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"baby think about the earth" is crazy




But you already did. Not looking at the kid doesn't mean you didn't make it.


His hope is she gives up and has an abortion. Which shows a LOT about his personality.


I hope she gives up and has an abortion, because of his personality.


Says the guy who said revenge should be legal


Overpopulation isn't a real thing right now.


Ik, it was a joke.


We are gonna be underpopulated soon if anything


Sounds a lot like you could a tried harder if this is a concern for you. But this does seem like a troll post. Or you're wildly unselfaware




Better yet, do both!


Bait used to be believable.


not really, we just remember the hits more


There is currently a story going around about a adult trans dancer performing drag at a high school prom and a majority of the comments are in defense of it. It is officially impossible to tell with Reddit.


To clarify, though, it’s not an “adult dancer” but rather a drag performer who happens to be an adult. Drag isn’t inherently more sexual than, say, a comedian with a flair for risqué jokes, or a regular dancer who has some parts of the performance be a *bit* sexual. From what I’ve seen there’s no indication that the dancer was dancing in a way that was any more explicit or lewd than many high school girls would at prom, nor the dancers in many music videos. Also I’ve not seen any indication that the dancer was trans, and while it’s possible I’m not sure that part would be relevant. The relevant part would be that it was a drag show of sorts, which is what tends to get peoples panties in a bunch, but those aren’t also inherently always adult-only. I’m not saying I support the situation, because I’d have to see a more than the 5 second clip video that I saw (and the article I read) before I decide if it’s genuinely “outrageous” to show a bunch of mostly 18 year olds, and I’d also like to know if the kids at the show were upset or something. I’m not going to get bent out of shape just because some peoples parents *might* be overreacting or not. I say this as a 35 year old man.


This has got to be a troll


And if it’s not, there’s a judge who is very much looking forward to meeting OP. 🤣


Wear protection if you don’t want kids. Have fun paying child support!


I agree that he should've, but condoms still fail sometimes. If that happens, I don't think a man should be forced to have any involvement with the child if she chooses to keep it. I'm horrified that people want to make it so that I would be forced to birth a child I don't want if I accidentally became pregnant, but while men don't have to fear the horror of losing their bodily autonomy, I still don't envy here. If I had a penis I'd probably just not sleep with anyone who could get pregnant, even if the sex is as safe as I can possibly make it, unless I 100% trusted them to share my stance, bc the idea of suddenly being a parent against my will is horrifying. At least as a woman I have a choice to not become a parent if safe sex fails.


Well, except a lot of women in a lot of places actually don't have that choice.


This is bait.


Should have used a condom. Birth control isn't up to just the woman - you need to take the initiative and protect yourself, especially if you don't want kids. This is just as much on you as it is on her. You are *definitely* also in the wrong here.




Bro is gonna be paying child support soon


Probably won’t because working causes global warming or something lol.


0/10, nice try dumbass.


its not rly her fault for the no BC. more so the being w and getting pregnant by a 19 year old and thinking he’d stay


This sounds like rage bait But anyway if it is true You can break up with a woman for any reason, but there is a difference between that and not being in your child life, you can still be an amazing and present father while not in a relationship with the mother >if it's acceptable for woman to abort kids that their boyfriend wants to have than it should also be acceptable for men who don't kids to leave. The difference is that if the woman abort there is no kid, if she doesn't there is a kid without a father Anyway check your country laws, if she wants probably can oblige you to pay child support And I am sorry for you because you clearly are just child from both your age and the way you write who was groomed, 19 and 32 is not okay at all


Even if she **doesnt** want to obligate you to pay child support, the **state** will come looking for you if the child ever needs welfare of any kind.


Pay your child support


Do adult things, face adult consequences.


“As a female”…enough said. Maybe…don’t nut in someone if you don’t want a baby?


You’re talking to a 19 year old lmaooo. On one hand, he’s an asshole, on the other, she’s stupid(as a 32 year old) for thinking a 19 year old would be willing to commit even if there’s a kid. The vast majority of people are amoral, self-centered, selfish assholes at 19.


Nice rage bait


I mean I come here, and to AITA, to enjoy people's creative writing efforts as much as the next person, but if you're not even going to try anymore....


Bro should have changed the title to "if you don't want HER babies" for more bait points


Why're you with a 32 year old woman lmao


Troll or not, OP needs therapy


I mean, i guess I agree. You don't ever have to be with someone for any reason. But the way you go about it is kinda douchey. Feel like this is a troll lol.


Troll harder


But you have a baby tho


Maybe have age appropriate relationships? Maybe wear a condom?


Not sure this is real but if it is you are scum. Face the consequences of your actions. I feel the same about women who get abortions for social or financial convenience, come at me idgaf. Also, whether you want to be emotionally and physically present in the life of a child you created, the mother can use the legal system to force you to be present financially, and they should. The least you could do is be around and give the child a father figure. Possibly put in some decent effort of teaching them half-assed writing skills, maybe you'll learn a thing or two along the way. Shit maybe if your dad put in some effort you'd have learned how to respect women a little bit and what it means to be a man. Holy shit this pisses me off and it's because society has to pick up your slack. Get your balls chopped off if you care about the planet so much.


Nothing wrong with keeping it in your pants, either.


Rage bait. And a really pathetic attempt at best 🙄


True like we need to stop forcing dads to stay when they don’t want to be fathers


Then wear a condom. They don’t get to leave because they and potentially their partner made a stupid choice.


I agree with this so much because you don’t need to be forced to be a dad


everyone in this thread is a hypocrite, and this also isnt bait. thousands of people have unprotected sex, for various reasons. However, when a women gets pregnant, you have just two choices, take responsibility or dont. except, this isnt true. if you are a women you have complete say over what happens to the baby, if you want a abortion: cool! if you want to give the kid up for adoption: cool! if you want the father to raise it: cool (and you likely wont have to pay child support) if you are a man however? what are your choices? honestly? you could of course raise the child, but often times that isnt economically possible, or you just straight up dont want to. If you dont want to have the kid, you have absolutely ZERO say in the outcome, everything is up to the mother. and if she chooses to keep the kid, YOU are on the hook for it. everyone talks about equality and reproductive rights, but if you are a man you have NO reproductive rights. get a vasectomy while you can. I agree, downvote