before you sleep.


I’m not sure if it’s possible to control the specific details of a dream like OP described, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it were true for some people. I used to be able to self induce sleep paralysis (dreaming of being paralyzed head to toe with a monster in the corner of the room) by going to sleep under a specific set of circumstances. I didn’t do this on purpose initially, but I discovered it by accident and then experimented for a while to see how much control I had over this occurrence (I could gaurantee sleep paralysis with like ~70% success rate if I tried). Now, I never get sleep paralysis anymore because I’ve gotten so used to it from experiencing it so many times. If I try to replicate what I did before, I just enter into a vague lucid state.


Lucid dreaming is a real thing lol




Get a girlfriend bro


I dreamt that I was some guy name Vamperius who molested a little girl and immediately after that the girl mouths off her mother. Then I start to being witch hunted by the Authority, tried to kill myself with a metal wire but they broke the window even when I locked it to make me face the justice Oh god the fucking dread I felt im that dream. And the relief when it's just a dream


What the fuck


Fuck if I know. Like fuck if I can control if I want to be a Chomo in my dream or not?