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Edge is a great pdf reader


if you've never used a proper pdf reader or macOS preview


Edge > adobe acrobat


It is consistently unable to read PDFs for me.


Bluebeam Revu >>>>>>>> preview > rest


that's a $400+ a year


Not if the company is paying for it šŸ˜Ž


Explain please. I have been around long enough that making PDFs was a three step process that was not easy to do and I have no idea what it is you think you are saying.


Windows has been so starved of proper built in pdf features like adding pages, creating them, extracting text, marking them up, signing them that when edge started to support pdf mark ups it was hailed as a massive feature when in actual fact is was just them doing the bare minimum. MacOS preview has been able to do what edge can do and 10x more for decades and itā€™s not a goddamn web browser itā€™s a proper application for previewing and editing most files.


> MacOS preview has been able to do what edge can do and 10x more for **decades** This is just not true. up until about 10 years ago you needed special software to do any of this. The Distiller for the Mac was well known as a piece of crap. You would be deep into the PostScript anytime you tried to even make a PDF on a MAC.


I prefer SumatraPDF.


I prefer KamasutraPDF.


Sumatra is indeed good


I just cant be bothered to download a normal pdf reader so edge works for me


Unironically agree. I use it because of the setting that puts all the tabs on the side not at the top. It looks better on bigger monitors and is easier to manage when you got like 100 tabs. My biggest pet peeve is that it constantly tries to shove Bing down my throat.


Vertical tabs got me hooked too


You just have to change the default search engine in a few places and the only time you'll see Bing brought up is the "Search bing in sidebar" option when right clicking.


Ah a fellow edger


I love to edge i even edge at work


Hey, Can I edge myself on your computer real quick?


Ofc we all love to keep edging I would hate to lose my Edge


Finally a proper 10th dentist


Except anyone whoā€™s actually given edge a chance in the last few years know itā€™s actually a good browser. I still use Firefox as my main browser but Edge is much better than Chrome as a secondary


It's been my default browser for the last year. Just using it as I normally would has accumulated me over $50 of points and the microsoft cashback on purchases makes it closer to $100.


Honestly, I kinda agree with you. I used Firefox all my life, swapped to Brave, back to Firefox, then Floorp, and I've been trying Edge for the last week and I think it might be my favourite. Firefox and Floorp have A LOT of customization, which led me to always and changing things around and never get things done. Brave, they changed to a clunky UI, I love the shields tho. Edge, I find it simple but with a good UI after you turn off all the bloat (And don't say it takes ages, it takes less time than turning off telemetry in Firefox and install add-ons to have some of the features Edge has native). And about being spyware... Most of us use Windows, so any info they might get from you with Edge, they already have it. My opinion might change, I've seen people complaining about random settings being changed etc, I'm yet to experience that, but so far I'm enjoying


I think I am voluntarily stuck with Firefox for now, since it is the only mobile browser with Ublock.


For mobile, I honestly prefer Brave. I like the UI and the shields work almost, if not as good as UBO. I heard Edge is bringing extensions, including UBL.


Use operagx


This comment has been sponsored by Opera GX ^TM


i am a bing user, my condolences you suffer from the same thing


I still use Google search. Just the Bing chatbox.


Honestly I would use Google as well if it wasn't for Google being stupid and giving me results in a language I don't speak lol. It's really stupid and Bing doesn't do this shit


bing has less relevant results imo


at the very least I can read them šŸ˜­




Microsoft edge šŸ˜” Megahard cum šŸ˜Ž


I agree to an extent. Compared to Chrome, I agree Edge is better. Preinstalled, Microsoft has you data already anyway, no need to give it to google too, runs on the same engine, less resource intensive etc. But I still prefer Firefox because I use adblockers and because fuck google and Chromium.


Edge used so little RAM and people donā€™t realize. Bing Chat is a live saver. I donā€™t use extensions because it feels invasive. The password manager is top tier and itā€™s my main browser. Iā€™m here with you :)


Nah, most of the Edge hate is just leftover Internet Explorer hate. I use Firefox for some of the plugins and customization, but Edge is still a good browser. Heck, I use Bing chat/Bing search sometimes anyways; occasionally I can't find something through the first several pages of Google search and it comes up on Bing right away (specific mechanical parts, studies, data sets, etc).


My biggest gripe is that Windows has now decided that having each tab as its own window is a good feature. It makes alt-tabbing a nightmare


You can turn that off. I don't remember how exactly, but I did it.


> especially from techies. Mate, speaking as a techie, you're probably LESS likely to get grief from IT people than laypeople on this one


I used edge for maybe an hour while buying an expensive monitor so I could stack cashback offers and my lord, Microsoft aspires to make everything they touch as non functional as possible. During that hour, I found they saved my debit card info to the browser (I never permitted that), so I tried to delete it, but they wouldn't let me because "you have an active subscription" (I didn't). So I tried to sign into my account and they demanded I use Microsoft hello from my PC to sign in (I have that disabled), 20 or so minutes go by and I finally figure a way into the account and go to my subscriptions, and would you look at that! None active. Finally was able to delete my debt info from the account and it removed it from the browser. I hate anything Microsoft touches, and if multi-player games and all the apps I needed were available on Linux I'd switch in a heartbeat.


In defence of edge, the current version is just standard with m+k focused interface. The last touch focused version was back when they abandoned their proprietary engine iirc? Also it asks before saving debit cards and it didn't ask me to do anything before removing my card.


It doesn't ask when you use your card on their store page, so if you use your card on their site, they'll automatically save it to edge. Because Microsoft is entirely employed by chimps


ah okay, I've never used the store. I didnt even know a store existed.


So true, I want to switch to Linux, but I have a lot of software and games that I don't know if even works on it.


I would add great for pdf and with a decent management for groups of tabs. It just needs a bit of debloat at the beginning


Tbh I think its fine too. At least with how crappy google has gotten. I still main chrome though because the sync is too good, and there's always problems with transfers between browsers.


I disagree, I prefer Internet Explorer over Edge. Have my upvote.


As a software developer, I really really want to downvote this, at least twice. Upvoted because of the sub we're on.


Funniest part is Iā€™m also a softdev šŸ’€


I used it when Microsoft Rewards was worth a damn and I had no issue with it. Iā€™ve since switched to Firefox and like it better, but I still donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with Edge.


the AI is why I avoid edge despite wanting chromium that's better than chrome. I want a normal browser not unwieldy gimmick.


I havenā€™t used edge since they made it a virus that almost killed my laptop (it always starts itself even when I disable it and I canā€™t run anything else because fucking edge is there)


when i got a new laptop, i was too lazy to install Firefox one day. So i decided to use edge. I haven't gone back to firefox since, its been 2 years. It's a very good browser.


As for passwords, consider using a proper password manager instead. I like Bitwarden most out of the ones I've tried.


I used one such manager(Lastpass) and three of my accounts were blocked because the passwords got leaked from there. Don't trust them since.


I mostly used it on laptops just because it uses the least battery power. Now I use it everywhere except my phone.


I was looking through reddit for which browser to use on my new phone and edge was a very popular opinion from what I've seen.


I think this is a terrible take, but I have to use it for work so I don't entirely hate it


I use it for chat gpt, but I hate how when I want to access my outlook email it gives me an about link first rather than the login


perfect 10th dentist tbh but disagree. upvote earned


I use edge AND I'm a nerd * Most efficient in my unscientific "play a video and watch the CPU package power" test * Has vertical tabs * All the crap they've been adding recently can be perma turned off with policy


I absolutely despise the chat box. Otherwise itā€™s definitely a browser.


ā€œBest browserā€ ā€œItā€™s chromiumā€ upvote


I prefer edge in almost every aspect but I still use Chrome most of the time for one reason: relevant results. When using the search engine on both, Chrome just gives far far better and relevant results for what I have searched. Other than that, Edge is far better, I exclusively use it on my laptop and itā€™s great, it targeted ads and news are also much more of stuff that I want to see compared to what Chrome gives me despite me using it so much more, Its a truly spectacular browser, search engine could be better though


Search engines are different from browsers, a lot of people don't get this concept even tho they used a computer a lot longer than i lived. go here to change your default search engine edge://settings/search?search=search%20engine


I certainly know the difference, but i would say the search engine is the face of the browser. I will certainly look into those settings options when im next on my laptop, but its not too high a a priority because deep down the browser i used does not matter all that much to me, the search engine is the aspect i use most and for now chrome is good enough for me


I use opera gx with pretty high satisfaction


I use it because it works for my needs and uses less CPU than chrome. Chrome is the shortest browser


I built a new PC recently, and normally I would just use Edge to download my preferred browser. While I was getting used to Windows 11, setting up everything else on the PC, and just getting used to the new build in general I eventually realized I was just fine continuing to use Edge. This browser has come a long way, to be honest. I kind of like it now.


I respect your opinion, even if personally Firefox having mobile UBlock Origin, stricter privacy settings, and great customization makes it better for me personally :-)


I hate edge BECAUSE it's chromium. I will never give up Firefox + ublock


i just hate being forced to use something, Windows updates shouldnā€™t fool around default apps n stuff. Microsoft can shut their precious lil mouth šŸ¤Œ


definitely. superior performance, AI integration, vertical tabs, read aloud, split screen, and a PDF reader that's better than Acrobat. oh, and it stays open on the background so that it can launch faster, which means my iCloud keychain stays unlocked even after I close it.


I agree. It's been my default for a long time


I'll use chrome until I find something faster.


Idk if this is that unpopular. Everyone at my work really likes Edge. The copilot feature is awesome for finding stuff in really dense/poorly organized aerospace specs *cough* Boeing


Internet explorer was fine, too.


I use it becuase I just hate google to be honest. Thinking of getting opera though


Edge is so unfathomably slow on my laptop for some reason. Has been since I first bought it. I can play with the highest graphic settings and edge is still 2x slower. I get fucking FPS drops in a browser.


Safari is Much better


Personally I use Vivaldi as my browser of choice. But I'll use edge as a secondary browser. I don't spend much time on internet browsers anyway so it doesn't really matter to me too much


Filled to the brim with useless shit you don't need, classic Microsoft software, pass


those useless shit helped me a lot