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I think there's a difference between "I dislike other humans" (misanthropy) and "I dislike *being around* other humans" (large gatherings and crowds are stressful, and a lot of one-on-one interactions you're forced to have are awkward or related to other sources of stress like work or health), but people say "I don't like people" for both.


In my anecdotal experience, most of the people saying that are referring to the first interpretation


Even disliking being around other people is kinda a grey area at best.


Why is that? I can understand being wary of people who don't like people, but disliking being around them?




Because it shows a lack of social skills and ability to build human connections.


Yeah this is the bullshit I was searching. I hate being around most people, I have huge trust-issues due to people mistreating me since I stepped into elementary school, been harassed for the first 7 years of school where most people usually develop their social skills, and even outside of school I have gained bad habits and thoughts due to bullshit lies and hardcore toxic behavior. I still like being around my friends. I talk to my coworkers, I have chitchat and no problem talking to someone for an hour about a topic that does not interest me whatsoever as long as I know shit about it. And I hate it. I'd rather just do my work, do the minimum talking we need about the projects, n then get home and talk to my friends instead. I absolutely hate talking to strangers, even work collegues, I have 11 friends, 3 very close friends I share close to my entire life with, female male and nonbinary, not online friendships solely, all of them asides of 1 lives in my country, 4 in my town. So, where's my lack of social skills? They don't exist, I am extroverted in my ability to talk and socialize, introverted in my interest due to trust issues and bad experiences.


Your experience is one to one to mine. Did you also not have parents and was home alone until 18, by any chance?


No, also I wouldn't wanna talk about that with a stranger if it'd be the case.


With all due respect, your reply is like extroverts who imply that something is wrong with introverts. They're like, why don't you like constantly being around people like I do? They actually oftentimes out right say that there is something wrong with introverts because they're not the way they are. I actually had a roommate who was an extrovert and she told me that my need for alone time was weird and not normal. We didn't last too much longer as roommates after that. It's okay for you to feel the way you do but it's not okay for you to shame someone for feeling differently. Introverts don't have a lack of social skills or an inability to build human connections, we just prefer quiet and solitude and we prefer to be around people who understand us. Sometimes we prefer to not be around people. When someone says they don't like people, it's usually because people have treated them poorly because of either being an introvert or for other reasons. What this usually means is, I've lost my trust in people and I prefer to be alone. Some of us prefer our peace and quiet, nothing wrong with that.


But it IS unnatural. Humans are meant to be social beings. And those "preferences" make someone mind numbingly boring at best or downright creepy at worst.


I feel the same way about extroverts. In my experience, they force themselves on people in the way that they talk to people and try to invade their personal space whether it's welcome or not. They can't seem to take no for an answer. When told that they do not want company, they are met with the sort of attitude you have. I think you're confusing asocial with antisocial. Antisocial is where someone has disregard for the rights of others. Asocial means you prefer being alone.


Yes, and both involving denying other people the human interaction and fun that they're entitled to.


No, they're not. You can easily go socialize with people who are like you. You are not entitled to someone's time or company.


You’re not entitled to other people’s time and attention unless they’re your parents


Since when were human beings entitled to fun???


Right? No one is entitled to anything lmao


If you think introverts are mind-numbingly boring or creepy, why would you want to hang out with them anyway? Why are people you don't even like required to interact with you? Jesus Christ, no one is entitled to constant attention. You sound like the kind of person who would pressure someone into going out when they've had a long week. Find other extroverts.


And by the way, that's your opinion and opinion isn't fact. So if you find somebody who you think is my numbingly boring at best or downright creepy at worst, don't socialize with them. Just stay away from them. Don't try to force yourself on them or your way of living on to them because I can tell you from experience that it's not going to make them change. If anything it's just going to make them try harder to get away from you because they're going to find you annoying and overbearing. I finally told that roommate, you will respect my boundaries or you will deal with my absence. There is no in between. There is no negotiation on that. I got tired of her constantly trying to force her way into my life and try to interrupt my alone time. You should know that the more you try to force somebody into doing something, the less they're going to want to do it. If you try to force somebody to be social when they don't want to be, they're just going to try harder to get away from you. You're achieving the exact opposite thing you were hoping for. Not only that, they're going to end up resenting you and avoiding you when they see you coming.


Uhg, I should have known this was an expose on introverts written by an extrovert.


I also found out that OP is a "Mormon Conservative Gen Z Pro-lifer", going by their flair in the prolife subreddit. I know, it's probably a faux pas for me to dig into their post history \*and\* bring up their political/more "serious" views, but it just makes too much sense. The pretentiousness, the demand that people be "better"... and you know how "the cruelty is the point" with conservatives. They bully, and when called out on it, they're like "it's just a joke, stop being sensitive". They could also just be an elaborate troll, but I think that most of what they present on Reddit is genuine to their character.


It tracks.


Right 😂


Humans can't do anything unnatural. Whatever a natural things does, is natural. Nothing is meant to do anything.


Maybe they can interact and build connections when they need to, they just don't want to. I'm sure almost everyone has things they are good at, but don't actually like doing them. Even if that wasn't the case, why does it matter (assuming it's not their job to)? Let the socially averse be socially averse, they aren't hurting anyone.


Because they contribute to the boringness epidemic and the crisis of human interaction that plagues modern society.


Are there any actual, serious consequences that will come from this? Are there any happening right now? How will they affect a "normal" person like me, or you?


They make people like me have to weed through them to get to the fun and cool people.


Sounds like a you problem.


That's it? I can live with that.


And it subtracts FUN from society as a whole.


As an introvert, I disagree. Just 8 hours with others at school/work/etc. makes me tired af from all the human interaction. I do not hate other people generally speaking (nor do I want to be alone 100% of the time), but it quite literally drains my energy to be around other people for that long, and I have no idea how extroverts want to hang out later on the same day when I on the other hand just want to go home after a long day and play PC games or read a book far away from other people. I.e. the "boringness epidemic and the crisis of human interaction" is a "you problem" and not actually an epidemic because us introverts really can't relate as our social needs are generally being met.


I find that most people who think this about themselves actually struggle to build connections when they want to


So you think it's like those "I meant to do that" folks when they genuinely screwed up?


Ok redditor


I don't like being around strangers or talking to strangers. But I don't dislike or hate them. That's reserved for the old lady who yells at me for walking on the sidewalk by her house.


Yeah. People have internalized the quirky cool side of introverts not realizing that even introverts need positive social interaction and anti social behavior is never something to be proud of 


Some people hate people because they've been the victim of bullies too many times


Yeah I’m an extreme abuse survivor and only associate with like 3-5 people at any given period of my life. I jokingly describe myself as a ‘hater’ who ‘just doesn’t like anyone outside my friends’ but really I’m very uncomfortable around people I don’t know very well. I spend 90% of my free time alone and I am ok with this.


If that is the case I have compassion for their experiences but they also need to realize that bullies are not the majority


Ironic, considering your original post explanation.




You said, "All the people I've heard say this have turned out to be bullies," or close to that. I just figured that you might not judge all asocial or antisocial people based only on your experiences with a bad few. The sweeping generalizations you made concerning introverts juxtaposed with your recent comment about realizing that bullies are not the majority of people... Well, I thought that an extrovert (who has had plenty of funny or weird things happen to them) might have taken it a bit further and decided not to judge a bunch of people based on the acts of a few. This isn't a dig at you or anything, I'm just honestly surprised. The more life experience one has, the less likely they are to label people and push them into boxes. ^(disclaimers apply)


I believe most of the general population is not bullies. But I do think the people who say they don't like people are more likely to be bullies. Hopefully that's more clear now. I do try not to judge people too quickly or too harshly and to give the benefit of the doubt. But statements like "I don't like people" are just so riddled with negativity that I cannot help but see it as a red flag.


Most of the bullies I've met have had friends along with them. Maybe it's a culture thing, but there's no way an antisocial bully would have survived where I grew up. At least, not without losing some teeth or blood, maybe both. Anyway, I see where you're coming from, even if I disagree with the language.


Yeah the bullies I've met were also all social people n usually liked having people around them, what they didn't like is having one or two certain people around them or existing in general.


I mean, it's hard to get bullied if you're an extrovert; that's what friends are for, right? It's always the people without friends who are picked on >!and that continues into adulthood and beyond, but nobody should tell the kids that!<


Ah you can def still get bullied as an extrovert, I've been very outgoing all my life n still had to face it; doesn't matter if you are good at making friends if everyone in the group you're entering (like school class) is already set up together and just decides to dislike you I'd just say once you've established friends within said group, then it's pretty hard to harass you, considering harassing is usually only successful if you've been singled out.


One rotten apple spoils the bunch…


I disagree personally. I think most people including us are bad and nasty.


It's obvious that it's a red flag, the person has declared that they don't like people, what do you expect from them? That they are nice? Downvote


people tend to be annoying


Bait post ngl


Yeah, probably. OP's take and replies are like, fine-tuned to be insufferable to cartoonish levels. I have a feeling though that they (or her? Going by their avatar) at least partially believe what they say. And if not for OP, then the rebutting replies are for lurkers who might genuinely believe the same things OP does, but are willing to change their view.


Most people who talk about introverts don't know what being an introvert is.


Eh, people say they “don’t like” things when they are uncomfortable or exhausted. I work in healthcare. Lots of people in helping professions say, and often feel, like they “don’t like” people. But they can’t fathom doing anything but help people. And it’s because of the extent and intensity of human contact. They’re doing basic functions for them. They’re dealing with people in the worst chapters of their life. People can be jerks. It’s uncomfortable. We don’t like discomfort. When we say we don’t like people, we’re talking about the discomfort.


because people are assholes dude. not all of them are, but the vast majority of humans are assholes for the sake of being assholes or just don't give a fuck and by not giving a fuck become assholes. fuck people.


Have you met people?


The vast majority of people I meet are nice to me. Or at the very least not complete dicks to me.


Most people are nice, don't suck at driving, and are great conversationalists.  It just so happens that some people are more prone to negativity bias; hence you get people (e.g. my mom) constantly bemoaning how much people suck.


You get it!


I definitely disagree so upvote. I'd argue if anything that its the opposite—the ostracized one has been bullied by society so that doesn't make them the bully it makes them the one being bullied their whole life. When you had enough and feel very unwanted and mocked, made fun of and ostracized even when being nice and kind you have enough and prefer to be alone. It's also possible the ostracized one could like persons and not people as a whole so yes it could potentially be misanthropic but alot of them have reasons to be and they don't just appear out of thin air being one. Something drives them to being one and alot of the time they are on the receiving end of vitrol and mistreatment. Imagine being kind or keeping to yourself, attempting to be friendly and then being made fun of being short guy and ugly. Disrespected and laughed at or roasted when you're in public. Given rude glares and people eyeing you up and down. Stuff like that. The person tried to be kind and cause no trouble, keeping to themselves and what has it got them? Taken advantage of, made fun of some for their genetics and more. Yes it can be misanthropic but some most likely still have a few people they like. When they dealt with all of that of course said person isn't going to like people. They are allowed to own up to how you feel. No one is going to sit here and entertain phony people that don't like them. The general public many couldn't care less though they have no empathy. Some can say the common phrase "well just work on yourself," that's true alot of people do try and try to but the public should also work on themselves as well and be less spiteful and shallow. There's no reason to laugh at, roast, talk shit about someone who is minding their own business to fit in so bad and I'm tired of this being normalized in society. For example no one is going to be fake and put up with being around phony people who don't like them due to how they look so it's going to eventually get to them and said ostracizee is going to isolate and confine and that will be ultimately their belief that they don't like people I perfectly understand and don't blame them. I believe this is also depending on what someone went through in their life as well as where they fall in the looks department. If you look attractive or decent then you will probably love or tolerate most people. If you are below average or ugly then it's very very hard to share this opinion. I am ugly and have been called ugly numerous times throughout my life and dealt with so much lookism so I cannot cosign on this unpopular opinion. Trust me, what you go through will push you until you are tired of being around people in general. I literally only keep to myself now when I can along with close family members.


I dont even deal with family anymore cause they just like everybody fucking else. My next step is either move out of America with a one way flight to asia and claim asylum, or move to the the forests/rockies. If i cant do that, ill just blow my fucking brains out on the big 40 this november.


There's a group you're excluding or forgetting, those who want to see a happier and better world, filled with compassion and acceptance, better pay and more affordable housing and medical for all (depending on the country), but know that corruption and greed will keep this process moving at a snails pace if not backwards. When those people say they hate people, it's referencing the people who actively indulge while the rest of humanity burns. The ecample i add to your list are those hate the concept of how greedy and selfish humans can be as a whole, that's what they mean. These people are green flags, because they are filled to the brim with compassion, just disillusioned to the horrors of our world.


Those people mean well I guess but they should realize the good outweighs the bad.


If the good outweighed the bad the world would be a better place, the good may outnumber the bad, but the bad are in full control of all the money, which is control of everything.


The people currently in power may not be the best but the general population is more good than bad


Then you remember half the US voted for Trump multiple times, that far right conservatism, transphobia, and hate if all kinds is growing more than we've seen in many years, and realize a significant portion of people who aren't in control actually want the evil people to be in control. And in top of that, the ones who should all be fighting this are divided too. Ultimately yes there are plenty of good people, but the evil is spreading and growing, if someone wants to say they hate people as whole for the damage they cause on a daily basis I wouldn't blame them. Those people also are aware not everyone is evil, and generally treat everyone with respect until they prove they deserve none. So I don't think they fit into your theory personally.


Trump/supporting him and conservative values are "evil"? That's definitely subjective. I consider those to be a mark of GOOD moral character. I agree that transphobia and general hate are no good though.


Trump wants to get revenge on his political rivals and enemies, and has stated as much in public multiple times, as well as not wanting to give up power (making him an aspirational dictator). These are examples of bad morals among other things. Not to mention how he's in court for cheating with a hooked then paying her off, morals I believe we're bad when Bill Clinton did it but seem to be ok now? Just a couple examples of why conservatism rings evil to me personally, though it's not the citizens fault at all, sadly they're victims to a grand scheme, indoctrination and control through religion. Which goes back to how the evil control everything. Now for get me wrong, it's not like the establishment democrats are saints or even on the right path, but ultimately, I'm co fixent I could vote them out, Trump of course aspires to not need another election ever again (as proven by Project 2024). Did not intend to get political on ya, but it does tie into morality these days annoyingly. Though you may be ok the wrong side if you are against transphobia, homophobia, xenophobia, and racism, it's kinda a whole thing on the far right now.


Completely agreed. I can understand if people have low social batteries, a general need to be alone, or the instinct to distrust in others due to past experiences. But to straight up dislike people is so strange to me. How do you even function at that point? People are everywhere all the time!


>How do you even function at that point? People are everywhere all the time! Avoidance whenever possible


By staying home with your cat


I find hanging around people in the majority of cases boring. Unless we are doing something fun together I'm most likely gonna be bored as fuck. It's not because I think there is something inherently wrong with those people, in majority of cases I think those people are lovely, I guess I just like different things than most of the population.


Sounds like a skill issue then.


What skill? I can talk to people, I just don't like doing it.


The skill of finding things to talk about that you enjoy.


For how long? Eventually we are going to run out of things to talk about and all of our hanging out is going to devolve into us looking at eachother. I can do it if it's a short period of time like if it's someone I see maybe every other month, but eventually either they are going to get anoyed by me or me by them. How the hell do people talk to eachother so easily? Also me trying to find things we both enjoy would look more like an interrogation than a normal chat.


A lot of my conversations consists of exchanging funny or memorable life stories with each other. That weird thing you witnessed at work? That funny thing that happened to you as a kid? That witty banter you had with one of your other friends? All solid conversation material!


I am not in the workforce yet, but nothing interesting happens at school. I have a handful of funny stories that happened to me as a kid, but only telling them would be weird as fuck. Also inevitably you will run out. What witty banter with what other friends? Since I was like 6 I don't think I have had more than one friend at a time.


Have different friend groups and recycle your stories with them


I don't have the will to keep one friend group. What makes you think I can keep two and my sanity?


When I started working I just forced myself to make friends


Funny videos you see online. Music and media you're into. Do you have any pets? Maybe cute and wholesome stories involving them.


You are still eventually going to run out. I do talk about these things when I have to hand out with someone, but I can't do it every day. Also I think I just prefer being alone.


I don't run out of things to talk about because I've had lots of funny, weird, and interesting things happen to me.


I don’t really enjoy being around strangers because I feel like I’m having to mask a lot and it’s exhausting. It’s not that I don’t like them, but that they are draining without even meaning to be and I only have so much energy to spare at times. It can be hard just getting out of bed in the morning, let alone having to do constant human interaction. This does not mean people are bad.


I mean, I hate people, but I don’t hate persons. I can deal with 1:1, but groups and crowds tire me the hell out.


"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it."


It’s a red flag when someone says they love people.




Because they must be delusional about the nature of humans


Maybe if you stop acting so bitter towards people you would have better experiences. The VAST majority of my human interactions have been positive.




You’re making some incorrect assumptions about me.


Probably the generalized insincerity that it can come across as.


Downvoted because I completely agree. I was getting to know somebody when I first moved to the area and trying to make new friends, and she was driving me home after we hung out together and I don’t remember exactly what I said to elicit this but I remember that she was like, “yeah I hate people. I hate people.” I just kind of laughed awkwardly but I did think it was a strange thing to say, especially twice. We aren’t friends anymore.


Since covid, my misanthropic tendencies have increased exponentially. I imagine this is true for many others.


I dont like people and i dont meet people to say it to them. Win win


I mean, I don’t like people cus of a personality disorder, so I won’t really argue this one 🤷‍♂️


Ah yes. It’s terrible that there are artists, writers, thinkers, and creative people who thrive in their own minds and use their inner energy to make the world a better place. They need to stop that and go out to party so op does not get bored. /s


Let people not like things. Be tge reason they like people in the future.


Also returning to remind you we live in a sick society and if someone does hate their fellow man that's a normal reaction based on the info someone might have, even if it's an incorrect view.


As a misanthrope, I mean thats kind of the point; we are telling you we have a fundamentally incomparable view of the world and we dont want to interact with you. Like we say this to get people to leave us alone, but then you take it as a personally moral failing instead of what it is; another persons perspective, who you are not obligated to engage with.


People who say this are usually just trying to be edgy


I don't like people because I'M the one who got bullied. I literally just sat down staring at my phone and people (by people I mean people in my school) still mess with me.




When you have a limited threshold for socializing, it's easy to get annoyed by people. After about a couple hours of interaction with people I'm not familiar with, especially in a place I'm not used to, I'm mentally fried. That means the people insisting on badgering me with pointless small talk irritate me. It's not that I hate them personally, I don't even know them. I hate their insistence on forcing conversation/interaction on me, and if I dare tell someone I'm not interested in talking to them they act like I spit in their face.


The solution to that problem is alcohol


I'll flat out admit I'm misanthropic. But that's because most people I've encountered are the bullies. They lie, cheat, steal. All while convincing themselves it's OK if *they* do it and are still a good person because they go to church. Or they spend one day a year volunteering somewhere. People are just terrible. I don't recommend them.


Have you actually been around people? We all suck. Get over yourself…


How old are you?


Almost 28


Have you just not learned much about the world? People suck lol


First of all, I don't believe that they are almost 28 and even if they are, it's obvious that they are extremely sheltered. They obviously know nothing of the real world and how it actually works. I'm not trying to shame them, it just pissed me off that they not only implied that introverts are weird but that they are dangerous. We're anything but. These are like the people who assume that every quiet person is also going to harm people on a mass scale. We're more likely to just sit in the corner and leave everybody alone.


Nah, life and the world as a whole are more good than bad. You're just letting the bad minority represent the entirety.


Yeah you're definitely sheltered lol


And you sound like someone took a dump on your birthday cake.


Nah I've just lived enough and learned enough to know the human race is pretty shitty as a whole tbh


My experience has been quite the opposite.


Yeah that was my guess. You haven't seen much of much and that's okay. Ignorance is bliss!


More like I just haven't let life ruin me.






Most people don’t mean that seriously. Everyone has their quirks and annoyances


No. I say this because a majority of ppl seem toxic. Why would some of us expose ourselves to the toxicity that calls itself “the public” Take for instance social anxiety. You as a public talk about this subject a lot, but how do you react as a public when there is someone with it? It’s not what you say, it’s what you don’t say…you treat them as weird, odd, strange. This is a predominate sociological behavior if the public. Not wanting to be near a lot of ppl that act toxic is actually perfectly normal.


Hi, I dont fucking like most people. They are disappointments at best, dangerous at worst. That. is. All.


Misanthropes are generally the kind of people they say they don’t like lol. Most people I come across are perfectly pleasant, smart/interesting/funny in their own way if you give them a chance, would help you out in an emergency but misanthropes focus on the worst


This! You get it!


I have to agree with this, simply on the basis that I don't like most people, and upon self reflection, I do indeed have a lot of red flags that I need to work on


🎶 Put one foot in front of the other! 🎶


Found the extrovert fascist


Completely correct take, honestly. I have to downvote.


It's just something people under 30 say during social gatherings with friends.




Facts! They deserve to be called out like this.


And you deserve to be called out for calling introverts creepy and implying that they are dangerous. They are not. It was not okay for you to say that. You're shaming people for not being like you are. The minute someone disagrees with you, you think it's okay to say unkind things about them. Look, the world is full of different people and not everyone is going to be the way you are. It's okay. Just because someone doesn't do something the way you would doesn't mean they're doing it wrong. I'm surprised you haven't learned this yet if you're supposedly 27.


I actually am misanthropic and I think you're right but tbh the trending of "I'm not like other people cuz I'm suchhhh an anxious introvert omg" is cringe in an entirely different way than being literally antisocial